This page allows you to search by death place to find deaths relating to Armenians in North America.
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Action | Death Place | Decedent Name | Sex | Death Date | Age (Birth Date) | Death Cause |
Duncan, Cowichan Valley Co., BC, Canada |
 | King's Daughters Hospital | Arslin [Arslanian], Arman | M | 1924-08-04 | 30 | abscess of brain, gangrene of lung (contributory: blow on head, concussion, aspiration of blood into lung, 55 days previously) |
Brantford, Brant Co., ON, Canada |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], John | M | 1947-04-27 | 77 (b. 1869-05-17) | osteogenic sarcoma, left tibia, with secondaries |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Aloian, George | | 1917-03-16 | 25 | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Apigian, Harry | M | 1919-10-28 | 40 | pneumonia following anesthesia for operation |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Arakelian, Coren | M | 1912-12-07 | 25 | tuberculosis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Avedisian, Malkonian | M | 1924-11-08 | 45 | new growth in cheek probably cancer (contributory: asthmatis condition) |
 | 154 Market St. | Baghdasarian, Parsegh | M | 1932-02-16 | 78 | broncho pneumonia |
 | 150 Darling St. | Bandoian, Hagop | M | 1947-12-16 | 60 (b. 1887-11-14) | broncho pneumonia due to fractured ribs & fall (contributory: senile dementia, arteriosclerosis & myocarditis) |
 | 15 Buffalo St. | Boghosian, Sona | F | 1941-07-31 | 56 | pulmonary aedema |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bohagian [Boyajian], Carlos | M | 1940-11-08 | 65 | cerebral embolism due to hypostatic pneumonia & uremia |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bazoian [Bozoian], | M | 1930-09-28 | (b. 1930-09-28) | stillborn - from prolapsus . . . difficult birth |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bozorian [Bozoian], | M | 1917-09-30 | (b. 1917-09-30) | premature birth |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bozoian, Jean | F | 1937-10-08 | 5d (b. 1937-10-04) | premature (contributory: congenital heart) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bazoian [Bozoian], Michael Andrew | M | 1943-11-06 | 3m-26d (b. 1943-07-11) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Bazoian [Bozoian], Saltan | F | 1936-06-23 | 35 (b. 1901-11-05) | cerebral embolus due to chr[onic] cholelithiasis |
 | 40 Chatham St. | Bazarian [Bozoian], Tatos | M | 1926-01-18 | | still born |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Charchian, Charles | M | 1948-11-01 | 56 (b. 1892-12) | polypoid carcinoma of pyloric portion of stomach (contributory: metastases to regional lymph glands & liver) |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Chavdarian, Susie | F | 1927-07-10 | 19 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Tavitian [Davidian], Dick | M | 1940-09-13 | 65 (b. 1875) | miliary ----- (contributory: diabetes mellitus, carcinoma of -----, hypertension) |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Tavatian [Davidian], Hachy | M | 1927-09-07 | 48 | tuberculosis intestinal (contributory: pulmonary) |
 | 40 Chatham St. | Dapegian [Depigian], Artin | M | 1916-08-26 | 75 | natural causes |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Topikian [Depigian], Samuel | M | 1935-05-02 | 1y-6m-2d | broncho pneumonia (contributory: rummination) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], | F | 1923-06-06 | | still born, failed to resusitate |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Derderian, Arshagool | F | 1921-05-15 | 40 | cancer of uterus |
 | 139 Darling St. | Dardarian [Derderian], Kazar | M | 1936-11-15 | 52 | myocarditis (contributory: hepatitis and arterosclerosis) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Derderian, Ohannes | M | 1933-05-18 | 49 | proliferative lobar pneumonia myocardial failure (contributory: pyloric obstruction) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Peter | M | 1920-12-28 | 14 | exhaustion from haemorrhage (contributory: symphatic leucaema) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Derdarian [Derderian], Tahooky | F | 1928-01-28 | 42 | inanition (contributory: general carcinomatosis, cancer of lung) |
 | Buck's Stove Works | Kaladian [Galatian], Arakel | M | 1912-07-10 | 55 | fracture of spine |
 | 240 Park Ave. | Gollydian [Galatian], Saliya | F | 1918-08-16 | 2 | instestinal infection |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Garabadarian [Garabedian], Marian | F | 1920-10-09 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 154 Market St. | Khazarian [Ghazarian], Artin | M | 1941-06-17 | 77 | myocarditis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Bedios | M | 1946-03-31 | 66 (b. 1879-07-11) | cerebral hemorrhage due to cerebral arteriosclerosis (contributory: presenile psychosis) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Girgossian [Giragosian], Alexander | M | 1922-12-10 | 60 | parenchymatous nephritis |
 | 156 George St. | Goankolian, John | M | 1928-03-06 | 67 | abscess of liver |
 | 238 Park Ave. | Gaskarian [Goshgarian], Adam | M | 1916-11-15 | 14m | severe burns |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Gashgarian [Goshgarian], David | M | 1937-07-21 | 46 (b. 1891-05-05) | cirrhosis of lung biliary type |
 | Brant Ave. Hospital | Gashgarian [Goshgarian], Paslig | F | 1918-10-13 | 29 | influenza |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Hagopian, Neshon | M | 1918-10-14 | 50 | influenza |
 | 169 Darling St. | Hagopian, Nick | M | 1916-08-12 | 45 | tuberculosis |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Hakstian [Haktzian], Robert | M | 1933-04-21 | 35 (b. 1896-06-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: myocardial failure) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Hampozian [Hampartsoumian], | M | 1931-12-02 | (b. 1931-12-02) | stillborn-cause probably from fall of fifteen feet the mother had |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Hampartzoomian [Hampartsoumian], | M | 1918-05-01 | 21 | pneumonia |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Humpartzoomian [Hampartsoumian], David | M | 1948-06-28 | (b. 1948-06-27) | prematurity |
 | 44 Nelson St. | Hampartzoomian [Hampartsoumian], Ovak | M | 1908-05-17 | 18 | tuberculosis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Hovsepian, Setrag | M | 1945-01-11 | 57 (b. 1888-01-12) | auricular fibrillation & cardiac decompensation due to chronic valvular disease & myocarditis |
 | Emergency Hospital | Jarayian [Jarahian], | | 1918-10-28 | | premature birth |
 | Emergency Hospital | Jarayian [Jarahian], Nartouk | F | 1918-10-27 | 28 | influenza |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Gavelian [Jivelegian], John | M | 1924-05-28 | 40 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: duoclevial ulcer) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kalegian [Kalajian], Armanoohe | F | 1918-03-13 | 26 | pneumonia |
 | 154½ Market St. | Kalagian [Kalajian], Evevant | M | 1913-04-15 | 2m | marasmus (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kelegian [Kalajian], Geo. | M | 1935-02-20 | 57y-4m-14d (b. 1877-10-06) | carcinoma of bladder, general carcinomatoses |
 | 121 Grey St. | Halajian [Kalajian], Serop | M | 1944-05-18 | 70 | coronary occlusion due to arterio sclerosis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], | M | 1939-09-30 | (b. 1939-09-30) | stillbirth due to prematurity & macerated fetus |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Charles | M | 1933-10-25 | 73 | cancer of liver |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Mary Agavni | M | 1947-10-25 | 72 (b. 1875-09) | chronic degenerative myocarditis due to sclerosis |
 | Emergency Hospital | Karagavoorian [Karagiavourian], Bachig | M | 1918-10-24 | 36 | pneumonia (contributory: influzena) |
 | 115½ Colborne St. | Kazanjian, Agnes | F | 1915-03-11 | 35 | pulm. tuberculosis |
 | 18 Marlborough St. | Kabedian [Kebadian], Sahag | M | 1944-07-05 | 74 (b. 1870-03-10) | apoplexy due to myocarditis (contributory: senility) |
 | 42 Chatham St. | Kiganian [Kekinian], John | M | 1916-11-17 | 50 | cancer of stomach |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kishian [Keshishian], Dick | M | 1936-02-19 | 41 (b. 1895) | chronic nephritis (contributory: taxsomia, cancer of spine) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kishishian [Keshishian], Hamparzt | M | 1929-09-15 | 51 | pleuro pneumonia |
 | 254 Murray St. | Katchadoorian [Khachadourian], | F | 1912-11-06 | (b. 1912-11-06) | still birth |
 | 254 Murray St. | Katchadoorian [Khachadourian], | M | 1915-11-10 | (b. 1915-11-10) | still birth |
 | 254 Murray St. | Katchadoorian [Khachadourian], Seranoosh | F | 1915-11-10 | 26 | confinement, post partum haemorrhage |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Hachigian [Khachigian], Harry | M | 1927-10-26 | 57 | cerebral hemorrhage right hemiplage (contributory: asthenia) |
 | 148 Darling St. | Glovonian [Klavanian], Mirhan | M | 1918-10-13 | 28 | pneumonia (contributory: influzena) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Korkigian, Kaminie | F | 1913-12-25 | 38 | spinal trouble (immediate cause of death: exhaustion) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Karkigian [Korkigian], Mamprl | M | 1918-10-08 | 35 | pneumonia |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Karkorian [Krikorian], Harry | M | 1932-07-20 | 32 | uritiral calculus (contributory: post-operative pnuemonia) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Kirkarian [Krikorian], Vergie | F | 1923-08-23 | 9m | acute intestinal intoxication |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mnoian [Manoian], Morgan Sirupian | M | 1933-04-17 | 3m-10d (b. 1933-01-07) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 147 Market St. | Manoian, Tatos | M | 1941-02-02 | 52 | cerebral hemorrhage due to arterial hypertension |
 | 128 Alfred St. | Manogian [Manougian], Keepor | M | 1908-06-21 | 37 | drowned, accident |
 | 154½ Market St. | Manoojian [Manougian], Martin | M | 1914-11-03 | 10d | cholera infantum |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Monoogian [Manougian], Menaver | F | 1948-02-23 | 58 (b. 1889-06-15) | coronary thrombosis due to coronary sclerosis (contributory: diabetes mellitus) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Manongian [Manougian], Ohanes | M | 1917-03-11 | 50 | emphysema and bronchitis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Paul Herbert | M | 1939-09-12 | (b. 1939-09-12) | congenital heart |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Der Manuelian [Manuelian], Misak | M | 1927-11-05 | 54 | chronic myocarditis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mardirosian, Bosia | F | 1933-07-06 | 75 | myocarditis (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Maledocian [Melidosian], Andrew | M | 1923-01-27 | | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Melkonian, | M | 1938-01-15 | (b. 1938-01-15) | premature (7 months), macerated foetus |
 | Emergency Hospital | Mainsian [Minasian], Hagabeds | M | 1918-10-19 | 62 | pneumonia |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Mooradian [Mouradian], Garbed | M | 1937-11-29 | 66 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 184 Dalhousie St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], George | M | 1947-07-14 | 66 (b. 1881-03-01) | chronic myocarditis due to arteriosclerosis & hypertension (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Harry | M | 1918-05-06 | 3d | meningitis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Harry | M | 1920-03-31 | 38 | nephritis (contributory: emphysema) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Muradian [Mouradian], John | M | 1918-05-02 | 50 | pneumonia |
 | 184 Dalhousie St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Peter | M | 1930-02-21 | 70 | angina pectoris |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Sarkis | M | 1928-02-22 | 11m-19d | broncho pneumonia (contributory: rickets, secondary anemia) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Takour | F | 1943-06-10 | 76 | hypostatic pneumonia due fracture, right femur (contributory: chronic myocarditis, chronic bronchitis) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Moshoian [Moushoian], Parham | M | 1947-06-14 | 82 (b. 1864-10-15) | carcinoma of stomach (contributory: chronic myocarditis & benign nephrosclerosis) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Movsisian [Movsesian], Annie | F | 1939-03-25 | 54y-15d (b. 1885-03-10) | hemiplegia, complete but above mouth due to thrombosis, erysipelas of nose & face, pneumonia |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Nazarian [Najarian], Apal | M | 1919-05-04 | 26 | heart failure |
 | 128 Alfred St. | Nazarian [Najarian], Krikor | M | 1909-07-18 | 27 | heat apoplexy |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Naresasian [Nersesian], Archie | M | 1931-12-26 | 24 | internal hemorrhage due to auto accident, fracture of ribs (contributory: hemopneumothorax) |
 | 198 Market St. | Narcissian [Nersesian], Asadour | M | 1942-12-28 | 69 (b. 1873-08-15) | myocarditis - chronic due to Hodgekin's disease |
 | 40 Chatham St. | Nubarian [Noubarian], Capriel | M | 1904-02-14 | 45 | abcess on brain |
 | 122 Darling St. | Avgajian [Oghgasian], Hayrar | M | 1913-09-30 | 4m | colitis |
 | 154 Market St. | Ohomesion [Ohannesian], Artin | M | 1920-08-20 | 65 | myocarditis (contributory: heart failure) |
 | General Hospital | Ovegian [Ovigian], Ivan | F | 1927-04-06 | 31 | cancer of cervix of uterus |
 | 152 George St. | Papazian, Dickran | M | 1923-02-04 | 48 | tuberculosis (contributory: pulmonary haemorrhage) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Paposian [Papazian], Doris | F | 1924-06-20 | 2 | tubercular meningitis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Papazian, Marian | F | 1941-01-07 | 63 | cardiac failure due to nephritis, endocarditis, & myocarditis |
 | 152 George St. | Papagian [Papazian], Nazeni | M | 1921-02-13 | 3m | broncho pneumonia |
 | 184 Dalhousie St. | Polligian [Piligian], | M | 1920-02-02 | (b. 1920-02-02) | premature birth-stillborn |
 | 182 Dalhousie St. | Possigion [Posigian], T. | F | 1915-01-23 | 23d | marasmus |
 | Paris St. | Prian, | M | 1904-12-13 | | |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sarkisian, Charles | M | 1916-03-31 | 30 | pneumonia (immediate cause of death: heart failing) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sarkisian, Harabed | M | 1932-03-27 | 66 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: laryngical T.B.) |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Sarkisian, Jack | M | 1944-10-01 | 58 (b. 1880-03-25) | silicosis (contributory: pul. tbc.) (post-mortem: carcinoma of lungs, no T. B.) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sarkisian, Mary | F | 1926-04-22 | 26 | arthritis (contributory: heart failure) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Safarion [Seferian], Ester | F | 1914-07-04 | 65 | spinal disease |
 | 13 Sheridan St. | Saverion [Seferian], Loosik | F | 1912-04-11 | 28 | shock-following operation |
 | | Seferian, Makoohi | F | 1908-08-18 | 2m | indigestion |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sefarian [Seferian], Solomon | M | 1946-02-22 | 75 | cerebral thrombosis due to general debility & diverticulosis of colon |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sefarian [Seferian], Sona | F | 1933-01-02 | 52 | oedema following heart failure (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sarabian [Serabian], Hazig | F | 1923-11-12 | 38 | tubercular meningitis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Sarabian [Serabian], Sarap | M | 1935-02-08 | 66 | pneumonitis following operation for carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 155 Darling St. | Siroonian [Sirounian], Shnorig | F | 1930-10-25 | 2m-9d | intestinal infection (contributory: diarrehea) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Siroonian [Sirounian], Siragan | M | 1935-02-20 | 48 | cirrhosis of liver (contributory: hemorrage from stomach) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Der Stepanian [Stepanian], Moses | M | 1947-06-28 | 72 (b. 1875-01-06) | congestive heart failure due to degenerative heart disease |
 | Brant Sanatorium | Terinian [Teranian], Apkar | M | 1915-05-09 | 30 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Topigian [Topakian], John | M | 1939-11-30 | 68 | hemiplegia, cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Torosian, Minas | M | 1913-01-24 | 26 | cancer of bowels |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Vallian [Valian], C. Sam | M | 1922-08-05 | 48 | tuberculosis of kidneys |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Valian, Casper | M | 1942-06-14 | 70 (b. 1872) | chronic interstitial nephritis with uremia (contributory: chronic myocarditis, prostatic hypertrophy) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Valian, Stella | F | 1928-07-01 | 25 | internal hemmorhage (contributory: etopic) |
 | Darling St. | Varoian, Garabed | M | 1908-07-04 | 35 | heart dieseas |
 | 30 Buffalo St. | Vartanian, Annie | F | 1933-06-29 | 61 | acute nephritis (contributory: hypertrophy [of] heart & valvular disease) |
 | Brantford General Hospital | Egoian [Yeghiazarian], Paul | M | 1936-04-11 | 78 | cerebral embollism (contributory: chronic bronchitic asthma and silicosis) |
 | 148 Darling St. | Egoian [Yeghiazarian], Peter | M | 1922-04-25 | 45 | murdered |
 | 13 Sheridan St. | Ergnian [Yerganian], Megrdick | M | 1944-01-20 | 78 (b. 1865) | coronary occlusion due to generalized arteriosclerosis |
Brantford Twp., Brant Co., ON, Canada |
 | Home of Aged & Infirm | Aslanian [Arslanian], Avedis | M | 1928-07-29 | 75 (b. 1853) | bronchial asthma |
 | | Kayadian, Avedisian | M | 1944-12-30 | 67 | coronary thrombosis due to generalized arteriosclerosis |
Tuscarora Twp., Brant Co., ON, Canada |
 | | Balian, Sahag | M | 1925-10-11 | 42 | angina pectoris |
Essex Co., ON, Canada |
 | Detroit River | Godoshian, Haizewart | F | 1923-10-14 | 16 | accidental drowning |
Windsor, Essex Co., ON, Canada |
 | | Agajeenian [Aghajanian], Theodore Windsor | M | 1936-11-07 | 3d (b. 1936-11-04) | congenital atresia of esophagus at middle third |
 | Grace Hospital | Chichegian, John | M | 1938-03-28 | 73 | myocarditis with acute dilatation due to asthma |
Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., ON, Canada |
 | 43½ Carlton St. | Andonian, | M | 1936-09-25 | (b. 1936-09-25) | long & difficult delivery, contracted pelvis of mother |
 | | Asodoarian [Asadourian], Artin | M | 1923-05-14 | 1m (b. 1923-04-14) | asphyxia, smothered lying in bed between parents |
 | 34 Carlton St. | Avakian, | M | 1930-10-22 | (b. 1930-10-22) | difficult position, long delivery, stillborn |
 | | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Jerair | M | 1923-03-04 | 1y-2m-19d (b. 1921-12-13) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: heart failure) |
 | | Boyajian, George | M | 1929-07-24 | 40 | suicide by firearms |
 | Carlton St. | Dardarian [Derderian], George | M | 1936-06-15 | 76 | sudden death due to myocarditis |
 | | Dardarian [Derderian], Makroy | F | 1929-07-02 | 32 (b. 1897) | intestinal obstruction (contributory: Pott's disease of spine) |
 | | Donogian [Donigian], Nirsis | M | 1915-12-03 | 31 | burned to death |
 | 45 Carlton St. | Hampatsian [Hampartsoumian], Hacheag | M | 1948-02-01 | 70 (b. 1877) | hypostatic pneumonia due to cachexia & oesophageal stricture due to diverticulum |
 | 2 Carlton St. | Hoosepian [Hovsepian], Manas | M | 1929-04-23 | 65 | chronic bronchitis and asthma |
 | | Esralian [Israelian], | M | 1931-08-09 | (b. 1931-08-08) | malnutrition and atelectasis |
 | 1 Margery Ave. | Esraelian [Israelian], | M | 1937-09-16 | (b. 1937-09-16) | born dead (still born) |
 | 318 Ontario St. | Kalafian [Kalfaian], Agven | F | 1939-09-21 | 71 | coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis & coronary sclerosis (contributory: cerebral hemiplegia) |
 | Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium | Kalaian [Kaloian], Zelrg | F | 1931-12-31 | 24y-1m-2d (b. 1907-11-02) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis of spine) |
 | | Kevorkian, Jack | M | 1934-10-05 | 4 (b. 1930) | drowning - accidental (contributory: fall from bridge) |
 | | Kurdarian [Khederian], Pirantsian | F | 1923-06-30 | 10m (b. 1922-12-17) | pneumonia |
 | County Home | Derkrekorian [Krikorian], Bogas | M | 1946-05-03 | 93y-9m-15d (b. 1852-07-18) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis & aging process |
 | 306 Ontario St. | Krikorian, Joseph | M | 1941-12-02 | 53y-5m-17d (b. 1888-06-15) | myocarditis |
 | | Mogarian [Magarian], | M | 1924-05-19 | (b. 1924-05-19) | still born |
 | 320 Ontario St. | Malkonian [Melkonian], Perpon | F | 1946-03-30 | 55y-1m-12d (b. 1891-02-18) | myocarditis, chronic |
 | | Mooradian [Mouradian], Chackie | F | 1915-12-15 | 25d | bronchitis |
 | | Mouradian, Marad | M | 1923-01-10 | 65 | pleurisy, angina pectoris |
 | | Foroisan [Torosian], | F | 1915-10-07 | | still born |
 | 27 Carlton St. | Torosian, Maredik | M | 1940-09-09 | 75y-3m-30d (b. 1865-05-10) | carcinoma [of] stomach |
St. Catharines, Lincoln Co., ON, Canada |
 | General Hospital | Alexanian, Anahid | F | 1939-10-11 | 11d (b. 1939-09-30) | acute oedema of lungs due to congenital heart disease (new born) |
 | General Hospital | Aloian, Bogos | M | 1930-02-28 | 40 | general peritonitis following attack of appendicitis (contributory: delay in calling assistance) |
 | General Hospital | Aloian, Menas | M | 1941-03-10 | 55y-10m-23d (b. 1885-04-15) | cirrhosis of liver |
 | | Anigian [Annigian], Bedros | M | 1919-05-22 | 35 | haemorrhage . . . right lung partly due to bullet wound & subsequent congestion of opposite lung |
 | | Aslanian [Arslanian], Aram | M | 1913-06-29 | 32 | accidental[l]y drowned |
 | General Hospital | Artennian [Artinian], David | M | 1928-08-05 | 46 | fracture of skull and right leg - crush[ed] by motor car (contributory: septic pneumonia) |
 | General Hospital | Artenian [Artinian], Homayag | F | 1931-12-21 | 1m-3d (b. 1931-11-16) | otitis media, diarrhea & enteritis |
 | General Hospital | Artinian, Setrag | M | 1929-11-26 | 36 (b. 1893) | myocardial failure, general paralysis of the insane |
 | 276 Ontario St. | Asadourian, Garabed | M | 1945-05-07 | 55y-4m-23d (b. 1889-12-14) | coronary thrombosis (sudden) |
 | General Hospital | Avakian, | F | 1926-09-20 | (b. 1926-09-20) | contracted pelvis causing protracted delivery, still born |
 | 257 Ontario St. | Avidosian [Avedisian], Aristokis | M | 1936-10-16 | 47y-7m-1d (b. 1889-03-15) | probably cerebral hemorrhage |
 | General Hospital | Bedrosian, Mardig | M | 1932-05-13 | 40 (b. 1892-08-28) | fall on sidewalk, fracture base of skull |
 | General Hospital | Barbarian [Berberian], Arten | M | 1945-10-26 | 61y-3m-10d (b. 1884-07-16) | haemorrhage due to peptic ulder |
 | Ontario St. | Bohagian [Boghigian], Archie | M | 1911-12-05 | 28 | accidentally crushed by freight cars of N. H. & T. Ry. |
 | General Hospital | Bohajian [Boyajian], Agnes | F | 1940-11-04 | 50y-8m-20d (b. 1890-02-15) | l[eft] cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure & diseased kidneys & heart |
 | | Boyajian, Ardeshas | F | 1915-01-15 | 1m | atrophy |
 | General Hospital | Bozoian, Paul | M | 1930-10-01 | 27d (b. 1930-09-04) | diarrhea and enteritis |
 | | Chichakian [Chichegian], | M | 1918-01-20 | 10d (b. 1918-01-06) | premature birth |
 | 255 Ontario St | Chickakian [Chichegian], | M | 1924-11-19 | 2d (b. 1924-11-17) | premature birth |
 | General Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], | F | 1924-01-19 | (b. 1924-01-19) | still born |
 | General Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Hachig | M | 1943-10-12 | 73y-4m-27d (b. 1870-05-15) | myocarditis due to coronary arteriosclerosis |
 | General Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Paul Boghos | M | 1946-05-06 | 68y-8m-16d (b. 1877-08-20) | broncho pneumonia due to carcinoma [of] small intestine |
 | General Hospital | Fustukian, Sath | M | 1945-09-13 | 77y-10m-28d (b. 1867-10-16) | myocarditis due to arterio sclerosis (contributory: bronco-pneumonia) |
 | General Hospital | Garabedian, Paul | M | 1938-05-16 | 47y-4m-22d (b. 1890-12-24) | calculous pyonephrosis r[ight] due to sepsis |
 | 251 Ontario St. | Hagopian, Malkon | M | 1942-06-09 | 45y-5m-15d (b. 1896-12-25) | myocarditis (sudden) |
 | General Hospital | Hagopian, Sarkis | M | 1947-08-08 | 60y-7m-21d (b. 1886-12-18) | bronchopneumonia due to cancer [of] stomach |
 | General Hospital | Haktsian [Haktzian], Sooltan | F | 1932-08-04 | 42 (b. 1889) | acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: port operative choleaplectomy and appendectomy) |
 | General Hospital | Hoosapian [Hovsepian], Nectar | F | 1933-02-28 | 41y-9m-21d (b. 1891-05-07) | uraemia (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | Ontario St. | Israilian [Israelian], Dickran | M | 1925-03-27 | 5m-14d (b. 1924-10-13) | acute indigestion |
 | General Hospital | Kalagian [Kalajian], Andrew | M | 1941-03-20 | 53y-8m-5d (b. 1887-07-15) | broncho pneumonia due to influenza |
 | General Hospital | Kalagian [Kalajian], Michael | M | 1943-02-02 | 61y-10m-18d (b. 1881-03-15) | lobar pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Kaloustian, Avid | M | 1948-03-14 | 64y-5m-4d (b. 1883-10-10) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis & diabetes mellitus |
 | General Hospital | Kaloustian, David | M | 1945-09-16 | 51y-2m-1d (b. 1894-07-15) | coronary occlusion |
 | General Hospital | Kaldustian [Kaloustian], Khatchadour | M | 1931-06-23 | 60 (b. 1871) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Bellevue Lodge Convalescent Home | Kosaian [Keoseian], Hampartz | M | 1945-09-26 | 72 | dementia, senility |
 | General Hospital | Korkegian [Korkigian], Katoon | F | 1939-07-02 | 72 (b. 1867) | hypostatic pneumonia, cardiac failure (contributory: bronchial asthma) |
 | General Hospital | Korkegian [Korkigian], Nazeg | F | 1948-06-08 | 59y-7m-22d (b. 1888-10-16) | acute hepatitis due to chronic cholingstitus [?] |
 | General Hospital | Krikorian, Aghajona | M | 1938-01-06 | 64y-4m-27d (b. 1873-08-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Krekorian [Krikorian], Salveya | F | 1933-07-14 | 10m-23d (b. 1932-09-21) | bronco pneumonia |
 | 251 Ontario St. | Krekorian [Krikorian], Sanam | F | 1940-09-17 | 49 (b. 1891-09) | cerebral hemorrhage (left hemiplegia) due to hypertension & arteriosclerosis (contributory: asthmatic bronchitis) |
 | Welland Ave. | Magarian, Khoran | M | 1933-02-15 | 42y-3m-8d (b. 1890-11-02) | suicide by cutting throat with razor |
 | General Hospital | Magarian, Lucy | F | 1939-01-03 | 50 (b. 1888) | carcinoma [of] thyroid due to secondary chests & breasts, probably lungs |
 | Consumptive Sanitarium | Magarian, Marguerite | F | 1929-06-08 | 34y-5m-25d (b. 1895-12-12) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Wellandra Hospital | Menoian [Manoian], George | M | 1923-05-16 | 42 | tuberculosis |
 | General Hospital | Menorian [Manoian], Hockiefe [?] | M | 1913-04-04 | 25 | accident |
 | General Hospital | Manoian, Sarkis | M | 1940-08-24 | 53y-14d (b. 1887-08-10) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | | Maneralian [Manuelian], Harbetioun | M | 1906-08-25 | 23 | drowned |
 | General Hospital | Marderosian [Mardirosian], Moushegh | M | 1943-01-26 | 47y-10m-14d (b. 1895-03-12) | myocardial failure due to lobar pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Matoian, | M | 1927-06-03 | (b. 1927-06-03) | still born |
 | General Hospital | Malegian [Melikian], Nazar | M | 1946-07-26 | 73y-4m-11d (b. 1873-03-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerotic hypertension |
 | 220 Ontario St | Malconian [Melkonian], Gualvart | M | 1921-10-17 | 30m (b. 1921-09-17) | intestinal indigestion (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | General Hospital | Melkonian, Verage | M | 1928-11-20 | 1 (b. 1927-10-27) | septic plurea-pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Minasian, Hozarig | F | 1939-10-01 | 70 (b. 1869) | myocarditis due to bronco-pneumonia & asthma |
 | General Hospital | Merakian [Mirakian], Huosap | M | 1925-05-09 | 2m-20d (b. 1925-02-19) | malnutrition (twin & never developed like the other) (contributory: bronchitis) |
 | General Hospital | Merakian [Mirakian], Mekalen | M | 1929-09-24 | 4y-7m-5d (b. 1925-02-19) | abcess of lung (duration 2 yrs., operation preceded death) |
 | 5 Welland Ave. | Mooradian [Mouradian], | M | 1922-02-28 | (b. 1922-02-28) | stillborn |
 | General Hospital | Mouradian, | F | 1938-09-21 | 1d (b. 1938-09-21) | prematurity |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Difrif | F | 1934-08-30 | 63y-4m (b. 1871-04) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: had anesthetic for tonsillectomy 4 days before) |
 | 3 Merritt St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Hachig | M | 1939-12-23 | 82y-2m-19d (b. 1857-10-10) | myocarditis due to arterio sclerosis |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Harvey | M | 1944-08-27 | 4m-5d (b. 1944-04-22) | acute intestinal intoxication |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Karam | M | 1937-05-19 | 35y-10m-9d (b. 1901-07-10) | pulmonary embolism due to chronic endocarditis & rheumatism |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Peprig | F | 1922-06-24 | 20 (b. 1902) | local peritonitis (contributory: abscess) |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Rose | F | 1940-10-29 | 11d (b. 1940-10-18) | diarrhaea due to prematurity |
 | General Hospital | Mouradian, Sidney | M | 1928-05-13 | 46y-8m-28d (b. 1881-01-14) | broncho pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Mouradian, Thomas Edward | M | 1944-10-07 | 34y-4m-23d (b. 1910-05-14) | diabetes mellitus (coma) |
 | General Hospital | Nazarian [Najarian], George | M | 1935-04-03 | 42y-1m-16d (b. 1893-02-18) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | General Hospital | Negosian [Nigoghosian], Sahog | M | 1947-09-29 | 70y-6m-11d (b. 1877-03-18) | diabetic coma & hepatic coma due to diabetes & generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: advanced cirrhosis of liver) |
 | 14 James St. | Nishanian, Mike | M | 1948-03-18 | 52y-5m-15d (b. 1895-10-03) | myocarditis (sudden) |
 | 3 Merritt St. | Nezanian [Nishanian], Zarouhe | F | 1943-12-09 | 63y-9m (b. 1880-02-09) | chronic myocarditis due to chronic nephritis |
 | General Hospital | Ovigian, Garabed | M | 1924-11-22 | 70 | double pneumonia |
 | Wellandra Hospital | Paroian, Solomon | M | 1923-03-01 | 37y-11m-14d (b. 1885-03-15) | septic pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Parsigian [Parseghian], Arakel | M | 1920-02-29 | 55 | carcinoma of stomach (contributory: toxemia) |
 | General Hospital | Sahagian, Peter Bedros | M | 1945-08-17 | 21y-11m-27d (b. 1923-08-21) | acute pyelo nephritis |
 | General Hospital | Sarkisian, Asder | M | 1948-06-08 | 75 (b. 1873) | bronchopneumonia due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | General Hospital | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Mardeg | M | 1943-08-29 | 62y-7m-8d (b. 1881-01-21) | peritonitis due to diverticulitis [of] colon, perforation |
 | | Saskerian, Hamig | M | 1916-05-21 | 25 | pneumonia |
 | General Hospital | Sarofarian [Seferian], Margaret Alice | F | 1929-07-12 | 24 | suicide (veronal posioning) |
 | General Hospital | Sankemian [Senekerimian], Depan | M | 1927-08-28 | (b. 1927-08-28) | still born |
 | General Hospital | Simonian, Paul | M | 1940-07-06 | 42 (b. 1898) | carcinoma of pyloris |
 | General Hospital | Siroonian [Sirounian], Samuel | M | 1945-02-27 | 85y-2m-10d (b. 1860-01-17) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Ontario St. | Tarpinian, Arakel | M | 1912-07-15 | 35 | killed by some person unknown (a clear case of murder and murderer not found, yet all Armenians in the house) |
 | | Torasian [Torosian], | M | 1916-12-11 | | stillborn |
 | General Hospital | Torosian, Alamkes | F | 1932-01-01 | 2y-5d (b. 1929-12-27) | meningitis |
 | 5 Welland Ave. | Varchabedian [Varjabedian], Marian | F | 1928-06-02 | 62 (b. 1866) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 26 Jones St. | Voskerchin [Vosgerichian], Nartoohi | F | 1948-06-19 | 64y-13d (b. 1884-06-06) | bronchial pneumonia due to myesthenia gravis |
 | General Hospital | Akazarian [Yeghiazarian], Mihran Makes | M | 1943-04-16 | 34y-6m-26d (b. 1908-09-21) | Banti's disease (contributory: anaemia) |
 | 32 Wiley St. | Eramian [Yeramian], Nishan | M | 1943-07-31 | 56y-11m-26d (b. 1886-08-05) | bulbar paralysis |
Simcoe, Norfolk Co., ON, Canada |
 | | Mitchell, Grace May | F | 1928-03-30 | 32y-11m-21d (b. 1895-04-09) | pulmonary embolism (contributory: puerpueral) |
 | | Mitchell, Mary | F | 1921-09-23 | (b. 1921-09-23) | inanition (contributory: heart failure) (still born) |
Nipissing Twp., Parry Sound Co., ON, Canada |
 | | Bazigian [Bozigian], Phyliss Eileen | F | 1910-11-08 | 8m-2d (b. 1930-03-06) | diarrhea |
Galt, Waterloo Co., ON, Canada |
 | Galt Hospital | Antraasian [Andreasian], Marderos | M | 1914-02-02 | 45 | pneumonia |
 | Galt Hospital | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Marderos | M | 1930-02-19 | 72 | pneumonia |
 | | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Mathew | M | 1930-10-07 | 4m (b. 1930-06-04) | intestinal influenza (contributory: diarrhea) |
 | Galt Hospital | Avedisian, Vahan | M | 1917-11-11 | 1y-3m-15d | septic meningitis |
 | 163 Francis St. | Hachikian [Khachigian], Medzig | M | 1931-08-10 | 56 (b. 1875) | cancer of liver |
 | Galt Hospital | Sahagian, Abraham | M | 1943-10-17 | 75 (b. 1858) | myocardial degeneration due to arterio sclerosis |
 | Galt Hospital | Shahagian [Sahagian], Harry Setrag | M | 1909-08-17 | 4m-6d (b. 1909-04-12) | acute Bright's with cholera infantum |
 | | Sahagean [Sahagian], Setrag | M | 1911-02-07 | 35 | tuberculosis of lungs, heart failure |
Port Colborne, Welland Co., ON, Canada |
 | 79 Elgin St. | Mitchell, Stephen | M | 1950-10-29 | 61y-2m-14d (b. 1889-08-15) | coronary thrombosis |
Guelph, Wellington Co., ON, Canada |
 | 440 York Rd. | Jaraian [Jarahian], Harry | M | 1937-09-27 | 47 (b. 1890) | coronary thrombosis |
Ancaster, Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | Hamilton Mountain Sanatorium | Onegian [Annigian], Esreal | M | 1919-03-08 | 33 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hamilton Mountain Sanatorium | Derdirian [Derderian], Anna | F | 1924-05-14 | 20 (b. 1904) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hamilton Mountain Sanatorium | Horanesian [Hovhannesian], John | M | 1919-09-19 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hamilton Mountain Sanatorium | Mooradian [Mouradian], George | M | 1934-03-16 | 22y-6d (b. 1910-03-10) | intestinal tuberculosis |
 | | Scropian [Serabian], Sakog | M | 1927-04-28 | 47 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis laryngitis) |
Barton Twp., Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | Ontario Hospital | Haktzian, Margaret | F | 1934-01-03 | 65 (b. 1865-09) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | St. Peter's Infirmary | Korkoian, Dickran | M | 1932-10-20 | 45y-2m-5d (b. 1887-08-15) | hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: disseminated sclerosis) |
 | Ontario Hospital | Kopalian [Kupelian], Charles | M | 1926-08-12 | 52 (b. 1874) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: Huntington's chorea) |
 | Ontario Hospital | Monoigian [Manougian], Paul | M | 1927-06-13 | 48 (b. 1879) | exhaustion of general paresisis |
 | Ontario Hospital | Markissian [Margosian], James | M | 1922-10-18 | 40 (b. 1840) | general paralysis of the insane (contributory: syphilis) |
 | General Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Arnold | M | 1931-08-24 | 5m (b. 1931-03-28) | encephalitis |
 | General Hospital | Sohigian [Soghigian], Aderine | F | 1931-05-05 | (b. 1931-05-04) | premature birth 6½ months |
Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | | Hoshoian, Sydney | M | 1935-09-22 | 48y-5m (b. 1887-04-06) | coronary thrombosis due to acute indigestion |
Dundas, Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | Hamilton Hospital | Ekmesian [Ekmekjian], Mary | F | 1914-05-26 | 31 | tuberculosis of lungs |
Hamilton, Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | 47½ Earl St. | Eloian [Aloian], | M | 1926-09-17 | (b. 1926-09-17) | stillborn difficult labor |
 | | Arakelian, Margaret | F | 1907-07-25 | 9 | meningitis |
 | General Hospital | Haroian [Aroian], Charles | M | 1926-03-29 | 69 (b. 1856) | influenza (contributory: pneumonia) |
 | General Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Harry | M | 1932-09-03 | 53 | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | City Hospital | Boghosian, Myrditch | M | 1911-10-17 | 25 | pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Bozoian, Harry | M | 1914-01-15 | 47 | intestinal obstruction |
 | Ontario Hospital | Devitian [Davidian], George | M | 1916-02-07 | 22 | exhau[s]tion of dementia praecox |
 | City Hospital | Donvian, Moosheh | M | 1916-10-10 | 30 | tuberculosis involving hip & pelvis (immediate cause of death: heart failure) |
 | | Erytoschian, Artine | | 1913-08-12 | | stillborn |
 | | Evarian, Alice | F | 1928-02-02 | 22 | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuber of hip joint, abdominal tuber (contributory: thrombosis, femoral vein) |
 | 63 Princess St. | Goshgarian, | M | 1913-05-02 | | stillborn premature birth |
 | City Hospital | Goshgarian, Andy | M | 1917-08-04 | 13m | rickets (immediate: acidosis) |
 | General Hospital | Harotonian [Haroutunian], Paravon | M | 1925-12-08 | 35 (b. 1890) | double lobar pnuemonia |
 | City Hospital | Kalagian [Kalajian], Aram | M | 1917-04-22 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis pulmonary hemorrhage and heart failure |
 | 230 Gibson Ave. | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Nevart | F | 1927-04-12 | 3m (b. 1927-01-17) | gastroenteritis (contributory: bronco pneumonia) |
 | | Hachikian [Khachigian], Sylvia | | 1950-08-04 | | carcinoma of stomach, secondaries: liver, lymph nodes, pancreas |
 | 57 Princess St. | Korkoian, | F | 1915-06-03 | | premature birth |
 | 43 Princess St. | Korkoian, Herant | M | 1913-12-23 | | cholera infant |
 | City Hospital | Manoukian [Manougian], James | M | 1912-06-23 | 27 (b. 1884) | tubercular lung and ankle |
 | General Hospital | Manooishian [Manoushian], Baroonag | M | 1925-10-14 | 35 (b. 1890) | Intestinal obstruction due to strangulated hernia |
 | City Hospital | Mardian [Mardoian], George | M | 1915-03-31 | 27 | tuberculosis and myocarditis |
 | 62 Earl St. | Matosian [Mateosian], Alice | F | 1936-02-09 | 51 (b. 1884-06-12) | myocardial degeneration & dropsy due to enlarged liver & diabetes |
 | | Mooradian [Mouradian], Christina | F | 1929-05-03 | (b. 1929-05-03) | |
 | City Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Mesrop | M | 1909-04-04 | 45 | p[ulmonary] tuberculosis |
 | 233 Gibson Ave. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Sokoma | F | 1923-08-21 | 43 | carcinoma of the cervix (uterus) |
 | 145 Princess St. | Mossoian [Moushoian], Arthur | M | 1909-12-15 | 8m-15d (b. 1909-04-01) | pneumonia, heart failure due to disease |
 | 51 Ruth St. | Natian, Hiram | M | 1920-08-12 | 1y-4m-1d (b. 1919-04-07) | dysentery |
 | General Hospital | Ohanisian [Ohannesian], Asadour | M | 1929-04-14 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Papertzian, Alice | F | 1922-08-26 | 7m (b. 1922-06-23) | cholera infantum (contributory: thrush and pneumonia) |
 | | Proian [Paroian], Peter | M | 1923-04-19 | 27 (b. 1896) | tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Saganian, Moses | M | 1916-04-13 | 35 | tuberculosis (immediate cause of death: heart failure and asphyxia) |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Safarian [Seferian], Makar | M | 1917-05-10 | 40 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | General Hosptial | Safarian [Seferian], Sybil | F | 1932-03-28 | 25y-18d (b. 1907-03-10) | hemorrhage from ruptured ectopic pregnancy |
 | 59 Earl St. | Simigian, Menas | M | 1938-09-21 | 58y-1m-5d (b. 1880-08-16) | coronary thrombosis |
 | City Hospital | Simonian, Percy | M | 1918-05-20 | 32 | tuberculosis (contributory: meningitis) |
 | 640 Barton St. | Stephanian [Stepanian], | M | 1919-05-15 | | difficult labor (contributory: injuries in labor) |
 | General Hospital | Stephanian [Stepanian], Aghagan | M | 1925-07-12 | 29 (b. 1896-07) | general peritonitis following operation for gastric ulcer |
 | General Hospital | Stepanian, Margaret | F | 1925-06-14 | 1d (b. 1926-06-13) | birth injuries |
 | General Hospital | Tatoian, Stanley | M | 1922-10-12 | 7m (b. 1922-03-04) | acute intestitinal intoxication with acidosis (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | City Hospital | Torosian, Garigion | M | 1913-06-14 | 40 | injured spine & fracturing ribs (contributory: pneumonia) |
 | City Hospital | Tosohian [Tosoian], Harry | M | 1915-02-21 | 40 | carcinoma of testicle (contributory: asthenia) |
 | City Hospital | Tosoian, Humprey | M | 1920-01-08 | 29 (b. 1891-07) | pneumonia |
 | 246 Gibson Ave. | Tosoion [Tosoian], Martin | M | 1918-11-12 | 47 | tuberculosis |
 | General Hospital | Osgerchian [Vosgerichian], Lucy | F | 1927-10-09 | 18 (b. 1908-11-23) | eclampsia (contributory: pregnancy) |
 | City Hospital | Apromian [Yepremian], Kirkor | M | 1910-05-23 | 45 (b. 1865) | disease of stomach, pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Aramian [Yeramian], Adam | M | 1918-10-03 | 9m | acute bronchial condition, intestinal diarrhea |
 | 51 Ruth St. | Aremian [Yeramian], Yasgia | F | 1919-10-19 | 7m | loss of heart compensation, acute bronchitis |
 | City Hospital | Zodorion [Zadourian], Giragos | M | 1913-02-10 | 32 | pnuemonia (immediate: heart failure) |
 | City Hospital | Zadurian [Zadourian], Joe | M | 1921-10-11 | 3m (b. 1921-07-03) | infectious diarrhoea (contributory: marasmus) |
Saltfleet Twp., Wentworth Co., ON, Canada |
 | Barton St. | Hagopian, Asle | F | 1937-03-05 | 60y-1m-23d (b. 1877-01-10) | an apparent acute cardiac attack . . . found dead in bed |
Toronto, York Co., ON, Canada |
 | 100 Amelia St. | Kouyoumdjian [Kouyoumjian], Anna | F | 1937-03-04 | 54 (b. 1882-03-09) | static pneumonia due to senile dementia |
York Twp., York Co., ON, Canada |
 | Toronto Hospital for Consumptives | Asadourian, Avedis | M | 1932-05-05 | (b. 1914) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Ciudad Juarez, Juarez, CHH, Mexico |
 | 142 Calle Mejia | Avidisian [Avedisian], Maria Refugio | F | 1925-07-16 | | gastro enteritis |
 | Avenida Juarez | Kasarian [Ghazarian], Genoveva | | 1925-04-01 | 35 | fiebre tifoidea [typhoid fever] |
 | 313 Avenida Juarez | Sookiasian [Soukiasian], Martin | | 1929-03-21 | 35 | congestión cerebral [cerebral congestion] |
Oakland, Alameda Co., CA, USA |
 | | Abrahamian, Mardiros | M | 1934-12-10 | 75y-8m-9d | coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, hypertrophy [of] prostate, uremia |
Fresno, Fresno Co., CA, USA |
 | | Abrahamian, Rosa | F | 1902-06-04 | 8m | intestinal congestion |
 | | Alipounosian [Alipounarian], Garabed | M | 1901-08-11 | 55 | consumption |
 | | Alchuojian [Altgidjian], H. | M | 1902-01-10 | 60 | chronic gastritis |
 | | Lion [Arslanian], Albert King | M | 1902-11-01 | 3m | capillary bronchitis |
 | | Babasinian, Elizabeth | F | 1899-07-20 | 80 | old age |
 | | Barsamian, Millisen G. | F | 1900-05-16 | 1m-15d | nat[ural] causes |
 | | Bassian [Bashian], Jno. | M | 1901-04-18 | 64 | nat[ural] causes |
 | | Boborian [?] [Bebirian], H. | M | 1901-08-13 | 45 | tuberculosis |
 | | Paterian [Bedrosian], Charles | M | 1901-07-19 | 28 | typhoid fever |
 | | Benglian [Benlian], Virginia J. | F | 1897-03-12 | 6y-10m-6d | diphtheria |
 | | Dervishian, M. | M | 1900-07-09 | 23 | pul[monary] tuberculosis |
 | | Aminnian [?] [Eminian], | F | 1901-11-28 | | premature birth |
 | | Yogobian [Hagopian], Simon | M | 1902-12-30 | 27 | consumption |
 | | Harootian [Haroutunian], Anna | F | 1902-06-15 | 3m | cholera infantum |
 | | Harootunian [Haroutunian], Kurekian | M | 1900-08-28 | 20 | crushed in packing house elevator |
 | | Joseph [Hovsepian], Mary | F | 1890-03-11 | 19y-1m-8d | consumption |
 | | Gechanshahyan [?] [Jihanshahian], George | M | 1890-10-27 | 80 | old age |
 | 1547 O St. | Kullujian [Kalajian], Diroohi | F | 1925-10-18 | 58 | valvular les[i]on of heart |
 | | Kaprelian [Kaprielian], Minas | M | 1903-01-21 | 46 | tuberculosis |
 | | Karagosian [Karageozian], Garabed | M | 1902-12-29 | 34 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Kazangian [Kazanjian], Queen | F | 1902-07-21 | 56 | sarcoma |
 | | Keoshion [Keoseian], A. | F | 1902-11-12 | 18 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Keossian [Keoseian], Krikar | M | 1901-10-16 | 25 | tuberculosis |
 | | Keshishyan [Keshishian], Serope | M | 1898-11-26 | 71 | diabetes mellitus |
 | | George [Kevorkian], John | M | 1899-03-23 | 40 | consumption |
 | | Mahboobian [Mahjoubian], Jacob | M | 1902-06-20 | 35 | catarrhal enteritis |
 | | Manoogian [Manougian], | F | 1902-11-05 | 2m | pneumonia |
 | | Mardirosian, Serpoohia | F | 1901-05-11 | 38 | pul[monary] tuberculosis |
 | | Michael [Mikaelian], Oscar | M | 1902-07-05 | 33 | gun shot wound inflicted by the hand of Dick Manoogian |
 | | Minassian [Minasian], Jno. G. | M | 1896-08-07 | 25y-3m-6d | peritonitis |
 | | Movesian [Movsesian], | F | 1898-09-26 | 3m | cholera infantum |
 | | Mosisian [Movsesian], S. | M | 1899-04-24 | 30 | consumption |
 | | Normart, Isabel G. | F | 1894-11-17 | 18 | valv[ular] dis[ease of] heart |
 | | Odabashian, Orakel | M | 1900-09-05 | 44 | acute catarrhal enteritis |
 | | Papasian [Papazian], Francis | F | 1891-12-17 | 13y-3m-11d | typho-malaria fever |
 | | Patigian, Hovan | M | 1902-08-10 | 28 | gangrene of lung |
 | | Simonian, Antaram | F | 1895-07-09 | 62 | organic dis[ease of] heart |
 | | Tarpinian, M. | M | 1894-09-25 | 27 | accidental gun shot |
 | | Darbanian [Tarpinian], Zanop | M | 1900-12-10 | 13 | typhoid fever |
 | | Tateosan [Tateosian], Matthew | M | 1891-02-08 | 37y-7m-3d | hepatic abscess |
 | | Vartarian [Vartirian], Tagawley [?] | F | 1902-12-10 | 9m | inflamation of bowels |
 | | Yezdanian, Rosie V. | F | 1901-02-16 | 18y-3m | puerperal fever |
Bell Gardens, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Del Rio Sanitarium | Garo [Garoian], Annie | F | 1957-08-03 | 84 (b. 1872-10-15) | |
Belvedere [E. Los Angeles], Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 4262 E. Olympic Blvd. | Timoor [Timourian], Mihran | F | 1945-04-03 | 69y-4m-9d (b. 1875-11-25) | coronary occlusion (other: hyperpieses) |
Burbank, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 1616 W. Oak St. | Minasian, Louise A. | F | 1958-05-13 | 72 (b. 1885-11-11) | acute cardiac dilatation due to hypostatic pneumonia & ovarian carcinoma |
Duarte, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Angeles Sanitarium | Bosnaian [Bosnoian], James | M | 1957-03-29 | 74 (b. 1882-05) | |
Glendale, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Glendale Community Hospital | Moorsalian [Moursalian], Helen | F | 1945-02-25 | 72y-2d (b. 1873-02-22) | pulmonary edema due to myocardial degeneration |
Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 2725 E. 58th St. | Adishian, Peter K. | M | 1957-11-25 | 68 (b. 1889-08-15) | carcinomatosis with debilatation due to carcinoma of rectum with metastates |
 | 1119 E. 84th St. | Garo [Garoian], Peter Stephen | M | 1939-12-16 | 68y-11m-28d (b. 1870-12-18) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
Inglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Centinela Hospital | Hagopian, Vartanoush | F | 1947-06-06 | 61y-10m-2d (b. 1885-08-04) | uremia & toxemia due to cancer of bladder (other: hypertension) |
 | Centinela Valley Community Hospital | Kerkorian [Krikorian], Esqwe | F | 1958-12-16 | 72 (b. 1886-04-08) | mutiple fractures of pelvis with retroperitoneal hemorrhage & other injuries (accident - auto struck pedestrian) |
 | Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital | Memleketian, John | M | 1959-08-12 | 80 (b. 1878-09-20) | liver failure due to cholangitis & cancer of head of pancreas |
 | St. Erne Sanitarium | Shahabian, Mesrob M. | M | 1945-08-25 | 67y-9m-12d (b. 1877-11-13) | cerebro sclerotic dementia due to chronic myocarditis |
Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Seaside Hospital | Avakian, Arsen Harootune | M | 1950-05-05 | 69 (b. 1881-03-04) | coronary sclerosis |
 | 1716 American Ave. | Prieste [Keshishian], Mamas G. | M | 1944-01-24 | 75 (b. 1869) | cerebral hemorrhage due to cardio-renal disease & hypertension |
Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 2207 Cloverdale Ave. | Adalian [Adanalian], Garabed | M | 1938-12-09 | 71 (b. 1867) | carcinoma of stomach with metastasis into liver, right lung, & mediostinal glands |
 | Los Angeles General Hospital | Aloyian [Aloian], Esther | F | 1932-03-30 | 69y-15d (b. 1863-03-15) | hypertensive heart disease with cardiac decompensation |
 | 3351 Opal St. | Aloyan [Aloian], Simion | M | 1935-03-05 | 82y-15d (b. 1853-03-20) | cerebral haemorrhage |
 | 4904 S. Vermont Ave. | Amerian [Amirian], Dick | M | 1948-11-09 | 61y-6m-29d (b. 1887-04-10) | acute coronary occlusion with myocardial infarct[ion] due to coronary arteriosclerosis (other: hypertensive heart disease) |
 | Georgia Street St. Hospital | Apoian, Archie | M | 1942-01-26 | 35y-10m-23d (b. 1906-03-03) | diabetes mellitus (other: emaciation) |
 | Georgia St. Hospital | Arefkian [Arikian], Anahid | M | 1937-06-15 | 27 | compound comminuted fracture of the skull (homicide, struck by hatchet [by husband) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Arsenian, Solomon Garabed | M | 1948-12-06 | 64y-9m-21d (b. 1884-02-14) | coronary disease & occlusion |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Arslanian, Anna | F | 1935-12-02 | 78y-11m-1d (b. 1857-01-01) | second degree burns covering the greater part of the body (accident at home, clothing caught fire) |
 | 1700 Santa Fe Ave. | Arvanigian, Harry | M | 1940-05-29 | 52y-9m-4d (b. 1887-08-25) | chronic myocardial degeneration due to coronary artery atherosclerosis |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Margaret | F | 1950-01-25 | 74 (b. 1875-08-02) | acute circulatory failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital | Atamian, Bedros | M | 1961-10-31 | 88 (b. 1873-08-15) | arteriosclerotic heart disease (other: fracture of left hip & terminal pneumonia) (accident, fall at home) |
 | Dunlap Sanitarium | Atimion [Atamian], Esther | F | 1956-12-14 | 77 (b. 1879-10-16) | terminal pneumonia due to arteriosclerotic hypertension & diabetes mellitus |
 | 2706½ W. 54th St. | Atimion [Atamian], John | M | 1939-08-27 | 69y-4m-26d (b. 1870-04-01) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Alvarado Hospital | Avakian, Kevork | M | 1946-02-21 | 62y-2m-6d (b. 1883-12-15) | cardiac decompensation due to myocardial degeneration |
 | St. Vincent's Hospital | Berkian [Barakian], | M | 1922-07-06 | (b. 1922-07-06) | stillborn (prolapsed cord) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Berekian [Barakian], Khacher S. | M | 1930-08-14 | 39y-6m-27d (b. 1891-01-18) | metastatic sarcoma of lung from left thigh (amputated) (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 1416 N. Sycamore Ave. | Barsam [Barsamian], Charles Garabed | M | 1954-10-26 | 66 (b. 1888-08-01) | carcinoma, primary, right lung |
 | 440½ N. La Cienega Blvd. | Barsamian, Mary | F | 1947-01-21 | 62y-9m-26d (b. 1884-03-25) | myocardial infarction due to hypertensive heart disease (other: bronchial asthma) |
 | Clara Barton Hospital | Bashbazirgian [Bashbazirghian], Mugerditch H. | M | 1920-10-23 | 62 | septicaemia from stone in both kidneys & cystitis (contributory: endocarditis) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Badoian [Bedoian], Arnt | M | 1936-02-25 | 37y-11m-22d (b. 1898-03-03) | far advanced bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Wilshire Hospital | Bejanian, Nicholas | M | 1943-08-08 | 63y-10m-24d (b. 1879-09-15) | pulmonary edema due to l[ef]t sided cardiac failure, chronic myocarditis, & effects of surgery (carcinoma of colon) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Beyazian, Zareh | M | 1947-06-28 | 65 (b. 1862) | cerebral softening due to hypertension |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Bohigian [Boghigian], Rose Varter | F | 1958-03-04 | 71 (b. 1886-05-25) | acute myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | California Hospital | Paul [Boghosian], Arthur | M | 1934-02-04 | 39y-21d (b. 1895-01-13) | lympho sarcoma lungs |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Mike M. | M | 1947-02-28 | 68y-2m-13d (b. 1878-12-15) | carcinoma of bladder (other: chr[onic] uremia, hypertensive heart disease) |
 | Monte Sano Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Susie | F | 1948-06-03 | 66y-15d (b. 1882-05-19) | pulmonary edema due to arteriosclerotic heart |
 | 5236 S. Huntington Dr. | Bosnaian [Bosnoian], Eliza | F | 1957-08-20 | 66 (b. 1891-02-23) | acute cardiac failure, arteriosclerotic heart disease due to senility |
 | 3023 Dalton Ave. | Devirian [Davorian], Jonathan Edwards | M | 1934-09-20 | 50y-8m-10d (b. 1884-01-10) | chronic myocarditis |
 | St. Vincent's Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Yugaper | F | 1952-03-01 | 66 (b. 1886-01-01) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis & hypertension (contributory: diabetes) |
 | French Hospital | Elmassian [Elmasian], Khosrov H. | M | 1942-03-03 | 64y-7m-18d (b. 1877-07-15) | toxic (terminal stage) myelogenous leukemia (other: heart failure & acute nephritis) |
 | 1425 N. Catalina St. | Filian, George H. | M | 1942-07-23 | 89y-6m-3d (b. 1853-01-20) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Filian, Housdiane | F | 1943-02-28 | 89y-5m-11d (b. 1853-09-17) | 3rd degree burns of the body & extremities (clothing ignited from gas heater) |
 | 623½ S. Soto St. | Frankline [Frankian], Agnes | F | 1932-05-25 | 34y-1m-10d (b. 1898-04-15) | puerperal peritonitis (contributory: miscarriage) |
 | 727 Fratkin Pl. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Levon | M | 1945-09-29 | 49y-10m-4d (b. 1895-11-25) | myocardial failure due to coronary sclerosis |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Reuben P. | M | 1939-12-10 | 34 | moderately advanced pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitation (contributory: tuberculous meningitis) |
 | E. 51st St. & Avalon Blvd. | Harutunian [Haroutunian], Armenag | M | 1937-11-11 | 70y-5m-7d (b. 1867-06-04) | basal fracture of the skull (accident - auto & pedestrian) |
 | 3352 Estrada St. | Hazian [Hasekian], Lucin | F | 1939-02-24 | 52y-2m-14d (b. 1886-12-10) | bronchopneumonia & emphysema (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | West Valley Community Hospital | Hazian [Hasekian], Stephen H. | M | 1955-02-22 | 73 (b. 1881-05-20) | uremia & carcinomatosis due to prostatic obstruction |
 | 5611 Carlin St. | Hoogoian [Hougoian], Sophie Mary | F | 1949-07-13 | 45 (b. 1904-01-01) | coronary thrombosis due to coronary disease of heart |
 | 3415 Verdugo Rd. | Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], Mardiros M. | M | 1960-04-04 | 89 (b. 1870-08-30) | congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | 6243 La Mirada Ave. | Jamgochian, Mariam | F | 1946-09-14 | 75y-5m-14d (b. 1871-03-30) | coronary occlusion due to atherosclerotic heart disease (other: congestive heart failure) |
 | Cedars of Lebanon Hospital | Jigamian, George H. | M | 1963-11-23 | 77 (b. 1886-01-20) | a[rterio] s[clerotic] h[eart] d[isease] (other: cancer . . .) |
 | Van Nuys Retreat | Kludjian [Kalajian], Araxe | F | 1955-03-16 | 64 (b. 1891-03-07) | cerebral vascular accident due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease |
 | 3047 Harrington Ave. | Kludjian [Kalajian], Jacob B. | M | 1939-06-16 | 64y-11m-9d (b. 1874-07-07) | ulcer of stomach (10 years duration) (contributory: repeated hemorrhage, anemia) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Kludjian [Kalajian], John | M | 1936-04-15 | 100 (b. 1836) | fracture of the right femur (accident, slipped & fell to floor of bathroom at home) |
 | 1001 Crenshaw Blvd. | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Antram | F | 1932-11-26 | 91y-9m-9d (b. 1841-02-17) | senility & influenza |
 | Park View Hospital | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Elmas | F | 1950-07-23 | 77 (b. 1872-09-16) | carcinoma of colon (other: carcinoma of gall bladder & pancreas) |
 | 1341 W. 47th St. | Kanarian, Lucas | M | 1933-09-09 | 51 | gastric ulcer & stenosis, arterio sclerosis |
 | 817 W. 58th St. | Kassabian [Kasabian], Ayguel | F | 1943-01-09 | 74y-7m-25d (b. 1867-05-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 6412 S. Vermont Ave. | Kassabian [Kasabian], Hadji Garabed | M | 1928-09-01 | 72 | arteriosclerosis, nephritis - chronic interstitial |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Kasparian, Bagdasar | M | 1936-07-29 | 74y-5m-27d (b. 1862-02-02) | arteriosclerotic heart disease & aortic stenosis (contributory: congestive failure) |
 | 4101½ S. San Pedro St. | Kazanjian, Ardashes Bedros | M | 1940-01-21 | 54y-9m-24d (b. 1885-03-15) | rheumatic & arteriosclerotic heart disease, aortic stenosis, coronary sclerosis with acute cardiac failure |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Prieste [Keshishian], Haiganoosh | F | 1958-04-11 | 62 (b. 1895-07-20) | congestive heart failure due to hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 435 S. Pecan St. | Katanjian [Ketenjian], Arson | M | 1939-07-27 | 78 (b. 1861) | prostatic hypertrophy, diverticula bladder, bladder calculus (other: uremia) |
 | 435 S. Pecan St. | Kartanjian [Ketenjian], David | M | 1932-04-27 | 40y-5m-3d (b. 1891-11-24) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 1318 N. Alexandria Ave. | Hacherian [Khacherian], Gulania | F | 1957-11-29 | 70 (b. 1887-03-15) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: secondary anemia) |
 | 1341 W. 47th St. | Kashmanian [Khashmanian], Shooshan | F | 1930-07-10 | 62 | acute dilatation of heart (contributory: aortic regurgitation) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Kibritjian, Logofet | M | 1953-03-24 | 57 (b. 1896-02-21) | bronchopneumonia due to uremia & hypertensvie cardiovascular renal disease (contributory: l. cerebral thrombosis) |
 | Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital | Krikorian, Arthur | M | 1940-09-12 | 32y-8m-9d (b. 1908-01-03) | cerebral hemorrhage & shock due to surgical removal of old traumatic cerebral scar |
 | Methodist Hospital | Krikorian, Mary | F | 1930-07-15 | 46y-14d (b. 1884-07-01) | acute cholecystitis with necrosis (contributory: multiple abscesses of liver) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Krikorian, Stephen | M | 1938-11-20 | 68 (b. 1870) | bronchogenic carcinoma |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Manuel [Manuelian], Anna | F | 1916-10-30 | 42 | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Crenshaw Center Hospital | Melickian [Melikian], Harry | M | 1961-12-13 | 95 (b. 1866-04-12) | gangrene, r[igh]t leg due to thrombosis, r[igh]t femoral a[rtery] (other: carcinoma prostate . . .) |
 | 1821 S. La Brea Ave. | Minasian, Kasper | M | 1954-05-27 | 63 (b. 1891-02-16) | metastatic carcinoma |
 | 5863 S. Hoover St. | Minasian, Leon | M | 1930-02-28 | 55y-10m-16d (b. 1874-04-12) | apoplexy (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | 1061½ Sanborn Ave. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Haiganoosh | F | 1949-01-06 | 66 (b. 1882-07-24) | congestive heart failure due to chronic myocarditis with dilated heart |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Nordigian, Lucy | F | 1956-09-20 | 82 (b. 1864-07-16) | acute & chronic peritonitis (contributory: chronic duodenal ulcer, multiple small b--- adenosis) |
 | Martin's Hospital | Odabashian, Supurg | F | 1925-02-24 | 50y-5m-9d (b. 1874-09-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | 661 Carillo St. | Ohanian, Charles | M | 1918-01-27 | 52 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Van Ness Hospital | Paloutzian, Manoog | M | 1949-11-25 | 88 (b. 1861-01-01) | congestive heart failure due to old myocardial infarction, intramural [?] thrombi & pulmonary embolism, coronary arteriosclerosis |
 | 4206 S. Olive St. | Paloutzian, Martha | F | 1930-08-25 | 57y-1m-15d (b. 1873-07-10) | carcinoma of liver |
 | 5th Ave. Sanitarium | Paloutzian, Thomas Garabed | M | 1947-05-11 | 76y-4m-26d (b. 1870-12-15) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | Hollywood Community Hospital | Postoian, Haig | M | 1970-08-05 | 78 (b. 1892-04-04) | acute pulmonary edema, acute myocardial infarction |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Premier, George | M | 1920-02-21 | 56 | influenza with bronchopneumonia |
 | 1118 S. Mirasol St. | Romano, Rose | F | 1950-10-21 | 34 (b. 1916-05-24) | cardiac & respiratory failure due to carcinoma of both breast with widespread metastases |
 | Monte Sano Hospital | Shaljian [Saljian], Gladys | F | 1956-11-11 | 62 (b. 1894-09-09) | acute congestive [heart] failure due to coronary occlusion, myocardial infarction, & arteriosclerosis (contributory: diabetes mellitus & hypertension) |
 | 933 N. Kenmore Ave. | Sarkisian, Veron | F | 1962-10-06 | 65 (b. 1897-09-29) | coronary occlusion due to hypertensive heart disease |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Savoian, George | M | 1934-06-10 | 22y-8m-25d (b. 1911-09-15) | generalized peritonitis, chronic tuberculous arthrites (contributory: amylodosis - liver & spleen) |
 | 3454 W. 76th St. | Savoian, Irene | F | 1961-09-09 | 66 (b. 1894-10-20) | congestive heart failure due to Stokes-Adams syndrome & hypertensive & arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Monte Sano Hospital | Seamans, Julia E. | F | 1948-12-26 | 83y-5m-21d (b. 1865-07-05) | cardiac failure due to chronic myocarditis (other: coronary thrombosis) |
 | 1823 E. 2nd St. | Surabian [Serabian], Sarkis | M | 1932-02-17 | 73y-3m (b. 1858-11) | sclerosis of coronary arteries of heart with chronic myocarditis |
 | White Memorial Hospital | Shabazian [Shahbazian], Abraham | M | 1952-08-06 | 73 (b. 1878-09-02) | metastatic carcinoma of r[igh]t face & eye |
 | Lincoln Park | Siroonian [Sirounian], Ben | M | 1925-03-15 | 19 (b. 1906) | compound fractures of both lower limbs with concussion of the brain (fall from roller coaster at Lincoln Park, accidental) |
 | 1245 Ridgeley Dr. | Soukiassian [Soukiasian], Shogat | F | 1929-07-24 | 59 (b. 1870) | Bright's disease, hypertension, valvular lesions, profound anemia, & acute dilatation of heart |
 | White Memorial Hospital | Stepanian, Margaret S. | F | 1956-03-03 | 63 (b. 1892-07-04) | p[ost] o[perative] shock of unknown cause due to carcinoma of stomach, operated |
 | 521 S. Gless St. | Derstepanian [Stepanian], Takuchi | F | 1912-02-10 | 9m-6d (b. 1911-03-04) | pneumonia |
 | Methodist Hospital | Telloian [Talalian], Kachadoor | M | 1946-09-30 | 76y-3m-15d (b. 1870-06-15) | cirrhosis of liver (non-alcoholic) (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Tooten [Tatoian], Milton K. | M | 1937-12-26 | 62y-5m-22d (b. 1875-07-04) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 1514 N. Winona Blvd. | Tayian, Arakal B. | M | 1934-06-22 | 76y-7m (b. 1857-11) | threatened diabetic coma, hemiplegia left arm & left (contributory: chronic diabetes, arteriosclerosis, old age) |
 | 5752 Harold Way | Tayian, Prapion | F | 1929-09-03 | 61 | chronic myocarditis & hypertension (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage) |
 | 4123 S. Western Ave. | Tarzian [Terzian], Harry | M | 1942-11-05 | 65y-7m-2d (b. 1877-04-03) | hypostatic pneumonia due to sarcoma of left ilium & prob. general carcinomatosis |
 | Encino Hospital | Thomasian [Toumasian], Richard | M | 1959-08-29 | 67 (b. 1892-05-21) | multiple metastasis of carcinoma of bowel |
 | St. Vincent's Hospital | Thomasian [Toumasian], Zevart | F | 1952-06-09 | 49 (b. 1902-07-15) | cerebral thrombosis due to cerebral arteriosclerosis (contributory: mycoposterium tuberculosis abscess right elbow) |
 | 5161 Eagle Dale Ave. | Toutjian [Touzjian], Robert Vartan | M | 1961-04-17 | 73 (b. 1888-01-26) | diffuse metastatic carcinoma due to ca[rcinoma] of prostate |
 | 1616 Edgecliff Dr. | Toutjian [Touzjian], Shield Hamid | M | 1950-01-10 | 71 (b. 1879-01-02) | cardiac standstill due to overwhelming toxemia & uremia (other: adenocarcinoma of bladder) |
 | Good Samaritan Hospital | Varteresian, Aghavny | F | 1935-02-27 | 39 (b. 1896) | septic left femoral, iliac & inf[ected] vena cava phlebitis, cardiac emboli (contributory: childbirth in Nov-1934) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Vaznaian [Vezneian], Gregor Aaron | M | 1955-02-25 | 77 (b. 1877-03-20) | acute lobar pneumonia - r[igh]t upper lobe (contributory: myocardial infarction, old & healed) |
 | Methodist Hospital | Vaznaian [Vezneian], Kohar | F | 1939-10-11 | 52 (b. 1887) | carcinoma of sigmoid . . . colon (contributory: toxaemia & myocarditis) |
 | 1731 Magnolia Ave. | Eremian [Yeramian], Lucy | F | 1945-11-02 | 94 (b. 1851) | hypertensive & arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Martin's Hospital | Yergatian, Zarena | F | 1924-07-09 | 30 | lethargic encephalitis |
 | 515 S. Breed St. | Yessian [Yesaian], Yesaye | M | 1927-08-16 | 39 (b. 1888) | chronic interstitial nephritis & hypertension (contributory: uremia) |
 | Los Angeles County General Hospital | Yetimian, John | M | 1956-03-16 | 78 (b. 1878-01-20) | cerebral artery thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
Maywood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Maywood Hospital | Krikorian, Jean | F | 1936-12-12 | 17y-5m-1d (b. 1919-07-11) | Hodgekin's disease |
Monrovia, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 111 Norumbega St. | Courian [Kourian], Armen A. | M | 1929-03-06 | 52y-20d (b. 1877-02-16) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Montebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | | Gejeian, Malcom | M | 1932-10-15 | 56y-7m-12d (b. 1876-03-03) | chronic myocarditis (other: coronary artery sclerosis) |
 | 643 S. Vancouver St. | Kalfayan [Kalfaian], Mary | F | 1941-06-28 | 52 (b. 1889) | metastatic carcinoma of lungs due to carcinoma of breast, left |
 | Beverly Community Hospital | Stepanian, Ara Sam | M | 1959-08-22 | 71 (b. 1888-06-25) | congestive heart failure due to ascites - adenocarcinoma, metastatic (primary transverse colon) |
 | Beverly Community Hospital | Tahmizian [Tahmazian], Armaveni | F | 1947-12-13 | 49y-4m-12d (b. 1898-08-01) | internal hemorrhage due to carcinomatosis (from uterus) |
Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Huntington Memorial Hospital | Devirian [Davorian], Sarkis Haig | M | 1946-09-22 | 96y-7m-19d (b. 1850-02-03) | extreme old age due to prostatic enlargement & retention of urine |
 | 235 N. Garfield Ave. | Manuelian, Ohanes John | M | 1935-08-09 | 74y-9m-23d (b. 1860-10-16) | generalized arteriosclerosis with cerebral thrombosis & right hemiplegia & aphasia |
San Fernando, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 15036 Polk Ave. | Odabashian, George | M | 1933-04-22 | 60 | angina pectoris (contributory: chr[onic] choleceptitis) |
Sepulveda, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Tatarian, Harry | M | 1958-12-03 | 66 (b. 1892-08-15) | carcinoma of liver due to cirrhosis of liver (contibutory: gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to esophageal varices) |
Van Nuys, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | Valley Hospital | Balian, Ossana | F | 1942-11-19 | 71y-10m-4d (b. 1871-01-15) | pulmonary embolism, aedema of lungs, decompensated heart |
 | Valley Hospital | Israelian, Periz | F | 1961-04-10 | 69 (b. 1891-08-16) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive vascular disease |
 | 5801 Ranchito Ave. | Tashjian, Pearle Perooz | F | 1959-01-03 | 73 (b. 1885-10-14) | congestive heart failure |
Venice, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA |
 | 1522 Electric Ave. | Clark [Koulaksuzian], May O. | F | 1933-10-01 | 34y-1m-7d (b. 1899-08-24) | illuminating gas asphyxiation, ran tube from gas jet to mouth (suicide) |
 | 648 Westminster St. | Mahakian [Maghakian], Elsie | F | 1932-07-03 | 59y-7m-17d (b. 1872-11-16) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
Ross, Marin Co., CA, USA |
 | Ross General Hospital | Long [Yerganian], Yervant H. | M | 1934-04-30 | 46y-11m (b. 1887-06-03) | fracture of skull |
San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Kermoian, Sam | M | 1949-12-04 | 65 | thrombosis of r[igh]t coronary artery due to coronary arteriosclerosis |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Pancharian, John | | 1944-06-02 | 74 (b. 1870) | carcinoma of transverse colon (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis & decompensation, peritonial carcinomatosis) |
 | 985 Monterey Blvd. | Pancharian, Mary | | 1947-02-15 | 58y-9m-22d (b. 1888-04-23) | carcinoma of liver & lungs, metastatic static carcinoma of breast |
 | 389 (Room 224) 3rd St. | Stepanian, Misrob | M | 1952-07-18 | 82 (b. 1870-01-01) | coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis |
 | French Hospital | Tavluian, John | M | 1944-09-13 | 58y-3m-3d (b. 1886-06-10) | carcinoma of stomach |
Lodi, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA |
 | Mason Hospital | Katzakian [Kasakian], Dovie | F | 1960-10-23 | 72 (b. 1888-03-17) | hypostatic pneumonia due to hypertensive c[ardio] v[ascular] disease & gen[eralized] arteriosclerosis (other: senility) |
 | Box 489B Route 3 | Katzakian [Kasakian], Garbed Sarkis | M | 1940-05-06 | 64y-11m-25d (b. 1876-05-12) | coronary sclerosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA, USA |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Dourgarian [Dulgerian], Andrew | M | 1963-12-18 | 73 (b. 1890-06-15) | metastatic carcinoma of ampulla of Vater |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Kalashian [Keleshian], B. | M | 1925-09-25 | 45 (b. 1880) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Koligian [Kholigian], Minas | M | 1959-02-21 | 84 (b. 1874-04) | coronary occlusion due to generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Malamazian [Malyemezian], Nazel | F | 1936-01-23 | 70y-4m-8d (b. 1865-09-15) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: psychosis with arteriosclerosis) |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Markarian, Rose | F | 1940-05-21 | 62 (b. 1878) | parenchymatous nephritis (other: general arteriosclerosis) |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Ogosian [Oghgasian], Krikor | M | 1917-04-27 | 45 (b. 1872) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Vartanion [Vartanian], A. H. | M | 1945-01-30 | 70 (b. 1874) | psychotic exhaustion due to manic depressive psychosis (other: generalized arteriosclerosis) |
 | Stockton State Hospital | Zaillian [Zoulalian], Yesneak | M | 1929-06-04 | 36y-4m-30d (b. 1893-01-05) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: dementia praecox) |
Modesto, Stanislaus Co., CA, USA |
 | Stanislaus County Hospital | Arslanian, Robert Richard | M | 1965-03-22 | 82 (b. 1882-04-15) | pneumonia due to adenocarcinoma - metastatis to lung |
Davenport, Scott Co., IA, USA |
 | Mercy Hospital | Tatoian, Annie | F | 1942-09-11 | 45y-26d (b. 1897-08-15) | metastates in liver, pelvic bone due to carcinoma of the breast |
Wallace, Shoshone Co., ID, USA |
 | Wallace Hospital | Sarkisian, Hougas | M | 1957-02-24 | 69y-11m-9d (b. 1887-03-15) | broncho pneumonia due to local acute ulcerative and esophagitis & gastritis, hiatus hernia (recent repair by surgery) (contributory: cethraco-silicosis) |
Hines, Cook Co., IL, USA |
 | Veteran's Administration | Alexander [Alexandrian], Andrew C. | M | 1947-08-30 | 55y-7m-24d (b. 1892-01-06) | tuberculosis, pulmonary, chronic |
Polk Twp., Huntington Co., IN, USA |
 | | Nersesian, Edna | F | 1923-09-14 | 5y-2m-6d (b. 1918-07-08) | automobile accident |
 | | Nersesian, Virginia | F | 1923-09-14 | 28y-2m-29d (b. 1895-06-15) | automobile accident |
Crown Point, Lake Co., IN, USA |
 | Parramore Hospital | Bedrosian, Araxy | F | 1955-04-06 | 63y-1m-22d (b. 1892-02-16) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Lake County Convalescent Home | Bedrosian, Eprom | M | 1969-08-25 | 78 (b. 1891-05-15) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis |
E. Chicago [Indiana Harbor], Lake Co., IN, USA |
 | St. Catherines Hospital | Daranatsy [Daronatsy], Aram | M | 1931-03-07 | 55 | cancer of bronchi |
Gary, Lake Co., IN, USA |
 | 7401 Maple Ave. | Daronatsy, Arthur A. | M | 1893-06-05 | 78 (b. 1915-05-29) | renal cell carcinoma |
Hammond, Lake Co., IN, USA |
 | 7624 McCook Ave. | Daronatsy, Babgen R. | M | 1987-03-14 | 80 (b. 1907-03-01) | coronary thrombosis due to generalized arteriosclerosis (other: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) |
Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN, USA |
 | Norton Health Care | Mooradian [Mouradian], Zabel | F | 1994-04-05 | 93 (b. 1900-05-26) | metastatic breast adenocarcinoma |
Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA, USA |
 | 307 S. Main St. | Hampson [Hampartsoumian], Barbara | F | 1915-12-31 | 69y-3m-2d (b. 1846-09-29) | auto intoxication, ptomaine poisoning (contributory: senility, chronic enteritis) |
Seekonk, Bristol Co., MA, USA |
 | | Bargamian [Parghamian], Garabed | M | 1907-08-29 | 32 | tuberculosis of lungs |
Tisbury, Dukes Co., MA, USA |
 | | Adalian, Eunice | F | 1922-07-18 | 29 | accidental drowning |
Haverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | 4 Spring St. | Hallaian [Aloian], Leon | M | 1905-03-26 | 28d | asthenia |
 | 45 Arch St. | Berberian, Dondig G. | F | 1920-10-11 | 60 (b. 1860-12) | bronchial asthma (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | Haverhill Sanatorium | Darakjian, Ruby A. | F | 1918-06-10 | 22y-7m-28d (b. 1895-10-13) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Lawrence, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | General Hospital | Kantigian [Kendigian], Sarkis | M | 1919-05-04 | 47 (b. 1842) | pyelitis (contributory: uremia) |
 | General Hospital | Konjoian, Charles | M | 1915-06-24 | 30 (b. 1885) | cancer of stomach |
 | 141 Newbury St. | Marderosian [Mardirosian], Victory | M | 1913-10-14 | 5m-5d (b. 1913-05-09) | unknown natural causes |
 | Lawrence General Hospital | Nahigian, Dicranooki | F | 1910-10-20 | 20 (b. 1890) | general peritonitis (contributory: Caesarean section) |
 | Tuberculosis Hospital | Nahagian [Nahigian], Madaline | F | 1920-09-27 | 13 (b. 1907) | pulmonary tuberculosis (1 year sick) |
 | Tuberculosis Hospital | Nagahian [Nahigian], Madeline | F | 1920-02-03 | 25y-6m (b. 1894-08) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 98 Hampshire St. | Nahigian, Peter | M | 1916-02-14 | 1m-10d (b. 1916-01-04) | gastro enteritis |
 | 10 Lincoln Ct. | Ohanian, Kachadoor | M | 1919-11-21 | 65 | unknown natural cause, apoplexy ?, found dead |
 | 91 Bradford St. | Serijanian [Serjanian], Fatias K. | M | 1918-02-05 | 51y-3m-20d (b. 1866-10-15) | unknown natural cause, not violence (found dead) |
Lynn, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | 109 Collins St. | Adanalian, Moses | M | 1907-07-26 | 6m-8d | pneumonia (contributory: diarrhea) |
 | 110 Robinson St. | Farmanian [Fermanian], Boghas | M | 1918-06-20 | 39y-11m-17d (b. 1878-07-05) | acute gastritis (contributory: dilatation of heart) |
 | 80 S. Common St. | Kosian [Keoseian], Harry | M | 1921-11-16 | 56 (b. 1865) | heart disease, presumably coronary sclerosis (sudden death) |
 | 38 Stetson St. | Pashian [Pashaian], Hagahnsh | F | 1906-04-07 | 21 | pulmonary phthisis |
 | Lynn Hospital | Tevekelian [Tavakelian], Seranush | F | 1918-10-11 | 23y-11m-12d (b. 1894-10-30) | la grippe (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
Newburyport, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | Anna Jaques Hospital | Ananian, Harry | M | 1917-05-11 | 70 (b. 1847) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | | Arakelian, Samuel | M | 1905-10-06 | 1m-7d | inanition |
Peabody, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | 61 Aborn St. | Rikel [Arakelian], Bhdros Vartin | M | 1909-06-16 | 1 | marasmus (contributory: gastric catarrh) |
Salem, Essex Co., MA, USA |
 | 52 Tremont St. | Torigian, Melkon | M | 1918-10-04 | 29 | pneumonia (lobar) (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 15 Crombie St. | Tootelian [Toutalian], Carekin D. | M | 1905-12-20 | 3y-10m | papillary bronchitis (contributory: measles) |
Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA |
 | | Arslan [Arslanian], Sana | F | 1902-01-08 | 60 | influenza, uremia, acute |
 | 34 Winchester St. | Barsam [Barsamian], Charles K. | M | 1915-02-06 | 37 (b. 1877) | malignancy with malnutrition, primary sarcoma of testicle, secondary growth of post abdominal glands (contributory: sarcoma of abdominal glands) |
 | 82 College St. | Barsam [Barsamian], Lulu Margaret | F | 1914-08-17 | 14y-5m-2d (b. 1900-03-15) | appendicitis, acute suppurative, post-operative (contributory: septicemia, subacute) |
 | 84 Wilbraham Ave. | Barbarian [Berberian], Tuma | W | 1919-07-16 | 80 (b. 1839) | acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic endocarditis) |
 | Wesson Hospital | Boyajian, Sarkis | M | 1911-03-20 | 36 | tubercular meningitis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | Hampden Hospital | Danelian [Danielian], Moses | M | 1917-01-30 | 40 (b. 1877) | accidental amputation of right arm, caught in machinery (contributory: suppression of urine) |
 | Camp Brooks #9 | Khitikian [Gedigian], Veronica | W | 1918-11-04 | 52 (b. 1866) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Mercy Hospital | Gulian, Humag | M | 1918-12-05 | 23 (b. 1895) | brocho pneumonia |
 | 55 Hayden St. | Hovanesian [Hovhannesian], Azad | M | 1914-01-15 | 2d (b. 1914-01-13) | open foramen ovale (contributory: carbon dioxide) |
 | Springfield Hospital | Eskander [Iskenderian], Mary | F | 1913-02-15 | 40 (b. 1873) | entero colitis (contributory: tape worm) |
 | Isolation Hospital | Juskalian, Harold | M | 1918-04-18 | 3y-10m-1d (b. 1914-06-17) | dip[h]theria (pharyngeal) |
 | 279 Eastern Ave. | Kasparian, Raenyoovz | M | 1910-02-28 | 3y-8m | measles, diphtheria |
 | Springfield Hospital | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Frank K. | M | 1919-03-08 | 47 (b. 1872) | influenza pneumonia |
 | Mercy Hospital | Mardirosian, Hagop | M | 1908-09-01 | 30y-1m-5d | icterus gravis (contributory: cholemia) |
 | Springfield Hospital | Michaelian [Mikaelian], Mardiros | M | 1919-02-04 | 35y-11m-9d (b. 1883-02-26) | laryngeal stenosis (tubercular) |
 | 63½ Monroe St. | Mikaelian, Thomas | M | 1918-09-08 | 3y-18d (b. 1915-08-21) | tubercular meningitis |
 | 79 Essex St. | Michaelian [Mikaelian], Wagoob | M | 1915-12-03 | 28d (b. 1915-11-05) | metastasis, septicaemia - possible cord infection |
 | Springfield Hospital | O'Martian [Omartian], Rushaw | M | 1919-07-08 | 38 (b. 1881) | septicemia (abcess of lung) |
 | City Hospital | Pakatzian [Pakosian], Zodig | M | 1918-12-19 | 38 (b. 1880) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Springfield Hospital | Parseghian, Karnig | M | 1918-07-16 | 3y-9m-6d (b. 1914-09-10) | hemorrhage following removal of adenoids and tonsils |
 | Boston Rd. | Piligian, Eva | F | 1912-02-20 | 49 (b. 1863) | organic heart & kidney disease, mitral stenosis and regurgitation with chronic nephritis |
 | Health Department Hospital | Siraganian, Hovannes M. | M | 1914-10-09 | (b. 1870) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Du Stepanian [Stepanian], Hougass | M | 1918-12-31 | 36 (b. 1882) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 147 Wilbraham Ave. | Takorian [Takvorian], Mary | W | 1918-04-15 | 51 (b. 1867) | nephritis (contributory: uraemic convulsions) |
 | 147 Wilbraham Ave. | Tashjian, Anna | F | 1914-07-12 | 1m-3d (b. 1914-06-09) | septic meningitis (contributory: spina bifida) |
 | Wilbraham Rd. | Torigian, Zabel | F | 1912-10-03 | 1y-7m-26d (b. 1911-02-07) | drowning (accidental) |
 | 148 Eastern Ave. | Tatoolian [Toutalian], Hazel | F | 1912-10-14 | 1m-28d (b. 1912-08-18) | infantile atrophy |
