Wordle Guess

© Mark B. Arslan, 2023
Want to Contribute?

Do you enjoy the challenge of your daily Wordle puzzle, but would like to be more efficient? This tool allows you to use your preferred strategy and pick your words as before, but it automates the mundane process of sorting through thousands of possible letter combinations and presents you with a list of valid words for your next choice. Try it out! Any time after your first choice, fill in your greens, yellows (or whatever that color is), and the letters that have been excluded (greyed out). Then press the Display Possible Words button.

At the beginning, it make take a few minutes to process your request, then get much faster as you get more letters. (Go get a cup of coffee.) Or, you might want to fill in the values after your second guess. (Be sure to enter your excluded letters, as that will speed things up.)

Position 1  / Green:    Yellow:  
Position 2 / Green:    Yellow:  
Position 3 / Green:    Yellow:  
Position 4 / Green:    Yellow:  
Position 5 / Green:    Yellow:  

Letters Excluded: