Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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Search Deaths - By Decedent Home Address

This page allows you to search by home address of the decedent to find deaths relating to Armenians in North America. Note that some death certificates (especially those prior to 1920) did not list a home address.

For Mexico, the administrative division of municipality (municipio) is equivalent to county in USA and Canada.

This database table currently represents just a few of the communities in North America where Armenian immigrants can be found. The records abstracted are those where the images of the death registers or the certificates themselves are available online. As more of these images become available, and as time permits, I will continue to expand the scope of this coverage. Volunteers are graciously providing assistance in transcribing records from other Armenian settlement communities.

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Post office (P. O) boxes were sometimes used as the home address. In rural areas (e.g., Fresno County and Tulare County, California), mail delivery and addresses were organized by Route (R. F. D., or Rural Free Delivery), and then by (P. O.) Box.

Over time, street names may change, especially the suffixes (Ave., St., Blvd., Rd., etc.). Numbering of houses on the street may change, as well. For example, 208 Solvay Ave. in the Delray neighborhood of Detroit, Michigan (in the 1910's) was changed around 1920 to 519 S. Solvay Ave. It is now known as 519 S. Solvay St.

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Entries found = 3,564

ActionDecedent Home AddressDecedent NameSexDeath LocationDeath DateAge (Birth Date)Death Cause
Knik, AK, USA
Krikoroff [Krikorian], JohnMRussellville, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1939-06-0155 (b. 1884)scirrhous carcinoma of stomach with metastases to liver (contributory: dementia praecox, hebephrenic type, 1918)
Belvedere [E. Los Angeles], CA, USA
1235 S. Kern Ave.Aloyian [Aloian], EstherFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-03-3069y-15d (b. 1863-03-15)hypertensive heart disease with cardiac decompensation
565 S. Hoefner Ave.Arvanigian, HarryMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1940-05-2952y-9m-4d (b. 1887-08-25)chronic myocardial degeneration due to coronary artery atherosclerosis
3770 E. 6th St.Asadoorian [Asadourian], MargaretFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1950-01-2574 (b. 1875-08-02)acute circulatory failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
3844 Hubbard Ave.Gejeian, MalcomMMontebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-10-1556y-7m-12d (b. 1876-03-03)chronic myocarditis (other: coronary artery sclerosis)
1247 S. Record St.Savoian, GeorgeMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1934-06-1022y-8m-25d (b. 1911-09-15)generalized peritonitis, chronic tuberculous arthrites (contributory: amylodosis - liver & spleen)
5264 Via CoronaStepanian, Margaret S.FLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1956-03-0363 (b. 1892-07-04)p[ost] o[perative] shock of unknown cause due to carcinoma of stomach, operated
617 S. Bonnie Beach Pl.Timoor [Timourian], MihranFBelvedere [E. Los Angeles], Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1945-04-0369y-4m-9d (b. 1875-11-25)coronary occlusion (other: hyperpieses)
Buena Park, CA, USA
Arslanian, AnnaFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1935-12-0278y-11m-1d (b. 1857-01-01)second degree burns covering the greater part of the body (accident at home, clothing caught fire)
Burbank, CA, USA
1616 W. Oak St.Minasian, Louise A.FBurbank, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1958-05-1372 (b. 1885-11-11)acute cardiac dilatation due to hypostatic pneumonia & ovarian carcinoma
Chatsworth, CA, USA
19106 Devonshire St.Balian, OssanaFVan Nuys, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1942-11-1971y-10m-4d (b. 1871-01-15)pulmonary embolism, aedema of lungs, decompensated heart
Fresno, CA, USA
3428 Lowe Ave.Arsenian, Solomon GarabedMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1948-12-0664y-9m-21d (b. 1884-02-14)coronary disease & occlusion
3069 El Monte WayIsraelian, PerizFVan Nuys, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1961-04-1069 (b. 1891-08-16)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive vascular disease
6601 W. Kearney Blvd.Koligian [Kholigian], MinasMStockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1959-02-2184 (b. 1874-04)coronary occlusion due to generalized arteriosclerosis
310 F St.Markarian, RoseFStockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1940-05-2162 (b. 1878)parenchymatous nephritis (other: general arteriosclerosis)
2053 Sarah St.Tashjian, Pearle PeroozFVan Nuys, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1959-01-0373 (b. 1885-10-14)congestive heart failure
458 O St.Tavluian, JohnMSan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1944-09-1358y-3m-3d (b. 1886-06-10)carcinoma of stomach
2705 McKenzie Ave.Varteresian, AghavnyFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1935-02-2739 (b. 1896)septic left femoral, iliac & inf[ected] vena cava phlebitis, cardiac emboli (contributory: childbirth in Nov-1934)
Hesperia, CA, USA
10562 7th St.Tatarian, HarryMSepulveda, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1958-12-0366 (b. 1892-08-15)carcinoma of liver due to cirrhosis of liver (contibutory: gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to esophageal varices)
Huntington Park, CA, USA
2725 E. 58th St.Adishian, Peter K.MHuntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1957-11-2568 (b. 1889-08-15)carcinomatosis with debilatation due to carcinoma of rectum with metastates
1119 E. 84th St.Garo [Garoian], Peter StephenMHuntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-12-1668y-11m-28d (b. 1870-12-18)arteriosclerotic heart disease
Kingsburg, CA, USA
Box 139 Route HVartanion [Vartanian], A. H.MStockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1945-01-3070 (b. 1874)psychotic exhaustion due to manic depressive psychosis (other: generalized arteriosclerosis)
Lodi, CA, USA
526 S. School St.Katzakian [Kasakian], DovieFLodi, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1960-10-2372 (b. 1888-03-17)hypostatic pneumonia due to hypertensive c[ardio] v[ascular] disease & gen[eralized] arteriosclerosis (other: senility)
Box 489B Route 3Katzakian [Kasakian], Garbed SarkisMLodi, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1940-05-0664y-11m-25d (b. 1876-05-12)coronary sclerosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
Long Beach, CA, USA
2425 Atlantic Ave.Avakian, Arsen HarootuneMLong Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1950-05-0569 (b. 1881-03-04)coronary sclerosis
1716 American Ave.Prieste [Keshishian], Mamas G.MLong Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1944-01-2475 (b. 1869)cerebral hemorrhage due to cardio-renal disease & hypertension
Los Angeles, CA, USA
2207 Cloverdale Ave.Adalian [Adanalian], GarabedMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1938-12-0971 (b. 1867)carcinoma of stomach with metastasis into liver, right lung, & mediostinal glands
3351 Opal St.Aloyan [Aloian], SimionMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1935-03-0582y-15d (b. 1853-03-20)cerebral haemorrhage
404 W. Vernon Ave.Amerian [Amirian], DickMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1948-11-0961y-6m-29d (b. 1887-04-10)acute coronary occlusion with myocardial infarct[ion] due to coronary arteriosclerosis (other: hypertensive heart disease)
2348 W. 29th Pl.Apoian, ArchieMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1942-01-2635y-10m-23d (b. 1906-03-03)diabetes mellitus (other: emaciation)
713 Eschandia St.Arefkian [Arikian], AnahidMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1937-06-1527 compound comminuted fracture of the skull (homicide, struck by hatchet [by husband)
1106 W. Vernon Ave.Atamian, BedrosMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1961-10-3188 (b. 1873-08-15)arteriosclerotic heart disease (other: fracture of left hip & terminal pneumonia) (accident, fall at home)
7721 8th Ave.Atimion [Atamian], EstherFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1956-12-1477 (b. 1879-10-16)terminal pneumonia due to arteriosclerotic hypertension & diabetes mellitus
2706½ W. 54th St.Atimion [Atamian], JohnMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-08-2769y-4m-26d (b. 1870-04-01)chronic myocarditis (contributory: hypertension)
4111 S. San Pedro St.Avakian, KevorkMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1946-02-2162y-2m-6d (b. 1883-12-15)cardiac decompensation due to myocardial degeneration
1416 N. Sycamore Ave.Barsam [Barsamian], Charles GarabedMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1954-10-2666 (b. 1888-08-01)carcinoma, primary, right lung
440½ N. La Cienega Blvd.Barsamian, MaryFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-01-2162y-9m-26d (b. 1884-03-25)myocardial infarction due to hypertensive heart disease (other: bronchial asthma)
1942 Rodeo Rd.Bejanian, NicholasMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1943-08-0863y-10m-24d (b. 1879-09-15)pulmonary edema due to l[ef]t sided cardiac failure, chronic myocarditis, & effects of surgery (carcinoma of colon)
253 S. Grand Ave.Beyazian, ZarehMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-06-2865 (b. 1862)cerebral softening due to hypertension
2719 S. Genesee St.Bohigian [Boghigian], Rose VarterFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1958-03-0471 (b. 1886-05-25)acute myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
622 E. 51st St.Paul [Boghosian], ArthurMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1934-02-0439y-21d (b. 1895-01-13)lympho sarcoma lungs
2376 W. 29th St.Bogosian [Boghosian], Mike M.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-02-2868y-2m-13d (b. 1878-12-15)carcinoma of bladder (other: chr[onic] uremia, hypertensive heart disease)
404 W. Vernon Ave.Bogosian [Boghosian], SusieFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1948-06-0366y-15d (b. 1882-05-19)pulmonary edema due to arteriosclerotic heart
5236 S. Huntington Dr.Bosnaian [Bosnoian], ElizaFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1957-08-2066 (b. 1891-02-23)acute cardiac failure, arteriosclerotic heart disease due to senility
5236 S. Huntington Dr.Bosnaian [Bosnoian], JamesMDuarte, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1957-03-2974 (b. 1882-05)
2747 Lincoln Park Ave.Devirian [Davorian], Jonathan EdwardsMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1934-09-2050y-8m-10d (b. 1884-01-10)chronic myocarditis
2328 Harcourt Ave.Elmassian [Elmasian], Khosrov H.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1942-03-0364y-7m-18d (b. 1877-07-15)toxic (terminal stage) myelogenous leukemia (other: heart failure & acute nephritis)
1425 N. Catalina St.Filian, George H.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1942-07-2389y-6m-3d (b. 1853-01-20)chronic myocarditis
1425 N. Catalina St.Filian, HousdianeFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1943-02-2889y-5m-11d (b. 1853-09-17)3rd degree burns of the body & extremities (clothing ignited from gas heater)
623½ S. Soto St.Frankline [Frankian], AgnesFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-05-2534y-1m-10d (b. 1898-04-15)puerperal peritonitis (contributory: miscarriage)
727 Fratkin Pl.Kazarian [Ghazarian], LevonMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1945-09-2949y-10m-4d (b. 1895-11-25)myocardial failure due to coronary sclerosis
508 Stanford Ave.Kazarian [Ghazarian], Reuben P.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-12-1034 moderately advanced pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitation (contributory: tuberculous meningitis)
10111 S. McKinley Ave.Hagopian, VartanoushFInglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-06-0661y-10m-2d (b. 1885-08-04)uremia & toxemia due to cancer of bladder (other: hypertension)
444 E. 51st St.Harutunian [Haroutunian], ArmenagMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1937-11-1170y-5m-7d (b. 1867-06-04)basal fracture of the skull (accident - auto & pedestrian)
3352 Estrada St.Hazian [Hasekian], LucinFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-02-2452y-2m-14d (b. 1886-12-10)bronchopneumonia & emphysema (contributory: myocarditis)
7905½ Van Nuys Blvd.Hazian [Hasekian], Stephen H.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1955-02-2273 (b. 1881-05-20)uremia & carcinomatosis due to prostatic obstruction
5611 Carlin St.Hoogoian [Hougoian], Sophie MaryFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1949-07-1345 (b. 1904-01-01)coronary thrombosis due to coronary disease of heart
3415 Verdugo Rd.Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], Mardiros M.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1960-04-0489 (b. 1870-08-30)congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & generalized arteriosclerosis
6243 La Mirada Ave.Jamgochian, MariamFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1946-09-1475y-5m-14d (b. 1871-03-30)coronary occlusion due to atherosclerotic heart disease (other: congestive heart failure)
8107 Naylor Ave.Jigamian, George H.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1963-11-2377 (b. 1886-01-20)a[rterio] s[clerotic] h[eart] d[isease] (other: cancer . . .)
5218 Sunlight Pl.Kludjian [Kalajian], AraxeFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1955-03-1664 (b. 1891-03-07)cerebral vascular accident due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease
3047 Harrington Ave.Kludjian [Kalajian], Jacob B.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-06-1664y-11m-9d (b. 1874-07-07)ulcer of stomach (10 years duration) (contributory: repeated hemorrhage, anemia)
1001 Crenshaw Blvd.Kalustian [Kaloustian], AntramFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-11-2691y-9m-9d (b. 1841-02-17)senility & influenza
1153 Crenshaw Blvd.Kalustian [Kaloustian], ElmasFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1950-07-2377 (b. 1872-09-16)carcinoma of colon (other: carcinoma of gall bladder & pancreas)
1341 W. 47th St.Kanarian, LucasMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1933-09-0951 gastric ulcer & stenosis, arterio sclerosis
817 W. 58th St.Kassabian [Kasabian], AyguelFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1943-01-0974y-7m-25d (b. 1867-05-15)coronary thrombosis
1339 W. 39th St.Kasparian, BagdasarMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1936-07-2974y-5m-27d (b. 1862-02-02)arteriosclerotic heart disease & aortic stenosis (contributory: congestive failure)
4101½ S. San Pedro St.Kazanjian, Ardashes BedrosMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1940-01-2154y-9m-24d (b. 1885-03-15)rheumatic & arteriosclerotic heart disease, aortic stenosis, coronary sclerosis with acute cardiac failure
2116 S. Granville Ave.Prieste [Keshishian], HaiganooshFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1958-04-1162 (b. 1895-07-20)congestive heart failure due to hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease
435 S. Pecan St.Katanjian [Ketenjian], ArsonMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-07-2778 (b. 1861)prostatic hypertrophy, diverticula bladder, bladder calculus (other: uremia)
435 S. Pecan St.Kartanjian [Ketenjian], DavidMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-04-2740y-5m-3d (b. 1891-11-24)lobar pneumonia
1318 N. Alexandria Ave.Hacherian [Khacherian], GulaniaFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1957-11-2970 (b. 1887-03-15)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: secondary anemia)
4624 Victoria Ave.Kibritjian, LogofetMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1953-03-2457 (b. 1896-02-21)bronchopneumonia due to uremia & hypertensvie cardiovascular renal disease (contributory: l. cerebral thrombosis)
2228 W. 8th St.Krikorian, ArthurMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1940-09-1232y-8m-9d (b. 1908-01-03)cerebral hemorrhage & shock due to surgical removal of old traumatic cerebral scar
1932 2nd Ave.Kerkorian [Krikorian], EsqweFInglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1958-12-1672 (b. 1886-04-08)mutiple fractures of pelvis with retroperitoneal hemorrhage & other injuries (accident - auto struck pedestrian)
1734 W. 36th St.Krikorian, JeanFMaywood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1936-12-1217y-5m-1d (b. 1919-07-11)Hodgekin's disease
1734 W. 36th St.Krikorian, StephenMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1938-11-2068 (b. 1870)bronchogenic carcinoma
4822 8th Ave.Melickian [Melikian], HarryMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1961-12-1395 (b. 1866-04-12)gangrene, r[igh]t leg due to thrombosis, r[igh]t femoral a[rtery] (other: carcinoma prostate . . .)
8617 S. Wilton Pl.Memleketian, JohnMInglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1959-08-1280 (b. 1878-09-20)liver failure due to cholangitis & cancer of head of pancreas
1821 S. La Brea Ave.Minasian, KasperMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1954-05-2763 (b. 1891-02-16)metastatic carcinoma
1061½ Sanborn Ave.Mooradian [Mouradian], HaiganooshFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1949-01-0666 (b. 1882-07-24)congestive heart failure due to chronic myocarditis with dilated heart
2217½ S. Carmona Ave.Nordigian, LucyFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1956-09-2082 (b. 1864-07-16)acute & chronic peritonitis (contributory: chronic duodenal ulcer, multiple small b--- adenosis)
2047 Palm Grove Ave.Paloutzian, ManoogMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1949-11-2588 (b. 1861-01-01)congestive heart failure due to old myocardial infarction, intramural [?] thrombi & pulmonary embolism, coronary arteriosclerosis
3631 W. 63rd St.Paloutzian, Thomas GarabedMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-05-1176y-4m-26d (b. 1870-12-15)chronic interstitial nephritis
1748 Redcliff St.Postoian, HaigMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1970-08-0578 (b. 1892-04-04)acute pulmonary edema, acute myocardial infarction
1118 S. Mirasol St.Romano, RoseFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1950-10-2134 (b. 1916-05-24)cardiac & respiratory failure due to carcinoma of both breast with widespread metastases
4716 Elmwood Ave.Shaljian [Saljian], GladysFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1956-11-1162 (b. 1894-09-09)acute congestive [heart] failure due to coronary occlusion, myocardial infarction, & arteriosclerosis (contributory: diabetes mellitus & hypertension)
1113 N. Poinsettia Pl.Sarkisian, VeronFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1962-10-0665 (b. 1897-09-29)coronary occlusion due to hypertensive heart disease
3454 W. 76th St.Savoian, IreneFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1961-09-0966 (b. 1894-10-20)congestive heart failure due to Stokes-Adams syndrome & hypertensive & arteriosclerotic heart disease
217 N. New Hampshire Ave.Seamans, Julia E.FLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1948-12-2683y-5m-21d (b. 1865-07-05)cardiac failure due to chronic myocarditis (other: coronary thrombosis)
1917 E. 2nd St.Surabian [Serabian], SarkisMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-02-1773y-3m (b. 1858-11)sclerosis of coronary arteries of heart with chronic myocarditis
2532 Alta St.Shahabian, Mesrob M.MInglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1945-08-2567y-9m-12d (b. 1877-11-13)cerebro sclerotic dementia due to chronic myocarditis
2636 Rimpau Blvd.Shabazian [Shahbazian], AbrahamMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1952-08-0673 (b. 1878-09-02)metastatic carcinoma of r[igh]t face & eye
662 S. Williamson Ave.Tahmizian [Tahmazian], ArmaveniFMontebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1947-12-1349y-4m-12d (b. 1898-08-01)internal hemorrhage due to carcinomatosis (from uterus)
4236 Angeles Vista Blvd.Telloian [Talalian], KachadoorMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1946-09-3076y-3m-15d (b. 1870-06-15)cirrhosis of liver (non-alcoholic) (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis)
4507 2nd Ave.Tooten [Tatoian], Milton K.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1937-12-2662y-5m-22d (b. 1875-07-04)coronary thrombosis
1514 N. Winona Blvd.Tayian, Arakal B.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1934-06-2276y-7m (b. 1857-11)threatened diabetic coma, hemiplegia left arm & left (contributory: chronic diabetes, arteriosclerosis, old age)
4123 S. Western Ave.Tarzian [Terzian], HarryMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1942-11-0565y-7m-2d (b. 1877-04-03)hypostatic pneumonia due to sarcoma of left ilium & prob. general carcinomatosis
3354 Beswick St.Thomasian [Toumasian], ZevartFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1952-06-0949 (b. 1902-07-15)cerebral thrombosis due to cerebral arteriosclerosis (contributory: mycoposterium tuberculosis abscess right elbow)
5161 Eagle Dale Ave.Toutjian [Touzjian], Robert VartanMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1961-04-1773 (b. 1888-01-26)diffuse metastatic carcinoma due to ca[rcinoma] of prostate
1616 Edgecliff Dr.Toutjian [Touzjian], Shield HamidMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1950-01-1071 (b. 1879-01-02)cardiac standstill due to overwhelming toxemia & uremia (other: adenocarcinoma of bladder)
225 E. 60th St.Vaznaian [Vezneian], Gregor AaronMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1955-02-2577 (b. 1877-03-20)acute lobar pneumonia - r[igh]t upper lobe (contributory: myocardial infarction, old & healed)
225 E. 60th St.Vaznaian [Vezneian], KoharFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1939-10-1152 (b. 1887)carcinoma of sigmoid . . . colon (contributory: toxaemia & myocarditis)
1731 Magnolia Ave.Eremian [Yeramian], LucyFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1945-11-0294 (b. 1851)hypertensive & arteriosclerotic heart disease
5398 Navarro St.Yetimian, JohnMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1956-03-1678 (b. 1878-01-20)cerebral artery thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis
Modesto, CA, USA
418½ S. Conejo Ave.Arslanian, Robert RichardMModesto, Stanislaus Co., CA, USA1965-03-2282 (b. 1882-04-15)pneumonia due to adenocarcinoma - metastatis to lung
Montebello, CA, USA
643 S. Vancouver St.Kalfayan [Kalfaian], MaryFMontebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1941-06-2852 (b. 1889)metastatic carcinoma of lungs due to carcinoma of breast, left
N. Hollywood, CA, USA
6229 Klump St.Thomasian [Toumasian], RichardMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1959-08-2967 (b. 1892-05-21)multiple metastasis of carcinoma of bowel
Norwalk, CA, USA
11112 Adoree St.Garo [Garoian], AnnieFBell Gardens, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1957-08-0384 (b. 1872-10-15)
Pasadena, CA, USA
Berekian [Barakian], Khacher S.MLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1930-08-1439y-6m-27d (b. 1891-01-18)metastatic sarcoma of lung from left thigh (amputated) (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
919 Columbia St.Devirian [Davorian], Sarkis HaigMPasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1946-09-2296y-7m-19d (b. 1850-02-03)extreme old age due to prostatic enlargement & retention of urine
166 Dearborn St.Manuel [Manuelian], AnnaFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1916-10-3042 chronic pulmonary tuberculosis
235 N. Garfield Ave.Manuelian, Ohanes JohnMPasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1935-08-0974y-9m-23d (b. 1860-10-16)generalized arteriosclerosis with cerebral thrombosis & right hemiplegia & aphasia
San Fernando, CA, USA
15036 Polk Ave.Odabashian, GeorgeMSan Fernando, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1933-04-2260 angina pectoris (contributory: chr[onic] choleceptitis)
San Francisco, CA, USA
890 35th Ave.Kermoian, SamMSan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1949-12-0465 thrombosis of r[igh]t coronary artery due to coronary arteriosclerosis
371 29th St.Pancharian, JohnSan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1944-06-0274 (b. 1870)carcinoma of transverse colon (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis & decompensation, peritonial carcinomatosis)
371 29th St.Pancharian, MarySan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1947-02-1558y-9m-22d (b. 1888-04-23)carcinoma of liver & lungs, metastatic static carcinoma of breast
389 (Room 244) 3rd St.Stepanian, MisrobMSan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1952-07-1882 (b. 1870-01-01)coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis
Sausalito, CA, USA
336 Napa St.Long [Yerganian], Yervant H.MRoss, Marin Co., CA, USA1934-04-3046y-11m (b. 1887-06-03)fracture of skull
Stockton, CA, USA
8233 Solano Ave.Dourgarian [Dulgerian], AndrewMStockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1963-12-1873 (b. 1890-06-15)metastatic carcinoma of ampulla of Vater
Stockton State HospitalMalamazian [Malyemezian], NazelFStockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA1936-01-2370y-4m-8d (b. 1865-09-15)chronic myocarditis (contributory: psychosis with arteriosclerosis)
Sun Valley, CA, USA
7821 Arcola Ave.Dardarian [Derderian], YugaperFLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1952-03-0166 (b. 1886-01-01)cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis & hypertension (contributory: diabetes)
Torrance, CA, USA
2117 Torrance Blvd.Badoian [Bedoian], ArntMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1936-02-2537y-11m-22d (b. 1898-03-03)far advanced bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis
Tulare, CA, USA
1201 N. West St.Moorsalian [Moursalian], HelenFGlendale, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1945-02-2572y-2d (b. 1873-02-22)pulmonary edema due to myocardial degeneration
Venice, CA, USA
835 Brooks Ave.Kludjian [Kalajian], JohnMLos Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1936-04-15100 (b. 1836)fracture of the right femur (accident, slipped & fell to floor of bathroom at home)
1522 Electric Ave.Clark [Koulaksuzian], May O.FVenice, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1933-10-0134y-1m-7d (b. 1899-08-24)illuminating gas asphyxiation, ran tube from gas jet to mouth (suicide)
648 Westminster St.Mahakian [Maghakian], ElsieFVenice, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1932-07-0359y-7m-17d (b. 1872-11-16)chronic interstitial nephritis
Whittier, CA, USA
11508 E. Greyford St.Stepanian, Ara SamMMontebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1959-08-2271 (b. 1888-06-25)congestive heart failure due to ascites - adenocarcinoma, metastatic (primary transverse colon)
Hartford, CT, USA
Kasharian [Khacherian], RigavneFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-07-0721 (b. 1892)accidental fall from moving trolley car (contributory: fract[ure] base of skull) (decompression operation performed)
Mardirosian, MardirosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-09-071y-2m-7d diptheria
New Haven, CT, USA
75 Augur St.Kuljian [Kalajian], NersesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-02-0645 postoperative bronchopneumonia (contributory: brain tumor)
Thompsonville, CT, USA
Mardirosian, HagopMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1908-09-0130y-1m-5d icterus gravis (contributory: cholemia)
Washington, DC, USA
2737 (Apt. 301) Devonshire Pl.Lowthorp, Helen D.FArlington, Arlington (city) Co., VA, USA1990-04-1774 (b. 1915-08-03)carcinoma of lung
Bettendorf, IA, USA
2102 State St.Tatoian, AnnieFDavenport, Scott Co., IA, USA1942-09-1145y-26d (b. 1897-08-15)metastates in liver, pelvic bone due to carcinoma of the breast
Kellogg, ID, USA
Bunker HotelSarkisian, HougasMWallace, Shoshone Co., ID, USA1957-02-2469y-11m-9d (b. 1887-03-15)broncho pneumonia due to local acute ulcerative and esophagitis & gastritis, hiatus hernia (recent repair by surgery) (contributory: cethraco-silicosis)
Belleville, IL, USA
1616 Old Dutch Hollow Rd.Depigian, SrabMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1966-05-2775 (b. 1891)metastatic carcinoma of urinary bladder
4 Signal Hill Pl.Kurkjian, ArmenagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1957-09-1048 (b. 1908-11-03)cardiac decompensation, myocardial infarction
Chicago, IL, USA
5007 S. Carpenter St.Alexander [Alexandrian], Andrew C.MHines, Cook Co., IL, USA1947-08-3055y-7m-24d (b. 1892-01-06)tuberculosis, pulmonary, chronic
E. St. Louis, IL, USA
1210 Kansas Ave.Aoian [Aloian], MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1918-05-274m-5d (b. 1917-12-22)nephritis suppurative (contributory: rickets)
1210 Kansas Ave.Aloian, RoseFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1916-09-093m (b. 1916-06-18)de composition
2502 Monroe Ave.Opoian [Apoian], Donig H.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-07-0365y-1m-23d (b. 1860-05-10)chronic interstitial nephritis
742 Post Pl.Arakelian, MerdigMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-12-0167 (b. 1896-03-17)acute bronchopneumonia due to carcinoma of the stomach
2525 Caseyville Ave.Asadorian [Asadourian], TorosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1938-10-0559y-2m-4d (b. 1879-08-01)carcinoma of gall bladder (contributory: carcinoma of liver & chronic nephritis)
1615 E. BroadwayBughdoian [Baghdoian], PaniamiaMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1920-06-1745 (b. 1875)carcinoma of pancreas
1504 E. BroadwayBogosian [Boghosian], AlmasdFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1937-10-1745y-6m-10d (b. 1892-04-07)metastatic carcinoma, probably arising in gall bladder
Bond Ave.Bozoian, SarkesMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1929-11-2635y-7m-16d (b. 1894-04-10)gastric ulcer (hemorrhage of stomach)
522 Alexander Pl.Cherkoian, LoreneFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1948-03-2827 (b. 1921-09-28)carcinoma of breast, right
832 N. 22nd St.Karibian [Gharibian], HarbotunMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-07-1860 (b. 1895-04-13)chronic renal disease
2522 Douglas Ave.Karibian [Gharibian], Setrak KeokorMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1958-08-2179y-1m-4d (b. 1879-07-17)arterio sclerotic hypertensive cardio vascular disease, cerebral accident, chronic myocarditis with cardiac hypertrophy (contributory: pulmonary aedema)
1121 N. 9th St.Geragosian [Giragosian], ArmenagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-06-1471 (b. 1882-07-01)carcinoma of prostate
1437 E. BroadwayKloian [Kaloian], SarkisMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-02-0460 (b. 1865)carcinoma (primary) lover lip. metastasis in neck, [?] osarditis
Korkoian, KaloustMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1931-09-2337y-28d (b. 1894-08-24)adeno-epithelioma of the pylorus of the liver malignant
Ohanasian [Ohannesian], VartaneFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1916-08-1234y-2d (b. 1881-11-10)pelvic thrombo phlebitis (following operation for fibroid of uterus)
1601 E. BroadwayOvian [Ovoian], MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1941-10-05(b. 1941-10-05)respiratory failure due to prematurity
1430 E. BroadwayServerian, SteveMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1936-03-1559y-2m-18d (b. 1876-12-27)diabetes (contributory: diabetes, gangrene of foot, arteriosclerosis)
1418 Gaty Ave.Simonian, AnnigFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1960-01-2564 (b. 1895-03-09)cerebral thrombosis
2410A State St.Sirounian, SahagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-01-2366 (b. 1887-11-25)carcinoma of lung
Granite City, IL, USA
1642 Spruce St.Asturian [Asadourian], MikeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-06-1072 (b. 1892-04-03)metastatic cancer to lungs due to adeno carcinoma of cecum
2653 Grand Ave.Asadorian [Asadourian], StephenMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-08-0465 (b. 1896-01-16)bronchopneumonia due to pulmonary fibrosis
1923 B St.Avadisian [Avedisian], MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-01-295m-23d (b. 1924-08-06)lobar pneumonia
Petrosian [Bedrosian], SahagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1924-07-2626 (b. 1898)septicemia (contributory: appendicitis cholecystectomy)
823A Niedringhaus Ave.Takmajian [Deukmejian], DortatMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-11-1170 (b. 1884-10-15)coronary thrombosis, coronary sclerosis, arteriosclerosis
1740 Olive St.Takmajian [Deukmejian], HarryMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-04-0457 (b. 1905-01-25)severe bronchopneumonia, multiple myeloma
1630 Maple St.Donjoian, GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1937-01-196m-14d (b. 1936-07-06)broncho pneumonia, marasmus, common cold
Goshgarian, LatvanMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1916-08-1242 (b. 1874)peritonitis (contributory: appendicitis)
706 Niedringhaus Ave.Hanoian, AramMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1965-03-1073 (b. 1891-09-15)carcinoma of lung, type unknown
1634 Olive St.Kakligian, PilegFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1965-06-0674 (b. 1890-07-15)multiple pulmonary emboli, arteriosclerotic heart disease and congestive heart failure
1923 Benton St.Kasparian, PomoMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1951-08-1559 (b. 1892-03-29)pulmonary edema, due to urinary retention (other: mixed hepatoma)
921 Niedringhaus Ave.Gederian [Khederian], ManasMJefferson Barracks, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1941-05-0253y-5m-11d (b. 1887-11-21)pyonephrosis and nephrolithiasis, right
1640 Olive St.Khaligian [Kholigian], BerthaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1924-06-224m-8d (b. 1924-02-14)dysentery bacillary (contributory: syphilis hereditary)
916 Niedringhaus Ave.Malmoolian [Malmoulian], DickMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-06-1160 (b. 1893-04-03)chronic nephritis
931 Niedringhaus Ave.Manoogian [Manougian], HagopMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1958-08-2861 (b. 1896-12-17)congestive heart failure, bronchial pneumonia
1713 Spruce St.Mooshegian [Mousheghian], LucyFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-03-2354 (b. 1901-01-10)carcinomatosis of abdomen, carcinoma of the ovary
1738 Poplar St.Nourkanian [Nourikhanian], Ovagim O.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-12-1561 (b. 1892-05-15)cardiac decompensation due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
Ohanasian [Ohannesian], EngyazarMCarondelet Twp., St. Louis Co., MO, USA1913-04-1240 phthisis pulmonalis
606 Niedringhaus Ave.Parsaghian [Parseghian], AnkinFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-04-1462 (b. 1890-12-31)hemiplegia cerebrovascular thrombosis
Peroomian [Piroumian], BedrosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1929-01-268m-1d (b. 1928-05-25)broncho pneumonia primary
1651 Spruce St.Sanasarian, AbrahamMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1959-03-2563 (b. 1895-06-10)coronary occlusion
1651 Spruce St.Sanasarian, HelenFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-02-2050y-9m-10d (b. 1910-05-10)pericarditis due to chronic nephritis
Sarkesian [Sarkisian], ArshagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1920-10-1138y-11m-14d (b. 1881-10-29)cardio nephritis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
Sarkisian, MekailMCarondelet Twp., St. Louis Co., MO, USA1914-02-0123 (b. 1891)phthisis pulmonalis
1637 Poplar St.Tatosian [Tateosian], CharlesMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-07-2365 (b. 1896-11-15)undifferentiated carcinoma of mediastinum with metastases to aorta and pleura
1708 Cedar St.Tatosian [Tateosian], FlorenceFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-04-2045 (b. 1907-11-18)sub endocardial and myocardial fibrosis pulmonary embolism
2246 Delmar Ave.Vartanian, AranasMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1959-03-0178 (b. 1880-04-16)generalized septicemia, necrotizing papiuitis, diabetes mellitis
Vorsigian, Bedros MCarondelet Twp., St. Louis Co., MO, USA1914-06-1332 (b. 1882)phthisis pulmonalis
Eghazarian [Yeghiazarian], AbrahamMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1912-03-2035 (b. 1877)general peritonitis (contributory: perforative appendicitis)
E. Chicago [Indiana Harbor], IN, USA
3619 Parrish Ave.Bedrosian, AraxyFCrown Point, Lake Co., IN, USA1955-04-0663y-1m-22d (b. 1892-02-16)pulmonary tuberculosis
3439 Michigan Ave.Bedrosian, EpromMCrown Point, Lake Co., IN, USA1969-08-2578 (b. 1891-05-15)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis
3628 Parrish Ave.Daranatsy [Daronatsy], AramME. Chicago [Indiana Harbor], Lake Co., IN, USA1931-03-0755 cancer of bronchi
Gary, IN, USA
7401 Maple Ave.Daronatsy, Arthur A.MGary, Lake Co., IN, USA1893-06-0578 (b. 1915-05-29)renal cell carcinoma
Hammond, IN, USA
7624 McCook Ave.Daronatsy, Babgen R.MHammond, Lake Co., IN, USA1987-03-1480 (b. 1907-03-01)coronary thrombosis due to generalized arteriosclerosis (other: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Norton Health CareMooradian [Mouradian], ZabelFIndianapolis, Marion Co., IN, USA1994-04-0593 (b. 1900-05-26)metastatic breast adenocarcinoma
Arlington, MA, USA
3 Clyde TerraceKoudyan [Kouyoumjian], JeanMArlington, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1966-12-2540 severe coronary disease
Ashland, MA, USA
Tashjian, JohnMAshland, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1907-05-0567 intestinal cancer
Attleboro, MA, USA
Hampson [Hampartsoumian], BarbaraFAttleboro, Bristol Co., MA, USA1915-12-3169y-3m-2d (b. 1846-09-29)auto intoxication, ptomaine poisoning (contributory: senility, chronic enteritis)
Newport Ave.Roupenian, MariamFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1943-08-0879 (b. 1864)myocarditis - chronic (contributory: hypertension)
Boston, MA, USA
Adalian, GabadMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1904-11-1146 oedema & congestion of lungs (contributory: cirrhosis of liver)
14 Harvard Ave.Beshgeturian [Beshgetourian], IsraelMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1912-01-0248 lobar pneumonia (contributory: acute dilatation of heart)
14 Harvard Ave.Beshgoturin [Beshgetourian], MaritzaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1911-10-1643 organic disease of heart
Kemalyn [Chamalian], Caius G.MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1899-08-2245y-11m valvular heart disease
110 Tyler St.Garabadian [Garabedian], MarianFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1898-07-241y-8m enteritis
6 Kendall St.Kazanjian, GeorgeMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1924-08-0451y-2m angina pectoris, sudden cancer of stomach (contributory: dyspepsia)
1947 Washington St.Kazanjian, YegisapetFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1913-06-1132 (b. 1881)septicaemia following abortion (said to be self induced)
66 Hammond St.Kevorkian, KoharFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-1832 bronchopnuemonia (contributory: influenza)
476 Shawmut Ave.Leylekian [Leylegian], MichaelMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1916-07-2430 (b. 1886)gen[eralized] septicemia (cause unknown), cardiac failure
9 Savoy St.Mergerion [Markarian], HeratchaMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-2433 influenza (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
532 Tremont St.Tashjian, SarkisMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-05-1980y-3m (b. 1835-02)acute indigestion foll[owe]d by passive congestion of kidneys
545 Shawmut Ave.Thomas [Toumasian], KeatrinFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1910-04-1627y-6m-17d ulcerative stomatitis (contributory: cirrhosis liver)
Boston (Brighton), MA, USA
39 Richardson St.Adalian, EuniceFTisbury, Dukes Co., MA, USA1922-07-1829 accidental drowning
7 Telford St.Elmadjian [Elmasian], Mary A.FBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1924-11-176y-5m-20d lepto meningitis tuberculosis secondary to tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes (history of acc[idental] fall with X ray diagnosis of fracture of skull)
Boston (Charlestown), MA, USA
65 Bartlett St.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Dickran MardirosMMedford, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1913-06-2217 accidental drowning, was in bathing
65 Bartlett St.Kazarossian [Ghazarosian], Hrand HagopMMedford, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1913-06-2222 accidental drowning, was in bathing
Shabgegian [Shadbegian], SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-05-1351 general paralysis (contributory: exhaustion of gen[eral] paralysis)
Boston (Dorchester), MA, USA
12 Downer Ct.Armoian [Ermoian], MarkaridFBoston (Dorchester), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-10-1327 bronchial pneumonia due to influenza
310 Talbot Ave.Kasper [Kasparian], Charles A.MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1920-10-2625y-6m-23d (b. 1895-04-03)burns - accidental ignition of auto truck under which he was working
Boston (Jamaica Plain), MA, USA
1 Arcola St.Hagopjanian, SatungFBoston (Jamaica Plain), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-04-1132 (b. 1885)lymphosarcoma
388 Centre St.Kevorkian, TafargFBoston (Jamaica Plain), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1912-12-2841 valvular heart disease & Bright's (nephritis) (contributory: dropsy & emiciation [emaciation])
989 Parker St.Naroyan [Noroian], SatanigFBoston (Jamaica Plain), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1902-02-1021 pul[monary] phthisis
63 Bromley St.Vartanian, MoorisaFCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1910-06-2019 pelvic cellulitis, (puerperal) pleuro pneumonia
Boston (Roxbury), MA, USA
293A Warren St.Peters [Bedrosian], HarryMLakeville, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1914-12-1422y-7m-29d (b. 1892-04-15)phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis]
4 Warren Pl.Casbarian [Kasparian], Margaret D.FBoston (Roxbury), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-1828 grippe and pneumonia
24 Chadwick St.Mardirosian, HisqueFBoston (Roxbury), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-09-0985 chr[onic] rheumatoid arthritis, myocarditis (contributory: chr[onic] constipation)
12 Palmer St.Thomas [Toumasian], Annie P.FBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1919-04-0537 rupture uterus (death on operating table)
16 Chadwick St.Thomas [Toumasian], RoseFBoston (Roxbury), Suffolk Co., MA, USA1914-10-281y-11m-14d multiple accidental burns from clothing ignited probably by matches
Boston (S. Boston), MA, USA
41 Swallow St.Hazerian [Hazarjian], SarkisMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1925-11-2542 chr[onic] myelogenous leukemia
656 7th St.Najarian, FlorenceFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1922-06-0923y-29d chr[onic] & subacute endocarditis, diabetes
Brockton, MA, USA
92 Elliott St.Torojan [Toroian], FBrockton, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1916-03-209d premature [birth] (contributory: inanition)
92 Elliott St.Toroyan [Toroian], KayanaFBrockton, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1916-03-2630 exopthalmic goitre (contributory: chronic bronchitis)
Brookline, MA, USA
15 Bowker St.Der Hovhannesian [Hovhannesian], AnnaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1910-03-1667 diffused abdominal cancer, intestinal cancer
Cambridge, MA, USA
Hebel, HarryMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1899-06-2730 phthisis pulmonalis, acute
125 Spring St.Hohannessian [Hovhannesian], SultanaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-06-0840 carcinoma metastasis from left breast (operation 3 months ago)
80 Hampshire St.Kasabian, SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-01-0228 acute nephritis
Kasparian, ManoogMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-04-2040 (b. 1871)general paralysis (contributory: empysema)
7 Parnell St.Derkewarkian [Kevorkian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-1228 influenza, broncho pneumonia (contributory: dementia praecox)
6 Arrow St.Malkasion [Malkhasian], HerpsineFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1922-11-2421y-10m (b. 1900-12-25)cerebellar tumor
21 Hews St.Morsessian [Movsesian], ElizaFCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-09-2431y-3m-9d broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
340 Putnam Ave.Phillips [Pilibosian], AgavnyFCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-06-2238 acute dilatation of heart following operation on nose, chronic myocarditis
Chelsea, MA, USA
124 Arlington St.Kalustian [Kaloustian], Mary B.FChelsea, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1919-06-1372 broncho-pneumonia (contributory: fatty degenerated heart)
Stephen [Stepanian], AgnesFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-162m infantile atrophy
Everett, MA, USA
193 Bradford St.Martin [Mardirosian], JohnsonMEverett, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1923-03-1556 myocarditis (contributory: asthma & trachoma)
Fairhaven, MA, USA
6 Cottage St.Nourjian [Nouridjian], Lucy M.FHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-02-1058y-2m-17d (b. 1867-11-24)cancer of bladder (contributory: secondary anemia)
Franklin, MA, USA
15 McCarthy St.Billazrian [Bilazarian], PerapionFFranklin, Norfolk Co., MA, USA1918-10-0324 broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
Grafton, MA, USA
Avakian, HatchadoorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-02-0941y-5m-25d septic endocarditis (contributory: ulcerative dermatitis)
Haverhill, MA, USA
4 Spring St.Hallaian [Aloian], LeonMHaverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA1905-03-2628d asthenia
45 Arch St.Berberian, Dondig G.FHaverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA1920-10-1160 (b. 1860-12)bronchial asthma (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
24 Blaisdell St.Darakjian, Ruby A.FHaverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA1918-06-1022y-7m-28d (b. 1895-10-13)pulmonary tuberculosis
Hudson, MA, USA
91 Manning St.Basomagian [Basmajian], GirabedMClinton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-01-0442 tonsilitis - acute (contributory: septic arthritis, septic phlebitis) / in USA 10 days
67 Warren St.Mazmian [Mazmayan], HaidMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-1642 suicide, cut throat (duration 9 days) / acute broncho pneumonia (secondary)
Lawrence, MA, USA
6 Stannard Pl.Kantigian [Kendigian], SarkisMLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1919-05-0447 (b. 1842)pyelitis (contributory: uremia)
Kunjuin [Konjoian], AnnieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1902-02-2522 puerperal septicaemia
489 Common St.Konjoian, CharlesMLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1915-06-2430 (b. 1885)cancer of stomach
141 Newbury St.Marderosian [Mardirosian], VictoryMLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1913-10-145m-5d (b. 1913-05-09)unknown natural causes
103 Hampshire St.Nahigian, DicranookiFLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1910-10-2020 (b. 1890)general peritonitis (contributory: Caesarean section)
100 Hampshire St.Nahagian [Nahigian], MadalineFLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1920-09-2713 (b. 1907)pulmonary tuberculosis (1 year sick)
98 Hampshire St.Nagahian [Nahigian], MadelineFLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1920-02-0325y-6m (b. 1894-08)pulmonary tuberculosis
98 Hampshire St.Nahigian, PeterMLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1916-02-141m-10d (b. 1916-01-04)gastro enteritis
98 Hampshire St.Nahigian, SeranushFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1914-08-091m-21d (b. 1914-06-18)malnutrition
10 Lincoln Ct.Ohanian, KachadoorMLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1919-11-2165 unknown natural cause, apoplexy ?, found dead
91 Bradford St.Serijanian [Serjanian], Fatias K.MLawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA1918-02-0551y-3m-20d (b. 1866-10-15)unknown natural cause, not violence (found dead)
Linwood, MA, USA
Damargian [Demirjian], HunpazanMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-02-0923y-7d pneumonia (contributory: heart disease)
Lowell, MA, USA
Bozigian, BagdasarMLowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1907-12-152 rachitis (contributory: measles)
Chavlesian, MichaelMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-03-1634 (b. 1878)lobar pneumonia (contributory: general paralysis of the insane)
9 Rogers St.Chitjian, HayganooshFLowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1925-08-2922 broncho-pneumonia (primary)
534 Merrimack St.Tiikijian [Dikijian], KachadoorMLowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1916-06-1734 (b. 1882)acute lobar pneumonia
Harpootlian [Harpoutlian], HamparsoomMLowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1910-02-1362 cirrhosis of liver
57 Wamesit St.Kasanjian [Kazanjian], GarabedMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-05-2452 general paralysis of the insane
Tashjian, LakarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-07-2230 accidental drowning while in bathing (could not swim)
Lynn, MA, USA
109 Collins St.Adanalian, MosesMLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA1907-07-266m-8d pneumonia (contributory: diarrhea)
110 Robinson St.Farmanian [Fermanian], BoghasMLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA1918-06-2039y-11m-17d (b. 1878-07-05)acute gastritis (contributory: dilatation of heart)
44 Baldwin St.Garabedian, Youghaper SahagianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-2963y-8m-14d (b. 1866-07-15)carcinoma of liver
59 Carnes St.Kosian [Keoseian], HarryMLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA1921-11-1656 (b. 1865)heart disease, presumably coronary sclerosis (sudden death)
Mooradian [Mouradian], PhillipMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-05-0445 general paresis
38 Stetson St.Pashian [Pashaian], HagahnshFLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA1906-04-0721 pulmonary phthisis
46 Ford St.Tevekelian [Tavakelian], SeranushFLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA1918-10-1123y-11m-12d (b. 1894-10-30)la grippe (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
Torosian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-01-0455 progressive anemia
Malden, MA, USA
149 Webster St.Jivelekian [Jivelegian], Sinpouhe ElizabethFMalden, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-04-0125y-9m-13d (b. 1895-06-18)general peritonitis (contributory: Caesarian section)
Middleborough, MA, USA
69 Everett St.Barsomian [Barsamian], ZanopMMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1921-10-2742 (b. 1879)pernicious anaemia
58 Murdock St.Chilin [Chilingirian], Kriker H.MMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1916-05-319m-21d (b. 1915-08-10)broncho pneumonia
Doomanian [Doumanian], Aram H.MMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1907-09-028 ptomaine poisoning, 24 hours
Everett St.Krikorian, Gregory CharlesMMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1921-12-017y-9m-20d (b. 1914-02-11)automobile - accidental, concussion of brain
101 Centre St.Murmurian, NoovartFMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1920-01-2622 (b. 1897)embolism of heart, placenta praevia
69 Everett St.Piranian, SampadMMiddleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1922-02-2845y-8m-13d (b. 1876-06-15)tuberculosis, pulmonary
Milford, MA, USA
Bozigian, KachadwaMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-05-1337 general paralysis (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
Sadoyan [Sadoian], MaderosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-11-1122 rheumatism (contributory: malignant endocarditis)
61 Fruit St. ExtensionTorosian, Arshag B.MMilford, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-09-1825 (b. 1891-06)fracture of base of skull (automobile accident)
Millbury, MA, USA
Harry, PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-2240 myocarditis
Ovaginian [Hovagimian], ManoogMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-2335 tetanus
Millis, MA, USA
Irving St.Kevokian [Kevorkian], CharlesMFramingham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1923-02-1033y-1m-15d brain tumor
Newburyport, MA, USA
2 Ocean St.Ananian, HarryMNewburyport, Essex Co., MA, USA1917-05-1170 (b. 1847)carcinoma of stomach
4 Warren St.Arakelian, SamuelMNewburyport, Essex Co., MA, USA1905-10-061m-7d inanition
Northbridge, MA, USA
Arakelian, IshudMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-01-201y-4m-14d (b. 1918-09-06)asphyxiated due to rupture of pharyngeal abscess
Dillogian [Dilaizian], ArshigMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1895-02-024m-1d convulsions & pneumonia
Donibadian [Donabedian], ElazarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-11-0352 general paralysis (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
23 School St.Garabedian, FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-03-06(b. 1924-03-06)stillborn (contributory: instrumental delivery)
Overginian [Hovagimian], VarterasMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-05-1424 general tuberculosis
Kalajian, JacobMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1901-03-2560 chronic parenchymatous nephritis
Kapelian [Kupelian], MNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-04-20stillborn
Mulkasian [Malkhasian], MNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1901-12-14encephalocele
Memeshian [Mamishian], AntrarayMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-08-3010m-3d (b. 1915-10-27)acute illio colitis
Muldonian [Meldonian], MuldonMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-12-3035 illuminating gas poisoning
Melkonian, HachikMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-02-0324 lobar pneumonia
Odabashian, VictoriaFNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-02-074 diptheria
Johnson [Ohannesian], KorakenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-03-281y-4m-8d lobar pneumonia (contributory: cerebro-spinal meningitis
Paloian, HamparzoMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-09-1131 toxaemia - operation mid-thigh amp[utation], 9-Sep-1915 (contributory: septic knee & osteomyelitis tibia)
Torigian, PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-04-1760 lobar pneumonia
Palmer, MA, USA
Danelian [Danielian], MosesMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1917-01-3040 (b. 1877)accidental amputation of right arm, caught in machinery (contributory: suppression of urine)
Peabody, MA, USA
Rikel [Arakelian], Bhdros VartinMPeabody, Essex Co., MA, USA1909-06-161 marasmus (contributory: gastric catarrh)
Rehoboth, MA, USA
Sarkisian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-12-0733 miscarriage / lobar pneumonia
Sarkesian [Sarkisian], NavartFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-04-186y-3m (b. 1906-01-18)diptheria, faucial & laryngeal / broncho pneumonia / cardiac paralysis
Revere, MA, USA
516 Beach St.Kirkjian [Kurkjian], Isadoor G.MRevere, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1912-04-1855 arterio sclerosis of the cerebral arteries
Minossian [Minasian], JansefFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1900-06-2639 pyo-nephrosis, exhaustion
583 Beach St.Arvanian [Yervanian], George S.MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-01-1345 post-thrombotic splenomegaly (contributory: ac[ute] vegatative endocarditis)
Salem, MA, USA
52 Tremont St.Torigian, MelkonMSalem, Essex Co., MA, USA1918-10-0429 pneumonia (lobar) (contributory: chronic nephritis)
15 Crombie St.Tootelian [Toutalian], Carekin D.MSalem, Essex Co., MA, USA1905-12-203y-10m papillary bronchitis (contributory: measles)
Seekonk, MA, USA
Bargamian [Parghamian], GarabedMSeekonk, Bristol Co., MA, USA1907-08-2932 tuberculosis of lungs
Sarkisian, YegnarFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-04-0236 unknown / no autopsy
Somerville, MA, USA
46 Hanson St.Lukasain [Ghougasian], MaryFSomerville, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1912-05-0450 (b. 1862)uremia
33 Hamlet St.Johnson [Hovhannesian], KoharFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1908-05-1745 fracture of pelvis, abdominal hemorrhage (contributory: elevated R. R. accident)
235D Highland Ave.Toomajian [Toumajanian], EliMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-12-0847 general paralysis of the insane (contributory: general arteriosclerosis)
Spencer, MA, USA
Balian, GarabedMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-07-2622 pulmonary tuberculosis
Springfield, MA, USA
34 Winchester St.Barsam [Barsamian], Charles K.MSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1915-02-0637 (b. 1877)malignancy with malnutrition, primary sarcoma of testicle, secondary growth of post abdominal glands (contributory: sarcoma of abdominal glands)
82 College St.Barsam [Barsamian], Lulu MargaretFSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1914-08-1714y-5m-2d (b. 1900-03-15)appendicitis, acute suppurative, post-operative (contributory: septicemia, subacute)
84 Wilbraham Ave.Barbarian [Berberian], TumaWSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1919-07-1680 (b. 1839)acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic endocarditis)
107 Wilbraham Rd.Boyajian, SarkisMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1911-03-2036 tubercular meningitis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
147 Wilbraham Ave.Khitikian [Gedigian], VeronicaWSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-11-0452 (b. 1866)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
55 Hayden St.Hovanesian [Hovhannesian], AzadMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1914-01-152d (b. 1914-01-13)open foramen ovale (contributory: carbon dioxide)
82 Walnut St.Juskalian, HaroldMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-04-183y-10m-1d (b. 1914-06-17)dip[h]theria (pharyngeal)
279 Eastern Ave.Kasparian, RaenyoovzMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1910-02-283y-8m measles, diphtheria
29 Hayden St.Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Frank K. MSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1919-03-0847 (b. 1872)influenza pneumonia
63½ Monroe St.Michaelian [Mikaelian], MardirosMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1919-02-0435y-11m-9d (b. 1883-02-26)laryngeal stenosis (tubercular)
63½ Monroe St.Mikaelian, ThomasMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-09-083y-18d (b. 1915-08-21)tubercular meningitis
79 Essex St.Michaelian [Mikaelian], WagoobMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1915-12-0328d (b. 1915-11-05)metastasis, septicaemia - possible cord infection
20 Saratoga St.O'Martian [Omartian], RushawMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1919-07-0838 (b. 1881)septicemia (abcess of lung)
55 Reed St.Parseghian, KarnigMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-07-163y-9m-6d (b. 1914-09-10)hemorrhage following removal of adenoids and tonsils
Boston Rd.Piligian, EvaFSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1912-02-2049 (b. 1863)organic heart & kidney disease, mitral stenosis and regurgitation with chronic nephritis
559 State St.Siraganian, Hovannes M.MSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1914-10-09(b. 1870)pulmonary tuberculosis
147 Wilbraham Ave.Takorian [Takvorian], MaryWSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-04-1551 (b. 1867)nephritis (contributory: uraemic convulsions)
147 Wilbraham Ave.Tashjian, AnnaFSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1914-07-121m-3d (b. 1914-06-09)septic meningitis (contributory: spina bifida)
148 Eastern Ave.Tatoolian [Toutalian], HazelFSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1912-10-141m-28d (b. 1912-08-18)infantile atrophy
68 Quincy St.Tulbendgian, HaratumMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1914-08-3121 (b. 1893)accidental - struck by railroad train, resulting in compound fracture of skull, both legs, ribs, right shoulder, multiple abrasions, wounds, and bruises
472 N. Main St.Yoklijian [Yaghlijian], GaraberMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1908-09-2519 pleurisy with effusion (contributory: hemorrhage of the lungs)
Springfield (Indian Orchard), MA, USA
12 Clermont St.Gulian, HumagMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-12-0523 (b. 1895)brocho pneumonia
5 Quebec St.Jermagian, BogosMSpringfield (Indian Orchard), Hampden Co., MA, USA1913-02-0320 (b. 1892)struck by piece of emery wheel (accidental) (contributory: fracture of skull)
14 Clermont St.Kulugian [Kalajian], LucyWSpringfield (Indian Orchard), Hampden Co., MA, USA1916-07-075m-5d (b. 1916-02-02)pneumonia (lobar)
9 Clermont St.Pakatzian [Pakosian], ZodigMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-12-1938 (b. 1880)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
35 Healey Ave.Shahinian, OsgianMSpringfield (Indian Orchard), Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-12-1231 (b. 1887)inflluenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
9 Clermont St.Du Stepanian [Stepanian], HougassMSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1918-12-3136 (b. 1882)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
Sterling, MA, USA
Aroian, RoseFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-03-3026 (b. 1892)strepticoccus septicaemia (contributory: erysiplelas & strepticoccus, sore throat)
Stoneham, MA, USA
Adzigian, Mugurditch S.MStoneham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-09-1060 acute gastroenteritis
59 Elm St.Baghdikian [Baghdigian], DaisyFLakeville, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1923-07-0536y-6m-22d phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis]
Watertown, MA, USA
68 Arlington St.Aprahamian [Abrahamian], MugrdehcMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-07-262m cholera infantum
5 Crawford St.Aprahamian [Abrahamian], Nishan M.MRutland, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-09-3020y-10m-12d (b. 1897-11-17)lobar pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
81 Elm St.Ananian, PhilipMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-2925y-5m-25d (b. 1893-04-04)bronchopnuemonia (contributory: influenza)
37 Quimby St.Anjoorian [Anjourian], FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1912-10-18(b. 1912-10-18)premature bith, still born
25 Elton Ave.Asdoorian [Asadourian], AishagMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1910-12-2528 tub[erculosis] of intestine, lungs & peritoneum, 5. mos.
40 Melendy Ave.Avedian, Ohannes A.MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-11-0652 (b. 1869)carcinoma of liver
86 Dexter Ave.Arvedisian [Avedisian], Hanrig M.MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1920-11-098m-20d (b. 1920-02-12)fermental diarrhoea
36 Berkeley St.Azarian, MiranMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1923-04-1326 abscess of pharyngeal & sublingual structure, associated focal pneumonia (history of extraction of teeth on 1-Apr by an alleged unregistered dentist)
47 Quimby St.Baghjian, ArsenMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1920-11-1729 uraemia (contributory: chr[onic] nephritis)
Parmakian [Barmakian], ToorandaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1903-08-0436 intestinal obstruction
125 School St.Barsamian, BagdasarMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1920-08-1965 general anasarca (contributory: mitral regurgitation)
36 Melendy Ave.Bogigian [Boghigian], MaryFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1912-07-101y-1m-29d acute gastro-enteritis (contributory: heat exhaustion)
36 Melendy Ave.Bogigian [Boghigian], RobertMWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-03-1735 (b. 1883)tubular meningitis
7 Grove St.Boshengian [Boshnakian], KhachedourMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-07-292m-22d sub-lingual abscess, 4 days (contributory: toxaemia - 1 day)
68 Arlington St.Boyagian [Boyajian], CharlesMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1911-04-094y-4m-21d extensive burns, clothing caught fire from brush fire - accidental
4 Lloyd Rd.Boyagian [Boyajian], MitchellMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-05-2250 (b. 1870)heart disease (valvular) (contributory: acute indigestion & excessive heat)
79 Bigelow Ave.Chasodian [Charshoudian], RebeccaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-02-1742 pneumonia (contributory: erysipelas - chr[onic] heart dis[ease])
79 Bigelow Ave.Cholakian, JennieFCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1920-03-2430 peritonitis following abdominal operation for perforation of intestines
81 Elm St.Chalgias [Chouljian], KrikorMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-09-1948 fracture of the skull, homicidal, 12 hours
99 Windsor Ave.Colyopanian [Coliapanian], HerepsimaFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1924-05-2460 acute cardiac dilatation, acute gastritis
38 Melendy Ave.Damaurigian [Demirjian], HarryMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1908-08-306m-13d diarrhoea, 3 weeks (contributory: exhaustion - dys)
15 Nichols Ave.Derderian, FBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1911-05-231d premature infant
49 Laurel St.Derderian, MarthaFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-05-2669y-9m-11d (b. 1851-08-15)ulcer of stomach
Derderian, MgrditchMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1908-08-2761 pneumonia
49 Laurel St.Derderian, YenovaFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-10-1332y-1m-28d (b. 1886-09-15)lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
15 French TerraceDobarian, Zarie F.FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1919-10-314m-7d (b. 1919-06-24)gastroenteritis
Elbig [Elbegian], SatanigFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1916-09-0220 double pyelo-nephritis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
7 Bigelow Ave.Emjian, ArmenMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-2827 Spanish influenza (contributory: pneumonia)
Garabedian, KoharFWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-12-1128 gen[eral] peritonitis following abortion
1 Oliver Rd.Garabedian, SarkisMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1912-09-1558 (b. 1854)apoplexy (contributory: heart failure)
69 Elm St.Garabig [Garobigian], EdnaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-07-011y-6m-2d lobar pneumonia - days, admitted to hospt. June 28, 1917
8 Union St.Garpariano [Garparian], MardirosMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-08-1050 chr[onic] parenchymatous nephritis - 1 yr.