 | Pecousic Station | Tulbendgian, Haratum | M | 1914-08-31 | 21 (b. 1893) | accidental - struck by railroad train, resulting in compound fracture of skull, both legs, ribs, right shoulder, multiple abrasions, wounds, and bruises |
 | Springfield Hospital | Yoklijian [Yaghlijian], Garaber | M | 1908-09-25 | 19 | pleurisy with effusion (contributory: hemorrhage of the lungs) |
Springfield (Indian Orchard), Hampden Co., MA, USA |
 | Chapman Valve Co. | Jermagian, Bogos | M | 1913-02-03 | 20 (b. 1892) | struck by piece of emery wheel (accidental) (contributory: fracture of skull) |
 | 14 Clermont St. | Kulugian [Kalajian], Lucy | W | 1916-07-07 | 5m-5d (b. 1916-02-02) | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | 35 Healey Ave. | Shahinian, Osgian | M | 1918-12-12 | 31 (b. 1887) | inflluenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
Arlington, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Symmes Hospital | Koudyan [Kouyoumjian], Jean | M | 1966-12-25 | 40 | severe coronary disease |
Ashland, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | | Tashjian, John | M | 1907-05-05 | 67 | intestinal cancer |
Bedford, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | U. S. Veterans Hospital | Toumasian, Hagop | M | 1931-06-30 | 43 | general paresis |
Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Cambridge Hospital | Boyagian [Boyajian], Charles | M | 1911-04-09 | 4y-4m-21d | extensive burns, clothing caught fire from brush fire - accidental |
 | | Cholakian, Jennie | F | 1920-03-24 | 30 | peritonitis following abdominal operation for perforation of intestines |
 | 330 Mt. Auburn St. | Chalgias [Chouljian], Krikor | M | 1906-09-19 | 48 | fracture of the skull, homicidal, 12 hours |
 | Tuberculosis Hospital | Magsuedian [Maksoudian], Oscar | M | 1921-04-19 | 51 (b. 1870) | chr[onic] pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: obstructive jaundice) |
 | Tuberculosis Hospital | Mugerditchian [Mgrdichian], John | M | 1918-07-27 | 29 | chr[onic] pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 21 Hews St. | Morsessian [Movsesian], Eliza | F | 1918-09-24 | 31y-3m-9d | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Relief Hospital | Narkissian [Nargizian], Avedis | M | 1919-07-24 | 41y-6m | chronic cystitis & pyelitis |
 | Cambridge Hospital | Phillips [Pilibosian], Agavny | F | 1918-06-22 | 38 | acute dilatation of heart following operation on nose, chronic myocarditis |
 | City Hospital | Sarafian, Paul | M | 1922-04-26 | 80 | natural causes, probably heart disease (sudden death) |
 | Cambridge Hospital | Sarafian, Sandoog | F | 1924-09-10 | 78 | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Cambridge Hospital | Stephen [Stepanian], Danabed | M | 1916-05-29 | 1y-7m | lobar pneumonia |
 | 350 Charles River Rd. | Vartanian, Moorisa | F | 1910-06-20 | 19 | pelvic cellulitis, (puerperal) pleuro pneumonia |
Everett, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | 193 Bradford St. | Martin [Mardirosian], Johnson | M | 1923-03-15 | 56 | myocarditis (contributory: asthma & trachoma) |
Framingham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Framingham Hospital | Kevokian [Kevorkian], Charles | M | 1923-02-10 | 33y-1m-15d | brain tumor |
Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | 48 Elm St. | Bozigian, Bagdasar | M | 1907-12-15 | 2 | rachitis (contributory: measles) |
 | 9 Rogers St. | Chitjian, Hayganoosh | F | 1925-08-29 | 22 | broncho-pneumonia (primary) |
 | 534 Merrimack St. | Tiikijian [Dikijian], Kachadoor | M | 1916-06-17 | 34 (b. 1882) | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | 518 Merrimack St. | Harpootlian [Harpoutlian], Hamparsoom | M | 1910-02-13 | 62 | cirrhosis of liver |
Malden, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Maternity Hospital | Jivelekian [Jivelegian], Sinpouhe Elizabeth | F | 1921-04-01 | 25y-9m-13d (b. 1895-06-18) | general peritonitis (contributory: Caesarian section) |
 | Glen Rock Hospital | O'Hannassian [Ohannesian], Harry | M | 1921-09-08 | 31 (b. 1890) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: pleuritis) |
Medford, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Wright's Pond | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Dickran Mardiros | M | 1913-06-22 | 17 | accidental drowning, was in bathing |
 | Wright's Pond | Kazarossian [Ghazarosian], Hrand Hagop | M | 1913-06-22 | 22 | accidental drowning, was in bathing |
Somerville, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | 46 Hanson St. | Lukasain [Ghougasian], Mary | F | 1912-05-04 | 50 (b. 1862) | uremia |
Stoneham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | | Adzigian, Mugurditch S. | M | 1906-09-10 | 60 | acute gastroenteritis |
Tewksbury, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | State Infirmary | Sahagian, Harry | M | 1920-05-18 | 38y-1m-14d (b. 1882-04-04) | tuberculosis of spine |
 | State Infirmary | Churakian [Shahrigian], Toros | M | 1923-10-04 | 70 | arteriosclerosis (contributory: cerebral hemmorhage) |
Waltham, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | Waltham Hospital | Bogigian [Boghigian], Robert | M | 1918-03-17 | 35 (b. 1883) | tubular meningitis |
 | Waltham Hospital | Garabedian, Kohar | F | 1914-12-11 | 28 | gen[eral] peritonitis following abortion |
 | Waltham Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Varikian | F | 1906-06-23 | 23 | septic peritonitis |
 | Waltham Hospital | Magritshian [Mgrdichian], | F | 1914-04-20 | | still born |
 | Waltham Hospital | Churkian [Shahrigian], | M | 1907-03-06 | | still birth |
 | Waltham Hospital | Tashjian, Akebey | F | 1918-09-22 | 23 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA |
 | | Aprahamian [Abrahamian], Mugrdehc | M | 1906-07-26 | 2m | cholera infantum |
 | 37 Quimby St. | Anjoorian [Anjourian], | F | 1912-10-18 | (b. 1912-10-18) | premature bith, still born |
 | 40 Melendy Ave. | Avedian, Ohannes A. | M | 1921-11-06 | 52 (b. 1869) | carcinoma of liver |
 | 125 School St. | Barsamian, Bagdasar | M | 1920-08-19 | 65 | general anasarca (contributory: mitral regurgitation) |
 | 36 Melendy Ave. | Bogigian [Boghigian], Mary | F | 1912-07-10 | 1y-1m-29d | acute gastro-enteritis (contributory: heat exhaustion) |
 | 41 Quimby St. | Boghosian, Marvert | F | 1904-09-29 | 7m-22d | cerebro-spinal meningitis following acute bronch-pneumonia |
 | 11 Chadbourne Ct. | Boyazian [Boyajian], | F | 1904-04-10 | | premature birth (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 4 Lloyd Rd. | Boyagian [Boyajian], Mitchell | M | 1921-05-22 | 50 (b. 1870) | heart disease (valvular) (contributory: acute indigestion & excessive heat) |
 | 99 Windsor Ave. | Colyopanian [Coliapanian], Herepsima | F | 1924-05-24 | 60 | acute cardiac dilatation, acute gastritis |
 | 49 Laurel St. | Derderian, Martha | F | 1921-05-26 | 69y-9m-11d (b. 1851-08-15) | ulcer of stomach |
 | 11 Nichols Ave. | Derderian, Mgrditch | M | 1908-08-27 | 61 | pneumonia |
 | 49 Laurel St. | Derderian, Yenova | F | 1918-10-13 | 32y-1m-28d (b. 1886-09-15) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 15 French Terrace | Dobarian, Zarie F. | F | 1919-10-31 | 4m-7d (b. 1919-06-24) | gastroenteritis |
 | 1 Oliver Rd. | Garabedian, Sarkis | M | 1912-09-15 | 58 (b. 1854) | apoplexy (contributory: heart failure) |
 | 74 Prentiss St. | Habeshian, Gabriel | M | 1915-06-21 | 41y-3m-6d | acute pneumonic phthsis |
 | 6 Hearn St. | Habib [Habibian], Peter G. | M | 1910-05-02 | 25y-11m | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tubercular peritonitis) |
 | 27 Elton Ave. | Hadjinlian, | M | 1916-06-22 | (b. 1916-06-22) | premature birth caused by marasmus & atrophy of placenta |
 | 38 Clarendon St. | Hadjinlain [Hadjinlian], Annie | F | 1915-04-16 | 1d (b. 1915-04-15) | blue baby - failure of closure of heart value |
 | 79 Arlington St. | Hagopian, Hagop | M | 1913-12-23 | 2y-2m-14d (b. 1911-10-10) | cold followed by measles |
 | | Aroutian [Haroutunian], Virginia M. | F | 1909-08-23 | 2y-4m-17d | intestinal tuberculosis |
 | | Hebel, Harry | M | 1899-06-27 | 30 | phthisis pulmonalis, acute |
 | Hood Rubber Co. | Hindijian, Gabriel | M | 1904-03-07 | 55 | heart failure (contributory: over exertion) |
 | 23 Nichols Ave. | Hindlian [Hintilian], Dikian | M | 1909-11-12 | 48 | intestinal tuberculosis |
 | 32 Bigelow Ave. | Joseph [Hovsepian], Armeg | F | 1914-01-20 | 52 | chronic parenchymatous, nephritis (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | | Easkandrian [Iskenderian], Adams | M | 1907-10-01 | 60 | chronic endocarditis, valvular insufficiency of heart (contributory: angina pectoris) |
 | 45 Arlington St. | Jalladick, | F | 1906-01-12 | | hard labor, still born |
 | | Kavafian [Kafafian], Milkn | M | 1901-07-06 | 19d | broncho pneumonia |
 | 147 Dexter Ave. | Karamanlian [Kahramanian], John | M | 1915-02-11 | (b. 1915-02-11) | premature birth |
 | 44 Crawford St. | Kalagian [Kalajian], Harry | M | 1915-03-08 | 3d | status lymphaticus |
 | 51 Quimby St. | Kalousdian [Kaloustian], Paul | M | 1920-09-21 | 62 (b. 1858-09) | arterio-sclerosis (contributory: acute myocarditis becoming chronic) |
 | | Kalousdian [Kaloustian], Sirpouhi | F | 1903-09-08 | 54 | exhaustion (contributory: neuritis, rheumatic) |
 | 551 Mt. Auburn St. | Kaprielian, Zabelle | F | 1921-01-20 | 6m-2d (b. 1920-07-18) | acute enteritis (toxaemia) |
 | 38 Melendy Ave. | Caracashian [Karakashian], Marian | F | 1914-04-21 | 45 (b. 1868) | heart failure (contributory: lobar pneumonia - peritonitis) |
 | 68 Arlington St. | Karakian [Karakehayan], John | M | 1907-10-21 | 8m-16d | cholera infantum (contributory: capillary bronchitis) |
 | 10 Coolidge Hill Rd. | Kasabian, Rose | F | 1918-04-06 | 3 (b. 1915-04-06) | measles (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | 32 Crawford St. | Kahyaian [Kehaian], | M | 1917-12-25 | (b. 1917-12-25) | a blue baby |
 | 80 Prentiss St. | Kovorkian [Kevorkian], Bogos | M | 1914-04-12 | 35 (b. 1879) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 23 Nichols Ave. | Kirkorian [Krikorian], | F | 1912-02-27 | | asphyxia due to prolapsed cord, still born |
 | 12 Yukon Ave. | Manoogian [Manougian], Florence | F | 1919-01-08 | 3y-3m-23d (b. 1915-09-15) | tubular meningitis |
 | 47 Crawford St. | Marderosian [Mardirosian], | M | 1921-12-31 | (b. 1921-12-29) | premature birth, seven months & one week (contributory: hydramnios) |
 | 806 Mt. Auburn St. | Mugrdichian [Mgrdichian], Arrum | M | 1906-12-20 | 4m | pneumonia |
 | Doore Hospital | Megerdichian [Mgrdichian], Garabed | M | 1918-09-23 | 23y-1m-2d (b. 1895-08-21) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 806 Mt. Auburn St. | Mugerdickian [Mgrdichian], Victoria | F | 1908-02-12 | 23d | erisipelas |
 | 16 Hazel St. | Markelian [Mukhalian], Mesak | M | 1920-03-04 | 59 (b. 1861) | arterio sclerosis (contributory: angina pectoris) |
 | 57 Bigelow Ave. | Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], Lewis G. | M | 1918-04-03 | 11m-1d (b. 1917-05-02) | capillary bronchitis |
 | 37 Nichols Ave. | Ohanian, Kachicher | F | 1917-12-30 | 50 (b. 1867) | poisoning by illuminating gas - accidental |
 | 2 Yukon Ave. | Ohanian, Mary | F | 1911-09-23 | 45 | tuberculosis pulmonalis (contributory: Bright's disease) |
 | 38 Cypress St. | Ohannessian [Ohannesian], | F | 1921-09-25 | (b. 1921-09-25) | premature birth |
 | 38 Cypress St. | Ohannessian [Ohannesian], | M | 1921-09-26 | 1d (b. 1921-09-25) | premature birth |
 | Elton Ave. | Papazian, Hovanes | M | 1917-08-01 | 53y-2m-17d (b. 1864-05-15) | heat exhaustion |
 | 17 Dewey St. | Piringian [Perinjian], Gadar | F | 1917-04-16 | 42 (b. 1875) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: general wasting) |
 | 91 Arlington St. | Roubian, Stanley | M | 1918-09-30 | 3y-11m-11d (b. 1914-10-19) | pneumonia broncho (primary) |
 | 91 Arlington St. | Roubian, Stella | F | 1918-10-12 | 21d (b. 1918-09-21) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 74 Cypress St. | Sarafian, Kaspar | M | 1924-01-06 | 71y-6m | gastric cancer, or cancer of the stomach (contributory: intestinal indigestion) |
 | 7 Grove St. | Stepanian, Margaret | F | 1915-03-29 | 4d (b. 1915-03-24) | immature child, twin pregnancy |
 | 41 Quimby St. | Takesian, | F | 1918-03-11 | (b. 1918-03-11) | stillborn |
 | 68 Arlington St. | Vartanian, Hagop | M | 1914-06-27 | 19y-9m | ptomaine poisoning, various foods & tonic (contributory: heart failure) |
 | 11 Nichols Ave. | Enokian [Yenovkian], Osniff | F | 1925-04-02 | 23 | lobar pneumonia |
Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 15 McCarthy St. | Billazrian [Bilazarian], Perapion | F | 1918-10-03 | 24 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
Brockton, Plymouth Co., MA, USA |
 | | Torojan [Toroian], | F | 1916-03-20 | 9d | premature [birth] (contributory: inanition) |
 | 92 Elliott St. | Toroyan [Toroian], Kayana | F | 1916-03-26 | 30 | exopthalmic goitre (contributory: chronic bronchitis) |
Lakeville, Plymouth Co., MA, USA |
 | Lakeville State Sanatorium | Baghdikian [Baghdigian], Daisy | F | 1923-07-05 | 36y-6m-22d | phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis] |
 | Lakeville State Sanatorium | Peters [Bedrosian], Harry | M | 1914-12-14 | 22y-7m-29d (b. 1892-04-15) | phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis] |
 | Lakeville State Sanatorium | Ocksusian [Eoksuzian], Paul | M | 1924-03-13 | 34y-1m-3d | phthisis pulmonalis [tuberculosis] (contributory: ischio rectual fistulae) |
Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA, USA |
 | | Barsomian [Barsamian], Zanop | M | 1921-10-27 | 42 (b. 1879) | pernicious anaemia |
 | 58 Murdock St. | Chilin [Chilingirian], Kriker H. | M | 1916-05-31 | 9m-21d (b. 1915-08-10) | broncho pneumonia |
 | | Doomanian [Doumanian], Aram H. | M | 1907-09-02 | 8 | ptomaine poisoning, 24 hours |
 | | Krikorian, Gregory Charles | M | 1921-12-01 | 7y-9m-20d (b. 1914-02-11) | automobile - accidental, concussion of brain |
 | 101 Centre St. | Murmurian, | M | 1920-01-26 | (b. 1920-01-26) | stillborn |
 | 101 Centre St. | Murmurian, Noovart | F | 1920-01-26 | 22 (b. 1897) | embolism of heart, placenta praevia |
 | | Piranian, Sampad | M | 1922-02-28 | 45y-8m-13d (b. 1876-06-15) | tuberculosis, pulmonary |
Providence, Providence Co., MA, USA |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Melekian [Melikian], Arsen | M | 1908-04-17 | 2y-4m-7d | cerebral spinal meningitis |
Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | City Hospital | Adalian, Gabad | M | 1904-11-11 | 46 | oedema & congestion of lungs (contributory: cirrhosis of liver) |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Ananian, Philip | M | 1918-09-29 | 25y-5m-25d (b. 1893-04-04) | bronchopnuemonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Antranighian [Antranigian], Simon | M | 1855-03-15 | 27 | infl[ammation] of lungs |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Asdoorian [Asadourian], Aishag | M | 1910-12-25 | 28 | tub[erculosis] of intestine, lungs & peritoneum, 5. mos. |
 | Infants Hospital | Arvedisian [Avedisian], Hanrig M. | M | 1920-11-09 | 8m-20d (b. 1920-02-12) | fermental diarrhoea |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Azarian, Miran | M | 1923-04-13 | 26 | abscess of pharyngeal & sublingual structure, associated focal pneumonia (history of extraction of teeth on 1-Apr by an alleged unregistered dentist) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Baghjian, Arsen | M | 1920-11-17 | 29 | uraemia (contributory: chr[onic] nephritis) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Parmakian [Barmakian], Tooranda | F | 1903-08-04 | 36 | intestinal obstruction |
 | 14 Harvard Ave. | Beshgeturian [Beshgetourian], Israel | M | 1912-01-02 | 48 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: acute dilatation of heart) |
 | 14 Harvard Ave. | Beshgoturin [Beshgetourian], Maritza | F | 1911-10-16 | 43 | organic disease of heart |
 | City Hospital | Boshengian [Boshnakian], Khachedour | M | 1918-07-29 | 2m-22d | sub-lingual abscess, 4 days (contributory: toxaemia - 1 day) |
 | | Kemalyn [Chamalian], Caius G. | M | 1899-08-22 | 45y-11m | valvular heart disease |
 | City Hospital | Chasodian [Charshoudian], Rebecca | F | 1917-02-17 | 42 | pneumonia (contributory: erysipelas - chr[onic] heart dis[ease]) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Damaurigian [Demirjian], Harry | M | 1908-08-30 | 6m-13d | diarrhoea, 3 weeks (contributory: exhaustion - dys) |
 | New England Hospital | Derderian, | F | 1911-05-23 | 1d | premature infant |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Elbig [Elbegian], Satanig | F | 1916-09-02 | 20 | double pyelo-nephritis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Elmadjian [Elmasian], Mary A. | F | 1924-11-17 | 6y-5m-20d | lepto meningitis tuberculosis secondary to tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes (history of acc[idental] fall with X ray diagnosis of fracture of skull) |
 | Elm Hill Hospital | Emjian, Armen | M | 1918-09-28 | 27 | Spanish influenza (contributory: pneumonia) |
 | | Garabadian [Garabedian], Marian | F | 1898-07-24 | 1y-8m | enteritis |
 | City Hospital | Garabig [Garobigian], Edna | F | 1917-07-01 | 1y-6m-2d | lobar pneumonia - days, admitted to hospt. June 28, 1917 |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Garpariano [Garparian], Mardiros | M | 1917-08-10 | 50 | chr[onic] parenchymatous nephritis - 1 yr. |
 | Floating Hospital | Hadjiulian [Hadjinlian], John | M | 1912-07-24 | 7m | infectious diarrhoea, 14 days (contributory: peritonitis, 1 dy.) |
 | City Hospital | Hagopian, Garabid | M | 1907-06-23 | 33 | lobar pneumonia |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Derhagopian [Hagopian], Ignatius | M | 1918-09-19 | 30 (b. 1888-08) | pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Peter Bent Brigham Hospital | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Khoren | M | 1920-05-11 | 36 (b. 1884) | Hodgkin's disease |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Annaian [Hanoian], Hannah | F | 1919-07-10 | 29y-3m (b. 1890-04-10) | puerperal septicaemia (streptococcus) |
 | C. P. Huntington Memorial Hospital | Hazerian [Hazarjian], Sarkis | M | 1925-11-25 | 42 | chr[onic] myelogenous leukemia |
 | Infants Hospital | Hoviginian [Hovagimian], John | M | 1918-08-19 | 7m-18d | ac[ute] broncho-pneumonia (contributory: ac[ute] nephritis) |
 | New England Deaconess Hospital | Der Hovhannesian [Hovhannesian], Anna | F | 1910-03-16 | 67 | diffused abdominal cancer, intestinal cancer |
 | | Hovhanessian [Hovhannesian], Giragos | M | 1900-05-15 | 40 | cerebral meningitis |
 | Boston City Hospital Relief Station | Johnson [Hovhannesian], Kohar | F | 1908-05-17 | 45 | fracture of pelvis, abdominal hemorrhage (contributory: elevated R. R. accident) |
 | House of Good Samaritan | Hohannessian [Hovhannesian], Sultana | F | 1917-06-08 | 40 | carcinoma metastasis from left breast (operation 3 months ago) |
 | Cullis Cons. Home | Inknadiossian [Iknadiosian], Missak | M | 1910-10-11 | 30 | pulm[onary] tuberculosis, 3 yrs. |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Jalladian [Jelladian], John | M | 1918-03-15 | 16 | decompensation (mitral regurgitation-yrs) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Kajahaner, Mina | F | 1914-04-26 | 33y-10m | erycipelas, septicemia, opr. Mar. 7, 1914, ventral hernia (contributory: ac[ute] myocarditis - mitral valve) |
 | 196 W. 7th St. | Kandarian, Kavork | M | 1919-11-14 | 60 | gunshot wound of head (suicidal) |
 | City Hospital | Kasper [Kasparian], Charles A. | M | 1920-10-26 | 25y-6m-23d (b. 1895-04-03) | burns - accidental ignition of auto truck under which he was working |
 | 6 Kendall St. | Kazanjian, George | M | 1924-08-04 | 51y-2m | angina pectoris, sudden cancer of stomach (contributory: dyspepsia) |
 | New England Hospital for Women | Kazanjian, Yegisapet | F | 1913-06-11 | 32 (b. 1881) | septicaemia following abortion (said to be self induced) |
 | City Hospital | Kevorkian, Kohar | F | 1918-09-18 | 32 | bronchopnuemonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | City Hospital | Kevorkian, Peter | M | 1906-10-20 | 80 | pul[monary] embolus (contributory: stone in bladder) |
 | Infants Hospital | Ashagian [Khachigian], Araksia | F | 1915-07-03 | 2m | broncho pneumonia (contributory: marasmus) |
 | Floating Hospital | Ashagian [Khachigian], Samen | M | 1915-07-06 | 2m | gastro-intestinal indigestion (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Free Home for Consumptives | Kooyomijian [Kouyoumjian], Gregory | M | 1906-04-17 | 18 | pul[monary] tuberculosis |
 | Peter Bent Brigham Hospital | Karjian [Kurejian], Gregory H. | M | 1915-11-23 | 28 | gangrenous appendicitis, 5 dys (opr. Nov. 19) (contributory: peritonitis) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Leylekian [Leylegian], Michael | M | 1916-07-24 | 30 (b. 1886) | gen[eralized] septicemia (cause unknown), cardiac failure |
 | Boothby Hospital | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Bahir | F | 1917-09-21 | 37 | embolism (pulm[onary]), op[e]r[ation] 19-Sep-1917 (contributory: large ventral hernia) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Malkasion [Malkhasian], Herpsine | F | 1922-11-24 | 21y-10m (b. 1900-12-25) | cerebellar tumor |
 | Peter Bent Brigham Hospital | Mergerion [Markarian], Heratcha | M | 1918-09-24 | 33 | influenza (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | | Minossian [Minasian], Jansef | F | 1900-06-26 | 39 | pyo-nephrosis, exhaustion |
 | Floating Hospital | Nahigian, Seranush | F | 1914-08-09 | 1m-21d (b. 1914-06-18) | malnutrition |
 | Boston City Hospital | Najarian, Florence | F | 1922-06-09 | 23y-29d | chr[onic] & subacute endocarditis, diabetes |
 | Infants Hospital | Ounjian, Alice | F | 1911-05-16 | 1y-2m | foreign body (collar buton) in oesophagus, impacted, with erosion of oesophagus & innominate artery (hemorrhage) - accidental |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Paloian, Hamparzo | M | 1915-09-11 | 31 | toxaemia - operation mid-thigh amp[utation], 9-Sep-1915 (contributory: septic knee & osteomyelitis tibia) |
 | Floating Hospital | Papazian, Asfe | F | 1912-07-27 | 8m-6d | toxaemia - retro-pharyngeal (abscess) - erysipelas (3 mos.) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Dar Sarkisian [Sarkisian], Sahag | M | 1911-10-01 | 29y-7m-11d | typhoid fever, 12 days |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Stepanian, Almas | F | 1918-05-14 | 34 | tubular meningitis - 11 days |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Stepan [Stepanian], Donabed | M | 1914-02-11 | 35 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: cardiac failure) |
 | 532 Tremont St. | Tashjian, Sarkis | M | 1915-05-19 | 80y-3m (b. 1835-02) | acute indigestion foll[owe]d by passive congestion of kidneys |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Tomajian [Toumajanian], | M | 1918-08-21 | 1d | prematurity due to placenta praevia |
 | Boston Homeopathic Hospital | Thomas [Toumasian], Annie P. | F | 1919-04-05 | 37 | rupture uterus (death on operating table) |
 | City Hospital | Thomas [Toumasian], Keatrin | F | 1910-04-16 | 27y-6m-17d | ulcerative stomatitis (contributory: cirrhosis liver) |
 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital | Yerganian, Araxy | F | 1919-04-01 | 25 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital | Arvanian [Yervanian], George S. | M | 1915-01-13 | 45 | post-thrombotic splenomegaly (contributory: ac[ute] vegatative endocarditis) |
 | Massachusetts General Hospital | Zarmagian [Zarmatzian], Garabed | M | 1904-09-22 | 30 | chronic nephritis (contributory: sero-nephritis, pericarditis) |
Boston (Dorchester), Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 12 Downer Ct. | Armoian [Ermoian], Markarid | F | 1918-10-13 | 27 | bronchial pneumonia due to influenza |
Boston (Jamaica Plain), Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | House of the Good Samaritan | Hagopjanian, Satung | F | 1918-04-11 | 32 (b. 1885) | lymphosarcoma |
 | 388 Centre St. | Kevorkian, Tafarg | F | 1912-12-28 | 41 | valvular heart disease & Bright's (nephritis) (contributory: dropsy & emiciation [emaciation]) |
 | 989 Parker St. | Naroyan [Noroian], Satanig | F | 1902-02-10 | 21 | pul[monary] phthisis |
Boston (Roxbury), Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 4 Warren Pl. | Casbarian [Kasparian], Margaret D. | F | 1918-09-18 | 28 | grippe and pneumonia |
 | 24 Chadwick St. | Mardirosian, Hisque | F | 1917-09-09 | 85 | chr[onic] rheumatoid arthritis, myocarditis (contributory: chr[onic] constipation) |
 | 16 Chadwick St. | Thomas [Toumasian], Rose | F | 1914-10-28 | 1y-11m-14d | multiple accidental burns from clothing ignited probably by matches |
Chelsea, Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 120 Ash St. | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Mary B. | F | 1919-06-13 | 72 | broncho-pneumonia (contributory: fatty degenerated heart) |
Revere, Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 516 Beach St. | Kirkjian [Kurkjian], Isadoor G. | M | 1912-04-18 | 55 | arterio sclerosis of the cerebral arteries |
Winthrop, Suffolk Co., MA, USA |
 | 144 Shirley St. | Mozgofian [Mosgofian], Hosrofatoost | F | 1911-07-02 | 22 | miltrary [miliary] tuberculosis (contributory: la grippe) |
Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | | Sahagian, Biza | F | 1921-08-05 | 5y-8m-12d (b. 1915-11-22) | acute indigestion |
Clinton, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Clinton Hospital | Basomagian [Basmajian], Girabed | M | 1921-01-04 | 42 | tonsilitis - acute (contributory: septic arthritis, septic phlebitis) / in USA 10 days |
Harvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Camp Devens | Haggegran [Hoghroghian], Karnig | M | 1918-09-24 | 29 | pneumonia, lobar |
Milford, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Milford Hospital | Torosian, Arshag B. | M | 1916-09-18 | 25 (b. 1891-06) | fracture of base of skull (automobile accident) |
Northbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | | Abdalian, Makar | M | 1918-10-14 | 38 (b. 1880) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Ahmadjinian [Ahmetjanian], Sahag | M | 1918-09-26 | 25 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Ampagoonian [Ampagoumian], Girages | M | 1918-04-29 | 50 (b. 1868) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: bronchitis) |
 | | Badigian [Bedigian], Azad | M | 1921-08-13 | 10m-22d (b. 1921-09-21) | acute enteritis |
 | | Damargian [Demirjian], Hunpazan | M | 1910-02-09 | 23y-7d | pneumonia (contributory: heart disease) |
 | | Dillogian [Dilaizian], Arshig | M | 1895-02-02 | 4m-1d | convulsions & pneumonia |
 | | Deranian [Diranian], Arshalus | F | 1906-05-03 | 26 | hemmorrhage of the lungs (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | | Der Geragorian [Giragosian], Khachadoor | M | 1922-04-15 | 20 | concussion of brain, probably associated with meningitis caused by a fall from an auto truck in which he was riding |
