This page allows you to search on a registrant last name to find military registration entries relating to Armenian men in North America. These include
the World War 1 and World War 2 draft registrations for men living in the USA, and Attestation Papers for men in Canada joining the Canadian Expeditionary Force
(CEF) during World War 1.
This database table currently represents just a few of the communities in North America where Armenian immigrants can be found. As time permits, I will continue to expand the scope of this coverage. Volunteers are graciously providing assistance in transcribing records from other Armenian settlement communities. In the USA WW1 draft registrations, Card C (for the registration performed 12-Sep-1918) contained a field for a Nearest Relative's name and address. In the WW2 draft registrations, this field was replaced by one entitled Name and Address of Person Who Will Always Know Your Address. In these abstracts, Nearest Relative is the label used for both types of fields, even though it may actually be a non-Armenian friend, neighbor, or employer.
To see what scope of records have been searched (or are currently being searched) for inclusion into this database table, press the button below.
Names on the registrations were extremely variable in spelling. Most are phonetic equivalents to the original Armenian names, but some are quite difficult to
reconcile to a known Armenian last name. The drop-down list to the right of the label "Last Name" includes all last names in the database for military registrants abstracted so far.
In the result table below, click the "view" icon to the left of the table entry to see the information
abstracted from that record.
Action | Registrant Name | Age | Birth Date | Birth Place | Home Address | Registration Date (Conflict) | Registration Place |
Arslanian |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Adam | 24 | 1893-05-15 | Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 1905 Denison Ave. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Anthony | 18 | 1927-04-27 | Detroit, MI, USA | 204 La Belle Ave. / Highland Park, MI, USA | 1945-04-27 (WW2) | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Ara | 18 | 1928-05-18 | Detroit, MI, USA | 204 La Belle Ave. / Highland Park, MI, USA | 1946-05-20 (WW2) | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Aram | 25 | 1892-02-28 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 262 W. 21st St. / New York, NY, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | New York, New York Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Aram Gerabet | 50 | 1892-02-22 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 4506 S. Lake Park Ave. / Chicago, IL, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Armenag | 27 | 1890-03-08 | Harput (Mezire), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 748 Cambridge St. / Cambridge, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Arshag Garabd | 58 | 1884-02-22 | Evereg, Ankara, Turkey | 1053 Blackstone Ave. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1942-04-25 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Arshak | 38 | 1880-07-19 | | 5800 Addison St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Arslan | 52 | 1890-03-25 | Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 2666 Shaker Rd. / Cleveland Heights, OH, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Arslan | 25 | 1892-03-25 | Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 2223 E. 22nd St. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Asadoor | 33 | 1885-08-15 | | 16 Winter St. / Lowell, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Avadis | 38 | 1880-03-01 | | 3682 E. 71st St. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Bedros | 27 | 1890-03-30 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 391 2nd Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Bedros | | 1890-03-20 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 75 Gratiot Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1918-02-07 (WW1) | London, Middlesex Co., ON, Canada |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Bedros Mardros | 33 | 1884-05-24 | Sivas, Sivas, Turkey | 9 Melrose St. / Springfield, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Bedross | 35 | 1883 | | 28 Tyler St. / Lowell, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Ben | 18 | 1900 | | Box 67A Route K / Fresno, CA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Bob | 40 | 1878-09 | | 315 L St. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Charlie | 21 | 1896-08-18 | Merzifon, Sivas, Turkey | Box 67A Route K / Fresno, CA, USA | 1918-06-05 (WW1) | Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Dick | 27 | 1890-04-15 | Erzurum, Turkey | / Grangeville, ID, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Idaho Co., ID, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Diran | 27 | 1890-05-25 | Adana, Turkey | 51 Quimby St. / Watertown, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Belmont, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Elias | 29 | 1888-08-15 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 505 4th Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Garabed | 36 | 1881-09-27 | | Box 299 / Fitchburg, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Fitchburg, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Garabed | 45 | 1873 | | / Providence, RI, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, George | 46 | 1896-08-01 | Erzurum, Turkey | 4175 Hall Rd. / Santa Rosa, CA, USA | 1942-04-26 (WW2) | Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, George | 22 | 1895 | Erzurum, Turkey | / Grangeville, ID, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Idaho Co., ID, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Gerald | 20 | 1921-08-20 | Yakima, WA, USA | 328 S. A St. / Santa Rosa, CA, USA | 1942-02-16 (WW2) | Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Hagop Sarkis | 28 | 1889-03-01 | Harput (Kesrig), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 6 Orchard St. / Worcester, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Haig | 23 | 1883-11-15 | Evereg (Sazak), Ankara, Turkey | 920 Bolivar Rd. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Harabet | 61 | 1881-01-15 | Keghi, Erzurum, Turkey | 1997 Ford Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1942-04-23 (WW2) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Harabet Garabet | 37 | 1881-01-04 | | 93 Grayling Ave. / Hamtramck, MI, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Harry | 61 | 1880-10-12 | Keghi, Erzurum, Turkey | 1136 (Apt. 109) Collingwood Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Harry | 35 | 1905-09-25 | Keghi (Sergevil), Erzurum, Turkey | 15714 Princeton Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1940-10-16 (WW2) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Harry | 47 | 1895-03-15 | Ankara, Turkey | 13121 (Apt. 8) Woodward Ave. / Highland Park, MI, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Hovanes | 25 | 1892-02-20 | Harput, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 28 Tyler St. / Lowell, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Hrant H. | 24 | 1892-07-10 | Divrighi (Pingian), Sivas, Turkey | 145 5th Ave. / Troy, NY, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Troy, Rensselaer Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Jack | 23 | 1894-04-25 | Aintab, Aleppo, Turkey | 436 E. 138th St. / Bronx, NY, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Bronx, Bronx Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Jack | 26 | 1890-07-05 | Aintab, Aleppo, Turkey | 278 9th St. / Troy, NY, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Troy, Rensselaer Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Jacob | 48 | 1893-07-29 | Turkey | 5062 Lee Rd. / Maple Heights, OH, USA | 1942-04-26 (WW2) | Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, John | 23 | 1894-03-16 | Harput, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 22 Kinsman St. / Lowell, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Joseph | 28 | 1888-02-15 | Merzifon, Sivas, Turkey | Box 67A Route K / Fresno, CA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Joseph | 28 | 1889-05-21 | Adana, Turkey | 51 Quimby St. / Watertown, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Belmont, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Karnig | 36 | 1882-07-01 | | 110 W. 89th St. / New York, NY, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | New York, New York Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Krekor M. | 24 | 1893-08-15 | Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 312 Market St. / Lowell, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Leon | 30 | 1887-07 | Adana, Turkey | 51 Quimby St. / Watertown, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Belmont, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Levon Ghevont | 25 | 1891-11-15 | Yozgat, Ankara, Turkey | 2601 Bainbridge Ave. / Bronx, NY, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Bronx, Bronx Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Lionel | 20 | 1926-03-15 | Fresno, CA, USA | Box 477 Route 8 / Fresno, CA, USA | 1946-05-20 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Mamigan | 36 | 1881-10-18 | | 253 E. Grand Ave. / Highland Park, MI, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Mardiros H. | 29 | 1889-08-19 | Hadjin, Adana, Turkey | 38 N. 60th St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Micael | 34 | 1883-06-15 | | 1905 Denison Ave. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Mike | 48 | 1893-05-21 | Erzurum, Turkey | 218 N. Bernard St. / Spokane, WA, USA | 1942-04-26 (WW2) | Spokane, Spokane Co., WA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Mike | 45 | 1896-11-11 | Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 1771 E. 20th St. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Minas Garabad | 50 | 1892-03-17 | Harput (Korpe), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 3323 Irving Park Blvd. / Chicago, IL, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Misak Garabet | 35 | 1883-07-05 | | 149 W. 100th St. / New York, NY, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | New York, New York Co., NY, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Moses B. | 42 | 1899-09-22 | Harput, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | 435 N St. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1942-02-15 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Mugerdich | 45 | 1873-07-15 | | 29 Laurel St. / Worcester, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Nazuret | 38 | 1880-05-15 | | 3682 E. 71st St. / Cleveland, OH, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Ohan | 28 | 1888-07-15 | Adana, Turkey | / Seville, CA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Tulare Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Ralph | 18 | 1924-09-04 | Detroit, MI, USA | 204 La Belle Ave. / Highland Park, MI, USA | 1942-12-18 (WW2) | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Reuben | 23 | 1894 | Erzurum, Turkey | / Grangeville, ID, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Idaho Co., ID, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Richard | 45 | 1898-04-15 | Erzurum, Turkey | Box 2079 Route 2 / Elk Grove, CA, USA | 1943-06-23 (WW2) | Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Richard Dean (Jr.) | 22 | 1918-10-15 | Yakima, WA, USA | 4105 Nevada Ave. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1940-10-16 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Robert | 18 | 1926-06-03 | Fresno, CA, USA | 435 N St. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1944-06-03 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Robert Armen | 18 | 1924-12-10 | Salem, OR, USA | 3907 Grant Ave. / Fresno, CA, USA | 1942-12-28 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Sahag H. | 43 | 1878-07-24 | | 103 E. Montcalm St. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Sahag Sam | 41 | 1902-08-15 | Turkey | 6754 W. Fort St. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1942-02-16 (WW2) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Samuel | 26 | 1891-03-21 | Adana, Turkey | 51 Quimby St. / Watertown, MA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Belmont, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Samuel Garabed | 34 | 1884-07-04 | | 10 Berkeley St. / Watertown, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Belmont, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Setrack | 41 | 1877-09-03 | | 2347 Cambridge Ave. / Chicago, IL, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Setrack Sarkis | 64 | 1877-09-03 | Gemerej, ?, Turkey | 411 W. Armitage Ave. / Chicago, IL, USA | 1942-04-27 (WW2) | Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Vahan | 39 | 1879-02-12 | | 28 Academy St. / Fitchburg, MA, USA | 1918-09-12 (WW1) | Fitchburg, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Vincent | 20 | 1921-12-09 | Detroit, MI, USA | 1997 Ford Ave. / Detroit, MI, USA | 1942-02-14 (WW2) | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
![View](view-icon-green.jpg) | Arslanian, Zaron | 46 | 1896-02-15 | Turkey | Box 45 Route 8 / Fresno, CA, USA | 1942-04-26 (WW2) | Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
![View](view-icon.jpg) | Arslanian, Zaron | 23 | 1894-04-15 | Harput, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey | Box 83 / Parlier, CA, USA | 1917-06-05 (WW1) | Fresno Co., CA, USA |