74 Prentiss St.Habeshian, GabrielMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1915-06-2141y-3m-6d acute pneumonic phthsis
Habib [Habibian], Peter G.MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1910-05-0225y-11m pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tubercular peritonitis)
27 Elton Ave.Hadjinlian, MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1916-06-22(b. 1916-06-22)premature birth caused by marasmus & atrophy of placenta
38 Clarendon St.Hadjinlain [Hadjinlian], AnnieFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1915-04-161d (b. 1915-04-15)blue baby - failure of closure of heart value
15 Berkeley St.Hadjiulian [Hadjinlian], JohnMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1912-07-247m infectious diarrhoea, 14 days (contributory: peritonitis, 1 dy.)
Hagopian, GarabidMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1907-06-2333 lobar pneumonia
79 Arlington St.Hagopian, HagopMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1913-12-232y-2m-14d (b. 1911-10-10)cold followed by measles
25 Oak St.Derhagopian [Hagopian], IgnatiusMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-09-1930 (b. 1888-08)pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
37 Nichols Ave.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], KhorenMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1920-05-1136 (b. 1884)Hodgkin's disease
82 Dexter Ave.Annaian [Hanoian], HannahFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1919-07-1029y-3m (b. 1890-04-10)puerperal septicaemia (streptococcus)
539 Mt. Auburn St.Aroutian [Haroutunian], Virginia M.FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1909-08-232y-4m-17d intestinal tuberculosis
23 Nichols Ave.Hindlian [Hintilian], DikianMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1909-11-1248 intestinal tuberculosis
Haggegran [Hoghroghian], KarnigMHarvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-09-2429 pneumonia, lobar
8 Berkeley St.Hoviginian [Hovagimian], JohnMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-08-197m-18d ac[ute] broncho-pneumonia (contributory: ac[ute] nephritis)
Hovhanessian [Hovhannesian], GiragosMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1900-05-1540 cerebral meningitis
32 Bigelow Ave.Joseph [Hovsepian], ArmegFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-01-2052 chronic parenchymatous, nephritis (contributory: myocarditis)
Inknadiossian [Iknadiosian], MissakMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1910-10-1130 pulm[onary] tuberculosis, 3 yrs.
Elm St.Easkandrian [Iskenderian], AdamsMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1907-10-0160 chronic endocarditis, valvular insufficiency of heart (contributory: angina pectoris)
Jalladick, FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-01-12hard labor, still born
35 Elton Ave.Jalladian [Jelladian], JohnMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-03-1516 decompensation (mitral regurgitation-yrs)
Kavafian [Kafafian], MilknMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1901-07-0619d broncho pneumonia
102 School St.Karamanlian [Kahramanian], JohnMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1915-02-11(b. 1915-02-11)premature birth
68 Arlington St.Kajahaner, MinaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1914-04-2633y-10m erycipelas, septicemia, opr. Mar. 7, 1914, ventral hernia (contributory: ac[ute] myocarditis - mitral valve)
44 Crawford St.Kalagian [Kalajian], HarryMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1915-03-083d status lymphaticus
51 Quimby St.Kalousdian [Kaloustian], PaulMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1920-09-2162 (b. 1858-09)arterio-sclerosis (contributory: acute myocarditis becoming chronic)
72 Prentiss St.Kandarian, KavorkMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1919-11-1460 gunshot wound of head (suicidal)
551 Mt. Auburn St.Kaprielian, ZabelleFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-01-206m-2d (b. 1920-07-18)acute enteritis (toxaemia)
38 Melendy Ave.Caracashian [Karakashian], MarianFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-04-2145 (b. 1868)heart failure (contributory: lobar pneumonia - peritonitis)
68 Arlington St.Karakian [Karakehayan], JohnMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1907-10-218m-16d cholera infantum (contributory: capillary bronchitis)
10 Coolidge Hill Rd.Kasabian, RoseFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-04-063 (b. 1915-04-06)measles (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
32 Crawford St.Kahyaian [Kehaian], MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1917-12-25(b. 1917-12-25)a blue baby
80 Prentiss St.Kovorkian [Kevorkian], BogosMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-04-1235 (b. 1879)lobar pneumonia
22 Clarendon St.Ashagian [Khachigian], AraksiaFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-07-032m broncho pneumonia (contributory: marasmus)
22 Clarendon St.Ashagian [Khachigian], SamenMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-07-062m gastro-intestinal indigestion (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
Kooyomijian [Kouyoumjian], GregoryMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1906-04-1718 pul[monary] tuberculosis
23 Nichols Ave.Kirkorian [Krikorian], FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1912-02-27asphyxia due to prolapsed cord, still born
33 Melendy Ave.Karjian [Kurejian], Gregory H.MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1915-11-2328 gangrenous appendicitis, 5 dys (opr. Nov. 19) (contributory: peritonitis)
49 Bigelow Ave.Magsuedian [Maksoudian], OscarMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-04-1951 (b. 1870)chr[onic] pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: obstructive jaundice)
12 Yukon Ave.Manoogian [Manougian], FlorenceFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1919-01-083y-3m-23d (b. 1915-09-15)tubular meningitis
Manoogian [Manougian], VarikianFWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-06-2323 septic peritonitis
14 Adams Ave.Der-manuelian [Manuelian], SiranoushFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-02-2848 (b. 1912-12-29)medullary decompensation, traumatic injuries to brain suffered in auto accident
47 Crawford St.Marderosian [Mardirosian], MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-12-31(b. 1921-12-29)premature birth, seven months & one week (contributory: hydramnios)
Magritshian [Mgrdichian], FWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-04-20still born
806 Mt. Auburn St.Mugrdichian [Mgrdichian], ArrumMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1906-12-204m pneumonia
41 Melendy Ave.Megerdichian [Mgrdichian], GarabedMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-09-2323y-1m-2d (b. 1895-08-21)bronchopneumonia (contributory: influenza)
107 Arlington St.Mugerditchian [Mgrdichian], JohnMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-07-2729 chr[onic] pulmonary tuberculosis
Mugerdickian [Mgrdichian], VictoriaFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1908-02-1223d erisipelas
16 Hazel St.Markelian [Mukhalian], MesakMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1920-03-0459 (b. 1861)arterio sclerosis (contributory: angina pectoris)
30 Melendy Ave.Narkissian [Nargizian], AvedisMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1919-07-2441y-6m chronic cystitis & pyelitis
57 Bigelow Ave.Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], Lewis G.MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-04-0311m-1d (b. 1917-05-02)capillary bronchitis
37 Nichols Ave.Ohanian, KachicherFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1917-12-3050 (b. 1867)poisoning by illuminating gas - accidental
2 Yukon Ave.Ohanian, MaryFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1911-09-2345 tuberculosis pulmonalis (contributory: Bright's disease)
38 Cypress St.Ohannessian [Ohannesian], FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-09-25(b. 1921-09-25)premature birth
38 Cypress St.Ohannessian [Ohannesian], MWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-09-261d (b. 1921-09-25)premature birth
97 Laurel St.O'Hannassian [Ohannesian], HarryMMalden, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1921-09-0831 (b. 1890)pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: pleuritis)
78 Dexter Ave.Ounjian, AliceFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1911-05-161y-2m foreign body (collar buton) in oesophagus, impacted, with erosion of oesophagus & innominate artery (hemorrhage) - accidental
55 Elm St.Papazian, AsfeFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1912-07-278m-6d toxaemia - retro-pharyngeal (abscess) - erysipelas (3 mos.)
92 Dexter Ave.Papazian, HovanesMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1917-08-0153y-2m-17d (b. 1864-05-15)heat exhaustion
17 Dewey St.Piringian [Perinjian], GadarFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1917-04-1642 (b. 1875)pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: general wasting)
91 Arlington St.Roubian, StanleyMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-09-303y-11m-11d (b. 1914-10-19)pneumonia broncho (primary)
91 Arlington St.Roubian, StellaFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-10-1221d (b. 1918-09-21)lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
1 Elton Ave.Sahagian, BizaFBolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-08-055y-8m-12d (b. 1915-11-22)acute indigestion
Sahagian, HarryMTewksbury, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1920-05-1838y-1m-14d (b. 1882-04-04)tuberculosis of spine
74 Cypress St.Sarafian, KasparMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1924-01-0671y-6m gastric cancer, or cancer of the stomach (contributory: intestinal indigestion)
94 School St.Sarafian, PaulMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1922-04-2680 natural causes, probably heart disease (sudden death)
74 Cypress St.Sarafian, SandoogFCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1924-09-1078 cerebral hemorrhage
82 Dexter Ave.Dar Sarkisian [Sarkisian], SahagMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1911-10-0129y-7m-11d typhoid fever, 12 days
Churkian [Shahrigian], MWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1907-03-06still birth
Churakian [Shahrigian], TorosMTewksbury, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1923-10-0470 arteriosclerosis (contributory: cerebral hemmorhage)
7 Grove St.Stepanian, AlmasFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-05-1434 tubular meningitis - 11 days
7 Yukon Ave.Stephen [Stepanian], DanabedMCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1916-05-291y-7m lobar pneumonia
7 Yukon Ave.Stepan [Stepanian], DonabedMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1914-02-1135 broncho pneumonia (contributory: cardiac failure)
7 Grove St.Stepanian, MargaretFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1915-03-294d (b. 1915-03-24)immature child, twin pregnancy
41 Quimby St.Takesian, FWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-03-11(b. 1918-03-11)stillborn
318 Main St.Tashjian, AkebeyFWaltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1918-09-2223 lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
28 Coolidge Hill Rd.Tomajian [Toumajanian], MBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1918-08-211d prematurity due to placenta praevia
68 Arlington St.Vartanian, HagopMWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1914-06-2719y-9m ptomaine poisoning, various foods & tonic (contributory: heart failure)
11 Nichols Ave.Enokian [Yenovkian], OsniffFWatertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1925-04-0223 lobar pneumonia
51 Crawford St.Yerganian, AraxyFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1919-04-0125 lobar pneumonia
89 Elm St.Zarmagian [Zarmatzian], GarabedMBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1904-09-2230 chronic nephritis (contributory: sero-nephritis, pericarditis)
Webster, MA, USA
Kinosian, GarabedMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-07-1132 (b. 1879)acute appendicitis
Westborough, MA, USA
Masagian, Satrag D.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-01-1122 strangulated inguinal hernia (contributory: general peritonitis)
Whitinsville, MA, USA
53 Border St.Abdalian, MakarMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-1438 (b. 1880)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
Emirian [Amirian], VictoriaFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-04-292m-25d (b. 1916-02-02)cerebral meningitis (contributory: gastro enteritis)
3 Brook St.Antoian, MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-04-27(b. 1920-04-27)stillborn (contributory: injury to mother two weeks ago)
152½ Church St.Antanian [Antoian], SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-10-306m gastro enteritis acute (contributory: septicaemia)
Arakelian, MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-02-17(b. 1916-02-17)stillborn, was dead at least a week
36 Spring St.Arakalian [Arakelian], VictoriaFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-01-103y-10m-14d (b. 1915-03-27)influenza & broncho pneumonia
Astrurian [Asadourian], MurdrasMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1895-03-2821 pleuritis & pericarditis, heart failure
117 Church St.Atamian, ApyFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-03-082m-5d general constitutional weakness & bronchitis
Plummers CornerAtamian, OskeianMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-02-2614d (b. 1917-02-12)lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold)
Abamian [Atamian], OskianMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-02-043 extensive lacerated wound of scalp, open fractures of skull, simple fracture of left femur, multiple contusions & exconations (struck by a trolley car in Whitinsville, accident)
Church St. Ext.Aykanian, DavidMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-12-222d (b. 1921-12-20)hemophilia (contributory: slight laceration from forceps)
87 (rear) East St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Anna MardirosianFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-03-1879y-3d (b. 1841-03-15)acute dialation of heart & chronic mitral insufficiency of years standing (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis & general atheroma of arteries
87 East St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], DickranMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-10-2448 fracture of skull & laceration of brain with brain hemorrhage caused by revolver bullet fired in head (suicide, was mentally depressed on account of his deafness, stated in a letter)
Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], SatrakMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-02-1124 (b. 1893)lobar pneumonia
203 Church St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], SimmeFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-09-154m-21d gastro enteritis
Balgian [Baljian], OwenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-12-1045 (b. 1872)chronic parenchymatous nephritis
43 D St.Bedigian, ArshalousFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-04-128m-21d (b. 1920-07-21)marasmus
34 D St.Badigian [Bedigian], AzadMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-08-1310m-22d (b. 1921-09-21)acute enteritis
34 Willow St.Bedigian, ManoogMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-03-271y-9d (b. 1915-03-18)lobar pneumonia
Bedrosian, MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-10-03still birth
Spring St.Bederosian [Bedrosian], Kirkor D.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-07-1345 (b. 1873)pulmonary tuberculosis
Deranian [Diranian], Mary LouiseFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-04-0631 puerperal fever (child birth)
65 Border St.Ocksusian [Eoksuzian], PaulMLakeville, Plymouth Co., MA, USA1924-03-1334y-1m-3d phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis] (contributory: ischio rectual fistulae)
Church St.Kasarian [Ghazarian], DavidMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-05-2758 hypertrophied prostate gland (contributory: myocarditis)
2 East St.Ghasian [Ghazoian], Antaran TegerianFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-05-0836 lobar pneumonia (contributory: probably tuberculosis)
35 Spring St.Der Geragorian [Giragosian], KhachadoorMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-04-1520 concussion of brain, probably associated with meningitis caused by a fall from an auto truck in which he was riding
Hagopian, MerianMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-11-082m-5d (b. 1916-09-02)lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold)
39 Border St.Haroutian [Haroutunian], KourkanMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-077m-22d (b. 1918-02-14)influenza & pneumonia (broncho)
Hartounian [Haroutunian], MaryFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-12-073y-2m-2d (b. 1913-10-05)burns from hot water (accident) caused by child falling into tub of scalding hot water left on floor of house by child's mother
E. Church St.Jigargian [Jigerjian], FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-01-16(b. 1924-01-16)stillborn (contributory: born before time [as a] result of a fall)
Plummers CornerJigarjian [Jigerjian], MikahillMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-04-1510m-7d (b. 1919-06-08)broncho pneumonia (contributory: cold)
154 Church St.Halagian [Kalajian], Namvig KasparianFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-05-1231 pulmonary tuberculosis
216 Church St.Karngosian [Karageozian], HelenaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-10-078m-3d gastro enteritis acute
Kazhadooian, DickMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-09-2846 (b. 1864)typhoid fever (?) (contributory: perforation of intestine with hemorrhage)
Hockadoorian [Khachadourian], HagobMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-12-2025 tuberculosis of the lungs (contributory: cold - pleurisy)
132½ Church St.Der Kosrofian [Khosrofian], MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-02-17(b. 1923-02-17)stillborn (contributory: probably syphilis)
Kizirbohosian [Kizirboghosian], MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-11-27(b. 1912-11-27)still birth
Magakian [Maghakian], MargurMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-12-2514 (b. 1898-08-26)acute dilatation of heart (contributory: valvular disease of heart)
Malkasian [Malkhasian], BahirFBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1917-09-2137 embolism (pulm[onary]), op[e]r[ation] 19-Sep-1917 (contributory: large ventral hernia)
Blanchard's LedgeManoogian [Manougian], SarahFNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-09-1665 (b. 1853)tumor in r[igh]t side of abdomen, attached to liver & probably carcinomatous, which pressed up against r[igh]t lung, interfering with circulation & respiration (contributory: mypostatic congestion of lungs from pressure of tumor)
Marootian [Maroutian], FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-06-30(b. 1910-06-30)still birth
Marootian [Maroutian], MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-07-04(b. 1912-07-04)asphyxia, stillborn (contributory: hard labor)
Marootian [Maroutian], FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-11-16(b. 1914-11-16)stillborn, prolapse of funis
Marootian [Maroutian], SimonMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-12-111d (b. 1913-12-10)weakness from birth
Matoian, MargosMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-12-0338 (b. 1879)lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold)
Church St.Muldonian [Meldonian], Ida SimonianFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-11-1240y-5m valvular heart & kidney desease
220 Church St.Muldonian [Meldonian], SoorenMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-05-1816y-2m probable cause: perforation of intestines
Masalian [Meserlian], DickranMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-12-053m-29d (b. 1916-08-06)gastro enteritis
87 East St.Moscofian [Mosgofian], MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-05-23(b. 1924-05-23)stillborn (contributory: premature birth)
Prest House Plummers CornerMomijian [Moumjian], JosephMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-04-144d (b. 1919-04-10)blue asphyxia
5 A St.Mooradian [Mouradian], DickronMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-09-064m-29d (b. 1919-04-07)cholera infantum
Maratian [Mouradian], NegassMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-03-214d (b. 1914-03-17)edema of lungs (contributory: pat[i]ent foramen ovale)
8 Brook St.Moosigian [Mousheghian], MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-11-12(b. 1921-11-12)still birth due to compression of cord during delivery of a breech presentation
32 Spring St.Machoian [Moushoian], MarthaFUxbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-07-0211y-2m-12d gunshot wound of chest through heart, the nine year old pointed the gun at his sister, not knowing that it was loaded, the gun was discharged at close range causing almost instant death
45 D St.Najarian, AgnesFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-11-1816y-6m pulmonary tuberculosis
Nazarian [Najarian], ArsineMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-04-073m-22d (b. 1913-12-15)bronchial pneumonia
Church St. Ext.Najarian, BogosMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-0549y-7m-15d (b. 1871-03-20)angina pectoris
Najarian, KoreaFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-02-0512y-5m-26d (b. 1902-08-10)acute pulmonary tuberculosis
2 C St.Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], GoltaneFNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-02-0765 heart disease / age: about 65
Negoshosian [Nigoghosian], KisakeMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-07-011y-7m-21d (b. 1913-11-19)cerebral meningitis (contributory: dentition)
Church St.Onbashian, GarabedMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-02-2045 angina pectoris
34 Willow St.Ovoian, YaznigMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-05-041d (b. 1921-05-03)convulsions following hard delivery
24 Elm St.Ovian [Ovoian], ZarouhiFRutland, Worcester Co., MA, USA1931-01-1028y-7m pulmonary tuberculosis
152 Church St.Paloian, Manzig MemoMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-09-2426y-5m-4d (b. 1894-04-20)lobar pneumonia
Thurston Ave.Pambosian, FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1921-09-19(b. 1921-09-19)stillborn (contributory: albuminuria)
88 East St.Pilibosian, GuveiFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-03-179m-28d (b. 1916-05-19)broncho pneumonia (primary)
Philibosian [Pilibosian], JacobMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-07-20(b. 1913-07-20)still birth
Pilibosian, NayasdanFWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-03-3010m-14d (b. 1916-05-16)convulsions from unknown cause
Sahagian, MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-11-19(b. 1911-11-19)still born (prolapse of funis)
Sarigian [Sarajian], FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-07-19still born
Church St.Shahinian, PopkinMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-09-308m-24d gastro enteritis acute
Simonian, AstoorMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-02-1849y-14d chronic nephritis
14 Brook St.Sohigian [Soghigian], KevorkMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-03-209d inanition, general weakness since birth (contributory: premature birth)
Sohijian [Soghigian], MazikFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-04-0826 (b. 1897)multiple abscesses of liver, suppurative cholangitis
34 Willow St.Tarpinian, JohnMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-06-021y-2m (b. 1917-04-02)broncho pneumonia (contributory: convulsions & measles)
34 Willow St.Tarpanian [Tarpinian], VramMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-03-1423y-1m-27d (b. 1896-01-15)influenze (contributory: brocho pneumonia)
Tashjian, Berge G.MWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-04-0710y-27d endocarditis (contributory: lobar pneumonia]
3 Brook St.Torigian, GarabedMNorthbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-09-2665 (b. 1854)chronic myocarditis
32 Brook St.Egsegian [Yeghsigian], VariticisMWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-10-121y-2m-15d tubercular meningitis
203 Church St.Zeeroogian [Zerigian], FWhitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-03-10(b. 1922-03-10)stillborn
Woburn, MA, USA
Elmwood St.Sarafian, Sooren SethMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1925-10-0421y-10m-10d (b. 1903-11-24)tuberculosis of lungs
Worcester, MA, USA
60 Chandler St.Aharon [Aharonian], GeorgeMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-07-1724 primary pulmonary hemorrhage (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
12 Alden St.Aharonian, KrikorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-12-0720 tubercular peritonitis
82 Hanover St.Onanian [Ananian], OragainMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-04-1126d congenital syphilis
11 Gold St.Haboian [Apoian], AsadenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-10-0543 fracture of base of skull (contributory: accidentally fell from car of Worc. Cons. R.R.)
5 Bismark St.Akakelian [Arakelian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-06-08(b. 1914-06-08)stillborn (contributory: prematurity (8 mos), toxaemia maternal)
Arakelian, BessieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-09-154m rachitis (contributory: cholera infantum)
Arakelian, MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-03-1910m-7d convulsion
Salisbury St.Aroian, Victoria M.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-11-307m marasmus (contributory: exhaustion)
60 Chandler St.Arslan [Arslanian], PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-04-0843 (b. 1868)lobar pneumonia
6 Orchard St.Aslanian [Arslanian], RosieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-09-2011m-4d (b. 1919-10-16)fracture of the skull / accidental fall down stairs / duration 2 days
31 Sigel St.Asadorian [Asadourian], DertadMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1923-10-2837 broncho pneumonia (contributory: dementia praecox)
82 Clayton St.Asadoorian [Asadourian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-2624y-2m-2d primary broncho-pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
55 Southbridge St.Asadoorian [Asadourian], Minas A.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-12-1428 multiple injuries (crushed skull, left leg - r[igh]t. arm, etc., accidentally caught in a wire drawing machine)
Ashjian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-12-161d (b. 1910-12-16)haemorregic disease of newborn
Ashjian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-07-01(b. 1911-07-01)stillborn (premature birth)
40 Liberty St.Ashjian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-09-091d congenital debility due to asphyxia during delivery (version & extraction)
Ashjian, SaeyMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-05-101m-3d congenital weakness
19 Ormond St.Atamian, EgozarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-12-1732y-8m-14d (b. 1886-04-03)broncho pneumonia (primary)
11 Gold St.Atomian [Atamian], JacobMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-10-0560 carcinoma of transverse colon
Adamian [Atamian], KhatoonFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-05-1460 lobar pneumonia
Avedian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-12(b. 1911-03-12)stillborn
130 Belmont St.Avedian, HuropsimaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-1644 (b. 1866)puerperal sepsis (contributory: septic pneumonia)
130 Belmont St.Avedian, VahieMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-01-027 diphtheria
Azadigian, KavarkMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-03-0755 pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary infarct[ion])
Asarian [Azarian], EramMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-01-0745 heart disease
51 Belmont St.Bobigian [Babigian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-05-17stillborn
107 Hamilton St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], AnnFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-2646y-2m-28d lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
Bagdarosian [Baghdasarian], JacobMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-02-0525 illuminating gas poisoning
103 Summer St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], KostarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-01-2260 fibrous prostate (contributory: post operative shock)
10 Arch St.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-01-06(b. 1914-01-06)premature birth
10 Arch St.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-01-137d (b. 1914-01-06)premature birth
10 Arch St.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], IreneFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-11-2439 (b. 1879-11-24)incomplete septic abortion (contributory: general peritonitis following pelvic abscess)
Bagdigian [Baghdigian], PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-1158 acute bloody dysentery, chronic bronchial asthma for the last few years
47 Winfield St.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Peter M.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-04-1347 myocarditis, chronic (contributory: influenza)
152 Southbridge St.Beronian [Baronian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-03-2222 peritonitis (contributory: suppurating sub-peritoneal glands)
173 Salem St.Baronian, SomanMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-03-266m-7d pneumonia bronchial following bronchitis
42 Ormond St.Barsoon [Barsamian], VahenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-08-208m gastro enteritis
Bedigian, BergeMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-05-0611m (b. 1910-05-22)pertussis (whooping cough), complicated with bronchitis & convulsion (contributory: bronchitis)
7 Elizabeth St.Bederosian [Bedrosian], AreakFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-04-254y-2m (b. 1908-02-23)general miliary tuberculosis (contributory: Pett's disease)
Peter [Bedrosian], HarryMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-11-2053 (b. 1861)general paralysis of the insane
Bedrosian, PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-08-146m-25d marasmus
Bedrosian, ZabelFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-011y-2m-14d entero colitis, dysentery
40 Elliott St.Berberian, AvedisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-12-1721 pulmonary tuberculosis
27 Dix St.Berbarian [Berberian], DickranMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-09-0128y-3m-20d phthisis pulmonalis
29 Dix St.Bilzerian [Bilazarian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-05-296d (b. 1920-05-23)prematurity (abt. 7 mos.)
22 Lagrange St.Bilezerian [Bilazarian], AraxieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-05-265d (b. 1919-05-21)premature birth, lived 5 days
29 Dix St.Bilezerian [Bilazarian], HarwardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-09-011m-1d (b. 1918-08-24)pneumonia, brocho (primary)
84 Orange St.Bilazarian, VictoriaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-05-186m broncho-pneumonia (contributory: meningitis)
Bilezerian [Bilazarian], VictoriaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-11-116m rhacitis (contributory: angina with large spleen, chronic)
Bilezerian [Bilazarian], YeartMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-06-105m primary double broncho pneumonia
141 Pleasant St.Bogigian [Boghigian], AaronMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA19y-9m-20d influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
Bogajian [Boghosian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-10-26stillborn (contributory: premature birth)
Bogosian [Boghosian], AraxieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-06-137m measles (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
29 Washington St.Boghosian, GeorgeMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-08-0714 sarcoma of r[igh]t lung (contributory: secondary anaemia)
Bogajian [Boghosian], RoseFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-07-2410m otitis media (after measles) (contributory: septic absorption)
Bogajian [Boghosian], SamMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-10-293d premature birth
Boyajian, ArexciFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-08-286m gastro-enteritis (contributory: convulsions, sudden death)
34 Pink St.Boyijian [Boyajian], BogasMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-02-0665 (b. 1845)suicide, bullet wound of heart (found dead)
54 Elliott St.Boyjian [Boyajian], HarryMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-10-147 diptheria
4 Henchman TerraceBoyagian [Boyajian], JohardFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-10-3060 parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: myocarditis)
Boyogian [Boyajian], LillieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-12-295m-6d gastro-enteritis
4 Henchman TerraceBoyajian, MisakMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-08-165y-7m-21d (b. 1913-12-25)tubercular meningitis
29 Dix St.Boyajian, Missack B.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-04-0520y-8m-26d pulmonary tuberculosis
13 N. Ashland St.Boyagian [Boyajian], PaulMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-04-259y-6m (b. 1905)tubercular meningitis
61 Laurel St.Bizagian [Bozigian], Dinne (Rev.)MOxford, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-07-0456 angina pectoris
36 Beacon St.Bozigian, RubenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-02-1530 streptococcic meningitis (origin unknown)
108 Piedmont St.Chalian, GeorgeMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-04-0740 general paresis
73 Thomas St.Chalabash [Chatalbashian], AnidesMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-02-1950 pulmonary tuberculosis
19 Beacon St.Chidinaire, CozosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-03-0135 cellulitis - right arm (contributory: septicemia due to scratch on arm)
802 Main St.Choolfaian [Choulfaian], BrightFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-09-2817 typhoid fever
Daloian, AgoveneFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-08-316m cholera infantum
75 Irving St.Davidian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-02-06(b. 1918-02-06)stillborn (shoulder presentation)
Davidian, BeatriceFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-10-1729 pulmonary tuberculosis
60 Green St.Damoogian [Demirjian], MichaelMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-05-2826 pneumonia (contributory: strangulated hernia)
Damurgian [Demirjian], SumaronMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-02-111y-2m measles
28 Orient St.Derderian, CatharineFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-07-2975 (b. 1835)general debility of old age
15 Ormond St.Dairugian [Derigian], MegedichMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-12-1560 chronic endocarditis
Dinjian, Hampartzoom S.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-08-2065 pulmonary tuberculosis
492 Park Ave.Deranian [Diranian], VarterFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-05-0442 cerebral hemorrhage / organic disease of heart & kidney
69 Portland St.Doganian [Doghanian], MardriosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-03-1250 malignancy of stomach (contributory: carcinoma)
Doctorian [Doktorian], HarryMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-05-2150 nephritis
Donabedian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-06-14difficult labor, forceps & version (stillborn)
Donabed [Donabedian], CharlieMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-08-016m cholera infantum
53 Parker St.Donabedian, EsgutuFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-01-287 struck by automobile, accident (contributory: fracture of 3 ribs, rupture of lung)
60 Chandler St.Donabed [Donabedian], Mary A.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-03-0221 pulmonary tuberculosis
5 Newbury St.Dostourian, SamuelMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-1927 accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas (found dead in bed) / open gas jet in bedroom
5 Newbury St.Dostourian, ShoFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-1926 accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas (lived ½ hour after found unconscious) / open gas jet in bedroom
Ekanian [Eghinian], MaryMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-03-0741 lobar pneumonia
Eramigian [Ehramjian], RoyMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-02-2810m (b. 1912-04-25)pneumonia (lobar)
Eknoian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-06-11stillborn, 8 mos.
14½ Elliott St.Eknoian, PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-06-275d (b. 1919-06-23)enlarged thymus gland causing asphyxia
Eknoian, VictoriaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-02-246m-24d broncho-pneumonia
Elias [Eliasian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-19stillborn
Elias [Eliasian], StephenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-06stillborn
Elias [Eliasian], Stephen M.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-02-1640 (b. 1873)Hodgkins disease or malignant lymphoma
Elias [Eliasian], VirginFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-10-123m (b. 1914)congenital defect of skull (occipital bone)
70 Southbridge St.Garrabedian [Garabedian], AbidisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-02-2050 (b. 1864)pulmonary tuberculosis ? (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
9 Orchard St.Garabedian, AbrahamMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-05-1511m-11d tuberculous meningitis
107 Chandler St.Garabedian, AgavniFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-0122y-11m-9d puerperal septicaemia (following abortion)
18 Laurel St.Charles [Garabedian], AlmasFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-03-0326 (b. 1886)puerperal septicemia (following miscarriage)
Garabedian, BedrosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-06-302 broncho-pneumonia
9 Orchard St.Garabedian, LucyFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-07-2830 disseminated tuberculosis
106 Southbridge St.Garabedian, MinasMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-09-2323 lobar pneumonia
Garabedian, PeterMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-182m-10d (b. 1911-01-08)broncho-pneumonia
126 Holden St.Garabedian, Sursin P.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-11-192y-8m-7d (b. 1913-03-10)multiple injuries, fracture of skull, left thigh & r[igh]t leg / S[tree]t R. R. accident
Keljikian [Geljikian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-01-30premature birth (stillborn)
Genoian, MarkarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-08-2665 pneumonia
Gazoorian [Ghazarian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-04-073d (b. 1912-04-05)inanition
Gazoorian [Ghazarian], ArakceFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-09-126d premature birth
Gazoorian [Ghazarian], AraxieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-11-209 (b. 1902-09-20)pulmonary tuberculosis
27 Prospect St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], AssadoorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-07-0119 septicaemia (contributory: septic endocarditis)
Kazarian [Ghazarian], AssadorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-06-044m-1d probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness)
Gazooian [Ghazarian], GeorgeMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-01-1418y-11m-9d (b. 1892-02-05)tuberculosis - pulmonary
39 Prospect St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], SailisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-07-2125 tuberculosis
Kazarian [Ghazarian], SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-06-044m-1d probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness)
Gazoorian [Ghazarian], SatenijFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-04-0724 (b. 1894)chr[onic] interstitial nephritis (contributory: dilated heart)
Kazarian [Ghazarian], TarvezFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-06-044m-1d probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness)
130 Canterbury St.Hoogasian [Ghougasian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-08-12(b. 1919-08-12)premature birth (primary) / (contributory: myocarditis)
9 Douglas Ct.Hoogasian [Ghougasian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-10-31(b. 1920-10-31)stillborn, premature
Kabaian [Gopoian], NarsisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-01-033m asphyxiation from food in trachea
228 Highland St.Goshgarian, BedrosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-09-1354 prim[ary] pulmonary embolism (contributory: sarcoma of right groin, osteosarcoma right ankle)
Goshgarian, NeshanMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-10-2324 tubercular kidney, also tubercular abscess due to kidney running through abdominal opening
106 Southbridge St.Gooregian [Gureghian], ManoogMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-10-2955y-9d (b. 1860-10-21)lobar pneumonia
109 Summer St.Gurjian, OwokMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-10-1632 (b. 1882)comp[ression] fracture of skull (machinery accident)
60 Southbridge St.Hagopian, JosephMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-12-0234 cardio-renal vascular disease (contributory: chronic passive congestion)
Hagopian, Mary H.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-02-0430y-5m-28d pernicious anaemia
Harootian [Haroutunian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-08-064d (b. 1911-08-03)congenital obstruction of intestines
Harootian [Haroutunian], LeonMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-04-161y-9m broncho-pneumonia
Harootian [Haroutunian], Margeret P.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-01-186 (b. 1908)tubercular meningitis
Harrison, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-12-112d premature (7 mos.)
Harrison, DaisyFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-08-119m cholera infantum (found dead)
61 Eastern Ave.Hartorian [Hartarian], PaulMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-04-0438 tubercular peritonitis
Ovagimian [Hovagimian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-08-0814d infantile weakness
Hovagimian, ElizabethFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-12-2714 consumption
11 Laurel St.Havosanian [Hovasian], BagdasarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-07-1525 drowning
94 Belmont St.Hovenesian [Hovhannesian], AnnaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-06-2470 cancer of the stomach
24 Pink St.Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], ArmenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-09-293m-19d (b. 1912-06-10)chronic intestinal indigestion
8 Denny St.Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], HaigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-05-121y-8m tubercular meningitis
24 Pink St.Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], HaijMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-10-194m-10d (b. 1912-06-10)chronic intestinal indigestion
Yoosuf [Hovsepian], AnnaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-03-0219 acute pulmonary tuberculosis
Eukandarian [Iskenderian], GladysFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-04-193m broncho pneumonia
Israelian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-01-021m-14d marasmus
18 Bartlett St.Isralian [Israelian], LuciaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-03-138m scarlet fever
18 Laurel St.Israelian, StephenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-01-0529 syphilis (contributory: gumma of brain)
Jorjorian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-12-12stillborn
Jorjorian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-10dystocia (stillborn)
Jorjorian, AraksiFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-09-0911m-2d cholera infantum (contributory: pneumonia broncho)
Jorjorian, ArshagMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-09-0911m-2d cholera infantum (contributory: pneumonia broncho)
111 Beacon St.Jorjorian, ElizabethFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-08-2425 burns of 2nd & 3[r]d degrees
105 Summer St.Jundamian [Jundanian], KrikorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1924-04-2834y-9m-14d asphyxiation by illuminating gas (probably suicide, found dead in his bedroom)
Kalfaian, MoorardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-10-0622 typhoid fever
Calfain [Kalfaian], TaquhiFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-08-0186 old age, heat
14½ Elliott St.Karakoosh [Karakashian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-10-0615d (b. 1913-09-22)premature birth
63 King St.Karakoosh [Karakashian], AzarigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-03-1150y-1m (b. 1855)carcinoma [of] prostate & bladder with metastases
Karakoosh [Karakashian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-11-1627y-10m-6d (b. 1889-01-10)chronic nephritis, with (cardiac lesion), Bright's disease
Karakaskian [Karakashian], SupwrickFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-08-3148 (b. 1862)apoplexy
26 Dix St.Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], MartinMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-08-07hemorrhagic disease of new born
6 Edward St.Kassabein [Kasabian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-1132 septicemia following incomplete abortion (self inducted)
11 S. Irving St.Kasparian, MargaretFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-056m-3d erysipelas
Kavoogjian [Kavoukjian], AnnaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-05-0375 paralysis agitans (found dead in bed), (sudden death) (contributory: general arterio sclerosis)
Kayajanian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-05-16stillborn
Kazanjian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-04-05stillborn
66 Hanover St.Kazanjian, MaderosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-01-2158 post operative shock (contributory: cholecystitis with cancer of gall bladder)
171 Austin St.Kazanjian, OunigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-10-0613 pulmonary tuberculosis
Koobatian [Kebadian], EdwardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-06-296 acute endocarditis (contributory: scarlet fever)
5 Laurel St.Koobatian [Kebadian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-02-2055y-11m lobar pneumonia
78 Summer St.Koobitian [Kebadian], MesiaMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-04-2828 suicide, bullet wound of brain
Koobation [Kebadian], SiranooshFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-06-2121d broncho pneumonia
28 Arch St.Kahajan [Kehaian], SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-03-3135 malignant endocarditis
3 Spruce St.Kalashian [Keleshian], EverettMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-02-272y-3m-12d diptheria
18 Laurel St.Kachajian [Keshishian], Edward E.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-01-308y-10m diptheria
5 S. Irving St.Kachajin [Keshishian], Peter K.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-088m-8d epidemic(?) cerebro spinal meningitis
106 Southbridge St.Kustigian [Kestigian], MazaretMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-03-0237y-8m-13d (b. 1880-06-19)pulmonary tuberculosis
407 Pleasant St.Kevorkian, William S.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-05-1023 double mastoiditis (contributory: meningitis)
20 Charlton St.Keshigian [Khachigian], TorosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-09-0921 bullet wound to head, homicide (contributory: comp[ression] fracture of skull, laceration of brain)
34 Ormond St.Khrimian, YervantMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-03-2225 pulmonary tuberculosis
Kenosian [Kinosian], AgnesFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-08-2117 acute nephritis (contributory: uraemia)
Kenosian [Kinosian], Kapril A.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-10-033y-6m tuberculosis (contributory: exhaustion)
15 Carroll St.Kinosian, SatemikFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-11-2111m lobar pneumonia
171 Salem St.Kenjian [Konjoian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-05-2020d premature birth & infantile weakness
Kangian [Konjoian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-11-1721d (b. 1915-10-28)premature birth, acute gastro enteritis (?)
59 Laurel St.Krikorian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-04-11stillborn
Krikorian, Garabed N.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-02-1324 pulmonary tuberculosis
227 Chandler St.Kackjian [Kurkjian], AnnFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-04-0558 cardio-renal-vascular sclerosis
118 Southbridge St.Magarian, GarabaldMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-03-3058 pulmonary tuberculosis
53 Southbridge St.Maikian [Maghakian], MosesMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-02-2760 lobar pneumonia
142 Belmont St.Malazian [Malezian], TorosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-08-0854 multiple injuries / fracture of skull & lower jaw, etc. / accidentally struck by an automobile
40 Ormond St.Mamigonian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-05-14(b. 1918-05-14)stillborn fetus (6 mos.) / (contributory: endocarditis with marked decompensation in mother, child did not breathe)
40 Ormond St.Mamigonian, Helen H.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-05-1730 endocarditis, myocarditis with decompensation (contributory: pregnancy) (6 mo. stillborn)
Manavian, Melcon K.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-10-0623y-11m-24d endocarditis (contributory: pulmonary congestion & spleno medullary leukaemia)
4 Lowell Ct.Manoogian [Manougian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-05-033d prematurity (contributory: inanition)
4 Lowell Ct.Moonoogian [Manougian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-09-1423 multiple injuries, internal abdominal hemorrhage (fell from a building accidentally)
Manoogian [Manougian], ManooghMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-026 malnutrition
Moonoogian [Manougian], MarthaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-02-141y-3m convulsions
260 Chandler St.Morderosoan [Mardirosian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-03-091d premature infant (6 1/2 months)
Mardirosian, HaguhiFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-03-065m-17d convulsiion
14 Elliott St.Marderosian [Mardirosian], ZakarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-08-1155 parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: myocarditis)
5 Pink St.Margosian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-06-241d premature
5 Pink St.Margosian, AgeniniaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-06-2430 appendicitis (contributory: general peritonitis)
Markarian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-04-22infantile debility
10 Arch St.Markarian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-02-1713d (b. 1914-02-05)prematurity
106 Southbridge St.Markarian, SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-05-2634 chronic interstitial nephritis
Mazonian [Masoumian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-01-13(b. 1916-01-13)premature birth
Masoomian [Masoumian], George M. S.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-03-282m-21d acute lobar pneumonia
38 Providence St.Matthewsian [Mateosian], NewveartFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-03-237y-1m-7d lobar pneumonia
7 Elizabeth St.Mazgardian [Mazgirtian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-07-11(b. 1911-07-11)asphyxiatiore [asphyxiation]
Maygertlian [Mazgirtian], BarryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-04-035m tuberculosis of lungs (contributory: tubercular adenitis)
9 Linwood St.Mazgertian [Mazgirtian], Bedros K.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-10-3158 (b. 1859)chronic myocarditis
4 Buck Pl.Mazmaian [Mazmayan], AricalMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-03-2852 angina pectoris
Microyan [Meghroian], BoghosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-07-3078y-3m carcinoma of stomach
Melekian [Melikian], ArsenMProvidence, Providence Co., MA, USA1908-04-172y-4m-7d cerebral spinal meningitis
77 Hanover St.Manzoian [Menzoian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-04-09premature infant, 6 mos.
10 Alden St.Manzoian [Menzoian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-04-095d (b. 1920-04-04)prematurity (6 1/2 months)
73 Main St.Menzoian, HovanesMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-04-2922 homicide, bullet wound of lung, pneumonia, empyaema, septicaemia
67 Summer St.Marsoobian [Mesrobian], KrekorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-02-0428 erysipelas (contributory: pyaemia)
Minoojian [Minasian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-01-22stillborn
Minasian, JacobMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-10-2042 phthisis pulmonalis
49 Mason St.Mooradian [Mouradian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-02-0515y-5d (b. 1905-02-01)influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
Muradian [Mouradian], OrshleseFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-03-115m marasmus
Mooadian [Mouradian], PruzardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-02-1742 tubercular meningitis ?
Mooradian [Mouradian], SarahFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-12-133 broncho pneumonia (contributory: rickets)
Mooradian [Mouradian], YaksaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-04-021y-6m measles, brocho-pneumonia
60 Myrtle St.Mousekian [Mousheghian], SahagMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-01-0445 cardio-renal vascular disease (contributory: chronic passive congestion with general anasarca)
52 Gardner St.Masoian [Moushoian], CharlesMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-04-015m-22d (b. 1919-10-10)diarrhoea & enteritis (contributory: broncho-pneumonia)
Nahikian [Nahigian], AkabeeFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-04-048 tubercular peritonitis (contributory: exhaustion)
62 Uxbridge St.Nahigian, Mardios S. T.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-03-2981y-1m-6d cardio vascular renal sclerosis
Nahigian, Margaret C.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-12-1181 pneumonia
11 Elliott St.Najarian, JacobMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-12-0850 hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: acute nephritis)
Najarian, JuliaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-07-315m-5d (b. 1914-02-29)acholuric jaundice since birth
52 Elliott St.Najarian, Varter A.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-04-0142 cancer of right breast
Nalbandian, Jacob M.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-08-183m-14d (b. 1913-05-14)gastro enteritis
Narsigian [Norsigian], NazarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1900-04-0936 acute bronchitis, hypertrophy of the liver
128 June St.Odabashian, PansFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-04-1535 cerebral embolism (contributory: chronic endocarditis)
36 Beacon St.Ogassian [Oghgasian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-07-30(b. 1917-07-30)stillborn, prolapse of cord
153 Summer St.Oghgasian, JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-10-261y-28d (b. 1909-09-28)broncho-pneumonia
Oghkasian [Oghgasian], MardirosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-09-304m cholera infantum
34 Pink St.Oaharesian [Ohannesian], NasogFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-07-1556y-11m-13d valvular disease of the heart
10 Arch St.Pafchjian, SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-02-2822 (b. 1891)pulmonary tuberculosis
11 Gold St.Paloulian [Paloutzian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-22stillborn (contributory: pneumonia [of] mother)
11 Gold St.Paloulian [Paloutzian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-2536 double lobar pneumonia (contributory: pregnancy)
Paloulian [Paloutzian], ZarpouheFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-04-258m convulsions (cause unknown, sudden death)
Papazian, HagoneyFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-02-092 diptheria
Papzin [Papazian], MardirosFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-01-252d morbus ceruleus
Paboian [Papeian], AznivFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-2329 bullet wound of thorax, homicide
162 West St.Barakian [Parigian], Anna M.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-01-1362y-11m-3d chronic valvular disease
Parigian, EdwardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-11-265m pneumonia
106 Southbridge St.Parsegian [Parseghian], ZekarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-05-3165 (b. 1855)sarcoma of lungs
44 Roxbury St.Pazeian [Pashaian], BessieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-08-0768 chronic interstitial nephritis, arterio sclerosis, myocarditis (contributory: oedema of lungs)
Pashoian [Pashaian], HrandMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-07-2011m-6d (b. 1910-08-14)infantile weakness (contibutory: myocarditis)
Pazeian [Pashaian], Setra K.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-12-0936 poisoning by illuminating gas, presumably accidental
Pashoian [Pashaian], TamanFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-08-1359 dilatation of the heart with fatty degeneration (contributory: heart failure, oedema of lungs)
173 Salem St.Pashoian [Pashaian], Vassen G.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-07-264 (b. 1908-09-10)multiple burns (clothing accidentally ignited while playing with matches)
82 Southbridge St.Pelderian [Pilderian], StephanMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-08-0537y-3m-14d (b. 1882-04-22)pulmonary tuberculosis
Pilibbosian [Pilibosian], Monig M.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-12-2470 Bright's disease (contributory: organic heart [disease])
107 West St.Proodian [Proudian], RoseFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-07-031y-18d (b. 1919-06-15)miliary tuberculosis
2 Elliott St.Roopinian [Roupenian], Eghia A.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-10-263m-10d (b. 1920-07-15)tubercular meningitis
117 Thomas St.Roopenian [Roupenian], JerryMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-09-2665y-2m-23d (b. 1854-07-03)chronic nephritis
Rustigian, MisakMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1900-08-096m-25d
25 Ormond St.Sarafian, KrikorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-03-221y-4m lobar pneumonia
109 Summer St.Sorajian [Sarajian], DavidMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-11-0648 (b. 1867)pulmonary tuberculosis
5 Bowdoin Pl.Sarkisian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-10-18(b. 1915-10-18)stillborn (8 mos)
5 Bowdoin Pl.Sarkisian, AntoineMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-07-121y-14d (b. 1909-06-09)lobar pneumonia
33 Ormond St.Sarkisian, ArpsingFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-02-1115 endocarditis (contributory: T. B. peritonitis)
Sarkisian, EdwardMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1903-01-281m-2d natural cause unknown, possibly lagrip[pe]
15 Carroll St.Sarkisian, HachadoorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-01-2219 general peritonitis (contributory: acute intestinal obstruction)
5 Bowdoin Pl.Sarkisian, JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-12-1816d (b. 1912-12-03)strangulated inguinal hernia
22 Portland St.Sarkisian, MardirisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-0331 influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
Srabian [Serabian], AlbertMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-07-172m-2d (b. 1913-05-15)cholera infantum
33 Ormond St.Srabiam [Serabian], AnnaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-2023y-2m-2d influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
Surabian [Serabian], AnnieFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1901-08-2036 consumption
69 Portland St.Seropian [Serabian], DadoMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-04-0258 pulmonary tuberculosis
Surabian [Serabian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-04-0337y-2m consumption
Shadbegian, HarriettFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-12-071m-18d (b. 1910-10-19)broncho-pneumonia (premature birth)
Shanazarine [Shahnazarian], HosepMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-151y-6m tubercular meningitis
20 Bigelow St.Sharoian, KachigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-2255 cancer of the stomach
4 Summer Pl.Sharistanian [Shehristanian], Asnia FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-114y-11m-11d (b. 1913-10-31)primary broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
34 Arch St.Shamavonian [Shemavonian], JuliaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-05-1945 chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart)
1 Francis St.Sherinyan [Shirinian], Julia H.FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-09-1033y-7m-23d (b. 1886-01-18)operation for cancer of rectum (contributory: cancer of rectum)
Shooshanan [Shoushanian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-11-25premature birth
Shooshanan [Shoushanian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-08-19premature birth (stillborn)
143 June St.Shoshan [Shoushanian], HamparsoonMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1922-04-0785 cerebral apoplexy (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
11 Gold St.Shooshanan [Shoushanian], NickdarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-06-182 marasmus
Ormond St.Shooshanian [Shoushanian], PariseFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-03-2729y-1m-15d (b. 1889-02-12)multiple burns, arms, legs, body (clothing accidentally ignited by gas stove)
Saghigian [Soghigian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-01-12(b. 1912-01-12)stillborn
Sogegian [Soghigian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-04(b. 1912-08-04)stillborn
100 Southbridge St.Sohigian [Soghigian], KrikorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-11-2568 (b. 1852)general paralysis of the insane
20 Columbus St.Sogegian [Soghigian], MarryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-12-067d (b. 1920-11-29)prematurity
16 Oread Pl.Sogegian [Soghigian], NoboorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-12-239m-6d (b. 1918-03-18)diarrhoea & enteritis (contributory: broncho-pneumonia)
44 Front St.Sumbulian [Stamboulian], HaigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-08-1124 (b. 1886)lobar pneumonia (contributory: myocarditis)
1 Patch St.Terkanien [Tarkanian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-07-043d (b. 1915-07-01)prematurity
Terkanian [Tarkanian], Franklin S.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-04-117m-29d pneumonia lobar
Tashjian, ArshalausMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-09-231y-1m whooping cough (contributory: diarrhea)
125 Summer St.Tashjian, Garabed M.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-01-2760 post-operative shock following operation for double-inguinal hernia (two days ago)
92 Bloomingdale Rd.Tashjian, KashadoorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-2326 bullet wound of thorax, suicide
87 Portland St.Tateosian, ArchagMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1917-09-1223 bullet wound of back, homicide / perforation of spine mesentery & intestines / (operation, resection of 21 inches of small intestine) / (contributory: general peritonitis)
Tatewosian [Tateosian], ToorvandaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1905-01-061m-17d enteritis
30 Grove St.Terjenian [Terjanian], Bagdassar H.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-06-1143y-9m-27d (b. 1875-08-15)probably cardiovascular-renal disease (died suddenly)
39 Pink St.Terzian, ArdachMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1908-04-2824 phthisis pulmonalis
Terzian, YegarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-05-012m (b. 1913-03-01)convulsions (contributory: gastro enteritis)
97 Armory St.Thithichdjian, AgaviniFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1920-12-1360 uraemia with coma (contributory: chronic nephritis)
Topanelian, MakroohiFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-05-1077y-1m-27d cerebral hemorrhage
Topanelian, Michael H.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-1680y-10m bronchitis (contributory: myocarditic arterio-sclerosis)
53 Prospect St.Torigian, ShavashMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-06-201y-17d (b. 1912-06-02)ether pneumonia following plastic operation for webbed fingers
Torigian, ZabelFSpringfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA1912-10-031y-7m-26d (b. 1911-02-07)drowning (accidental)
Torosian, ArshagMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-09-1611m cholera infantum
45 Hanover St.Torosian, BagdasorMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-06-0349 myocarditis
Torosian, MargaretFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1907-03-192y-1m cerebro-spinal meningitis
Thomajanian [Toumajanian], Dickran H.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-01-204d (b. 1912-01-16)icterus neonatorum
Thomasian [Toumasian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1910-03-23stillborn
Thomasian [Toumasian], BadrigMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-11-0525d (b. 1914-10-11)gastro enteritis (found dead)
146 Central St.Toomasian [Toumasian], SarkisMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-12-102 multiple burns of nearly entire body (clothing accidentally ignited by stove)
98 Cohasset St.Tutunjian, GiragosMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-2735 influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
14 Oakwood Pl.Vartanian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-01-07(b. 1916-01-07)stillbirth due to prelapsed cord
Vartanian, MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-03-03(b. 1914-03-03)child was dead when born
70 Chandler St.Vartanian, AdamMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-05-244y-8m-2d fracture of skull, duration few min. (accidentally struck by cake of ice falling from ice wagon)
Vakil [Vekilian], AgayegMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-05-1560 pneumonia
Vaznian [Vezneian], JohnMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1904-06-1634y-6m nephritis (contributory: hypostatic congestion of lung)
Yagjian [Yaghjian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1909-04-30stillborn (premature birth)
Yaggian [Yaghjian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-01-25(b. 1914-01-25)stillborn premature labor
Yaghjian, FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-04-09(b. 1911-04-09)premature birth
4 Irving Pl.Yagigian [Yaghjian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-03-263d premature birth (8 mos)
Yagjian [Yaghjian], ArarMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-01-138m otitis media & septic eczema
Yagjian [Yaghjian], KarakenMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-05-1517 pulmonary tuberculosis
Yagjian [Yaghjian], MaryFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-12-059m laryngismus stridulus (contributory: rhachitis)
Yagoolian [Yaghlian], AramMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-08-255d (b. 1911-08-21)premature
8 Robinson Pl.Yazijian [Yazujian], FWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1912-03-0910d (b. 1912-03-01)icterus neonatorum
34 Ormond St.Yazijian [Yazujian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1916-07-16prematurity & congenital heart lesion
150 Lincoln St.Yazigian [Yazujian], MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-04-30(b. 1918-04-29)enlarged thymus gland causing asphyxia
Yazijian [Yazujian], John H.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1911-03-2274y-3m-20d (b. 1837-12-02)organic (mitral valve) heart disease (contributory: chronic parenchymatous nephritis)
53 Southbridge St.Yeramian, CharlesMWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1919-07-1843 (b. 1877-07)cardio renal vascular disease
30 N. Ashland St.Zarkarian [Zakarian], Paul D.MWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1906-10-153y-9m-8d tuberculus meningitis
115 Summer St.Zakarian, VirginFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-10-083y-15d (b. 1915-09-24)primary broncho pneumonia
Zartanian [Zartarian], ArmenouhiaFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1914-08-071y-4m (b. 1913-08-07)entero colitis
Biddeford, ME, USA
71 Main St.Kajarian [Ghazarian], SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-02-192m-20d (b. 1929-11-30)broncho pneumonia
Portland, ME, USA
Markarian, NackigMPortland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1918-10-0238 broncho pneumonia following influenza (12 days)
Moosian [Moushoian], SamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-07-1435 pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive / laryngeal tuberculosis? / no autopsy
Allegan, MI, USA
Nahikian [Nahigian], GenevieveFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1918-08-2321 appendicitis (chronic) accompanied with mass in r[ight] ovary & intestinal adhesions (contributory: sudden heart failure)
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
407 Hoover Ave.Nahabedian, DickranMAnn Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1924-12-2050y-11m-17d (b. 1870-01-15)chronic myocarditis (contributory: cardiac failure)
Dearborn, MI, USA
2120 Salina St.Alexanian, AlexMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-03-198m-5d (b. 1936-07-24)broncho pneumonia
2911 Roulo St.Arakelian, AbrahamMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-02-1640y-23d (b. 1895-01-24)traumatic hemorrhage following gun shot wound of chest penetrating lungs & heart
2911 Roulo St.Arakelian, QueenieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-03-1710m-26d (b. 1931-04-20)unfluenzal pneumonia
2537 Akron Ave.Artinian, SogomanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-09-1852 undetermined diagnosis, possibly carcinoma of bronchus (contributory: bronchial asthma)
2228 Amazon Ave.Chapian [Choboian], JohnMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-07-0417y-10m-23d (b. 1908-08-11)pulmonary tuberculosis
2440 Akron Ave.Gashgarian [Goshgarian], AnnaFEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1943-12-2780y-4m-13d (b. 1863-08-14)essential hypertension, senility (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
2440 Akron Ave.Gashgarian [Goshgarian], KaloostMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-09-1979 chronic myocarditis
6132 Kenilworth St.Hagopian, HanpartzoumMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-02-0541y-9m (b. 1888-05-05)acute cardiac dilatation following coronary sclerosis
2800 Salina St.Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], KazarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-02-2432 strepticocci infection following wound of neck (shot in Beer Garden - Dearborn)
3201 Amazon Ave.Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], TakouhieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-05-2124y-5m-6d (b. 1903-12-15)septicaemia from abortion (self-induced)
2506 Akron Ave.Markarian, JohnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-01-0148 (b. 1885)nephritis, acute, with terminal uremia (following dental extractions) (contributory: chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic myocarditis)
5025 Williamson St.Matosian [Mateosian], GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-11-0379 perforate duodenal ulcer (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
1930 Salina St.Mikitarian [Mekhitarian], MisakMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-01-036m-15d (b. 1924-06-18)bronchial pneumonia (contributory: bronchitis)
1247 Ferney St.Ohaneon [Ohanian], MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1946-11-2046 cardial failure, coronary occlusion
1823 Salina St.Dersahag [Sahagian], ArthurMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-09-1977y-10m (b. 1863-09-09)bronchopneumonia (contributory: benign prostatic hypertrophy, arteriosclerotic heart disease)
Schooshanian [Shoushanian], AznifFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-312m-6d (b. 1925-03-25)pyloric stenosis
2707 Roulo St.Sogoian [Soghoian], DonigMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-02-1568y-1m-20d (b. 1872-12-25)chronic myocarditis & chronic glomerular nephritis (other: bronchopneumonia, terminal with uremia)
2070 Roulo St.Sogoian [Soghoian], KoharFDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-01-2664 aortic insufficiency, mitral insufficiency, cardiac decompensation, chronic nephritis, & cirrhosis of liver
Tanderjian [Tandourjian], OscarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-03-0527 acute nephritis (contributory: chronic nephritis)
Detroit, MI, USA
2310 Webb Ave.Aprahamian [Abrahamian], ElizabethFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-06-1175 gast[r]ic carcinoma (contributory: gen. metastatis, gastric obstruction)
1673 Clements Ave.Adzigian, HelenFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-08-3058y-8m-11d (b. 1877-01-19)uremia following hemorrhage, chronic nephritis, chronic myocarditis
3602 12th St.Agababian [Aghababian], ArdashesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-12-081y-3m-9d (b. 1920-08-29)gastro enteritis
2535 Clifford St.Ajamian [Ajemian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-07-11(b. 1921-07-11)asphyxia neonatoress [?] polleda [?], still born (contributory: premature prolapsed cord)
1417 Ferdinand Ave.Ajamian [Ajemian], AlbertMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-02-278d (b. 1929-02-19)gastro enteritis, pyelonephritis, thrombosis of right renal vein, haemorrhage into ---renal glands
1417 Ferdinand Ave.Ajamian [Ajemian], Alice|EllisFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-03-301y-10d (b. 1927-03-20)broncho-pneumonia (contributory: naso-pharyngitis)
437 Crawford Ave.Ajamian [Ajemian], KazarosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-09-2175y-4m-9d (b. 1855-05-12)asthma, senility
287 Gratiot Ave.Ajamian [Ajemian], NazarMHamtramck, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-2155y-7m-11d (b. 1868-07-10)acute dilatation of heart
5409 W. Vernor Hwy.Ajamian [Ajemian], RosieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-12-0512y-8m-21d (b. 1921-03-14)acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis
12725 Barlow Ave.Akashian [Akkashian], MariamFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-07-0864y-3m-3d (b. 1875-04-05)mesenteric occlusion with gangrene of small intesting
3027 16th St.Akrazian, Mike SenakaremMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-09-2852y-6m-14d (b. 1888-03-15)cerebro-vascular hemorrhage (other: generalized arteriosclerosis, old right interstitial keratitis)
468 Abbott St.Alashian [Alashaian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-07-02(b. 1924-07-02)lived a few min[ute]s
468 Abbott St.Alashian [Alashaian], RoseFEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-12-2745y-11m-10d (b. 1888-01-17)rheumatic heart disease (contributory: cardiac decompensation)
8151 Fulton Ave.Eloian [Aloian], MargaretFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1946-04-0416y-2m-15d (b. 1930-01-19)chronic glomerular nephritis
533 S. Harrington Ave.Americian [Amerigian], AlexanderMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-04-0338 septicemia following infection of right thumb from a sliver (contributory: endocarditis)
814 N. Green Ave.Amroian, GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-04-0971 massive cerebral hemorrhage in a hypertensive basis, generalized arteriosclerosis
809 Central Ave.Andonian, ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-10-0467y-8m-29d (b. 1866-01-05)hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, myocarditis
1642 W. Grand Ave.Anterasian [Andreasian], PaulMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-06-1844 acute dilatation of heart
464 Abbott St.Apigian, AndrewMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-03-0945 lobar pneumonia
2019 Waverly Ave.Apkarian, Alexander S.MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-09-0976 diabetes mellitus (contributory: hypertension)
2019 Waverly Ave.Afkarian [Apkarian], LouiseFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-01-1366 (b. 1873)diabetes mellitus, chronic interstitial nephritis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension
2026 W. Jefferson Ave.Haboian [Apoian], CasparMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-1646 broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
1258 Waterman Ave.Apoian, WartekezMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-03-153y-7m-13d (b. 1925-08-02)pneumococcic meningitis, acute (contributory: broncho pneumonia, otitis media)
8053 W. Jefferson Ave.Arakelian, MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-12-05(b. 1924-12-05)premature birth
500 S. Solvay Ave.Arakelian, KrikorMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-07-2843 advanced pulmonary tuberculosis
8735 Grand River Ave.Arakelian, TavrigFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-10-0978 appoplexy [apoplexy]
10482 Northlawn St.Arevian, AlbertMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-05-1937 asphyxiation by drowning (suicide)
2468 Ford Ave.Arevian, MariamFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-03-2271y-10m-8d (b. 1860-05-14)cerebral hemorrhage, apoplexy (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
308 S. Harrington Ave.Arevigian, KovarkMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-12-1849 acute dilatation of the heart, chronic myocarditis
658 S. Post Ave.Hooraian [Aroian], MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-12-09(b. 1923-12-09)premature [birth] and hyperthyroidism
7744 Pitt St.Houroian [Aroian], MargaretFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-03-0872y-5m-28d (b. 1866-09-10)cardiac decompensation & renal insufficiency
73 (Apt. 2) Sibley St.Arozian, OscarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-05-0559y-5m-10d (b. 1871-11-25)strangulation of bowel (ileum) & general peritonitis (contributory: hernia, chr. cholycistitis)
946 W. Philadelphia Ave.Arozian, ZartarFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-03-1076 chronic myocarditis, senility
5626 Grand River Ave.Arpajian, ShirlyFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-03-164m-21d (b. 1927-10-25)pneumonia, whole r[igh]t lung & part of left
8058 W. Vernor Hwy.Aslanian [Arslanian], MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-10-26(b. 1925-10-26)prematurity
1997 Ford Ave.Arslanian, AraxFAnn Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1940-04-1643y-1m-6d (b. 1897-03-10)chronic nephritis, hypertension, & broncho pneumonia
6112 Meade Ave.Aslanian [Arslanian], Dorothy M.FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-02-093y-6m-3d (b. 1927-06-07)rheumatic heart disease
4103 Brooklyn Ave.Aslanian [Arslanian], LeonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-05-0427y-5m-25d (b. 1901-11-09)Addison's disease (contributory: cardiac asthems [?])
710 S. Solvay Ave.Artinian, NastianMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-06-1458 internal hemorrhage following ruptured spleen & liver, struck by auto
160 Solvay Ave.Arvanigian, KosrofMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-1627y-9m-1d (b. 1891-05-15)influenza & pneumonia
15457 Alden Ave.Arzomanian [Arzoumanian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-12-2860 cardiac hypertension, nephritis (contributory: senility)
1584 Lansing Ave.Astourian [Asadourian], AbrahamMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-06-1359y-5m-8d (b. 1880-06-05)cardiac myocarditis
3447 Mt. Elliott Ave.Assadorian [Asadourian], Geo. KirkerMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-07-2860 ruptured dissecting aortic aneurism
556 S. Cottrell Ave.Asodurian [Asadourian], LeonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-10-1236y-5m-28d (b. 1899-04-14)acute dilatation of heart, chronic myocarditis
1824 N. Green Ave.Asadoorian [Asadourian], OhannesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-04-2552y-8m (b. 1878-05-25)carcinoma of stomach
406 S. Green Ave.Astoorian [Asadourian], SarahFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-02-2413y-11m-9d (b. 1916-03-17)acute frontal & ethmoid sinusitis (contributory: orbital abs[c]ess)
10232 Mack Ave.Astoorian [Asadourian], SarkesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-05-0635 internal hemorrhage, gun shot wounds (homicide)
710 S. Solvay Ave.Assadourian [Asadourian], VartranMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-02-0460 acute dilatation of heart, mitral regurgitation
750 S. Cottrell Ave.Asiadorian [Asadourian], ZorabMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-10-0310d (b. 1924-09-23)premature birth (contributory: jaundice & unable to take nourishment)
224 Dubois St.Astikian [Astighian], CharlesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-03-1711m-19d (b. 1919-03-27)acute mastoiditis, broncho pneumonia (contributory: acute valvular endocarditis)
228 Ferdinand Ave.Avadian [Avedian], BogosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-05-1555 broncho pneumonia (contributory: nephritis)
3746 Tyler Ave.Avedian, GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-09-2352y-9m-1d (b. 1880-12-22)cirrhosis of liver
1612 McKinstry Ave.Afetian [Avedian], TatiosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-04-1352 teratoma of testicle with multiple metastases to lungs
1518 Pasadena Ave.Avedikian, CharlesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-08-106m-7d (b. 1921-02-03)cholera infantum
1808 Ash St.Avdekian [Avedikian], GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-06-146m-26d (b. 1921-11-18)intussusception acute (contributory: partial obstruction)
8028 W. Jefferson Ave.Avedesian [Avedisian], AronMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-11-088m (b. 1922-03-08)lobar pneumonia, pneumococcic meningitis
722 21st St.Avdesian [Avedisian], SimonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-09-0245 (b. 1879)cerebral hemorrhage, hemiplegia paralysis
1921 Beard Ave.Hazarian [Azarian], JohnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-12-1538y-3m-5d (b. 1892-09-10)ruptured appendicitis with peritonitis generalized
7252 W. Jefferson Ave.Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], GoultaniaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-09-2861 bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold)
585 S. Post Ave.Aznoian, AsnifFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-08-0410d (b. 1922-07-24)ileo colitis (2 months)
1628 W. Grand Ave.Babaian, ArakelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-02-1959 chronic myocarditis, coronary thrombosis (contributory: cardio vascular renal disease)
1936 23rd St.Baboian [Babaian], HaiganooshFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-11-2514d (b. 1925-11-11)inanition, probably due to a brain lesion (she had spinal bifida)
1033 Townsend Ave.Babian [Babaian], JarrontMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-051y-6m-1d (b. 1924-03-04)scalded back (accidental) (fell in tub of hot water at home)
1149 Cavalry Ave.Babigean [Babigian], NazaratMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-11-0622 tubercular meningitis (contributory: tubercular kidney)
2071 Indiandale Ave.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], FloraFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-07-0867 (b. 1871)coronary arteriosclerosis with old myocardial infarction (contributory: bilat[eral] pyelonephritis)
1628 W. Grand Ave.Baligian [Balakian], PuzantMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-12-2031y-10m-8d (b. 1891-02-12)pulmonary tuberculosis
27 22nd St.Balian, EsacMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-2727 pneumonia bronchial (contributory: influenza)
6032 Hussar Ave.Balian, GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-02-1534y-7m-21d (b. 1888-06-25)lobar pneumonia
738 S. Harrington Ave.Bolosian [Baliozian], AntranigMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-01-1935y-17d (b. 1888-01-02)double lobar pneumonia
2332 Ford Ave.Bardizbanian, MgrdichMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-12-3043 cardiac failure (chr[onic] myocarditis) (contributory: primary hyperthyroidism)
1305 Springwells Ave.Barvizbanian [Bardizbanian], VazkenMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-07-1516 (b. 1912)generalized tuberculous infection (contributory: myocardial failure)
154 Ferdinand Ave.Baronian, MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-06-08(b. 1921-06-08)still born
502 S. Cottrell Ave.Baronian, AnnaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-07-1246y-24d (b. 1879-06-18)asphyxiation by strangulation [by rope], suicide while despondent over ill health
519 S. Rademacher Ave.Baronian, BenjimanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-11-063y-4m-20d (b. 1920-06-17)1st & 2nd degree burns to back & arms due to pail of hot water tipping over
2251 Ford Ave.Baronian, SimonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-04-0556 apoplexy
1609 Clements Ave.Barsamian, MyronMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-02-2917y-3m-5d (b. 1922-11-24)acute lymphatic leukemia
1538 Monterey Ave.Basmadjian [Basmajian], Alvin HatoomMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-04-2811d (b. 1925-04-17)premature delivery and inanition
143 Solvay Ave.Baydarian [Bedourian], EsrialMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-09-2170 mitral insufficiency
7426 W. Jefferson Ave.Bedrosian, ArayMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-06-011y-3m-4d (b. 1921-02-28)second degree burns to right side & arm due to pulling pail of hot water on self accid[entally]
1543 Waterman Ave.Bedrosian, ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-10-2144y-3m-11d (b. 1887-07-10)carcinoma of ovaries, omentum (contributory: emaciation from lack of nourishment)
139 E. Montcalm St.Bedrosian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-08-2655 dropsy plus (contributory: mitral insufficiency)
1574 Sycamore St.Berberian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-07-1736y-1m-25d (b. 1888-05-22)carcinoma of rectum (contributory: heavy x ray treatment)
1999 25th St.Bogigian [Boghigian], JosephMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-11-2538 fracture of skull, struck by auto
177 Solvay Ave.Boghosian, AramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-0328 lobar pneumonia
636 S. Harrington Ave.Boghasian [Boghosian], JevanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-03-174m-24d (b. 1933-10-26)broncho pneumonia (contributory: sore throat, laryngitis)
586 S. Cottrell Ave.Bogasian [Boghosian], OhcepMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-05-1012d (b. 1930-04-28)congenital leus [syphilis] (contributory: pemphigus)
442 Clinton St.Bagisian [Boghosian], SteveMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-05-0250 cerebral apoplexy
5382 Bangor Ave.Bostanjian, AbrahamMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-05-2943y-4m-14d (b. 1893-01-15)pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis
1113 Clay Ave.Boodakian [Boudakian], RosieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-06-293m-26d (b. 1923-03-03)tuberculosis
1339 Clay Ave.Baudakian [Boudakian], VartanMMonroe, Monroe Co., MI, USA1938-08-2849 cardiac failure
1426 Pallister Ave.Boyajian, Betty AnnFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-102m-23d (b. 1921-12-17)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
501 S. Crossley St.Bozian [Bozoian], AmsiaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-02-241y-2m-22d (b. 1920-12-02)bronchial pneumonia
745 S. Solvay Ave.Bozoian, Mnag MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-016m-5d (b. 1924-08-26)lobar pneumonia
1584 La Belle Ave.Beyekian [Buyukian], SamuelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-05-141m-26d (b. 1921-03-18)strangulated hernia
394 5th St.Shamlaian [Chamalian], CharlesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1916-05-276y-1m-24d (b. 1910-03-03)mitral insufficiency, endocarditis (contributory: rheumatism)
1728 Military Ave.Shamalian [Chamalian], HarebadMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-02-2155y-6m-3d (b. 1873-08-18)syphilitic heart disease with aortic insuffiency
1708 Highland Ave.Chavoor [Chevourian], ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-12-0826 phenol poisoning (Lysol) (suicide - despondent over ill health)
14918 Parkside Ave.Chavoor [Chevourian], GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-12-0468y-3m-24d (b. 1858-08-10)chronic myocarditis
2030 W. Davison Ave.Chrovian, VirgineFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-10-1447 lobar pneumonia (contributory: diabetes mellitus)
242 Lillibridge Ave.Dagavarian [Daghavarian], AgayegMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-06-1568y-8m-27d (b. 1851-09-19)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: arterio sclerosis)
1618 Pasadena Ave.Dagavorian [Daghavarian], ElizabethFEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-03-2168 cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: arterio sclerosis)
311 Putnam Ave.Dakhlian [Daghlian], HigouhieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-3028y-5m-6d (b. 1890-05-24)influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
536 Dubois St.Tanealian [Danielian], GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-09-0958 mitral regurgitation (contributory: rheumatism)
837 Howard St.Tamielian [Danielian], GarabidMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-04-2438 asphyxia by drowning (suicide)
1560 La Belle Ave.Davidian, David MuridianMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-09-1114d (b. 1923-08-29)pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
2500 Cabot Ave.Tavidian [Davidian], MisakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-08-2052y-6m-21d (b. 1889-01-29)coronary thrombosis
7755 Hamilton Ave.Davitian [Davidian], PaulMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-03-2124y-7m-28d (b. 1898-07-24)tuberculosis of kidneys . . . (contributory: chronic adhesive pleuritis)
4633 3rd Ave.Tavitian [Davidian], RubanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-10-0432y-9m (b. 1892-12)hemorrhage following gunshot wound of heart, liver, and intestines (homicide)
329 S. Solvay Ave.Davetian [Davidian], SamuelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-10-0452 cerebral apoplexy
1528 Porter St.Dedeian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-08-2735 auricular fibrillation
570 S. Harrington Ave.Demirjian, ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-06-194m-10d (b. 1929-02-09)bronchopneumonia (contributory: parenteral diarrhea)
7702 W. Jefferson Ave.Demergian [Demirjian], SetrakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-06-2235 acute gastritis
1676 Pasadena Ave.Doveletian [Deovletian], ParouzFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-05-1743 post operative peritonitis (salpingitis, fallopian tube)
17166 Woodingham Dr.Dabanian [Depanian], LorettaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-07-1970y-4m-4d chronic interstitial nephritis due to old age (contributory: uremia, diarrhea)
504 S. Harrington Ave.Derderian, AzniveFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-08-168m-25d (b. 1921-11-22)acidosis (contributory: faulty feeding)
763 Casgrain Ave.Dardarian [Derderian], BedrosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-01-1460y-9m-13d (b. 1877-04-01)general arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, edema of brain, chr[onic] nephritis, hypertensive heart disease
811 Central Ave.Derderian, CharlesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-1415y-9m-7d (b. 1908-07-07)hemorrhage of rectum
599 S. Cottrell Ave.Derderian, HagopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-03-2247y-8m-7d (b. 1890-07-15)calculi in py[e]lo uretero junction (contributory: cardiac failure, bronchopneumonia)
801 S. Solvay Ave.Dederian [Derderian], JohnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-12-2165 lobar pneumonia
1423 Lafayette Blvd.Darvishian [Dervishian], Henry HamparzMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-06-211y-6m-20d (b. 1922-12-01)tubercular meningitis
2426 Park Ave.Deranian [Diranian], AnnigFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-12-3127y-2m-3d (b. 1901-10-26)cardio renal
15833 Wildemere Ave.Dertadian [Dirtadian], SiranFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-10-2523y-3m-15d (b. 1901-07-10)puerperal septicemia (contributory: dystocia from contracted pelvis)
902 22nd St.Doumanian, KrekorMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-11-243m-15d (b. 1922-08-09)convulsions following acute indigestion
3511 Hamilton Ave.Dourjalian [Douroujalian], JohnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-03-161m-21d (b. 1936-01-24)bronchopneumonia (contributory: cerebral birth injury)
4233 4th Ave.Douroujalian, LazarosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-10-1267 mitral insufficiency (contributory: gastritis chronic)
1006 Springwells Ave.Ekizian, MgrdichMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-03-2822 (b. 1924-03-28)appendicitis (contributory: peritonitis)
533 S. Cottrell Ave.Elesigian, EsayMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-02-2861 pulmonary tuberculosis
745 S. Solvay Ave.Elognerian, ArtinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-04-2271 acute cardiac decompensation, chronic urinary retention . . . prostatism (contributory: urinary sepsis)
880 N. Solvay Ave.Admasian [Etiemezian], CatherineFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-02-1046 coronary thrombosis
55 Belmont Ave.Admasian [Etiemezian], ManoushagFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-06-1058 asthma
168 Harrington Ave.Evrenian [Evranian], VeskineFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-01-2525y-9m-10d (b. 1893-04-15)pneumonia lobar (contributory: influenza)
807 S. Solvay Ave.Fustekian [Fustukian], KhatchigMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-01-0668 arteriosclerotic heart disease, coronary thrombosis
611 S. Green Ave.Gagoian, AvadosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-04-1833 cruel injuries to pelvis due to falling off auto truck
Grace HospitalGarabedyan [Garabedian], H. (Dr.)MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-04-2877y-2m-14d (b. 1860-02-14)coronary arterial disease, chronic myocarditis
342 Sibley St.Garabidean [Garabedian], MichaelMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-07-1328y-1m-5d (b. 1892-06-09)pul[monary] tuberculosis
404 S. Solvay Ave.Garabedian, MinasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-05-0340 double bronchial pneumonia - post-operative (contributory: hit in stomach by steel beam while at work, accidental)
1520 Pasadena Ave.Garabedian, SarkisMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-06-0958y-3m-15d (b. 1864-02-22)chronic nephritis (contributory: high blood pressure)
15868 Log Cabin Ave.Goujanian [Gaujanian], VahanMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-02-2542 lobar pneumonia (contributory: asthma)
3250 Franklin St.Gertenesian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-08-0755 chronic pancreatitis (contributory: jaundice)
400 6th St.Giragosian, FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-05-25(b. 1920-05-25)still born
714 S. Solvay Ave.Girgosian [Giragosian], Dicken [?]MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-11-2548 advanced pulmonary tuberculosis
2277 24th St.Godoshian, AliceFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-07-302m-5d (b. 1924-05-25)pyloric stenosis
250 Hanson Ave.Godoshian, SatrageMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-09-156m-6d (b. 1924-03-21)acute intestinal intoxication
7217 Gould Ave.Grijigian [Grjigian], HougasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-11-0650 coronary occlusion, cardiac failure
12828 Woodrow Wilson Ave.Grounkian, SeranoushFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-1741y-10m-22d (b. 1892-05-25)lobar pneumonia (both lungs)
1452 24th St.Gulian, MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-08-14(b. 1898-08-14)still born
1584 La Belle Ave.Gulian, AliceFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-02-1117d (b. 1923-01-25)inanition
1217 Putnam Ave.Gullian [Gulian], MissakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-10-0149y-3m-16d (b. 1872-06-15)general tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous hip disease)
856 Lafayette Blvd.Gultemirian, MargaretFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-1619 pulmonary tuberculosis
1124 Scotten Ave.Gurganian, AlbertMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-08-223y-1m-8d (b. 1921-07-14)spinal meningitis
303 E. Larned St.Hagopian, Thomas D.MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-08-0558 tuberculosis, pulmonary, acute, pneumonic type (contracted at Geneva, WI)
18681 Northlawn St.Yagoobian [Hagopian], TorosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-05-1566y-2m-10d (b. 1873-03-05)hypertension, secondary anemia
1831 Woodward Ave.Halepian [Haleplian], Geo.MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-09-1224y-6m-16d (b. 1894-02-26)pulmonary tuberculosis
8419 Gratiot Ave.Halebian [Haleplian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-051y-3m double pneumonia
260 E. Grand Blvd.Hamparsomian [Hampartsoumian], SarrahFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-03-1620 (b. 1899)lobular pneumonia following influenza
1727 Kendall Ave.Harootian [Haroutunian], HripesimaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-12-0633y-11m-24d tuberculosis of spine (contributory: meningitis)
1911 Hazelwood Ave.Hoplamagian [Hoplamazian], ArchieMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-09-309m-10d (b. 1922-12-20)lobar pneumonia (contributory: malnutrition, rickets)
5931 Toledo Ave.Hovsepian, FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-11-211d (b. 1924-11-20)premature birth
3649 Vista Dr.Hovespian [Hovsepian], AdleFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1926-09-0655y-13m-23d (b. 1871-05-13)faecal obstruction of intestine
Havsepian [Hovsepian], TorosMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-04-0248 general paralysis of insane
2310 Pollard St.Esgandarian [Iskenderian], AroucyakFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-078m-24d (b. 1924-06-09)lobar pneumonia
6644 E. Lafayette Ave.Jaffarian [Jafarian], William BedraMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-10-1465 (b. 1858)aortic regurgitation (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
2724 3rd Ave.Julloian [Jelloian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-06-062d (b. 1924-06-04)prematurely [born] (7 mos.)
2724 3rd Ave.Jelloian, AlmastFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-05-1828 pelvic peritonitis following self-induced abortion
435 S. Solvay Ave.Jantamrian [Jentemourian], BadrosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-07-0632y-5m-6d (b. 1904-02-01)lobar pneumonia (contributory: suffered acute dilation of heart)
3108 S. Edsel Ave.Jeffire [Jevahirjian], HaikMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-07-1363y-2m-8d (b. 1870-05-06)malignant hypertensive right arteriolar nephritis, left pylonephritis, chronic urinary cystitis (contributory: chronic prostatic hypertrophy)
16623 Tuller Ave.Jevahirian [Jevahirjian], PaulMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-09-0780y-23d (b. 1859-08-15)chronic valvular endocarditis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis
268 S. Waterman Ave.Javezian [Jevizian], VartgesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-271y-9m-23d (b. 1923-08-04)cerebro spinal meningitis (contributory: exposure)
502 S. Cottrell Ave.Jourigian [Jouharigian], HagopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-06-3049y-1m-20d (b. 1878-05-10)brain abscess (contributory: chronic nephritis)
500 S. Solvay Ave.Jorgian [Jouharigian], MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-03-3041y-6m-16d (b. 1895-09-14)right upper and lower lobar pneumonia, toxic hepatitis with jaundice . . .
1515 Kendall Ave.Johariaian [Jouharigian], Sabon [?]MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-074m-5d (b. 1925-01-03)influenza - intestinal type
670 S. Solvay Ave.Kabeayian [Kabakjian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-2217 acidosis following pernicious vomity of pregnancy
4045 W. Fort St.Kajabakian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-02-0245 valvular heart disease, chronic parenchymatosis, nephritis, endocarditis (contributory: chronic passive congestion)
1445 Jefferson Ct.Kalajian, MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-05-0225d (b. 1923-04-07)broncho pneumonia
40 23rd St.Kalajian, OsgianMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-01-1532y-2m-20d (b. 1886-10-27)broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
69 Gould Ave.Kellarian [Kallerian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-10-0333 (b. 1886)endocarditis (contributory: anaemia)
2214 Newton Ave.Kalousdian [Kaloustian], RoupenMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-01-1310m-19d (b. 1922-02-25)bilateral otitis media and right lobar pneumonia
1933 La Belle Ave.Gandelian [Kandalian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-05-0875 myocardial failure, ca[ncer] of liver
669 Engle Ave.Koprielian [Kaprielian], OhannasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-08-1812d (b. 1921-08-06)hemorrhage [of] naval [navel]
15 E. Columbia St.Koshabian [Kasabian], VahanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-09-1334 lobar pneumonia (contributory: pneumothorax)
7217 Gould Ave.Kasparian, ArshalouseFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-09-2116y-7m-9d (b. 1905-01-22)internal hemorrhage following gunshot wound of lung & heart (homicide)
2404 Campbell Ave.Kasbarian [Kasparian], KassickFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-248m-24d (b. 1924-06-30)lobar pneumonia (contributory: chicken pox)
802 Beard Ave.Kasparian, KuvarFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-12-1260 terminal broncho pneumonia, cerebral thrombosis, right & left heart failure, hypertensive cardiovascular disease (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis)
802 Beard Ave.Kasparian, MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-05-1026 (b. 1906)pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous abscess (chest wall)
796 Wilde St.Kasparian, SiranoushFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-03-2158y-3m-11d (b. 1878-12-10)cerebral hemorrhage
1901 Hazelwood Ave.Kayabalian, BarguheFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-10-203m-10d (b. 1923-07-10)infective diarrhea (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
1901 Hazelwood Ave.Kayabalian, HohanesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-02-2611m-5d (b. 1922-03-21)bronchial pneumonia
505 4th Ave.Kefsizian, HighroheFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-03-222y-6m (b. 1916-11-22)influenza
20051 Cardoni Ave.Kefsizian, PepronFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-0826y-7m-23d (b. 1899-04-15)acute uraemic poisoning (contributory: one kidney removed [in] 1922, remaining kidney infected)
1518 Pasadena Ave.Kepthian [Kepteian], HaroutuneMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-12-2940y-4m-5d (b. 1881-08-15)pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: pulmonary hemorrhage)
1153 4th Ave.Keshishian, PaulMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-03-0232 haemorrhage from extraction of teeth (contributory: chronic hemophilia)
1665 Pasadena Ave.Kestekian [Kestigian], AnnigFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-10-0660y-10m-16d (b. 1875-11-20)gastric carcinoma
8398 Cahalan Ave.Kestigian, GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-08-0660 myocarditis (contributory: urinary suppression)
968 W. Canfield Ave.Kastagian [Kestigian], Vartaym [?]FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-1220y-9m-20d (b. 1901-05-20)pulmonary tuberculosis of both lungs
8349 Linwood Ave.Kestigian, VictoriaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-03-017m-29d (b. 1928-06-30)suppurative arthritis, r[igh]t hip joint (contributory: septicemia)
805 S. Green Ave.Kevorkian, AlmaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-10-2240 left bronchopneumonia, mitral insufficiency
525 S. Green Ave.Kevorkian, HampartMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-05-2255 general paresis (contributory: therapeutic malaria fever)
809 S. Green Ave.Kevorkian, SatenigFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-09-2136 cardiac failure due to asthma (contributory: terrific headache)
7619 South St.Kachadourian [Khachadourian], VartanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-06-1150 hemorrhage following gunshot wound of neck (homicide)
109 Solvay Ave.Kachadourian [Khachadourian], YepramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-10-0440 tuberculosis of the kidney (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis)
711 S. Crossley St.Kashigian [Khachigian], GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-05-0744y-10m-19d (b. 1878-06-18)lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold)
6523 South St.Keshageain [Khachigian], MargasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-0648 (b. 1877-05-06)lobar pneumonia
5831 Celeron St.Ganigian [Khanigian], AntraniaMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-01-2146y-1d (b. 1879-01-20)aortic insufficiency
727 S. Green Ave.Kehetian [Khteian], GraceFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-06-013y-2m-11d (b. 1928-03-20)diphtheria
7750 Pitt St.Keteyian [Khteian], HounghosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-09-0263 myocarditis, coronary disease
250½ 17th St.Keteian [Khteian], Kashern [?]MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-11-302y-9m-29d (b. 1929-02-09)burns to body general, fell in boiler of hot water, accidental
529 S. Green Ave.Katian [Khteian], LousintenFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-08-111m-3d (b. 1922-07-08)malnutrition and probably syphilitic infection
219 Solvay Ave.Keteyian [Khteian], LucyFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1915-06-271y-4m-5d (b. 1913-02-22)tubercular meningitis (contributory: otitis media)
339 S. Green Ave.Karmerian [Kirmarian], OhanesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1943-08-0975 bronchopneumonia (contributory: arteriosclerotic h[ear]t dis[ease]
514 S. Green Ave.Kachoian [Kochoian], ApelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-03-2146y-6m-17d (b. 1882-09-04)peritonitis, ruptured gangrenous retrocecal appenditicitis
520 S. Solvay Ave.Gangian [Konjoian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-10-096m-24d (b. 1928-03-15)infectious diarrhea, otitis media, anemia, bronchopneumonia (contributory: malnutrition)
424 La Belle Ave.Kooyoomjian [Kouyoumjian], AlmastFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-2452 pulmonary tuberculosis
136 Solvay Ave.Krekorian [Krikorian], KrekorMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-01-1745 broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
948 E. Congress St.Krekorian [Krikorian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-05-1613y-4m-16d (b. 1906-01-01)auto intoxication, seemed suffering from absorption, some ptomaine originating in intestine (contributory: convulsions)
4763 Casper Ave.Krikorian, MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-10-197m-10d (b. 1924-03-09)intestinal intoxication (contributory: probably pneumonia)
998 W. Kirby Ave.Kuchukian, MelikFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-01-1313d (b. 1924-12-31)cerebral hemorrhage
1298 20th St.Kourtjian [Kurejian], AzniveFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-06-2823y-5m-6d (b. 1905-01-22)lobar pneumonia (left), septic (contributory: abscess of neck following extraction of teeth)
242 Lillibridge Ave.Kirazian [Kurejian], Lillian ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-10-142y-4m-14d (b. 1918-05-30)cerebro spinal meningitis (contributory: pharyngitis & acute gastritis)
242 Lillibridge Ave.Kirazian [Kurejian], ZabellFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-1429y-4m-5d (b. 1890-10-09)lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
411 Michigan Ave.Kurkjian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-07-1250 cardiac insufficiency
170 Military Ave.Lefian [Lafian], AzneveFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-12-2424 lung abscess
165 Harrington Ave.Laktzian [Lektzian], EsgouhiFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-09-3048 intestinal obstruct[io]n
165 Harrington Ave.Laktzian [Lektzian], KasperMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1942-03-1854 hypertensive heart disease, uremia (enlarged heart, chr[onic] nephritis)
1974 W. Davison Ave.Mugurian [Magarian], ManuelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-09-2263y-9m-7d (b. 1875-12-15)coronary thrombosis
2535 Clifford St.Magerian [Magarian], RosieFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-04-157m-21d (b. 1920-08-25)ileo colitis
2323 6th St.Mugurian [Magarian], VictoriaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-0817 (b. 1908)dimentia [dementia] praecox (contributory: cachexia)
1974 W. Davison Ave.Mugurian [Magarian], ZaroohiFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-10-1051 adenocarcinoma of left breast & metastasis of r[igh]t breast & general glands, terminal cardiac failure (amputation of left breast)
3073 Porter St.Mahakian [Maghakian], MaryFNorthville Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-07-2328y-3m-12d (b. 1896-04-11)pulmonary tuberculosis
8044 Cahalan Ave.Malkasian [Malkhasian], PaulMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1943-08-2971y-5m-16d (b. 1872-03-15)cerebral hemorrhage (right) (contributory: arteriosclerosis & arteriosclerotic heart disease)
13443 Dequindre Ave.Maloian, HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-06-2947 congestive heart failure, aortic & mitral insufficiency
422 3rd Ave.Maloian, HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-01-1262 traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following skull fracture (struck by auto - auto accident)
182 Green Ave.Manavian, AubrinigMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-258y-8m-19d (b. 1910-01-06)bronchial pneumonia following influenza
182 Green Ave.Manavian, VaskeFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-2932 influenzal pneumonia
1385 Newport Ave.Harvey [Manoian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-01-1618y-1m-10d (b. 1917-12-06)septic sore throat, cervical adenitis (contributory: general weakness)
7106 South St.Menoian [Manoian], NickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-04-1449 chr. myocarditis, early right lobar pneumonia, mitral stenosis
44 3rd Ave.Mannoogian [Manougian], HugazMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-11-2021 fracture of skull due to jumping from 3rd story window due to hotel burning
17303 Prairie Ave.Manoog [Manougian], Mack K.MAllen Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1944-12-1151y-1d (b. 1893-12-10)carcinoma of neck
700 S. Solvay Ave.Merasian [Marashlian], SahagMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-06-1746 lobar pneumonia
526 S. Solvay Ave.Mardigian, MalcolmMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-05-0128 (b. 1895)lobar pneumonia (contributory: hemorrhage from the lungs)
1502 Clements Ave.Mardrosian [Mardirosian], MartinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-06-089y-11m-11d (b. 1913-06-28)typhoid fever (contributory: TB meningitis)
2159 Pasadena Ave.Margosian, JacobMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-09-253y-3m-30d (b. 1921-05-30)acute anterior poliomyelitis
610 S. Solvay Ave.Markarian, NoyemzerFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-148m-9d (b. 1923-08-05)malnutrition (contributory: improper feeding)
711 S. Crossley St.Markarian, VanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-03-272d (b. 1939-03-25)intracranial hemorrhage
149 Solvay Ave.Maskasian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-03-0745 tubercular meningitis and pulmonary tuberculosis
2528 Woodward Ave.Mathosian [Mateosian], MosesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-11-0155 broncho pneumonia (contributory: tonsilitis)
4638 W. Fort St.Matigian, MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-06-2038y-5m-17d (b. 1887-01-03)endocarditis acute (contributory: rheumatic fever)
298 S. Cavalry Ave.Medzigian, SarahFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-01-1935y-18d (b. 1899-01-01)ectopic pregnancy (left tube), bronchial pneumonia
755 S. Green Ave.Mazigian [Medzigian], SinekerinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-01-2645 (b. 1880)acute lobar pneumonia
298 S. Cavalry Ave.Medzigian, Sophie IreneFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-05-161y-7m-10d (b. 1926-10-06)broncho-pneumonia (contributory: naso-pharyngitis, adenitis, measles)
643 3rd Ave.Malikian [Melikian], SusanFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-09-28(b. 1920-09-28)premature baby
219 Solvay Ave.Malkanian [Melkonian], Ajrch [?]MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1916-11-0833 bronchial pneumonia
766 S. Harrington Ave.Malkonian [Melkonian], HarryMNorthville Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-11-1241 advanced pulmonary tuberculosis
915 E. Congress St.Melkonian, M.MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-01-2840 meningitis
15 Gratiot Ave.Merrnendian [Menendian], HagopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-07-2622 arsenical idiosyncrasy, arsphanimine [arsphenamine] medication injection
511 S. Campbell Ave.Messerlian [Meserlian], ErvantMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-06-2133y-3m-11d (b. 1896-03-10)general paralysis of insane
741 S. Solvay Ave.Meshgoian, VahramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-2332y-2m-13d (b. 1891-02-10)lobar pneu[monia] (contributory: para typhoid)
15751 Dexter Blvd.Mesrobian, DavidMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-02-0147y-11m-16d (b. 1887-02-15)bronchopneumonia (contributory: hypertension)
1242 Glynn Ct.Mugardichian [Mgrdichian], AgavineFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-04-3053y-11m-10d (b. 1885-05-20)coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertension)
7118 South St.Megerdichian [Mgrdichian], SteveMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-02-111y-1m-10d (b. 1930-01-06)broncho pneumonia (cold)
6053 Hussar Ave.Minasian, BayzarFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1946-02-2143y-10m-27d (b. 1902-03-24)carcinoma of gall bladder (contributory: carcinomatosis)
2415 Clark Ave.Minasian, HrepsemaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-05-0844 adeno-carcinoma of large intestine (tumor mass at ends of colon & sigmoid)
206 Solvay Ave.Dermanetian [Minetian], SofiaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-04-0837y-11m-24d (b. 1881-04-15)exhaustion following abdominal hysterectomy (contributory: uterine fibrosis & hemorrhage)
504 S. Solvay Ave.Merzoian [Mirzoian], RoseFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1942-04-0748 terminal cardiac failure, chronic hypertensive heart disease
142 Solvay Ave.Mooradian [Mouradian], AramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-01-2925 acute bronch pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
1943 Kendall Ave.Mouradian, ArthichFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-01-251y-4m-1d (b. 1921-09-24)shock following operation for intestinal obstruction
419 S. Cottrell Ave.Mooradian [Mouradian], EgisheMYpsilanti, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1945-12-1149y-4m-27d (b. 1896-07-14)cerebral vascular accident due to chronic diffuse meningo encephalitis
419 S. Cottrell Ave.Moushagian [Mousheghian], SarkisMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-10-2148 fractured skull due to fall downstairs
1221 Hinkley St.Mossoian [Moushoian], AbrahamMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-281y-4m-20d (b. 1922-09-08)broncho pneumonia, cause undetermined (contributory: cerebral meningitis)
529 S. Green Ave.Massaian [Moushoian], ManupMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-01-125m-10d (b. 1924-08-02)broncho pneumonia
1015 25th St.Movsesian, RuebenMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-05-313y-11m-1d (b. 1928-06-29)T. B., meningitis
115 Solvay Ave.Mukbivian, KatoosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1915-09-2830 fractured skull, hit by auto, accidental
5935 Trumbull Ave.Murmurian, MaryFEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-03-2151y-2m-20d (b. 1889-01-01)broncho-pneumonia, post-encephalitic Parkinsonia
1279 E. Lafayette Ave.Nahikian [Nahigian], Margaret M.FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-01-1457y-2m-22d (b. 1861-10-22)asthenia following chronic nephritis (contributory: terminal pneu[monia])
2163 Cortland Ave.Nalbandian, HelenFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-05-1325y-4m-12d (b. 1895-08-03)general peritonitis (contributory: acute choleceptitis)
254 Clinton Ave.Nersesian, AvedisMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1915-12-1627y-11m-15d (b. 1888-01-01)general peritonitis (contributory: appendicitis)
14027 Orleans St.Nersesian, Ed AvedisMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-01-2635 cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: mitral stenosis)
228 N. Green Ave.Narsian [Nersesian], EdgarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-02-0835 lobar pneumonia
710 S. Cottrell Ave.Narsesian [Nersesian], HagopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-11-1344y-9m-2d (b. 1887-02-10)cardiac failure, hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, pericarditis (contributory: asthma)
374 Green Ave.Narsasian [Nersesian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-08-2873 phthisis pulmonalis
228 N. Green Ave.Nersesian, VartigFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-04-0663 apoplexy (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis)
558 S. Solvay Ave.Negoghorian [Nigoghosian], AskianMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-09-0737 lobar pneumonia
610 S. Cottrell Ave.Nighoghosian [Nigoghosian], DickranMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-01-2366y-11m-8d (b. 1872-02-15)broncho-pneumonia
610 S. Cottrell Ave.Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], EstherFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-12-2247 chronic glomerular nephritis, uremic coma
Nigoghossian [Nigoghosian], GarabedMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1915-11-0328 pulmonary tuberculosis
806 N. Green Ave.Nishanian, MikeMSt. Catharines, Lincoln Co., ON, Canada1948-03-1852y-5m-15d (b. 1895-10-03)myocarditis (sudden)
7228 Erie St.Noroian, ArshagMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-2845 lobar pneumonia
456 S. Cavalry Ave.Noorian [Noroian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-12-1944y-8m-14d (b. 1886-04-05)traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following fractured skull (contributory: struck by auto, accident)
491 Monterey Ave.Norenzeian [Norundzaian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-06-25(b. 1920-06-25)still born (contributory: breech presentation)
13104 Montville Pl.Norundzaian, GarbisMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-11-2617y-8m-28d (b. 1908-02-28)pulmonary tuberculosis
2782 2nd Blvd.Nourhanian [Nourikhanian], DickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-2422 bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: parotid abscess left)
669 Engle Ave.Ohanian, Parise LucilleFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-03-103m-2d (b. 1925-12-08)enteritis
781 Morrell St.Ohanesian [Ohannesian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-05-022d (b. 1922-04-30)prematurity birth (6 mos.)
1478 17th St.Ohanesian [Ohannesian], ArakelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-12-0144y-8m-21d (b. 1878-03-10)aortic insufficiency
569 Randolph St.Ohannasian [Ohannesian], HamartzoonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-1238y-2m-8d (b. 1887-07-04)traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following fractured skull (contributory: injured in automobile collission [collision])
1640 Ford Ave.Paklaian, NersesMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1931-06-1244y-8m-22d (b. 1886-10-20)accidental traumatism by auto accident (contributory: multiple fractures of left clavicle & fracture ribs, lobar pneumonia)
204 Cottrell Ave.Parmeian, NarsasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-05-2534 lobar pneumonia
2391 Stair Ave.Pilavjian, ArmenMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-01-0534y-7m-7d (b. 1899-05-28)hypertension, chronic, glomerular nephritis, uremia
524 Baker St.Phillipian [Pilibosian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-08(b. 1919-02-08)still born
2500 6th St.De Pilibosian [Pilibosian], SetrakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-07-1637 general peritonitis following rupture[d] ulcer, small intestine, 5 feet from stomach
1730 8th St.Der Pilibosian [Pilibosian], SetrakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-01-232m-22d (b. 1921-10-31)malnutrition (intoxication)
728 S. Solvay Ave.Bligian [Piligian], VartonMNankin Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-01-2070y-5m (b. 1865-08-20)cerebral accident (contributory: diabetes mellitus)
3020 Trombly Ave.Pilosian, EgesheMHamtramck, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-05-2931 fractured skull - caught in belt of machine
550 S. Solvay Ave.Poladian, ArmenuhiFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-04-0425 pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis of intestines & larynx)
803 S. Cottrell Ave.Poladian, SamuelMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-05-0757 pulmonary tuberculosis
8445 Epworth Blvd.Postian [Postoian], AramaMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-02-0232y-7m-18d (b. 1897-06-15)traumatic cerebral hemorrhage due to skull frac[ture] (auto acc[ident])
758 Casgrain Ave.Proodian [Proudian], EdwardMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-10-2210y-7m-7d (b. 1927-03-15)internal hemorrhage following punctured lung (struck by auto [in] front of [home])
750 S. Cottrell Ave.Rahanian, KegnanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-09-181m-15d (b. 1923-08-04)broncho pneu[monia], septic peritonitis (contributory: malnutrition)
800 S. Solvay Ave.Raisian [Reisian], DickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-08-2460 acute pancreatic fat necroses
118 Helen Ave.Sodoian [Sadoian], OhanasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-11-1827 broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
592 S. Post Ave.Sagatelian [Saghatielian], ElizabethFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-08-223y-2m (b. 1928-06-22)traumatic internal hemorrhage following crushing injuries to chest (contributory: struck by auto, accident)
820 S. Solvay Ave.Sagatelian [Saghatielian], KrekorMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1931-05-0450 left broncho pneumonia, right hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: chronic myocarditis, bilateral hydronephrosis [?], cerebral edema)
544 S. Post Ave.Sagatalian [Saghatielian], MisakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-0324 pulmonary tuberculosis
586 S. Cottrell Ave.Sagatlian [Saghatielian], OhannesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-136m-15d (b. 1925-02-28)acute indigestion
585 S. Cottrell Ave.Sahagian, HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-09-1833 myelitis transverse, acute level, 5th dorsal vertebra
192 Green Ave.Sahagian, KhzarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-05-1948 lobar pneumonia
514 S. Cottrell Ave.Sarafian, AntranigMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1937-04-2063y-1m-5d bilateral lobar pneumonia
1086 Waterman Ave.Sarkisian, AsadoorMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-08-0653 aortic aneurysm (contributory: senility)
6201 16th St.Sarkisian, HighgouhieFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1936-07-1755 cardiac chr[onic] myocarditis, hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, diabetes
416 S. Solvay Ave.Saskisian [Sarkisian], HogopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-08-3034 neoplasm of liver (contributory: post operations shock)
2750 3rd Ave.Sarkis [Sarkisian], JosephMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-09-2038 gunshot wound of chest and abdomen (homicide)
1710 Concord Ave.Sarkissian [Sarkisian], KhachadourMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-11-0949y-6m-19d (b. 1877-05-10)lobar pneumonia
6361 South St.Sefarian [Seferian], VahanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-01-2356y-4m-13d (b. 1888-09-10)acute cardiac dilatation & edema of lungs
1670 Pasadena Ave.Shaghoian, KhachadoorMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-02-1058y-7m-15d (b. 1876-06-25)apoplexy
446 Trumbull Ave.Shahbazian, FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-09-10(b. 1918-09-10)still born
2564 Highland Ave.Shahinian, NishanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-12-0638y-4m-16d (b. 1892-07-20)cerebral apoplexy
1749 Brush St.Cherakian [Shahrigian], YervantMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-03-2225y-9m-21d (b. 1895-03-31)laceration of throat, self inflicted with razor (suicide)
9904 Harper St.Chomkian [Shamigian], ZakarMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-12-0768 apoplexy (contributory: chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis)
2442 National Ave.Sharnazian, ArtinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-04-0446 asthma
442 Baker St.Shavatean [Shevodian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-09-2240 chronic myocarditis
1584 La Belle Ave.Shiryetian, VaghinagMNorthville Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-06-2636y-11d (b. 1886-06-15)advanced pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous peritonitis)
7616 Erie St.Shushamian [Shoushanian], MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-021y-4m-16d (b. 1921-03-17)broncho pneumonia
197 Cavalry Ave.Samigian [Simigian], Lena MayFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-11-0212d (b. 1919-10-20)acute gastro enteritus
651 S. Waterman Ave.Semijian [Simigian], MenshnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-07-1145 pulmonary tuberculosis
1531 17th St.Simonian, ArpineaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-03-182d (b. 1923-03-16)premature birth (8 mos.)
766 S. Harrington Ave.Soghigian, SoultanFEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-04-2675 hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis)
7200 W. Vernor Hwy.Sohigian [Soghigian], SourenMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-11-2040y-11m-11d (b. 1893-12-10)post operation shock following radical antrum operation (condition: abscess of antrum)
7424 Ferndale Ave.Sogoian [Soghoian], HatchigMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-01-247m (b. 1926-06-24)acute ileo colitis (contributory: ileus)
170 Solvay Ave.Sogoian [Soghoian], SultanFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-05-091d (b. 1919-05-07)convulsions (contributory: compression of brain from forceps)
170 Solvay Ave.Sogoian [Soghoian], SultanFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-05-0738 postpartum hemorrhage (contributory: placenta praevia, margualis, eclampsia)
419 S. Cottrell Ave.Surmanian, GatigFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-06-2363y-9m-18d (b. 1867-09-05)chronic myocarditis
201 Brady St.Talesian [Talaslian], HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-02-117m-10d (b. 1921-07-01)broncho pneumonia
7630 Gould Ave.Tashjian, AramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-0430y-4m-19d (b. 1895-07-15)mastoiditis (contributory: brain abscess)
526 E. Forest Ave.Tashjian, ArmanagMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-01-2028 external hemorrhage following incised wound of right neck, stabbed with bayonet (homicide)
14724 14th Ave.Tatosian [Tateosian], SarkasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-06-0338 (b. 1890)post operative shock (contributory: duodenal ulcer)
621 S. Harrington Ave.Tavtigian, DickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-10-0248y-4m-27d (b. 1887-05-15)carcinoma of stomach, metastatic to glands, liver, & lungs, broncho-pneumonia, hemorrhage gastric from tumor
404 S. Solvay Ave.Tavatigian [Tavtigian], OhannasMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-01-1648 lobar pneumonia
7240 Erie St.Topelian [Topalian], MikeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-04-1217y-3m-25d (b. 1923-12-17)glomerulonephritis, chronic arterial hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy (contributory: pulmonary edema)
108 Solvay Ave.Toorigian [Torigian], EgishaMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-03-1645 (b. 1874-05)lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
596 S. Rademacher Ave.Tourigian [Torigian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-165d (b. 1925-12-11)defective organs (contributory: malnutrition)
168 Harrington Ave.Torossian [Torosian], FDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-01-131d (b. 1919-01-12)premature birth
168 Harrington Ave.Torossian [Torosian], MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-09-10(b. 1919-09-10)premature (5 months)
168 Harrington Ave.Torossian [Torosian], CharlesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-0125y-5m-22d (b. 1893-08-10)lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
128 Solvay Ave.Torsian [Torosian], DickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1916-05-3027 (b. 1889)rheumatic endocarditis
2098 W. Jefferson Ave.Torosian, KalustMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-1726 influenzal pneumonia, lobar
593 S. Harrington Ave.Torossian [Torosian], MaryFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-05-1362 generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage
4104 Michigan Ave.Toundaian, JackMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-0133y-4m-22d (b. 1890-11-10)lobar pneumonia
4055 Ida Ave.Tufenkjian, ManaseMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-12-0562y-7m-20d (b. 1879-03-15)coronary disease (contributory: cardio-vascular renal disease)
1124 Scotten Ave.Vahanian, TorosMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-10-2835y-10m-15d (b. 1888-12-15)brain abscess, chronic mastoiditis, right side (contributory: staphylococcus meningitis)
1640 W. Davison Ave.Varjabedian, MardickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-09-2739 (b. 1885)gunshot wound of chest (suicide)
Vazhabedian [Varjabedian], SempadMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1917-07-2628 pulmonary tuberculosis
211 Cottrell Ave.Vartgabedian [Varjabedian], VartanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-1525 broncho pneumonia (influenza)
Vartabian [Vartabedian], HagopMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1916-05-1837y-4m-15d (b. 1879-01-03)pulminary [pulmonary] tuberculosis
9126 Dearborn Ave.Vartabedian, KevorkMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-06-1245y-8m-16d (b. 1887-09-25)cardiac regurgitation
511 S. Campbell Ave.Dervantanian [Vartanian], GayanedFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-03-115d (b. 1926-03-06)premature labor
611 S. Cottrell Ave.Vartonian [Vartanian], MooshagMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-11-0835y-11m-18d (b. 1887-11-20)acute yellow atrophy (contributory: alcoholism)
2325 6th St.Varterasian [Varteresian], BeatriceFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-07-235m-6d (b. 1923-02-18)gastro enteritis
20135 Cardoni Ave.Vartoogian [Vartigian], GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-11-0327y-3m-1d (b. 1897-08-02)pulmonary tuberculosis
621 S. Harrington Ave.Vosgerchian [Vosgerichian], AdamMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-04-253m (b. 1939-01-25)broncho pneumonia
538 S. Post Ave.Vasgershian [Vosgerichian], ZabelFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-04-042y-6m-25d (b. 1922-09-09)2nd degree burns to back side & buttocks due to falling in pan of hot water
15392 Wildemere Ave.Aramian [Yeramian], OniaMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-04-1734y-3m-22d (b. 1885-12-25)cancer of the large intestine
2448 Brooklyn Ave.Aramian [Yeramian], RoseFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-09-273d (b. 1922-09-24)inanition due to inability to swallow, probably caused [by] paralysis due to hard labor
585 S. Solvay Ave.Eranosian [Yeranosian], BardicMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-02-087m-28d (b. 1929-06-10)bronchopneumonia (contributory: measles, otitis media)
5417 15th Ave.Yarejian [Yeretzian], Stephan G.MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-269m-28d (b. 1925-02-28)lobar pneumonia
570 S. Solvay Ave.Argenian [Yerganian], AbrahamMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-01-2760 myocarditis
1307 N. Green Ave.Argenian [Yerganian], KhattonFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-12-1135 double lobar pneumonia
5240 Commonwealth St.Yesayian [Yesaian], EstherFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-07-1859y-1m-24d (b. 1869-05-25)broncopheumonia (contributory: bad cold)
1538 Monterey Ave.Yesayian [Yesaian], GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1933-08-2769y-9m-22d (b. 1863-11-05)apoplexy, right basal ganglia (contributory: hypostatic pneumonia)
400 6th St.Yashilian [Yeshilian], AliceFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-12-221y-5m-12d (b. 1917-07-10)3rd degree burns to limb & abdomen, clothing catching fire when another child threw burning paper at her
411 Columbia St.Zakarian, GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-1739 hemorrhage following gun shot wound of lungs and heart (homicide)
7041 South St.Zaratzion [Zaratzian], AsakMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-01-2642 scarlatina [scarletina] . . . began the day following a r[igh]t inquinal hermotomy
Belmont HotelZaratzian, YervantMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-01-3125 broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
3010 Sheridan Ave.Zoornajian [Zournajian], MighirditchMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-11-1545 (b. 1885-01-15)toxic adenoma of thyroid
Eloise, MI, USA
Saharian [Zakarian], HogapMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-11-0737y-7m-23d pulmonary tuberculosis
Ferndale, MI, USA
1627 Albany Ave.Malkoun [Melkonian], NazarethMFerndale, Oakland Co., MI, USA1938-10-2880 (b. 1858)heart disease
227 E. Lewiston Ave.Miserlian [Meserlian], SarkisMFerndale, Oakland Co., MI, USA1932-05-2447y-6m-20d (b. 1884-11-04)lobar pneumonia (contributory: asthma)
Flint, MI, USA
5402 Laurel St.Evarian, SamMFlint, Genesee Co., MI, USA1933-06-2244y-9m-21d (b. 1888-09-01)bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis to the brain
Hamtramck, MI, USA
2375 Faber St.Arslanian, ArdavastMHamtramck, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-167m-9d (b. 1924-07-06)gastro enteritis (contributory: bronchitis - sub-acute)
3505 Leuschner Ave.Kozerian [Ghazarian], HarryMHamtramck, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-03-192y-4m-12d (b. 1920-11-07)cerebral hemorrhage with convulsions
Pariasigian [Parseghian], KhadorMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-02-0830 pulmonary tuberculosis
Highland Park, MI, USA
24 Auburndale Ave.Abajian, NazarethMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1934-08-2650y-3m-16d (b. 1884-05-10)report pending
105 Winona Ave.Abrahamian, JohnMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-09-0414d (b. 1924-08-21)malnutrition
181 W. Buena Vista Ave.Aharonian, GraceFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-03-2617y-1m (b. 1904-02-26)pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: infection of tubercle)
181 W. Buena Vista Ave.Aharonian, YagsaFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1935-11-0648y-2d (b. 1887-11-04)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertension)
171 Colorado Ave.Ajemian, Charles H.MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-11-0142y-8m-23d (b. 1897-02-08)carcinoma of rectum
209 Pasadena Ave.Alatchanian [Alajian], AbrahamMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-11-2163y-1m-7d (b. 1876-10-14)ulcerative aortitis, mesenteric thrombosis
13642 Thomson Ave.Alonian [Aloian], Peter BarkevMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-222y-4m (b. 1921-12-22)TB meningitis, bronchial pneumonia
242 Pasadena Ave.Arabian, TakouhyFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-03-1867y-7m-2d (b. 1869-08-16)cardiac collapse due to nephritis, arterial hypertension, intestinal influenza
79 (Apt. 5) Midland Ave.Arakelian, GadarFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-02-2077y-11m-5d (b. 1851-03-15)myocarditis, old age
13918 Brush St.Arakelian, NishanMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-02-2736y-3m-12d (b. 1885-11-15)acute alcoholism
246 Hawthorne Ave.Arakebian [Arakelian], RosieFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-01-302m-11d (b. 1919-11-19)malnutrition, enteritis
143 Midland Ave.Arevian, DakesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-09-2048 (b. 1881)pyelonephritis (contributory: tubercular kidneys)
13615 Thomson Ave.Armoudlian, NazelyFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-29(b. 1925-09-28)prematurity and under weight (mother severe nephritic)
307 La Belle Ave.Arslanian, IsabelleFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1940-10-2551 coronary thrombosis
204 La Belle Ave.Aslanian [Arslanian], OhanesMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1946-04-1154y-8m-26d (b. 1891-07-15)sarcoma of retro peritoneal glands with ascites
71 Manchester Ave.Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], JakeMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-2849 lobar pneumonia
106 Cottage Grove Ave.Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Ruth M.FHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-08-0737 (b. 1884)chronic nephritis with dropsy (contributory: valvular heart disease)
233 La Belle Ave.Atanasian, GulkatirFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-07-1735 erysipelas (contributory: mitral regurgitation . . . acute nephritis)
139 Ford Ave.Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Dick P.MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-07-154y-2m-28d (b. 1914-04-17)tubercular meningitis
2504 Hamilton Blvd.Bagedigian [Baghdigian], Elmas B.FHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-12-2829y-4m-3d (b. 1889-08-25)lobar pneumonia
14026 Lincoln Ave.Barsamian, AlexanderMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-02-284m-18d (b. 1922-10-09)broncho pneumonia (contributory: otitis media, malnutrition)
77 Victor Ave.Barsamian, HowhanesMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-10-3163 chronic endocarditis
229 Windemere Ave.Baylarian [Baylerian], DorothyFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-10-142y-6m-23d (b. 1920-03-21)1st & 2nd degree burns to body due to pulling pail of hot water from stove on self acc[i]d[entally]
229 Windemere Ave.Baylerian, NishoMAnn Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1926-07-1361
108 Cottage Grove Ave.Bedrosian, SamuelMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-02-222y-8m-29d (b. 1916-05-24)tubercular meningitis
13104 Trumbull Ave.Bestegian [Bezdigian], TervandaFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-0627y-7m-14d (b. 1898-04-25)pulmonary tuberculosis
165 Beresford Ave.Bogosian [Boghosian], DavidMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1938-09-1961y-7m-15d (b. 1877-07-04)spontaneous rupture of heart following old infarction of left ventrical [ventricle]
230 La Belle Ave.Boyajian, Edward OhaneasMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-12-0530y-7m-20d (b. 1889-04-15)uremia due to acute nephritis (contributory: terminal pneumonia)
224 Cottage Grove Ave.Bozegian [Bozigian], GertrudeFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-11-243y-3m-18d (b. 1920-08-06)tubercular meningitis
224 Cottage Grove Ave.Gozigian [Bozigian], GertrudeFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-272y-3m-16d (b. 1918-10-31)tuberculosis meningitis (contributory: bronchial pneumonia)
187 La Belle Ave.Danielian, MugerditchMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-05-0452 carcinoma of stomach, metastasis of liver
148 E. Grand Ave.Ekezian [Ekizian], MartinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-02-104m-28d (b. 1920-09-13)lobar pneumonia, acute passive congestion of liver, jaundice (contributory: doublie otitis media)
148 E. Grand Ave.Ekezian [Ekizian], MaryFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-03-291 (b. 1923-03-28)bronchial pneumonia
2922 Thomson Ave.Garabedian, MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-11-06(b. 1920-11-06)still born
221 La Belle Ave.Keulian [Gulian], ManougMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-02-2546y-2m-7d (b. 1880-12-18)inquest pending (contributory: med[ication?])