 | | Haroutian [Haroutunian], Kourkan | M | 1918-10-07 | 7m-22d (b. 1918-02-14) | influenza & pneumonia (broncho) |
 | | Kapelian [Kupelian], | M | 1903-04-20 | | stillborn |
 | | Mulkasian [Malkhasian], | M | 1901-12-14 | | encephalocele |
 | | Manoogian [Manougian], Sarah | F | 1918-09-16 | 65 (b. 1853) | tumor in r[igh]t side of abdomen, attached to liver & probably carcinomatous, which pressed up against r[igh]t lung, interfering with circulation & respiration (contributory: mypostatic congestion of lungs from pressure of tumor) |
 | | Mooradian [Mouradian], Dickron | M | 1919-09-06 | 4m-29d (b. 1919-04-07) | cholera infantum |
 | | Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], Goltane | F | 1920-02-07 | 65 | heart disease / age: about 65 |
 | | Odabashian, Victoria | F | 1910-02-07 | 4 | diptheria |
 | | Shanajian, | F | 1920-02-07 | (b. 1920-02-07) | stillbirth |
 | | Torigian, Garabed | M | 1919-09-26 | 65 (b. 1854) | chronic myocarditis |
Oxford, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | | Bizagian [Bozigian], Dinne (Rev.) | M | 1919-07-04 | 56 | angina pectoris |
Rutland, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Rutland State Sanatorium | Aprahamian [Abrahamian], Nishan M. | M | 1918-09-30 | 20y-10m-12d (b. 1897-11-17) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | Rutland State Sanatorium | Ovian [Ovoian], Zarouhi | F | 1931-01-10 | 28y-7m | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Uxbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | N. Main St. | Machoian [Moushoian], Martha | F | 1924-07-02 | 11y-2m-12d | gunshot wound of chest through heart, the nine year old pointed the gun at his sister, not knowing that it was loaded, the gun was discharged at close range causing almost instant death |
Whitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Blanchard's Ledge | Emirian [Amirian], Victoria | F | 1916-04-29 | 2m-25d (b. 1916-02-02) | cerebral meningitis (contributory: gastro enteritis) |
 | 3 Brook St. | Antoian, | M | 1920-04-27 | (b. 1920-04-27) | stillborn (contributory: injury to mother two weeks ago) |
 | 36 Spring St. | Arakelian, | M | 1916-02-17 | (b. 1916-02-17) | stillborn, was dead at least a week |
 | 36 Spring St. | Arakalian [Arakelian], Victoria | F | 1919-01-10 | 3y-10m-14d (b. 1915-03-27) | influenza & broncho pneumonia |
 | 117 Church St. | Atamian, Apy | F | 1923-03-08 | 2m-5d | general constitutional weakness & bronchitis |
 | Thurston Ave. | Atamian, Oskeian | M | 1917-02-26 | 14d (b. 1917-02-12) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Plummers Corner | Aykanian, David | M | 1921-12-22 | 2d (b. 1921-12-20) | hemophilia (contributory: slight laceration from forceps) |
 | Brook St. | Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], | F | 1910-10-08 | (b. 1910-10-08) | still born |
 | 87 (rear) East St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Anna Mardirosian | F | 1920-03-18 | 79y-3d (b. 1841-03-15) | acute dialation of heart & chronic mitral insufficiency of years standing (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis & general atheroma of arteries |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Dickran | M | 1924-10-24 | 48 | fracture of skull & laceration of brain with brain hemorrhage caused by revolver bullet fired in head (suicide, was mentally depressed on account of his deafness, stated in a letter) |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Satrak | M | 1917-02-11 | 24 (b. 1893) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 203 Church St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Simme | F | 1923-09-15 | 4m-21d | gastro enteritis |
 | 43 D St. | Bedigian, Arshalous | F | 1921-04-12 | 8m-21d (b. 1920-07-21) | marasmus |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Bedigian, Manoog | M | 1916-03-27 | 1y-9d (b. 1915-03-18) | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Bedrosian, | M | 1909-10-03 | | still birth |
 | | Deranian [Diranian], Mary Louise | F | 1903-04-06 | 31 | puerperal fever (child birth) |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Garabedian, | F | 1924-03-06 | (b. 1924-03-06) | stillborn (contributory: instrumental delivery) |
 | Providence St. | Garabidian [Garabedian], Sarkis | M | 1917-11-06 | 39y-8m-27d | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: cold) |
 | 2 East St. | Ghasian [Ghazoian], Antaran Tegerian | F | 1923-05-08 | 36 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: probably tuberculosis) |
 | Plummers Corner | Hagopian, Merian | M | 1916-11-08 | 2m-5d (b. 1916-09-02) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | 59 Border St. | Hartounian [Haroutunian], Mary | F | 1916-12-07 | 3y-2m-2d (b. 1913-10-05) | burns from hot water (accident) caused by child falling into tub of scalding hot water left on floor of house by child's mother |
 | E. Church St. | Jigargian [Jigerjian], | F | 1924-01-16 | (b. 1924-01-16) | stillborn (contributory: born before time [as a] result of a fall) |
 | Plummers Corner | Jigarjian [Jigerjian], Mikahill | M | 1920-04-15 | 10m-7d (b. 1919-06-08) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Craggy Peak Rd. | Hockadoorian [Khachadourian], Hagob | M | 1911-12-20 | 25 | tuberculosis of the lungs (contributory: cold - pleurisy) |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Der Kosrofian [Khosrofian], | M | 1923-02-17 | (b. 1923-02-17) | stillborn (contributory: probably syphilis) |
 | Brook St. | Kizirbohosian [Kizirboghosian], | M | 1912-11-27 | (b. 1912-11-27) | still birth |
 | | Kizibohosion [Kizirboghosian], Zaven Simon | M | 1903-08-12 | 1m-14d | cholera infantum |
 | 47 Water St. | Manoogian [Manougian], Jacob | M | 1904-03-12 | 45 | typhoid pneumonia (contributory: heart failure) |
 | 14 N. Main St. | Marootian [Maroutian], | F | 1910-06-30 | (b. 1910-06-30) | still birth |
 | 14 N. Main St. | Marootian [Maroutian], | M | 1912-07-04 | (b. 1912-07-04) | asphyxia, stillborn (contributory: hard labor) |
 | 164 Church St. | Marootian [Maroutian], | F | 1914-11-16 | (b. 1914-11-16) | stillborn, prolapse of funis |
 | N. Main St. | Marootian [Maroutian], Simon | M | 1913-12-11 | 1d (b. 1913-12-10) | weakness from birth |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Matoian, Margos | M | 1917-12-03 | 38 (b. 1879) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Church St. | Muldonian [Meldonian], Ida Simonian | F | 1924-11-12 | 40y-5m | valvular heart & kidney desease |
 | 220 Church St. | Muldonian [Meldonian], Sooren | M | 1924-05-18 | 16y-2m | probable cause: perforation of intestines |
 | Prentice Corner | Masalian [Meserlian], Dickran | M | 1916-12-05 | 3m-29d (b. 1916-08-06) | gastro enteritis |
 | 87 East St. | Moscofian [Mosgofian], | M | 1924-05-23 | (b. 1924-05-23) | stillborn (contributory: premature birth) |
 | Prest House Plummers Corner | Momijian [Moumjian], Joseph | M | 1919-04-14 | 4d (b. 1919-04-10) | blue asphyxia |
 | 11 N. Main St. | Maratian [Mouradian], Negass | M | 1914-03-21 | 4d (b. 1914-03-17) | edema of lungs (contributory: pat[i]ent foramen ovale) |
 | 8 Brook St. | Moosigian [Mousheghian], | M | 1921-11-12 | (b. 1921-11-12) | still birth due to compression of cord during delivery of a breech presentation |
 | 45 D St. | Najarian, Agnes | F | 1924-11-18 | 16y-6m | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Plummers Corner | Nazarian [Najarian], Arsine | M | 1914-04-07 | 3m-22d (b. 1913-12-15) | bronchial pneumonia |
 | Church St. Ext. | Najarian, Bogos | M | 1920-11-05 | 49y-7m-15d (b. 1871-03-20) | angina pectoris |
 | 5 A St. | Najarian, Korea | F | 1916-02-05 | 12y-5m-26d (b. 1902-08-10) | acute pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 2 C St. | Negoshosian [Nigoghosian], Kisake | M | 1915-07-01 | 1y-7m-21d (b. 1913-11-19) | cerebral meningitis (contributory: dentition) |
 | 222 Church St. | Onbashian, Garabed | M | 1922-02-20 | 45 | angina pectoris |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Ovoian, Yaznig | M | 1921-05-04 | 1d (b. 1921-05-03) | convulsions following hard delivery |
 | 152 Church St. | Paloian, Manzig Memo | M | 1920-09-24 | 26y-5m-4d (b. 1894-04-20) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Pambosian, | F | 1921-09-19 | (b. 1921-09-19) | stillborn (contributory: albuminuria) |
 | 34 Spring St. | Philibosian [Pilibosian], Jacob | M | 1913-07-20 | (b. 1913-07-20) | still birth |
 | 88 East St. | Pilibosian, Nayasdan | F | 1917-03-30 | 10m-14d (b. 1916-05-16) | convulsions from unknown cause |
 | 41 D St. | Sahagian, | M | 1911-11-19 | (b. 1911-11-19) | still born (prolapse of funis) |
 | | Sarigian [Sarajian], | F | 1906-07-19 | | still born |
 | | Simonian, Astoor | M | 1906-02-18 | 49y-14d | chronic nephritis |
 | 14 Brook St. | Sohigian [Soghigian], Kevork | M | 1923-03-20 | 9d | inanition, general weakness since birth (contributory: premature birth) |
 | 34 Willow St. | Tarpinian, John | M | 1918-06-02 | 1y-2m (b. 1917-04-02) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: convulsions & measles) |
 | 34 Willow St. | Tarpanian [Tarpinian], Vram | M | 1919-03-14 | 23y-1m-27d (b. 1896-01-15) | influenze (contributory: brocho pneumonia) |
 | | Tashjian, Berge G. | M | 1910-04-07 | 10y-27d | endocarditis (contributory: lobar pneumonia] |
 | | Egsegian [Yeghsigian], Variticis | M | 1922-10-12 | 1y-2m-15d | tubercular meningitis |
 | Whitinsville Hospital | Zeeroogian [Zerigian], | F | 1922-03-10 | (b. 1922-03-10) | stillborn |
Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA |
 | Worcester Insane Hospital | Abdalian, | M | 1903-11-13 | | stillborn |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Aharon [Aharonian], George | M | 1917-07-17 | 24 | primary pulmonary hemorrhage (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Aharonian, Krikor | M | 1906-12-07 | 20 | tubercular peritonitis |
 | Memorial Hospital, | Onanian [Ananian], Oragain | M | 1914-04-11 | 26d | congenital syphilis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Antanian [Antoian], Sarkis | M | 1923-10-30 | 6m | gastro enteritis acute (contributory: septicaemia) |
 | Millbury St. | Haboian [Apoian], Asaden | M | 1909-10-05 | 43 | fracture of base of skull (contributory: accidentally fell from car of Worc. Cons. R.R.) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Akakelian [Arakelian], | F | 1914-06-08 | (b. 1914-06-08) | stillborn (contributory: prematurity (8 mos), toxaemia maternal) |
 | 2 Davis St. | Arakelian, Bessie | F | 1903-09-15 | 4m | rachitis (contributory: cholera infantum) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Arakelian, Ishud | M | 1920-01-20 | 1y-4m-14d (b. 1918-09-06) | asphyxiated due to rupture of pharyngeal abscess |
 | 2 Davis St. | Arakelian, Mary | F | 1904-03-19 | 10m-7d | convulsion |
 | Memorial Hospital | Aroian, Rose | F | 1918-03-30 | 26 (b. 1892) | strepticoccus septicaemia (contributory: erysiplelas & strepticoccus, sore throat) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Aroian, Victoria M. | F | 1905-11-30 | 7m | marasmus (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Arslan [Arslanian], Peter | M | 1912-04-08 | 43 (b. 1868) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Aslanian [Arslanian], Rosie | F | 1920-09-20 | 11m-4d (b. 1919-10-16) | fracture of the skull / accidental fall down stairs / duration 2 days |
 | 125 Salem St. | Arvanigain [Arvanigian], Helen | F | 1915-12-08 | 33 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Asadorian [Asadourian], Dertad | M | 1923-10-28 | 37 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: dementia praecox) |
 | 82 Clayton St. | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Mary | F | 1918-10-26 | 24y-2m-2d | primary broncho-pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | American Steel & Wire Co. (South Works) | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Minas A. | M | 1910-12-14 | 28 | multiple injuries (crushed skull, left leg - r[igh]t. arm, etc., accidentally caught in a wire drawing machine) |
 | | Astrurian [Asadourian], Murdras | M | 1895-03-28 | 21 | pleuritis & pericarditis, heart failure |
 | 126 Holden St. | Ashjian, | M | 1910-12-16 | 1d (b. 1910-12-16) | haemorregic disease of newborn |
 | 29 Arch St. | Ashjian, | M | 1911-07-01 | (b. 1911-07-01) | stillborn (premature birth) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Ashjian, | F | 1917-09-09 | 1d | congenital debility due to asphyxia during delivery (version & extraction) |
 | 29 Arch St. | Ashjian, Saey | M | 1906-05-10 | 1m-3d | congenital weakness |
 | 19 Ormond St. | Atamian, Egozar | M | 1918-12-17 | 32y-8m-14d (b. 1886-04-03) | broncho pneumonia (primary) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Atomian [Atamian], Jacob | M | 1917-10-05 | 60 | carcinoma of transverse colon |
 | 55 Laurel St. | Adamian [Atamian], Khatoon | F | 1916-05-14 | 60 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Abamian [Atamian], Oskian | M | 1922-02-04 | 3 | extensive lacerated wound of scalp, open fractures of skull, simple fracture of left femur, multiple contusions & exconations (struck by a trolley car in Whitinsville, accident) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Avakian, Hatchadoor | M | 1912-02-09 | 41y-5m-25d | septic endocarditis (contributory: ulcerative dermatitis) |
 | 130 Belmont St. | Avedian, | M | 1911-03-12 | (b. 1911-03-12) | stillborn |
 | Memorial Hospital | Avedian, Huropsima | F | 1911-03-16 | 44 (b. 1866) | puerperal sepsis (contributory: septic pneumonia) |
 | Isolation Hospital | Avedian, Vahie | M | 1907-01-02 | 7 | diphtheria |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Azadigian, Kavark | M | 1904-03-07 | 55 | pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary infarct[ion]) |
 | | Asarian [Azarian], Eram | M | 1903-01-07 | 45 | heart disease |
 | 51 Belmont St. | Bobigian [Babigian], | F | 1918-05-17 | | stillborn |
 | 107 Hamilton St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Ann | F | 1918-10-26 | 46y-2m-28d | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 16 Orange St. | Bagdarosian [Baghdasarian], Jacob | M | 1912-02-05 | 25 | illuminating gas poisoning |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Kostar | M | 1913-01-22 | 60 | fibrous prostate (contributory: post operative shock) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], | M | 1914-01-06 | (b. 1914-01-06) | premature birth |
 | Memorial Hospital | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], | F | 1914-01-13 | 7d (b. 1914-01-06) | premature birth |
 | Memorial Hospital | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Irene | F | 1918-11-24 | 39 (b. 1879-11-24) | incomplete septic abortion (contributory: general peritonitis following pelvic abscess) |
 | 29 Prospect St. | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Peter | M | 1914-08-11 | 58 | acute bloody dysentery, chronic bronchial asthma for the last few years |
 | 47 Winfield St. | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Peter M. | M | 1918-04-13 | 47 | myocarditis, chronic (contributory: influenza) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Balian, Garabed | M | 1915-07-26 | 22 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Balgian [Baljian], Owen | M | 1917-12-10 | 45 (b. 1872) | chronic parenchymatous nephritis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Beronian [Baronian], John | M | 1913-03-22 | 22 | peritonitis (contributory: suppurating sub-peritoneal glands) |
 | 173 Salem St. | Baronian, Soman | M | 1918-03-26 | 6m-7d | pneumonia bronchial following bronchitis |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Barsom [Barsamian], Sarah | F | 1918-01-13 | 57 (b. 1851) | arteriosclerosis (contributory: organic dementia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Barsoon [Barsamian], Vahen | M | 1915-08-20 | 8m | gastro enteritis |
 | 27 Dix St. | Bedigian, Berge | M | 1911-05-06 | 11m (b. 1910-05-22) | pertussis (whooping cough), complicated with bronchitis & convulsion (contributory: bronchitis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Bederosian [Bedrosian], Areak | F | 1912-04-25 | 4y-2m (b. 1908-02-23) | general miliary tuberculosis (contributory: Pett's disease) |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Peter [Bedrosian], Harry | M | 1914-11-20 | 53 (b. 1861) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | Belmont Hospital | Bederosian [Bedrosian], Kirkor D. | M | 1918-07-13 | 45 (b. 1873) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 89 Mulberry St. | Bedrosian, Peter | M | 1905-08-14 | 6m-25d | marasmus |
 | 53 Prospect St. | Bedrosian, Zabel | F | 1914-08-01 | 1y-2m-14d | entero colitis, dysentery |
 | Belmont Hospital | Berberian, Avedis | M | 1916-12-17 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Berbarian [Berberian], Dickran | M | 1908-09-01 | 28y-3m-20d | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Bilzerian [Bilazarian], | M | 1920-05-29 | 6d (b. 1920-05-23) | prematurity (abt. 7 mos.) |
 | 22 Lagrange St. | Bilezerian [Bilazarian], Araxie | F | 1919-05-26 | 5d (b. 1919-05-21) | premature birth, lived 5 days |
 | Memorial Hospital | Bilezerian [Bilazarian], Harward | M | 1918-09-01 | 1m-1d (b. 1918-08-24) | pneumonia, brocho (primary) |
 | Worcester Memorial Hospital | Bilazarian, Victoria | F | 1906-05-18 | 6m | broncho-pneumonia (contributory: meningitis) |
 | 84 Orange St. | Bilezerian [Bilazarian], Victoria | F | 1910-11-11 | 6m | rhacitis (contributory: angina with large spleen, chronic) |
 | 29 Dix St. | Bilezerian [Bilazarian], Yeart | M | 1917-06-10 | 5m | primary double broncho pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Bogigian [Boghigian], Aaron | M | | 19y-9m-20d | influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 30 N. Ashland St. | Bogajian [Boghosian], | M | 1907-10-26 | | stillborn (contributory: premature birth) |
 | 66 Chandler St. | Bogosian [Boghosian], Araxie | F | 1916-06-13 | 7m | measles (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Boghosian, George | M | 1906-08-07 | 14 | sarcoma of r[igh]t lung (contributory: secondary anaemia) |
 | 30 N. Ashland St. | Bogajian [Boghosian], Rose | F | 1916-07-24 | 10m | otitis media (after measles) (contributory: septic absorption) |
 | 30 N. Ashland St. | Bogajian [Boghosian], Sam | M | 1907-10-29 | 3d | premature birth |
 | 61 Laurel St. | Boyajian, Arexci | F | 1906-08-28 | 6m | gastro-enteritis (contributory: convulsions, sudden death) |
 | Institute Park | Boyijian [Boyajian], Bogas | M | 1911-02-06 | 65 (b. 1845) | suicide, bullet wound of heart (found dead) |
 | Belmont Hospital | Boyjian [Boyajian], Harry | M | 1917-10-14 | 7 | diptheria |
 | 4 Henchman Terrace | Boyagian [Boyajian], Johard | F | 1920-10-30 | 60 | parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Boyogian [Boyajian], Lillie | F | 1903-12-29 | 5m-6d | gastro-enteritis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Boyajian, Misak | M | 1919-08-16 | 5y-7m-21d (b. 1913-12-25) | tubercular meningitis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Boyajian, Missack B. | M | 1906-04-05 | 20y-8m-26d | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Boyagian [Boyajian], Paul | M | 1914-04-25 | 9y-6m (b. 1905) | tubercular meningitis |
 | Worcester Insane Hospital | Bozigian, Kachadwa | M | 1903-05-13 | 37 | general paralysis (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Bozigian, Ruben | M | 1916-02-15 | 30 | streptococcic meningitis (origin unknown) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Chalian, George | M | 1908-04-07 | 40 | general paresis |
 | Belmont Hospital | Chalabash [Chatalbashian], Anides | M | 1916-02-19 | 50 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Chavlesian, Michael | M | 1912-03-16 | 34 (b. 1878) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: general paralysis of the insane) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Chidinaire, Cozos | M | 1913-03-01 | 35 | cellulitis - right arm (contributory: septicemia due to scratch on arm) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Choolfaian [Choulfaian], Bright | F | 1916-09-28 | 17 | typhoid fever |
 | 62 Madison St. | Daloian, Agovene | F | 1904-08-31 | 6m | cholera infantum |
 | Plymouth St. Subway | Donelian [Danielian], George | M | 1911-11-27 | 55 | multiple injuries, fracture of skull, clavicle & pelvis (R. R. accident - found dead) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Davidian, | F | 1918-02-06 | (b. 1918-02-06) | stillborn (shoulder presentation) |
 | 109 West St. | Davidian, Beatrice | F | 1907-10-17 | 29 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Damoogian [Demirjian], Michael | M | 1909-05-28 | 26 | pneumonia (contributory: strangulated hernia) |
 | | Damurgian [Demirjian], Sumaron | M | 1903-02-11 | 1y-2m | measles |
 | 37 Thorne St. | Derderian, Catharine | F | 1910-07-29 | 75 (b. 1835) | general debility of old age |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Dairugian [Derigian], Megedich | M | 1915-12-15 | 60 | chronic endocarditis |
 | 27 Prospect St. | Dinjian, Hampartzoom S. | M | 1906-08-20 | 65 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Doganian [Doghanian], Mardrios | M | 1917-03-12 | 50 | malignancy of stomach (contributory: carcinoma) |
 | 42 Hermon St. | Doctorian [Doktorian], Harry | M | 1907-05-21 | 50 | nephritis |
 | 154 Southbridge St. | Donabed [Donabedian], | F | 1903-12-10 | 1d | premature birth |
 | 4 Summer St. | Donabedian, | F | 1915-06-14 | | difficult labor, forceps & version (stillborn) |
 | 154 Southbridge St. | Donabed [Donabedian], Charlie | M | 1904-08-01 | 6m | cholera infantum |
 | Worcester Insane Hospital | Donibadian [Donabedian], Elazar | M | 1906-11-03 | 52 | general paralysis (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Donabedian, Esgutu | F | 1915-01-28 | 7 | struck by automobile, accident (contributory: fracture of 3 ribs, rupture of lung) |
 | Belmont Tuberculosis Hospital | Donabed [Donabedian], Mary A. | F | 1915-03-02 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 5 Newbury St. | Dostourian, Samuel | M | 1920-11-19 | 27 | accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas (found dead in bed) / open gas jet in bedroom |
 | 5 Newbury St. | Dostourian, Sho | F | 1920-11-19 | 26 | accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas (lived ½ hour after found unconscious) / open gas jet in bedroom |
 | 75 Summer St. | Ekanian [Eghinian], Mary | M | 1916-03-07 | 41 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 1 Malden St. | Eramigian [Ehramjian], Roy | M | 1913-02-28 | 10m (b. 1912-04-25) | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | 40 Elliott St. | Eknoian, | M | 1915-06-11 | | stillborn, 8 mos. |
 | Memorial Hospital | Eknoian, Peter | M | 1919-06-27 | 5d (b. 1919-06-23) | enlarged thymus gland causing asphyxia |
 | 14 Bartlett St. | Eknoian, Victoria | F | 1907-02-24 | 6m-24d | broncho-pneumonia |
 | 27 Arch St. | Elias [Eliasian], | F | 1907-08-19 | | stillborn |
 | 27 Arch St. | Elias [Eliasian], Stephen | M | 1911-03-06 | | stillborn |
 | 94 Austin St. | Elias [Eliasian], Stephen M. | M | 1914-02-16 | 40 (b. 1873) | Hodgkins disease or malignant lymphoma |
 | 27 Orchard St. | Elias [Eliasian], Virgin | F | 1914-10-12 | 3m (b. 1914) | congenital defect of skull (occipital bone) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Garrabedian [Garabedian], Abidis | M | 1914-02-20 | 50 (b. 1864) | pulmonary tuberculosis ? (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Garabedian, Abraham | M | 1915-05-15 | 11m-11d | tuberculous meningitis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Garabedian, Agavni | F | 1909-09-01 | 22y-11m-9d | puerperal septicaemia (following abortion) |
 | Worcester City Hospital, | Charles [Garabedian], Almas | F | 1912-03-03 | 26 (b. 1886) | puerperal septicemia (following miscarriage) |
 | 6 Orchard St. | Garabedian, Bedros | M | 1910-06-30 | 2 | broncho-pneumonia |
 | Belmont Hospital | Garabedian, Lucy | F | 1916-07-28 | 30 | disseminated tuberculosis |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Garabedian, Minas | M | 1918-09-23 | 23 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 6 Orchard St. | Garabedian, Peter | M | 1911-03-18 | 2m-10d (b. 1911-01-08) | broncho-pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Garabedian, Sursin P. | M | 1913-11-19 | 2y-8m-7d (b. 1913-03-10) | multiple injuries, fracture of skull, left thigh & r[igh]t leg / S[tree]t R. R. accident |
 | 65 Orchard St. | Keljikian [Geljikian], | F | 1917-01-30 | | premature birth (stillborn) |
 | 105 Summer St. | Genoian, Markar | M | 1912-08-26 | 65 | pneumonia |
 | 27 Orchard St. | Gazoorian [Ghazarian], | F | 1912-04-07 | 3d (b. 1912-04-05) | inanition |
 | 18 Laurell St. | Gazoorian [Ghazarian], Arakce | F | 1913-09-12 | 6d | premature birth |
 | 20 Carroll St. | Gazoorian [Ghazarian], Araxie | F | 1912-11-20 | 9 (b. 1902-09-20) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Assadoor | M | 1907-07-01 | 19 | septicaemia (contributory: septic endocarditis) |
 | 27 Prospect St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Assador | M | 1910-06-04 | 4m-1d | probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kasarian [Ghazarian], David | M | 1923-05-27 | 58 | hypertrophied prostate gland (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | 18 Carroll St. | Gazooian [Ghazarian], George | M | 1911-01-14 | 18y-11m-9d (b. 1892-02-05) | tuberculosis - pulmonary |
 | Millbury St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Sailis | M | 1908-07-21 | 25 | tuberculosis |
 | 27 Prospect St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Sarkis | M | 1910-06-04 | 4m-1d | probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness) |
 | 27 Orchard St. | Gazoorian [Ghazarian], Satenij | F | 1914-04-07 | 24 (b. 1894) | chr[onic] interstitial nephritis (contributory: dilated heart) |
 | 27 Prospect St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Tarvez | F | 1910-06-04 | 4m-1d | probably broncho-pneumonia (contributory: congenital weakness) |
 | 130 Canterbury St. | Hoogasian [Ghougasian], | F | 1919-08-12 | (b. 1919-08-12) | premature birth (primary) / (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | 9 Douglas Ct. | Hoogasian [Ghougasian], | M | 1920-10-31 | (b. 1920-10-31) | stillborn, premature |
 | 34 Harding St. | Kabaian [Gopoian], Narsis | M | 1910-01-03 | 3m | asphyxiation from food in trachea |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Goshgarian, Bedros | M | 1917-09-13 | 54 | prim[ary] pulmonary embolism (contributory: sarcoma of right groin, osteosarcoma right ankle) |
