Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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Search Marriages - By Bride Last Name (Std.)

This page allows you to search on a standardized last name to find marriage entries relating to Armenians in North America. Marriage records are particulary important because they often provide the names of the parents of the bride and groom.

For Mexico, the administrative division of municipality (municipio) is equivalent to county in USA and Canada.

This database table currently represents just a few of the communities in North America where Armenian immigrants can be found. The records abstracted are those where the images of the marriage registers or the certificates themselves are available online. As more of these images become available, and as time permits, I will continue to expand the scope of this coverage. Volunteers are graciously providing assistance in transcribing records from other Armenian settlement communities.

To see what scope of records have been searched (or are currently being searched) for inclusion into this database table, press the button below.

Names on the marriage records were extremely variable in spelling. Most are phonetic equivalents to the original Armenian names, but some are quite difficult to reconcile to a known Armenian last name. The drop-down list to the right of the label "Last Name (Std.)" includes all standardized last names in the database for those on the marriages abstracted so far. If you can't find the name you are looking for in that list, click the "Find a Std. Name" button to take you to the Std. Name Lookup page. It will let you map your last name of interest (as recorded in the marriage record) to a standardized last name in the database, returning you to this page and executing the search query with that name. In the result table below, click the "view" icon to the left of the table entry to see the information abstracted from that record.

Last Name (Std.):          
= Click on icon to view abstract of entry ( includes link(s) to additional records)

Entries found = 39

ActionMarriage LocationDateGroom NameAge (Birth Date)Bride NameAge (Birth Date)Record Location
Fresno, CA, USA1915-11-30Aivazian, G. Y.27 Arslanian, A. K.24 Fresno Co., CA, USA
Watertown, MA, USA1920-10-31Barsam [Barsamian], Vahan M.25 Aslan [Arslanian], Alice J.21 Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Springfield, MA, USA1911-02-25Zartarian, Aram S.34 Arslan [Arslanian], Almas22 Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA
Lowell, MA, USA1921-12-25Manoogian [Manougian], John45 Arslanian, Almas Mardigian30 Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1925-11-01Dadian [Dedeian], Misag30 Arslanian, Araxy21 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Boston, MA, USA1925-02-15Kasparian, George D.30 Arslanian, Araxy B.29 Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1909-04-17Mamigonian, Harry K.28 Aslanian [Arslanian], Azbhar K.22 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1937-08-01Minassian [Minasian], Apkar39 Aslanian [Arslanian], Baydsar37 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Reedley, CA, USA1918-07-20Kazarin [Ghazarian], Sarkis23 Aslanian [Arslanian], Dickronoohie18 Fresno Co., CA, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1921-02-13Kalayjion [Kalajian], Nishan25 Aslaman [Arslanian], Dikranoohe20 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Highland Park, MI, USA1923-05-19Vartanian, Ohanes29 Aslanian [Arslanian], Dirauhi24 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Fresno, CA, USA1910-12-24Hoosepian [Hovsepian], Alaxander28 Aslanian [Arslanian], Eliza17 Fresno Co., CA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1911-11-18Shooshan [Shoushanian], Harry M.36 Aslanian [Arslanian], Ester K.19 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Watertown, MA, USA1905-07-03Marderosian [Mardirosian], Arakel34 Aslanian [Arslanian], Esther23 Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Everett, MA, USA1918-02-22Mooradian [Mouradian], Nigoghos K.43 Aslanian [Arslanian], Haiganoosh Kasargian38 Everett, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Boston (Roslindale), MA, USA1922-04-16Boyajian, Samuel H.27 Arslania [Arslanian], Harmine22 Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA
Fresno, CA, USA1913-03-06Shumavonian [Shemavonian], Harry29 Arslanian, Koharig22 Fresno Co., CA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1923-10-28Ahigian [Yeghigian], Sarkis28 Aslanian [Arslanian], Louissa25 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Hudson, MA, USA1915-10-14Donabedia [Donabedian], Dadour24 Aralian [Arslanian], Manoog23 Hudson, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1920-03-20Kachigian [Khachigian], Nazarett24 Aslanian [Arslanian], Margaret18 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1919-11-23Simonian, Simon23 Aslanian [Arslanian], Margaret20 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Haverhill, MA, USA1898-11-26Garabedian, Paul28 Arslanian, Maria20 Haverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA
Fitchburg, MA, USA1906-11-24Juskalian, Minas29 Aslanian [Arslanian], Mariza22 Fitchburg, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Seattle, WA, USA1936-04-14Waldol, Leonard Nils21 Lyon [Arslanian], Melanie28 King Co., WA, USA
Springfield, MA, USA1905-02-02Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Archie24 Arslan [Arslanian], Nazli20 Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1900-06-30Ashjian, Mardros37 Aslanian [Arslanian], Nazlie22 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA1923-05-12Arslanian, Jacob29 Arslanian, Nuritza35 Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1915-09-05Kerkorian [Krikorian], Abraham25 Aslanian [Arslanian], Rose18 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Lynn, MA, USA1913-09-10Aaronian [Aharonian], Arakel26 Arslanian, Rose22 Lynn, Essex Co., MA, USA
Highland Park, MI, USA1923-11-17Mooradian [Mouradian], Arshag27 Aslanian [Arslanian], Satenig19 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1913-06-10Markarian, Peter26 Aslanian [Arslanian], Seranoush18 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Watertown, MA, USA1908-08-31Mardiros [Mardirosian], Harootian23 Aslaian [Arslanian], Shooian20 Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA
Toledo, OH, USA1942-09-26Sarkissian [Sarkisian], George21 (b. 1921-02- 9)Arslanian, Star21 (b. 1921-05-29)Lucas Co., OH, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1914-05-18Joseph [Hovsepian], Charles42 Aslanian [Arslanian], Takoohi31 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA1919-05-12Markarian, Hoyannas31 Aslanian [Arslanian], Vastar18 Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA
Providence, RI, USA1914-03-01Sharoian, Hamparzoam31 Arslanian, Veronika21 Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1928-12-02Kacherian [Khacherian], Hrant37 Lyon [Arslanian], Virginia21 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Detroit, MI, USA1937-12-03Yessaian [Yesaian], Mushig38 Aslanian [Arslanian], Virginia24 Wayne Co., MI, USA
Watertown, MA, USA1913-06-07Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Igniteas24 Arslanian, Virginia H.19 Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA

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