146 La Belle Ave.Hagopian, YertwartMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-07-222d (b. 1918-07-20)heat stroke
153 Victor Ave.Hairabedian, AliceFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-11-3047 carcinoma of uterus
107 E. Grand Ave.Korasanian [Horasanian], Norma H.FHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-12-183m-12d (b. 1921-09-06)meningitis, pneumococcic type
376 W. Grand Ave.Kabakjian, SouzanFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-03-311y-20d (b. 1927-03-11)broncho pneumonia
166 Cottage Grove Ave.Kludjian [Kalajian], AramMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-12-081y-6m-10d (b. 1917-05-28)influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
229 Windemere Ave.Kaloostian [Kaloustian], JohnMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-10-2335 laryngeal obstruction from goitre
229 Windemere Ave.Kaloostian [Kaloustian], MaryFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-10-212y-9m-20d (b. 1918-01-01)diphtheria
194 Windemere Ave.Kaloustian, VartanouchFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-12-1752y-5m-29d (b. 1869-06-18)acute renal congestion (contributory: uraemia)
1988 Brighton Ave.Kamboorian [Kambourian], AnnaFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-05-06(b. 1923-05-06)meconium in amniotic fluid (contributory: prolapse of cord)
68 La Belle Ave.Hachadourian [Khachadourian], HarryMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-04-142m (b. 1918-02-14)congestion of the lungs, influenzal pneumonia (contributory: low vitality)
133 La Belle Ave.Korkigian, AnanMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-04-0650y-11m-6d (b. 1890-04-24)empyema cavity & bronchopleural fistula & bronchopneumonia
13205 Trumbull Ave.Krikorian, AndrewMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1930-09-0437y-8m-2d (b. 1893-01-06)shock & hemorrhage following crushed head (auto collision)
168 Gerald Ave.Krikorian, JohnMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1943-05-0154y-21d (b. 1889-04-10)lobar pneumonia, upper left lung & auricular fibrillation
12925 Hamilton Ave.Kurejian, ArsenMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-099m-10d (b. 1921-05-31)lobar pneumonia
21 Moss Ave.Malejan [Maljanian], Harry M.MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1932-09-1243y-9m-27d (b. 1888-11-16)uremia, hypertension, coronary sclerosis (contributory: congestive heart failure)
59 La Belle Ave.Malejan [Maljanian], MaryFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1929-12-3073y-3m-29d (b. 1856-09-01)coronary embolism
62 Ford Ave.Malejan [Maljanian], Migerdich GarabedMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1927-10-0871y-8m-26d (b. 1856-01-12)carcinoma of the stomach
151 E. Grand Ave.Marirosian [Mardirosian], Dick M.MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-124m-16d (b. 1918-05-26)convultions [convulsions] (contributory: intestinal intoxication)
322 La Belle Ave.Mghitarian [Mekhitarian], CharlesMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-0628 lobar pneumonia
226 La Belle Ave.Mehtrian [Mekhitarian], FrancesFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-06-071d (b. 1921-06-06)premature birth (7 months)
14642 Thomson Ave.Nekhitarian [Mekhitarian], KarekianMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-01-2144 pulmonary tuberculosis
247 Ford Ave.Misserlian [Meserlian], MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-01-10(b. 1926-01-10)prolonged delivery (breach position)
120 Church Ave.Miranian [Mihranian], MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1917-04-02(b. 1917-04-02)stillborn
165 Winona St.Merigion [Mirakian], GarabedMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-2162 acute dilatation of heart, aortic stenosis (fell on sidewalk)
243 Ford Ave.Mahshigian [Mousheghian], GeorgeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-05-3046y-2m-27d (b. 1893-03-03)empymea [?], mitral insufficiency
2504 Hamilton Blvd.Nahabedian, ElmasFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-12-02(b. 1919-12-02)premature birth
191 Tyler Ave.Nahabedian, Mouses S.MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1939-10-0754y-4m-26d (b. 1885-05-11)valvular insufficiency, cardiac collapse (contributory: chronic nephritis)
195 Ford Ave.Najorian [Najarian], Kuchadoor AghavarFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1917-10-1625y-1m-28d (b. 1892-08-19)empymia gall bladder (contributory: septicemia)
95 Cottage Grove Ave.Narcisian [Nersesian], RosiaFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-09-0237y-1m-26d (b. 1883-07-07)pulmonary tuberculosis
10 Victor Ave.Nishanian, HarryMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1915-11-0123y-3m (b. 1882-07-10)spinal tuberculosis due to injury, accidental fall of[f] wagon
104 Manchester Ave.Ouzoonian [Ouzounian], EstherFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-029m (b. 1919-05-02)broncho pneumonia (contributory: pyelonephritis)
35 Victor Ave.Boloyan [Paloian], MDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-10-09(b. 1920-10-09)still born
203 La Belle Ave.Parsckian [Parseghian], MalkonMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-10-252d (b. 1922-10-23)paralytic hemiplegia
16951 Hamilton Ave.Bekmegian [Pekmezian], MikeMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-07-012y-8m-16d (b. 1918-10-15)acute gastro enteritis (contributory: poorly nourished & [under]developed)
16247 Hamilton Ave.Pilibbossian [Pilibosian], MaryFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-219m-8d (b. 1924-12-14)toxaemia, acute infective colitis
300 La Belle Ave.Postoian, MikMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1928-03-0652y-2m-21d (b. 1875-12-15)lobar pneumonia, bilateral (contributory: chr[onic] bronchitis, colds)
238 La Belle Ave.Sagian [Sahagian], SetrakMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-10-2320y-4m-7d (b. 1898-06-15)suicide by gunshot wound
148 E. Grand Ave.Salidijian, LevonMEloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-3027 acute pericarditis (contributory: rheumatism)
194 Windemere Ave.Sarchian, TheodoreMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-03-118m-24d (b. 1922-06-17)spina bifida (contributory: shock following operation)
251 Cottage Grove Ave.Sarkisian, AliceFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-04-0111y-3m (b. 1906-01)injuries resulting from burns to entire body, accidental
126 Kendall Ave.Sarkissian [Sarkisian], AliceFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-152m-10d (b. 1923-12-05)convulsions
12935 Trumbull Ave.Sarkisian, AraaMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-03-186m-8d (b. 1925-09-10)convulsions
154 La Belle Ave.Sarkisian, AshopMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-06-164m-26d (b. 1923-01-23)broncho pneumonia
72 La Belle Ave.Sarkasian [Sarkisian], GasperMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-09-0534 pulmonary tuberculosis
13616 Thomson Ave.Sarkisian, SarkosMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-02-1524d (b. 1924-01-22)premature birth (7.5 months)
127 Cottage Grove Ave.Sefaroglor [Seferian], ElizabethFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-05-0151y-11m-27d (b. 1874-05-04)cerebral apoplexy
242 La Belle Ave.Shirinian, MakronhyFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-05-2950 broncho pneumonia (contributory: acute nephritis) (disease contracted en route to Detroit from NY)
187 La Belle Ave.Shrinian [Shirinian], OhanigMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-06-1725y-3m-12d (b. 1899-03-05)broncho-pneumonia & septicemia (contributory: septic endocarditis)
168 Cottage Grove Ave.Sirounian, HaygazMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1941-06-3045y-8m-8d (b. 1895-10-22)heat exhaustion (collapsed at work)
181 Gerald Ave.Sayronian [Sirounian], SarahFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-09-065m-29d (b. 1923-03-08)diarrhea (fermentation) & intestinal intoxication (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
195 Ford Ave.Stepanian, ArmenouhiFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-06-211m-21d (b. 1922-04-30)acute endocarditis
257 La Belle Ave.Labibian [Tabibian], ScranouchFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-04-0224 cerebral apoplexy
98 La Belle Ave.Tarpinian, MaryFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-07-06(b. 1921-07-06)premature birth (6 months, 10 days)
506 Grand Ave.Tashijian [Tashjian], JakeMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1921-08-0656 intestinal obstruction, acute toxemia (contributory: cholecystitis, chronic)
246½ Pasadena Ave.Tationian [Tateosian], ColosMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1924-01-131y-7m-14d (b. 1922-05-31)enteritis (contributory: streptococcic emp[h]ysema & septicaemia)
224 Cottage Grove Ave.Tatossian [Tateosian], DickranMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1922-03-0427 broncho pneumonia
280 Glendale Ave.Turadian [Touradian], TakhouiFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-10-1063 sitial insuffiency
237 Ford Ave.Tutelian [Toutalian], AliceFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-12-265d (b. 1925-12-21)congenital obstruction of pylorus and of stomach and duodenum
2832 Herman Ave.Vartanian, AzadFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1919-03-233m-23d (b. 1918-11-30)bronch[i]al pneumonia
331 Ford Ave.Vartanian, VartkessMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1926-04-2110m (b. 1925-05-29)acute lobar pneumonia
162 Manchester Ave.Essayan [Yesaian], HagopMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-05-0873y-19d (b. 1852-04-22)chronic myocarditis
2264 Lincoln Ave.Zakarian, AntranigMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-02-172y-17d (b. 1918-02-01)broncho pneumonia (parent said baby had measles weeks ago)
13615 Lincoln Ave.Zaratzian, MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-08-061d (b. 1925-08-05)dystacea (contributory: subdural haemorrhage)
338 Pasadena Ave.Zaratzian, MHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-09-013d (b. 1925-08-29)inanition
13615 Lincoln Ave.Zaratzian, MadelineFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-08-1823 puerperal sepsis (contributory: dystacea of fetus)
13625 Lincoln Ave.Zaratzian, MarianFHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-06-1373y-3m-9d (b. 1853-03-03)myocarditis & nephritis with hypertension
392 La Belle Ave.Zartarian, EgheshMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1923-04-1330y-13d (b. 1892-08-01)septic meningitis (contributory: bilateral hyperplastic ethmorditis)
Melvindale, MI, USA
1098 Henry Ave.Balian, HargauhiFDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-03-3029 peritonitis following self induced abortion
18314 Robert St.Chirovian [Chrovian], JohnMHighland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA1945-06-1070 acute pyelonephritis, myocardial fibroses, terminal cardiac failure (contibutory: struck by auto)
Pontiac, MI, USA
18 Harris St.Azoian [Ajoian], GarabedMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1938-12-2257y-26d (b. 1881-11-26)cerebral apoplexy
Basmajian, ArsanMDearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-11-2435 apoplexy
40 W. Wilson Ave.Bezirjian, MirijanMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1925-08-3040y-26d (b. 1885-08-05)lobar pneumonia
573 S. Sanford St.Grjigian, KaranMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1937-05-0750 bronchopneumonia
311 Central Ave.Hairabedian, GeorgeMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1935-05-226y-7m-8d (b. 1928-10-14)bronchopneumonia (contributory: upper respiratory infection, cerebral birth injury)
87 S. Shirley Ave.Kalakian [Kelikian], MikeMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1946-06-1556y-3m (b. 1889-03-15)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertension)
8 Perry St.Shamigian, VaskinMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1920-12-2742 carcinomatoses of stomach, spleen, omentum of liver
181 Bagley St.Topoian, MargosMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1945-07-0175y-3m-21d (b. 1870-03-10)coronary thrombosis
38 Chapman St.Topoian, SarkisMPontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA1939-10-1244y-8m-27d (b. 1895-01-15)coronary thrombosis
Royal Oak, MI, USA
327 Kenilworth Ave.Oulbegian [Elbegian], Ruth AnnitFRoyal Oak, Oakland Co., MI, USA1936-12-3016y-3m-12d (b. 1920-09-18)pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia
Baden, MO, USA
400 Blase Ave.Garoian, AdamMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1941-10-2551y-10m-10d (b. 1890-10-15)bliateral bronchial pneumonia due to metastatic carcinoma to spine
Crestwood, MO, USA
1322 Dallwood Dr.Ayvazian [Aivazian], Lee BargMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-11-1027 (b. 1937-01-24)post-necrotic cirrhosis of liver
8909 Glenfield TerraceKirtogian, MichaelMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-03-3088 (b. 1874-12-18)arteriosclerotic heart disease, general arteriosclerosis
Creve Coeur, MO, USA
18 Sona Ln.Serabian, AnnegFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1965-06-2876 (b. 1889-01-08)acute pulmonary edema due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
Eolia, MO, USA
Booloodian [Bouloudian], JohnMEolia, Pike Co., MO, USA1950-12-0667 (b. 1883-10)coronary occlusion
Ferguson, MO, USA
232 S. Clark Ave.Hougasian [Ghougasian], Paul D.MFerguson, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1971-08-3171 (b. 1899-12-15)carcinoma - bladder - metatstasis
Florissant, MO, USA
Box 801 Route 1Hantzian [Konjoian], NapoleonMFlorissant, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1956-05-0679 (b. 1877-04-12)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
Kansas City, MO, USA
6006 Agnes Ave.Apkarian, JackMKansas City, Jackson Co., MO, USA1942-05-1447y-10m-13d (b. 1894-07-01)coronary occlusion due to coronary atherosclerosis
334 Park Ave.Armaghanian, MarthaFKansas City, Jackson Co., MO, USA1927-03-013m (b. 1926-12-01)broncho pneumonia (contributory: retropharyngeal abscess)
521 E. 5th St.Armanian [Armenian], JackMKansas City, Jackson Co., MO, USA1941-01-2371y-10m-22d (b. 1869-03-11)chronic myocarditis
Kirkwood, MO, USA
304 E. Adams Ave.Norehad [Norhadian], PaulMKirkwood, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1940-04-1750y-7d (b. 1890-04-10)coronary embolism (contributory: coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis)
Pine Lawn, MO, USA
7229A Natural Bridge Rd.Ossian [Yesaian], RoseFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-03-0438 (b. 1924-02-04)metastasis C.A. with pleural effusion, left
Richmond Heights, MO, USA
1708 McCready Ave.Aslanian [Arslanian], AbrahamMWebster Groves, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1961-07-1551 (b. 1910-05-28)hypostatic pneumonia due to acute brain tumor (contributory: duodenal ulcer, psychosis)
1131 Boland Pl.Avadisian [Avedisian], SahogMManchester, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1961-05-0275 (b. 1885-12-08)cardio vascular renal disease
Shrewsbury, MO, USA
7330 Weil Ave.Zakarian, Hagop ZakarMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-09-1559 (b. 1894-12-23)thrombosis basilar artery
St. Joseph, MO, USA
6006 Pryor Ave.Annigian, HarryMSt. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO, USA1953-02-1464 (b. 1888-04-05)laceration of the right cerebrum due to fracture of the right frontal bone (fatally injured when knocked down by an automobile, accident)
5218 King Hill Ave.Annigian, Mary SatenigFSt. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO, USA1956-12-1754 (b. 1902-01-01)cerebral apoplexy (massive)
5312 Pryor Ave.Terzian, MgardicMSt. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO, USA1929-03-0960 (b. 1868)cerebral haemorrhage (contributory: arterio schlerosis)
St. Louis, MO, USA
1320A S. 6th St.Ahronian [Aharonian], SolomonMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1939-09-1667y-9m-29d (b. 1871-11-17)traumatic hemorrhage due to laceration of lung and spleen by fractured ribs, when he walked from between two parked cars into the path of a car (accident)
919 N. Taylor Ave.Ayvazian [Aivazian], MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1930-09-14(b. 1930-09-14)premature birth (anacephalic deformity)
4545A Swan Ave.Ayvazian [Aivazian], Armenouhe AnnFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1965-06-2559 (b. 1906-01-13)congestive heart failure
5800 Arsenal St.Iwazian [Aivazian], KolozatMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1956-04-1583 hypertensive cardiovascular disease, pulmonary tuberculosis
4545A Swan Ave.Ayvazian [Aivazian], MesrobMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-03-3073 (b. 1889-10-15)carcinoma of prostate, metastatic
2503A N. 10th St.Aloian, AlexMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-02-1464 (b. 1888-08-14)infectious hepatitis due to subacute yellow atrophy of the liver
520 Chestnut St.Aloian, OhannesMKoch, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1964-04-1471 (b. 1892-12-17)bronchopneumonia due to fracture of left hip with surgical reduction & nailing
7121 Michigan Ave.Onanian [Ananian], MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1943-04-2338y-7m-30d (b. 1904-12-24)malignancy pancreas due to diabetes
6135 Idaho Ave.Onanian [Ananian], SimonMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-05-1258 (b. 1894-08-01)neurogenic heart disease, acute
908 Christian Ave.Haroian [Aroian], JohnMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1921-11-2050 chronic endocarditis
8560 N. BroadwayHaroian [Aroian], LeoseiaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1947-01-2952y-5m-14d (b. 1894-08-15)pulmonary edema dut to myocarditis chronic
Delmar HotelHaroian [Aroian], NashanMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1957-10-0972 (b. 1885-03-15)bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis
5187 Enright Ave.Aslanian [Arslanian], VahanMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1938-12-0457y-3m-19d (b. 1881-08-15)1st, 2nd, 3rd degree burns of entire body, suffered when deceased was found in flames in back yard of his house
5933 De Giverville Ave.Asadorian [Asadourian], AlexanderMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1957-07-2186y-1m-6d (b. 1871-06-15)infarction of myocardium due to arteriosclerotic coronary thrombosis (contributory: duodenal ulcer)
5933 De Giverville Ave.Asadorian [Asadourian], Margaret G.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1951-07-1565 (b. 1886)uremia due to hypertensive cardiovascular renal disease
4337 Washington Blvd.Athanassian [Atanasian], Bedros H.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1946-02-1465y-1m-9d (b. 1881-01-05)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis
1027A N. 12th St.Barsanian [Barsamian], John CharleyMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1945-08-0864y-1m-7d (b. 1881-07-01)heart failure due to myocardial infarct[ion]
3219A S. 7th St.Bedrosian, JimMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1935-12-2950y-8m-9d (b. 1885-04-20)fatty degeneration of myocardium, chr[onic] interstitial nephritis
3219 S. 7th St.Bedrosian, MargaretFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1949-11-2857 (b. 1892-01-01)carcinoma of thyroid gland
3543 S. 2nd St.Bedrosian, MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1926-05-114y-8m-21d (b. 1921-08-20)shock & injuries, fracture[d] skull, struck by auto (criminal carelessness)
3219 S. 7th St.Bedrosian, VirginiaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1931-07-1319y-2m-14d (b. 1912-04-29)pulmonary tuberculosis
111 N. 9th St.Buzdigian [Bezdigian], JohnMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-04-1370 (b. 1885-04-10)coronary thrombosis
355A Blase Ave.Boharian [Bogharian], ArtenMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1947-08-1059y-11m-3d (b. 1887-09-07)brain tumor (pituitary), malignant
1024 Bittner St.Boharian [Bogharian], SatnickFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1958-05-3162 (b. 1895-08-15)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive vascular disease
7925 Church Rd.Bogoian [Boghoian], GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1959-08-0475 (b. 1884-07-15)bronchopneumonia (contributory: passive congestion of the heart)
7925 Church Rd.Bogian [Boghoian], SamMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-10-0271 (b. 1893-03-10)gunshot wound of the head with cerebral laceration and hemorrhage, self-inflicted in his home (suicide)
1402 E. John Ave.Boghosian, FSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1920-10-19(b. 1920-10-19)patrus [?] foramen ovale (contributory: W. M. A.)
3606 N. Taylor Ave.Boghosian, BoghosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1947-09-1257y-5m-27d (b. 1890-03-15)coronary thrombosis
5735 Bartmer Ave.Bogosian [Boghosian], CharlesMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-03-2057 (b. 1895-08-20)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
3115A Pestalozzi St.Boghosian, GarabedMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1945-02-2462y-6m-1d (b. 1882-08-23)chronic myocarditis due to chronic int[erstitial] nephr[itis]
8417 N. BroadwayBogosian [Boghosian], SakerMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1945-05-0152y-17d (b. 1893-04-15)carcinoma of the adrenal gland with metastases
1402 E. John Ave.Boghosian, SultanFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1921-01-0867 (b. 1854)lobar pneumonia
6933 Plateau Ave.Boyajian, CasparMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-10-0586 (b. 1878-01-04)peritonitis due to perforation of duodenum & peptic ulcer of duodenum (contributory: pneumonia and advanced age)
6124 Oakland Ave.Boyajian, GoldieFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-07-0865 (b. 1890-03-29)adenocarcinoma [of] colon (contributory: malignant growth [of] descending colon)
715 E. Thrush Ave.Bozoian, BogosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-03-1863 (b. 1891-07-05)meningioma, left temporal lobe
7925 Church Rd.Bozoian, CharlesMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-12-2773 (b. 1888-03-01)generalized arteriosclerosis
8417 N. BroadwayBozoian, Karl KaloostMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-07-2772 (b. 1890-04-15)carcinoma of liver
2001 Park Ave.Bozoian, SamMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1942-10-0650y-10m-21d (b. 1891-11-15)aspiration pneumonia, peritonitis, perforated ulcer of duodenum (other: history of asthma)
3682A Lafayette Ave.Bozoian, SolomonMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1945-09-1042y-5m-6d (b. 1903-04-04)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis
3912 Clayton Ave.Carpensian, GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-01-0258 (b. 1891-07-26)coronary artery occlusion
4974 Wise Ave.Cherkoian, AltonFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-12-2268 congestive heart failure due to cardiovascular renal disease nephritis
4974 Wise Ave.Cherkoian, AramMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-01-2861 (b. 1901-11-07)coronary occlusion, arteriosclerosis
731 Bayard St.Cherkoian, HashMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1928-09-0355y-2m-3d (b. 1873-06-30)shock & injuries fractured skull (contributory: struck by auto in city)
4974 Wise Ave.Cherkoian, NashMKoch, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1933-07-0125y-5m-8d (b. 1907-08-04)pul[monary] hemorrage
7711 N. BroadwayCherkoian, VahanMKoch, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1912-08-3125 tuberculosis of lungs
813 Clarendon Ave.Chuchian [Chitjian], BegerFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1939-01-1259y-10m-14d (b. 1879-02-28)chronic glomerulonephritis with uremia
4157 Westminister Pl.Chuchian [Chitjian], Jacob M.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1959-11-1978 (b. 1880-12-15)cerebrovascular accident
813 Clarendon Ave.Chuchian [Chitjian], KhrosrofMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1940-03-1453y-2m-16d (b. 1888-01-06)hypernephroma primary site in kidneys due to peritonitis
6732 Oakland Ave.Chuchian [Chitjian], MehranMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-05-1961 (b. 1892-09-15)acute hepatic failure
5927 Dressell Ave.Donigan [Donigian], Horn GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1956-04-2781 (b. 1874-09-28)acute posterior myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis & hypertension
1522 Locust St.Donigan [Donigian], JohnMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1917-04-1778 broncho pneumonia, chronic myocarditis
300 S. Grand Ave.Donigan [Donigian], Josephine HahnFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1967-09-0174 (b. 1892-12-26)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic coronary thrombosis & hypertensive cardiovascular disease
3209A Harper St.Donigan [Donigian], Reuben G.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1918-09-2949y-7d (b. 1869-09-22)erysipelas following grippe (contributory: mitral insufficiency)
1861 Menard St.Garabadian [Garabedian], SophiaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-07-3035 (b. 1927-01-22)carcinoma of colon with metastasis
3875 Juniata St.Garoian, JosephineFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1919-07-1259y-11m-27d (b. 1859-07-07)hemiplegia (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis)
3316 N. 9th St.Garoian, LucigFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-08-2260 (b. 1893-05-12)carcinoma of the liver due to carcinoma of the breast
4138 Maryland Ave.Garoian, MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1951-04-1280 (b. 1870-07-04)cerebro-vascular accident, probably thrombosis (other: arteriosclerotic heart disease)
4159 Lafayette Ave.Garoian, Mesrop M.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1928-10-0468y-1m-1d (b. 1860-09-03)myocarditis ch[ronic] (contributory: mitral regurgitation)
7007A S. BroadwayKaribian [Gharibian], George K.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1949-08-3047y-5m-15d (b. 1902-03-15)pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic peri hepatitis
1105 Chestnut St.Grggegian [Grjigian], HarryMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1939-10-2760 (b. 1879)sarcoma
2638 Market St.Ennian [Hanoian], GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1935-06-0460 hypertension, pulmonary edema, broncho pneumonia (bilateral) chornic glanecular nephritis, arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic heart disease)
809 N. Jefferson Ave.Ennian [Hanoian], OscarMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1947-02-1460 cerebral apoplexy
2638 Market St.Harbian [Harboian], LuciaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1937-09-2545 rheumatic heart disease emnolus to aorta (contributory: post operative wound infection)
2644 Nebraska Ave.Harbian [Harboian], SarkisMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-03-1684 (b. 1878-09-15)infarction of brain, subdural hematomas, accidental skull fractures (other: bronchopneumonia) (fall in hospital)
2217 S. BroadwayIzmirlian, PepronFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1939-10-2441 cerebral embolism (due to: rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis & inefficic.)
4650 Evans Ave.Jamgochian, AsdrigFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1933-06-2628y-6m-12d (b. 1905-01-14)auricular fibrillation myocarditis
8560 N. BroadwayKalajian, AroosiagFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1948-03-2449y-6m-9d (b. 1897-09-15)sarcoma of stomach
8560 N. BroadwayKalajian, HumpartzMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1949-08-2537 (b. 1911-10-15)cirrhosis of liver
4221 SnowKalousdian [Kaloustian], LindaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1960-02-25(b. 1960-02-02)respiratory arrest, aspiration of a foreign substance
3650 Koeln Ave.Karian [Karaian], Mardiros MartinMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-11-1760 (b. 1904-03-25)acute congestive failure resulting from myocardial degeneration and coronary sclerosis
5814 Pamplin Ave.Kassabian [Kasabian], SetrakMNormandy, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1962-02-1072 (b. 1889-07-23)cerebral embolus, due to aricular filbrillation due to aortic sclerotic changes
2518A Palm St.Kasparian, EdwardMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-05-2666 (b. 1897-01-01)cerebral hemorrhage
4983A Parker Ave.Kayarian, FSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1937-09-13(b. 1937-09-13)stillborn
3345A Illinois Ave.Kayarian, ElizaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1922-05-107y-5m-12d (b. 1914-11-22)acute endocarditis (contributory: pharyngeal diphtheria)
3837A Minnesota Ave.Kayarian, KrekorMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1960-02-0677 (b. 1882-04-12)arteriosclerotic heart disease, myocardial degeneration
913 N. 13th St.Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], MaryFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-08-127m-24d (b. 1925-01-19)otis media- acute bilateral pyelitis (contributory: diarrhea and enteritis)
4387 Laclede Ave.Kachigian [Khachigian], CharlesMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1949-02-2475 (b. 1873-03-15)pulmonary edema due to arterio-sclerotic heart disease
2603 S. BroadwayCochmanian [Khashmanian], JohnFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1913-09-0534y-11m-29d (b. 1878-09-06)insolation
2611A Natural Bridge Ave.Gederian [Khederian], TakuheFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1943-10-3174 coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis
821 S. 9th St.Kirtoghian [Kirtogian], VirginiaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1916-12-3113y-9m-24d (b. 1903-03-07)general peritonitis (contributory: acute appendicitis)
824A N. 18th St.Hantzian [Konjoian], ManuelMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1952-10-2970 (b. 1882)apoplexy, cerebral hemmorhage
1038 Hornsby Ave.Korkoian, ApreyFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1932-09-2540y-11m-10d (b. 1891-10-15)carcinoma of cervix
714 Lookout Dr.Korkorian [Korkoian], AslanMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-09-1880 (b. 1884-06-19)cardiac arrest (myocardial) due to insufficiency, coronary type
411 Christian Ave.Korkorian [Korkoian], GerogosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1958-10-0576 (b. 1882-03-01)bronchogenic carcinoma of left main stem bronchus
4044A Shreve Ave.Korkoian, Mike KazarMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1956-02-0370 (b. 1885-05-15)cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral arterio sclerosis
5187 Enright Ave.Grigorian [Krikorian], GarabedMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1928-07-0249 (b. 1879)chronic cardiac valvular disease - mitral insufficiency (contributory: chronic nephritis)
902 N. 11th St.Gregorian [Krikorian], JacobMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1935-06-1625y-8m-5d (b. 1909-10-11)subarachnoid hemmorhage of brain received in a collision between two autos in Crystal City, MO
1220 S. BroadwayKirkorlian [Krikorian], MartilusMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1913-09-1230 (b. 1883-11)general septicaemia (secondary to cellulitis of face, cause of cellulitis unknown)
2234 Franklin Ave.Lektzian, BedrosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-05-1557 (b. 1896-06-15)hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis of liver
13 Missouri Ave.Magarian, Harry P.MSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1953-08-0868 coronary heart disease due to hypertension
4680 Page Blvd.Derr Magarian [Magarian], JohnMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1947-06-1947 gunshot wound at skull and brain inflicted with gun in the hand of party or parties unknown in his cleaning establishment
928A Academy Ave.Maloian, LenaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1965-05-1771 (b. 1894-02-24)cerebral thrombosis
1800 Colet [?] St.Millian [Maloian], PeterMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1952-10-2666 (b. 1886)pneumococcal meningitis
5735 Bartmer Ave.Momigonian [Mamigonian], Paul BoghosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-04-1068 carcinoma of the stomach, perforation of stomach
5787 Enright Ave.Manoian, MardirosMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1930-01-2945y-1m-29d (b. 1884-11-30)chronic myocarditis
7800 N. BroadwayMelkonian, David BogasMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1954-05-1461 cerebral vascular accident, r[igh]t (contributory: cerebral arteriosclerosis)
5400 Arsenal St.Malconian [Melkonian], KaranaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-05-0454 (b. 1895-12-25)hypertensive cardio vascular disease due to diabetes mellitus
836 Brooklyn St.Milkonian [Melkonian], MikeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1943-04-1570 pulmonary tuberculosis
3707 Grandel Sq.Merzian [Mirzoian], PeterMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1960-01-0668 (b. 1891-03-15)myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, coronary artero thrombosis
451 Antelope St.Mooshian [Moushoian], ErvantMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1911-08-1418y-1m (b. 1893-07-01)lobar pneumonia
3734 Garfield Ave.Nahabtian [Nahabedian], ArmanakMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-04-2870 (b. 1884-10-15)chronic lung disease, obstructive emphysema
3115 Pestalozzi St.Nahigian, AvedisMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1941-09-2072y-8m-25d (b. 1868-12-25)carcinoma of pancreas
5800 Arsenal St.Nahigian, EmmaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1945-03-1672y-2m-5d (b. 1873-01-11)hypertensive cardio-vascular disease
418 Christian Ave.Nalbandian, AnnigFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-07-0450 (b. 1875-07-04)acute aryacordibis (contributory: fatty degeneration of heart & liver)
1024 Park Ave.Ovoian, ArtenMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1960-10-1671 (b. 1889-09-04)cancer of liver
728 E. Carrie Ave.Ovian [Ovoian], SimonMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-03-0468 (b. 1894-06-01)carcinomatosis due to carcinoma of ascending colon (other: cirrhosis of liver)
221 S. BroadwayParegian [Parigian], EdwardMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-05-2070 (b. 1880)peritonitis
910 Montgomery St.Rehanian [Rahanian], PeterMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1919-12-2252 chr[onic] intestinal nephritis, chr[onic] cardiac valvular disease
3527 S. 2nd St.Sahagian, MichaelMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1959-05-2279 (b. 1879-11-01)myocardial infarction, silicosis
7508 N. BroadwaySarkissian [Sarkisian], HagopMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1944-01-2259y-1m-7d (b. 1884-12-15)chronic mycarditis due to coronary sclerosis
5814 Pamplin Ave.Sarkessian [Sarkisian], SurmaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1963-06-1276 (b. 1886-09-09)arteriosclerotic heart disease
908 Christian Ave.Safarian [Seferian], SartisMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-04-0955 (b. 1870)asphyxiation carbon monoxide (fuel gas)
1104 Whittier Ave.Serahian [Serabian], DeranMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1925-11-0125y-2m-5d (b. 1900-09-25)simple meningitis (pneumococcic) (contributory: cellulitis of face caused from a pimple on upper lip)
Victory HotelTabibian, Albert HenryMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-05-2456 (b. 1898-10-08)terminal bronchial pneumonia, carcinoma prostate & bladder
5600 Arsenal St.Tatosian [Tateosian], SatrakMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1955-06-2362 (b. 1893-05-15)carcinoma of bronchus with cerebral metastasis
7907 N. BroadwayTatoian, SatragMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1944-03-0552y-11m-16d (b. 1891-03-17)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis & chronic parenchymatous nephritis
7907 N. BroadwayTatoian, SolomonMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1930-05-3027y-4m-15d (b. 1903-01-15)pulmonary tuberculosis
7907A N. BroadwayTatoian, SourmaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-04-0967 (b. 1896-05-26)hepatic failure due to probable hemochromatosis
3800 Olive St.Tarzian [Terzian], SahagMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1926-03-1882 carcinoma of rectum (colostomy done 11-Mar-1926)
2119 N. 10th St.Topolian [Topalian], AnnaFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1934-03-2742y-6m-6d (b. 1891-09-21)cerebral embolus (contributory: rheumatic endocarditis auricular fibrillation)
3920 N. 19th St.Topolian [Topalian], GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1943-08-2362y-3m-3d (b. 1881-05-20)chronic myocarditis
3814A Blair Ave.Topolian [Topalian], MinnieFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1940-08-2668y-8m-4d (b. 1871-12-22)cerebral hemorrhage due to artero sclerosis and high blood pressure
4468 Holly Ave.Toorigian [Torigian], MisakMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-12-15(b. 1891-10-27)metastatic carcinoma
3218 University St.Tourikian [Torigian], ParnakMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1962-06-0760 (b. 1902-02-05)acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery thrombosis, diabetes mellitus
748 Ponce Ave.Toroian, HovsepMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-06-1275 (b. 1888-06-15)hypertensive heart disease
3219 S. 7th St.Tourjigian [Tourajigian], NazumFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1936-03-1750 broncho pneumonia
5400 Arsenal St.Toutloian [Toutalian], FloraFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-06-1968 (b. 1893-01-01)massive hemorrhage from duodenal ulcer, cerebral hemorrhage, generalized arteriosclerosis
3534 Lindell Blvd.Vartanian, BogasMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1924-08-0231y-6m-21d (b. 1893-01-12)tuberculosis of lungs
7511 Fordey St.Yazijian [Yazujian], MegerdichMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1915-04-0724y-7m-26d (b. 1890-08-12)tuberculosis chronic pulmonary
4510 Clayton Ave.Erganian [Yerganian], Sarkis DaltzarMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-02-0776 (b. 1874-06-06)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
711 Ponce Ave.Ossian [Yesaian], GeorgeMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-11-2064 (b. 1886-04-15)myocardial infarction due to coronary vascular disease, myocardial damage
8401 N. BroadwayOssian [Yesaian], Jack NeshanMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1964-10-0675 (b. 1889-01-10)arteriosclerotic heart disease
711 Ponce Ave.Ossian [Yesaian], ParantsFSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1950-09-2246 (b. 1904-12-21)mesenteric thrombosis due to bowel obstruction and carcinoma of omentum
8535 Riverview Blvd.Ossian [Yesaian], SatragMSt. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA1961-01-0260 (b. 1900-08-05)recurrent hypernephroma, right kidney
St. Louis Co., MO, USA
9056 North Ave.Manuelian, Jack MClayton, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1934-12-1045y-4m-23d (b. 1888-07-17)cardiac decomposition (contributory: Leutic heart disease
Webster Groves, MO, USA
519 Fairview Ave.Erganian [Yerganian], Mgrdich EphremMWebster Groves, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1963-04-1277 (b. 1885-05-14)acute coronary thrombosis due to arterioscleratic heart disease
Glendale Springs, NC, USA
Yelanjian, Louis J.MJefferson, Ashe Co., NC, USA1974-03-3077 (b. 1896-08-17)a series of myocardial infarct[ion]s due to coronary atherosclerosis (other: diabetes mellitus)
Nashua, NH, USA
Josephson [Hovsepian], SultanaFConcord, Merrimack Co., NH, USA1906-08-0634 (b. 1872)exhaustion in acute melancholia (contributing: pulmonary tuberculosis)
Salem, NH, USA
Policy St.Hagopian, OvsannaFSalem, Rockingham Co., NH, USA1949-03-1648 chronic myocarditis due to hypertension
Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Seligien [Silgijian], SetrakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-10-0645 (b. 1874)chronic interstitial nephritis
Camden, NJ, USA
1044 Cooper St.Devedjian [Devejian], Gadar AraxiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-11-1143y-9m-21d (b. 1903-01-20)cerebral embolism due to abdominal carcinomatosis
620 N. 9th St.Kederian [Khederian], YerianFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-12-2172y-6m-6d (b. 1873-06-15)carcinomatosis / primary site bladder
3104 Mt. Ephriam Ave.Matoosian [Mateosian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-17still birth due to premature separation of placenta
Tashjian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-10-1044 (b. 1885-02-04)cardiac failure, bronchial asthma
331 N. 10th St.Elanjian [Yelanjian], BaglasserMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-03-1454 toxemia due to ulcerative colitis
Cape May, NJ, USA
Dionian [Donoian], NubarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-01-0965y-6m-28d (b. 1872-06-11)carcinoma of prostate
Gloucester Co., NJ, USA
Adourian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-09-16(b. 1938-09-16)prematurity - 6 months (contributory: placenta praevia centralis in mother)
Jersey City, NJ, USA
489 Palisade Ave.Kharajian [Kurejian], AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-02-1221 freezing
489 Palisade Ave.Kharajian [Kurejian], KoranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-02-1224 freezing
Merchantville, NJ, USA
19 W. Park Ave.Kurkian [Kurkjian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-06-03(b. 1938-06-03)intrauterine asphixiation
Weehawken, NJ, USA
550 Boulevard E.Keropian, EbrosineFWeehawken, Hudson Co., NJ, USA1927-10-2372y-5m (b. 1855-05)ovarian tumor (sarcoma), metastatis in left breast (contributory: myocarditis)
Bronx, NY, USA
350 Soundwell Ave.Movsesian, MihranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-07-0654 (b. 1893-09-22)coronary occlusion
Massena, NY, USA
75 Beach St.Marashian [Marashlian], KnarFBurlington, Chittenden Co., VT, USA1990-01-0188 (b. 1901-01-18)endotoxic shock due to ischemic necrosis of small bowel & colonic adenocarcinoma (other: acute diverticuli)
Troy, NY, USA
2305 12th St.Jevanian [Jivanian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-07-0918y-1m-17d (b. 1908-05-22)accidental drowning while bathing
Bratenahl, OH, USA
9920 Foster Ave.Hovivian, NectarFBratenahl, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-03-0865y-6m-23d (b. 1878-08-15)coronary embolism, arterio sclerosis
Cincinnati, OH, USA
985 Paradrome St.Bogosian [Boghosian], MarkarMCincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA1937-02-1959y-9m-1d (b. 1877-05-18)skull fracture, acute cardiac dilatation secondary to chr[onic] myocarditis (accidental fall down stairs, collapsed on stairway at American Tool Company)
608 W. 4th St.Zovigian, StephenMCincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA1911-11-1933 pulmonary tuberculosis
Cleveland, OH, USA
7032 Aetna Rd.Eroanian [Aharonian], Garbardine A.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-08-2160 unknown natural causes, collapsed in street car
6566 BroadwayElloian [Aloian], JosephMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-01-1553y-7m-5d (b. 1890-06-10)probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure
1705 Superior Ave.Arakelian, NeshanMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1920-10-0835 (b. 1885)gunshot wound, abdomen perforating, revolver (contributory: accidental)
1795 E. 63rd St.Arpajian, RaphaelMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-06-2975y-5m (b. 1868-01)probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure
1905 Denison Ave.Arslanian, MikeMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1939-03-0554y-8m-20d (b. 1884-06-15)lobar pneumonia
6901 Ottawa Rd.Arslanian, NazarethMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-10-1748 (b. 1886)sudden death, history simulates coronary thrombosis (contributory: probable hypertension)
3686 E. 71st St.Oslamine [Arslanian], SamuelMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1924-02-2929y-1m-11d (b. 1895-01-13)he got caught in large rolls at Otis Steel Co. [?] in oilery rolls, fractures skull and several ribs, lacerations [?] (contributory: hemorrhage shock)
2141 E. 19th St.Asadorian [Asadourian], MehranMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-07-0645 head and chest crushed, suicide (jumped from 3d floor - Old Arcade) (contributory: violence and shock)
1833 Lee Rd.Astikian [Astighian], Mary HaroutunFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-07-1184y-3m-24d (b. 1851-03-18)cerebral hemorrhage
1712 E. 55th St.Astikian [Astighian], StephenMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-03-2262y-10m-2d (b. 1880-05-20)cirrhosis of the liver
4076 E. 66th St.Azadigian, CharlesMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-02-2359y-5m-4d (b. 1881-09-19)carcinoma of sigmoid colon, with extension into venis, multiple polyposis of colon (contributory: [?] partial dilatnal[?], paralytic ileus)
1225 E. 124th St.Ojoozian [Azizian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-05-011y-8d (b. 1933-04-23)septicemia from ac[ute] sinus trouble
3741 E. 69th St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1916-06-1914d (b. 1916-06-05)broncho. pneumonia (contributory: heart failure)
9412 Gaylord Ave.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], GabrielMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-11-1064y-3m-20d (b. 1879-07-20)carcinoma of the rectum
3910 E. 71st St.Bagsarian [Baghdasarian], GeorgeMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1937-02-1649y-11m-26d (b. 1887-02-20)terminal pneumonia, cardiac failure (contributory: influenza)
762 E. 200th St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], SamMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-05-0344y-1m-14d (b. 1896-03-19)rheumatic heart disesase, pneumonia type XVIII, broncho empyema right chest, acute & chronic myocarditis (contributory: chr[onic] pericarditis)
4130 E. 64th St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], YegsapetFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-03-1627 (b. 1902-03-03)peritonitis-post operaive, broncho pneumonia few days, secondary anemia.
County Nursing HomeBajaksouzian [Bajaksuzian], AbrahamMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-11-1472 (b. 1868)arteriosclerotic heart disease (conributory: chronic pulmonary emphysema, generalized arteriosclerosis, basal cell carcinoma of nose)
1237 E. 59th St.Bardosian [Bardassian], EdwardMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-03-207m-11d (b. 1929-08-09)broncho. pneumonia, emphysema, no tbc [tuberculosis]
6719 Kinsman Rd.Barsamian, AlexMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-07-1952y-6m-15d (b. 1891-01-04)carcinoma head of pancreas, metastasis
11201 St. Clair Ave.Barsamian, KazerMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-09-1849 fracture of skull, auto accident (contributory: violence and shock)
13317 Woodworth Ave.Barsanian [Barsamian], SarkisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1938-04-1650y-2m-28d (b. 1888-01-19)hypertensive cardio-vascular disease, cerebral hemorrhage, general paresis, syphilis
12402 Benwood Ave.Basmagy [Basmajian], NaunMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-07-2562 (b. 1870)cause unknown, probable cause cerebral hemorrhage
1748 St. Clair Ave.Buchakian [Bechakjian], KosrofMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1916-11-1036 (b. 1880)asphyxiation by drowning (suicide)
13341 Euclid Ave.Berejik [Berejiklian], MalcolmMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-05-1370y-3m-28d (b. 1871-01-15)coronary artery occlusion with myocardial infarction (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis, hypertension)
10707 Detroit Ave.Bosnoian, Diana A.FCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-10-1441y-7m-7d (b. 1903-03-07)bronchial asthma, acute cardiac dilatation
2240 E. 21st St.Boydjian [Boyajian], CharlesMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-01-2550y-2m-17d (b. 1886-11-20)unknown natural causes, collapsed and died
3651 Carnegie Ave.Boyajian, JosephMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1923-11-117y-6m-8d (b. 1916-05-03)struck by auto, fractures vault base of skull, concussion brain (contributory: hemorrhage brain, shock)
1791 E. 31st St.Boyan [Boyian], AgnesFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1929-04-2045y-13d (b. 1884-04-07)sudden death at residence, ac[ute] dilitation (contributory: myocarditis)
2215 E. 9th St.Boyan [Boyian], ArmonMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-03-1861 (b. 1873-10-07)heart disease (coronary thrombosis)
13614 Edgewood Ave.Davidian, QueenFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1939-10-2471 (b. 1868)bilateral bronchopneumonia
6404 Lorain Ave.Davidian, StephenMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-06-2453y-2m-18d (b. 1880-04-07)chronic myocarditis
3396 E. 139th St.Demirjian, FelorFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1937-09-1087y-1m-9d (b. 1850-08-01)old age
1945 E. 20th St.Ekmekjian, Joseph H.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1928-12-2938 influenza
1645 E. 77th St.Eminian, FCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-12-058d (b. 1944-11-28)respiratory failure, fetal atelectasis (contributory: premature birth, 7 mon[ths])
10707 Morison Ave.Eminian, AlexanderMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1928-01-1865y-4m-20d (b. 1871-08-19)ouriculor fibrillation, cardiac failure (contributory: coronary thrombosis, cardiac failure complete)
1651 E. 66th St.Eminian, JohnMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1924-11-2945 (b. 1879)shot at 20 E. 66th [St.] 25-Nov-1924 in holdup, bullet [?] . . . kidney, hemorrhage in abdomen (contributory: acute general peritonitis)
1651 E. 66th St.Eminian, SarkisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1925-03-2558 acute myocarditis (contributory: inflamation of the gall bladder and gall stones)
1864 Prospect Ave.Keljik [Geljikian], RichardMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-03-0854y-10m-4d (b. 1880-05-04)coronary arteriosclerosis with myocardial fibrosis, coronary thrombosis, cardiac failure
2215 E. 9th St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], AvedisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-09-3027 pneumonia, broncho (contributory: peptic ulcer with adeno carcinoma, prob[able] stomach primary)
7002 Polonia Ave.Gizigian [Ghazigian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-06-1037y-11m-28d (b. 1895-06-12)generalized miliary pulm[onary] tuberculosis, onset 2 wks. prior to admission
1626 E. 66th St.Goshgarian, Henry G.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1919-05-0150y-8m-6d (b. 1868-08-25)chronic bronchitis, asthma (contributory: exhaustion and asphyxia)
3749 E. 76th St.Yacobian [Hagopian], EmanuelMN. Royalton, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-07-1853y-3m-16d (b. 1888-04-02)pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis laryngitis
7028 Quimby Ave.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Hosanna ManookFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-01-0584y-5d (b. 1848-12-31)chr[onic] cardiac valvular disease and chr[onic] nephritis (contributory: senility)
2227 BroadwayJacobian [Hagopian], Leon A.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1909-05-1430 (b. 1879)dalatation of stomach, myocarditis
4083 E. 78th St.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], MissiaMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-10-0558y-10m-20d (b. 1884-11-15)arterio sclerostic, cardio vascular disease
1803 E. 25th St.Heryian, Geo.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-08-09108 (b. 1835)cong[estive] heart failure, arteriosclerosis, myocardial damage
1845 Central Ave.Ezmerlian [Izmirlian], MarisoFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1942-10-1154y-5m-4d (b. 1888-05-07)hypertensive heart disease
1620 E. 36th St.Jamgochian, MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-05-0260 chronic myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis, blindness)
6302 BroadwayJohnson [Jenazian], Harry K.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-03-1652y-11m-24d (b. 1882-03-22)Hodgkin's disease, anemia, secondary jaundice
4313 Payne Ave.Kilarjian [Kalajian], GeorgeMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-04-2935y-10m-9d (b. 1898-06-20)acute appendicitis, localized peritonitis, recent appendectomy, onset: 2 days prior to admission
4023 E. 42nd St.Kulhanjian [Kalanjian], HarryMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1931-06-1138 (b. 1893)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: herniorrhaphy)
3705 E. 71st St.Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], ArakelMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-06-0375 (b. 1861)history of apoplexy (contributory: senility)
7240 BroadwayKaroglanian [Karaoghlanian], HarryMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1922-12-2240 (b. 1882)found in rear of 7541 Broadway unconscious, fracture [?] temporal and loss of skull locuatra[?] brain (contributory: hemorrhage, brain shock)
6911 Indiana Ave.Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], JuliaFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-03-1925y-8m-18d (b. 1907-07-01)unknown natural causes, found dead in bed (nothing suspicious or criminal)
1833 Lee Rd.Cassabian [Kasabian], ElizabethFCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-03-0872y-7d (b. 1861-03-01)chronic nephritis (contributory: anemia)
7516 Claasen Ave.Kashishian [Keshishian], TurvanFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-08-0352 probable hypertensive heart disease with acute failure
7623 Marble Ave.Kavorkian [Kevorkian], JohnMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-09-1456 (b. 1879-01)thyroid crisis following thyroidectomy, exophthalmic goiter (contributory: Parkinson's disease)
6818 Polonia Ave.Kananian [Khanemian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1939-01-1737y-11m-23d (b. 1901-12-25)cerebro-vascular hemorrhage, hypertensive and arteriosclerosis, heart disease, generalized arterial and arteriolar sclerosis
3239 E. 55th St.Kinosian, TorosMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-02-2760 (b. 1870)chronic myocarditis, failure (contributory: chronic emphysema, asthmatic bronchitis)
7602 Osage Ave.Kodjabash [Kojabashian], SarkisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1931-10-0844 (b. 1887)carcinoma of throat, unable to state primary location
4368 Warner Rd.Krekian, HarryMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-01-3046 (b. 1895)unknown natural causes
2155 Payne Ave.Kerkonian [Krikorian], Chas.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1920-12-2333 (b. 1888)septicemia, following tooth extraction (contributory: undetermined)
5701 Harvard Ave.Lullejian [Lulejian], StephanMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1938-03-206 (b. 1938-03-20)fracture of skull, violence and shock, auto accident
7818 Burke Ave.Millian [Maloian], AvisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1916-04-2823 pulmonary tuberculosis
8762 BroadwayMellian [Maloian], ZakarMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-09-2426 (b. 1906)uremia, pyelonephritis (contributory: urinary bladder stone)
7121 BroadwayMardigian, MardorasMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1938-04-2645y-5m-16d (b. 1889-11-10)hypertensive cardio vascular disease (clinical), cardiac hypertrophy & dilatation, nephrosolerosis, confluent bronchopneumonia
3686 E. 71st St.Mardigian, SamMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1942-11-2449y-4m-6d (b. 1893-07-18)arterial and arteriolar nephrosclerosis with hypertension & myocardial insufficiency, uremia, nephrosclerotic in origin (contributory: malnutrition)
3805 E. 72nd St.Markarian, ManualMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1913-06-0332y-2d (b. 1881-06-01)was shot through body (homicide)
3761 E. 71st St.Meledonian [Meldonian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-12-0965 2 & 3 degree burns of abdomen, back, and thighs (contributory: toxemia)
1502 Glendale Ave.Melkisetekian [Melkesetian], ElizabethFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-08-0864y-11m-23d (b. 1878-08-15)hypertensive cardiovascu[lar] heart disease (contriutory: uremia)
7623 Marble Ave.Melkestehian [Melkesetian], MarieFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-02-0121y-6m-11d (b. 1908-07-20)brain tumor (contributory: glioma (malignant))
3761 E. 71st St.Melkisetekian [Melkesetian], MisakMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-10-2249y-10m-6d (b. 1886-12-16)myocardial insufficiency, cardiac hypertrophy and dilation (contributor: gen[eral] arterio-arteriole sclerosis)
3686 E. 71st St.Melksethian [Melkesetian], NazarethMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1928-02-2655y-11m-11d (b. 1872-03-15)sudden death following attack rheumatism at 3686 E. 71 St., myocarditis (contributory: rheumatic infection)
3938 E. 93rd St.Mauserlian [Meserlian], SeropMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-08-0155y-5m-10d (b. 1888-02-21)chronic myocarditis, chronic par[enchymatous] nephritis, pernicious anemia (contributory: chronic bronchitis)
1363 E. 105th St.Mesrobian, NigoMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-02-0864 bronchopneumonia, generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis
2501 Central Ave.Masrobian [Mesrobian], RichardMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-06-285y-8m-8d (b. 1937-10-20)internal thoracic and abdominal injuries, fracture of skull, hemorrhage of brain, truck accident
673 E. 185th St.Mikaelian, ImasdouhiFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-01-1825 myocardial degeneration and failure, pulmonary edema (contributory: allergic asthma, peripheral neuritis)
2225 E. 21st St.Minasian, MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1921-08-28(b. 1921-08-28)stillborn (macerated fetus)
2225 E. 21st St.Minasian, MeushguenazFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1921-09-0234y-7m-17d (b. 1887-01-15)puerperal septicemia, streptococci (contributory: macerated foetus)
6564 BroadwayMinasian, RahanFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-02-2365y-8m-3d (b. 1877-06-20)mitral insufficiency, myocarditis (contributory: arterio-sclerosis)
1000 Superior Ave.Menasian [Minasian], SamMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-02-2844y-6m-12d (b. 1895-08-16)undetermined natural causes
1219 E. 84th St.Murzo [Mirzoian], RobertMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1948-08-2857y-6m-13d (b. 1891-02-15)chronic myocarditis
3606 BroadwayMolanian, CharlesMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1918-06-2123 reported he ran into a bus, fr[acture] base of skull, cerebral hemorrhage (motocycle acci[dent])
765 Central Ave.Mooradian [Mouradian], GeorgeMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-08-2256 acute dilatation of heart, found dead on bed (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
3381 Regent St.Mooradian [Mouradian], GoldieFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1931-09-3032 (b. 1899-07-01)ruptured post-partum uterus, hematoma of broad ligaments, hematoma of retroperitoneal tissue
3682 E. 71st St.Mooradin [Mouradian], NapoleonMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1919-01-1545 pulmonary tuberculosis
Gilcy HotelNazarian [Najarian], M. (Rev.)MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-08-11renal insufficiency (contributory: hypertrophied prostate, urinary bladder calculus)
6215 Belvidere Ave.Nakshian [Nakashian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-03-2945y-5m-25d (b. 1898-10-05)pulmonary edema, diffuse carcinomatosis, metastasis of si--- adeno carcinoma of right breast
1269 Hayden Ave.Narinian, StephenMCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1920-12-1958 (b. 1870)carcinoma of rectum
14054 Superior Ave.Nigosian [Nigoghosian], AdrienneFE. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1939-05-2534y-6m-26d (b. 1904-10-28)metastatic carcinoma
12813 Gay Ave.Odean [Odian], JohnMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-05-1058 (b. 1885)lobar pneumonia
3501 Scranton Rd.Johnson [Ohanian], HarryMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-12-0964y-5m-1d (b. 1880-07-08)bronchopneumonia, carcinoma of larynx (contributory: diabetes)
920 Bolivar Rd.Ourlian, ManuelMWarrensville Twp., Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-08-0358 (b. 1888)carcinoma of liver, with generalized arteriosclerosis
460 Woodland Ave.Barsirian [Parseghian], ArmenakMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-03-1346 lobar pneumonia (contributory: toxic hepatitis)
1773 E. 19th St.Pashalian, JohnMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-01-2573 (b. 1870)multiple bilateral fractures of the ribs with considerable left-sided hemothorax / multiple lacerations of the liver with moderate hemoperitoneum. (contributory: truck accident 25-Jan-1943)
6202 Hough Ave.Proodian [Proudian], CharlesMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-08-2444y-4m-3d (b. 1890-04-21)pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous enteritis, tuberculosis of kidneys
4206 Lorain Ave.Rahanian, MikeMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-11-2267y-7d (b. 1868-11-15)perinephritic abscess (contributory: I & D [incision and drain] of abdominal abscess)
3074 E. Derbyshire Rd.Samourian, Abraham SamuelMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-10-2451y-8m-18d (b. 1882-02-06)natural cause, type unknown (cardiac case), sudden death, history of previous attack
1930 E. 73rd St.Sarkisian, MarsopMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-12-0452 vascular nephritis, renal insufficiency and terminal uremia
1359 E. 105th St.Sarkisian, MoulkihanFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-08-1256 internal injuries, auto and street car accident (contributory: violence and shock)
1553 E. 14th St.Sarkissian [Sarkisian], RoseFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1942-08-0935y-9m-26d (b. 1906-11-13)carcinoma of cervix of uterus
5819 Thackeray Ave.Seferian, AramMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1926-02-182m (b. 1925-12-19)pertussis (contributory: diarrhea & enteritis)
1588 E. 32nd St.Sefarian [Seferian], JohnMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-03-033 anterior poliomyeloencephalitis, bulbar palsey
4076 E. 64th St.Sharigian [Shahrigian], TurfandaFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1916-07-3160 chronic myocarditis, chronic nephritis
2605 Cedar Ave.Shooshanian [Shoushanian], CharlesMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1929-01-2670 chronic nephritis
2248 E. 89th St.Simonian, MarianFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1925-09-1148y-5m-15d (b. 1877-03-27)abdominal carcinoma, upper front
1651 E. 65th St.Simonian, PeterMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-10-2570 carcinoma of lung
7560 BroadwaySesian [Sislian], PeterMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1926-07-2915y-1m-14d (b. )streptococcus meningitis, septicemia, cause unknown
1227 St. Clair Ave.Tillian [Talalian], JosephMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1938-07-2767 pulmonary tuberculosis
7602 Osage Ave.Trkanian [Tarkanian], MaryFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-12-096y-5m-21d (b. 1927-01-18)scarlet fever, diptheria
13909 Durkee Ave.Tashjian, SarkisMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1928-01-2439 cirrhosis of liver, malignant ?, splenomegalia (contributory: splenomegaly)
11223 East Blvd.Tookman [Toukhmanian], ElizaFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-04-2358y-9m-5d (b. 1875-07-18)myocardial failure, chronic myocarditis (contibutory: enphysema, asthma)
7121 BroadwayTootalian [Toutalian], ElmasFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1930-09-1740y-10m-2d (b. 1889-11-15)lobar pneumonia (contributory: malarial splenomegaly)
12513 St. Clair Ave.Tootoolian [Toutalian], TootalMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-11-0657 carcinoma of larynx
1726 W. 25th St.Tatigian [Toutigian], ArontinMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-06-1042y-7m-22d (b. 1891-08-18)accidental electrocution (contributory: cardiac paralysis, shock)
305 Eagle Ave.Varjabedian, JacobMWarrensville Twp., Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1925-11-0660 pyelocystitis (contributory: hemiplegia, l[ef]t)
4089 E. 123rd St.Yranian [Yeramian], ApkarMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-07-1149y-4m-21d (b. 1895-02-20)unknown, natural causes
1364 E. 112th St.Zahigian [Zaghigian], FCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1924-01-10(b. 1924-01-10)premature birth at 6½ mo[nths]
755 Morton Ave.Zoratsian [Zaratzian], HarryMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1933-01-2946 pituitary tumor, brain (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
2228 St. James Pkwy.Asadorian [Asadourian], DickranMCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-02-1363y-5m-9d (b. 1876-09-04)pulmonary edema, heart failure, hypertension heart disease
2967 Derbyshire Rd.Peters [Bedrosian], AbrahamMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-07-0356y-4m-6d (b. 1888-02-27)congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerosis cardio-vascular disease
2666 Shaker Rd.Bohosian [Boghosian], ZumrutFCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-07-2955y-10m-25d (b. 1884-09-04)heat prostration, coronary thrombosis
2001 Goodnor Rd.Dikran [Dikranian], Kupelian Markra MCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1938-09-2460y-10m-8d (b. 1877-11-16)angina pectoris (contributory: myocardial degeneration, indigestion)
2537 Edgehill Ave.Hatchadourian [Khachadourian], AnnaFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-07-14(b. 1861)spontanious sub-arachnoid hemorrage (contributory: terminal bronchopneumonia)
2001 Goodnor Rd.Kupelian, DikranouhieFCleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-11-0540y-8m-16d (b. 1892-02-22)coronary thrombosis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis general
3423 Desota Ave.Nigolian, GarabedMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1922-09-3066 fracture ribs (7 & 8) left (contributory: pneumonia, lobar)
E. Cleveland, OH, USA
6924 Worley Ave.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], MaryFE. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1929-06-2215y-29d (b. 1914-05-23)chronic rheumatic pericarditis with decompensation (contributory: myocardial failure)
14522 Dover Ave.Buluckian [Balakian], HachigME. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-10-2261y-8m-8d (b. 1880-02-14)coronary arteriosclerosis, therosclerotic h[ear]t disease, cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation, generalized arteriosclerosis
1718 Elsinore Ave.Bedrosian, KhachadorMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1940-07-2873 arteriosclerosis heart disease, non-specific (contributory: acute ulceration of colon, broncho pneumonia)
1516 Hayden Ave.Harrison, CarlMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-12-1044 diffuse bilateral tuberculosis with cavitation (contributory: Huntington's chorea with psychosis)
16007 Huntsmere Ave.Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], GarabedME. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-07-0262 probably arteriosclerotic heart disease, with cardiac failure
14062 Euclid Ave.Movsesian, DiranMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1935-12-0446y-3m-19d (b. 1889-08-15)bronchia-pneumonia, bilateral, ruptured gastric ulcer (contributory: peritonitis, intestinal adhesions)
1557 Glenmount Rd.Nigosian [Nigoghosian], AronsiagFE. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-01-0867y-9m-1d (b. 1868-03-01)carcinoma of right breast with general metastis
13010 Forest Hill Ave.Nigolian, AnoukFE. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1942-01-0678 myocarditis, chronic
1238 Hayden Ave.Semerjian, EstherFE. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-01-1162y-4m-1d (b. 1892-09-10)broncho pneumonia, pleural effusion
1660 E. 133rd St.Tookman [Toukhmanian], MergerME. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-08-1775 coronary thrombosis, general arteriosclerosis
Euclid, OH, USA
19416 Nyack Ct.Pete [Bedrosian], ThomasMEuclid, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-02-1542y-10m-23d (b. 1898-03-22)compound comminuted fractures of skull with laceration of the brain, multiple fractures of the ribs, left side, with internal injuries (contributory: railroad accident industrial)
625 E. 200th St.Tarkanian, MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1929-02-231d (b. 1929-02-22)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: large head)
625 E. 200th St.Tarkanian, Geo.MCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1941-02-1544y-9m-12d (b. 1896-05-03)pulmonary tuberculosis, cor pulmonale
Lakewood, OH, USA
1367 Andrews Ave.Ajemia [Ajemian], KrikorMBerea, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1936-06-3061 broncho pneumonia, gangrene of lung following a sore throat, pulmonary emphysema chronic (contributory: hypertensive heart disease, generalized arterioscloerosis, senile psychosis)
14764 Athens Ave.Bedrosian, JoannaFLakewood, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1943-05-2449 carcinoma of stomach with metastasis of brain (contributory: secondary anemia)
Lucas Co. (Hamburg Twp.), OH, USA
Najarian, HamasFToledo, Lucas Co., OH, USA1937-12-0649 acute myocarditis (contributory: hypostatic pneumonia, passive congestion)
N. Royalton, OH, USA
Ridge Rd.Tashjian, ArmenagMN. Royalton, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-04-2251y-8m-29d (b. 1880-07-23)conflagration, inhaling flames of burning grass fire
Newburgh Heights, OH, USA
4612 McGregor Ave.Arakelian, VeronicaFCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1928-03-2841 (b. 1887)acute fibrinous pericarditis, cardiac hypertrophy, chronic glomerulonephritis (arteriosclerosis)
4612 McGregor Ave.Dadaian [Dedeian], HarutuneMCleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1932-07-1841y-3m-3d (b. 1891-04-15)ulcer of stomach, operation-resection of pyloric end of stomach with end to side gastroenterostomy (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
Shaker Heights, OH, USA
3264 Lee Rd.Davidian, SarkisMShaker Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1934-07-0675 (b. 1859)pneumonia (broncho), tertiary luts [lower urinary tract syndrome?]