 | 16 Laurel St. | Goshgarian, Neshan | M | 1910-10-23 | 24 | tubercular kidney, also tubercular abscess due to kidney running through abdominal opening |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Gooregian [Gureghian], Manoog | M | 1915-10-29 | 55y-9d (b. 1860-10-21) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Gurjian, Owok | M | 1913-10-16 | 32 (b. 1882) | comp[ression] fracture of skull (machinery accident) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Hagopian, Joseph | M | 1918-12-02 | 34 | cardio-renal vascular disease (contributory: chronic passive congestion) |
 | 111 West St. | Hagopian, Mary H. | F | 1905-02-04 | 30y-5m-28d | pernicious anaemia |
 | 8 Orchard St. | Harootian [Haroutunian], John | M | 1911-08-06 | 4d (b. 1911-08-03) | congenital obstruction of intestines |
 | 32 Pink St. | Harootian [Haroutunian], Leon | M | 1904-04-16 | 1y-9m | broncho-pneumonia |
 | 80 Irving St. | Harootian [Haroutunian], Margeret P. | F | 1915-01-18 | 6 (b. 1908) | tubercular meningitis |
 | 802 Main St. | Harrison, | F | 1911-12-11 | 2d | premature (7 mos.) |
 | 802 Main St. | Harrison, Daisy | F | 1911-08-11 | 9m | cholera infantum (found dead) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Harry, Peter | M | 1909-09-22 | 40 | myocarditis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Hartorian [Hartarian], Paul | M | 1919-04-04 | 38 | tubercular peritonitis |
 | 12 George St. | Ovagimian [Hovagimian], | F | 1903-08-08 | 14d | infantile weakness |
 | 329 Cambridge St. | Hovagimian, Elizabeth | F | 1905-12-27 | 14 | consumption |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Ovaginian [Hovagimian], Manoog | M | 1909-09-23 | 35 | tetanus |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Overginian [Hovagimian], Varteras | M | 1904-05-14 | 24 | general tuberculosis |
 | Lake Quinsigamond | Havosanian [Hovasian], Bagdasar | M | 1906-07-15 | 25 | drowning |
 | 94 Belmont St. | Hovenesian [Hovhannesian], Anna | F | 1920-06-24 | 70 | cancer of the stomach |
 | Memorial Hospital | Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], Armen | M | 1912-09-29 | 3m-19d (b. 1912-06-10) | chronic intestinal indigestion |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], Haig | M | 1916-05-12 | 1y-8m | tubercular meningitis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Ovhanesian [Hovhannesian], Haij | M | 1912-10-19 | 4m-10d (b. 1912-06-10) | chronic intestinal indigestion |
 | 67 Beacon St. | Yoosuf [Hovsepian], Anna | F | 1904-03-02 | 19 | acute pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 18 Arch St. | Eukandarian [Iskenderian], Gladys | F | 1910-04-19 | 3m | broncho pneumonia |
 | 4 Elizabeth St. | Israelian, | M | 1909-01-02 | 1m-14d | marasmus |
 | Worcester Isolation Hospital | Isralian [Israelian], Lucia | F | 1907-03-13 | 8m | scarlet fever |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Israelian, Stephen | M | 1907-01-05 | 29 | syphilis (contributory: gumma of brain) |
 | 111 Beacon St. | Jorjorian, | F | 1905-12-12 | | stillborn |
 | 111 (rear) Beacon St. | Jorjorian, | M | 1907-08-10 | | dystocia (stillborn) |
 | 111 Beacon St. | Jorjorian, Araksi | F | 1903-09-09 | 11m-2d | cholera infantum (contributory: pneumonia broncho) |
 | 111 Beacon St. | Jorjorian, Arshag | M | 1903-09-09 | 11m-2d | cholera infantum (contributory: pneumonia broncho) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Jorjorian, Elizabeth | F | 1905-08-24 | 25 | burns of 2nd & 3[r]d degrees |
 | 105 Summer St. | Jundamian [Jundanian], Krikor | M | 1924-04-28 | 34y-9m-14d | asphyxiation by illuminating gas (probably suicide, found dead in his bedroom) |
 | | Kalajian, Jacob | M | 1901-03-25 | 60 | chronic parenchymatous nephritis |
 | Belmont Hospital | Halagian [Kalajian], Namvig Kasparian | F | 1923-05-12 | 31 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kalfaian, Moorard | M | 1904-10-06 | 22 | typhoid fever |
 | 14 Elliott St. | Calfain [Kalfaian], Taquhi | F | 1917-08-01 | 86 | old age, heat |
 | Memorial Hospital | Karngosian [Karageozian], Helena | F | 1923-10-07 | 8m-3d | gastro enteritis acute |
 | Memorial Hospital | Karakoosh [Karakashian], | M | 1913-10-06 | 15d (b. 1913-09-22) | premature birth |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Karakoosh [Karakashian], Azarig | M | 1914-03-11 | 50y-1m (b. 1855) | carcinoma [of] prostate & bladder with metastases |
 | 14½ Elliott St. | Karakoosh [Karakashian], Mary | F | 1916-11-16 | 27y-10m-6d (b. 1889-01-10) | chronic nephritis, with (cardiac lesion), Bright's disease |
 | 5 Harrington St. | Karakaskian [Karakashian], Supwrick | F | 1911-08-31 | 48 (b. 1862) | apoplexy |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Martin | M | 1909-08-07 | | hemorrhagic disease of new born |
 | Memorial Hospital | Kassabein [Kasabian], Mary | F | 1918-10-11 | 32 | septicemia following incomplete abortion (self inducted) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kasabian, Sarkis | M | 1915-01-02 | 28 | acute nephritis |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Kasparian, Manoog | M | 1911-04-20 | 40 (b. 1871) | general paralysis (contributory: empysema) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kasparian, Margaret | F | 1909-09-05 | 6m-3d | erysipelas |
 | 98 Belmont St. | Kavoogjian [Kavoukjian], Anna | F | 1917-05-03 | 75 | paralysis agitans (found dead in bed), (sudden death) (contributory: general arterio sclerosis) |
 | 347 Park Ave. | Kayajanian, | F | 1910-05-16 | | stillborn |
 | 130 Belmont St. | Kazanjian, | M | 1905-04-05 | | stillborn |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Kasanjian [Kazanjian], Garabed | M | 1920-05-24 | 52 | general paralysis of the insane |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kazanjian, Maderos | M | 1915-01-21 | 58 | post operative shock (contributory: cholecystitis with cancer of gall bladder) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Kazanjian, Ounig | M | 1908-10-06 | 13 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kazhadooian, Dick | M | 1910-09-28 | 46 (b. 1864) | typhoid fever (?) (contributory: perforation of intestine with hemorrhage) |
 | 73 Hanover St. | Koobatian [Kebadian], Edward | M | 1916-06-29 | 6 | acute endocarditis (contributory: scarlet fever) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Koobatian [Kebadian], John | M | 1917-02-20 | 55y-11m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Koobitian [Kebadian], Mesia | M | 1913-04-28 | 28 | suicide, bullet wound of brain |
 | 9 Orchard St. | Koobation [Kebadian], Siranoosh | F | 1909-06-21 | 21d | broncho pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kahajan [Kehaian], Sarkis | M | 1905-03-31 | 35 | malignant endocarditis |
 | Isolation Hospital | Kalashian [Keleshian], Everett | M | 1912-02-27 | 2y-3m-12d | diptheria |
 | Isolation Hospital | Kachajian [Keshishian], Edward E. | M | 1918-01-30 | 8y-10m | diptheria |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kachajin [Keshishian], Peter K. | M | 1907-08-08 | 8m-8d | epidemic(?) cerebro spinal meningitis |
 | Belmont Hospital | Kustigian [Kestigian], Mazaret | M | 1918-03-02 | 37y-8m-13d (b. 1880-06-19) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Derkewarkian [Kevorkian], John | M | 1918-10-12 | 28 | influenza, broncho pneumonia (contributory: dementia praecox) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kevorkian, William S. | M | 1915-05-10 | 23 | double mastoiditis (contributory: meningitis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kasharian [Khacherian], Rigavne | F | 1913-07-07 | 21 (b. 1892) | accidental fall from moving trolley car (contributory: fract[ure] base of skull) (decompression operation performed) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Keshigian [Khachigian], Toros | M | 1917-09-09 | 21 | bullet wound to head, homicide (contributory: comp[ression] fracture of skull, laceration of brain) |
 | Belmont Hospital | Khrimian, Yervant | M | 1916-03-22 | 25 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 10 Hudson St. | Kenosian [Kinosian], Agnes | F | 1906-08-21 | 17 | acute nephritis (contributory: uraemia) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Kinosian, Garabed | M | 1911-07-11 | 32 (b. 1879) | acute appendicitis |
 | 13 S. Irving St. | Kenosian [Kinosian], Kapril A. | M | 1904-10-03 | 3y-6m | tuberculosis (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Kinosian, Satemik | F | 1908-11-21 | 11m | lobar pneumonia |
 | 171 Salem St. | Kenjian [Konjoian], | M | 1918-05-20 | 20d | premature birth & infantile weakness |
 | | Kunjuin [Konjoian], Annie | F | 1902-02-25 | 22 | puerperal septicaemia |
 | 67 Portland St. | Kangian [Konjoian], Mary | F | 1915-11-17 | 21d (b. 1915-10-28) | premature birth, acute gastro enteritis (?) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Krikorian, | M | 1905-04-11 | | stillborn |
 | 9 Linwood St. | Krikorian, Garabed N. | M | 1905-02-13 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 227 Chandler St. | Kackjian [Kurkjian], Ann | F | 1918-04-05 | 58 | cardio-renal-vascular sclerosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Magarian, Garabald | M | 1909-03-30 | 58 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Magakian [Maghakian], Margur | M | 1912-12-25 | 14 (b. 1898-08-26) | acute dilatation of heart (contributory: valvular disease of heart) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Maikian [Maghakian], Moses | M | 1911-02-27 | 60 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Malazian [Malezian], Toros | M | 1919-08-08 | 54 | multiple injuries / fracture of skull & lower jaw, etc. / accidentally struck by an automobile |
 | Memorial Hospital | Mamigonian, | M | 1918-05-14 | (b. 1918-05-14) | stillborn fetus (6 mos.) / (contributory: endocarditis with marked decompensation in mother, child did not breathe) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Mamigonian, Helen H. | F | 1918-05-17 | 30 | endocarditis, myocarditis with decompensation (contributory: pregnancy) (6 mo. stillborn) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Memeshian [Mamishian], Antraray | M | 1916-08-30 | 10m-3d (b. 1915-10-27) | acute illio colitis |
 | 54 N. Ashland St. | Manavian, Melcon K. | M | 1909-10-06 | 23y-11m-24d | endocarditis (contributory: pulmonary congestion & spleno medullary leukaemia) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], | F | 1905-05-03 | 3d | prematurity (contributory: inanition) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Moonoogian [Manougian], John | M | 1909-09-14 | 23 | multiple injuries, internal abdominal hemorrhage (fell from a building accidentally) |
 | 3 Frederick St. | Manoogian [Manougian], Manoogh | M | 1907-08-02 | 6 | malnutrition |
 | | Moonoogian [Manougian], Martha | F | 1903-02-14 | 1y-3m | convulsions |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Morderosoan [Mardirosian], | M | 1917-03-09 | 1d | premature infant (6 1/2 months) |
 | 2 Elizabeth St. | Mardirosian, Haguhi | F | 1905-03-06 | 5m-17d | convulsiion |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Mardirosian, Mardiros | M | 1907-09-07 | 1y-2m-7d | diptheria |
 | 14 Elliott St. | Marderosian [Mardirosian], Zakar | M | 1920-08-11 | 55 | parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Margosian, | M | 1908-06-24 | 1d | premature |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Margosian, Ageninia | F | 1908-06-24 | 30 | appendicitis (contributory: general peritonitis) |
 | | Markarian, | F | 1903-04-22 | | infantile debility |
 | Memorial Hospital | Markarian, | M | 1914-02-17 | 13d (b. 1914-02-05) | prematurity |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Markarian, Sarkis | M | 1919-05-26 | 34 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Marootian [Maroutian], | M | 1916-09-24 | 1d (b. 1916-09-23) | birth injuries incident to version & extraction |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Masagian, Satrag D. | M | 1908-01-11 | 22 | strangulated inguinal hernia (contributory: general peritonitis) |
 | 77 Hanover St. | Mazonian [Masoumian], | M | 1916-01-13 | (b. 1916-01-13) | premature birth |
 | 6 Florence St. | Masoomian [Masoumian], George M. S. | M | 1917-03-28 | 2m-21d | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Matthewsian [Mateosian], Newveart | F | 1910-03-23 | 7y-1m-7d | lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Mazgardian [Mazgirtian], | M | 1911-07-11 | (b. 1911-07-11) | asphyxiatiore [asphyxiation] |
 | 7 Elizabeth St. | Maygertlian [Mazgirtian], Barry | F | 1905-04-03 | 5m | tuberculosis of lungs (contributory: tubercular adenitis) |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Mazgertian [Mazgirtian], Bedros K. | M | 1917-10-31 | 58 (b. 1859) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 4 Buck Pl. | Mazmaian [Mazmayan], Arical | M | 1920-03-28 | 52 | angina pectoris |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Mazmian [Mazmayan], Haid | M | 1920-11-16 | 42 | suicide, cut throat (duration 9 days) / acute broncho pneumonia (secondary) |
 | St. Francis Home | Microyan [Meghroian], Boghos | M | 1912-07-30 | 78y-3m | carcinoma of stomach |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Muldonian [Meldonian], Muldon | M | 1903-12-30 | 35 | illuminating gas poisoning |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Melkonian, Hachik | M | 1904-02-03 | 24 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Manzoian [Menzoian], | F | 1917-04-09 | | premature infant, 6 mos. |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Manzoian [Menzoian], | M | 1920-04-09 | 5d (b. 1920-04-04) | prematurity (6 1/2 months) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Menzoian, Hovanes | M | 1910-04-29 | 22 | homicide, bullet wound of lung, pneumonia, empyaema, septicaemia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Marsoobian [Mesrobian], Krekor | M | 1906-02-04 | 28 | erysipelas (contributory: pyaemia) |
 | 3 Frederick St. | Minoojian [Minasian], | F | 1907-01-22 | | stillborn |
 | | Minasian, Jacob | M | 1907-10-20 | 42 | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], John | M | 1920-02-05 | 15y-5d (b. 1905-02-01) | influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 79 Market St. | Muradian [Mouradian], Orshlese | F | 1908-03-11 | 5m | marasmus |
 | Insane Asylum | Mooradian [Mouradian], Phillip | M | 1908-05-04 | 45 | general paresis |
 | 66 Grove St. | Mooadian [Mouradian], Pruzard | M | 1916-02-17 | 42 | tubercular meningitis ? |
 | 4 Alden St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Sarah | F | 1911-12-13 | 3 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: rickets) |
 | | Mooradian [Mouradian], Yaksa | F | 1903-04-02 | 1y-6m | measles, brocho-pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Mousekian [Mousheghian], Sahag | M | 1919-01-04 | 45 | cardio-renal vascular disease (contributory: chronic passive congestion with general anasarca) |
 | 52 Gardner St. | Masoian [Moushoian], Charles | M | 1920-04-01 | 5m-22d (b. 1919-10-10) | diarrhoea & enteritis (contributory: broncho-pneumonia) |
 | 47 Channing St. | Nahikian [Nahigian], Akabee | F | 1904-04-04 | 8 | tubercular peritonitis (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | 81 Chatham St. | Nahikian [Nahigian], Genevieve | F | 1918-08-23 | 21 | appendicitis (chronic) accompanied with mass in r[ight] ovary & intestinal adhesions (contributory: sudden heart failure) |
 | 62 Uxbridge St. | Nahigian, Mardios S. T. | M | 1919-03-29 | 81y-1m-6d | cardio vascular renal sclerosis |
 | 62 Uxbridge St. | Nahigian, Margaret C. | F | 1911-12-11 | 81 | pneumonia |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Najarian, Jacob | M | 1917-12-08 | 50 | hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: acute nephritis) |
 | 7 Elizabeth St. | Najarian, Julia | F | 1914-07-31 | 5m-5d (b. 1914-02-29) | acholuric jaundice since birth |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Najarian, Varter A. | F | 1919-04-01 | 42 | cancer of right breast |
 | 8 Alden St. | Nalbandian, Jacob M. | M | 1913-08-18 | 3m-14d (b. 1913-05-14) | gastro enteritis |
 | | Narsigian [Norsigian], Nazar | M | 1900-04-09 | 36 | acute bronchitis, hypertrophy of the liver |
 | 94 Austin St. | Odabashean [Odabashian], Elizabeth | F | 1913-09-02 | 35 (b. 1878) | enterocarditis, myocarditis, chronic valvular disease of heart (contributory: interstitial nephritis) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Odabashian, Pans | F | 1914-04-15 | 35 | cerebral embolism (contributory: chronic endocarditis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Ogassian [Oghgasian], | F | 1917-07-30 | (b. 1917-07-30) | stillborn, prolapse of cord |
 | Memorial Hospital | Oghgasian, John | M | 1910-10-26 | 1y-28d (b. 1909-09-28) | broncho-pneumonia |
 | 20 Arch St. | Oghkasian [Oghgasian], Mardiros | M | 1903-09-30 | 4m | cholera infantum |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Johnson [Ohannesian], Koraken | M | 1910-03-28 | 1y-4m-8d | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cerebro-spinal meningitis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Oaharesian [Ohannesian], Nasog | F | 1909-07-15 | 56y-11m-13d | valvular disease of the heart |
 | | Pafchjian, Sarkis | M | 1913-02-28 | 22 (b. 1891) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Paloulian [Paloutzian], | M | 1918-10-22 | | stillborn (contributory: pneumonia [of] mother) |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Paloulian [Paloutzian], Mary | F | 1918-10-25 | 36 | double lobar pneumonia (contributory: pregnancy) |
 | 11 Gold St. | Paloulian [Paloutzian], Zarpouhe | F | 1916-04-25 | 8m | convulsions (cause unknown, sudden death) |
 | 40 Ormond St. | Papazian, Hagoney | F | 1915-02-09 | 2 | diptheria |
 | 5 Bowdoin Ct. | Papzin [Papazian], Mardiros | F | 1906-01-25 | 2d | morbus ceruleus |
 | 92 Bloomingdale Rd. | Paboian [Papeian], Azniv | F | 1914-08-23 | 29 | bullet wound of thorax, homicide |
 | 162 West St. | Barakian [Parigian], Anna M. | F | 1918-01-13 | 62y-11m-3d | chronic valvular disease |
 | 4 Denny St. | Parigian, Edward | M | 1904-11-26 | 5m | pneumonia |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Parsegian [Parseghian], Zekar | M | 1920-05-31 | 65 (b. 1855) | sarcoma of lungs |
 | Memorial Hospital | Pazeian [Pashaian], Bessie | F | 1916-08-07 | 68 | chronic interstitial nephritis, arterio sclerosis, myocarditis (contributory: oedema of lungs) |
 | 58 Beacon St. | Pashoian [Pashaian], Hrand | M | 1911-07-20 | 11m-6d (b. 1910-08-14) | infantile weakness (contibutory: myocarditis) |
 | 68 Orange St. | Pazeian [Pashaian], Setra K. | M | 1917-12-09 | 36 | poisoning by illuminating gas, presumably accidental |
 | 2 Blossom St. | Pashoian [Pashaian], Taman | F | 1915-08-13 | 59 | dilatation of the heart with fatty degeneration (contributory: heart failure, oedema of lungs) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Pashoian [Pashaian], Vassen G. | F | 1912-07-26 | 4 (b. 1908-09-10) | multiple burns (clothing accidentally ignited while playing with matches) |
 | Belmont Hospital | Pelderian [Pilderian], Stephan | M | 1919-08-05 | 37y-3m-14d (b. 1882-04-22) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Pilibosian, Guvei | F | 1917-03-17 | 9m-28d (b. 1916-05-19) | broncho pneumonia (primary) |
 | 46 Bowdoin St. | Pilibbosian [Pilibosian], Monig M. | F | 1907-12-24 | 70 | Bright's disease (contributory: organic heart [disease]) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Proodian [Proudian], Rose | F | 1920-07-03 | 1y-18d (b. 1919-06-15) | miliary tuberculosis |
 | 2 Elliott St. | Roopinian [Roupenian], Eghia A. | M | 1920-10-26 | 3m-10d (b. 1920-07-15) | tubercular meningitis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Roopenian [Roupenian], Jerry | M | 1919-09-26 | 65y-2m-23d (b. 1854-07-03) | chronic nephritis |
 | | Rustigian, Misak | M | 1900-08-09 | 6m-25d | |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Sadoyan [Sadoian], Maderos | M | 1903-11-11 | 22 | rheumatism (contributory: malignant endocarditis) |
 | 25 Ormond St. | Sarafian, Krikor | M | 1916-03-22 | 1y-4m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Belmont Hospital | Sorajian [Sarajian], David | M | 1915-11-06 | 48 (b. 1867) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sarkisian, | M | 1915-10-18 | (b. 1915-10-18) | stillborn (8 mos) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sarkisian, Antoine | M | 1910-07-12 | 1y-14d (b. 1909-06-09) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sarkisian, Arpsing | F | 1915-02-11 | 15 | endocarditis (contributory: T. B. peritonitis) |
 | | Sarkisian, Edward | M | 1903-01-28 | 1m-2d | natural cause unknown, possibly lagrip[pe] |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sarkisian, Hachadoor | M | 1909-01-22 | 19 | general peritonitis (contributory: acute intestinal obstruction) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Sarkisian, John | M | 1912-12-18 | 16d (b. 1912-12-03) | strangulated inguinal hernia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sarkisian, Mardiris | M | 1918-10-03 | 31 | influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 14 Alden St. | Srabian [Serabian], Albert | M | 1913-07-17 | 2m-2d (b. 1913-05-15) | cholera infantum |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Srabiam [Serabian], Anna | F | 1918-10-20 | 23y-2m-2d | influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | | Surabian [Serabian], Annie | F | 1901-08-20 | 36 | consumption |
 | Belmont Hospital | Seropian [Serabian], Dado | M | 1916-04-02 | 58 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 27 Dix St. | Surabian [Serabian], Mary | F | 1907-04-03 | 37y-2m | consumption |
 | 16 Laurel St. | Shadbegian, Harriett | F | 1910-12-07 | 1m-18d (b. 1910-10-19) | broncho-pneumonia (premature birth) |
 | Insane Hospital | Shabgegian [Shadbegian], Sarkis | M | 1907-05-13 | 51 | general paralysis (contributory: exhaustion of gen[eral] paralysis) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Shahinian, Popkin | M | 1923-09-30 | 8m-24d | gastro enteritis acute |
 | 154 Bloomingdale Rd. | Shanazarine [Shahnazarian], Hosep | M | 1907-08-15 | 1y-6m | tubercular meningitis |
 | 20 Bigelow St. | Sharoian, Kachig | M | 1920-11-22 | 55 | cancer of the stomach |
 | 4 Summer Pl. | Sharistanian [Shehristanian], Asnia | F | 1918-10-11 | 4y-11m-11d (b. 1913-10-31) | primary broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Shamavonian [Shemavonian], Julia | F | 1919-05-19 | 45 | chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart) |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Sherinyan [Shirinian], Julia H. | F | 1919-09-10 | 33y-7m-23d (b. 1886-01-18) | operation for cancer of rectum (contributory: cancer of rectum) |
 | 19 Shelby St. | Shooshanan [Shoushanian], | M | 1906-11-25 | | premature birth |
 | 19 Shelby St. | Shooshanan [Shoushanian], | M | 1907-08-19 | | premature birth (stillborn) |
 | 143 June St. | Shoshan [Shoushanian], Hamparsoon | M | 1922-04-07 | 85 | cerebral apoplexy (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Shooshanan [Shoushanian], Nickdar | M | 1908-06-18 | 2 | marasmus |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Shooshanian [Shoushanian], Parise | F | 1918-03-27 | 29y-1m-15d (b. 1889-02-12) | multiple burns, arms, legs, body (clothing accidentally ignited by gas stove) |
 | 12 Alden St. | Saghigian [Soghigian], | F | 1912-01-12 | (b. 1912-01-12) | stillborn |
 | 12 Alden St. | Sogegian [Soghigian], | M | 1914-08-04 | (b. 1912-08-04) | stillborn |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Sohigian [Soghigian], Krikor | M | 1920-11-25 | 68 (b. 1852) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sogegian [Soghigian], Marry | F | 1920-12-06 | 7d (b. 1920-11-29) | prematurity |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Sohijian [Soghigian], Mazik | F | 1923-04-08 | 26 (b. 1897) | multiple abscesses of liver, suppurative cholangitis |
 | 16 Oread Pl. | Sogegian [Soghigian], Noboor | M | 1918-12-23 | 9m-6d (b. 1918-03-18) | diarrhoea & enteritis (contributory: broncho-pneumonia) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Sumbulian [Stamboulian], Haig | M | 1910-08-11 | 24 (b. 1886) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Stephen [Stepanian], Agnes | F | 1909-09-16 | 2m | infantile atrophy |
 | Memorial Hospital | Terkanien [Tarkanian], | M | 1915-07-04 | 3d (b. 1915-07-01) | prematurity |
 | 1 Patch St. | Terkanian [Tarkanian], Franklin S. | M | 1917-04-11 | 7m-29d | pneumonia lobar |
 | 4 Alden St. | Tashjian, Arshalaus | M | 1906-09-23 | 1y-1m | whooping cough (contributory: diarrhea) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Tashjian, Garabed M. | M | 1912-01-27 | 60 | post-operative shock following operation for double-inguinal hernia (two days ago) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Tashjian, Kashadoor | M | 1914-08-23 | 26 | bullet wound of thorax, suicide |
 | Coes Pond | Tashjian, Lakar | M | 1917-07-22 | 30 | accidental drowning while in bathing (could not swim) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Tateosian, Archag | M | 1917-09-12 | 23 | bullet wound of back, homicide / perforation of spine mesentery & intestines / (operation, resection of 21 inches of small intestine) / (contributory: general peritonitis) |
 | 146 Central St. | Tatewosian [Tateosian], Toorvanda | F | 1905-01-06 | 1m-17d | enteritis |
 | 30 Grove St. | Terjenian [Terjanian], Bagdassar H. | M | 1919-06-11 | 43y-9m-27d (b. 1875-08-15) | probably cardiovascular-renal disease (died suddenly) |
 | | Terzian, Ardach | M | 1908-04-28 | 24 | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | 74 Southbridge St. | Terzian, Yegar | M | 1913-05-01 | 2m (b. 1913-03-01) | convulsions (contributory: gastro enteritis) |
 | 97 Armory St. | Thithichdjian, Agavini | F | 1920-12-13 | 60 | uraemia with coma (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 51 Fruit St. | Topanelian, Makroohi | F | 1915-05-10 | 77y-1m-27d | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 51 Fruit St. | Topanelian, Michael H. | M | 1911-03-16 | 80y-10m | bronchitis (contributory: myocarditic arterio-sclerosis) |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Torigian, Peter | M | 1922-04-17 | 60 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Torigian, Shavash | M | 1913-06-20 | 1y-17d (b. 1912-06-02) | ether pneumonia following plastic operation for webbed fingers |
 | 2 Blossom St. | Torosian, Arshag | M | 1915-09-16 | 11m | cholera infantum |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Torosian, Bagdasor | M | 1906-06-03 | 49 | myocarditis |
 | 45 Hanover St. | Torosian, Margaret | F | 1907-03-19 | 2y-1m | cerebro-spinal meningitis |
 | 25 Dix St. | Thomajanian [Toumajanian], Dickran H. | M | 1912-01-20 | 4d (b. 1912-01-16) | icterus neonatorum |
 | Worcester State Hospital | Toomajian [Toumajanian], Eli | M | 1920-12-08 | 47 | general paralysis of the insane (contributory: general arteriosclerosis) |
 | 130 Belmont St. | Thomasian [Toumasian], | F | 1910-03-23 | | stillborn |
