This page allows you to search on a decedent's last name (exactly as it appears in the original record) to find death entries relating to Armenians in North America. Death records are particulary important because
they often provide the names of the parents of the decedent.
Names on the death certificates were sometimes variable in spelling. Many are phonetic equivalents to the original Armenian names. You should also view the query "By Decedent Last Name (Std.)" to look up a decedent by all spelling variations for a last name.
Action | Decedent Name | Sex | Death Location | Death Date | Age (Birth Date) | Death Cause |
Arakelian |
 | Arakelian, | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1907-07-06 | 4d (b. 1907-07-02) | premature labor (history of tight lacing) |
 | Arakelian, | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1908-07-19 | | premature labor / 7 month old pregnancy / history of tight dress & car ride a day before the labor |
 | Arakelian, | M | Whitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1916-02-17 | (b. 1916-02-17) | stillborn, was dead at least a week |
 | Arakelian, | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1924-12-05 | (b. 1924-12-05) | premature birth |
 | Arakelian, Abraham | M | Dearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1935-02-16 | 40y-23d (b. 1895-01-24) | traumatic hemorrhage following gun shot wound of chest penetrating lungs & heart |
 | Arakelian, Bessie | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1903-09-15 | 4m | rachitis (contributory: cholera infantum) |
 | Arakelian, Coren | M | Brantford, Brant Co., ON, Canada | 1912-12-07 | 25 | tuberculosis |
 | Arakelian, Gadar | F | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1929-02-20 | 77y-11m-5d (b. 1851-03-15) | myocarditis, old age |
 | Arakelian, Ishud | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1920-01-20 | 1y-4m-14d (b. 1918-09-06) | asphyxiated due to rupture of pharyngeal abscess |
 | Arakelian, John | M | Harborcreek Twp., Erie Co., PA, USA | 1950-07-26 | 20 (b. 1929-12-28) | crushed chest & internal hemorrhages due to truck & auto accident |
 | Arakelian, Krikor | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1924-07-28 | 43 | advanced pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Arakelian, Margaret | F | Hamilton, Wentworth Co., ON, Canada | 1907-07-25 | 9 | meningitis |
 | Arakelian, Mary | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1904-03-19 | 10m-7d | convulsion |
 | Arakelian, Merdig | M | St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA | 1963-12-01 | 67 (b. 1896-03-17) | acute bronchopneumonia due to carcinoma of the stomach |
 | Arakelian, Nazeni | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-12-08 | 20 | heart failure following lobar pneumonia |
 | Arakelian, Neshan | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1920-10-08 | 35 (b. 1885) | gunshot wound, abdomen perforating, revolver (contributory: accidental) |
 | Arakelian, Nishan | M | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1922-02-27 | 36y-3m-12d (b. 1885-11-15) | acute alcoholism |
 | Arakelian, Queenie | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1932-03-17 | 10m-26d (b. 1931-04-20) | unfluenzal pneumonia |
 | Arakelian, Samuel | M | Newburyport, Essex Co., MA, USA | 1905-10-06 | 1m-7d | inanition |
 | Arakelian, Sarkis | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1916-12-21 | 50 | retro-peritoneal sarcoma |
 | Arakelian, Tavrig | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1926-10-09 | 78 | appoplexy [apoplexy] |
 | Arakelian, Veronica | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1928-03-28 | 41 (b. 1887) | acute fibrinous pericarditis, cardiac hypertrophy, chronic glomerulonephritis (arteriosclerosis) |