Swanton, OH, USA
Najarian, TorosMHarding Twp., Lucas Co., OH, USA1943-08-1372y-1m-10d (b. 1871-07-04)Banti's disease (other: cirrhosis of liver)
Toledo, OH, USA
714 E. Bancroft St.Sarkesian [Sarkisian], EthelFToledo, Lucas Co., OH, USA1927-04-2622y-4m-22d (b. 1904-12-04)enteritis
Youngstown, OH, USA
941 Parkview Ave.Hagopian, GarabedMLakewood, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA1944-01-1852y-8m (b. 1892-09-18)chronic nephritis, hypertension, cirrhosis liver
Bend, OR, USA
Terminal HotelHagapian [Hagopian], MushoMBend, Deschutes Co., OR, USA1966-03-1573 (b. 1892-04-10)interstitial pneumonitis
Brooks, OR, USA
Box 73A Route 1Shubin, Anna J.FBrooks, Marion Co., OR, USA1957-04-1349 (b. 1907-08-10)subarachnoid hemorrhage due to congenital aneurysm of the left middle cerebral artery with rupture
Eugene, OR, USA
1263 Oak St.Dohanian [Doghanian], Deramar M.FEugene, Lane Co., OR, USA1939-05-2475 (b. 1864)coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertension)
2074 Todd St.Jaffarian [Jafarian], Eric JayMSpringfield, Lane Co., OR, USA1961-11-241d (b. 1961-11-23)anoxia due to atelectasis & prematurity
3978 Blanton Rd.Malkasian [Malkhasian], ArdashesMEugene, Lane Co., OR, USA1963-02-0281 (b. 1881-12-21)cerebral vascular accident
Gresham, OR, USA
311 N. E. DivisionChaker [Chakerian], ElissaFWilsonville, Clackamas Co., OR, USA1968-04-1971 (b. 1897-02-24)bronchopneumonia (contributory: chronic brain syndrome due to generalized arteriosclerosis)
Hood River, OR, USA
Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], B. G.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1911-09-0343 typhoid fever
Klamath Falls, OR, USA
2001 Park RowTanielian [Danielian], Megurdich HagopMEugene, Lane Co., OR, USA1967-09-1365 (b. 1902-02-03)uremia due to lower nephran nephrosis & perforated esophagus (due to vomiting)
Pacific City, OR, USA
Box 98 Gagosian [Ghougasian], Ferdinand HagopMSandlake, Tillamook Co., OR, USA1968-01-1772 (b. 1895-01-28)coronary occlusion due to coronary arteriosclerosis (found dead on beach)
Portland, OR, USA
6421 S. E. 80th St.Eloian [Aloian], GullyFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1924-06-1658 carcinomatosis (contributory: carcinoma of cervix uteri)
620 S. W. Park Ave.Andriesian [Andreasian], Aram T.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1962-08-0668 (b. 1894-06-16)hypertensive cardiovascular disease
9209 N. St. Louis Ave.Atamian, KrikorMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1947-02-1563 coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis
3438 S. E. Main St.Chaker [Chakerian], John A.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1961-06-1275 (b. 1885-12)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis
10300A S. E. Stark St.Dournian [Dournaian], Morris M.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1964-09-2166 (b. 1898-07-04)pulmonary infarct[ion] due thrombophlebitis, left leg
221 S. W. 6th Ave.Hougas [Ghougasian], HarryMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1958-06-2969 (b. 1888-10-17)hepatic insufficiency due to Laennec's cirrhosis
10 N. W. BroadwayKopoian [Gopoian], HarryMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1960-08-2964 (b. 1896-08)cerebro-vascular accident due to cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis, generalized
Bellvue HotelGurun [Gurinlian], HarryMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1946-09-1956y-4m-26d (b. 1890-04-23)coronary thrombosis
450 E. 53rd St.Hekimian, AnoushFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1927-10-0526y-8m-20d (b. 1901-01-15)endocarditis (regurgitation of al cardiac valves) (contributory: general aedema & anasarca)
588 N. Marguerite Ave.Karagozian [Karageozian], TorasMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1926-06-021d (b. 1926-06-01)atelectasis
3028 S. E. Crystal Springs Blvd.Cartozian [Kartozian], Aram O.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1961-05-2375 (b. 1885-08-14)coronary occlusion
6801 S. E. 74th St.Cartozian [Kartozian], DolvorigMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1920-12-315m-22d (b. 1920-07-09)acute cardiac dilitation (contributory: acute otitis media, left)
2204 N. E. 46th Ave.Cartozian [Kartozian], HelenFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1942-02-2563y-4m-10d (b. 1878-10-15)congestive heart failure due to hypertension & hypertrophy of heart
Buffalo St. & Clayton St.Cartozian [Kartozian], KevorkMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1922-01-097y-11m-19d (b. 1914-01-07)acute rheumatic fever (contributory: acute dilatation of right heart)
6126 E. 80th St.Cartozian [Kartozian], MargueriteFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1927-12-0385 (b. 1842)pernicious anemia
5799 S. W. SalmonKhtaian [Khteian], Faith ChristineFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1962-12-23(b. 1962-12-23)prematurity
11229 N. E. WygantGanjian [Konjoian], Lucille NelsonFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1966-03-0356 (b. 1909-09-24)generalized metastates due to carcinoma left breast
448 Hall St.Kurkjian, EmanuelMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1921-10-2148y-24d (b. 1873-09-26)ptomaine poisoning
7 S. W. 5th St.Kurkjian, SrabeonMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1938-07-1351y-2m-7d (b. 1887-05-06)cerebral hemorrhage
717 S. E. Morrison St.Mahakian [Maghakian], MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1935-06-28(b. 1935-06-27)prematurity (contributory: toxaemia)
Erickson HotelManin [Manoian], SamMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1925-01-2429 (b. 1896)chronic fibroceseous & cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, acute parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: terminal bronchopneumonia)
6126 S. E. 80th Ave.Manougian, AvedisMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1946-07-2662y-3m (b. 1884-04)cachexia due to carcinomatosis due to carcinoma, cecum
530 S. E. 30th St.Murdick [Mardigian], JohnMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1940-02-1461 (b. 1878-02-14)bronchopneumonia due to fibrino-purulent [?] peritonitis, diffuse due to atrophic cirrhosis of liver
614 S. W. Montgomery St.Marderosian [Mardirosian], GeorgeMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1958-06-2166 (b. 1892-05-24)coronary occlusion, 2nd attack, due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & hypertension
3028 S. E. Crystal Springs Blvd.Nakashian, MariamFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1952-06-2076y-11m-3d (b. 1875-07-17)hypertensive c[ardio]v[ascular] disease
Nordta, MichaelMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1963-08-1093 (b. 1870-05-18)terminal bronchopneumonia due to generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: arteriosclerotic heart disease)
437 N. E. 60th St.Odabashian, MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1931-10-082d (b. 1931-10-06)cerebral hemorrhage (generalized hemorrhage) (contributory: mitral endocarditis)
11 N. W. 3rd Ave.John [Ohannesian], MikeMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1948-02-0260y-3m-7d (b. 1887-10-25)bilat[eral] lower lobar pneumonia with bronchopneumonia & atilectasis of upper lobes bilaterally
535 E. 26th St.Parounagian, Marcus B.MSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1929-10-1063 (b. 1866-09-15)coronary thrombosis
Sagathielian [Saghatielian], SteveMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1932-12-1464 broncho pneumonia (contributory: involutimal [?] melancholia)
640 S. W. Sherman St.Sarkisian, AbrahamMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1951-12-1463 (b. 1888-08-16)myocardial infarction due to coronary artery arteriosclerosis (contributory: pulmonary emphysema)
640 S. W. Sherman St.Sarkisian, TakouhieFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1946-01-1245y-10m-2d (b. 1900-03-10)acute heavy metal poisoning (probably bichloride of mercury) (suicide, drank poison in home)
6801 S. E. 78th St.Shishmanian, George N.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1922-05-0385 (b. 1837)generalized arteriosclerosis
210 S. W. 6th Ave.Terkain [Tarkoian], GeorgeMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1947-07-2055 (b. 1892)posterior myocardial infarction
6441 S. E. 80th Pl.Tashjian, AnnaFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1943-08-2483 (b. 1860)cerebral apoplexy due to arterio sclerosis
9717 S. E. Powell Blvd.Tashjian, ZermutFPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1966-07-2872 (b. 1893-10-26)cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrythmia due to myocardial infarction
123 W. Burnside Ave.Oskian [Vosgian], OscarMPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1956-04-0481 (b. 1874-11-15)carcinoma of lung
6916 S. E. 78th Ave.Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], Lazarus G.MPortland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA1941-05-2863y-5m-27d (b. 1877-12-01)coronary occlusion
1420 N. E. 15thAhoyan [Yeghiaian], MannigFSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1950-07-0259 (b. 1891-05-05)bronchopneumonia due to paraplegia & syphilis, meningo vascular
Salem, OR, USA
2445 Waller St.Arslanian, ReubinMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1931-01-2038 (b. 1892-03)aortic regurgitation (mitral stenosis)
Box 290 Route 3Azadian, MalcolmMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1931-01-1160 gangrene feet & right hip [?] (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
Route 2Bogosian [Boghosian], Robert EarlMSalem, Polk Co., OR, USA1928-03-141m-28d (b. 1928-01-16)malnutrition or indigestion due to poor food mixture
Route 7Ferry, MartinMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1935-03-0245y-4m-12d (b. 1888-10-20)chronic myocarditis & chronic nephritis
2489 S. E. 25th St.Kachaturian [Khachadourian], VazgenMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1964-09-0547 (b. 1916-11-26)gunshot wound to lower back (traumatic laceration of aorta with hemorrhage, severence of spinal cord)
817 Mill St.Parsegian [Parseghian], BeulahFSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1951-12-0924 (b. 1927)carcinoma of cervix (involving small bowel)
Box 840 Route 3Parsegian [Parseghian], LetaFSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1955-01-2757y-4m-9d (b. 1897-09-18)r[igh]t cerebral hemorrhage
918 Trade St.Parsegian [Parseghian], MikeMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1944-12-0452y-8m-19d (b. 1892-03-15)chronic valvular heart disease
Siskiyou, OR, USA
Haigaziam [Haigazian], YervantMSalem, Marion Co., OR, USA1959-12-0777 terminal bronchopneumonia due to thrombosis cerebral vessel, cerebral arteriosclerosis (other: generalized arteriosclerosis)
Woodburn, OR, USA
Box 255 Route 1Grigorieff [Krikorian], Pauline IsayFWoodburn, Marion Co., OR, USA1957-04-0468 (b. 1888-09-06)metastatic carcinoma of liver due to unknown primary carcinoma
Allentown, PA, USA
Mooradian [Mouradian], SazzarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-12-2072 gastric & duodenal carcinoma
Bethlehem, PA, USA
232 W. Packer Ave.Babasinian, Vahan S.MBethlehem, Lehigh Co., PA, USA1939-05-2463 (b. 1876-11-28)dilatation heart, acute, infectional (contributory: upper resp. infection)
Chester, PA, USA
927 McDowell Ave.Ohanesian [Ohannesian], SirarpiFChester, Delaware Co., PA, USA1957-01-2866 (b. 1890-03-10)carcinoma [of] cervix (contributory: factitial proctitis, secondary anemia)
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
4501 State Rd.Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Edward HagopMClifton Forge, Alleghany Co., VA, USA1948-04-1761y-5m-22d (b. 1886-10-25)uremia & congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction & coronary thrombosis
4501 State Rd.Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Laura AnnFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-07-291m-21d broncho pneumonia
4025 Garrett Rd.Samuelian, ZaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-05-0428 (b. 1907-05-15)pulmonary tuberculosis
Elizabethtown, PA, USA
118 High St.Berberian, John D.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-11-2964y-6m-4d (b. 1886-05-25)congestive heart failure due to generalized carcinomatosis with metastasis to heart, lungs & brain
Erie, PA, USA
1121 Poplar St.Arakelian, JohnMHarborcreek Twp., Erie Co., PA, USA1950-07-2620 (b. 1929-12-28)crushed chest & internal hemorrhages due to truck & auto accident
Giragosian, PeterMWindsor Twp., Berks Co., PA, USA1918-04-1317y-4m (b. 1900-12)tuberculosis of the lungs
Germantown, PA, USA
Mostichian [Mestjian], MardickMDetroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1918-03-12(b. 1918-03-11)prematurity
5546 Morris St.Miranshahian, Karakin H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-09-1066y-5m-21d (b. 1879-03-02)ventricular fibrillation due to advanced myocardial degeneration (other: marked coronary sclerosis)
Holland, PA, USA
Churchville Ln.Mason [Tashjian], Seth M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-04-3060y-8m-20d (b. 1883-08-10)cerebral accident due to hypertension
King of Prussia, PA, USA
125 Forge Rd.Bakmezian [Pekmezian], SteveMNorristown, Montgomery Co., PA, USA1958-12-2375 (b. 1883-01-15)arteriosclerotic heart disease, congestive heart disease . . . due to peptic ulcer
Lansdowne, PA, USA
242 N. Lansdowne Ave.Attarian, RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-07-0550 (b. 1900-05-30)adenocarcinoma of right breast
E. Baltimore Ave. & S. Union Ave.Toutkoushian, PhillipMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-10-2555 (b. 1887-09-15)general paralysis of the insane
Meadville, PA, USA
207 Willow St.Aloian, BadegMMeadville, Crawford Co., PA, USA1950-11-2878 (b. 1872)coronary thrombosis
207 Willow St.Aloyan [Aloian], ParuzFMeadville, Crawford Co., PA, USA1947-01-2252y-10m-6d (b. 1894-03-16)apoplexy due to chronic hypertensive heart disease
160 Poplar St.Kevoian [Kavoian], MaryFMeadville, Crawford Co., PA, USA1942-05-1851y-6d (b. 1891-05-12)abdominal peritonitis due to carcinoma of the cervix
1157 Water St.Nordoogian [Noradoungian], MgrdichMMeadville, Crawford Co., PA, USA1953-09-0961 (b. 1891-05-17)carcinoma of lung (left)
Media, PA, USA
Bortondale Rd.Apaghian [Apigian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-11-2257 chronic arterio sclerotic aortic valvulitis with aortic stenosis and regurgitation
Bortondale Rd.Apaghian [Apigian], ShahanikFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-01-1645 diabetes mellitus, diabetes acidosis
Melrose Park, PA, USA
5 Sharpless Rd.Berberian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-11-2374y-1d (b. 1875-11-22)cirrhosis of liver
North Hills, PA, USA
135 Central Ave.Piligian, FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-11-056d (b. 1949-10-29)premature infant
Norwood, PA, USA
Gooloyan [Kaloian], Mardeross S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-11-0152 chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute cardiac dilatation, pulmonary edema)
Philadelphia, PA, USA
654 E. Thayer St.Obazian [Abajian], JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-07-2944y-7m-5d (b. 1898-12-24)acute dilatation of heart due to chronic myocarditis
6008 Locust St.Der Abrahamian [Abrahamian], MegerdichMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-07-1164 (b. 1895-08-09)carcinoma of stomach with metastasis (diffuse)
6013 Market St.Abrahamyan [Abrahamian], VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-07-224m cholera infantum
1808 Columbia Ave.Aharonian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-05-21stillborn
1443 E. Lycoming St.Ayvazian [Aivazian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-2765y-7m-9d (b. 1877-02-18)incurable-inoperable carcinoma of stomach / (operation: laperotomy June 1 for diagnosis & treatment)
315 York St.Agemian [Ajemian], SourenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-11-022m-4d (b. 1923-09-16)bilateral parotitis (contributory: myocardial failure)
850 N. 12th St.Ajemian, StephanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-08-2768 bronchopneumonia
5800 Florence Ave.Alashian [Alashaian], PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-11-0152 rupture of coronary artery
1173 Windrim Ave.Alexanian, FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-10-08(b. 1925-10-08)stillborn
1173 Windrim Ave.Alexanian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-11-21stillborn
270 S. 20th St.Alexanian, MamasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1534 (b. 1884)bronc[h]o-pneumonia (contributory: ep[idemic] influenza)
1113 Columbia Ave.Alexanian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-05-1459y-4m (b. 1877-05-10)chronic myocarditis
1932 N. Marvine St.Alexianan [Alexanian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-11-2421 (b. 1903-05-16)pulmonary tuberculosis
1330 Oxford St.Alexanian, VahanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-06-1949 calcified coronary arteries due to acute chronic nephritis
1028 S. 53rd St.Alexanian, ZabelleFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-02-0151y-8m-2d (b. 1895-05-10)hypertension, acute heart failure
35 N. 34th St.Alpnarly [Alipounarian], James G.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-0554 (b. 1891)coronary thrombosis
5610 Larchwood St.Alyanakian, AlbertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-02-0452 coronary artery sclerosis & insufficiency, acute heart failure
3914 N. 7th St.Ananian, MargaretFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-09-2465 coronary occlusion, generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: myocardial degeneration)
1013 Vine St.Onanion [Ananian], SimonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-02-1122 uraemia (contributory: secondary anemia)
5213 Locust St.Andonian, AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-01-1048 (b. 1898-01-06)amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & respiratory paralysis
233 S. 52nd St.Andonian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-01-0526m (b. 1926-12-10)premature baby - cyanotic at birth
1620 N. Franklin St.Endrigian [Andrigian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-03-0426y-8m (b. 1902-08-25)uremia
3526 Haverford Ave.Apelian, Charles MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-1756y-9m-16d (b. 1888-06-01)coronary sclerosis due to chronic myocarditis
135 S. 40th St.Apelian, SerapeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-2873y-5m-8d (b. 1872-01-20)coronary thrombosis (other: diabetes mellitus)
3526 Haverford Ave.Apelian, SolomonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-01-032y-9m-26d (b. 1930-03-07)injuries to leg & hemorrhage due to being struck by auto in front of 3523 Haverford Ave.
5601 Springfield Ave.Apahgian [Apigian], MigirdickMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-02-0310d (b. 1924-01-24)congenital atresia of esophagus
6616 Chew St.Der Arakelian [Arakelian], AgnesFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-05-0439 (b. 1891-04-10)myocardial degeneration with hypertension and decompensation
2209 Huntingdon St.Der Arakelian [Arakelian], HamparsumMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-2365y-8m-8d (b. 1881-04-15)acute coronary disease of heart due to chronic valvular lesion and bronchial asthma
3017 N. Croskey St.Der Arakelian [Arakelian], John M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-1730 (b. 1919-10-09)pulmonary tuberculosis
241 S. 40th St.Artzerounian [Ardzrounian], AlbezFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-04-28101 (b. 1843)hypertensive cardio vascular disease / arterio sclerosis
6031 Chestnut St.Artzeroonian [Ardzrounian], OsganMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-02-2542 (b. 1887-03-10)acute mastoiditis
6031 Chestnut St.Artzaroonian [Ardzrounian], SatenigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-01-2027 (b. 1903-03-20)bronc[h]o pneumonia, chronic myocarditis (acute dilatation)
5919 Chestnut St.Armaganian [Armaghanian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-01-2156 (b. 1873-05-23)apoplexy
1913 South St.Arslanian, SadieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-09-0528 diabetic coma
5847 Chestnut St.Arslanian, SatenigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-09-1158y-8m-1d (b. 1881-01-10)congestive heart failure due to coronary occlusion & arteriosclerosis
119 N. Farson St.Arthin [Artinian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-02-1372 chronic myocarditis & nephritis
119 N. Farson St.Arthin [Artinian], Samuel S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-07-1543y-3m (b. 1881-04-05)rupture of aneurism of aorta
119 N. Farson St.Arthin [Artinian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1676y-8m-6d (b. 1842-01-10)apoplexy
200 S. 52nd St.Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], LasetFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-02-1075 chronic myocarditis
152 S. 60th St.Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], StepanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-07-0787 chronic myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
1514 Melon St.Asadonian [Asadourian], FrankMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-04-0419 pulmonary tuberculosis
5149 Walnut St.Ashor [Asadourian], LeonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-04-2455 pulmonary embolism / pneumonitis with chronic bronchiectasis / acute pneumonitis
237 N. 57th St.Ashjian, GemesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-01-1762y-9m-2d (b. 1873-08-15)chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: arterio sclerosis)
110 N. Millick St.Ashjian, OsarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-10-1062 (b. 1879)carcinoma of stomach / post operative duodenal fistulis
5717 Spruce St.Ashjian, SultanFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1956-06-1076 (b. 1879-12-18)acute coronary thrombosis due to hypertension & arteriosclerosis
814 N. 16th St.Attarian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-10-0682y-6m-22d (b. 1864-03-15)cardiac failure, hypertensive myo carditis
4304 Lancaster Ave.Attarian, MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-01-1752 (b. 1888-08-01)portal cirrhosis due to hemorrhage from gastric varix
509 Delancey St.Audikian [Avakian], ArthurMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-03-2445 intestinal obstruction, gangrene of portion of small intestine
1534 N. 12th St.Avedisian, AvidisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-04-213m-24d (b. 1922-12-28)broncho pneumonia (whooping cough)
950 S. Swanson St.Avedisian, LillyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-03-142 measles (contributing: broncho-pneumonia)
811 Berks St.Ayjian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-04-2345 (b. 1876-01-16)pneumonia
5820 Chestnut St.Ayjian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-2720 (b. 1929-12-07)acute myocardial infarction due to general carcinomatosis of abdomen
927 Master St.Ayjian, KarnigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1903-03-2322y-10m-8d phthisis
1214 Spring Garden St.Aydjian [Ayjian], PhilipMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-05-0852 (b. 1881)hypertensive arterio sclerotic due to cardio vasular disease
345 S. 19th St.Aijan [Ayjian], Rose A.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-03-0754y-11m-3d (b. 1888-04-04)cerebral embolism due to metatastic carcinoma (primary site: breast)
6002 Ogontz Ave.Ayjian, SarahFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-01-3178 (b. 1852)apoplexy & myocarditis
1854 N. Darien St.Azadigan [Azadigian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-08-2638y-4m-23d (b. 1880-07-15)chronic pulmonary tuberculosis
1854 N. Darien St.Azadigian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-12-1936 (b. 1883-01-05)chronic pulmonary tuberculosis
1402 N. 7th St.Azadigian, ManuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-09-1723 (b. 1901-10-15)carcinoma of omentum
1855 N. Darien St.Azadig [Azadigian], PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-12-0644 ill[uminating] gas poisoning at home, accid[ental]
818 Columbia Ave.Hozarian [Azarian], TakouhieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-10-2143y-8m-6d (b. 1897-02-15)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: chronic nephritis)
5801 Walton Ave.Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], ZanazanFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-09-2368 (b. 1868)chronic nephritis
1225 Buttonwood St.Babaian, IsaacMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1913-09-1220 (b. 1893)phthisis pulm[onary]
1212 N. Alden St.Babigian, HampartzoumMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-01-1426 broncho pneumonia
1716 N. 51st St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-0520 (b. 1919-04-03)sarcoma mediastinum (contributory: massive plural effusion)
2012 N. 17th St.Bagdasrian [Baghdasarian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-06-2955 coronary thrombosis
1218 Spring Garden St.Der Baghadasrian [Baghdasarian], MikeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-2427 (b. 1892)influenza
575 N. 35th St.Buzzdigian [Baghdigian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-04-071m-16d (b. 1923-02-21)melena neonatorum
423 N. 35th St.Bakalian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-10-06(b. 1925-10-06)stillborn - premature childbirth
1540 S. 58th St.Ballikian [Balakian], JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-01-2552 chronic myocarditis, artero sclerosis
6112 Locust St.Balian, AznivFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-09-2461 (b. 1881-07)coronary thrombosis
718 N. 16th St.Balian, HnazautFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-02-1967 chronic myocarditis
1749 N. 60th St.Balian, SengulFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-02-1161 [la] gripp[e] (contributory: acute nephritis, parenchymatous)
2815 Kensington Ave.Palonian [Balounian], HaigoohiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-12-3139 anesthetic death, operation for post operative ventral hernia
212 S. 60th St.Baltaian, PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-06-1969 gastro intestinal malignancy with metastasis to the liver
420 S. 43rd St.Baltaian, RichardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-10-0782 broncho pneumonia senile psychosis
5918 Simpson St.Baltaian, YepraksayFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-10-0960y-9m-19d coronary thrombosis
6121 Callowhill St.Baronian, NazarethMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-05-3050 tubercular perforation of intestine (contributory: intestinal tuberculosis)
1701 N. Redfield St.Barsamian, MarianFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-06-1272 (b. 1875)cerebral hemorrhage with hemiplegia
1201 S. Ruby St.Basmajian, ArmanFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-02-2036 (b. 1901-07-10)subacute bacterial endocarditis (contributory: dilation of heart, edema of lungs, mild peritonitis)
1809 Wallace St.Basmajian, EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-01-08(b. 1944-01-08)still born / death in uterus due to cord strangulation
1613 N. 13th St.Basmajian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-05-0840 pulmonary tuberculosis
1331 Brandywine St.Basmajian, HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1910-02-0223 bronchopneumonia (tubercular) (contributory: pyonephrosis, tubercular)
2969 N. 12th St.Basmadjian [Basmajian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-08-2555y-3m-15d (b. 1894-05-10)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis
1227 Oxford St.Basmadjian [Basmajian], KarnigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-11-2115y-6m-25d (b. 1902-05-19)pulmonary tuberculosis
447 Menton St.Basnajian [Basmajian], Kathalein FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-09-028m-15d (b. 1942-12-16)broncho pneumonia
2405 N. 17th St.Basmajian, MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-01-2355 pneumonia & bronchitis (contributory: duodenal diverticulum)
5266 Delancey St.Basmadjian [Basmajian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-1336y-11m-20d (b. 1905-12-23)teratoma testicle with metastasis
5264 Delancey St.Basmadjian [Basmajian], Paul KasparMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-10-2455 chronic myocarditis
5820 Chestnut St.Bayenderian, NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-10-2968 (b. )acute myocarditis
3622 Spring Garden St.Baberian [Bebirian], AraxiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-06-0651y-11m-26d (b. 1892-06-11)bronchial adeno-carcinoma
669 N. 11th St.Barberian [Bebirian], HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-01-1253y-4m (b. 1888-08-25)coronary thrombosis
5141 Irving St.Bedrosian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-06-18(b. 1935-06-18)premature (6 months) still birth
4422 Market St.Peters [Bedrosian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-02-0863y-2m (b. 1867-12-08)coronary thrombosis
5141 Irving St.Bedrosian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-07-2958 acute perforation of gall bladder, contributory: arteriosclerosis
437 S. 61st. St.Bedrosian, KnarigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-11-1570 chronic endocarditis
5140 Sansom St.Bedrosian, NersesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1916-06-1321 gen[eral] injuries acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by being run over by an automobile
6160 Locust St.Benlian, Perlanty FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-05-1665 carcinoma of stomach
5438 Malcolm St.Berberian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-05-011d (b. 1949-05-01)hydrops fetalis
1303 Susquehanna Ave.Berberian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-09-02(b. 1920-09-02)stillborn
1825 S. 58th St.Berberian, FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-05-291d (b. 1948-05-28)hydrops fetalis (monstrosity)
5310 Addison St.Berberian, LucyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-04-134y-5m-8d (b. 1922-10-25)hemorrhage of common carotid artery
1401 N. 29th St.Berberian, SarahFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-11-182y-3m (b. 1922-09-13)general burns received by falling over bucket of hot water at home
3853 Lancaster Ave.Berberian, SourpouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-03-2932 (b. 1894)puerperal streptococcic salpingitis
329 S. 52nd St.Bidilikian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-02-13(b. 1932-02-13)stillborn
329 S. 52nd St.Bidilikian, John (Jr.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-10-031y-1m (b. 1935-08-24)myocarditis
430 Poplar St.Belajian [Blejian], BogasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-06-241y-6m-12d (b. 1907-12-12)inflammation of the bowels
Phipps InstitutePaul [Boghosian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-12-0139 pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: hemoptysis)
6218 Catharine St.Boghosian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-02-2459 (b. 1881-11-25)pulmonary embolism (contributory: appendectomy)
1616 Parrish St.Boghosian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-08-027m (b. 1917-12-11)gastro enteritis
900 S. Alden St.Boghosian, RakelFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-04-0462 (b. 1874)cerebral hemorrhage
7103 Emlen St.Bedookian [Boudakian], MisakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-05-1664 (b. 1885-12-22)uremia due to cardial decompensation
3717 Locust St.Bouloutian [Bouloudian], EvekenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-11-2340 (b. 1903-03-03)cerebral metastosis due to cancer of r[igh]t breast
2861 N. 11th St.Boornazian [Bournazian], SuhagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-12-3070 (b. 1879-07-03)chronic myocarditis due to hemiplegia
5846 N. 4th St.Boursaleian [Boursalian], VerkenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-09-0555y-4m-6d (b. 1895-05-29)coronary occlusion
56 N. 60th St.Boyajian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-03-091y-3m-14d (b. 1916-11-25)congenital syphilis
6130 Chancellor St.Boyajian, EstherFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-03-1634 (b. 1895-03-02)pelvic inflammatory disease
6038 Market St.Boyajian, George (Jr.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-06-14(b. 1927-06-12)was premature baby (one of twins), weak from birth
5827 Spruce St.Boyajian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-06-1170 (b. 1876-05-15)heart failure (contributory: auricular fibrillation & hypertensive cardiovascular disease
5745 Cedar Ave.Boyajian, KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-04-1788 (b. 1858)chronic endocarditis
643 S. 60th St.Boyajian, MarieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1916-03-0623 (b. 1893)pulmonary tuberculosis
5519 Girard Ave.Boyajian, PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-0557y-7m-3d (b. 1868-06-01)heart disease
5725 Girard Ave.Boyajian, Setrak J.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-07-0246y-9m (b. 1879-09)asphyxia ill[uminating] gas poison suicide while temp[orarily] deranged at home
2048 N. 11th St.Bozargian [Bozajian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-03-1649y-11m-28d (b. 1882-03-18)acute myocarditis
2226 N. 11th St.Bozarjian [Bozajian], DorothyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-1923y-10m-20d (b. 1914-06-29)multiple injuries at home (struck by butcher cleaver), def[endan]t Joseph A. Bozarjian responsible (homicide) (now confirmed in Byber[r]y [Mental] Hosp[ital]) / also known as Dorothy Sarkis
2226 N. 11th St.Bozarjian [Bozajian], ParisFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-1556y-8m-3d (b. 1881-09-12)multiple injuries at home (struck by butcher cleaver), def[endan]t Joseph A. Bozarjian responsible (homicide) (now confirmed in Byberry [Mental] Hosp[ital]) / also [known as] Paris Sarkis
3420 N. 2nd St.Bazigian [Bozigian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-1865 traumatic injury to body (laceration of liver while at work at International Shoe Co., struck by freight car 18-Sep-1942)
4109 Ridge Ave.Chadurdjian [Chaderjian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-02-0965 apoplexy
6102 Chancellor St.Chekerian [Chakerian], StephenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1019 lobar pneumonia
5537 Chancellor St.Chakmakian [Chakmaklian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-03-1119y-2m (b. 1915-01-11)bilateral, far advance, pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis enteritis and peritonitis)
3253 Joyce St.Chaksmakjian [Chakmaklian], Harioe [?]MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1911-07-029m (b. 1910-10-01)inanition (contributory: gastro enteritis)
6248 Addison St.Chakmaklian, MichaelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-10-2055 (b. 1868-06-16)carcinoma of tongue
6248 Addison St.Chakmaklian, NickeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-04-0223 (b. 1900-05-25)lymphatic leukemia, streptococcic infection with follicular tonsilitis (contributory: septicemia)
5553 Chancellor St.Chakmakian [Chakmaklian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-08-1346 pulmonary tuberculosis
5537 Chancellor St.Chainakeian [Chakmaklian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-02-2712y-3m-27d (b. 1912-10-30)abscess of tooth
5912 Market St.Melian [Chamalian], AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-09-1454y-8m-8d (b. 1889-01-06)heart failure due to exfoliative dermatitis
5137 Warren St.Jemetian [Chamalian], PuzontMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-05-234m-4d (b. 1931-01-10)hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
507 S. 52nd St.Chantigian [Chandigian], EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-02-037m-18d (b. 1925-06-15)acute mastoditis
6122 Lansdowne Ave.Chavooshian [Chavoushian], HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-05-281 (b. 1925-03-25)bronchitis (contributory: broncho influenza)
5507 Chester Ave.Chavooshian [Chavoushian], HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-07-085 (b. 1920)compound frac[ture] of skull, internal injuries, do to being struck by auto (acc[iden]t)
860 E. Thompson St.Chavooshian [Chavoushian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-01-19(b. 1944-01-19)asphyxia, cerebral hemorrhage due to hemorrhaic disease of newborn (other: adrenal hemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage, partial atelectasis)
904 N. 5th St.Chavooshian [Chavoushian], SolomonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-09-1857 (b. 1860)carcinoma of the liver
5147 Chancellor St.Chickakian [Chichegian], EghiaMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-04-2850 (b. 1886-01-25)apoplexy
5111 Viola St.Chickekian [Chichegian], ZarouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-12-1451y-3m (b. 1878-09-15)strangulated hernia & heart disease
3344 H St.Chirkinian, JackMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-04-2042y-11m-5d (b. 1905-05-15)hepatic insufficiency due to metastatic carcinoma & carcinoma of pancreas
2203 N. 16th St.Cherkenian [Chirkinian], KhachadoorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-10-2475y-6m-28d (b. 1866-03-25)chronic myocarditis
2636 Somerset St.Chirkinian, Mary D.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-11-1154y-6m-29d (b. 1891-04-18)acute pyelonephritis (other: hemorrhagic cystitis, kyphoscoliosis)
49th St. & Ogden St.Chirkinian, TakookiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-11-0536y-8m-5d (b. 1872-03-10)tuberculosis kidney (contributory: general tuberculosis, aedema lungs & tubercular laryngitis)
3317 Kensington Ave.Chitjian [Chitjian], SatenigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-2157 (b. 1893-09-01)auricular fibrillation (contributory: arterial hypertension)
Solakian [Cholakian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-06-21stillborn / asphyxia pallida due to delayed labor
850 N. 12th St.Cholakian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-10-23(b. 1927-10-23)stillborn
1216 Jefferson St.Chalikian [Cholakian], ApikMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-01-2170y-11m-21d (b. 1875-03-01)heart failure (contributory: acute coronary occlusion)
6157 Chestnut St.Chalikian [Cholakian], DikranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-0977 (b. 1869-01-19)carcinoma of stomach
225 S. 60th St.Cholakian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-12-1065 (b. 1857-02-27)chronic endocarditis and angina pectoris
45 N. 60th St.Cholekian [Cholakian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-10-2221 (b. 1902-01-08)acute perforative appendicitis (contributory: generalized peritonitis)
521 S. Conestoga St.Chopoorian [Chopourian], ElsieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-06-0432 hypertension malignant phase cardio renal disease (contributory: myocardial exhaustion, uremic (renal) complication)
Belmont Ave. & Conshohocken Ave.Chopourian, Harry J.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-01-1066y-3m-13d (b. 1881-09-23)cardiac decompensation due to generalized arteriosclerosis
1301 Susquehanna Ave.Chorebanian, KevoakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-08-2263 chronic myocarditis for seven years with coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertrophied prostate with acute retention)
2013 Fairmount Ave.Chouljian, HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-01-171y-6m (b. 1923-08-24)pleurisy with effusion
6109 Chancellor St.Dadoorian [Dadourian], AlexandreMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-05-3052 (b. 1870-01-15)cerebral hemorrhage
6002 Locust St.Dadoorian [Dadourian], Berjouhi A.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-12-0736 (b. 1887-01-05)double lobar pneumonia
45 N. 60th St.Dadoorian [Dadourian], IsaacMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-11-0528 (b. 1890-10-11)pulmonary tuberculosis
5024 Pine St.Dadourian, Mihran Z.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-04-3058 (b. 1882-07-22)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis)
4610 Walnut St.Dadourian, Mugurdich M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-09-1730y-1m-1d (b. 1911-08-16)hemorrhage & secondary anemia due to duodenal ulcer
4056 Market St.Dattoarium [Dadourian], SophiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-12-0432 influenza - pneumonia (lobar) (contributory: premature labor - 7 mos.)
6001 Angora Ave.Dadoorian [Dadourian], VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-05-1754 (b. 1876-10-12)chronic myocarditis
5800 Catharine St.Dagdigian [Daghdigian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-01-2025 appendicitis (contibutory: peritonitis)
1900 Mt. Vernon St.Dandigian, NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-08-3150y-16d (b. 1895-08-15)hypertensive coronary arterio sclerosis
173 Lehigh Ave.Davidian, BeatriceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-12-064m (b. 1933-12-02)prematurity
3301 N. Howard St.Dividian [Davidian], ManoogMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-02-0328y-9m-1d (b. 1912-05-04)rheumatoid myocarditis (contributory: [la] gripp[e])
312 S. 40th St.Davidyan [Davidian], NarieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-04-1288y-4m-18d (b. 1858-11-24)generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, bilateral senile cataracts
3301 N. Howard St.Dividian [Davidian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-06-1051y-6m-21d (b. 1895-11-20)broncho pneumonia & carcinomatosis (contributory: lung carcinoma)
703 Green St.Damerjian [Demirjian], SahagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-01-1475 apoplexy of brain
5253 Market St.Devletian [Deovletian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-12-259d (b. 1923-12-16)septicaemia
638 N. 20th St.Dabanian [Depanian], HerepsemaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-12-1060 angina pectoris - shock following a fall down stair at home
3402 Mascher St.Derderian, AgnesFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-05-1749 acute congestive heart failure due to hypertension
150 York St.Derderian, AntranigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-06-035m-6d (b. 1925-12-27)septicemia - broncho pneumonia
2454 N. 2nd St.Derderian, SetrakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-06-2772y-9m-5d (b. 1874-09-22)heart failure due to hypertension & arteriosclerosis
3303 N. Howard St.Tokmajian [Deukmejian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-08-2966y-2m-11d (b. 1874-06-18)fracture of the condile [condyle] (elbow joint), arteriosclerosis, and senile dementia (fell at home on 22-Aug-1940)
5317 Walnut St.Dokmajian [Deukmejian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-06-0724 emphysema & tuberculosis meningitis
3303 N. Howard St.Tokmajian [Deukmejian], MampreMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-10-2237y-10m (b. 1879-12-05)pulmonary tuberculosis
5317 Walnut St.Tockmajian [Deukmejian], NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-03-1621 lobar pneumonia
307 S. 52nd St.Diradourian, Diradour M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-08-2566y-1m (b. 1875-07)myocarditis
1213 S. Ruby St.Jergaian [Djergaian], ArsineFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-09-302m-23d (b. 1921-07-07)osteongelitis of left humerus and fibula (contributory: malnutrition)
6008 Chestnut St.Djirgaian [Djergaian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-06-1283 diabetes
5549 Baltimore Ave.Dombalagian, AndrewMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-1260y-2m-16d (b. 1886-09-26)coronary thrombosis due to chronic myocarditis
101 N. 55th St.Donabedian, VartoohyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-03-272 (b. 1923-03-05)sarcoma of right hip
40 S. 51st St.Donjian [Donjoian], Hagop M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-1768 (b. 1872-08-25)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
1124 Nevada St.Dongian [Donjoian], SiragosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-03-1367 pulmonary tuberculosis
1360 New St.Doozian [Douzjian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1914-04-044 broncho pneumonia
203 Richmond St.Durgerian [Dulgerian], GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-04-0844y-2m-22d (b. 1882-01-15)carcinoma of the stomach
2500 Douglas St.Effendian, GarabadMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-10-1152y-5m-21d (b. 1857-04-20)carcinoma of liver (contributory: carcinoma of rectum)
N. 16th St. & Girard Ave.Evdaharian [Ejdaharian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-10-305d (b. 1941-10-25)subdural hemorrhage
5214 Roosevelt Blvd.Ajdaharian [Ejdaharian], AramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-12-076y-2m-21d (b. 1943-09-16)head trauma with cerebral edema due to neuropinic shock, struck by truck
1722 Delancey St.Eckian [Ekchian], NectarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-02-0387 (b. 1837)myocarditis
2159 N. Clarion St.Etmokjian [Ekmekjian], AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-08-2446 diabetic coma (contributory: interstitial nephritis)
1021 Montgomery St.Ekmekjian, LoosiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-12-1524 (b. 1883)croupous pneumonia
232 N. 11th St.Atmekjian [Ekmekjian], MarianFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-06-0724 gun shot wound of chest (suicide)
6130 Chancellor St.Elias [Eliasian], CatherineFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-09-1638 (b. 1885-09-15)myeloid leukemia (contributory: secondary anemia)
2010 Ridge Ave.Elmasian, ElmasFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1901-11-2624 lobar pneumonia
5221 Chestnut St.Elvanian, LucyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-06-2770y-1m (b. 1860-05-25)cerebral thrombosis
5542 Walnut St.Elvanian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-01-0238y-11m-7d (b. 1900-01-25)interstitial nephritis (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
452 N. Farson St.Emligian [Emlikian], Charles PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-164m (b. 1925-09-10)acute lobar pneumonia
5066 Reno St.Emlikian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-01-3114y-7m-10d (b. 1924-01-21)congenital pulmonary stenosis, hemolytic streptocossus, septecimia [septicemia]
617 W. Sedgwick St.Emure [Eomurian], Rebecca D.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-01-2567y-2m-16d (b. 1880-11-08)acute hemorrhage due to pancreatitis
6162 Walnut St.Fereshetian, AliceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-03-2219 (b. 1926-04-11)carbon monoxide gas poisoning (illuminating gas), found in kitchen of home (suicide)
6164 Walnut St.Fereshetian, MihranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-03-1738 furuncle of upper lip, contributory: cavernous sinus thrombosis
279 E. Tusculum St.Fermanian, BerthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-01-1174y-1m-10d (b. 1867-11-01)cardiac failure (other: arteriosclerotic heart disease)
1107 Brandywine St.Garabatian [Garabedian], EstherFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1900-07-1612 typhoid fever (intestinal hemorrhage)
1420 Castle Ave.Garabedean [Garabedian], H. P.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1881-08-25phthisis pulmonalis
522 S. Redfield St.Garabedian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-01-243y-8m (b. 1921)lobar pneumonia
2162 N. 32nd St.Garabedian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-03-3146y-2m-12d (b. 1876-01-19)valvular heart disease
802 N. Corinthian Ave.Garabedian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-06-2058 (b. 1888-03-10)carcinoma of cervix and uterus
6235 Market St.Garabedian, Matthew V.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-01-1944 gunshot wound of head, suicide while temp[orarily] deranged
522 S. Redfield St.Garobedian [Garabedian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-02-041y-6m (b. 1923-06-14)lobar pneumonia - acute nephritis (contributory: lung abscess)
3422 Ella St.Karabedian [Garabedian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-1257 (b. 1885)cardiosclosis due to endocarditis
283 S. 63rd St.Garabetian [Garabedian], SatragMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-02-2579 (b. 1864-11-24)arterio sclerotic heart disease
3423 N. Howard St.Gemcrekian [Gemerekian], HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-01-0775 (b. 1847)chronic interstitial nephritis
2130 N. 7th St.Gardadian [Geordezian], OhanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-01-0342 (b. 1889-05-20)pulmonary tuberculosis
6142 Lebanon Ave.Gevchenian [Geovshenian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-03-0780 (b. 1868)chronic myocarditis & old age
815 N. 16th St.Geozbeyukian [Geozibuyukian], HaroutuneMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-05-1366 (b. 1859-07)dementia praecox & chronic interstitial nephritis
2438 Brown St.Geozibeigian [Geozibuyukian], MariamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-2864y-8m-3d (b. 1874-11-25)chronic myocarditis (contributory: osteo arthritis of the thoracic spine)
2216 N. Camac St.Garibian [Gharibian], AltonFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-07-1275 (b. 1866)carcinoma of hepatic flexure, ca[rcinoma] of bowel with metastisis
3063 N. Sydenham St.Gazoorian [Ghazarian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-04-2343y-4m-24d (b. 1906-11-30)shock due to hepatoma
818 Columbia Ave.Gazarian [Ghazarian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-11-1432 generaized peritonitis due to ruptured stomach ulcer
3622 Spring Garden St.Der Kazarian [Ghazarian], ElenoraFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-01-233m pneumonia
3063 N. Sydenham St.Gazurian [Ghazarian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-04-256y-5m (b. 1926-11-13)frac[tured] skull due to being struck by auto at Clearfield & Sydenham Streets
1412 N. Etting St.Kezerian [Ghazarian], JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-12-3040 general paralysis of the insane
5748 Sansom St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], KarekianMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-12-0465y-4m-26d (b. 1878-07-08)carcinoma of bronchus
5748 Sansom St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], ParisFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-05-1365y-7m-28d (b. 1876-09-15)chronic myocarditis
4218 Castor Ave.Kazigian [Ghazigian], HaroutuneMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-08-2074y-4m-10d (b. 1875-04-10)pulmonary edema due to pulmonary carcinoma
237 N. 10th St.Giragosian, KaropMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-01-2645 (b. 1887)acute circulatory failure following partial gastrectomy due to sympathetic nerve disturbances
6006 Chestnut St.Glavian, VartanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-2462 (b. 1887-08)bronchopneumonia due to decubitus ulcer
6061 Pine St.Koshgerian [Goshgarian], SantireMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-01-0168y-7m-17d (b. 1878-05-15)coronary thrombosis, due to chronic myocarditis & arteriosclerosis
1200 S. 10th St.Gosson, AsmaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-09-2454 (b. 1878-07-01)chronic myocarditis
3928 N. Smedley St.Gavbashian [Govbashian], ElsieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-02-1528y-10m septicemia due to streptococcus viridans, septic endo carditis
3808 N. 8th St.Gavbashian [Govbashian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-07-0459y-6m-19d (b. 1886-12-15)pulmonary thrombosis
672 N. 41st St.Gulasarian [Guleserian], HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-0469 (b. 1880-12-28)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
5948 Walnut St.Gulezian [Guleserian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-04-2078 (b. 1878-12-15)hypertensive cardio vascular disease, diabetes with arteriosclerosis
301 Indiana St.Gardanian [Gumushgardanian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-04-1342 acute nephritis
2464 77th Ave.Gemushgardian [Gumushgardanian], Nazerth S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-06-0470y-8m-8d coronary occlusion
1644 Francis St.Gureghian, AstrigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-08-1063 cerebral hemorrhage
1428 Glenwood Ave.Gureghian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-08-1340 2 & 3 degree burns, toxemia while using cleaning fluid at home - accidental
28 S. Robinson St.Gurenlian [Gurinlian], GusimaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-04-0882 (b. 1865)coronary thrombosis
1303 Divinity St.Goorgian [Gurjian], SophiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1902-09-2915 tuberculosis
1848 E. Clearfield St.Guzelian, P. JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-09-2647y-6m-1d (b. 1888-03-25)hypertensive cardio vascular disease, congestive heart failure (contributory: pulmonary edema, fibrillation)
115 Columbia Ave.Hajinian [Hadjinlian], HnazantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-02-1764y-1m-1d (b. 1884-01-15)cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis
5606 Whitby Ave.Hajinian [Hadjinlian], Nshan M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-03-1362 (b. 1862-10-26)lobar pneumonia
695 N. 13th St.Haginian [Hadjinlian], SamuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-12-1660y-8m-1d (b. 1885-04-15)carcinomatosis due to carcinoma of rectum
695 N. 13th St.Hajinian [Hadjinlian], TakoohieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-10-2950y-5m-30d (b. 1895-04-31)cardiac decompensation due to cardiac asthma
2845 N. 2nd St.Yakoobian [Hagopian], AgnesFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-12-2843y-4m-10d (b. 1898-08-18)hanging / found on closet door, 2nd floor
5902 Addison St.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Angele B.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-02-1238 (b. 1888-12-11)heart disease
6045 Irving St.Hagopian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-07-1168y-6m-26d (b. 1879-12-15)coronary thrombosis
804 S. 55th St.Hagopian, EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-07-0164 (b. 1883-12-09)respiratory failure due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
11 S. Robinson St.Hogopian [Hagopian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-05-0915 (b. 1909-03-15)myocarditis acute (contributory: dementia praecox)
347 E. Cliveden St.Hagopian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-08-2262 (b. 1888-03-16)congestive heart failure due to renal decompensation
347 E. Cliveden St.Hagopian, LucindaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-06-0162y-10m-22d (b. 1885-07-11)congestive failure due to chronic hypertensive cardiovascular disease
39 S. Salford St.Hagopian, MarkarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-06-0369y-26d (b. 1875-04-08)Laennec's cirrhosis
6008 Cedar Ave.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-04-0460 (b. 1880-09-16)coronary thrombosis
1807 N. Darien St.Hagopian, RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-08-1842y-3m-29d (b. 1898-04-20)chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart)
5033 Market St.Yacoobian [Hagopian], RoupenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-0164y-15d carcinoma of stomach (contributory: carcinoma of liver)
6002 Market St.Derrhagopian [Hagopian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-02-0262 (b. 1879-12-25)bronchopneumonia due to bronchiectosis / carcinoma [of] stomach
5722 Pemberton St.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], SeropeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-04-1157 (b. 1892-06-10)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis
5463 Walnut St.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], SerpouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-09-2361 (b. 1869-01-15)endocarditis
3929 Walnut St.Hagopian, SimaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-11-0780 (b. 1864)cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis
Parker HotelYacoubian [Hagopian], VahanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-11-1967y-5m (b. 1880-06-19)coronary thrombosis
4200 Tyson St.Hagopian, WarrenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-06-0211m-22d hydrocephaly with air embolism of brain
4628 Wayne Ave.Hairabedian, AramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-03-2363 myocardial failure (contributory: bronchoectanic asthma)
1541 Race St.Hamparsounian [Hampartsoumian], BedrosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1914-11-2774 (b. 1840-08-22)cerebral hemorrhage
5431 Irving St.Hartunian [Haroutunian], Abram (Rev.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-03-1666y-7m-6d (b. 1872-08-10)chronic myocarditis & fibrillation
1644 Francis St.Harootunian [Haroutunian], LucyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-05-2970 carcinoma [of] head of pancreas
5748 Pemberton St.Hartunian [Haroutunian], Susan A.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-2062y-4m-20d (b. 1878-07-30)gastric sarcoma (contributory: gastric resection)
1135 S. 55th St.Hajatian [Hayatian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-02-1172y-5m (b. 1875-08-11)coronary thrombosis
331 S. 52nd St.Hayatian, GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-0922 (b. 1896-05-02)influenza
410 Cambria St.Hajatian [Hayatian], KevorkMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-11-0156y-3m-24d hypertrophy & dilatation of heart
832 N. 13th St.Hajatian [Hayatian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-08-2649y-5m-21d (b. 1895-03-05)cardiac failure due to carcinoma of liver & omentum
4240 Walnut St.Hakinian [Hekimian], BerthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-06-2354 retroperitoneal sarcoma, carcinoma of body [&] of pancreas
1016 S. 55th St.Hakimian [Hekimian], LucyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-05-1718y-6m-21d (b. 1908-10-26)streptoccic infection of tonsils
1016 S. 55th St.Hakimian [Hekimian], RichardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-08-3052 (b. 1878)pituitary cyst
5304 Addison St.Hekimian, VictorFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-01-198m (b. 1926-05-20)influenza
1472 N. Wilton St.Hoplamazian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-05-06(b. 1925-05-06)stillborn - prolonged labor, fetal dystocia
1472 N. Wilton St.Hoplamzian [Hoplamazian], EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-02-2519m-10d (b. 1928-01-15)broncho pneumonia
1420 N. Vogdes St.Hoplamazian, SermoutFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-01-301y-7m (b. 1922-06-27)cardiac paralysis (contributory: bronchial pneumonia followed by influenza)
2352 N. Lawrence St.Der Hovannesian [Hovhannesian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-02-1275y-9m-30d (b. 1871-04-15)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis
1225 Allegheny Ave.Hovnanian, Mariam S.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-04-1756y-4m-2d (b. 1886-12-15)cardiac thrombosis due to endocarditis
2945 N. Camac St.Housepian [Hovsepian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-18(b. 1944-03-17)imperforate anus / faulty development skull and brain / autopsy: hypoplasia liver & thyroid, faulty bony development skull & spine
204 S. 60th St.Hovsepian, AroxieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-01-0966 coronary occlusion (contributory: chronic cholecystitis)
5921 Walnut St.Hovsepian, Clara G.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-07-2241y-9m-25d (b. 1901-09-27)post operative complications / exact nature uncertain / supra vaginal hysterectomy / fibromyoma uterus
2208 N. Franklin St.Hovsepian, DikranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-03-0119 (b. 1899-02)pulmonary tuberculosis
1008 Poplar St.Hovsepian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1910-07-298 gangrenous appendicitis, intestinal obstruction (contributory: peritonitis)
1904 Erie Ave.Hoosepian [Hovsepian], Martin H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-08-2373 (b. 1870-09-25)acute pulmonary edema due to acute toxic meningoencephalitis (possible virus infection)
1630 Susquehanna Ave.Havsepian [Hovsepian], Sarkes MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-03-1156y-11m (b. 1883-04)hanging (found hanging from ladder in rear room at his home - suicide)
4100 Locust St.Hovsepian, SayadMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-12-0976y-4m-4d paralysis agitans
6441 Woodbine Ave.Isbetcherian, DikzanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-05-1578y-3m-2d (b. 1855-02-13)chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute trachea bronchitis - possible abcess of lung)
1709 Erie Ave.Isbetcherian, VahramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-06-2528 pulmonary tuberculosis
229 S. 52nd St.Skenderian [Iskenderian], HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-1643 cardiac failure due to rheumatic heart disease
428 N. Daggett St.Eskandarian [Iskenderian], SogomoaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-04-1380 (b. 1870)tuberculosis of lung
446 S. 52nd St.Janbazian [Jambajian], MaryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-04-1573 (b. 1869-04-01)chronic nephritis and uremia
222 N. Edgewood St.Janbazian [Jambajian], StevenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-01-1377 (b. 1863-02-15)chronic endocarditis / chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: arterio sclerosis with hypertension)
6010 Irving St.Jamgochian, DiranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-04-0348 (b. 1892-08-15)tinitis plastica, post-op complications
2629 E. Norris St.Jamgochian, KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-07-0758 metastatic abscess of the lungs (contributory: traumatism)
2629 E. Norris St.Jamgochian, LevonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-04-288y-5m-15d (b. 1910-11-12)general peritonitis
901 S. 49th St.Jamgochian, MichaelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-02-2252y-3m-14d (b. 1896-11-08)cardiac failure due to acute myelogenous leukemia
860 E. Thompson St.Jamgochian, RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-04-2869y-11m-14d (b. 1877-03-12)carcinoma of stomach
4814 McKean Ave.Jamjian [Janigian], AgavneFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-03-0865 (b. 1867-09-14)carcinoma of colon (contributory: cardiac thrombosis)
1100 Fairmount Ave.Janjigian, BogosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-02-0653 carcinoma of larynx
3735 Walnut St.Jerrehian [Jarahian], Garabed H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-04-1067y-8m (b. 1866-08-30)broncho pneumonia
1949 N. Camac St.Jarahian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-06-1437 lobar pneumonia
905 Callowhill St.Gerahien [Jarahian], JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1908-12-2558 carcinoma of larynx
3735 Walnut St.Jerrehian [Jarahian], Mariam T.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-05-0176y-8m-15d (b. 1870-08-16)renal insufficiency due to chronic myocarditis
243 Thayer St.Jelalian, KessayMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-10-2875y-1m (b. 1874-09-28)acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis & heart failure
1538 Columbia Ave.Jelalian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-01-1585y-7m-12d (b. 1863-06-03)chronic endocarditis & old age
255 N. 11th St.Jigarigian [Jigerjian], KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-08-0140y-9m-8d (b. 1897-10-24)fracture of femur, septecimia [septicemia], toxemia at Re Nu It Cleaning Corp. at 6111 Ridge Ave. where employed, explosion of extractor on 24-Jun-1938 (accidental)
1950 N. Hope St.Jegerjian [Jigerjian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-04-101y-16d pneumonia
5909 Spruce St.Gehanian [Jihanian], EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-04-2543 (b. 1889-06-15)tuberculosis pneumonia following pulmonary hemorrhage
5802 Catharine St.Jehanian [Jihanian], SesetFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-09-1860 (b. 1883)acute myocardial degeneration
2013 Fairmount Ave.Jingozian, EpekFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-06-2172 coronary thrombosis
5207 Walnut St.Djizmejian [Jizmejian], Sumpat AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-10-1964 (b. 1883)kidney shut down due to carcinoma of prostate
3313 Mutter St.Juskalian, AsvagadoraMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-09-0628 (b. 1894)gun shot wound of head, self inflicted while temporarily deranged
3433 N. Howard St.Juskalian, MugerdichMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-11-1668y-1d (b. 1874-11-15)chronic interstitial nephritis due to arteriosclerosis
317 S. 60th St.Kabakjian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-03-1885y-1m-4d (b. 1848-02-14)angina pectoris (contributory: senile)
317 S. 60th St.Kabajian [Kabakjian], James H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-01-1971y-3m-29d (b. 1869-09-20)broncho-pneumonia (contibutory: cardiac decompensation)
5239 Hazel Ave.Kabakjian, SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-02-1683 (b. 1839)apoplexy
1824 Arch St.Cahraman [Kahramanian], PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-01-1965 (b. 1866)apoplexy
4612 Walnut St.Kavjian [Kahvejian], PuzantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-07-0125y-9m chronic epidemic encephalitis
4712 Woodland Ave.Kavjen [Kahvejian], RosaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1914-11-232m gastro enteritis
2619 S. Dewey St.Halladjian [Kalajian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-04-30(b. 1922-04-30)stillborn (contributory: prematurity)
5213 Hazel Ave.Kaljian [Kalajian], GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-02-1364 (b. 1865-04-12)chronic myocarditis
5041 N. Marshall St.Kilidjian [Kalajian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-02-0570 (b. 1880-01-03)left coronary artery atheroma
236 E. Tioga St.Kalafian [Kalfaian], AlmasFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-08-2535 (b. 1903-01-10)rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis
2508 N. 11th St.Calfoyan [Kalfaian], Aram S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-08-1764y-4m-20d (b. 1884-03-28)circulatory failure due to arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease
5311 Chestnut St.Keoleian [Kaloian], SamuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-06-0139 (b. 1894-02-05)lobar pneumonia
1536 Columbia Ave.Kaloustian, ArdashesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-2751y-6m-9d (b. 1893-12-18)essential hypertension due to chronic nephritis
5103 N. 13th St.Kaloustian, ArmondMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-08-2864 (b. 1886-04-15)coronary atherosclerosis due to occlusion, myocardial infarction
2469 N. Garnet St.Kaloostian [Kaloustian], DanielMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-03-0558y-8m-1d (b. 1882-07-04)gunshot wound of head / found in bedroom of his home in bed
5451 Master St.Kalustian [Kaloustian], HerepcemaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-04-031y-10m (b. 1933-06-15)bilateral broncho pneumonia
3342 Mutter St.Kalustian [Kaloustian], MarthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-12-1354y-8m-3d (b. 1863-04-04)acute gastritis
415 N. 13th St.Kalustian [Kaloustian], VahanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-10-2851y-7m-13d (b. 1892-03-15)acute cystitis due to benign prostatic hypertophy
6641 Lebanon Ave.Calpacian [Kalpakjian], SerponheFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-10-2668 chronic interstitial nephritis
1029 Shackamaxon St.Kapeghian [Kapigian], KachadorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-11-1780y-7m-23d (b. 1839-03-24)chronic interstitial nephritis
2301 E. Thompson St.Kapeghian [Kapigian], MurgditchMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-02-0713m (b. 1916-01-03)broncho pneumonia (contributory: diptheria)
3467 Chestnut St.Kapegian [Kapigian], SurmiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-02-2864 (b. 1871-07)broncho pneumonia (contributory: myocardial infarction)
444 Poplar St.Kapikian [Kapigian], TzavakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1906-05-174m-14d (b. 1906-01-03)convulsions (contributory: teething)
4038 Powelton Ave.Gabrichan [Kaprielian], MurgurdichMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-07-0768y-5m-10d (b. 1857-01-27)angina pectoris
1514 Green St.Gabrialean [Kaprielian], RobertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-03-2538y-4m-25d (b. 1902-10-31)cerebral embolism, malignant hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiac decompensation
1825 Harrison St.Karabashian, PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-05-0641y-8m-11d (b. 1900-08-25)carcinoma of stomach (contributory: sub-total gastrectomy)
533 N. 33rd St.Karagheuzian [Karageozian], ArakelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-01-1770 cerebral hemorrhage - right side
1314 S. 53rd St.Karaglazian [Karageozian], ArshagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-02-206m (b. 1925-08-17)hypertrophial thymus (contributory: respiratory asphyxiation)
533 N. 33rd St.Karagosian [Karageozian], ElzaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-03-1265 lobar pneumonia
11th St. & Master St.Karageuzian [Karageozian], HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1905-07-0825 tuberculosis of lungs (contributing: amyloid -----, spleen, kidneys)
1452 N. 60th St.Karian [Karaian], StephenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-11-1652y-6m-6d (b. 1891-05-10)coronary thrombosis
6132 Delancey St.Karamanoogian [Karamanougian], MosesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-0261 (b. 1884-03-04)hypertensive cardiovascular disease, avuncular fibrillation (other: cardiac decompensation, pulmonary infarction)
6132 Delancey St.Karamanougian, VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-10-3146 (b. 1896)ruptured esophagial varices due to cirrhosis of liver
6001 Chestnut St.Karaoglanian [Karaoghlanian], KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-01-0765 chronic myocarditis
53 N. 60th St.Kassabian [Kasabian], Aharon H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1912-03-2921 (b. 1891)pulm[onary] tub[erculosis]
6116 Reinhart St.Kassabian [Kasabian], Krikor H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-12-3061 (b. 1888-01-30)coronary thrombosis due to acute heart failure
6544 Lebanon Ave.Kassabian [Kasabian], Megerdich K.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-0866 (b. 1876)chronic myocarditis (other: senility)
5342 Chestnut St.Kassabian [Kasabian], Mihran (Dr.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1910-07-1240 secondary epitheleoma of axilla (contributory: pulmonary edema)
62 N. Salford St.Hashian [Kashkashian], LazarosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-10-1467 (b. 1881)respiratory insufficiency due to bronchopneumonia & cardiac decomposition
62 N. Salford St.Hashian [Kashkashian], MariamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-03-0675 lobar pneumonia
62 N. Salford St.Hashian [Kashkashian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-09-2768 (b. 1879)arteriosclerosis & vascular disease
14 N. Robinson St.Kasparian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-12-241d (b. 1929-12-23)pulmonary congestion, contributory: breach birth
2213 Paschal Ave.Kausian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-09-168 (b. 1899)tuberculous meningitis
3110 N. Front St.Kayajianian [Kayajanian], MargaretFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-1945 (b. 1894)carcinoma r[igh]t ovary & pericardial effusion (contributory: metastasis to lungs, kidney, r[igh]t adrenal nodes)
156 N. Dewey St.Kazanjian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-06-08(b. 1927-06-08)stillborn
101 S. 63rd St.Kazanjian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-11-2478y-11m-29d (b. 1868-11-25)b. coli septicemia, hypertension (carcinoma of bladder)
340 N. 41st St.Kazanjian, JackMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-12-2661y-1m-12d (b. 1882-11-14)coronary thrombosis
101 S. 63rd St.Kazanjian, Margred G.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-08-0267y-8m-20d (b. 1875-06-12)cardio-renal failure due to hyperkinesis cardic vascular disease [and] chronic pyelonephritis (other: diabetes mellitus, coronary occlusion)
1501 Ritner St.Kazanjian, MarkarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-04-2142 sarcomatosis
1821 S. Oakdale St.Kazanjian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-06-0536 (b. 1894)carcinoma of the stomach
2044 N. Darien St.Kazanjian, NazaretMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-05-1778y-6m-18d (b. 1863-10-31)arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease / congestive heart failure
34 S. 62nd St.Kazanjian, RobertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-10-287 (b. 1930-10-06)frac[tured] skull & cervical vertebra (struck by auto, accidental)
303 N. 10th St.Kazezzian [Kazazian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1916-12-0840 Hodgkins disease
724 N. 60th St.Kebabjian, OlympiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-02-1651 (b. 1871-08-15)chronic myocarditis
34 N. 60th St.Kayaian [Kehaian], SamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-05-036m (b. 1922-11-04)pneumonia
5816 Ludlow St.Kelvin [Kelavian], LeonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-03-2052y-6m-11d (b. 1888-09-09)bronchopneumonia with complicating pulmonary edema
6038 Locust St.Kelavian, PrapionFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-03-2458 (b. 1867)carcinoma of stomach
120 S. 62nd St.Keleshian, NouretzaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-2547 (b. 1898-03-15)carcinoma of rectum
1538 Columbia Ave.Kendigian, MinasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-1667 (b. 1883-08-10)cerebral thrombosis due to cerebral arteriosclerosis
1538 Columbia Ave.Kendigian, ZabelFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-12-2656y-9m-17d (b. 1896-03-29)cardio respiratory failure due to carcinoma of breast
1301 Arrott St.Keosaian [Keoseian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-02-2455y-6m-30d (b. 1888-07-25)coronary occlusion due to angina pectoris
826 N. 8th St.Kerbeckian [Kerbegian], AbrahamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-10-0661 carcinoma of stomach
2300 N. 13th St.Kerbeck [Kerbegian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-04-2970 atrophied partial cirrhosis, hypertension
1306 Diamond St.Kerbechian [Kerbegian], RosaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-12-2474 (b. 1870)coronary sclerosis (other: arteriosclerosis, myocarditis)
846 S. 8th St.Keshkegian [Keshgegian], MamasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-0635 influenza
6200 Callowhill St.Kasheshian [Keshishian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-03-29(b. 1922-03-29)stillborn
22 N. 52nd St.Kachegian [Keshishian], AlbertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-2338 (b. 1904)pulmonary tuberculosis
5354 Osage Ave.Kashishian [Keshishian], HachickMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-05-2463 coronary embolism
1212 Ridge Ave.Gosdigian [Kestigian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-02-0355 nephritis, myocarditis
5142 Spruce St.Gostigian [Kestigian], MissakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-02-1652y-11m-1d (b. 1893-03-15)cardiac decompensation, chronic myocarditis
2624 N. 9th St.Kevorkian, JosephMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-11-0343 (b. 1894-11-03)malignant hypertension, pulmonary edema
1614 Diamond St.Kavorkian [Kevorkian], MichaelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-09-2956y-6m-19d (b. 1889-03-10)right lower lobar pneumonia / sarcoma right femur
1935 Wynnwood Ave.Kevorkian, Mihran H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-1173y-10m-6d (b. 1873-02-05)coronary occlusion
4701 Sansom St.Hacdorian [Khachadourian], AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-05-0362 (b. 1882-02-15)coronary occlusion due to arterio edema
5105 N. 4th St.Hatchadoorian [Khachadourian], DollyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-09-2667 (b. 1867)myocardial degeneration
214 E. Wishart St.Kachadorian [Khachadourian], GiragosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-04-3048y-4m-6d (b. 1892-12-04)anemia aplastic, enlarged spleen, broncho pneumonia
533 N. 10th St.Hacdorian [Khachadourian], HampersonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-02-2155 right capsular thrombosis left hemiplegia (contributory: arteriosclerosis hypertension)
2525 N. Orkney St.Dorrian [Khachadourian], IdaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-06-0464 (b. 1877-08-06)hemo pericardium due to rupture of infarcted left cardiac ventricle
406 S. 48th St.Hackdorian [Khachadourian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-11-3058 hypertension & cardiovascular disease
4746 Market St.Kachadorian [Khachadourian], MargaretFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-1756 (b. 1888-02)heart failure / sub-acute bacterial endocarditis [and] rheumatic heart disease (other: diabetes mellitus)
6209 Catharine St.Dorian [Khachadourian], MarkMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-10-2176 (b. 1869)chronic myocarditis
5105 N. 4th St.Hatchadoorian [Khachadourian], MinnieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-0574 arteriosclerotic heart disease, general & cerebral arteriosclerosis, senile psychosis
922 N. 11th St.Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Mugerditch D.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-11-0861 (b. 1865)chronic myocarditis and chronic intestinal nephritis
226 Marvine St.Der Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], SurpoohyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1898-11-1473 chronic nephritis
5632 Florence Ave.Kachoorian [Khacherian], AbrahamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-05-0983 chronic myocardial degeneration
2147 S. Daggett St.Heichikian [Khachigian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-01-17(b. 1925-01-14)stillborn - premature birth
255 S. Cecil St.Hatchigan [Khachigian], HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-01-0145 (b. 1895-12-25)chronic fibroid tuberculosis (contributory: paralysis agitans)
1443 N. 55th St.Hachikian [Khachigian], NermeFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-07-0477 arteriosclerosis with hemiplegia (contributory: diabetes & diabetes)
1718 N. Darien St.Kreathian [Khritian], GadarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1222y-1m-12d (b. 1918-10-12)puerperal septicimia
3721 Haverford Ave.Kanjian [Konjoian], DicranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-05-0455y-2m (b. 1886-02-20)neoplasm of cervical vertebra and metastasis to brain (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
6112 Locust St.Kanjian [Konjoian], Harry C.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-02-1467y-7m (b. 1882-07-14)left coronary artery atheroma
5634 Catharine St.Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-07-1560 (b. 1885-03-10)heart failure / no brain tumor found
517 N. Hobart St.Kooyoomjian [Kouyoumjian], EllenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1926 (b. 1892-05-02)influenza
559 N. 63rd St.Kouyoumjian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-12-223m-11d (b. 1922-09-11)general miliary tuberculosis
5327 Girard Ave.Koomjian [Kouyoumjian], HaryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-04-24(b. 1927-04-24)premature birth
4541 Wayne Ave.Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], SimonMGermantown, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-01-2645 primary hypertension (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage)
4541 Wayne Ave.Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], VerkinFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-03-0535 asphyxia by carbon monoxide poisoning due to gas coming from a gas range (suicide while temporarily deranged)
5940 Cedar AveKuzigian [Kouzigian], MakrouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-10-0265y-10m-14d (b. 1875-11-18)carcinoma of spine
4200 Tyson St.Kerkorian [Krikorian], Altoon FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-04-1468 hypertensive cardio renal disease
1522 Race St.Krikory [Krikorian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-03-2062 heart disease
1522 Race St.Krikory [Krikorian], GoldFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1914-07-0275 pneumonia comp[ound] frac[ture] clavical acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by falling down stairs at home
1522 Race St.Kickory [Krikorian], GregoryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1897-09-1370 old age
3302 Mascher St.Krikorian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-03-0574y-2m-10d (b. 1864-12-20)cerebral hemorrhage
878 N. 7th St.Krickory [Krikorian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1630y-7m-21d (b. 1888-02-25)epidemic influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
1759 Wylie St.Gutchigian [Kuchukian], FrankMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-04-1857y-10m-12d (b. 1883-06-06)chr[onic] myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart)
1759 Wylie St.Gutchigian [Kuchukian], MariamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-1277 (b. 1862)chronic endocarditis (contributory: old age)
6015 Chestnut St.Kumkumian, SimonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-03-0667 (b. 1882-05-15)cardiac failure due to broncho pneumonia
5652 Litchfield St.Begian [Kundebegian], GlidesFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-09-0720 chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: mitral stenosis - valvular heart disease)
3923 Lancaster Ave.Kunzanzian, AlbertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1910-12-271y-3m (b. 1909)scarlatina (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
2836 N. Front St.Koorajian [Kurejian], George KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-09-1262y-5m-10d (b. 1882-04-02)Hodgkins disease / struck by a machine handle / abdominal injury 2½ months ago (rupture of right lobe of liver while employed at Penn. Rivet Co.)