 | 146 Central St. | Thomasian [Toumasian], Badrig | M | 1914-11-05 | 25d (b. 1914-10-11) | gastro enteritis (found dead) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Toomasian [Toumasian], Sarkis | M | 1914-12-10 | 2 | multiple burns of nearly entire body (clothing accidentally ignited by stove) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Domassian [Toumasian], Vahan | M | 1914-01-28 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous of spine) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Tutunjian, Giragos | M | 1918-10-27 | 35 | influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Vartanian, | M | 1915-01-07 | (b. 1916-01-07) | stillbirth due to prelapsed cord |
 | 46 Hermon St. | Vartanian, | M | 1914-03-03 | (b. 1914-03-03) | child was dead when born |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Vartanian, Adam | M | 1919-05-24 | 4y-8m-2d | fracture of skull, duration few min. (accidentally struck by cake of ice falling from ice wagon) |
 | 60 Oxford St. | Vakil [Vekilian], Agayeg | M | 1906-05-15 | 60 | pneumonia |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Vaznian [Vezneian], John | M | 1904-06-16 | 34y-6m | nephritis (contributory: hypostatic congestion of lung) |
 | 11 Laurel St. | Yagjian [Yaghjian], | F | 1909-04-30 | | stillborn (premature birth) |
 | 95 Fairfield St. | Yaggian [Yaghjian], | M | 1914-01-25 | (b. 1914-01-25) | stillborn premature labor |
 | 259 Park Ave. | Yaghjian, | F | 1911-04-09 | (b. 1911-04-09) | premature birth |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Yagigian [Yaghjian], | M | 1914-03-26 | 3d | premature birth (8 mos) |
 | 60 Green St. | Yagjian [Yaghjian], Arar | M | 1913-01-13 | 8m | otitis media & septic eczema |
 | 146 Washington St. | Yagjian [Yaghjian], Karaken | M | 1913-05-15 | 17 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 60 Green St. | Yagjian [Yaghjian], Mary | F | 1911-12-05 | 9m | laryngismus stridulus (contributory: rhachitis) |
 | 14 Alden St. | Yagoolian [Yaghlian], Aram | M | 1911-08-25 | 5d (b. 1911-08-21) | premature |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Yazijian [Yazujian], | F | 1912-03-09 | 10d (b. 1912-03-01) | icterus neonatorum |
 | Memorial Hospital | Yazijian [Yazujian], | M | 1916-07-16 | | prematurity & congenital heart lesion |
 | Memorial Hospital | Yazigian [Yazujian], | M | 1918-04-30 | (b. 1918-04-29) | enlarged thymus gland causing asphyxia |
 | 17 Courtland St. | Yazijian [Yazujian], John H. | M | 1911-03-22 | 74y-3m-20d (b. 1837-12-02) | organic (mitral valve) heart disease (contributory: chronic parenchymatous nephritis) |
 | Worcester City Hospital | Yeramian, Charles | M | 1919-07-18 | 43 (b. 1877-07) | cardio renal vascular disease |
 | 21 Beacon St. | Ervanian [Yervanian], | M | 1920-07-13 | (b. 1920-07-13) | premature birth |
 | 21 Beacon St. | Ervanian [Yervanian], Asadoor | M | 1918-02-17 | 7y-4m | pneumonia lobar |
 | Memorial Hospital | Zarkarian [Zakarian], Paul D. | M | 1906-10-15 | 3y-9m-8d | tuberculus meningitis |
 | 115 Summer St. | Zakarian, Virgin | F | 1918-10-08 | 3y-15d (b. 1915-09-24) | primary broncho pneumonia |
 | 27 Prospect St. | Zartanian [Zartarian], Armenouhia | F | 1914-08-07 | 1y-4m (b. 1913-08-07) | entero colitis |
Lewiston, Androscoggin Co., ME, USA |
 | Sabattus St. | Johnson [Ohannesian], Sultan | F | 1907-06-09 | 34 | haemorrhage at birth of child due to placenta previa |
Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA |
 | 192 Oxford St. | Markarian, Agnes H. | F | 1916-10-06 | 2y-10m-18d (b. 1913-11-28) | pleuro-pneumonia (last winter had pneumonia & not well since) |
 | 22 Arsenal St. | Markarian, Nackig | M | 1918-10-02 | 38 | broncho pneumonia following influenza (12 days) |
Flint, Genesee Co., MI, USA |
 | Hurley Hospital | Evarian, Sam | M | 1933-06-22 | 44y-9m-21d (b. 1888-09-01) | bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis to the brain |
Adams Twp., Houghton Co., MI, USA |
 | Copper Range Hospital | Ohanesoff [Ohannesian], Israel | M | 1917-05-20 | 28 (b. 1889) | septico-pyaemia gonorrheal infection spreading from prostatic abscess |
Monroe, Monroe Co., MI, USA |
 | Monroe Hospital | Baudakian [Boudakian], Vartan | M | 1938-08-28 | 49 | cardiac failure |
Ferndale, Oakland Co., MI, USA |
 | | Malkoun [Melkonian], Nazareth | M | 1938-10-28 | 80 (b. 1858) | heart disease |
 | | Miserlian [Meserlian], Sarkis | M | 1932-05-24 | 47y-6m-20d (b. 1884-11-04) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: asthma) |
Pontiac, Oakland Co., MI, USA |
 | 18 Harris St. | Azoian [Ajoian], Garabed | M | 1938-12-22 | 57y-26d (b. 1881-11-26) | cerebral apoplexy |
 | Pontiac State Hospital | Elesigian, John | M | 1927-12-01 | 32 (b. 1895) | general paresis of insane (contributory: inanition) |
 | Pontiac General Hospital | Grjigian, Karan | M | 1937-05-07 | 50 | bronchopneumonia |
 | 311 Central Ave. | Hairabedian, George | M | 1935-05-22 | 6y-7m-8d (b. 1928-10-14) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: upper respiratory infection, cerebral birth injury) |
 | 87 S. Shirley Ave. | Kalakian [Kelikian], Mike | M | 1946-06-15 | 56y-3m (b. 1889-03-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Pontiac General Hospital | Paklaian, Nerses | M | 1931-06-12 | 44y-8m-22d (b. 1886-10-20) | accidental traumatism by auto accident (contributory: multiple fractures of left clavicle & fracture ribs, lobar pneumonia) |
 | | Sogoian [Soghoian], Yogia | M | 1913-07-27 | 39 | organic heart disease |
 | 181 Bagley St. | Topoian, Margos | M | 1945-07-01 | 75y-3m-21d (b. 1870-03-10) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 38 Chapman St. | Topoian, Sarkis | M | 1939-10-12 | 44y-8m-27d (b. 1895-01-15) | coronary thrombosis |
Royal Oak, Oakland Co., MI, USA |
 | 327 Kenilworth Ave. | Oulbegian [Elbegian], Ruth Annit | F | 1936-12-30 | 16y-3m-12d (b. 1920-09-18) | pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia |
Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA |
 | University of Michigan Hospital | Arslanian, Arax | F | 1940-04-16 | 43y-1m-6d (b. 1897-03-10) | chronic nephritis, hypertension, & broncho pneumonia |
 | University of Michigan Hospital | Baylerian, Nisho | M | 1926-07-13 | 61 | |
 | University of Michigan Hospital | Nahabedian, Dickran | M | 1924-12-20 | 50y-11m-17d (b. 1870-01-15) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: cardiac failure) |
Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA |
 | Ypsilanti State Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Egishe | M | 1945-12-11 | 49y-4m-27d (b. 1896-07-14) | cerebral vascular accident due to chronic diffuse meningo encephalitis |
Allen Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Veterans Administration | Manoog [Manougian], Mack K. | M | 1944-12-11 | 51y-1d (b. 1893-12-10) | carcinoma of neck |
Dearborn, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | | Alexanian, Alex | M | 1937-03-19 | 8m-5d (b. 1936-07-24) | broncho pneumonia |
 | | Arakelian, Abraham | M | 1935-02-16 | 40y-23d (b. 1895-01-24) | traumatic hemorrhage following gun shot wound of chest penetrating lungs & heart |
 | | Basmajian, Arsan | M | 1920-11-24 | 35 | apoplexy |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Chapian [Choboian], John | M | 1926-07-04 | 17y-10m-23d (b. 1908-08-11) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Ford River Rouge Plank | Hagopian, Hanpartzoum | M | 1930-02-05 | 41y-9m (b. 1888-05-05) | acute cardiac dilatation following coronary sclerosis |
 | | Mikitarian [Mekhitarian], Misak | M | 1925-01-03 | 6m-15d (b. 1924-06-18) | bronchial pneumonia (contributory: bronchitis) |
 | 2707 Roulo St. | Sogoian [Soghoian], Donig | M | 1941-02-15 | 68y-1m-20d (b. 1872-12-25) | chronic myocarditis & chronic glomerular nephritis (other: bronchopneumonia, terminal with uremia) |
 | | Sogoian [Soghoian], Kohar | F | 1935-01-26 | 64 | aortic insufficiency, mitral insufficiency, cardiac decompensation, chronic nephritis, & cirrhosis of liver |
Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Abrahamian, John | M | 1924-09-04 | 14d (b. 1924-08-21) | malnutrition |
 | Receiving Hospital | Adzigian, Helen | F | 1935-08-30 | 58y-8m-11d (b. 1877-01-19) | uremia following hemorrhage, chronic nephritis, chronic myocarditis |
 | | Agababian [Aghababian], Ardashes | M | 1921-12-08 | 1y-3m-9d (b. 1920-08-29) | gastro enteritis |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Ajamian [Ajemian], | F | 1921-07-11 | (b. 1921-07-11) | asphyxia neonatoress [?] polleda [?], still born (contributory: premature prolapsed cord) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Ajamian [Ajemian], Albert | M | 1929-02-27 | 8d (b. 1929-02-19) | gastro enteritis, pyelonephritis, thrombosis of right renal vein, haemorrhage into ---renal glands |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Ajamian [Ajemian], Alice|Ellis | F | 1928-03-30 | 1y-10d (b. 1927-03-20) | broncho-pneumonia (contributory: naso-pharyngitis) |
 | | Ajamian [Ajemian], Kazaros | M | 1930-09-21 | 75y-4m-9d (b. 1855-05-12) | asthma, senility |
 | Receiving Hospital | Ajamian [Ajemian], Rosie | F | 1933-12-05 | 12y-8m-21d (b. 1921-03-14) | acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis |
 | Receiving Hospital | Akashian [Akkashian], Mariam | F | 1939-07-08 | 64y-3m-3d (b. 1875-04-05) | mesenteric occlusion with gangrene of small intesting |
 | Receiving Hospital | Akrazian, Mike Senakarem | M | 1940-09-28 | 52y-6m-14d (b. 1888-03-15) | cerebro-vascular hemorrhage (other: generalized arteriosclerosis, old right interstitial keratitis) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Alashian [Alashaian], | F | 1924-07-02 | (b. 1924-07-02) | lived a few min[ute]s |
 | Harper Hospital | Eloian [Aloian], Margaret | F | 1946-04-04 | 16y-2m-15d (b. 1930-01-19) | chronic glomerular nephritis |
 | | Alonian [Aloian], Peter Barkev | M | 1924-04-22 | 2y-4m (b. 1921-12-22) | TB meningitis, bronchial pneumonia |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Americian [Amerigian], Alexander | M | 1921-04-03 | 38 | septicemia following infection of right thumb from a sliver (contributory: endocarditis) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Amroian, George | M | 1937-04-09 | 71 | massive cerebral hemorrhage in a hypertensive basis, generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | | Andonian, Elizabeth | F | 1933-10-04 | 67y-8m-29d (b. 1866-01-05) | hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, myocarditis |
 | 1642 W. Grand Ave. | Anterasian [Andreasian], Paul | M | 1931-06-18 | 44 | acute dilatation of heart |
 | | Apkarian, Alexander S. | M | 1939-09-09 | 76 | diabetes mellitus (contributory: hypertension) |
 | | Afkarian [Apkarian], Louise | F | 1939-01-13 | 66 (b. 1873) | diabetes mellitus, chronic interstitial nephritis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Haboian [Apoian], Caspar | M | 1919-02-16 | 46 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 38 Louis Ave. | Apoeean [Apoian], Soloman | M | 1906-03-03 | 39 (b. 1866) | croupous pneumonia |
 | 1258 Waterman Ave. | Apoian, Wartekez | M | 1929-03-15 | 3y-7m-13d (b. 1925-08-02) | pneumococcic meningitis, acute (contributory: broncho pneumonia, otitis media) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Arakelian, | M | 1924-12-05 | (b. 1924-12-05) | premature birth |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Arakelian, Krikor | M | 1924-07-28 | 43 | advanced pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Arakelian, Queenie | F | 1932-03-17 | 10m-26d (b. 1931-04-20) | unfluenzal pneumonia |
 | 8735 Grand River Ave. | Arakelian, Tavrig | F | 1926-10-09 | 78 | appoplexy [apoplexy] |
 | Belle Isle | Arevian, Albert | M | 1927-05-19 | 37 | asphyxiation by drowning (suicide) |
 | Harper Hospital | Arevian, Dakes | M | 1929-09-20 | 48 (b. 1881) | pyelonephritis (contributory: tubercular kidneys) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Arevian, Mariam | F | 1932-03-22 | 71y-10m-8d (b. 1860-05-14) | cerebral hemorrhage, apoplexy (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Arevigian, Kovark | M | 1937-12-18 | 49 | acute dilatation of the heart, chronic myocarditis |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Hooraian [Aroian], | M | 1923-12-09 | (b. 1923-12-09) | premature [birth] and hyperthyroidism |
 | 151 Solvay Ave. | Haroian [Aroian], Harry | M | 1911-08-07 | 21 | typhoid and gangrenous appendicitis |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Houroian [Aroian], Margaret | F | 1938-03-08 | 72y-5m-28d (b. 1866-09-10) | cardiac decompensation & renal insufficiency |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Arozian, Oscar | M | 1931-05-05 | 59y-5m-10d (b. 1871-11-25) | strangulation of bowel (ileum) & general peritonitis (contributory: hernia, chr. cholycistitis) |
 | 948 W. Philadelphia Ave. | Arozian, Zartar | F | 1931-03-10 | 76 | chronic myocarditis, senility |
 | Harper Hospital | Arozian, Zaven | M | 1916-04-10 | 11y-11m (b. 1905-02-23) | fractured skull, him by auto (accidental) |
 | | Aslanian [Arslanian], | M | 1925-10-26 | (b. 1925-10-26) | prematurity |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Aslanian [Arslanian], Dorothy M. | F | 1931-02-09 | 3y-6m-3d (b. 1927-06-07) | rheumatic heart disease |
 | Grace Hospital | Aslanian [Arslanian], Leon | M | 1929-05-04 | 27y-5m-25d (b. 1901-11-09) | Addison's disease (contributory: cardiac asthems [?]) |
 | Detroit Sanitarium | Artinian, Sogoman | M | 1945-09-18 | 52 | undetermined diagnosis, possibly carcinoma of bronchus (contributory: bronchial asthma) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Arvanigian, Kosrof | M | 1919-02-16 | 27y-9m-1d (b. 1891-05-15) | influenza & pneumonia |
 | Providence Hospital | Arzomanian [Arzoumanian], Mary | F | 1938-12-28 | 60 | cardiac hypertension, nephritis (contributory: senility) |
 | | Astourian [Asadourian], Abraham | M | 1939-06-13 | 59y-5m-8d (b. 1880-06-05) | cardiac myocarditis |
 | | Assadorian [Asadourian], Geo. Kirker | M | 1938-07-28 | 60 | ruptured dissecting aortic aneurism |
 | | Asodurian [Asadourian], Leon | M | 1935-10-12 | 36y-5m-28d (b. 1899-04-14) | acute dilatation of heart, chronic myocarditis |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Asadoorian [Asadourian], Ohannes | M | 1931-04-25 | 52y-8m (b. 1878-05-25) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | Harper Hospital | Astoorian [Asadourian], Sarah | F | 1930-02-24 | 13y-11m-9d (b. 1916-03-17) | acute frontal & ethmoid sinusitis (contributory: orbital abs[c]ess) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Astoorian [Asadourian], Sarkes | M | 1921-05-06 | 35 | internal hemorrhage, gun shot wounds (homicide) |
 | | Assadourian [Asadourian], Vartran | M | 1935-02-04 | 60 | acute dilatation of heart, mitral regurgitation |
 | | Asiadorian [Asadourian], Zorab | M | 1924-10-03 | 10d (b. 1924-09-23) | premature birth (contributory: jaundice & unable to take nourishment) |
 | Grace Hospital | Astikian [Astighian], Charles | M | 1920-03-17 | 11m-19d (b. 1919-03-27) | acute mastoiditis, broncho pneumonia (contributory: acute valvular endocarditis) |
 | Tuberculosis Hospital | Attickian [Atikian], Hagop | M | 1916-04-29 | 22 (b. 1893) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Avadian [Avedian], Bogos | M | 1920-05-15 | 55 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: nephritis) |
 | 484 E. Jefferson Ave. | Avadian [Avedian], Geo. | M | 1917-01-15 | 27 (b. 1890) | septic peritonitis following perforation (board kicked back in rip saw, hit him in abdomen) |
 | 3746 Tyler Ave. | Avedian, George | M | 1933-09-23 | 52y-9m-1d (b. 1880-12-22) | cirrhosis of liver |
 | Receiving Hospital | Afetian [Avedian], Tatios | M | 1940-04-13 | 52 | teratoma of testicle with multiple metastases to lungs |
 | | Avedikian, Charles | M | 1921-08-10 | 6m-7d (b. 1921-02-03) | cholera infantum |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Avdekian [Avedikian], George | M | 1922-06-14 | 6m-26d (b. 1921-11-18) | intussusception acute (contributory: partial obstruction) |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Avedesian [Avedisian], Aron | M | 1922-11-08 | 8m (b. 1922-03-08) | lobar pneumonia, pneumococcic meningitis |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Avdesian [Avedisian], Simon | M | 1924-09-02 | 45 (b. 1879) | cerebral hemorrhage, hemiplegia paralysis |
 | 188 Hazelwood Ave. | Aijian [Ayjian], Mable | F | 1916-07-15 | 1d (b. 1916-07-14) | inanition (contributory: premature birth) |
 | 188 Hazelwood Ave. | Aijian [Ayjian], Mary | F | 1916-07-14 | (b. 1916-07-14) | inanition (contributory: premature birth) |
 | Grace Hospital | Aijian [Ayjian], Philip | M | 1916-08-01 | 20d (b. 1916-07-12) | prematurity |
 | Receiving Hospital | Hazarian [Azarian], John | M | 1930-12-15 | 38y-3m-5d (b. 1892-09-10) | ruptured appendicitis with peritonitis generalized |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Azesyian [Azizian], Krakin | M | 1916-03-07 | 25 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 188 Solvay Ave. | Azmovoorian [Aznavorian], | F | 1913-10-13 | (b. 1913-10-13) | stillborn (contributory: premature) |
 | 188 Solvay Ave. | Azmovoorian [Aznavorian], | F | 1913-10-16 | 3d (b. 1913-10-13) | premature birth (8 months) |
 | | Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], Goultania | F | 1929-09-28 | 61 | bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Aznoian, Asnif | F | 1923-08-04 | 10d (b. 1922-07-24) | ileo colitis (2 months) |
 | | Babaian, Arakel | M | 1939-02-19 | 59 | chronic myocarditis, coronary thrombosis (contributory: cardio vascular renal disease) |
 | | Baboian [Babaian], Haiganoosh | F | 1925-11-25 | 14d (b. 1925-11-11) | inanition, probably due to a brain lesion (she had spinal bifida) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Babian [Babaian], Jarront | M | 1925-09-05 | 1y-6m-1d (b. 1924-03-04) | scalded back (accidental) (fell in tub of hot water at home) |
 | Shurly Hospital | Babigean [Babigian], Nazarat | M | 1925-11-06 | 22 | tubercular meningitis (contributory: tubercular kidney) |
 | 31 Winder St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], | M | 1917-06-29 | (b. 1917-06-29) | still born |
 | Harper Hospital, Delray Branch | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Avedice | M | 1916-05-02 | 38 | acute dilatation of heart (contributory: lobar pneumonia, mitral insufficiency) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Flora | F | 1938-07-08 | 67 (b. 1871) | coronary arteriosclerosis with old myocardial infarction (contributory: bilat[eral] pyelonephritis) |
 | 1628 W. Grand Ave. | Baligian [Balakian], Puzant | M | 1922-12-20 | 31y-10m-8d (b. 1891-02-12) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Balian, Esac | M | 1918-10-27 | 27 | pneumonia bronchial (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Balian, Garabed | M | 1923-02-15 | 34y-7m-21d (b. 1888-06-25) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Balian, Hargauhi | F | 1925-03-30 | 29 | peritonitis following self induced abortion |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Bolosian [Baliozian], Antranig | M | 1923-01-19 | 35y-17d (b. 1888-01-02) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | Harper Hospital | Bardizbanian, Mgrdich | M | 1932-12-30 | 43 | cardiac failure (chr[onic] myocarditis) (contributory: primary hyperthyroidism) |
 | Harper Hospital | Barvizbanian [Bardizbanian], Vazken | M | 1928-07-15 | 16 (b. 1912) | generalized tuberculous infection (contributory: myocardial failure) |
 | | Baronian, | M | 1921-06-08 | (b. 1921-06-08) | still born |
 | | Baronian, Anna | F | 1925-07-12 | 46y-24d (b. 1879-06-18) | asphyxiation by strangulation [by rope], suicide while despondent over ill health |
 | Receiving Hospital | Baronian, Benjiman | M | 1923-11-06 | 3y-4m-20d (b. 1920-06-17) | 1st & 2nd degree burns to back & arms due to pail of hot water tipping over |
 | | Baronian, Simon | M | 1935-04-05 | 56 | apoplexy |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Barsamian, Alexander | M | 1923-02-28 | 4m-18d (b. 1922-10-09) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: otitis media, malnutrition) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Barsamian, Howhanes | M | 1922-10-31 | 63 | chronic endocarditis |
 | Receiving Hospital | Barsamian, Myron | M | 1940-02-29 | 17y-3m-5d (b. 1922-11-24) | acute lymphatic leukemia |
 | St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital | Basmadjian [Basmajian], Alvin Hatoom | M | 1925-04-28 | 11d (b. 1925-04-17) | premature delivery and inanition |
 | | Baydarian [Bedourian], Esrial | M | 1920-09-21 | 70 | mitral insufficiency |
 | | Bedrosian, Aray | M | 1922-06-01 | 1y-3m-4d (b. 1921-02-28) | second degree burns to right side & arm due to pulling pail of hot water on self accid[entally] |
 | | Bedrosian, Elizabeth | F | 1931-10-21 | 44y-3m-11d (b. 1887-07-10) | carcinoma of ovaries, omentum (contributory: emaciation from lack of nourishment) |
 | | Bedrosian, Mike | M | 1920-08-26 | 55 | dropsy plus (contributory: mitral insufficiency) |
 | 1374 Iroquois Ave. | Berberian, | F | 1916-12-17 | 3d (b. 1916-12-14) | premature birth |
 | 133 Solvay Ave. | Berberiean [Berberian], Derukey | F | 1915-08-06 | 6d (b. 1915-07-31) | |
 | St. Mark's Hospital | Berberian, Mike | M | 1924-07-17 | 36y-1m-25d (b. 1888-05-22) | carcinoma of rectum (contributory: heavy x ray treatment) |
 | 152 Sherman St. | Barbarian [Berberian], Paul | M | 1916-03-19 | 9m-1d (b. 1915-06-18) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Harper Hospital | Bezirjian, Mirijan | M | 1925-08-30 | 40y-26d (b. 1885-08-05) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Receiving Hospital | Bogigian [Boghigian], Joseph | M | 1921-11-25 | 38 | fracture of skull, struck by auto |
 | 952 E. Congress St. | Boghasian [Boghosian], Alice | F | 1916-07-23 | 6m (b. 1916-02-07) | acute enterocolitis |
 | | Boghosian, Aram | M | 1920-02-03 | 28 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Delray General Hospital | Boghasian [Boghosian], Jevan | M | 1934-03-17 | 4m-24d (b. 1933-10-26) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: sore throat, laryngitis) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Bogasian [Boghosian], Ohcep | M | 1930-05-10 | 12d (b. 1930-04-28) | congenital leus [syphilis] (contributory: pemphigus) |
 | 442 Clinton St. | Bagisian [Boghosian], Steve | M | 1932-05-02 | 50 | cerebral apoplexy |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Bordelian, John | M | 1916-03-16 | 23 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Bostanjian, Abraham | M | 1936-05-29 | 43y-4m-14d (b. 1893-01-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Boodakian [Boudakian], Rosie | F | 1923-06-29 | 3m-26d (b. 1923-03-03) | tuberculosis |
 | | Boyajian, Betty Ann | F | 1922-03-10 | 2m-23d (b. 1921-12-17) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Gozigian [Bozigian], Gertrude | F | 1920-02-27 | 2y-3m-16d (b. 1918-10-31) | tuberculosis meningitis (contributory: bronchial pneumonia) |
 | | Bozian [Bozoian], Amsia | F | 1922-02-24 | 1y-2m-22d (b. 1920-12-02) | bronchial pneumonia |
 | | Bozoian, Mnag Mike | M | 1925-03-01 | 6m-5d (b. 1924-08-26) | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Beyekian [Buyukian], Samuel | M | 1921-05-14 | 1m-26d (b. 1921-03-18) | strangulated hernia |
 | 394 5th St. | Shamlaian [Chamalian], Charles | M | 1916-05-27 | 6y-1m-24d (b. 1910-03-03) | mitral insufficiency, endocarditis (contributory: rheumatism) |
 | 2064 W. Jefferson Ave. | Cherkoian, Hampartz | M | 1917-09-02 | 42 | mitral insufficiency |
 | | Chavoor [Chevourian], Elizabeth | F | 1931-12-08 | 26 | phenol poisoning (Lysol) (suicide - despondent over ill health) |
 | 14918 Parkside Ave. | Chavoor [Chevourian], George | M | 1926-12-04 | 68y-3m-24d (b. 1858-08-10) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Shishajian [Chitjian], Armang | M | 1925-12-25 | 21y-9m-10d (b. 1904-03-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Dagavarian [Daghavarian], Agayeg | M | 1920-06-15 | 68y-8m-27d (b. 1851-09-19) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: arterio sclerosis) |
 | | Dakhlian [Daghlian], Higouhie | F | 1918-10-30 | 28y-5m-6d (b. 1890-05-24) | influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 240 14th Ave. | Dakhlian [Daghlian], John | M | 1911-02-11 | (b. 1911-02-11) | premature birth |
 | | Tanealian [Danielian], Garabed | M | 1922-09-09 | 58 | mitral regurgitation (contributory: rheumatism) |
 | Belle Isle | Tamielian [Danielian], Garabid | M | 1930-04-24 | 38 | asphyxia by drowning (suicide) |
 | | Davidian, David Muridian | M | 1923-09-11 | 14d (b. 1923-08-29) | pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 2500 Cabot Ave. | Tavidian [Davidian], Misak | M | 1941-08-20 | 52y-6m-21d (b. 1889-01-29) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Grace Hospital | Davitian [Davidian], Paul | M | 1923-03-21 | 24y-7m-28d (b. 1898-07-24) | tuberculosis of kidneys . . . (contributory: chronic adhesive pleuritis) |
 | 3rd Ave. & W. Forest Ave. | Tavitian [Davidian], Ruban | M | 1925-10-04 | 32y-9m (b. 1892-12) | hemorrhage following gunshot wound of heart, liver, and intestines (homicide) |
 | | Davetian [Davidian], Samuel | M | 1923-10-04 | 52 | cerebral apoplexy |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Dedeian, Mike | M | 1930-08-27 | 35 | auricular fibrillation |
 | Children's Hospital | Demirjian, Elizabeth | F | 1929-06-19 | 4m-10d (b. 1929-02-09) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: parenteral diarrhea) |
 | | Demergian [Demirjian], Setrak | M | 1924-06-22 | 35 | acute gastritis |
 | Harper Hospital | Doveletian [Deovletian], Parouz | F | 1939-05-17 | 43 | post operative peritonitis (salpingitis, fallopian tube) |
 | | Dabanian [Depanian], Loretta | F | 1939-07-19 | 70y-4m-4d | chronic interstitial nephritis due to old age (contributory: uremia, diarrhea) |
 | | Derderian, Aznive | F | 1922-08-16 | 8m-25d (b. 1921-11-22) | acidosis (contributory: faulty feeding) |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Bedros | M | 1938-01-14 | 60y-9m-13d (b. 1877-04-01) | general arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, edema of brain, chr[onic] nephritis, hypertensive heart disease |
 | | Derderian, Charles | M | 1924-04-14 | 15y-9m-7d (b. 1908-07-07) | hemorrhage of rectum |
 | Harper Hospital | Derderian, Hagop | M | 1938-03-22 | 47y-8m-7d (b. 1890-07-15) | calculi in py[e]lo uretero junction (contributory: cardiac failure, bronchopneumonia) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Dederian [Derderian], John | M | 1924-12-21 | 65 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Darvishian [Dervishian], Henry Hamparz | M | 1924-06-21 | 1y-6m-20d (b. 1922-12-01) | tubercular meningitis |