1014 S. 53rd St.Ghourdjian [Kurejian], MegrditchMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-11-0660 (b. 1878-02-12)myocardial degeneration
3004 N. Howard St.Koorajian [Kurejian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-08-0945y-7d (b. 1882-08-02)epilepsy
2239 Mascher St.Kurkjian, SourenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-11-2535y-3m-20d (b. 1894-08-05)acvute dilation of stomach
5211 Woodland Ave.Kuyijian [Kuyudjian], VivanFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-05-032m (b. 1937-03-04)broncho pneumonia - bilateral
5022 Chestnut St.Latchinian [Lachinian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-03-1167 (b. 1875-11-13)chronic myocarditis
136 S. 59th St.Latchinian [Lachinian], MihranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-0267 (b. 1883)broncho pneumonia
6223 Girard Ave.Lousararian [Lousarevian], AuroraMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-05-1421y-8m (b. 1904-09-14)pulmonary tuberculosis
1301 Susquehanna Ave.Lousinian, PurlintoFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-03-0575y-5m (b. 1865-10-05)posterior myocardial infarction (contributory: hypertensive cardic vascular dis[ease] and arteriosclerosis)
2400 N. Howard St.Lulejian, AlmasFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-04-3055y-4m-15d (b. 1886-12-15)metastatic carcinomatosis liver due to primary carcinoma splenic flexure of colon
2923 N. Howard St.Lulejian, ArsenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-04-1025y-10d (b. 1895-04-01)uremia
1807 N. 17th St.Magarian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-12-0342y-2m-10d (b. 1893-08-23)coronary occlusion
925 N. 10th St.Magarian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-01-0560 (b. 1886-01-05)arterio sclerotic hypertensive cardio vascular disease
7114 Charles St.Mahigian [Maghakian], HaiganooshFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-11-2349y-3m-19d carcinomatosis / massive lung involvement
3547 N. 6th St.Magushian [Maghesian], MarieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-06-2261y-29d (b. 1888-05-24)pancreatic neoplasm
5622 Spruce St.Mathesian [Mahdesian], Mazley Z.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-10-1143 (b. 1880-01-15)ill[uminating] gas poisoning, suicide while temporarily deranged
5820 Spruce St.Mahtesian [Mahdesian], PerlantyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-02-1337 (b. 1909-05-15)sarcoma of rectum
121 N. Salford St.Mahdessian [Mahdesian], StephenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-03-061y-1m-6d (b. 1922-02-01)broncho pneumonia
2449 N. 54th St.Mahjoubian, HatoanFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-05-0767 chronic endocarditis
6149 Spruce St.Mahjoubian, MairenieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-03-1499 (b. 1835-02-01)chronic myocardit[is] and old age
6044 Spruce St.Mahjoubian, MakrouhieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-10-1455y-9m (b. 1875-01-14)chronic interstitial nephritis, contributory: chronic myocarditis
5917 Walnut St.Mahjoubian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-0463 (b. 1875-11-11)tubercular pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis & chronic myocarditis)
333 N. 11th St.Maksoodian [Maksoudian], Hovannes B.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-04-0160 (b. 1886-08-26)multiple fractures, traumatic shock, while at work struck by grinding wheel (accident)
5937 Catharine St.Malkasian [Malkhasian], BellaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-06-0111 (b. 1914-02-18)endocarditis with pernicious anemia
2458 N. 2nd St.Malkasian [Malkhasian], HerachMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1913-02-102 laryngeal diphtheria
3942 N. Smedley St.Maloumian [Malumian], GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-0762 (b. 1878-09-07)cardio-renal disease
1912 Oxford St.Manisalian [Manaserian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-12-2140 pulmonary edema (contributory: chronic endocarditis)
5225 Larchwood St.Mangigian, AgopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-12-0566y-6m-2d (b. 1881-06-03)acute caridac decompens[a]tion due to viral pneumonia & bronchiectasis
1303 Susquehanna Ave.Mangigian, NartouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-1471 (b. 1878-06-26)chronic mitral & aortic regurgitation with cardiac enlargement, left vocal chord paralysis
1303 Susquehanna Ave.Mangigan [Mangigian], PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-07-2568y-4m-13d (b. 1874-03-11)pleural endothelioma, arterioscleratic heart disease, healed cardiac infarct[ion]
603 N. 66th St.Mangigian, RobertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-08-263y-4m-24d (b. 1932-04-02)septicemia with impetigo (contributory: bronchopneumonia)
1511 Montgomery St.Manisajian, ArmanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-02-2450 chronic myocarditis
3243 Unruh St.Manigian [Manougian], AznivFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-04-1059 (b. 1883-02-28)carcinoma of chest and stomach
900 N. St. Bernard St.Manukian [Manougian], GulinyaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-12-2768 carcinoma of left kidney
1473 N. Wilton St.Manoukian [Manougian], IsraelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1913-01-1622m gastro enteritis (contributory: rickets)
5229 Girard Ave.Manoogian [Manougian], NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-12-2965 (b. 1880-03-15)coronary thrombosis (other: diabetes mellitus)
2628 Waterloo St.Manooska [Manoushian], NazarethMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-10-0344 acute appendicitis with severe toxemia
10 Lardners PointMarderosian [Mardirosian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-11-1748 fracture skull sub & extradural, hemorrhages, struck by auto at Robbins Ave. near Grouse St.
4817 Chestnut St.Martayan [Mardoian], BogasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-12-1274 (b. 1863)acute exacerbation of cholecystitis & associated hepatitis (contributory: renal insufficiency)
1316 N. 12th St.Markarian, KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-05-0951y-8m (b. 1890-08)chr[onic] myocardial fibrosis due to acute cardiac dilatation
4019 O St.Markaridian, ElsieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-12-1844y-1m-20d (b. 1900-10-28)cardiac failure due to hypertensive cardio-vascular disease (other: rheumatic heart disease)
Hotel EsmondMatteossian [Mateosian], HerantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-04-0460 (b. 1871-08-12)lobar pneumonia
184 Bethlehem PikeMatteossian [Mateosian], Madge FreeleyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-03-1678 arteriosclerotic heart disease & acute heart failure
117 S. Salford St.Maissian [Mayissian], HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-09-0786 (b. 1859)bronchopneumonia / fractured left femur / osteomyelitis of left tibia
5544 Spruce St.Mazloumian, MilvanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-02-2967 (b. 1877)arteriosclerotis due to heart disease with avuncular fibrillation
3015 N. Water St.Mazmanian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-12-031y-2m (b. 1932-09-16)acute mastoiditis, acute otitis media
1122 Tioga St.Mazmanian, SarahFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-10-2019 (b. 1904)chronic pulmonary tuberculosis
40 S. 62nd St.Mazmanian, SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-0354 (b. 1888-07-15)pulmonary embolus due to carcinoma of stomach
1240 Ridge Ave.Maldonian [Meldonian], NegohasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-08-278 septicaemia (contributory: suppurative arthritis of knee)
3354 N. Hope St.Meldonian, TumaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-11-0738 malarial fever
28 S. 44th St.Melidosian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-08-1017d (b. 1923-07-23)phimosis (contributory: uncontrollable hemorrhage following cirumcision)
28 S. 44th St.Melidosian, HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-06-254y-1m-9d (b. 1920-05-16)auto injuries
210 S. 60th St.Melikian, RichardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-04-0755 (b. 1877)valvular heart coronary thrombosis
2129 N. 17th St.Melkonian, ArakelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-07-0654y-10m-8d (b. 1884-08-28)uremic coma (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis)
7000 Ogontz Ave.Meserlian, Edward K.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-01-295y-4m-21d (b. 1939-09-08)right heart failure due to aleukemic leukemia
1640 N. 27th St.Mesarlian [Meserlian], JasparMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-11-306d (b. 1935-11-24)cerebral hemorrhage
1219 E. Chelten Ave.Meserlian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-10-2246y-5m-5d (b. 1902-05-17)coronary thrombosis due to generalized arteriosclerosis
382 Milne St.Mesropian [Mesrobian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-05-296 (b. 1920-05-03)myocarditis with acute decompensation
2024 S. Cecil St.Mesropian [Mesrobian], DickMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-07-2455 carcinoma of bladder
5258 Hazel Ave.Mesropian [Mesrobian], GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-11-1479 (b. 1863-09-02)lobar pneumonia
5258 Hazel Ave.Mesropian [Mesrobian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-01-0122 (b. 1899)breunococcii [?] meningitis (contributory: broncho pneumonia)
5140 Sansom St.Mesropian [Mesrobian], RosaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1913-11-2847 drowned by jumping into Sch[u]yl[kill] River (suicide)
6022 Pine St.Mostichian [Mestjian], HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-1261 (b. 1877-03-15)carcinoma of stomach
128 S. 53rd St.Misjian [Mestjian], LoganMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-08-2517 drowned acc[i]d[ental]ly in a swimming pool
6008 Wister St.Mastichian [Mestjian], SulteinFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-11-2858 (b. 1867-10-29)myocarditis (contributory: chronic nephritis)
1323 Brandywine St.Mugurdichian [Mgrdichian], MargariteFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-04-0545 (b. 1877-03-01)angina pectoris
5024 Pine St.Miadzinian, VirginiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-1571 (b. 1873-02-25)angina pectoris
2619 Lehigh Ave.Miamidian, NektarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-10-1557y-4m-6d (b. 1890-06-09)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension & chronic nephritis
1318 N. Marvine St.Michaelian [Mikaelian], NartoohyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-06-0670 apoplexy
1243 Atwood Rd.Michaelian [Mikaelian], SouranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-09-0841 (b. 1897-04-21)uremia
1909 E. Dauphin St.Minasian, AvidisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-09-1048 chr[onic] intestinal nephritis & uremia (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
4702 Chester Ave.Minasian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-03-1258 (b. 1888-12-15)myocardial infarction due to coronary occlusion & arteriosclerosis
548 N. Vogdes St.Minassian [Minasian], MariamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-06-2975y-6m-14d (b. 1846-10-15)chronic endocarditis (contributory: chronic nephritis)
5826 Chestnut St.Minassian [Minasian], MegerdichMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-12-1969 (b. 1881-06-28)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis
1608 Chestnut St.Minassian [Minasian], PhilipMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-02-1157 valvular disease of heart
150 N. 11th St.Minasian, StephenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-01-16(b. 1875)strangulated inguinal hernia (contributory: arteriosclerotic cardio-vascular dis[ease], decompensation, pulmonary edema)
303 N. 10th St.Marakian [Mirakian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-11-1327 (b. 1891)post-influenzal myocarditis and nephritis
1116 Nevada St.Mirakian, KirkorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-1860 (b. 1882-04-18)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease
1308 N. Marvine St.Mirakian, MarthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-12-1132 uterine carcinoma
303 N. 10th St.Marakin [Mirakian], StevenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-12-2937 frac[tured] skull rec[eived] in some unknown manner
6132 Chancellor St.Merjanian [Mirijanian], VeronicaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-05-1479y-1m-29d (b. 1889-03-15)cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis
6040 Chestnut St.Mirzoeff [Mirzoian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-08-0675 (b. 1866)chronic endonclritis
420 S. 61st. St.Moomjian [Moumjian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-05-14(b. 1932-05-14)congenital malformation heart
5848 Delancey St.Monzian [Moumjian], Richard GregoryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-10-141d (b. 1924-10-13)cerebral hemorrhage
6105 Pine St.Monjian [Moumjian], TwigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-0162 (b. 1876)chr[onic] myocarditis, acute cardiac dilatation
6227 Walnut St.Mooradian [Mouradian], George S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-3061 (b. 1883-09-18)cardiac thrombosis
24 N. 60th St.Mouradian, LucyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-1872y-7m-3d (b. 1872-08-15)carcinoma of kidney
5132 Larchwood St.Mouradian, PerouzFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-08-1858 (b. 1863-08-18)acute nephritis
819 Moss St.Mouradain [Mouradian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1928-12-2652y-4m (b. 1876-08-10)arterio schlerosis, myocarditis, & chronic nephritis
153 N. 15th St.Maushaghian [Mousheghian], HempleMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-01-1265y-6m-11d (b. 1882-07-01)arterisclerotic hypertension & cardiovascular disease
1526 S. Vogdes St.Moushegian [Mousheghian], JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-05-1885 apoplexy (hemorrhage into brain) (contributory: hypertension)
2939 Waterloo St.Movses [Movsesian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-04-2757y-25m (b. 1872-04-02)general paralysis of the insane
Cambridge St.Moosesian [Movsesian], Thomas F. D. R.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-0811m (b. 1942-01-08)r[igh]t lobar pneumonia with pleurisy
439 S. 61st St.Misirian [Mserian], GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-09-0730y-10d Hodgkin's disease
7101 Emlen St.Mkhalian [Mukhalian], MihranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-11-0552y-9m-17d (b. 1895-01-18)acute congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction & coronary arteriosclerosis
6164 Walnut St.Mukhalian, NartoohyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-06-2655 (b. 1867)ill[uminating] gas poisoning, suicide while temporarily deranged
6123 Walnut St.Mukhalian, Saikis (Jr.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-04-221d (b. 1919-04-21)atelectasis pulmonum
6129 Sansom St.Mukhalian, SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-09-1056 acute dilatation of the heart (contributory: duodenal fistula)
5264 Delancey St.Mukhalian, VartouhyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-05-2178 lobar pneumonia (contributory: chronic nephritis & chronic myocarditis)
5523 Chester Ave.Nahabedian, NersesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-11-2346y-2m-22d (b. 1900-09-01)coronary thrombosis
5329 Irving St.Nahikian [Nahigian], FrankMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-09-0277y-1m-17d (b. 1871-07-15)bronchogenic carcinoma
120 Cumberland St.Nazarian [Najarian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-08-2228 (b. 1905)tuberculosis of lungs
1534 N. 12th St.Nazarian [Najarian], MinasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-01-074m-7d (b. 1922-09-01)broncho pneumonia (contributory: enterocolitis)
857 N. Marshall St.Nalbandian, MargaretFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-05-2246y-11m (b. 1930-06-20)renal asthma, contributory: acute myocarditis
109 N. 60th St.Nedurian [Natourian], ArmineFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-11-067d (b. 1919-11-30)tetanus neonatorum
6164 Walnut St.Nazarethian [Nazaretian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-08-1252y-10m-2d (b. 1890-10-10)cardiac thrombosis
2323 N. 10th St.Nazarethian [Nazaretian], KhatoonFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-08-0234 (b. 1886-03-15)hemorrhage - post partum, Braxton Hicks - shock (contributory: placenta praevia)
5007 Cedar St.Nazarethian [Nazaretian], NazarethMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-10-2462 lymphatic leukaemia / cachexia due to lymphatic leukaemia
818 Columbia Ave.Nazarithian [Nazaretian], ZeroMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-01-253m (b. 1918-10-06)broncho pneumonia
614 N. 11th St.Necharian, SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-10-1850y-1m-17d (b. 1895-09-04)cerebral vascular accident, possible thrombosis
5129 Irving St.Nercessian [Nersesian], BerthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-11-0865 broncho pneumonia
5335 Chestnut St.Nercesian [Nersesian], MerianMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-11-2153y-6m-19d (b. 1895-05-02)respiratory failure (contributory: metastatic carcinoma of brain due to bronchogenic carcinoma)
5335 Chestnut St.Nercesian [Nersesian], PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-11-1965y-8m-16d (b. 1868-03-03)broken neck frac[ture] of the cervical vertebra due to falling down an open cellar door
129 N. 62nd St.Nersesian, PeterMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-08-0753y-3m (b. 1887-05-07)carcinoma of the lung & multiple abscesses (contributory: struck by auto (accident))
239 N. Avondale St.Nigoghasian [Nigoghosian], WilliamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-106y-6m-26d (b. 1936-05-14)pneumococcis due to meningitis
514 S. Redfield St.Neshanian [Nishanian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-11-21(b. 1922-11-20)prematurity
7733 Castor Ave.Narzakian [Norsigian], AghavneyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-09-2170 (b. 1878-06-24)generalized arteriosclerosis with ascending arteriosclerotic gangrene of left foot
149 N. 60th St.Nauskhajian [Nouskhajian], ArisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-05-0416y-8m-16d (b. 1910-08-18)staphylcoccus animus septicemia
5922 Chestnut St.Naushkajian [Nouskhajian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-06-0756 chronic interstitial nephritis
4920 Baltimore Ave.Nouskhajian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1908-02-2636 (b. 1872)pyonephrosis (left), malaria
6285 S. 52nd St.Nouskajian [Nouskhajian], James A.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-03-0250y-8m-13d (b. 1899-06-19)drowning (unknown manner)
4929 Walnut St.Nouskhajian, Karekin A.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-1363 coronary occlusion
149 S. 60th St.Nouskhajian, Krikor A.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-12-0854y-9m-9d (b. 1872-02-29)septic thrombosis due to pricking a pimple
125 S. 37th St.Nouskajian [Nouskhajian], YeneneFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-06-2252 (b. 1887-01-18)proliferating cyst - adeno - carcinoma of right ovary (contributory: abdominal ascites)
701 E. Allegheny Ave.Odabashian, AnahidFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-07-1847y-4m-27d (b. 1902-02-21)tuberculosis meningitis
Odabashean [Odabashian], ElizabethFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1913-09-0235 (b. 1878)enterocarditis, myocarditis, chronic valvular disease of heart (contributory: interstitial nephritis)
501 S. 44th St.Chamberlain [Odabashian], HelenFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-1651 (b. 1898-11-09)generalized metastasis of carcinoma of the breast
3033 N. 15th St.Odabashian, SetrakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-07-2374y-1m-1d (b. 1872-06-22)congestive heart failure, hypertensive arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease
3252 Comly St.Ohanian, HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-06-277m (b. 1927-06-21)prematurity
2021 South St.Ohanian, HamparzoomMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-03-3169 (b. 1868-05-10)cerebral hemorrhage
6046 Cedarhurst St.Ohanian, Mary K.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-06-2331 (b. 1918-07-03)gangrenous appendicitis
802 Corinthian Ave.Johnson [Ohannesian], AbcarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-07-1470 (b. 1871-09-15)coronary occulsion due to cardiac failure
804 N. Capitol St.Johnson [Ohannesian], AganiveFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1907-10-0523y-10m-5d (b. 1883-11-30)pulmonary tuberculosis
1805 N. Darien St.Ohannesian, BeatriceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-03-20(b. 1940-03-20)atelectasis
1229 Venango St.Ohannesian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-06-1454y-1m-30d (b. 1894-04-15)acute cerebral embolism due to acute recurrent cardiac infarction with asthma & bronchitis
2045 Vine St.Ohannessian [Ohannesian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-0124 (b. 1885)multiple abscess (metastatic) (contributory: infective endocarditis)
1602 Susquehanna Ave.Ohanesian [Ohannesian], MathewMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1906-09-0648 enteric fever (contributory: myocarditis)
3517 N. 15th St.Ohanessian [Ohannesian], SamuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-05-1152y-6m-26d (b. 1889-10-15)coronary thrombosis
1811 N. Darien St.Oukurian [Okourian], CoharFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-06-307m-7d (b. 1916-11-11)bronchopneumonia
739 Wood St.Okoorian [Okourian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-03-2556 (b. 1881-08-10)general & cerebral arteriosclerosis
1804 N. Darien St.Okurian [Okourian], HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-01-2847y-23d (b. 1891-01-05)thrombosis of coronary artery (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
1811 N. Darien St.Okurian [Okourian], SatenigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-04-136m (b. 1918-10-26)lobular pneumonia
1804 N. Darien St.Okurian [Okourian], StevenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-05-064m-5d (b. 1924-01-01)acute gastroenteritis
13th St. & Berks St.Ougourlian [Oughourlian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-11-2851y-3m-3d (b. 1896-08-25)chronic endocarditis
5342 Pine St.Ounjian, AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-04-1349 (b. 1880-03-27)cerebral apoplexy with cerebral arteriosclerosis
3323 N. Hancock St.Ozanian [Ouzounian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1916-04-0934 (b. 1882-04-12)tuberculoses (pulmanis)
1521 Cumberland St.Ozanian [Ouzounian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-10-2969y-10m-18d (b. 1876-12-11)carcinoma of the stomach
502 S. 56th St.Ouzounian, HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1616 influenza (contribiutory: broncho pneumonia)
1805 N. 6th St.Ozanian [Ouzounian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-09-2448 exhaustion (contributory: gastritis)
2455 N. 15th St.Oymaian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-02-1754y-8m-21d (b. 1894-05-28)heart failure due to pulmonary artery sclerosis & hypertension
1014 S. 53rd St.Packlaian [Paklaian], MargarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-07-1647y-8m-8d (b. 1893-10-27)hypertensive cardio-vascular disease with cerebral hemorrhage
6441 Woodbine Ave.Pakradooni [Pakradounian], Haig HerantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-02-1770y-2m-17d (b. 1866-12-01)coronary thrombosis, contributory: diabetes mellitis
1513 N. Felton St.Pakradooni [Pakradounian], PervonFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-07-0374y-3m-21d (b. 1867-03-12)bronchopneumonia due to chronic interstitial nephritis (other: congenital mitral regurgitation)
6441 Woodbine Ave.Pakradooni [Pakradounian], PusantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-03-2064y-10m-27d (b. 1854-04-23)chronic myocarditis
2244 N. 16th St.Palanjian, AlbertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-04-065m (b. 1923-11-23)pneumonia bronchial (contributory: cardiac dilatation)
526 N. 12th St.Palanjian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-01-2163y-1m-1d (b. 1882-12-20)congestive heart failure, arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease
3314 Kensington Ave.Palouain [Paloutzian], ArmenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-08-292 (b. 1916-06-21)empyema following pneumonia
6318 Larchwood St.Pambookjian [Pamboukjian], MyranMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-03-1533 injuries to head, body & limbs due to jumping in front of electric train @ 63rd & Market (suicide due to tempor[ary] derangement)
127 S. 46th St.Panosian, DirouhiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-03-0580 (b. 1856)chronic myocarditis
5942 Walton Ave.Papazian, FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-04-29(b. 1942-04-29)stillborn due to hypertension
5213 Webster St.Papajian [Papazian], Bertha FinasFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-12-2450 (b. 1884-11-08)myocardial degeneration
6101 Locust St.Papazian, MamasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-1176 (b. 1874-05-10)diabetes mellitis due to myocarditis & anemia
S. 51st St. & Locust St.Papajian [Papazian], Martin H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-3085 (b. 1859)arteriosclerotic heart disease (other: senile psychosis)
1843 Filbert St.Papasian [Papazian], NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1904-12-0431 dementia paretica (contributing: phthisis pulmonalis)
1247 N. 27th St.Barighian [Parigian], Antoinette ReginaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-08-2813d (b. 1921-08-15)enlargement of thymus gland (acute)
5429 Belmar TerraceParegian [Parigian], HripsimeFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1953-03-1860 (b. 1892-04-17)cerebral vascular accident due to hypertensive c[ardio] v[ascular] disease (other: diabetes mellitis)
1331 N. 17th St.Paregian [Parigian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-06-0769 (b. 1872-04)coronary thrombosis
5405 Market St.Paregian [Parigian], Krikor PhillipMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-04-2652 (b. 1888)myocarditis & volerants [?] of coronary arter[y] (contributory: influenza)
5429 Belmar TerraceParegian [Parigian], NshanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1951-10-2870 (b. 1881-02-15)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis (other: postero lateral scleroris)
932 S. 55th St.Barikian [Parigian], SophieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-2616 (b. 1924-06-09)staphyloccic bacteremia (contributory: secondary infection due to picking a pimple on her chin)
2062 Ridge Ave.Paroonagian [Parounagian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-09-15(b. 1932-09-15)stillborn (8 months, macerated)
137 W. Sharpnack St.Paroonagian [Parounagian], Abraham B.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-11-1767y-10m-7d (b. 1876-01-10)arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease with coronary sclerosis
708 N. 11th St.Paroonagian [Parounagian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-03-148y-7m-1d (b. 1923-08-13)cerebro spinal meningitis (meningicoccic)
2401 Huntingdon St.Paroonagian [Parounagian], ManoogMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-10-1264y-4m-2d (b. 1883-06-10)coronary occlusion
145 N. 13th St.Parcell [Parseghian], ArvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1901-11-2157 valvular heart disease
313 Pensdale St.Derpilbosian [Pilibosian], AlbertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-05-1665y-4m-10d (b. 1881-01-06)arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease
540 Carpenter Ln.Der Philibosian [Pilibosian], Baldasar MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-09-1253y-8m-5d (b. 1888-01-07)angina pectoris
1609 Chelten Ave.Pilbosian [Pilibosian], HigonoushFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-12-2956y-11m-24d (b. 1888-01-05)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis and hypertensive cardiovascular disease
1621 Butler St.Piranian, EmanuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-08-2326 (b. 1909-09-11)pulmonary tuberculosis
4934 N. 13th St.Piranian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-05-0773 (b. 1877-05-07)myocardial failure due to carcinoma of esophagus
1125 Wallace St.Proodian [Proudian], AdamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-09-2858y-7m-12d (b. 1890-02-16)hypertensive cardiovascular disease, emphysema, chronic cystic disease of the kidney
2905 Hale St.Proodian [Proudian], PopikFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-03-0584 (b. 1865-06-11)broncho pneumonia due to cerebral thrombosis
5919 Walnut St.Ruzian [Reisian], Sarkis (Rev.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-07-1361y-30m-28d (b. 1886-03-15)coronary thrombosis
3307 Mutter St.Rustigian, PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1914-04-0432 chr[onic] endocarditis, chr[onic] nephritis (contributory: acute cardiac dilatation)
521 S. Conestoga St.Sachaklian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-03-0354 coronary thrombosis
6017 N. 10th St.Pazarian [Saghbazarian], RobertMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-06-0870 (b. 1870-12-12)bronchpneumonia / encephalomaicia / arteriosclerosis & generalized arteriosclerosis
5259 Hazel Ave.Sadjian [Sahatjian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-05-1060 (b. 1884-05)coronary sclerosis due to arteriosclerosis hypertensive
5250 Pine St.Saatjian [Sahatjian], MareamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-05-2470y-1m-9d (b. 1873-04-15)chronic myocarditis
2431 N. 18th St.Sakian, JosephMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-2755y-4m (b. 1887-08-15)lobar pneumonia / manic depression psychosis
5817 Sansom St.Samuelian, AramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-05-0554 (b. 1892-02-26)serous pleuritis, massive pleural effusion with mediastinal shift, acute cardiac failure
1036 Spring Garden St.Samilian [Samuelian], GregorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-2181 (b. 1865-02-15)bronchopneumonia, bilateral
221 S. 52nd St.Samelian [Samuelian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-11-0158y-7m-17d (b. 1892-03-14)coronary occlusion due to coronary sclerosis
132 N. 49th St.Samuelian, Kaloust H.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-04-2479 (b. 1865-04-30)cerebral hemorrhage due to old age
6162 Sansom St.Samuelian, KarekinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-03-0152 (b. 1895-11-13)coronary occlusion
5721 Girard Ave.Samuelian, Never GraceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-02-0812y-9m-7d (b. 1904-05-02)chronic mitral insufficiency (contributory: acute pericarditis)
126 S. Ruby St.Samoulian [Samuelian], RosieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-07-081y-7m (b. 1915-10-19)gastro enteritis
5901 Walnut St.Samuelian, VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-0125 (b. 1901)puerperal fever
631 S. 57th St.Saniossian [Sanosian], KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-10-1274 carcinoma of stomach
1122 Tioga St.Sanonsean [Sanosian], ThomasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-06-1051 (b. 1874)apoplexy
612 N. 11th St.Santooyian [Santourian], MarkarMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-09-1644 coronary thrombosis
5846 N. 4th St.Santerian [Santourian], SamuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-01-0155y-8m-7d (b. 1893-04-25)coronary thrombosis
2526 N. 6th St.Santerian [Santourian], SamuelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-11-0451y-5m-19d (b. 1896-05-16)coronary thrombosis
1306 Diamond St.Santerian [Santourian], Santer M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-09-1465y-4m-30d (b. 1878-04-15)cardiac thrombosis due to old age
6118 Delancey St.Saraffian [Sarafian], ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-12-2765 (b. 1878)cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis
6118 Delancey St.Sarafian, HanesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-06-0575 coronary sclerosis & occlusion due to general sclerosis
6118 Delancey St.Sarafian, MosesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-01-2361 (b. 1885-11-14)chronic myocarditis & hypertensive myocarditis
4300 St. Vincent St.Sarajian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-03-04(b. 1936-03-04)premature, stillborn, 6½ months gestation
3223 Turner St.Sarajian, GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-10-0458y-4m-10d (b. 1888-05-15)coronary sclerosis
27 S. Dewey St.Sarajian, HaroutuneMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-11-0375 (b. 1875-04-05)lobar pneumonia
4300 Princeton St.Sarajian, KachadorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-06-0342y-9m-19d (b. 1894-08-15)bilateral pyelonephritis & enlarged prostate gland
3223 Turner St.Sarajian, KasparMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-09-07102y-28d (b. 1835-07-10)arteriosclerosis (contributory: edema)
846 N. 44th St.Sarkisian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-11-1268 arteriosclerosis (contributory: senile psychosis)
2253 N. 13th St.Sarkisian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-05-2449y-10m-9d (b. 1893-07-15)congestive heart failure
117 S. Redfield St.Sargisian [Sarkisian], IrvinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-08-286y-5m (b. 1929-04-05)streptococ[c]us hemolytic septicemia, secondary acute right ventrical
515 N. 35th St.Sarkisian, OhannesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-12-1869y-7m-28d (b. 1869-04-20)chronic myocarditis, arterial hypertension, aortic & mitral regurgitation
3103 Spring Garden St.Sarkissian [Sarkisian], SophieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-12-1765 acute dilatation of heart due to carcinoma of the gall bladder
6108 Delancey St.Selian, ErvantMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1915-12-0632 pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema & gangrene of the lungs
136 S. 59th St.Salvarian [Selverian], Estelle L.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-04-1348 (b. 1900-10-22)carcinoma of spine
4419 Vankirk St.Semerjian, Caroline ClaraFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-11-1964 acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic myocarditis)
5513 Baltimore Ave.Semerjian, HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-12-1249 (b. 1881-07-25)chronic myocarditis
5513 Baltimore Ave.Semerjian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-05-262 (b. 1922-04-08)diphtheria
5632 Malcolm St.Semerjian, NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-04-0564 (b. 1885-05-07)cerebral infarction left occipital & temporal lobes
5632 Malcolm St.Semerjian, RichardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-03-2216y-5m-29d (b. 1928-09-23)meningococcemia
1947 N. 12th St.Samargian [Semerjian], TufandaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-04-1676 (b. 1856)cerebral apoplexy
5720 Girard Ave.Serabian, GulkuzFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-05-0262 lobar pneumonia
224 Manheim St.Srabian [Serabian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-02-0958 (b. 1890-05-26)coronary arteriosclerosis
2617 N. 24th St.Serabian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1961-03-0565 (b. 1895-08-15)hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (contributory: obesity)
864 S. Alden St.Serabian, MiriamFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-06-0644 (b. 1886-11-20)carcinoma of rectum
51 N. 60th St.Seraydarian, GarabadMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-01-2248 acute gastro enteritis due to pancreatic apoplexy
13 S. Dewey St.Seradarian [Seraydarian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-03-1565 (b. 1884-06-15)squamous cell carcinoma of larynx
5829 Delancey St.Sarian [Serian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-11-2924 (b. 1905-10-15)bilateral pyosalpinx
308 N. Front St.Setian, KrikorMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-08-1073 (b. 1866-04-05)carcinoma of the prostate gland (contributory: metastases to the liver & lungs)
3240 Metler St.Setain [Setian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-05-1972y-4d (b. 1877-05-15)generalized arteriosclerosis
2129 N. 17th St.Svajian [Sevajian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-0263y-3m-1d (b. 1883-09-01)arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease
711 N. 13th St.Svajian [Sevajian], LevonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-05-2572y-10m-10d (b. 1872-07-15)respiratory failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
6101 Carpenter St.Shahinian, Shahin M.MLower Merion Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, USA1957-01-1075 (b. 1881-12-15)arteriosclerotic heart disease
5925 Chestnut St.Shahinian, VertymeFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-05-1251 (b. 1898-09-11)carcinoma of breast, metastasized to bones
226 S. Millick St.Shelengian [Shalalenjian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-07-08(b. 1926-07-08)stillborn
1857 N. 12th St.Shamigian, VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-08-2440 shock & injuries - was a passenger in auto that had a collision with another auto @ 58th & Haverford
1428 Fawn St.Shanoian [Shamoian], RichardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1908-09-2037y-4m-6d (b. 1871-05-15)phthisis pulmonalis
5328 Walnut St.Sharozian [Sharoian], AliceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-01-2341y-5m-20d (b. 1902-08-03)coonary occlusion due to coronary artery disease, hypertension passive congestion (carcinoma of cervix)
129 N. Dewey St.Sharoian, ArsenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-1353y-29d cardiac infarction due to coronary artery sclerosis
5763 Walton Ave.Sharoian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-05-264y-11m-13d (b. 1914-06-13)rheumatic endocarditis
5432 Spruce St.Sharoian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-12-1068 (b. 1861-05-24)chronic myocardial degeneration, senile psychosis
5763 Walton Ave.Sharoian, MonaseMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-01-0250y-9m-18d (b. 1885-03-15)hypertension cardio-vascular renal disease (contributory: congestive failure & uremia)
40 S. Yewdall St.Sharoian, RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-03-1232y-10m-20d (b. 1901-04-22)asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning due to gas coming from gas range (suicide)
5763 Walton Ave.Sharoian, YeprapseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-10-2149y-1d (b. 1886-10-20)acute rheualt [?] myocarditis (contributory: [la] gripp[e])
5726 Delancey St.Sherian [Shehrian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-02-1955 arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
6025 Delancey St.Shepiklian, AvedisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-05-0776 (b. 1870-08-15)bronchopneumonia
1532 N. Woodstock St.Shepiglian [Shepiklian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1917-04-0732y-9m (b. 1884-08)pulmonary tuberculosis
1759 Wylie St.Shirinian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-12-0340 (b. 1892-12-15)acute myocarditis
1836 Poplar St.Shirinian, EranooheFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1906-07-3124y-10m-16d (b. 1881-09-15)typhoid fever (contributory: peritonitis)
1115 Columbia Ave.Shirinian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-03-3068y-5m-20d (b. 1877-11-10)generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: large bowel obstruction due to carcinoma)
1946 E. Venango St.Sherenian [Shirinian], MamasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-10-2264y-2m-24d (b. 1883-07-29)pulmonary embolism
5003 Reno St.Sherinian [Shirinian], MarthaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-01-135y-10m-2d (b. 1930-03-11)acute inflation of the heart due to overstrain
634 S. 60th St.Shishmanian, EudoxiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-02-1853 (b. 1866)cerebral hemorrhage
3455 N. Dillman St.Shurelian, JacobMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-04-163y-3m (b. 1928-12-24)tuberculosis pneumonia (contributory: tuberculosis laryngitis)
5717 Spruce St.Simonian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-11-2967 angina pectoris
1131 Race St.Siraganian, SiraganMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1893-10-2622 tuberculosis of meninges & of lungs
1710 N. 6th St.Siranian [Sirounian], AndreMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-12-0526y-8m (b. 1896-04-25)pulmonary tuberculosis
634 N. 4th St.Sisian [Sislian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-03-1842y-11m-3d (b. 1903-04-15)acute cardiac dilatation due to chronic endocarditis
5557 Addison St.Sivaslian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-02-114d (b. 1927-02-08)malformation of scalp, eyes, lips, palate, etc.
419 Chew St.Somunjin [Somoundjian], ArxieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-10-0265y-5m-22d (b. 1879-04-10)acute myocardial insufficiency due to coronary occlusion disease
3518 Shelmire St.Sookasian [Soukiasian], MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-09-08(b. 1946-09-08)stillborn due to intrauterine fetal death
815 Columbia Ave.Sookiasian [Soukiasian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1911-06-1223y-11m (b. 1887-07-14)puerpural septicemia
815 Columbia Ave.Sookiasian [Soukiasian], TruvandoFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1911-08-102m-10d (b. 1911-06-01)enteritis
6122 Ludlow St.Stamboulian, VartohiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-2372 hypostatic pneumonia, fracture of femur (fell in home, accident)
1314 S. 48th St.Stepanian, AgnesFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-05-0620 (b. 1913-02-08)right ovarian cyst (contributory: postoperative hemorrhage)
1314 S. 48th St.Stepanian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-02-2455 (b. 1879-09-15)lobar pneumonia, chronic myocarditis
140 N. Robinson St.Stepanian, ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-0380 (b. 1864)cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis
1413 Sansom St.Stepanian, KasperMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1920-01-0942 (b. 1877-12)perforated ulcer of stomach
1406 E. Hunting Park Ave.Stepanian, ManooshFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-08-1159y-6m-25d (b. 1888-01-17)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis
1406 E. Hunting Park Ave.Stepanian, NishanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-03-2565y-1m-10d (b. 1877-02-15)cerebral hemorrhage due to myocarditis with heart block & diabetes mellitus
5827 Spruce St.Tajirian, AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-03-2729 (b. 1910-03-05)cerebral embolism with acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: pregnancy with secondary anemia)
4845 Chestnut St.Tajirian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-06-0556 (b. 1875)myocarditis
41 S. Fallon St.Tajirian, Thomas T.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-12-2639y-6m-15d (b. 1907-06-11)pulmonary embolism
227 S. 60th St.Takakjy [Takakjian], AbahalatMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-04-2368 (b. 1877-09-10)carcinoma of bladder
6242 Sansom St.Takvorian, SiraganMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-02-1361y-2m-24d (b. 1885-11-01)diseases of coronary arteries & angina pectoris (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
5510 Chancellor St.Dalalian [Talalian], ToomaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-01-2371 chronic myocardial degeneration, contributory: senile psychosis
2332 N. Smedley St.Terkhanian [Tarkanian], StephenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1934-10-2942y-7m-24d (b. 1892-03-05)chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: hypertension)
6050 Locust St.Tarpinian, AnnieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-06-0254 (b. 1886-04-12)pulmonary embolism
1035 Mt. Vernon St.Tarpinian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1024 (b. 1894)pneumonia complicating influenza
538 Turner St.Tashjian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-02(b. 1926-01-02)stillborn
538 Turner St.Tashjian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-02(b. 1926-01-02)stillborn
2642 N. 29th St.Tashjian, AliceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-12-2939y-3m-22d (b. 1899-09-07)terminal pneumonia
5457 Norfolk St.Tashjian, AraxieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-03-0659y-9m-19d (b. 1888-05-16)cerebral metastatic embolism due to metastatic carcinoma of liver
5650 Sansom St.Tashjian, Charles B.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-10-1572 acute congestive heart failure due to hypertensive cardis renal disease / (other conditions: diabetes mellitus)
5558 Market St.Dashjy [Tashjian], DoodieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-1460 (b. 1938-09-11)chronic endocarditis (contributory: chronic intestinal nephritis)
5446 Baltimore Ave.Tashjian, GadarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-2490 (b. 1855)angina pectoris (heart) due to chronic ischemia
1932 N. Marvine St.Tashjian, GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-01-2145y-6m (b. 1880-07-15)chronic ulcerative tuberculosis, cavitation & tuberculous pleurisy
5457 Norfolk St.Tashjian, HachickMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-0163y-10m-7d (b. 1878-10-24)hyopstatic cogestion of lungs due to cerebral hemorrhage
3342 N. 15th St.Tashjian, HagopMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-10-0561y-8m-25d (b. 1887-01-11)far advanced lateral pulmonary tuberculosis
101 N. Vogdes St.Tashjian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-04-1750 (b. 1888-09-20)coronary artery sclerosis
806 Race St.Tashzlan [Tashjian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1905-10-1637 ascites from cirrhosis of the liver
1022 N. 64th St.Tashjian, JeanetteFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-01-2167y-11m-17d (b. 1879-02-04)cerebral vascular hemorrhage & hemiplegia & aphasia due to arterio sclerotic & hypertensive heart disease
5147 Chancellor St.Tashjian, JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-02-2657 (b. 1893-01-01)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease with auricular fibrillation
5147 Chancellor St.Tashjian, LeonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-03-0531y-11m (b. 1895-03-28)carcinoma of rectum
227 S. 45th St.Stone [Tashjian], Mitchell S.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-12-1459y-11m-4d (b. 1885-01-10)acute coronary occlusion
5446 Baltimore Ave.Tashjian, OhannesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-01-1475y-10m-27d (b. 1856-02-17)chronic interstitial nephritis
6164 Walnut St.Mason [Tashjian], Peter M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-12-2152y-6m-23d (b. 1869-05-29)bronco pneumonia (contributory: hemiplegia left sided)
5650 Sansom St.Tashjian, Richard V.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-0824 (b. 1918)asphyxia from carbon monoxide poisoning / found in garage in rear of home
2464 N. 77th Ave.Tashjian, SophiaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-10-1569y-11m-16d (b. 1878-11-30)strangulation - found in bed at home with belt around neck
227 S. 45th St.Stone [Tashjian], Venus M.FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-04-0854y-7m-11d (b. 1888-08-28)confluent bronchopneumonia, cholelithiasis, pulmonary edema
1027 N. 67th St.Tatarian, DakesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-04-2267 acute myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
6301 Drexel Rd.Tateosian, RebeccaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-02-2873y-8m-22d (b. 1869-06-06)coronary sclerosis due to general sclerosis (arterio)
1212 Ridge Ave.Tevekelian [Tavakelian], SamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1925-06-1654 (b. 1871)endocarditis
6234 Washington Ave.Telfayan [Telfeyan], AcabiFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-05-2285y-3m-7d (b. 1853-02-15)chronic endocarditis
818 Columbia Ave.Terhanian, SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-12-2163 (b. 1858-09-15)mitral insufficiency, myocarditis
1600 N. 13th St.Terzian, HaiganoushFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-01-3162 (b. 1876-03-17)coronary thrombosis (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
2647 Waterloo St.Tarzian [Terzian], JohnMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1911-03-18premature birth (6 months)
3004 N. Howard St.Tarzian [Terzian], KatoonFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-1175 fracture of right femur, arteriosclerotic heart disease (contributory: fell on ice on pavement in front of home)
6026 Cedarhurst St.Tarzian [Terzian], ManoogMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-12-2670y-7m-10d (b. 1874-05-16)coronary occlusion due to arterioslerosis
2641 Waterloo St.Tarzan [Terzian], MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1910-02-1932 (b. 1878)acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic valvular endovas---)
3346 E St.Terzian, OhannesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-05-2168 (b. 1877-12-25)acute pulmonary edema (contributory: myocarditis)
6162 Delancey St.Terzian, VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1727 (b. 1891-03)pneumonia (contributory: influenza)
38 N. 60th St.Terzian, VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-11-152m-6d (b. 1918-09-09)acute ileo-colitis
283 S. Frazier St.Tourigian [Torigian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1954-07-2866 (b. 1888-05-30)respiratory insufficiency due to lung cancer (alveolar cell carcinoma) (other: diabetes mellitus, pulmonary infection)
1212 Montgomery St.Torrigan [Torigian], PaulMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-09-1753 (b. 1887)acute coronary occlusion
220 S. Frazier St.Tourigian [Torigian], VartanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1962-05-0862 (b. 1900-01-01)carcinoma of the pancreas
6140 Pine St.Torosian, CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1929-02-1122 pulmonary tuberculosis
5717 Delancey St.Torounian, SimonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-08-0345 (b. 1903-06-22)old rheumatic heart disease
740 E. Tioga St.Tosian [Tosoian], Misak D.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-07-0649y-9m-21d (b. 1895-09-15)carcinoma of bladder with metastases (contributory: anema, inanition)
5150 Hazel Ave.Temoyan [Toumaian], AnnieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1939-09-0244y-11m-25d (b. 1894-09-07)lateral sclerosis of spine (Parkinson's)
448 S. 52nd St.Lemoyiam [Toumaian], GiragasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-02-1265 endocarditis (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis)
5317 Walnut St.Temoyan [Toumaian], HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-11-0529 influenza (contributory: acute pancreatitis
5050 Hazel Ave.Tencoyan [Toumaian], HornigFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-12-2660 (b. 1861)chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: uremia)
5150 Hazel Ave.Temoyan [Toumaian], John M.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-08-0969y-3m-19d (b. 1876-04-21)cardiac failure due to coronary occlusion
1309 Master St.Toomigian [Toumajanian], KevorkMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-04-1556 (b. 1880-03-17)bronchogenic carcinoma
724 S. 60th St.Thomasian [Toumasian], SimonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-03-318m-9d (b. 1917-06-22)pulmonary
814 Taney St.Tootelian [Toutalian], SamMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-12-2951 (b. 1889)carcinoma of larynx with metastasis
1813 N. Darien St.Tootelian [Toutalian], TootelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-01-3064 (b. 1874)septicemia
2124 Medary Ave.Tatigian [Toutigian], MinasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-01-2857 (b. 1882-08-15)chronic endocarditis
50 N. 60th St.Toutkaljian, AramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-09-0846y-3m (b. 1892-05)congestive cardiac failure, pericarditis with effusion
4038 Powelton Ave.Tootkoushian [Toutkoushian], EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-09-101y-3m suffocation by drowning due to mother leaving child in bath tub - accidental
5318 Market St.Toutkoushian, Mary MargaretFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-09-1631y-1m-10d (b. 1911-08-06)aplastic anemia
442 S. 52nd St.Infankjian [Tufenkjian], MargeuriteFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1924-09-1032y-9m-16d (b. 1891-12-24)pelvic thrombo phlebitis of late pregnancy (contributory: multiple pulmonary abscesses)
442 S. 52nd St.Tufankjian [Tufenkjian], NartouhyFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-10-1432 pulmonary edema
5001 Market St.Turzwood, MinasMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1894-12-0923 prolonged suppuration from hip joint abscess
507 Hansberry St.Tyler, DerooheeFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1956-05-0560 (b. 1895-10-23)malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular renal disease
2045 Wakeling St.Vahanian, SahagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-04-1849 (b. 1899-06-14)myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
1644 Francis St.Vanign, IsraelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-05-2366y-2m (b. 1879-03)cardiac insufficiency with chr[onic] aur[icular] fibrillation due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease (other: benign prostatic hypertrophy)
5730 Hunter St.Vartanian, AramMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-06-2328 (b. 1910)hanging at P[hiladelphia] G[eneral] H[ospital] (suicide, tem[porarily] deranged)
Philadelphia State HospitalVartin [Vartanian], GiragosMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-03-2848 (b. 1894)cancer of the stomach
259 S. Alden St.Vartanian, ParoonakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1936-02-1052 (b. 1885)syphilitic heart disease
259 S. Alden St.Vartanian, PerouzFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-10-1463 hypertensive cardio vascular disease
538 N. 11th St.Vertain [Vartian], TonyMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-04-0758 (b. 1885)luetic valvular heart disease
1036 Fanshawe St.Vassian, Jacob GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-10-2960y-8m-11d (b. 1886-02-18)carcinoma of prostate with metastases
253 N. 11th St.Vezigin [Vezikian], SetrakMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1921-05-2045 ill[uminating] gas poisoning, probably accidental
898 Scattergood St.Vishabazoon [Vishabazoum], ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-09-2570y-4m-15d (b. 1879-05-10)cirrhosis of liver
1225 Allegheny Ave.Vosbikian [Vosbigian], YogasperFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1941-09-2477 (b. 1864)pulmonary edema due to chronic myocarditis
136 S. 59th St.Yardumian, ArshagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-08-2281 (b. 1867-12-23)arteriosclerotic myocardiovascular disease
1015 S. 60th St.Yardumian, Haig Y. (Rev.)MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1933-08-2466 (b. 1867-05-08)ang[ina] pectoris - embolus, the result of arth [athero]sclerosis
3727 Walnut St.Yaghejian [Yazujian], ElizabethFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-01-2868 carcinoma of breast
1840 South St.Yazedgian [Yazujian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1905-07-1742 uremia (contributory: spinal syphilis)
665 E. Cornwall St.Yazujian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1935-05-1443y-10m (b. 1891-07-22)pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous laryngitis)
1335 Susquehanna Ave.Eagavian [Yegavian], ArabelMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1923-07-2752 chronic myocarditis, frac[tured] femur, injuries by being struck by an automobile
2458 N. 2nd St.Aghazarian [Yeghiazarian], MugurdichMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-01-1963 (b. 1886-04-14)pulmonary edema due to myocardial infarction
7202 N. 12th St.Elavdjian [Yelanjian], FPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1922-01-08(b. 1922-01-08)atelectasis
4558 Wayne Ave.Elanjian [Yelanjian], VahanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-01-0355y-10m (b. 1889-02)apoplexy due to H. B. P. & endocarditis
236 S. 60th St.Yeramian, MarieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-10-2129 (b. 1909-03-27)bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: toxic polyneuritis)
930 N. 16th St.Yeramian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-05-1047y-10m-25d (b. 1896-06-15)chronic degenerative myocarditis associated with obesity, congestive heart failure
730 N. 16th St.Yeramian, MekialMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-10-3156 (b. 1888)cardic decompensation due to chronic valvular heart disease
5141 Irving St.Aramian [Yeramian], TarvezFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-01-2968y-5m-29d (b. 1881-07-30)acute coronary thrombosis due to chronic myocarditis
1722 N. Gratz St.Eretzian [Yeretzian], AdrinieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-12-3147 cancer of pancreas & liver
2950 Ridge Ave.Yerganian, VagharshagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-10-1521y-10m-17d (b. 1896-11-28)influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia)
2014 N. 17th St.Esayian [Yesaian], DeramarFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-01-2467 (b. 1851-01-14)pneumonia
5452 Media St.Essayian [Yesaian], GeorgeMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-04-0154 (b. 1884-01-26)angina pectoris
630 S. 56th St.Yorganjian [Yorghanjian], ArshagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1932-05-1633 acute leukemia (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage)
4023 Locust St.Yazgadlian [Yozgadlian], VictoriaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1944-03-0844y-5d (b. 1900-03-03)third degree burns while cleaning dress in home (fluid caught fire 6-Jan-1944, accident)
S. 12th St. & Walnut St.Zakarian, Zakar D.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1957-05-3065 (b. 1892-05-15)encephalomalacia due to cerebral thrombosis
227 N. Watts St.Zakeossian [Zakeosian], Chas.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1899-11-194 diphtheria
5221 Larchwood St.Zanazanian, HaigMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1945-06-2842y-3m-27d (b. 1927-03-02)carcinoma of bladder & intestine
440 S. 52nd St.Zartarian, HovhannesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-01-1175 angina pectoris
5613 Pemberton St.Zartarian, MaryFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-04-3074 hypertension, arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease
4100 Robbins Ave.Zartarian, TowandaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-03-1477 (b. 1869-02-01)carcinoma of liver & senility
2553 S. Alder St.Zartarian, VahonMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-12-1843 (b. 1899-03-09)cardiac failure due to coronary occlusion
3149 N. Hancock St.Zurigian [Zerigian], AnnaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1938-01-3054y-9m-15d (b. 1882-04-15)cholecystitis, cholelithiasis & acute pancreatitis
440 York St.Zoorigian [Zerigian], MartinMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1930-03-0360 (b. 1870)myocardial infarction
3149 N. Hancock St.Zurigian [Zerigian], SarkisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1931-01-0963 (b. 1867)broncho pneumonia
5472 Baltimore Ave.Zobian, MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1937-09-08(b. 1937-09-08)stillborn, due to asphyixia from cord about neck
5472 Baltimore Ave.Zobian, JosephMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1943-10-0749y-5m-14d (b. 1894-04-23)chronic glomerular nephritis due to uraemia
270 Oakdale St.Zorzopian, ArabisMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1926-01-1345 cancer of stomach
3332 N. Front St.Zorzopian, GarabedMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-03-3160y-6m-26d (b. 1888-07-05)carcinoma of urinary bladder & myocardial failure
2142 N. 7th St.Zerzopian [Zorzopian], RosaFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1918-09-05(b. 1918-09-05)stillbirth
3332 N. Front St.Zarzopian [Zorzopian], WarrenMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1950-02-265d (b. 1950-02-19)sub arachnoid hemorrhage due to prematurity
5533 Fairhill St.Zoolalian [Zoulalian], AznivFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-04-0468y-21d (b. 1878-03-15)arteriosclerotic c. v. disease
5400 Catharine St.Zoolalian [Zoulalian], Henry VahanMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1927-08-184y-9m-22d (b. 1922-10-26)tonsilar septechaemia [?]
1533 N. 21st St.Zoolalian [Zoulalian], RoseFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1919-05-1127 toxemia of pregnancy
Piperville, PA, USA
1820 Chestnut St.Gabrielian [Kaprielian], Paul L.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1909-10-105 tetanus, full infection of vaccination scab
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
5948 Baum Blvd.Geragocian [Giragosian], Peter R.MPittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, USA1960-08-0584 (b. 1876-05-31)coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: senility)
101 N. St. Clair St.Papazian, Taqvor SarkisMPittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, USA1965-10-1375 (b. 1890-07-06)myocardial infarction due to coronary insufficiency
1502 5th Ave.Pargamian [Parghamian], MichaelMPittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, USA1938-01-1551 cirrhosis of liver & chronic myocarditis
Springfield, PA, USA
363 W. Springfield Ave.Tekian, SourpikFYeadon, Delaware Co., PA, USA1957-11-1185 (b. 1872)arteriosclerotic heart disease
Upper Darby, PA, USA
317 S. State Rd.Artzerounian [Ardzrounian], VahaqunMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-09-2365 (b. 1883-03-20)acidosis & dehydration due to obstructive biliary tract disease & metastatic gastric carcinoma (carcinoma [of] stomach)
39 Overhill Rd.Kassabian [Kasabian], ParounagMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1947-02-2857y-8m-13d (b. 1889-06-15)coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease
7267 Walnut St.Mukhalian, Aram J.MPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-02-1852 (b. 1892-10-02)cerebral hemorrhage
7267 Walnut St.Mukhalian, Garabed M.MUpper Darby, Delaware Co., PA, USA1945-03-1085 (b. 1859-12-13)lobar pneumonia due to myocarditis
63 Brooklyn Blvd.Papazian, EdwardMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1942-08-2547y-7m-10d (b. 1895-01-15)bronchogenic carcinoma (other: emphysema thoroces)
158 Richfield Rd.Saghirian [Sagherian], AgavnieFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1949-03-0167 coronary thrombosis
129 Keystone Ave.Sarafian, HarryMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1946-08-0743 (b. 1903-04-15)cardiac event (contributory: carcinoma, undiagnosed minary site)
7042 Marshall Rd.Takoushian [Takesian], CharlesMPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1948-10-2647y-7m-25d (b. 1901-03-01)acute coronary thrombosis
129 S. Keystone Ave.Tourigian [Torigian], Mardiros M.MUpper Darby, Delaware Co., PA, USA1959-12-2167 (b. 1892-06-15)carcinoma of lung
129 S. Keystone Ave.Tourigian [Torigian], RoseFUpper Darby, Delaware Co., PA, USA1962-02-2863 (b. 1898-08-08)acute congestive heart failure (contributory: cardio vascular arterio sclerosis)
Westville, PA, USA
Der Manuelian [Manuelian], MisakMBrantford, Brant Co., ON, Canada1927-11-0554 chronic myocarditis
Yeadon, PA, USA
682 Longacre Rd.Kevorkian, AliceFPhiladelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1940-06-1534 carcinoma of pancreas, with generalized metastasis
Bristol, RI, USA
Kimatian, KazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-06-0924 pulmonary tuberculosis
Burrillville, RI, USA
Kasabian, EmmaFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-09-0918 pulmonary tuberculosis / psychosis with somatic disease
Burrillville (Wallum Lake), RI, USA
Kazarian [Ghazarian], JohnMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1922-04-1522y-1m-21d (b. 1900-03-22)tuberculosis of the lungs
State SanatoriumNighosian [Nigoghosian], ArakelMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1945-05-3058y-2m-18d (b. 1887-03-12)pulmonary tuberculosis
Central Falls, RI, USA
532 Mill St.Yaghoobiam [Hagopian], ArasscMCentral Falls, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-07-0418m (b. 1922-09-04)acute indigestion / heat / bottle fed
532 Mill St.Yaghoobian [Hagopian], George H.MCentral Falls, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-2056y-1m-1d (b. 1873-01-14)pneumonia (lobar)
324 Hunt St.Nazarian [Najarian], SelmaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-12-2428 (b. 1897)myelogenous leukemia / splenectomy operation 23-Dec-1925 / shock following operation
Narzakian [Norsigian], ArmenagMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-07-0625 multiple fracture of bones of head / compound fracture foot / R. R. accident / circumstances unknown
Postoian, TorkomMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-07-1916 transverse myelitis
Roupenian, VahanMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-11-1410 shock, post operative following intussusception
635 Mill St.Santoorjian [Santourjian], MartinMCentral Falls, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-02-1455 (b. 1869)probable heart disease / was in good health when he retired & was found dead in bed in the morning
Vartibedian [Vartabedian], HagarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-04-0675 fracture of base of skull / intra-cranial injury / fell from electric car
Cranston, RI, USA
8 Gordon St.Arisdakesian [Aristakesian], Nerses MickielMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-01-0626 portal tuberculosis
341 Farmington Ave.Asdikian [Astighian], HaiganooshFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-09-0754 (b. 1876)cerebral thrombosis / arteriosclerosis / chronic nephritis
25 Henry St.Avedisian, GeorgeMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-1954y-7d (b. 1875-02-12)lobar pneumonia / chronic myocarditis
25 Henry St.Avedisian, MazleyFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-06-1848y-29d (b. 1876-05-25)chronic Bright's disease (parenchymatous nephritis)
36 Howard St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], ParamazMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-09-036y-2m-29d (b. 1924-06-05)fractured skull with cranial injury, result of accident / struck by an automobile in Cranston
70 Harris Ave.Baligian [Balakian], MarderosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-06-0246 lymphosarcoma (mediastinal)
25 Ridge St.Basmajian, Mariam M.FCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-01-0273 carcinoma of liver & gall bladder
133 Crescent Ave.Biberjian [Bezirjian], DiroohiFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-08-0475y-1m-2d (b. 1846-07-02)hypertrophied heart / old age
133 Cresent Ave.Biberjian [Bezirjian], TacoukieFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-07-0949 paralysis agitans, heat shock
Besharian [Bisharian], AnnaFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-07-0470 senile psychosis / delirious & confused state / chronic myocarditis inanition
561 Laurel Hill Ave.Besharian [Bisharian], SayedMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-02-1248y-5m-28d (b. 1925-08-15)haemophmesis gastric ----[?]
1272 Park Ave.Derderian, LucasMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-12-3156 (b. 1873)lobar pneumonia
3 Crawford St.Garabedian, HelenFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-05-1521y-2m-29d (b. 1903-02-16)stone in left kidney, stone in urether left / uremia, post operation, two days
158 Ferncrest Ave.Der Jacobson [Hagopian], JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-03-0856 bi-lateral lobar pneumonia / chronic myocarditis / autopsy
State InfirmaryHarootunian [Haroutunian], LeonMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-05-181m-5d (b. 1930-04-13)marasnus
115 Wayland Ave.Jamgochian, BerjoohieFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-07-0119y-2m-14d (b. 1910-09-14)tuberculoar perintonitis
Jorngochian [Jamgochian], KerborkMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-09-0254 diabetes mellitus / syphilis / psychosis with other somatic diseases
Kalinian [Kalenian], AghababMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-0319 dementia praecox (catatonic form) with exhaustion
1615 Cranston St.Kalumian [Kalenian], KarekinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-04-2911 acute gangrenous perforated ------ / general septic -------
State AlmshouseKayajanian, KachadoorMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-10-1542 pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from
Kinosian, ElizabethFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-10-1167 apoplexy
49 Villa Ave.Korookian [Korkoian], MargaretFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-04-2848 sudden / cardiac thrombosis
Church St.Korookian [Korkoian], PaulMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-07-0425d cholera infantum & exhaustion
Melidosian, MCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-03-21(b. 1909-03-21)still born caused by delayed labor
8 Gordon St.Melikian, OscarMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-05-0745 toxcemia from carcinoma of ----- ------ / infection in lungs ------
34 Transit St.Mugidnitchin [Mgrdichian], AaronMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-06-0452 epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis / staphylococcus aureus
106 Whipple Ave.Minasian, MaryFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-04-1417y-9m-21d (b. 1911-07-24)chronic tuberculosis (phthisis) of lungs
103 Bartlett Ave.Movsesian, BagdasarMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-2775 (b. 1851)double lobar pneumonia
2150 Broad St.Mermerian [Murmurian], MardirosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1942-01-0969y-5m-30d (b. 1872-07-10)broncho pneumonia & chronic myocarditis (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis)
94 Alhambra CircleMermerian [Murmurian], MarianFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1950-09-2480y-8m-9d (b. 1870-01-15)hypostatic pneumonia due to arteriosclerosis & hypertensive heart disease
1272 Park Ave.Najarian, MaryFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-05-117d (b. 1922-05-04)premature labor / hemorrhage (infantum) from the navel
1272 Park Ave.Najarian, MooradMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-07-0356 (b. 1874)thrombosis of the coronary artery
1272 Park Ave.Sarkisian, Rose VarterFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-06-1638 (b. 1892)lobar pneumonia
4 Standish Ave.Stepanian, ArdashMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-10-0452y-11m-19d (b. 1876-10-15)found dead / probably acute indigestion preceded by antina pectoris
Dyer's FarmTalanian, OvidesMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-1855 apoplexy / motor aphasia, complete hemiplegia
38 Gordon St.Tatanian [Talanian], TatirosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-02-1055 cerebral hemorrhage / collapsed while at his work & died in a few moments
596 Laurel Hill Ave.Tateosian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1937-04-2358y-13d (b. 1879-04-10)cerebral thrombosis
3112 Montgomery Ave.Zaroogian [Zerigian], GeorgeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-09-011y-10m-13d (b. 1927-10)suppurative mastoiditis operation / cerebral meningitis
Johnston, RI, USA
15 Hillside Ave.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], KachadoorMJohnston, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-09-1055 apoplexy
N. Providence, RI, USA
1821 Mineral Spring Ave.Avedisian, PaulMN. Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA1927-10-3116 intestinal hemorrage following typhoid fever
1821 Mineral Spring Ave.Avedesian [Avedisian], William ArdavazMN. Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA1927-10-3114 cardiac insufficiency following toxemia from typhoid fever
Daniels, MelkonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-09-2536 edema of lungs / died a short time after admission & hasty physical examination / negative [?]ave for oedema of lungs
120 Plympton St.Koloian [Kaloian], SatMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-01-0122 (b. 1901)tuberculosis of the lungs / tuberculous enteritis
25 Prospect Ave.Kaloustian, HovhannesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-07-151y-3m-8d (b. 1921-04-07)nasal diptheria / faucial diptheria
2 Prospect Ave.Kaloustian, MelkonMN. Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA1932-08-0954 (b. 1878)angina pectoris
Norwood, RI, USA
Williams Ave.Bargamian [Parghamian], GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-10-2833 (b. 1889)carcinoma of bile duck
Pawtucket, RI, USA
Oroian [Aroian], EalsarMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-12-124m-22d (b. 1922-07-21)congenital heart disease & lobar pneumonia
Ororian [Aroian], MaryFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-09-2819d con-------- of mitral stenosis
179 Woodbine St.Arsenian, CourkenMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-03-1512 tubercular peritonitis
68 Carnation St.Astimian [Artinian], AstimMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1919-07-1420y-2m-24d (b. 1899-04-20)pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculus enteritis
74 Carnation St.Artinian, AzadookeFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-303y-7m fractured skull / auto accident
17 Lilac St.Artinian, Parnag VaskenMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-01-051m-9d (b. 1922-11-25)spinal bifida / operation / cardiac exhaustion
Astoorian [Asadourian], MaryFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-04-2926 pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion
Ashjian, GaribedMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-11-2970 neuritis / chronic nephritis / pericarditis / convulsions / anemia
Avakian, Vard-TakouieFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-01-061y-2m meningitis
Avedisian, AvedisMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-263 pneumonia (lobar) following measles
82 East St.Avedisian, VarsingFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-258m pneumonia
80 Pearson Ave.Barsoian, VramMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-04-243y-3m-6d (b. 1925-01-08)ruptured appendicitis / general peritonitis
266 Walcott St.Buchakjian [Bechakjian], BedrossMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-12-1726 fractured skull hemorrhage / R R accident / struck by train / track walking
Bedrosian, JohnMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-02-1745 pneumonia
74 Gooding St.Badosian [Bedrosian], MarderoisMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-06-2152 double inguinal hernia / operated 19-Jun-1923 / heat exhaustion
296 Middle St.Bogasian [Boghosian], MegrdichMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-2827 jaundice
Kamalian [Chamalian], MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-06-08exhaustion caused by long & hard labor (maleformation of mother)
Kamalian [Chamalian], KerkorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-2040 septic peritonitis from rupture of intestine from blow on abdomen / said to have been kicked / meningitis
Camalian [Chamalian], MaryFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-08-1735 gall stones / jaundice / exhaustion
176½ Woodbine St.Doodigian [Dadekhian], SadieFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-03-3028 acute dilatation of the heart & pulmonary oedema / 9 days after operation for volvulus
Doodigian [Dadekhian], Sicak S.MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-03-172y-2m 2nd degree burns from hips to ankles / whole lower extremities & auto intoxication / fell into pan of hot water / accident
607 BroadwayDanelian [Danielian], BrightFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-05-1625 bullet wound of skull / laceration of brain / hemorrhage / shot by another / Coroner's case
28 Cedar St.Delbarian [Dilberian], AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-284y-6m faucial & nasal diptheria / acute myocraditis / culture positive
23 Humes St.Harmaian [Ermoian], ArchieMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1946-12-2663 (b. 1883)metastatic sarcoma to abdominal viscera, heart, & brain, rhablomyoma of heart (contributory: intussusception)
301 Fountain St.Garbidi [Garabedian], JacobMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-1619 pneumonia
231 Middle St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], AtchieMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-1242 influenza / pneumonia
Kazarian [Ghazarian], KazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-12-0932 rupture of gall bladder / cause unknown / toxemia
Kazarian [Ghazarian], MargaretFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-151m (b. 1929-01-06)broncho pneumonia / la grippe
Kazoian [Ghazoian], ElizabethFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-12-312m-15d meningitis
9 W. Cole St.Hoogasian [Ghougasian], AkabeFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-2136 mitral regurgitation / septicaemia / pulmonary embolism
185 Park St.Goorigian [Gureghian], MaryFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1946-03-1179y-9m-15d (b. 1866-05-24)arteriosclerosis & senility
187 East St.Goorhigian [Gureghian], PeterMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-0854 tuberculor peritonitis
332 Fountain St.Jacobson [Hagopian], CharlesMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-285y-2m-2d diptheria
Zaghoobian [Hagopian], PalloonFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-05-201m indigestion (bottle fed) / exhaustion / triplet
684 N. Main St.Harootunian [Haroutunian], MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-10-04still born / cause unknown
62 Japonica St.Harootunian [Haroutunian], FrancisMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-04-093m-23d (b. 1929-12-16)broncho pneumonia / upper respiratory infection
354 Fountain St.Harpootian [Harpoutlian], ManooshFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-07-1433 (b. 1890)insufficiency of the heart following influenza
Hekimian, CharlesMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-08-2028 pulmonary tuberculosis & exhaustion
80 Benefit St.Johnson, CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-12-2932 pulmonary tuberculosis
Kolonian [Kalenian], MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-1135 pulmonary tuberculosis
77 Lilac St.Kalunian [Kalenian], VarsinyFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-09-216y-9m pneumonia following grippe
Kaloostian [Kaloustian], VartanMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-01-234m pneumonia
47 Fenwood Ave.Karsavanian [Karssvanian], MonukMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-04-0435 lobar pneumonia
Kasparian, OgiaMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-10-1428 probably aspidium poisoning / administered medicinally / unknown natural causes
15 John St.Kazanjian, DonabedMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1944-07-2962y-8m-14d (b. 1881-11-15)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: belated hypostatic pneumonia, inanition)
334 Fountain St.Kregorian [Krikorian], KirkorMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-09-2411m tuberculosis / meningitis
280 Prairie Ave.Krekorian [Krikorian], SatrnigFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-11-0115 tuberculosis & exhaustion from
242 (rear) Middle St.Labchinjian [Lapchinjian], ZovinarFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-08-3010m-28d (b. 1909-10-02)cholera infantum
Mahtessian [Mahdesian], MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-10-21(b. 1907-10-21)still born / owing to long delivery after coming of head
28 Woodbine St.Martiesian [Mahdesian], FPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-09-1416d (b. 1909-08-29)catarrhal enteritis
73 Division St.Martiesian [Mahdesian], JohnMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-085 pneumonia
23 Woodbine St.Malkasian [Malkhasian], VanhouhiFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-03-076m-5d died in convulsions following lobar pneumonia
209 Japonica St.Manookian [Manougian], FPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-04-211d (b. 1921-04-19)premature labor, lack of nourishment from illness of mother
74 Woodbine St.Monogian [Manougian], AzadooheFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-05-066m enteritis
94 Japonica St.Manookian [Manougian], AzadookeFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-06-162m-1d feeble child from birth / cause unknown
65 W. Cole St.Manngian [Manougian], EscarFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-08-1130 pulmonary tuberculosis / G. B. enteritis (secondary)
Manoogian [Manougian], KachadoorMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-07-2835 malignant jaundice
Martinian [Mardinian], CharlesMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-11-1942 pulmonary tuberculosis & valvular disease of heart
306 Fountain St.Melkonian, MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-26still born / asphyxia by compression of cord
310 Fountain St.Migelian [Mikaelian], AliceFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-03-091y-9m broncho pneumonia
238 Middle St.Miasian [Minasian], BobMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-02-2244y-1m acute gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis / operation 17-Feb-1919 / general peritonitis
Najarian, MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-12-24still born / premature labor with face presentation (history of excessive vomiting)
296 Middle St.Rahanian, MaryFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-2158 hypostatic pneumonia 4 days following operation for rupture of illium due to volvulus
Rashoian, DickMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-05-1625 bullet wound of skull / hemorrhage / suicide (love affair)
Santoorjian [Santourjian], Sarkis S.MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-09-302y-4m-18d septicemia
Shabazian [Shahbazian], JosephMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-07-061m-17d cholera infantum / bottle fed
Shabazian [Shahbazian], MaryFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-06-261m-4d cholera infantum / bottle fed
Chalaganian [Shalghamian], HarryMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-01-1358 probably gastric ulcer or carcinoma of the stomach
Tufengian [Tufenkjian], SempodMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-11-0345 (b. 1873)carcinoma of rectum
116 Japonica St.Varjabedian, JohnMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-03-2548 lobar pneumonia, oedema of the lungs / extensive jaundice
248 Fountain St.Vartabedian, MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-02-2939 erysipelas
Vartanian, FPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-01premature / separation of placenta
16 Locust St.Vartanian, NicholasMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-0136 tuberculosis of pelvic glands / history of operation 3 months ago
Vartanian, TakouhiFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-07-05asphyxia [?] / death occurred ten hours after birth
Vartanian, Zavan D.MPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-1510m-7d lobar pneumonia
314 Fountain St.Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], GeorgeMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-12-2957 mitrial regurgitation & chronic bronchitis
314 Fountain St.Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], Joseph VosdanigMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-08-2221y-11m-2d (b. 1904-09-20)tuberculosis of the lungs
Vosdangian [Vostanigian], KaloosdMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-281m malnutrition / twin baby / premature, about 7th month
314 Fountain St.Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], Tarter JosephMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-1716 acute appendicitis, ruptured / general peritonitis / operated / secondary T. B. pulmonary
Vosdiangian [Vostanigian], ZabalFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-08-195m malnutrition / marasmus
Providence, RI, USA
3 Fillmore St.Abajian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-07-3128 tuberculous meningitis
7 Vesta St.Aborian [Abarian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-07-041d (b. 1909-07-03)premature labor (habitual)
961 Westminster St.Abedan [Abdian], John (Jr.)MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-10-21(b. 1920-10-21)premature labor probably from malnutrition / insufficiency of nourishment
67 Pleasant St.Abraham [Abrahamian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-12-06still born child, occording to mother she did not feel the life of the child for about 4-5 weeks before birth
67 Pleasant St.Abraham [Abrahamian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-10-08premature, about sixth month
10 Stokes St.Aprahamian [Abrahamian], AprahamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-03-214m (b. 1922-03-21)gastro-enteritis
Aprihamian [Abrahamian], NargizFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-07-2236 tuberculosis & exhaustion
60 Nichols St.Abraham [Abrahamian], SateingFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-06-053m weak from birth / bottle fed / vomited food several weeks / convulsions / spasmodic cough
285 N. Main St.Abralian, RamoMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-10-1530 pulmonary tuberculosis
263 Cranston St.Ashukian [Achoukian], BedagFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-12-247 pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from
14 Palmer St.Adishian, MesrobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-07-2411m cholera infantium
21 Babbitt St.Aghababian, BedrosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-04-0334 lobar pneumonia
Agsanian [Aghajanian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-08-04(b. 1917-08-04)still born baby / history of violence by fa----
23 A St.Agajanian [Aghajanian], AsathFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-02-027y-3m-10d diptheria
224 Pearl St.Agajanian [Aghajanian], DickranouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-06-1916y-12d (b. 1912-06-07)chronic valvular disease of heart
Agaganian [Aghajanian], DikranoohiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1904-02-199m-17d (b. 1904-05-02)entero colitis
73 Central St.Agsanian [Aghajanian], EscapetFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-055m-22d gastro-enteritis
385 Smith St.Agajanian [Aghajanian], Garabed HagopMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-03-0664 pneumonia hypostatic / chronic myocarditis / septic ----
17 Perkins St.Aghajanian, HurepsumeyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1905-01-0924 pneumonia / consumption
Ten Yard LaneAgahjanian [Aghajanian], ManagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-1985 (b. 1839)chronic myocarditis
224 Pearl St.Agajanian [Aghajanian], ManoogMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-12-1619y-21d (b. 1906-11-25)pulmonary tuberculosis & exhaustion from
62 Clarence St.Agsanian [Aghajanian], MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-06-2944 (b. 1879)instrumental delivery / shock
224 Pearl St.Agajanian [Aghajanian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-05-2237y-11m-20d (b. 1883-06-07)acute pancreatitis
33 Sorrento St.Aaronian [Aharonian], Aaron ManoogMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-06-1249y-2d (b. 1881-06-10)lobar pneumonia
216½ Whipple St.Aharomian [Aharonian], MarianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-03-2965 grippe / heart failure
258 Cranston St.Ayvazian [Aivazian], VioletFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-09-066y-8m-12d (b. 1913-12-25)myocarditis following scarlet fever of two weeks / cervical adenitis - gland / opened under local
143 W. River St.Adjemian [Ajemian], HaigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-09-234m-20d (b. 1920-05-03)gastro enteritis
117 Orms St.Andasrian [Andreasian], ManookMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-08-306m dysentery / colitis
69 Almy St.Ensher [Ansourian], AznevFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-11-2553 cancer of abdominal viscera
52 Codding St.Atkarian [Apkarian], TorosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-12-0132 lobar pneumonia
17 Tippecanoe St.Aposhian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-13(b. 1921-11-12)premature labor / (twin)
17 Tippecanoe St.Aposhian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-12(b. 1921-11-12)premature labor / (twin)
28 Walling St.Aproian, AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-04-081y-2m-13d (b. 1925-01-26)broncho pneumonia, secondary to cause - undetermined
28 Walling St.Apraian [Aproian], DickranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-05-212m-12d (b. 1928-03-09)hydronephrosis r[igh]t / pyonephrosis l[ef]t / marasmus / phimosin
202 Washington St.Arabian, AghavneyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-04-2359 (b. 1866)apoplexy / chronic nephritis / arteriosclerosis
436 Cranston St.Arabian, ManougMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-12-1776 cerebral hemorrhage / arterio-sclerosis
22 Hedley Ave.Arabian, VartarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-12-1126d intestinal atresia / toxemia
122 Juniper St.Arakelian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-07-064d (b. 1907-07-02)premature labor (history of tight lacing)
Arakelian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-07-19premature labor / 7 month old pregnancy / history of tight dress & car ride a day before the labor
192 Douglas Ave.Arakelian, NazeniFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-12-0820 heart failure following lobar pneumonia
399 Fountain St.Arakelian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-12-2150 retro-peritoneal sarcoma
369 Knight St.Aslanian [Arslanian], BodaskanFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-09-2265 lobar pneumonia
Arslanian, GarabedMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-09-1746 (b. 1873)locomotor ataxia
95 Cumerford St.Arslanian, Krekor MateosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1943-05-0248y-8m-17d (b. 1894-08-15)coronary heart disease
20 Derry St.Aslanian [Arslanian], Mary EranosFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-11-095m meningitis
Arslanian, MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-08-10bullet wound of chest / homocide
443 Chalkstone Ave.Artenian [Artinian], GiragosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-02-2660 (b. 1870)chronic nephritis & uremia / chronic myocarditis / auricular fibrillation
177 Valley St.Hartinian [Artinian], MalkonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-03-2224 lobar pneumonia
16 Eaton St.Arvanigian, DonabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-06-0950 lobar pneumonia / pleurisy
12½ Whipple St.Arvanigain [Arvanigian], HelenFWorcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA1915-12-0833 pulmonary tuberculosis
220 Juniper St.Arzooyan [Arzoian], RoupenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-1364y-11m-29d (b. 1861-04-14)apoplexy
Arzoumanian, KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-03-0924 pulmonary tuberculosis
31 Whipple St.Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], RoseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-06-053y-9m (b. 1906-09)accidentally scalded by hot water
135 1st St.Astoorian [Asadourian], Annie MariaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-02-1745 mitral regurgitation / cardiac insufficiency
273 Pearl St.Astoorian [Asadourian], MarardorosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1902-11-0363 chronic cystitis, pyelitis
116 Althea St.Asdoorian [Asadourian], MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-10-2647 perforation of gastric ulcer / operation
31 Sorrento St.Asdoorian [Asadourian], Yervant M.MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-05-1340 myocarditis / cerebral pneumonia following cholicystectomy & choleduodectomy
Ashjian, LevonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-06-2715y-1m-16d (b. 1898-05-11)pneumonia
Ashjian, MegerdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1904-10-2635 ran fever, septic in character, hemorrhage from bowel 4 days ago / history unsatisfactory
Brook Ct.Atanian [Atamian], CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-03-213m pneumonia
32 Miller Ave.Avakian, SdepanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-0883 (b. 1846)old age with chronic bronchitis & emphysema / died actually by heart failure
90 Davis St.Avakian, SiranooshFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-292y-4m-18d (b. 1906-09-11)double lobar pneumonia
131 Vesta St.Avenizian [Avazanian], OhidaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-10-1525 pelvic abscess / general peritonitis
40 Whipple St.Avedisian, HaroutounMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-11-0541 agina pectoris / organic disease of heart
100 Battey St.Der Avedisian [Avedisian], IsquhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-09-2658 epileptic attack while carrying lighted candle, clothing ignited, ----- burns & exhaustion
1821 Mineral Spring Ave.Avedisian, JennieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1942-10-0149 starvation (voluntary), carcinoma of bladder (contributory: ca[rcinoma] of cervix)
41 Orms St.Avedisian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-01-2360 syphiloma of brain
71 Penn St.Avedisian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-1128y-7m pulmonary tuberculosis / subcutaneous emphysema of neck & chest wall
40 Quaid St.Hazarian [Azarian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-08-18premature labor / seven month old baby / history of long walk ----- given in examination with ------
19 Diamond St.Assarian [Azarian], BagasiasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-10-1539 perforated gastric ulcer / general peritonitis
45 East St.Azarian, Elizabeth VirginiaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-09-031y-4m-30d (b. 1926-04-04)accidental asphyxiation / piece of bread lodged in larynx
14 Winter St.Assarian [Azarian], PenininMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-12-2622 influenza / lobar pneumonia
Asarian [Azarian], SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-09-1846 chronic myocarditis with hypothyroidism / manic depressive psychosis
43 Whipple St.Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-05-091y-3m-1d (b. 1927-02-08)burns of back ------mitus / child fell into tub of hot water on kitchen floor
18 Morton St.Babigian, ArzouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-02-2835 retroperitoneal sarcoma operation
20 Cranston St.Bakdasarian [Baghdasarian], AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-12-0852 malignant disease of chest / metastasis
80 1st St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-10-1768 cardio-renal disease / chronic interstitial nephritis
109 Warren Ave.Bogassarian [Baghdasarian], MelcomMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-1175 tuberculosis of the lungs
Bardasarian [Baghdasarian], MichaelMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-05-1150 (b. 1865)pulmonary tuberculosis
28 1st St.Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], RoseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-1835 influenza / broncho pneumonia
25 N. Davis St.Bajakian, VahanigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-08-133y-8m-24d (b. 1921-11-20)skull fracture, intracranial injury (ran into street & struck by an automobile)
172 Byfield St.Bakalian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-07-14death following ------- delivery fr------- after caring lived (hand prerotation)
50 Marlborough Ave.Baker, KennethMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-07-08(b. 1928-07-07)prematurity
111 Westfield St.Blehgian [Balakian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-11-22instrumental delivery / face presentation
42 Shawmut St.Baligian [Balakian], GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-09-2842 pulmonary tuberculosis (abcess)
67 Codding St.Baligian [Balakian], GiragosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-0369 (b. 1860)general arteriosclerosis / gangrene of right foot / chronic myocarditis
845 Westminster St.Baligian [Balakian], HarryMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-04-1254y-11m-15d (b. 1871-04-27)tuberculosis of lungs
409 Washington St.Baligian [Balakian], YestherFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-01-105m-11d (b. 1922-07-30)pneumonis following measles
22 Cranston St.Baligian [Baljian], AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-03-0521y-4m-18d appendicitis hemorrhage / intestinal obstruction / peritonitis
63 Codding St.Baronian, AlexanderMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-05-3028 pulmonary & larngeal tuberculosis
192 Douglas Ave.Baronian, PaulMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-08-234m cholera infantum
Washburn St.Bitchackjian [Bechakjian], HiglMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-05-0549 abcess of the liver / appendectomy 1-Nov-1918 / aspiration for fecal fistula & liver abscess
169 Chalkstone Ave.Bedrossian [Bedrosian], SamuelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-10-252m-5d (b. 1921-07-30)gastro-enteritis / meningitis
83 Camden Ave.Bedrosian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-03-159m-10d (b. 1925-06-05)lobar pneumonia
Barberian [Berberian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-01-01(b. 1909-01-01)still born / difficult labor
146 Linwood Ave.Berberian, HripsimeFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-06-2665 (b. 1864)pulmonary embolism / mitral & aortia stenosis & regurgitation
188 Douglas Ave.Berberian, MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-06-0765 broncho pneumonia
175 BroadwayBiberjian [Bezirjian], ArmenagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1949-04-2974 myocardial infarction
76 Atwood St.Boghigian, StephenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-03-2347 laryngeal tuberculosis
28 Lester St.Bogoian [Boghoian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-10-0949 (b. 1879)lobar pneumonia
Boghosian, AlbertMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-01-2951 sudden, found dead in bed / fulminating brocho pneumonia
60 Codding St.Bogosian [Boghosian], AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-1155 influenza / pneumonia
369 Knight St.Boghosian, Arshalos FrancesFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-01-036m-16d (b. 1916-06-18)organic heart disease
63 Codding St.Bogajian [Boghosian], BerguahiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-05-067m-22d (b. 1925-09-14)lobar pneumonia
Boghosian, BoghosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-12-2362 toxic myocarditis / chronic alcoholism
93 Burgess St.Bogosian [Boghosian], JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1927-02-187m-7d (b. 1926-06-25)double lobar pneumonia
2 Nichols St.Boghosian, ManooshagFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-10-2433y-4m-2d (b. 1895-06-22)drowning (probably suicide) / woman disappeared on 24-Oct-1928, has been mentally depressed for some tme & has made previous attempts to take her life
43 Harrison St.Boghosian, NasibMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-06-1737y-8m-4d (b. 1871-10-31)lobar pneumonia
169 Jewett St.Der Bogosian [Boghosian], SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-01-1876 (b. 1852)lyp---trop[?]iad, prostate, obstruction / nephritis, chronic uremia
369 Knight St.Boghosian, TorosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-12-1949y-7m-1d (b. 1871-05-18)angina pectoris / mitral / regurgitation
50 Wayne St.Booloodian [Bouloudian], AltoonFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-12-2632 (b. 1897)cholelithiasis, 2-3 yrs duration / post-operative death following cholecystectomy, probably acute gastric dilation
Boloodian [Bouloudian], SarkosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-06-281y-4m-14d (b. 1929-02-14)broncho pneumonia, primary
Boyajian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-12-1510d inanition (due to inability to swallow food) / no organic lesions found
428 Washington St.Boyajian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-12-1715d (b. 1909-12-02)premature labor / birth caused by general debility of the mother
378 S. Main St.Boyajian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-10-15still born / fetal heart sounds absent at 11 PM 14-Oct)
82 Lester St.Boyajian, AlmasFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-03-1058 ascites following cirrhosis of liver (possibly)
418 Washington St.Boyagian [Boyajian], AudonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-09-0850 hemorrhage from the lung
430 (rear) Washington St.Boyajian, AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-02-261y-6m-26d (b. 1912-07-30)shock from burns / hot water tipped upon child's head & body / accident
350 Cranston St.Boyajian, Avedis OvigemMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-02-0746 (b. 1878)cardiac insufficiency
17 Bush St.Boyajian, BessieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-07-114d malnutrition
445 Washington St.Boyajian, DickranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-09-041y-4m-18d (b. 1919-04-17)cholera infantum
468 Cranston St.Boyajian, FredaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-03-3011y-7m-23d (b. 1908-08-07)faucial diphtheria / edema of neck / culture positive
58 Bernon St.Boyajian, HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-08-1761 old age / heart failure
350 Cranston St.Boyazian [Boyajian], JeremiahMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-11-211m-5d (b. 1920-10-16)broncho pneumonia / malnutrition
151 Dodge St.Boyajian, Kavork OvigemMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-08-1357 organic disease of heart / diarrhea
88 Hartford Ave.Boyajian, MardichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-09-2436 (b. 1871)acute ulcerative colitis
18 Perkins St.Boyagian [Boyajian], Margaret HopeFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-08-111y-5m-23d (b. 1927-02-19)cholera infantum & exhaustion
154 Lester St.Boyajian, MariamFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-06-081y-10d (b. 1925-05-29)death --ther--- no medical attendance / exact cause undetermined
93 (rear) Douglas Ave.Boyajian, Mary RosellaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-2410m-24d rachitis pertussis / anemia / gasto-enteritis
221 Sterling Ave.Boyajian, Paul (Jr.)MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-12-291m-9d (b. 1926-11-20)broncho pneumonia
Boyajian, SahagMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-01-1135 (b. 1883)chronic parenchymatous
7 Ark Ct.Bozijian [Bozigian], PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-2932 pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive / tuberculous meningitis
33 Derry St.Bozian [Bozoian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-12-0618 tuberculosis of atlas & axis / Pott's disease of spine
Celias, Koovar KimarthanFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-1725 dementia praecox / pulmonary tuberculosis
Katerdjian [Chaderjian], ArsenMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-03-0827 chronic melancholia, pulmonary tuberculosis
255 Chalkstone Ave.Chadenjian [Chaderjian], NishanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-05-2527 pulmonary tuberculosis
202 Charles St.Shamliaian [Chamalian], Harry M.MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-03-0624 pulmonary tuberculosis
Chilingarian [Chilingirian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-01-26still born / instrumental delivery
328 Douglas Ave.Chilingerian [Chilingirian], ArakelMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-2170 (b. 1853)tuberculosis of the lungs
102 Orms St.Chitingirian [Chilingirian], MartinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-07-1519 pulmonary tuberculosis
Chilingrian [Chilingirian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-09-241y-10m whooping cough & exhaustion from
130 Orms St.Chilingerion [Chilingirian], MugridichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-061y-6m-11d double lobar pneumonia
Chivian [Chividjian], HarryMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-11-1749 general paresis
63 Codding St.Choloian, HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-02-0845 pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion)
784 Westminster St.Choloian, SimonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-0733 influenza / pneumonia
9 Tallman St.Choloian, VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-06-2340 mastoiditis / meningitis
63 Corliss St.Costigan, Christina ElizabethFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-08-2324y-6m-22d (b. 1901-02-01)pulmonary tuberculosis
48 Hammond St.Dadekhian, AlekhianMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-04-2426 nephritis / uremia
Daduckian [Dadekhian], AramMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-08-16spastic paraplegia / pulmonary tuberculosis
Dadekhian, Hurant MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-02-162y-2m-20d cerebro spinal meningitis
18 Perkins St.Dadekhian, MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-01-1329y-6m-12d (b. 1891-01-01)pneumonia
432 Fountain St.Dandigian, SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-09-1818 tuberculor arthritis / left knee / general septicemia
Danielian, LevonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-07-1025 (b. 1904-02-07)aortic regurgitation / mitral stenosis / dilated heart (contributory: fatigue & heat)
St. Vincent de Paul Infant AsylumDanialian [Danielian], Maria AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-05-271m-19d (b. 1908-04-08)marasmus due to mal-assimilation
Davidian, Teotos ArshagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-11-033d broncho pneumonia
17 Washburn St.Damoorjin [Demirjian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-04-30still born / cause unknown
Damoorjian [Demirjian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-06-11macerated foetus
35 Lester St.Damirjin [Demirjian], ArackseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-277m poisoning by lysol / autopsy / referred to coroner
326 Douglas Ave.Damoorgian [Demirjian], JacobMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1925-06-1956 tuberculosis of the lungs
14 Washburn St.Demirjian, KevorkMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-10-164d (b. 1921-10-12)internal hemorrhaging / new born
326 Douglas Ave.Demirjian, Mary BeatriceFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-02-0416y-9m-10d (b. 1900-04-17)pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion)
17 Washburn St.Damoorjian [Demirjian], SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-02-1335 general paresis / mucous colitis
117 (rear) Ring St.Depoian, Haig GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-01-131m-27d (b. 1916-11-17)premature / malnutrition, failure to assimilate ----
345 Pearl St.Depoian, Tarria GarabedFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-10-2329y-11m-23d (b. 1882-10-30)pyelonephritis / pregnancy
Lying-In HospitalDerderian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-06-271d (b. 1918-06-26)atelectasis
32 Engine St.Dardarian [Derderian], ArpanaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-04-124y-6m lobar pneumonia
32 Engine St.Dardarian [Derderian], AspanaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-04-124y-6m lobar pneumonia
269 Broad St.Derderian, SeboohMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-12-1326 intestinal obstruction / intussusception probably due to tapeworm later found outside abdominal wound
371 Admiral St.Dasdegulian [Desdegulian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-11-192m-26d (b. 1912-08-24)malnutrition / ileocolitis
35 Whipple St.Desdegulian, ShushanFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-092m ileo-colitis / malnutrition induced by bottle feeding
56 Codding St.Daldorian [Dildarian], GeragosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-12-0826 pulmonary tuberculosis
42 Bush St.Dolbasian [Dolbashian], BogosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-04-1945 tuberculosis peritonitis
601 Prairie Ave.Dolbashian, DickranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-11-0333 probably cause fracture of skull / he was subject to dizzy spells while in Roger William Park & was taken suddenlly ill, fell to ground --- rolled down -----shortly afterwards became unconscious
47 Whipple St.Dolbashian, GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-01-1558 hypernephroma of left kidney / metastases to adjacent structures
404 Cranston St.Dolbashian, HagopMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-05-2848 cancer head of pancreas, jaundice, ascites
151 Douglas Ave.Dolbashian, PeterMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-11-2647 (b. 1879)tuberculosis of the lung / pulmonary abscess or gangrene
432 Fountain St.Donabedian, AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-09-121y-28d (b. 1918-08-15)diarrhea in serum
St. Vincent de Paul Infant AsylumDonabedian, Annie AtamFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-07-206m-23d (b. 1923-12-25)dermatitis exfoliative / general sepsis
1745 Westminster St.Donabedian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-06-097d (b. 1921-06-02)congestion of brain probably from instrumental delivery
404 Fountain St.Donabedian, ThomasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-05-1721 pulmonary & laryngeal tuberculosis
52 BroadwayDonigian, MartinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-07-0752 pulmonary tuberculosis, cavitation of r[ight] lung (autopsy, x-ray positive, sputum positive)
34 Turner St.Donigian, PaulMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-07-2028 carbuncle, infection posterior cervical region / septicemia
840 Westminster St.Donigian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-02-0520 (b. 1897)splenic anemia
810 Potters Ave.Ekmekjian, GourgiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-2766y-10m-2d (b. 1855-04-25)old age / apoplexy
1054 Atwells Ave.Eknoian, Vahinag AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-08-173m gastro-enteritis
Codding St.Elmasian, AnahidFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-03-074y-6m (b. 1912-09-01)broncho pneumonia
Elmasian, MinosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-08-1545 dementia paralytica
36 Stewart St.Afarian [Evarian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-06-0940 ruptured appendix / peritonitis & intestinal obstruction
Farushian [Farichian], AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-01-1880 old age / heart disease, possibly aortic insufficiency
67 Bates St.Farishian [Farichian], HagyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-09-0345 injuries to head, hemorrhage & shock / this woman & her husband were assaulted at their house, Bates St., City, on this day
113 Beacon Ave.Fermanian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-11-242y-8m-10d (b. 1927-03-14)pneumonia (lobar)
799 Westminster St.Garabedian, AgapMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-2645 pulmonary tuberculosis
247 Waldo St.Garabedian, AharonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-09-1247 (b. 1883)chronic nephritis, uremic carditious (uremia)
188 Prairie Ave.Garabedian, AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-1363 grippe with complication of pneumonia
18 Cranston St.Garabedian, AsadoorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-07-1340 chronic Bright's disease / valvular heart disease
83 Walnut St.Garabedian, AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-08-1667y-7m-10d (b. 1861-01-06)carcinoma of stomach (primary) / carcinoma of lung (secondary)
16 Dan St.Garabedian, GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-12-0320 appendicitis / peritonitis
77 Ocean St.Garabedian, George VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-1840 (b. 1890)perforated peptic ulcer / pneumonia, bronchial
15 Lopez St.Garabedian, KharrfhauauchFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-01-3125 chronic pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculosis laryngitis / mitral insufficiency
149 Juniper St.Garabedian, KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-02-131y-7m-24d (b. 1921-06-20)double lobar pneumonia
Garabedian, LeonMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1918-02-0321 pulmonary tuberculosis
283 Waldo St.Jarabedian [Garabedian], OscarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-02-1339 (b. 1891)cardiorenal condition / heart failure
283 Waldo St.Garabedian, SahagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-12-013m-8d (b. 1925-08-23)acute gastro intestinal intoxication due to improper feeding
165 Oak St.Garabedian, SamuelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-01-156m-3d (b. 1924-07-12)rickets / lobar pneumonia
47 Whipple St.Garabedian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-12-2723 gall stones / acute infectious hepatitis
53 Ford St.Keroian [Garoian], AlmasFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-07-0840 tuberculosis of lungs
10 Normal Ct.Godoian [Gedoian], BoghusMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-03-2525 miliary tuberculosis
120 Juniper St.Gudian [Gedoian], NizretMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-08-1040 cancer of neck
114 2nd St.Gevreoneian, VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-10-1263 vomited & contents of stomach found its way into air passage causing suffocation, probably / found dead in field
306 Charles St.Kuzirian [Ghazarian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-04-24still born
1 Cady St.Kuzirian [Ghazarian], ArshalooysFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-04-1213 influenza
90 Knowles St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], Eva MariaFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1917-03-2520y-10m-7d (b. 1896-05-18)pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberular laryngitis
90 Knowles St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-06-0944 pulmonary tuberculosis
217 Chalkstone Ave.D'Kazarian [Ghazarian], HarryMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-11-2838 (b. 1886)malignant disease of the mediastinum & lungs
77 Randall St.Kuzirian [Ghazarian], J. ThomasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-04-0963 apoplexy
90 Knowles St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], MaryFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1918-03-3018y-2m-30d (b. 1899-12-31)pulmonary tuberculosis
Kazarian [Ghazarian], NellieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-01-253m scalding from upsetting hot tea / accident
40 Quaid St.Kazarian [Ghazarian], SatinFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-01-1228 intestinal obstruction following caesarean section
193 Atwells Ave.Gazarian [Ghazarian], YeprexcyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-06-2132 bullet wound of abdomen complicated by general septic peritonitis (homicide)
35 Quaid St.Gagosian [Ghougasian], AbrahamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-03-051m-3d (b. 1922-02-04)premature birth (7th month) / general inanition from faulty assimilation of food / one child living, one child deaf, both parents look tuberculous
Hagashian [Ghougasian], DavidMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-06-1480 arteriosclerosis
Loukiasian [Ghougasian], FrancoMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-05-0340 tuberculosis & ech--othos from same
45 Constitution St.Hoogasian [Ghougasian], HaroutuneMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-05-288m-11d (b. 1925-08-17)empyema / drainage
53 Whipple St.Hougosian [Ghougasian], HarryMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1919-04-0839y-8m (b. 1879-08)pulmonary tuberculosis / tubercular laryngitis
3 Gifford St.Guiragos [Giragosian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-12-264d (b. 1920-12-22)blue baby
17 Sweetbriar St.Garagosian [Giragosian], AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-03-235 double lobar pneumonia / septic arthritis
Guiragos [Giragosian], GeorgeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-03-086m-18d (b. 1905-08-18)broncho pneumonia
128 Julian St.Guiragos [Giragosian], LouiseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-10-147m-5d (b. 1909-03-09)intestinal catarrh
98 Fairmont Ave.Guiragos [Giragosian], MayFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-09-156y-2m cerebral hemorrage
365 Chalkstone Ave.Glorian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-06-23instrumental delivery
265 Chalkstone Ave.Glorian, HovhanesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-10-201y-9m-17d (b. 1924-01-03)measles / broncho pneumonia
49 Ford St.Kashgarian [Goshgarian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-10-101y-6m-1d (b. 1924-04-09)broncho pneumonia
15 Tippecanoe St.Goashgarian [Goshgarian], SoorenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-243y-5m-12d (b. 1914-12-12)asphyxiation by drowning / child playing on bank of river fell in the water
80 Lester St.Gostanian, GostanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-12-1222d (b. 1919-11-20)gastro-enteritis
202 Washington St.Granger, John BedrosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-04-1836y-2m-26d (b. 1889-01-23)septicaemia (general) / (probably from sinusitis)
935 Westminster St.Gourghigian [Gureghian], TatevasMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-10-2453 chronic myocarditis & pericarditis
138 Randall St.Habashian [Habeshian], HarritenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-01-0545 tuberculosis
83 Dodge St.Hajian [Hadjian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-09-272d (b. 1929-09-15)premature labor / malnutrition
Hagian [Hadjian], MinasMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-01-2330 general paralysis of the insane
4 Autumn St.Hagopian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-05-19(b. 1925-05-19)died 2 hour after she was delivered
Hagopian, AgavnyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-081m pneumonia (lobar)
141 Wendell St.Hagopian, Aram EremiaMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-08-0848 (b. 1882)cebrebral hemorrage (apoplexy)
6 Boone St.Hagopian, ArshagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-03-271y-10d (b. 1922-03-17)lobar pneumonia
6 Boone St.Hagopian, ArzoomanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-03-2517d (b. 1923-03-08)premature labor
12 Winter St.Hagopian, AznivFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-03-0915 tuberculous peritonitis / laparotomy / exhaustion
93 1st St.Hagopian, DavidMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-2055 cholelithiasis & chronic appendicitis / operation 19-Feb-1920, cholecystectomy & appendectomy / acute cardiac dilatation
859 Manton Ave.Hagopian, HagopMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-02-186m-28d (b. 1925-07-23)lobar pneumonia
151 Douglas Ave.Hagopian, RichardMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-09-0442 Addison's disease
835 Manton Ave.Hagopian, VarterFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-2556 apoplexy
92 Wentworth St.Hagopian, Vastar GarbedianFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1929-06-0730 (b. 1899)chronic pulmonary tuberculosis / pulmonary hemorrhage immediate cause of death
835 Manton Ave.Der Hagopian [Hagopian], VazkanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-01-181m-14d (b. 1925-12-04)suffocation from inhalation of rubber ----le
160 Charles St.Hambarzamian [Hampartsoumian], ArakelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-06-0940 pneumonia following operation with ether for empyema of gall bladder due to gall stones
119 2nd St.Oynian [Hanoian], DollieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-09-178y-3m-20d (b. 1915-05-28)died from complications of disease (tuberculosis of the hip & nephritis)
22 Cranston St.Oonooian [Hanoian], EdwardMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-08-255m-5d (b. 1921-12-12)gastro-enteritis
118 2nd St.Oynoian [Hanoian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-10-2346 (b. 1868-12-20)pulmonary tuberculosis, asthenia
Ognoian [Hanoian], KazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-02-2572 cancer of stomach
113 Jewett St.Hanoian, Kerrigan GeorgeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-0221y-3m-1d (b. 1908-12-01)carcinoma of pancreas with metastasis to peritoneum / operation / exhaustion, toxemia
Hanzarian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-10-02still born
700 Cranston St.Haroutunian, PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-01-0236 carcinoma of liver
61 Codding St.Hasootinian [Haroutunian], PorsaghMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-2170 carcinoma of stomach / operation 18-Nov-1921, gastro enterostomy
811 Westminster St.Haroutunian, SahagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-12-1655 chronic myocarditis / broncho pneumonia
115 David St.Harrison, Armenia KuzulianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-08-3124y-1m-16d (b. 1883-07-15)puerperal eclampsia / forcep delivery of twins / pneumonia, all started within 24 hours
119 Waverly St.Haytaian, HikeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-01-1612y-3m-1d (b. 1907-10-15)faucial diphtheria
732 Atwells Ave.Haytaian, JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-04-0338y-3m-13d (b. 1873-12-20)toxaemia resulting from acute tonsillitis
26 1st StreetHegahamian, ZabelFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-07-086m (b. 1910-01)acute enteritis
30 Bush St.Hintlin [Hintilian], LevonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-02-201y-11m (b. 1916-03-20)pneumonia / meningitis
78 Wayne St.Hoosigian [Housigian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-09-11(b. 1908-09-10)twin pregnancy / general weakness
3 Fillmore St.Hoosigian [Housigian], SahagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-10-198m gastro-enteritis / bottle fed, malnutrition / bronchitis (acute)
142 Charles St.Holayendian [Hovagimian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-01-0461 organic disease of heart
117 Almy St.DeHovhannesian [Hovhannesian], HovaginMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-07-1060 carcinoma of intestines
54 W. River St.Joseph [Hovsepian], BenjaminMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1922-08-0744y-6m (b. 1878-01)tuberculosis of lungs
228 Cranston St.Imanian, SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-07-0736 (b. 1894)chronic parenchymatous nephritis, uremia (autopsy) / pulmonary tuberculosis cavitation RT (sputum positive) / edemia pleuritis, bilaterial (blood was positive) / latent syphilis
961 Westminster St.Ingilizian, DikranMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1922-01-0733y-10m-5d (b. 1888-03-02)tuberculosis empyema / sub-diaphragmatic abcess
82 Lester St.Jamgotchian [Jamgochian], AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-03-0935 (b. 1885)pulmonary tuberculosis / hemorrhage
Zangajian [Jamgochian], MarogMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-01-2856 (b. 1862)pulmonary tuberculosis
856 Westminster St.Jaingochian [Jamgochian], ZakerMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-02-1655 pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive
196 Douglas Ave.Janigian, AshidMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-01-231y-10m scarlet fever / acute nephritis / infection of neck & face
57 Common St.Janigian, MugurditchMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-12-1654 (b. 1874)arteriosclerosis heart disease / myocardial failure
5 Rowley St.Janigian, TheresaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-08-081m-2d (b. 1919-07-06)decomp--itim / tuberculosis of intestines
31 Whipple St.Jelalian, ApcarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-12-0918 cerebral hemorrhage / epilepsy
20 Suffolk St.Jelalian, ElysoFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-04-3070 (b. 1859)coronary occlusion / diabetes mellitus
307 Blackstone St.Jizmagian [Jizmejian], Marinei SurpouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-10-264m-6d (b. 1930-06-30)broncho pneumonia / cleft palate
Johnson, James JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-10-0760 asthma / chronic valvular disease of heart
349 Orms St.Johnson, Mary HagopFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-05-0161y-5m-21d (b. 1851-11-10)probably valvular heart disease / sudden death
327 Pearl St.Jorjorian, SolomonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-05-0223 malignant disease of lung
Juskalian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-12-131d premature infant (weight 3 lbs. 3 oz, double hair lip & cleft palate)
158 Harold St.Hallojian [Kalajian], HampartzoomMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-1936 pneumonia following influenza
14 Palmer St.Kalajan [Kalajian], MarianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-05-2463y-4m-27d (b. 1848-12-27)chronic nephritis / uremia
Khalchian [Kalajian], MarkarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-11-22acute indigestion
Kelejian [Kalajian], NoubarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-05-221m-17d (b. 1908-04-05)malnutrition & exhaustion
305 Knight St.Kelejian [Kalajian], ServartFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-06-051y-6m-12d (b. 1905-11-24)broncho pneumonia
Kelejian [Kalajian], ServartFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-02-057m-8d (b. 1909-06-27)broncho pneumonia
14 Washburn St.Killerjian [Kalajian], SiranaushFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-04-216y-3d (b. 1922-04-18)acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis / auricular fibrillation / pneumonia
48 Plainfield St.Kalunian [Kalenian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-04-05unknown, but natural
169 Hudson St.Kalunian [Kalenian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-07-21(b. 1908-07-21)still born / unknown, natural
158 Lenox Ave.Kalunian [Kalenian], BabaMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-11-2956 (b. 1872)embolism of the heart
41 Derry St.Kalunian [Kalenian], BogilosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-01-0648 pulm[onary] tuberculosis / myocarditis
76 Derry St.Klanian [Kalenian], KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-04-2527 Lues [?] secondary
23 Little St.Kalian [Kaloian], BougevusMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-09-262y-10m pneumonia
34 Derry St.Koolloian [Kaloian], EstherFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-10-076m-6d (b. 1928-04-01)burns of head, chestof both upper extremeties / infant was left in baby carriage in yard of 52 -----, while mother made visit to the house / it is thought some very young children who were seen in the yard -----have ignited some matches & set fire to the c
41 Derry St.Koolloian [Kaloian], Ohan KhachadoorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-04-0135 Bright's disease / dropsy
46 Shawmut St.Kalian [Kaloian], VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1935-10-1963 (b. 1872)carcinoma of prostate, metastasized into liver & pancreas
217 Chalkstone Ave.Koloian [Kaloian], YeghsigFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1922-04-0829y-6m-25d (b. 1892-09-14)tuberculosis of the lungs
977 Westminster St.Kalostian [Kaloustian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-05-3152 metastatic carcinoma / cancer of kidney
61 Codding St.Kamian, KachadonFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-21(b. 1908-03-21)premature birth due to lifting (history of trauma)
13 Matthew St.Gebegian [Kapigian], Hizog AnnFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-10-121m malnutrition
22 Cranston St.Kapagian [Kapigian], MugerdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-02-2126 aortic & mitral insufficiency
214 Sutton Ave.Karaguzian [Karageozian], ArakelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1927-08-1844y-8m-2d (b. 1882-11-16)carcinoma of larynx
94 Sorrento St.Karagavoorian [Karagiavourian], Nushan S.MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-03-1044 chronic interstitial nephritis
36 Wayne St.Karagaworian [Karagiavourian], Peter GeorgeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-05-1427y-2m-11d crushing injury to chest (walking along sidewalk, auto skidded & crushed him against building)
174 S. Angell St.Karian [Karaian], GulizerFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-01-192d (b. 1913-01-17)inanition / congenital syphilis
21 Union Ave.Karian [Karaian], Magrditch ManoogMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-02-1241 general carcinomatosis of abdominal viscera / op[erated] 23-Jan-1926 (colostomy)
840 Westminster St.Karian [Karaian], PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-05-0465 found dead in rooming house / tubercular
16 Broad St.Karamonoogian [Karamanougian], ManoogMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-1560 gangrene of lung / bronchiectasis
29 Frank St.Karadalian [Kartalian], RoseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1947-04-1465y-10m-12d (b. 1881-06-02)acute coronary thrombosis
Kasabian, JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-03-1246 pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive
56 Derry St.Kasabian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-08-1828 bullet wound through mouth into neck / suicide / disease of heart / sickness & poverty was cause of act
15 Crimea St.Casparian [Kasparian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-11-17(b. 1929-11-17)intra-uterine asphyxia due to dystoria between fetal head & material (small) pelvis, plus operative delivery
91 Summer St.Jasper [Kasparian], JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1941-04-3070 (b. 1871)coronary thrombosis
10 Eaton St.Der Kasparian [Kasparian], LoucyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-06-0863 (b. 1866)general weakness & cachexia / she had malaria before
Kasparian, MardirosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-02-2146 (b. 1866)pulmonary tuberculosis
Kasparian, SimonMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-0329 (b. 1895)pemphigus foliaceus / exhaustion from / body covered with eruption
53 Atwells Ave.Casparian [Kasparian], SironFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-04-0324 myocarditis / hypostatic pneumonia due to deformed paralytic chest
Kasparian, TarasMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-03-0832 (b. 1885)chronic valvular disease of heart
Kavorkjian [Kavoukjian], CharlesMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-0534 (b. 1876)pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from
977 Westminster St.Kayajanian, BagdasarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-08-2737 (b. 1889)broncho pneumonia
67 Codding St.Kayajanian, HooahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-07-0850 Bright's disease (nephritis)
61 Codding St.Kayajanian, IzarigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-092y-8m-28d tumor of the brain / encephalitis
404 Fountain St.Kazajian [Kazanjian], AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-05-2723y-9m-12d (b. 1890-08-15)lobar pneumonia / mediastinal abscess
Kanganjian [Kazanjian], SolomonMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-0551y-6m-3d pulmonary tuberculosis / manic depressive psychosis
130 Wendell St.Kazaz [Kazazian], ArdashMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-04-1930 adherent pericarditis / dilatation & endocarditis
189 Early St.Kazazian, MagurdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-12-1262 (b. 1862)cardiac insufficiency
144 Camden Ave.Kasaian [Keoseian], KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-02-0130 tuberculosis adenitis, abdominal / myocarditis / post operative
81 Camden Ave.Kasaian [Keoseian], MirianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-171y-10m lobar pneumonia
81 Camden Ave.Kasaian [Keoseian], TavrizFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-1124 influenza / pneumonia
404 Washington St.Ketchedjian [Keshishian], AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-01-0745 hemorrhage probably pulmonary / found dead in lodging house
75 Elmdale Ave.Kechijian [Keshishian], Harry JosephMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-01-0522y-9m-29d (b. 1906-03-07)tuberculosis meningitis, preceded by cold
316 Chalkstone Ave.Goshdigian [Kestigian], SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-03-13still born
130 Pettis St.Goshdigian [Kestigian], SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-11-0760 (b. 1870)gall stones & ruptured cystic duct / lobar pnemonia, bilaterial
162 Oak St.Goshdigian [Kestigian], ShoushanFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-03-308m-27d (b. 1927-07-03)broncho pneumonia
750 Potters Ave.Kevorkian, DickranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-10-1739y-5m-23d (b. 1889-04-24)ulcer of stomach, perforated
21 Sorrento St.Kevorkian, EgnarFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1934-07-1958y-11m-15d (b. 1875-08-04)sudden death - arteriosclerosis & cor[o]n[ar]y thrombosis
1715 Chalkstone Ave.Kevorkian, VahanMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1921-08-0619y-5m-3d (b. 1902-03-03)tuberculosis of the lungs
298 (rear) Knight St.Kachdorian [Khachadourian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-05-01stillborn
146 Blackstone St.Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-04-16(b. 1909-04-16)asphyxia neonatorum / prolapsed funis
40 Gifford St.Kachadorian [Khachadourian], BoghosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-07-1867 (b. 1857)pulmonary tuberculosis
37 Nebraska St.Kachadorian [Khachadourian], CaprilMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-06-2750y-4m-7d (b. 1874-02-20)cerebral hemorrhage / chronic nephritis / (apoplexy)
69 Fillmore St.Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], HenryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-07-303y-9m (b. 1903-12-30)fracture base of skull / struck by an electric car / accident
346 Wickenden St.Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], JennieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-02-221m-24d (b. 1911-12-29)pneumonia
151 Orms St.Kushigian [Khachigian], ArpeneFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-01-121m-14d (b. 1921-11-22)furunculosis
162 Charles St.Hagkikian [Khachigian], KasperMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-02-0553 epidemic meningitis / meningococcus
392 Knight St.Handanian [Khandanian], SusanFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-01-0324y-10m-18d (b. 1887-02-15)pulmonary tuberculosis
126 Camden Ave.Kashmanian [Khashmanian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-11-27(b. 1914-11-27)instrumental delivery / funis around neck
Khashmanian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-11(b. 1922-02-11)fetal exhaustion due to depression of cardio respiratory center from prolonged labor in a flat pelvis (high forceps)
6 Boone St.Kashmanian [Khashmanian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-07-12(b. 1925-07-12)difficult operative delivery / small maternal pelvis & large baby / breathed only short time after artificial respiration
17 Salem St.Kashmanian [Khashmanian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-07-08(b. 1926-07-08)congestion of the brain / instrumental delivery from contracted pelvis
50 Lopez St.Halgatian [Khelgatian], AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-2636 lobar pneumonia / pleurisy, left / chr[onic] myocarditis
46 Shawmut St.Halgatian [Khelgatian], MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-09-2270 myocarditis / asthma
157 Camden Ave.Kolligian [Kholigian], VictoriaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-04-151y-3m-9d (b. 1920-01-06)cerebro spinal meningitis (bacillus influenzae)
114 Vinton St.Khrookian [Khorigian], HagopMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-09-1456 tuberculosis (pulmonary)
17 Washburn St.Khteian, HerayreMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-11-198d (b. 1925-11-11)premature birth / this is twin
83 Douglas Ave.Kamatian [Kimatian], AgnesFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-09-0924 pyosalpinx septicemia operation
145 Douglas Ave.Khimatian [Kimatian], BazzadaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-0950 peritonitis following operation for gall stones
85 Douglas Ave.Kimatian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-12-141y-5m-27d (b. 1909-06-17)convulsions following burn by boiling water, accidentally
85 Douglas Ave.Kirnatian [Kimatian], Mardiros HoanesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-12-0345 broncho catarrhal pneumonia / followed by heart failure
64 Osborn St.Kimatian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-10-0328 pulmonary tuberculosis
52 Codding St.Kockian [Kochoian], DickrenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-03-2635 injuries sustained by fall on street / possible fractured skull / cerebral hemorrhage
Kojoian [Kochoian], MarderosMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-02-211y-2m-1d (b. 1928-12-20)diptheria / whooping cough / broncho pneumonia
93 1st St.Kojakanian, AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-09-1537 chronic interstitial nephritis
Kirkorian [Krikorian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-09-28still born / mother has contracted pelvis / operation delivery
Krikorian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-10-23(b. 1917-10-23)still born (mother eclamptic)
12 Winter St.Krekorian [Krikorian], AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-01-0128 abdominal tumors, probably malignant
50 Oak St.Krikorian, AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-03-0330 (b. 1880)pulmonary tuberculosis
61 Codding St.Kerkorian [Krikorian], HovhanesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-05-114y-10m-25d (b. 1926-07-16)lobar pneumonia following burns of body from scalding with hot water / accidental
15 Derry St.Krekorian [Krikorian], MartinMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-09-1228 tuberculosis of the lungs
94 Johnson St.Krikorian, MartinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-0128 lobar pneumonia
124 Oak St.Krikorian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-12-1854 (b. 1860)pneumonia (broncho) / heart failure from
19 Derry St.Krekorian [Krikorian], MulkenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-01-0333 illuminating gas poisoning (probably accidental) / this man was missing two days when he was found dead in bed
1644 Chalkstone Ave.Krikorian, OrevekFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-08-11100 general debility & old age
127 Codding St.Krikorian, VarizinFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-02-271y-1m-3d (b. 1920-01-25)measles / bronchopneumonia
Krekorian [Krikorian], VictoriaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-01-052y-6m-3d chr[onic] hydrocephalus / eclampsia
86 Camden Ave.Kapulian [Kupelian], JuliaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-04-064y-3m burns of entire body / this child was playing about a bon fire in its own yard when its clothing became ignited
239 Friendship St.Limanian [Lamanian], FrancesFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-11-3032y-11m (b. 1881-12-30)angina pectoris / myocarditis
180 Chad Brown St.Leylegian, AvdisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-0250 osteomyelitis of femur
St. Vincent de Paul Infant AsylumMartiesian [Mahdesian], LazarusMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-171y-11m-7d (b. 1915-08-10)dermatitis herpetiformis / hyperpyrexia
Mamoorian [Mahmourian], ArmenouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-08-099m cholera infantum
74 Douglas Ave.Mamoorian [Mahmourian], SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-199y-6m tuberculosis peritonitis & tuberculosis entritis
261 Orms St.Mamoorian [Mahmourian], VeronFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1939-05-1357 (b. 1882)carcinoma - abdominal
63 Codding St.Maksoodian [Maksoudian], MatosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-10-3128 chronic interstitial nephritis / uraemia
41 Lyman St.Maljanian, Marook KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-0352 aneurism of aorta / chronic parenchymatosis nephritis
130 Lester St.Malkasian [Malkhasian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-02-28still born
86 Camden Ave.Malian [Maloian], AliceFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-09-1922y-4m-9d (b. 1902-05-10)tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculous enteritis
96 Westminster St.Malamazian [Malyemezian], ArzemanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-01-2022 exhaustion from burns accidentally sustained 15-Dec-1912 / clothing ignited from back draft of furnace in electrical works
224 Silver Spring St.Mananian, BadersarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-1345 probable cause pulmonary tuberculosis / taken suddenly ill
509 Washington St.Manougian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-04-181d (b. 1906-04-18)hydrocephalus
124 Camden Ave.Manoogian [Manougian], ArtinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-02-0760 chronic myocarditis / retention of urine / oedema of lungs
35 Quaid St.Monagian [Manougian], DavidMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-1452 pulmonary tuberculosis
11 Geoffrey's Ct.Menigian [Manougian], KrikosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-12-0375 pneumonia / pulmonary tuberculosis
443 Chalkstone Ave.Manougian, ManougMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-11-2033 probably cardiac condition / retired, usual good health, found dead in bed in morning
11 Oak Ct.Manoogian [Manougian], MarkarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-05-1355 fracture dislocation of left shoulder / septicemia & secondary hemorrhage (this man fell from electric car at corner of Pekin St. & Douglas Ave. & sustaining injuries to left shoulder)
23 Perry St.Manoogian [Manougian], NazigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-0360 skull fractured by some heavy instrument / homocide
108 Mauran Ave.Manoogian [Manougian], PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-10-0728y-6m-5d pulmonary tuberculosis
82 Lester St.Manoogian [Manougian], PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-10-3144 growth (specific) involving rectum & sigmoid
78 Winter St.Manoogian [Manougian], PeterMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-12-2850y-11m-13d (b. 1871-01-15)fractured skull / struck by electric car / accident
2 Bond St.Manoogian [Manougian], RoseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-06-235y-2d no diagnosis / [doctor's note attached with timeline of illness]
74 Codding St.Mantaian [Mantoian], LoresMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-08-163y-3m-4d (b. 1912-05-12)shock & hemorrhage following traumatic amputation of leg / child ran across street in front of electric car & was run over
74 Codding St.Mantaian [Mantoian], TakouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-06-192y-7m-14d (b. 1915-11-05)tuberculor peritonitis
28½ Cranston St.Manuelian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-01-04(b. 1915-01-04)still born / probably prolapse of cord
145 Douglas Ave.Der Manouelian [Manuelian], Asdoor MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-02-2044y-10m-3d (b. 1883-04-17)lobar pneumonia
39 Whipple St.Der Manuelian [Manuelian], Hagaz MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-312d (b. 1930-03-29)hemorrage from loss of cord / cord tied -----ally but vessel gasc---ay at loss of cord
42 Orms St.Marashian [Marashlian], ArmenonkiFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1927-01-0329y-1m-2d (b. 1907-12-11)tuberculosis of the lungs
473 Washington St.Mardigian, MartinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-12-0324 chronic nephritis / mitral insufficiency / pulmonary oedema / cardic hypertrophy
67 1st St.Mardirosian, HachigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-2938 probably fulminating scarlet fever / autopsy showed no other cause
11 Geoffrey's Ct.Der Margosian [Margosian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-02-1221d premature labor / history of heavy working
174 Harold St.Der Margossian [Margosian], MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1939-08-3059y-2m-26d (b. 1880-06-04)arterio sclerotic heart disease
326 Fountain St.Margossian [Margosian], OrmawartFPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-10-103y-6m burns about body / shock / clothing caught fire burning leaves / accident
624 N. Main St.Markarian, ArchieMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-06-0358 pulmonary tuberculosis
39 Quaid St.Markarian, CkrapeitFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-05-0565 pneumonia following gripes
255 Charles St.Markarian, EleidaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-05-23premature labor / also history of trauma or heavy weight / malnutrition / cause unknown
61 Ormsbee Ave.Markarian, GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-11-1748 carcinoma of the pancreas / cirrohsis of liver / jaundice ascites / heart failure
395 Smith St.Markarian, HovannesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-09-2132 pistol shot wound at church services
348 Lockwood St.Markarian, JacobMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-08-0950 pulmonary tuberculosis, exhaustion from
29 Candace St.Markarian, LouiseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-11-125m-25d broncho pneumonia
35 Quaid St.Marcanian [Markarian], ZaminiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-02-032y-2m nasal diptheria / scarlet fever / pneumonia (lobar)
144 Camden Ave.Mazmanian, GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-09-112y-30d (b. 1923-08-12)T. B. peritonitis / T. B. meningitis
285 Charles St.Meijohian, DiodatoMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-04-3065 carcinoma of gall bladder
6A Osborn St.Der Mksian [Mekjian], KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-05-022m-27d (b. 1925-02-02)lobar pneumonia following measles
45 Lauriston St.Melidossian [Melidosian], GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-03-2750 neurofibroma of cerebrum
18 Cranston St.Melikian, ArakelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-06-2545 probably myocarditis complicated by acute indigestion / found dead on bed
93 Valley St.Malekian [Melikian], BorhousMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-01-2935 lobar pneumonia
166 Dudley St.Melikian, MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-02-0813d (b. 1924-01-26)premature labor (about seven months)
22 Judith St.Melikian, RosaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-121m-11d (b. 1911-04-01)predisposing cause / erysipelas ambulans / immediate cause, possibly peritonitis
194 Broad St.Melkisetian [Melkesetian], MelikMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-09-1515y-10m-7d (b. 1907-11-08)intestinal obstruction (volulus)
496 Washington St.Melkonian, LavonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-01-303y-4m-17d (b. 1904-09-13)pneumonia
1 Vesta St.Melkonian, LeaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-07-2135 septic peritonitis following operation, self induced
349 Douglas Ave.Melkonian, PaulMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-04-1853 cardiac insufficiency following lobar pneumonia
31 Derry St.Melkonian, PeroozFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-2815d (b. 1924-04-13)lobar pneumonia
149 Douglas Ave.Mentzian [Menidjian], Dajsel [?]MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-02-1245 pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion)
Menzoian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-01-10premature stillborn / history of uterine hemorrage
202 Harrison St.Menzoian, AgavineFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1936-06-2040y-6m-18d (b. 1895-12-02)hypertensive cardio-vasc[ular] disease & pulmonary edema
492 Washington St.Messerlian [Meserlian], ArshagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-01-116m-22d (b. 1905-06-20)congestion of brain
492 Washington St.Messerlian [Meserlian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-02-0126y-9m-27d (b. 1890-04-05)
492 Washington St.Messerlian [Meserlian], VarsenFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-3016 pulmonary tuberculosis with laryngeal involvement / no sputum obtained
65 Douglas Ave.Mesrobian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-12-0612d (b. 1930-11-24)congenital heart disease
9 Church St.Mesrobian, KevorkMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-03-2854y-7m-11d (b. 1864-08-12)cirrhosis of the liver / broncho pneumonia
30 Derry St.Mesrobian, KevorkMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-10-1245 (b. 1885)pulmonary hemorrhage / pulmonary tuberculosis / paralysis agitan / latent syphilis
Messrolian [Mesrobian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-05-1933 tuberculosis & exhaustion from
29 Whipple St.Mesrobian, MesrobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-01-076m-29d (b. 1927-06-09)lobar pneumonia
71 Dodge St.Mgurdishian [Mgrdichian], HenryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-1019 cirrhosis epa---or from malaria
174 Juniper St.Miranian [Mihranian], AraxieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-01-182m-8d indigistion [indigestion]
19 Delhi St.Mekalian [Mikaelian], DorothyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-2614d congenital syphilis
11 Winter St.Mikalian [Mikaelian], KalustMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-02-1620 appendicitis (acute) / kidney stones / peritonitis
855 Manton Ave.Minasian, EliaMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-04-0521 adhesive perocarditis & endocarditis / aortic regurgitation / mitral insufficiency
Minisian [Minasian], MaryFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-2149 transverse myelitis / bed sores (on admission)
19 Delhi St.Minassian [Minasian], NishanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-12-2611m-10d (b. 1923-01-16)lobar pneumonia / pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculous meningitis
362 Chalkstone Ave.Minassian [Minasian], SantooghtFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-01-113y-6m-2d (b. 1924-06-09)faucial diptheria & bilateral edema / acute myocarditis / autopsy
460 Union Ave.Minassian [Minasian], SarkisMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1918-03-0228 pulmonary tuberculosis with laryngeal involvement / no sputum obtained
28 Wayne St.Minasian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-1456 apoplexy
41 Whipple St.Menassian [Minasian], TourhigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-08-0918y-6m-25d (b. 1912-01-15)acute pulmonary tuberculosis
188 Douglas Ave.Minassian [Minasian], ZaroohiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-02-214y-3m-3d (b. 1920-11-18)broncho pneumonia / probably basilar strepococcus meningitis
32 Fillmore St.Marooriaan [Miroian], DeranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-04-166m measles / pneumonia
58 Spicer St.Moorigian [Moroukian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-11-3014y-3m acute pa--titis / chronic otitis media / brain abscess
328 Douglas Ave.Maroukian [Moroukian], HelenFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1925-11-0837y-1m (b. 1888-09)tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculous meningitis
328 Douglas Ave.Maroukian [Moroukian], SourenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-05-281y-3m-9d (b. 1922-02-19)whooping cough / died from convulsions
Mozgofian [Mosgofian], HosrofatoostFWinthrop, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1911-07-0222 miltrary [miliary] tuberculosis (contributory: la grippe)
29 Whipple St.Moorachian [Mourachian], BagdasarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-08-1828 fracture of the skull / this man was standing on a veranda that was being bult, fell to the ground of a distance of 30 - 35 feet / accident
164 Douglas Ave.Mouradjian [Mourachian], HaiganoushFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-08-221d (b. 1925-08-21)cerebral hemorrhage from prolonged & difficult labor & operation delivery
52 Hawes St.Mouredjian [Mourachian], JerarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-02-265m-22d (b. 1924-09-03)died in convulsions from ileo-colitis
15 Lopez St.Mooradjian [Mourachian], SirarpiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-02-201y-4m-3d (b. 1922-01-17)measles / lobar pneumonia
183 Harold St.Mooradian [Mouradian], Ann RobmosFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-0442 (b. 1876)influenza / broncho pneumonia
53 Hawes St.Mooragian [Mouradian], GelraMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-09-226m gastro-enteritis
80 1st St.Maradian [Mouradian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-03-1746 carcinoma of larynx / gradual asphyxia following operation / probably bronchial pneuonia
2nd St.Mooradian [Mouradian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-01-0950 influenza / pneumonia
98 Elm St.Mouradian, HovsepMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-04-181m-11d (b. 1925-03-07)acute indigestion
157 Camden Ave.Mouradian, MagarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1927-10-0339 (b. 1888-02)decapitation by engine on railroad
74 2nd St.Mooradian [Mouradian], MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-01-288m-10d (b. 1913-05-18)meningitis tubercular
1644 Chalkstone Ave.Mooradian [Mouradian], MooradMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-07-0156 probably cancer of the liver
796 Eddy St.Mouridian [Mouradian], NoonigFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-02-1744 chronic cholecystiles / chronic cholelithiasis / lobar pneumonia
Mooradkanian [Mouradkhanian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-09-07(b. 1914-09-07)still born / breach presentation
473 Washington St.Mooradkanian [Mouradkhanian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-09-0733 heart failure after instrumental delivery
36 Whipple St.Mooshlian [Moushoian], HachigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-3025 diabetes, nephritis
19 Perkins St.Mooshoian [Moushoian], MarianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-10-1553 intestinal obstruction (cause unknown)
488 Washington St.Mosesian [Movsesian], MugrdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-03-2059 hypertrophied heart / mitral & aortic regurgitation
65 Douglas Ave.Mukahalian [Mukhalian], MurgurdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-06-2540 broncho pneumonia / acute edema of lung
355 Lockwood St.Nahabedian, SahagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1905-09-2160 gastric carcinoma / exhaustion
Nahagian [Nahigian], HarryMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-06-1245 general paralysis of insane
115 Wilson St.Nahigian, KasparMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-04-1865 (b. 1865)cardiac insufficiency following chronic nephritis
17 Waverly St.Nahigian, MarieFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-03-0421y-11m-8d (b. 1904-03-24)tuberculosis of the lungs
511 Washington St.Najarian, Gaspar MugrdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-03-3155 heart disease
30 Derry St.Najarian, HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-06-1748 primary syphilis
236 Atlantic Ave.Najarian, RuthFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1931-04-164y-9m-29d (b. 1926-06-18)diphtheria, faucial with bilateral edema of neck
Graves Ln.Nagarian [Najarian], YegazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-12-1735 chronic nephritis / uremia
191 Wardsworth St.Najarian, YeghiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-05-1173 old age / failure of heart
224 Pearl St.Naldbandian [Nalbandian], SiranooshFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-02-0625y-6m-16d (b. 1898-07-21)pulmonary tuberculosis
121 Douglas Ave.Hersesian [Nersesian], KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-09-0338 pulmonary tuberculosis
41 Whipple St.Nossisian [Nersesian], MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-12-2437 myocarditis / nephritis / tertiary syphilis
115 Camden Ave.Negohosian [Nigoghosian], MarsoulMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-09-0142 (b. 1887)cerebral hemorrhage
97 Central St.Norigian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-12-18(b. 1930-12-18)instrumental delivery / face presentation
Naraian [Noroian], AprahamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-05-086m tuberculosis
50 Superior St.Noroian, CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-03-1926 hem---- shock from trauma in head & intra-cranial injury (head -----l & ---tchrt - homicide)
37 Whipple St.Odian, DikranMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-08-2932 acute gangrenous appendicitis & perforation / operation
37 Whipple St.Odian, SolomonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-08-3138 accidental drowning in pond while bathing
48 Bush St.Ogassian [Oghgasian], AgnisFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-117y-11m-28d (b. 1910-11-13)influenza / broncho pneumonia
48 Bush St.Ogassian [Oghgasian], AltuneFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-03-1720d premature labor / twin pregnancy
48 Bush St.Ogassian [Oghgasian], CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-07-2735 cerebral syphilis
39 Whipple St.Oghgasian, HeutchakMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-01-195y-8m-14d (b. 1900-05-05)burns, clothing caught fire from stove fire, accident
111 Douglas Ave.Ogassian [Oghgasian], JuliaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1933-09-2258y-6m-7d (b. 1875-03-15)injury to head & fracture of skull (she was hit by an electric car as she was crossing the street)
48 Bush St.Ogassian [Oghgasian], LevonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-10-288m-2d (b. 1912-02-26)malnutrition
7 Vesta St.Ohanian, AraxeyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-04-0937 unknown natural causes / sudden death
41 Whipple St.Ohanian [Ohanian], BagdasarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-07-1714 tuberculosis of left knee / surgical shock following resection of knee
34 Derry St.Ohanian, HampartsoumMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-07-3058 pulmonary tuberculosis
34 Wayne St.Ohanian, MargueriteFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-10-112m-22d (b. 1922-07-14)congenital syphilis (resulting in extreme inanition)
7 Vesta St.Ohanian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-05-116y-1m diptheria / cardiac paralysis
52 Bernon St.Ohanian [Ohanian], SoernMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-12-012y-7m shock from burns of body (child was getting out of baby carriage, fell into tub of hot water)
42 Burgess St.Johnson [Ohannesian], Eliazar KurkenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-10-064y-10m-7d (b. 1902-11-29)typhoid fever with complication of pneumonia
160 Douglas Ave.Henesian [Ohannesian], ManoogMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-01-241m-10d (b. 1921-12-10)otitis media (double) / pyac----a
St. Vincent de Paul Infant AsylumOhanessian [Ohannesian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-01-152m-19d (b. 1907-10-26)marasmus (due to non-assimilation of food)
29 Danielson St.Ornadzian [Ornazian], GabrielMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-02-071y-2m-10d (b. 1927-11-28)broncho pneumonia
76 Derry St.Ouloosian [Oulouhajian], KevorkMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-10-1324 diabetes mellitus
182 Progress Ave.Ouzounian, KaprielMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-02-1735 carcinoma of rectum
445 Washington St.Ozounian [Ouzounian], KarekianMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-04-1932 pulmonary tuberculosis
28 Wayne St.Pilorian [Paloian], AsadoorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-05-0133 broncho pneumonia / heart failure
101 Douglas Ave.Palshgian, CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-01-1445 broncho-pneumonia
39 (rear) Fillmore St.Papazian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-12-01still born / instrumental delivery
47 Helme St.Papazian, ArmenagMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-1940y-14d influenza / broncho pneumonia
30 Derry St.Papazian, ArsenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-12-281m-9d (b. 1925-11-19)broncho pneumonia
43 Fillmore St.Papasien [Papazian], EstellFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-07-117m-14d gastroenteritis due to heat & improper food
47 Helme St.Papazian, Frederica ArmenagFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-167y-2m-1d (b. 1911-08-15)influenza / pneumonia
76 Derry St.Papazian, TavitMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-07-1430 sun stroke / overcome by heat
69 Fillmore St.Parvanian [Paravonian], ArmoMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-05-2445 lobar pneumonia
28 Walling St.Barghamian [Parghamian], BaghamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-02-185m measles
224 Linwood Ave.Barkiumian [Parghamian], KerkorMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-09-0547 (b. 1870)dementia paralytica
6 Bates St.Barhamian [Parghamian], LouiseFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-07-076y-6m accidental burns from matches igniting clothing
22 Cranston St.Parian [Paroian], HaroldMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-10-125m tuberculosis meningitis
28 Bernon St.Paroumagian [Parounagian], EdwardMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-12-153y-11m-21d (b. 1924-12-24)hydrocephalus, external
80 1st St.Parsegian [Parseghian], HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-12-2737 appendicitis / operation / fecal fistula / septicemia
102 Douglas Ave.Pashalian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-02-232d capillary bronchitis
87 Douglas Ave.Pashalian, AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1907-09-2710y-9m-13d (b. 1896-12-14)injuries received in being run over by electric car on Douglas Ave.
45 Helme St.Pashalian, EugapereFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-05-0530 broncho pneumonia / cardiac failure
367 Chalkstone Ave.Pashalian, IsabellaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-02-121y-7m measles / broncho pneumonia
151 Douglas Ave.Pashalian, NighohosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-03-24(b. 1924-03-24)instrumental delivery
11 Abe Ct.Pashalian, Ohan MelkanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-06-2828 bullet wound into mouth / suicide / dispondent, sick for past two years
1335 N. Main St.Pashalian, SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-02-1456y-20d (b. 1874-01-25)vascular disease of heart & acute cardiac failure / death sudden
Perethian [Peretzian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-171d (b. 1918-08-16)premature labor following accidental fall
28 Wayne St.Pilibosian, PhilipMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-05-1714y-3m-22d (b. 1909-01-25)acute endocraditis (decompensation of heart)
10 Stokes St.Poryanzian [Poriazian], AntranigMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-05-111y-5m-21d (b. 1920-11-20)broncho pneumonia
21 Palmer St.Proodian [Proudian], Dikran PhillipMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-2555 bullet wound chest, jaw & abdomen / internal hemorrhage / homicide
153 Vinton St.Prodian [Proudian], JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-07-2828 pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculous meningitis / empyema pyemia
93 1st St.Rahanian, AgavniFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-12-0630y-8m-22d (b. 1892-03-14)pulmonary tuberculosis
321 Chalkstone Ave.Razarian, HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-08-0335 pulmonary tuberculosis, autopsy
80 Camden Ave.Rushanian [Roushanian], GabrielMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-09-2360 (b. 1869)valvular ------ of the heart
57 Warrington St.Rustigian, AliceFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-02-2327y-7m-8d (b. 1898-07-15)pulmonary tuberculosis
392 Benefit St.Rustigian, George MalcombMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-02-2447 stab sounds into heart / compound fracture of skull / homicide
34 Shore St.Sodoian [Sadoian], MeurgrdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-04-2331 pleuritis later complicated by pneumonitis of upper lobe left lung
Lying-In HospitalSahagian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-10-315d (b. 1917-10-27)hemorrhagia neonatorum
87 Prairie Ave.Sahagian, AlexanderMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-03-0752 carcinoma of pancreas & gall bladder
257 Pearl St.Sahagian, AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-03-1811m-17d (b. 1920-04-01)double lobar pneumonia
356 Lockwood St.Sahagian, EgsayFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1905-09-1836 heart disease / found dead
750 Potters Ave.Sahagian, MaryF.Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-09-0923 rheumatic heart disease / decompensation
160 Douglas Ave.Sahagian, PaulMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-05-069m-15d (b. 1928-07-21)broncho pneumonia / hydrocephalus / marasmus
150 Juniper St.Sahagian, SeropeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-10-1075 apoplexy
Samoorian [Samourian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-04-22still born / face presentation (instrumental)
274 Orms St.Samoorian [Samourian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-12-12premature birth / 6 month of gestation / adynamia
4 Osborn St.Samoorian [Samourian], Surpoohi AvedisFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-11-1785 (b. 1843)cardiac insufficiency following old age
69 Cranston St.Sarafian, ApkarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-02-2565 (b. 1858)hypertophied heart / angina pectoris
Sarafian, AshodMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-03-279m bronchitis
197 Pond St.Sarajian, OscarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-06-2448 lobar pneumonia / chronic endocarditis / chronic interstitial nephritis
Sarkisian, AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-07-2031y-3m-24d (b. 1877-03-26)alcoholism
55 Lydia St.Sarkisian, ArusiagFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-01-0830 (b. 1899)subacute bacterial endocarditis / streptococcus viridans cultured from blood / autopsy
76 Osborn St.Sarkisian, Hagop JacobMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-06-0911m-21d (b. 1927-06-20)measles, double lobar pneumonia / purulant otits media, double / cervical adenitis / enlarged thymus / status lymphaticus
1850 Westminster St.Sarkisian, HarryMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-11-2348 bronchitis / acute dilatation of heart / chronic interstitial nephritis ascites
835 Manton Ave.Sarkisian, KazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-06-1760 arteriosclerosis / myocarditis / chronic nephritis
69 Ormsbee Ave.Sarkesian [Sarkisian], LeoMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-08-307y-11m faucial diptheria / asphyxia
11 Hylstead St.Sarkesian [Sarkisian], MichaelMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-01-1149 pulmonary tuberculosis
Sharfarian [Seferian], AsadoorMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-05-2045 pulmonary tuberculosis, exhaustion from
120 2nd St.Safarian [Seferian], MartaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-02-1646 cancer of uterus / toxemia & surgical shock
Sirabian [Serabian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-05-142d (b. 1921-05-12)prematre / placenta previa
70 Cottage St.Senabian [Serabian], GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-04-2350 cerebral hemorrage with left hemiplegia
361 Chalkstone Ave.Serabian, GarabedMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-03-286m-6d (b. 1923-09-22)status lymphaticus
51 Hawes St.Serebian [Serabian], MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-06-2218 pulmonary tuberculosis (milliary)
271 Pearl St.Surabian [Serabian], OscarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-04-1850y-2m lobar pneumonia following erysipelas
40 Goddard St.Sarabian [Serabian], SolomonMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-12-0428 toxaemia of anuria probably / accidental bichloride of mercury poisoning
76 Camden Ave.Surgian [Serigian], George AvedisMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1929-03-1248y-7m-17d (b. 1880-07-25)pulmonary tuberculosis
158 Lyon Ave.Serdjenian [Serjanian], HermineFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-05-182y-11m-6d (b. 1922-06-13)fractured skull / accidental fall from window
269 Carpenter St.Setian, Neshan SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-04-0836 (b. 1892)endocarditis, acute / bacterial / streptococcus viridans / septicemia / autopsy
25 Candace St.Chakoian [Shaghoian], Mariam BoghosFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-02-257m-19d (b. 1925-07-06)measles / lobar pneumonia
413 Washington St.Shahbazian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-12-306m-16d (b. 1913-06-14)pneumonia
413 Washington St.Shapazian [Shahbazian], MardirosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-0155 (b. 1863-03)lobar pneumonia / influenza
16 Depew St.Shapazian [Shahbazian], ZarpouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-05-0190 ulcer of the stomach, probably malignant
147 Orms St.Shahinian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-02-06mother fell down stairs / history of violence connected with this case
Shahinian, KachedoorMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-09-2949 manic depressive insanity / pulmonary tuberculosis
276 Smith St.Shahinian, VessemMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-1025 lobar pneumonia / has had influenza
26½ Whipple St.Sharegian [Shahrigian], ArpenaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-04-1313d (b. 1929-03-31)spina bifida
30 Whipple St.Sharigian [Shahrigian], MarderosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-07-1865 shock & hemorrhage from injury / fell from staging, distance of thirty feet
60 Victor St.Sharoian, MargaritFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-06-2250 retained secundines / probably pelvic thrombosis iliac vein & pulmonary embolus
31 Goddard St.Shenhan, ArakFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-09-0963y-1m-25d (b. 1862-07-15)chronic myocarditis / thorasic tumor of an undetermined type
635 Cranston St.Shishmanian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-02-0231 pulmonary tuberculosis
14 Lime St.Shishmanian, Olive AnnaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-03-0127y-11m-16d (b. 1884-03-14)pulmonary tuberculosis
17 Perkins St.Shishman [Shishmanian], ZaroohiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-06-159m-27d (b. 1905-08-19)whooping cough
224 Pearl St.Shooshanian [Shoushanian], AvedisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-2254 (b. 1869)duodenal ulcer
49 Dart St.Simonian, AngieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-02-1134 pelvic inflammation, probably salpingitis / general peritonitis shock
10 Brook Ct.Simonian, GiragosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-03-1963 (b. 1865)fracture of skull / intra-cranial injury (crossing street, struck by an automobile)
140 Dodge St.Simmonian [Simonian], MardirosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-07-2840y-13d (b. 1878-07-15)cerebrospinal syphillis
107 Wilson St.Sahegian [Soghigian], AgababMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-06-1459y-4m-24d (b. 1871-01-21)chronic nephritis
432 Fountain St.Soghigian, BaizarFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-05-0622 acute dilatation of heart / erysipelas
11 Crimea St.Soghigian, NeshanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-01-262m pneumonia
65 1st St.Sagoian [Soghoian], BagdasarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-03-1157 (b. 1872-03)generalized tuberculosis
174 Jewett St.Soursourian, Mary AshayFBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-11-2738 (b. 1887-02)tuberculosis of the lungs / tuberculous laryngitis
Stamboolian [Stamboulian], HelenFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-10-1013y-9m-8d (b. 1900-01-02)lobal pneumonia / chronic endocarditis / chronic nephritis
18 Cranston St.Stepanian, KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-12-0258 found dead in bed / probably heart disease
18 Chaffee St.Tahakjian [Takakjian], AbrahamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-11-123y-4m-9d (b. 1914-07-03)tuberculosis peritonitis
18 Chaffee StTahakjian [Takakjian], MarianFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-11-2363y-28d (b. 1850-10-25)old age
271 Pearl St.Talanian, KarakinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-04-013y-9m tuberculosis meningitis
91 Whitehall St.Talanian, SarahFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-06-1750 myocarditis, chronic / decompensation
778 BroadwayTamamian, ElizabethFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-01-1863 (b. 1866)acute dilatation of heart as result of mitral insufficiency
778 BroadwayTamamian, MugerditchMPawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-07-2559y-3m-8d (b. 1871-04-17)senile pneumonia
23 Common St.Tarpinian, VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-10-1441 nephritis, chronic / myocarditis, chronic
366 Douglas Ave.Tashjian, AnnieFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-02-223d (b. 1920-02-19)premature labor (no history of violence)
43 (rear) Whipple St.Tlashgian [Tashjian], ArshadMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-03-102y-4m pneumonia
116 Camden Ave.Tashjian, GeorgeMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-11-0910 faucial diptheria / acute cervical adenitis
1278 Chalkstone Ave.Tashjian, MargaretFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-09-2368 angina pectoris
76 Danforth St.Tashjian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-12-0730 grippe followed by acute pleuritis
271 Pearl St.Tartarian [Tatarian], MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-12-11malnutrition from ---- worry
19 Vesta St.Tateosian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-02-282d premature labor, history of trauma
251 Chalkstone Ave.Taduian [Tatoian], FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-10-27still born
39 Almy St.Takian [Tekian], KichaudiMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-11-23(b. 1921-11-23)premature birth (6 mo.) / malformation of cord
202 Washington St.Takian [Tekian], ShooshanigFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-07-0326y-3m-21d (b. 1904-03-12)acute rheumatic fever / septicemia / pregnancy (4 mos.) / endocarditis
114 Lockwood St.Tarzakian [Tertsagian], HerantMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-08-2642 (b. 1888)cerebral & pontine hemorrhages / chronic nephritis & hypertension / generalized arteriosclerosis
51 Battey St.Farzian [Terzian], ArtenMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-07-1547 pyonephritis pneumonia
42 Bush St.Tevanian, MardirasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1906-12-1342 lobar pneumonia
Tuktukian [Tiktikian], JacobMCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1926-08-1667y-8m-1d (b. 1858-12-15)chronic myocarditis / enteritis
62 State St.Tungerian [Tinghirian], DavidMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1926-06-1350 tuberculosis of the lungs
1415 Chalkstone Ave.Topalian, MProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-10-02(b. 1924-10-02)premature labor / --- ---- of membrane
234 Orms St.Tapalian [Topalian], Lucy KannaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1928-05-0627y-3m-1d (b. 1901-02-05)melonoma of breast with metastisis in liver / operation ---ical breast 12-Dec-1927
265 Pearl St.Topkapoolian [Topkapulian], AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-01-2451 chronic valvular disease of heart / patient seen just before death & unable to make diagnosis of valve involved
265 Pearl St.Tapkapoolian [Topkapulian], HrachMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1916-10-3118y-10m-6d (b. 1897-12-25)chronic endocarditis
12 W. River St.Torigian, KaloostMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1931-05-0358y-8m-5d (b. 1872-08-28)chronic valvular disease of heart, acute cardiac failure (suddenly ill while at his work)
454 Cranston St.Torigian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1943-06-0280 (b. 1863)senile heart disease (contributory: arteriosclerosis)
69 Cranston St.Torkomian, MaryFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1919-10-1757 probable cause fracture of the skull / fell down the stairs at her home Oct. 14-19 / accident
42 Derry St.Taraian [Toroian], BarsamMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1940-03-2446 malignant growth of abdomen, probably carcinoma of stomach
44 Brattel St.Torasian [Torosian], BoghosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-12-0945 probably organic disease of heart / fell on street & died in a few moments
480 Washington St.Toghmanian [Toukhmanian], MarderosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-03-2030 lobar pneumonia / empysema
34 Transit St.Dertoumaian [Toumaian], IsabellaFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-04-111m-5d (b. 1914-04-11)complete intestinal obstruction (congenital anomaly ileo-caecal valve)
16 Depew St.Tomogin [Toumajanian], HovagnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-02-0860 probably chronic valvular disease of heart
198 Transit St.Thomasian [Toumasian], ArmanoogMWarwick, Kent Co., RI, USA1947-09-0742y-10m-18d (b. 1904-10-20)accidental drowning
Tomasian [Toumasian], BogasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-02-1245 lobar pneumonia
37 Whipple St.Toumasian, HagopMBedford, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1931-06-3043 general paresis
442 Washington St.Tufankian [Tufenkjian], KrekorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1910-03-2916 probably cancer of the stomach
39 Derry St.Vonorian [Vanerian], MargosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-09-0546 aortic regurgitation (decompensated)
24½ Atwood St.Vartabedian, JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1929-03-2945 (b. 1884)lobar pneumonia
314 Chalkstone Ave.Vartanian, FProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-10-12(b. 1921-10-12)breech presentation
75 Dodge St.Vartanian, AgnesFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-06-1045y-8d (b. 1879-06-02)cardio-ken--- insufficiency
122 Juniper St.Vartanian, AramMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-05-1818 suicide by shooting thro[ugh] head after shooting with intent to kill a girl who refused his attention
196 Charles St.Der Vartnian [Vartanian], ArtinMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-02-1055 necrosis of lower ribs, both sides, tubercular / exhaustion following prolonged suppuration
48 Bush St.Vartanian, AvedasMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-10-0647 influenza / broncho pneumonia
220 Chestnut St.Vartanian, CharlesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-03-0636 pulmonary embolus / acute confusional insanity
295 Middle St.Vartinian [Vartanian], JohnMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-02-2610m (b. 1923-04-20)pleurisy
80 1st St.Vartanian, KazarMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1925-02-2278 old age
Vartamian [Vartanian], MarderosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-07-1272 necrosis of sternum / chronic bronchitis
Vartanian, MgrdichMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-02-0952 heart disease & asthma
188 Fort Ave.Vartanian, VartanMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-10-181 broncho pneumonia
164 Dean St.Vasilan [Vasilian], KrikorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-04-1551 (b. 1870)angina pectoris, chronic / interstitial nephritis, uremic culture
61 Codding St.Oskaian [Vosgian], KayajianMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1912-09-131y-4m-27d (b. 1911-04-17)broncho pneumonia
401 Washington St.Yaglijian [Yaghjian], AltonFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1920-03-1165 chronic nephritis / chronic myocarditis
401 Washington St.Yaghgian [Yaghjian], ZabelFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1915-07-232y-6m-7d (b. 1913-01-16)crushed skull / run over by auto truck / accident
34 Walling St.Yandian, ChushanFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-10-1933 cancer of mesentery
32 Superior St.Yaghorian [Yeghiarian], ArdisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1911-12-175m-8d (b. 1911-07-09)measles / pneumonia
194 Douglas Ave.Yagsigian [Yeghsigian], YagsecyFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1917-03-0956 lobar pneumonia following gripe (influenza)
835 Manton Ave.Eramian [Yeramian], AsadoorMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-08-261y-2m-18d (b. 1917-06-08)diarrhea / fermentation / subacute nephritis
112 Douglas Ave.Yeranian [Yeramian], BeatriceFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1914-03-153y-11m tuberculosis meningitis
835 Manton Ave.Eramian [Yeramian], Jerry GeorgeMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1924-06-3014y-3m-14d (b. 1910-03-16)tuberculosis of the lungs
835 Manton Ave.Eramian [Yeramian], MarkhatoonFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1913-12-2311m-17d (b. 1913-01-06)rubeola / broncho pneumonia
15 Derry St.Eranosian [Yeranosian], HampartsoomMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1918-11-2765 multiple injuries / fractured skull & femur / struck by automobile / accident
16 Dan St.Eranosian [Yeranosian], MosesMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1908-02-2745 fracture of pelvis with probable rupture of bladder with other internal injuries / car fell off track in tunnel
19 Vesta St.Der Zakarian [Zakarian], DickranouhiFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1909-02-15(b. 1908-02-15)broncho-pneumonia / meningitis (probably tuberculosis)
112 Greenville Ave.Zaharian [Zakarian], OmarFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-03-0854 (b. 1868)heart disease
76 Logan Ave.Zackarian [Zakarian], RichardMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-03-031m-19d (b. 1924-01-13)lobar pneumonia
861 Manton Ave.Zakarian, SarkisMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1921-06-2444y-5m-7d (b. 1877-01-19)appendicitis / broncho pneumonia
84 Sinclair Ave.Zaroogian [Zerigian], LouiseFCranston, Providence Co., RI, USA1924-04-2524 influenza / dementia praecox
103 South St.Zorabedian, MargosMProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1923-04-0745 lobar pneumonia
211 California Ave.Zorabedian, Marie AltoonFProvidence, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-05-1614y-2m-3d (b. 1916-03-13)lobar pneumonia / epilepsy / nephritis
Woonsocket, RI, USA
98 East St.Mardirossian [Mardirosian], SarkisMBurrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA1923-12-0845 tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculosis laryngitis
Parinian [Narinian], KevorkMWoonsocket, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-08-112y-7m-27d croup
346 Harris Ave.Sohigian [Soghigian], ElizabethFWoonsocket, Providence Co., RI, USA1930-03-0261 (b. 1869)apoplexy / cardio renal
133 S. Main St.Vaznoian [Vezneian], MartinMWoonsocket, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-06-0636 myocarditis (acute) / died suddenly before physician arrived
166 Carrington Ave.Oskanian [Vosganian], ArchieMWoonsocket, Providence Co., RI, USA1922-04-0744 shock following accidental injury, arm (right) was nearly torn from body, caught in machinery
Memphis, TN, USA
1256 Madison Ave.Garabedian, AnnieFMemphis, Shelby Co., TN, USA1958-01-0585y-6m-20d (b. 1872-06-15)congestive heart failure due to electrolyte imbalance & intestinal obstruction (strangulated left inguinal hernia)
Brookshire, TX, USA
Beyler [Baylerian], Ruth IreneFDallas, Dallas Co., TX, USA1937-05-1136y-11m-3d (b. 1900-06-08)diabetic acidosis with depression of vegetative center in mid brain (contributory: persistent vomiting from hysteria)
3911 7th St.Beyler [Baylerian], Zaven KeropeMSealy, Austin Co., TX, USA1972-12-2779 (b. 1893-02-18)coronary infarct[ion] (contributory: diabetes, arteriosclerosis)
Donigan [Donigian], P. M. (Dr.)MHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1930-12-2771 carcinoma of urinary bladder (contributory: uremia)
Donigan [Donigian], RebeccaFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1954-01-2490y-2m-11d (b. 1863-11-13)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis
Agopian [Hagopian], ArmenakMBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1957-04-2970y-2m-28d (b. 1887-02-01)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis (other: diabetes mellitus)
Purdy St.Agopian [Hagopian], DavidMBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1961-07-0170y-7m-2d (b. 1890-11-29)coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis (other: diabetes)
Agopian [Hagopian], Yeran TakouhyFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1946-12-1480y-1m-16d (b. 1866-10-18)chronic myocarditis (contributory: fracture, right femur)
Highrabedian [Hairabedian], Anania M.MHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1934-10-2877y-7m-27d (b. 1857-03-01)congestive heart failure & hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: hepotic cirrhosis)
Highrabedian [Hairabedian], EranikaFJustice Precinct 5, Waller Co., TX, USA1938-06-2357y-16d (b. 1881-06-07)hypertensive heart disease, arteriosclerotic hypertension (contributory: dehydration)
Highrebadian [Hairabedian], Rose PaulFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1935-04-0269y-1m-14d (b. 1866-02-16)squamous cell carcinoma of esophogeal end of stomach (contributory: pyloric hemorrhage, emaciation)
Highrabedian [Hairabedian], SarkisMBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1940-02-1153y-11m-26d (b. 1886-02-16)uremia & convulsion, arteriosclerotic hypertension (contributory: nephrosclerosis)
Harrison, GeorgeMSealy, Austin Co., TX, USA1958-04-2382y-7m-17d (b. 1875-09-06)cerebral thrombosis
Harrison, JohnMBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1958-02-1977y-9m-4d (b. 1880-05-15)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: bronchial asthma)
615 Otto St.Harrison, Karnig GeorgeMSealy, Austin Co., TX, USA1969-08-0456 (b. 1913-02-06)carcinoma of right lung
807 Cooper St.Harrison, LuciaFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1976-05-2386 (b. 1890-05-16)cardiac decompensation due to arteriosclerotic hypertension & Parkinson's disease
715 Cooper St.Harrison, Zohra NajarianFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1972-03-0479 (b. 1892-03-15)cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerotic hypertention (contributory: osteophrosis, left femur, 2 & 3 lumbar)
Manasian [Manaserian], Atteamaks [?] (Mrs.)FBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1905-04-2650y-4m neurasthenia (contributory: kidney stones)
Mizman [Mazmanian], StephenMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1939-03-0685 coronary thrombosis (contributory: arteriosclerotic heart disease with myocardial failure)
Shearer, Mabel BaronianFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1952-08-1853y-8m-7d (b. 1898-12-11)coronary thrombosis due to arter[i]osclerosis & hypertension
4026 5th St.Zahimen [Zahinian], Nvart KendikianFBrookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA1972-11-0281 (b. 1891-08-28)natural cause
Corpus Christi, TX, USA
453 Del Mar Blvd.Donigan [Donigian], Bertha M.FCorpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA1879-11-1077 (b. 1902-09-03)lymphoma - gastric (contributory: hypertension, diabetes mellitus)
Ocean Dr.Donigan [Donigian], HropeFCorpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA1946-01-1172y-4m-27d (b. 1873-08-15)chronic nephritis
453 Del Mar Blvd.Donigan [Donigian], Marilyn RuthFCorpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA1981-04-0548 (b. 1932-04-27)cardiorespiratory arrest due to upper G-I hemorrhage, abdominal mass, possible abdominal malignancy (contributory: pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis, malnutrition)
715 S. Upper BroadwayDonigan [Donigian], Mesog V.MCorpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA1979-08-2480 (b. 1899-06-18)renal failure, acute due to shock & hemorrhage, post operative
Ocean Dr.Donigan [Donigian], Vartan M.MCorpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA1943-06-0576y-7m-29d (b. 1866-09-06)cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertrophy of prostate gland & hypertensive heart disease)
Crockett, TX, USA
1109 E. Houston Ave.Caprielian [Kaprielian], Edward KrikorMCrockett, Houston Co., TX, USA1960-11-2470y-3m-11d (b. 1890-08-13)acute myocardial infarction due to bilateral bronchopneumonia (contributory: diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease)
1005 Goliad Ave.Caprielian [Kaprielian], EugeniaFCrockett, Houston Co., TX, USA1981-10-0980 (b. 1901-05-30)generalized debility due to diabetes mellitus & popliteal [?] arterial thrombosis
1005 Goliad Ave.Caprielian [Kaprielian], PopkinMCrockett, Houston Co., TX, USA1973-04-1084 (b. 1888-11-13)progressive cerebral ischemia due to arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease
Dallas, TX, USA
1815 W. 10th St.Donigan [Donigian], SophiaFDallas, Dallas Co., TX, USA1920-10-2825y-6m-24d (b. 1895-04-04)pulmonary tuberculosis
Houston, TX, USA
2233 South Blvd.Bakalian, D.FHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1944-06-0564y-29d (b. 1880-05-06)cancer of gal[l] bladder & liver (metastases)
702 Richmond Ave.Bijbijian, Charlie BenMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1940-03-1547y-5m-5d (b. 1892-10-10)diabetes mellitus, diabetic coma (contributory: diabetic gangrene)
4003 Falkirk Ln.Donigan [Donigian], Genevieve EarlineFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1979-05-2365 (b. 1913-09-24)oat cell carcinoma, lung due to metastic to brain
235 Pine Hollow Ln.Donigan [Donigian], Margie NellFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1960-05-1361 (b. 1898-09-21)cerebral vascular accident
610 Avondale St.Donigan [Donigian], Peter H.MHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1956-01-0896y-5m-21d (b. 1859-07-17)acute cardiac failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease & senility (contributory: benign prostatic hypertrophy)
3435 Westheimer Rd.Donigan [Donigian], Zareh VartanMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1969-01-2377 (b. 1891-10-28)shock due to pancytopenia, pre-leukemic state
2351 Claremont Ln.Hovas, Edwin AdamMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1974-09-2861 (b. 1912-11-18)cardio-pulmonary failure due to hemiplega, metastatic transitional cell carcinoma from bladder with compression fractures
278 Maple Valley Dr.Hovas, Selma AgopianFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1963-04-0377 (b. 1885-10-10)cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis, generalized
3001 N. MacGregor WayHovas, Souren NicholasMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1957-10-1577y-5m-18d (b. 1880-04-27)massive myocardial infarction due to advance coronary disease, generalized arteriosclerosis
2351 Claremont Ln.Hovas, Souren Nicholas (II)MHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1966-06-2828 (b. 1938-01-18)acute leukemia, myelogenous
Bayou Manor Nursing HomeKoomey [Kouyoumjian], Helen MiriamFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1972-01-2280 (b. 1891-03-22)ventricular fibrillation due to ischemic heart disease (contributory: cerebral degenerative disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm)
278 Maple Valley Rd.Gregory [Krikorian], Kegham SolomanMTexas City, Galveston Co., TX, USA1971-06-2766 (b. 1904-08-01)myocardial infarction - massive due to coronary artery sclerosis & atherosclerosis - generalized
9647 Val Verde St.Barakian [Parigian], Isabel VictoriaFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1973-04-1477 (b. 1895-07-18)respiratory failure due to emphysema (contributory: bronchiectasis)
610 Avondale St.Barakian [Parigian], Rosa DoniganFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1952-01-3083y-6m-4d (b. 1868-07-26)carcinoma of stomach
610 Avondale St.Barakian [Parigian], Victor K.MHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1947-10-0481y-3m-24d (b. 1866-06-10)arteriosclerosis & heart disease
Katy, TX, USA
2507 Katy Hockley Rd.Wilkinson, Harriet VirginiaFHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1971-06-1878 (b. 1892-12-04)cerebrovascular accident
Pattison, TX, USA
Baronian, Anna D.FJourdanton, Atascosa Co., TX, USA1957-10-2587y-7m-2d (b. 1870-03-23)cerebral hemorrhage
Baronian, G. G.MPattison, Waller Co., TX, USA1931-10-0469y-11m-17d (b. 1861-12-18)myocarditis
Donigan [Donigian], Florence BrandtFPattison, Waller Co., TX, USA1961-05-0565 (b. 1895-10-17)auto accident, was run over by her own car while opening a gate (broken left shoulder, left leg above knee, burns from exhaust & muf[f]ler from head completely down left side)
Donigan [Donigian], P. H. (Mrs.)FPattison, Waller Co., TX, USA1937-11-2875y-11m-13d (b. 1861-12-15)coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis (contributory: aortic regurgitation)
Port Neches, TX, USA
1001 Washington St.Der Garabedian [Garabedian], MargaretFBeaumont, Jefferson Co., TX, USA1972-02-2684 (b. 1887-07-04)possible coronary due to perforated gallbladder & kidney failure
Sealy, TX, USA
7th St.Harrison, Arsen GeorgeMWharton, Wharton Co., TX, USA1972-02-2972 (b. 1889-09-18)broncho pneumonia due to valvular heart disease & decompensation (contributory: adenocarcinoma of rectum)
Vernon, TX, USA
Babasin [Babasinian], FDallas, Dallas Co., TX, USA1931-02-12(b. 1931-02-12)premature (contributory: prefura [purpura] hemorrhagic)
2703 Yamparika St.Babasin [Babasinian], Yervant H.MVernon, Wilbarger Co., TX, USA1956-02-0570y-6m-11d (b. 1885-07-24)cerebral hemorrage due to hypertension and cerebral arteriosclerosis
Waller, TX, USA
Box 144 Agopian [Hagopian], Nicholas HagopMHouston, Harris Co., TX, USA1981-08-2585 (b. 1896-02-17)cardiac arrest due to respiratory failure & emphysema (other: cachexia)
Murray, UT, USA
4768 S. State St.Arslanian, FreidaFSalt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1935-10-1741y-8m-25d (b. 1894-01-22)pulmonary TB
4768 S. State St.Arslanian, GeorgeMSalt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1938-05-0460 cerebral thrombosis (contributory: chronic pulmonary tuberculosis)
4834 Box Elder St.Kavranjian, SamuelMMurray, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1945-09-0750y-2m-22d (b. 1895-06-15)dead on arrival at the emergency room, presumably [due] to violence (being struck by moving automobile)
343 Anderson Ave.Markosian [Margosian], NickMSalt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1948-09-1857 congestive [heart] failure due to uremia-anuria & acute nephritis (chemical origin) (other: pneumonia)
Ogden, UT, USA
Andrew [Andrigian], HarlanMProvo, Utah Co., UT, USA1954-08-2877 (b. 1877)acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
239 E. South TempleOurfalian, AshkenFSalt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1943-12-2962y-4m-7d (b. 1881-08-22)diabetic coma due to old diabetes (other: chronic nephritis & myocarditis)
Chester, VA, USA
Dutch Gap Motor CourtMangigian, William BagdassarMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1959-02-1665 (b. 1893-08-14)cerebral vascular thrombosis - basilar [?] artery due to cerebral arteriosclerosis (contributory: hypertensive cardio vascular disease)
Colonial Heights, VA, USA
416 Orange Ave.Kerejian [Kurejian], GeorgeMColonial Heights, Colonial Heights (city) Co., VA, USA1973-08-0483 (b. 1890-01-15)congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (contributory: pancreatitis)
Hopewell, VA, USA
301 S. 13th Ave.Hagopian, Daniel MikeMHopewell, Hopewell (city) Co., VA, USA1950-04-1663 (b. 1887-03-03)acute dilatation of heart due to bronchial pneumonia
301 S. 13th Ave.Hagopian, Maybell CarrieFHopewell, Hopewell (city) Co., VA, USA1934-08-0231 (b. 1903-03-02)uremia (puerperal) (contributory: pyelitis)
1507 Atlantic St.Topian [Topoian], Kachig T.MHopewell, Hopewell (city) Co., VA, USA1980-05-2094 (b. 1886-03-05)re[s]pirator failure due to pneumonia & severe cachexia due to aspiration of food aggravated by reducible hiatal hernia
Newport News, VA, USA
3510 Washington Ave.Jackson [Hagopian], BagdasarMNewport News, Newport News (city) Co., VA, USA1933-06-2858 (b. 1875-03-15)cerebral thrombosis (left hemiplegia) (contributory: cerebral arteriosclerosis, chronic nephritis, & uremia)
26 Sinton Rd.Moughamian, AreknazianFNewport News, Newport News (city) Co., VA, 1958-08-1365 myocardial infarction due to generalized arteriosclerosis & hypertensive c[ardio]v[ascular] d[isease]
113 Glade Rd.Moughamian, HarryMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1971-07-0145 (b. 1926-02-03)acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
Norfolk, VA, USA
2417 Springfield Ave.Roupen [Roupenian], HarryMNorfolk, Norfolk (city) Co., VA, USA1927-08-1645 cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: depressed fracture of skull, automobile accident)
Richmond, VA, USA
901 W. Marshall St.Accashian [Akkashian], MaryFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1934-09-1063 injury to head & neck (she fell down stairs in her house)
8512 Spalding Dr.Andrews [Andreasian], Isabel MoughamianFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1979-02-1657 (b. 1921-03-18)cardiac arrest due to probable acute myocardial inf[arction] & arteriosclerotic heart disease
3100 Floyd Ave.Bandoian, Annig ZabelFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1986-07-1683 (b. 1903-04-14)carcinoma of sigmoid [colon]
610 Fourqurean Ln.Bandoian, David M.MRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1965-10-2372 (b. 1893)congestive heart failure
6113 Winford Ln.Boyajian, HripsimeFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1975-08-0170 (b. 1904-10)congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease
6113 Winford Ln.Boyajian, YessipMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1977-03-0285 (b. 1891-06)cardiopulmonary arrest (contributory: urinary tract infection)
2900 Kensington Ave.Garian [Garoian], CharlesMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1987-02-1368 (b. 1918-08-22)cardiorespiratory failure due to renal failure
4537 E. Seminary Ave.Garian [Garoian], JooharFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1963-11-2969 (b. 1893-12-25)coronary thrombosis due to coronary atherosclerosis (contributory: diabetes mellitus & hypertension)
4537 E. Seminary Ave.Garoian, SamuelMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1947-03-0759 (b. 1887-10-02)cardiac failure due to chr[onic] myocarditis
3342 Parkwood Ave.Der Krikorian [Krikorian], Anna MoogalianFRichmond (rural), Henrico Co., VA, USA1987-08-1589 (b. 1898-02-14)intestinal obstruction due to sepsis
3342 Parkwood Ave.Der Krikorian [Krikorian], KrikorMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1936-02-2250 (b. 1885-11-05)rheumatic endocarditis
3342 Parkwood Ave.Der Krikorian [Krikorian], VarterFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1927-07-1380 myocardial degeneration (contributory: cardiac dilatation)
939 W. Grace St.Mirakian, ElizabethFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1986-02-2285 (b. 1900-08-10)cardiorespiratory arrest due to metastatic adenocarcinoma (contributory: chronic congestive heart failure)
939 W. Grace St.Mirakian, PaulMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1949-04-0457 (b. 1891-07-10)cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease
3225 Hanover Ave.Moughamian, Elizabeth AlahgianFWilliamsburg, Williamsburg (city) Co., VA, USA1943-04-2751 bronchy--- due to purulent meningitis
1731 W. Main St.Moughamian, GarabedMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1938-09-2846 (b. 1892-09-15)lobar pneumonia (contributory: cario renal unsufficiency)
2000 Grayland Ave.Posigian, KazarMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1949-02-1154 gunshot wound of head (suicide)
6302 Clover Ln.Tatian [Tatoian], ArmenagMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1963-11-1078 (b. 1885-03-15)CVA [cerebrovascular accident] (contributory: carcinoma, prostate gland)
6302 Clover Ln.Tatian [Tatoian], ArousiakFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1954-02-1560 (b. 1893-07-15)massive cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease
8 N. Stafford St.Topian [Topoian], BalaMRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1953-04-1656 (b. 1897-01-01)amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
939 W. Grace St.Yazugian [Yazujian], GulazerFRichmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA1949-03-0169 (b. 1879)heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & auricular [?] fibrillation
Vienna, VA, USA
311 Cabin Rd.Diranian, Diran S.MFalls Church, Falls Church (city) Co., VA, USA1991-02-1168 (b. 1922-08-19)myocardial infarction due to severe cardiovascular disease
Seattle, WA, USA
5114 3rd Ave. W.Aslanian [Arslanian], BoghosMSeattle, King Co., WA, USA1935-05-2786y-2m-4d (b. 1849-03-23)acute cardiac failure, coronary sclerosis, arteriosclerosis (contributory: prostatic hypertrophy, senility)
Woodinville, WA, USA
14020 N. E. 190th St.Aslanian [Arslanian], Mitchell JosephMKirkland, King Co., WA, USA1974-01-0162 (b. 1911-03-19)pulmonary congestion & edema due to myocardial infarction & coronary atherosclerosis & thrombosis

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