 | | Doumanian, Krekor | M | 1922-11-24 | 3m-15d (b. 1922-08-09) | convulsions following acute indigestion |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Dourjalian [Douroujalian], John | M | 1936-03-16 | 1m-21d (b. 1936-01-24) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: cerebral birth injury) |
 | | Douroujalian, Lazaros | M | 1921-10-12 | 67 | mitral insufficiency (contributory: gastritis chronic) |
 | 191 Post Ave. | Dulgarian [Dulgerian], Enock | M | 1911-09-18 | 20 | tuberculosis of the mesentery |
 | Grace Hospital | Ekezian [Ekizian], Martin | M | 1921-02-10 | 4m-28d (b. 1920-09-13) | lobar pneumonia, acute passive congestion of liver, jaundice (contributory: doublie otitis media) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Ekizian, Mgrdich | M | 1924-03-28 | 22 (b. 1924-03-28) | appendicitis (contributory: peritonitis) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Elognerian, Artin | M | 1939-04-22 | 71 | acute cardiac decompensation, chronic urinary retention . . . prostatism (contributory: urinary sepsis) |
 | Tuberculosis Sanitorium | Emerzian [Emirzian], Bagdasar | M | 1916-12-30 | 30y-6m-6d (b. 1886-06-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Receiving Hospital | Admasian [Etiemezian], Catherine | F | 1936-02-10 | 46 | coronary thrombosis |
 | | Admasian [Etiemezian], Manoushag | F | 1931-06-10 | 58 | asthma |
 | | Evrenian [Evranian], Veskine | F | 1919-01-25 | 25y-9m-10d (b. 1893-04-15) | pneumonia lobar (contributory: influenza) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Fustekian [Fustukian], Khatchig | M | 1937-01-06 | 68 | arteriosclerotic heart disease, coronary thrombosis |
 | Providence Hospital | Gagoian, Avados | M | 1922-04-18 | 33 | cruel injuries to pelvis due to falling off auto truck |
 | | Garabedian, | M | 1920-11-06 | (b. 1920-11-06) | still born |
 | Grace Hospital | Garabedyan [Garabedian], H. (Dr.) | M | 1937-04-28 | 77y-2m-14d (b. 1860-02-14) | coronary arterial disease, chronic myocarditis |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Garabedian, Minas | M | 1929-05-03 | 40 | double bronchial pneumonia - post-operative (contributory: hit in stomach by steel beam while at work, accidental) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Gertenesian, Mike | M | 1921-08-07 | 55 | chronic pancreatitis (contributory: jaundice) |
 | Harper Hospital | Gougassian [Ghougasian], Margaret | F | 1914-01-18 | 32 | toxaemia from infection of lower sigmoid and rectum |
 | | Giragosian, | F | 1920-05-25 | (b. 1920-05-25) | still born |
 | Receiving Hospital | Girgosian [Giragosian], Dicken [?] | M | 1925-11-25 | 48 | advanced pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Godoshian, Alice | F | 1924-07-30 | 2m-5d (b. 1924-05-25) | pyloric stenosis |
 | | Godoshian, Satrage | M | 1924-09-15 | 6m-6d (b. 1924-03-21) | acute intestinal intoxication |
 | 198 Harrington Ave. | Goshgarian, Mardiros | M | 1910-12-07 | (b. 1910-12-07) | still born |
 | Grace Hospital | Goshgarian, Sahag | M | 1912-11-09 | 34 | cerebral meningitis |
 | 75 Harrington Ave. | Goshgarian, Zavan | M | 1909-03-23 | (b. 1909-03-23) | premature birth |
 | 7217 Gould Ave. | Grijigian [Grjigian], Hougas | M | 1940-11-06 | 50 | coronary occlusion, cardiac failure |
 | 179 John R St. | Grounkian, | M | 1916-11-08 | (b. 1916-11-08) | still born, premature, 4.5 months |
 | Boulevard Sanitorium | Goulserian [Guleserian], Kasper | M | 1912-10-22 | 27 | typhoid fever |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Gulian, | M | 1918-08-14 | (b. 1898-08-14) | still born |
 | 1584 La Belle Ave. | Gulian, Alice | F | 1923-02-11 | 17d (b. 1923-01-25) | inanition |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Gullian [Gulian], Missak | M | 1921-10-01 | 49y-3m-16d (b. 1872-06-15) | general tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous hip disease) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Gultemirian, Margaret | F | 1923-04-16 | 19 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Gurganian, Albert | M | 1924-08-22 | 3y-1m-8d (b. 1921-07-14) | spinal meningitis |
 | 242 St. Antoine St. | Hogaupian [Hagopian], Peter | M | 1907-03-02 | 45 (b. 1832) | pleuro pneumonia (contributory: general debility) |
 | | Hagopian, Thomas D. | M | 1926-08-05 | 58 | tuberculosis, pulmonary, acute, pneumonic type (contracted at Geneva, WI) |
 | 18681 Northlawn St. | Yagoobian [Hagopian], Toros | M | 1939-05-15 | 66y-2m-10d (b. 1873-03-05) | hypertension, secondary anemia |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Halepian [Haleplian], Geo. | M | 1918-09-12 | 24y-6m-16d (b. 1894-02-26) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Halebian [Haleplian], Mary | F | 1923-04-05 | 1y-3m | double pneumonia |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Hamparsomian [Hampartsoumian], Sarrah | F | 1919-03-16 | 20 (b. 1899) | lobular pneumonia following influenza |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Harootian [Haroutunian], Hripesima | F | 1927-12-06 | 33y-11m-24d | tuberculosis of spine (contributory: meningitis) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Hoplamagian [Hoplamazian], Archie | M | 1923-09-30 | 9m-10d (b. 1922-12-20) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: malnutrition, rickets) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Hovsepian, | F | 1924-11-21 | 1d (b. 1924-11-20) | premature birth |
 | | Esgandarian [Iskenderian], Aroucyak | F | 1925-03-07 | 8m-24d (b. 1924-06-09) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Ford Hospital | Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], Kazar | M | 1935-02-24 | 32 | strepticocci infection following wound of neck (shot in Beer Garden - Dearborn) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], Takouhie | F | 1928-05-21 | 24y-5m-6d (b. 1903-12-15) | septicaemia from abortion (self-induced) |
 | Harper Hospital | Jaffarian [Jafarian], William Bedra | M | 1923-10-14 | 65 (b. 1858) | aortic regurgitation (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | | Julloian [Jelloian], | F | 1924-06-06 | 2d (b. 1924-06-04) | prematurely [born] (7 mos.) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Jelloian, Almast | F | 1927-05-18 | 28 | pelvic peritonitis following self-induced abortion |
 | Delray General Hospital | Jantamrian [Jentemourian], Badros | M | 1937-07-06 | 32y-5m-6d (b. 1904-02-01) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: suffered acute dilation of heart) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Jeffire [Jevahirjian], Haik | M | 1933-07-13 | 63y-2m-8d (b. 1870-05-06) | malignant hypertensive right arteriolar nephritis, left pylonephritis, chronic urinary cystitis (contributory: chronic prostatic hypertrophy) |
 | | Jevahirian [Jevahirjian], Paul | M | 1939-09-07 | 80y-23d (b. 1859-08-15) | chronic valvular endocarditis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Javezian [Jevizian], Vartges | M | 1925-05-27 | 1y-9m-23d (b. 1923-08-04) | cerebro spinal meningitis (contributory: exposure) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Jourigian [Jouharigian], Hagop | M | 1927-06-30 | 49y-1m-20d (b. 1878-05-10) | brain abscess (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Jorgian [Jouharigian], Mike | M | 1937-03-30 | 41y-6m-16d (b. 1895-09-14) | right upper and lower lobar pneumonia, toxic hepatitis with jaundice . . . |
 | | Kabeayian [Kabakjian], Mary | F | 1922-03-22 | 17 | acidosis following pernicious vomity of pregnancy |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Kajabakian, Mike | M | 1922-02-02 | 45 | valvular heart disease, chronic parenchymatosis, nephritis, endocarditis (contributory: chronic passive congestion) |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Kludjian [Kalajian], Aram | M | 1918-12-08 | 1y-6m-10d (b. 1917-05-28) | influenza (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | | Kalajian, Mary | F | 1923-05-02 | 25d (b. 1923-04-07) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Harper Hospital | Kalajian, Osgian | M | 1919-01-15 | 32y-2m-20d (b. 1886-10-27) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Kellarian [Kallerian], Harry | M | 1919-10-03 | 33 (b. 1886) | endocarditis (contributory: anaemia) |
 | | Koloian [Kaloian], Kerekor | M | 1931-02-06 | 4m (b. 1930-10-06) | broncho pneumonia, bronchitis |
 | Grace Hospital | Kalousdian [Kaloustian], Roupen | M | 1923-01-13 | 10m-19d (b. 1922-02-25) | bilateral otitis media and right lobar pneumonia |
 | 1933 La Belle Ave. | Gandelian [Kandalian], Harry | M | 1945-05-08 | 75 | myocardial failure, ca[ncer] of liver |
 | | Koprielian [Kaprielian], Ohannas | M | 1921-08-18 | 12d (b. 1921-08-06) | hemorrhage [of] naval [navel] |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Joragozian [Karageozian], Mary | F | 1917-08-22 | 2m-13d (b. 1917-06-09) | erysipelas (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Harper Hospital | Koshabian [Kasabian], Vahan | M | 1919-09-13 | 34 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: pneumothorax) |
 | 611 S. Cottrell Ave. | Kasparian, Arshalouse | F | 1921-09-21 | 16y-7m-9d (b. 1905-01-22) | internal hemorrhage following gunshot wound of lung & heart (homicide) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Kasbarian [Kasparian], Kassick | F | 1925-03-24 | 8m-24d (b. 1924-06-30) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: chicken pox) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Kasparian, Kuvar | F | 1939-12-12 | 60 | terminal broncho pneumonia, cerebral thrombosis, right & left heart failure, hypertensive cardiovascular disease (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis) |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Kasparian, Mary | F | 1932-05-10 | 26 (b. 1906) | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous abscess (chest wall) |
 | 796 Wilde St. | Kasparian, Siranoush | F | 1937-03-21 | 58y-3m-11d (b. 1878-12-10) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Kayabalian, Barguhe | F | 1923-10-20 | 3m-10d (b. 1923-07-10) | infective diarrhea (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 1901 Hazelwood Ave. | Kayabalian, Hohanes | M | 1923-02-26 | 11m-5d (b. 1922-03-21) | bronchial pneumonia |
 | | Kefsizian, Highrohe | F | 1919-03-22 | 2y-6m (b. 1916-11-22) | influenza |
 | Redford Receiving Hospital | Kosaian [Keoseian], Avedis | M | 1931-11-28 | 41y-7m-18d (b. 1890-04-10) | traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following compound fract[ure] of skull (struck by auto) |
 | | Kepthian [Kepteian], Haroutune | M | 1921-12-29 | 40y-4m-5d (b. 1881-08-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: pulmonary hemorrhage) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Keshishian, Paul | M | 1920-03-02 | 32 | haemorrhage from extraction of teeth (contributory: chronic hemophilia) |
 | | Kestekian [Kestigian], Annig | F | 1936-10-06 | 60y-10m-16d (b. 1875-11-20) | gastric carcinoma |
 | Delray Gen. Hospital | Kestigian, Garabed | M | 1936-08-06 | 60 | myocarditis (contributory: urinary suppression) |
 | | Kastagian [Kestigian], Vartaym [?] | F | 1922-03-12 | 20y-9m-20d (b. 1901-05-20) | pulmonary tuberculosis of both lungs |
 | Children's Hospital | Kestigian, Victoria | F | 1929-03-01 | 7m-29d (b. 1928-06-30) | suppurative arthritis, r[igh]t hip joint (contributory: septicemia) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Kevorkian, Alma | F | 1934-10-22 | 40 | left bronchopneumonia, mitral insufficiency |
 | | Kevorkian, Satenig | F | 1929-09-21 | 36 | cardiac failure due to asthma (contributory: terrific headache) |
 | 118 Solvay Ave. | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Takour | M | 1911-07-02 | 21 | drowning, accidental |
 | 500 S. Solvay Ave. | Kachadourian [Khachadourian], Vartan | M | 1924-06-11 | 50 | hemorrhage following gunshot wound of neck (homicide) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Kachadourian [Khachadourian], Yepram | M | 1919-10-04 | 40 | tuberculosis of the kidney (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Hachigian [Khachigian], | M | 1918-05-26 | (b. 1918-05-26) | still born |
 | | Kashigian [Khachigian], Garabed | M | 1923-05-07 | 44y-10m-19d (b. 1878-06-18) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Keshageain [Khachigian], Margas | M | 1925-05-06 | 48 (b. 1877-05-06) | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Ganigian [Khanigian], Antrania | M | 1925-01-21 | 46y-1d (b. 1879-01-20) | aortic insufficiency |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Kehetian [Khteian], Grace | F | 1931-06-01 | 3y-2m-11d (b. 1928-03-20) | diphtheria |
 | | Keteyian [Khteian], Hounghos | M | 1938-09-02 | 63 | myocarditis, coronary disease |
 | | Keteian [Khteian], Kashern [?] | M | 1920-11-30 | 2y-9m-29d (b. 1929-02-09) | burns to body general, fell in boiler of hot water, accidental |
 | | Katian [Khteian], Lousinten | F | 1922-08-11 | 1m-3d (b. 1922-07-08) | malnutrition and probably syphilitic infection |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Keteyian [Khteian], Lucy | F | 1915-06-27 | 1y-4m-5d (b. 1913-02-22) | tubercular meningitis (contributory: otitis media) |
 | 41 Solvay Ave. | Kheteyan [Khteian], Papgann | M | 1909-03-16 | 7m-27d (b. 1908-07-19) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 195 Solvay Ave. | Keteyian [Khteian], Sisag | M | 1918-03-02 | 6m-8d (b. 1917-08-22) | colitis (contributory: microcephalus) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Karmerian [Kirmarian], Ohanes | M | 1943-08-09 | 75 | bronchopneumonia (contributory: arteriosclerotic h[ear]t dis[ease] |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Kachoian [Kochoian], Apel | M | 1929-03-21 | 46y-6m-17d (b. 1882-09-04) | peritonitis, ruptured gangrenous retrocecal appenditicitis |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Gangian [Konjoian], Harry | M | 1928-10-09 | 6m-24d (b. 1928-03-15) | infectious diarrhea, otitis media, anemia, bronchopneumonia (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | | Kooyoomjian [Kouyoumjian], Almast | F | 1918-10-24 | 52 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 2080 W. Jefferson Ave. | Kurkorian [Krikorian], Andrew | M | 1917-08-19 | 4y-18d (b. 1913-07-01) | lobar pneumonia, double (contributory: infectious diarrhea) |
 | Harper Hospital - Delray Branch | Krecorian [Krikorian], Frank | M | 1917-06-06 | 28d (b. 1917-05-09) | intestinal auto-intoxication, failure of closure of foramen ovale |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Krekorian [Krikorian], Krekor | M | 1919-01-17 | 45 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Krekorian [Krikorian], Mary | F | 1919-05-16 | 13y-4m-16d (b. 1906-01-01) | auto intoxication, seemed suffering from absorption, some ptomaine originating in intestine (contributory: convulsions) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Krikorian, Mary | F | 1924-10-19 | 7m-10d (b. 1924-03-09) | intestinal intoxication (contributory: probably pneumonia) |
 | Grace Hospital | Krikorian, Michael | M | 1914-01-30 | 34 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Kuchukian, Melik | F | 1925-01-13 | 13d (b. 1924-12-31) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Kourtjian [Kurejian], Aznive | F | 1928-06-28 | 23y-5m-6d (b. 1905-01-22) | lobar pneumonia (left), septic (contributory: abscess of neck following extraction of teeth) |
 | | Kirazian [Kurejian], Lillian Elizabeth | F | 1920-10-14 | 2y-4m-14d (b. 1918-05-30) | cerebro spinal meningitis (contributory: pharyngitis & acute gastritis) |
 | | Kirazian [Kurejian], Zabell | F | 1920-02-14 | 29y-4m-5d (b. 1890-10-09) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | 256 Butternut St. | Korkjian [Kurkjian], Lillian | F | 1909-04-05 | 8y-20d (b. 1901-03-13) | meningitis, simple |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Kurkjian, Mike | M | 1923-07-12 | 50 | cardiac insufficiency |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Lefian [Lafian], Azneve | F | 1927-12-24 | 24 | lung abscess |
 | Delray General Hospital | Laktzian [Lektzian], Esgouhi | F | 1937-09-30 | 48 | intestinal obstruct[io]n |
 | Harper Hospital | Laktzian [Lektzian], Kasper | M | 1942-03-18 | 54 | hypertensive heart disease, uremia (enlarged heart, chr[onic] nephritis) |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Lorkian, Mike | M | 1917-02-24 | 30 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tubercular laryngitis, pharyngitis) |
 | 34 W. High St. | Magarian, | M | 1909-09-04 | (b. 1909-09-04) | premature birth |
 | | Mugurian [Magarian], Manuel | M | 1939-09-22 | 63y-9m-7d (b. 1875-12-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | | Magerian [Magarian], Rosie | F | 1921-04-15 | 7m-21d (b. 1920-08-25) | ileo colitis |
 | Receiving Hospital | Mugurian [Magarian], Victoria | F | 1925-12-08 | 17 (b. 1908) | dimentia [dementia] praecox (contributory: cachexia) |
 | | Mugurian [Magarian], Zaroohi | F | 1939-10-10 | 51 | adenocarcinoma of left breast & metastasis of r[igh]t breast & general glands, terminal cardiac failure (amputation of left breast) |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Paul | M | 1943-08-29 | 71y-5m-16d (b. 1872-03-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (right) (contributory: arteriosclerosis & arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Maloyian [Maloian], | F | 1923-11-17 | (b. 1923-11-17) | premature [birth] |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Maloian, Harry | M | 1941-06-29 | 47 | congestive heart failure, aortic & mitral insufficiency |
 | Receiving Hospital | Maloian, Harry | M | 1933-01-12 | 62 | traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following skull fracture (struck by auto - auto accident) |
 | | Manavian, Aubrinig | M | 1918-10-25 | 8y-8m-19d (b. 1910-01-06) | bronchial pneumonia following influenza |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Manavian, Vaske | F | 1918-10-29 | 32 | influenzal pneumonia |
 | | Harvey [Manoian], Harry | M | 1936-01-16 | 18y-1m-10d (b. 1917-12-06) | septic sore throat, cervical adenitis (contributory: general weakness) |
 | | Menoian [Manoian], Nick | M | 1935-04-14 | 49 | chr. myocarditis, early right lobar pneumonia, mitral stenosis |
 | Belle Isle | Manoopian [Manougian], Atche | M | 1925-08-09 | 50 | asphyxiation by drowning |
 | Savoy Hotel | Mannoogian [Manougian], Hugaz | M | 1920-11-20 | 21 | fracture of skull due to jumping from 3rd story window due to hotel burning |
 | 60 Solvay Ave. | Dermananelian [Manuelian], Hashig | F | 1908-02-29 | 68 | insufficiency of the mitral valve |
 | Ford Hospital | Merasian [Marashlian], Sahag | M | 1923-06-17 | 46 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Mardigian, Malcolm | M | 1923-05-01 | 28 (b. 1895) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: hemorrhage from the lungs) |
 | | Mardrosian [Mardirosian], Martin | M | 1923-06-08 | 9y-11m-11d (b. 1913-06-28) | typhoid fever (contributory: TB meningitis) |
 | | Margosian, Jacob | M | 1924-09-25 | 3y-3m-30d (b. 1921-05-30) | acute anterior poliomyelitis |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Markarian, John | M | 1933-01-01 | 48 (b. 1885) | nephritis, acute, with terminal uremia (following dental extractions) (contributory: chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic myocarditis) |
 | | Markarian, Noyemzer | F | 1924-04-14 | 8m-9d (b. 1923-08-05) | malnutrition (contributory: improper feeding) |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Markarian, Van | M | 1939-03-27 | 2d (b. 1939-03-25) | intracranial hemorrhage |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Maskasian, Mike | M | 1919-03-07 | 45 | tubercular meningitis and pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Delray General Hospital | Matosian [Mateosian], Garabed | M | 1936-11-03 | 79 | perforate duodenal ulcer (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | | Mathosian [Mateosian], Moses | M | 1923-11-01 | 55 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: tonsilitis) |
 | | Matigian, Mike | M | 1925-06-20 | 38y-5m-17d (b. 1887-01-03) | endocarditis acute (contributory: rheumatic fever) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Medzigian, Sarah | F | 1934-01-19 | 35y-18d (b. 1899-01-01) | ectopic pregnancy (left tube), bronchial pneumonia |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Mazigian [Medzigian], Sinekerin | M | 1935-01-26 | 45 (b. 1880) | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Medzigian, Sophie Irene | F | 1928-05-16 | 1y-7m-10d (b. 1926-10-06) | broncho-pneumonia (contributory: naso-pharyngitis, adenitis, measles) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Nekhitarian [Mekhitarian], Karekian | M | 1924-01-21 | 44 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Malikian [Melikian], Susan | F | 1920-09-28 | (b. 1920-09-28) | premature baby |
 | Harper Hospital | Malkanian [Melkonian], Ajrch [?] | M | 1916-11-08 | 33 | bronchial pneumonia |
 | Receiving Hospital | Melkonian, M. | M | 1924-01-28 | 40 | meningitis |
 | Room 552 David Whitney Bldg. | Merrnendian [Menendian], Hagop | M | 1920-07-26 | 22 | arsenical idiosyncrasy, arsphanimine [arsphenamine] medication injection |
 | Receiving Hospital | Messerlian [Meserlian], Ervant | M | 1929-06-21 | 33y-3m-11d (b. 1896-03-10) | general paralysis of insane |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Meshgoian, Vahram | M | 1923-04-23 | 32y-2m-13d (b. 1891-02-10) | lobar pneu[monia] (contributory: para typhoid) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Mostichian [Mestjian], Mardick | M | 1918-03-12 | (b. 1918-03-11) | prematurity |
 | | Mugardichian [Mgrdichian], Agavine | F | 1939-04-30 | 53y-11m-10d (b. 1885-05-20) | coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Megerdichian [Mgrdichian], Steve | M | 1931-02-11 | 1y-1m-10d (b. 1930-01-06) | broncho pneumonia (cold) |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Miranian [Mihranian], | M | 1917-04-02 | (b. 1917-04-02) | stillborn |
 | Harper Hospital | Minasian, Bayzar | F | 1946-02-21 | 43y-10m-27d (b. 1902-03-24) | carcinoma of gall bladder (contributory: carcinomatosis) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Minasian, Hrepsema | F | 1945-05-08 | 44 | adeno-carcinoma of large intestine (tumor mass at ends of colon & sigmoid) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Dermanetian [Minetian], Sofia | F | 1919-04-08 | 37y-11m-24d (b. 1881-04-15) | exhaustion following abdominal hysterectomy (contributory: uterine fibrosis & hemorrhage) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Merigion [Mirakian], Garabed | M | 1923-04-21 | 62 | acute dilatation of heart, aortic stenosis (fell on sidewalk) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Merzoian [Mirzoian], Rose | F | 1942-04-07 | 48 | terminal cardiac failure, chronic hypertensive heart disease |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Aram | M | 1920-01-29 | 25 | acute bronch pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Harper Hospital | Mouradian, Arthich | F | 1923-01-25 | 1y-4m-1d (b. 1921-09-24) | shock following operation for intestinal obstruction |
 | Grace Hospital | Mahshigian [Mousheghian], George | M | 1939-05-30 | 46y-2m-27d (b. 1893-03-03) | empymea [?], mitral insufficiency |
 | | Moushagian [Mousheghian], Sarkis | M | 1923-10-21 | 48 | fractured skull due to fall downstairs |
 | | Mossoian [Moushoian], Abraham | M | 1924-02-28 | 1y-4m-20d (b. 1922-09-08) | broncho pneumonia, cause undetermined (contributory: cerebral meningitis) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Massaian [Moushoian], Manup | M | 1925-01-12 | 5m-10d (b. 1924-08-02) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Movsesian, Rueben | M | 1932-05-31 | 3y-11m-1d (b. 1928-06-29) | T. B., meningitis |
 | Harper Hospital | Mukbivian, Katoos | M | 1915-09-28 | 30 | fractured skull, hit by auto, accidental |
 | Women's Hospital | Nahabedian, Elmas | F | 1919-12-02 | (b. 1919-12-02) | premature birth |
 | 1279 E. Lafayette Ave. | Nahikian [Nahigian], Margaret M. | F | 1919-01-14 | 57y-2m-22d (b. 1861-10-22) | asthenia following chronic nephritis (contributory: terminal pneu[monia]) |
 | 448 South St. | Najarian, Harry | M | 1912-04-13 | 45 (b. 1867) | cerebral meningitis (simple) |
 | Harper Hospital | Najorian [Najarian], Kuchadoor Aghavar | F | 1917-10-16 | 25y-1m-28d (b. 1892-08-19) | empymia gall bladder (contributory: septicemia) |
 | 520 South St. | Najarian, Troy | F | 1910-02-28 | 4m-13d (b. 1909-10-15) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: meningitis) |
 | Harper Hospital | Nalbandian, Helen | F | 1921-05-13 | 25y-4m-12d (b. 1895-08-03) | general peritonitis (contributory: acute choleceptitis) |
 | Harper Hospital | Nersesian, Avedis | M | 1915-12-16 | 27y-11m-15d (b. 1888-01-01) | general peritonitis (contributory: appendicitis) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Narsian [Nersesian], Edgar | M | 1926-02-08 | 35 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Narsesian [Nersesian], Hagop | M | 1932-11-13 | 44y-9m-2d (b. 1887-02-10) | cardiac failure, hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, pericarditis (contributory: asthma) |
 | | Narsasian [Nersesian], Harry | M | 1918-08-28 | 73 | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Narcisian [Nersesian], Rosia | F | 1920-09-02 | 37y-1m-26d (b. 1883-07-07) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Shurly Hospital | Nersesian, Vartig | F | 1937-04-06 | 63 | apoplexy (contributory: chr[onic] myocarditis) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Negoghorian [Nigoghosian], Askian | M | 1922-09-07 | 37 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Shurly Hospital | Nighoghosian [Nigoghosian], Dickran | M | 1939-01-23 | 66y-11m-8d (b. 1872-02-15) | broncho-pneumonia |
 | Receiving Hospital | Nigohosian [Nigoghosian], Esther | F | 1931-12-22 | 47 | chronic glomerular nephritis, uremic coma |
 | Grace Hospital | Nishanian, Harry | M | 1915-11-01 | 23y-3m (b. 1882-07-10) | spinal tuberculosis due to injury, accidental fall of[f] wagon |
 | | Noroian, Arshag | M | 1925-03-28 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Receiving Hospital | Noorian [Noroian], Harry | M | 1930-12-19 | 44y-8m-14d (b. 1886-04-05) | traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following fractured skull (contributory: struck by auto, accident) |
 | | Norenzeian [Norundzaian], | F | 1920-06-25 | (b. 1920-06-25) | still born (contributory: breech presentation) |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Norundzaian, Garbis | M | 1925-11-26 | 17y-8m-28d (b. 1908-02-28) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Nourhanian [Nourikhanian], Dick | M | 1923-04-24 | 22 | bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: parotid abscess left) |
 | 838 Michigan Ave. | Ohaneon [Ohanian], Mike | M | 1946-11-20 | 46 | cardial failure, coronary occlusion |
 | | Ohanian, Parise Lucille | F | 1926-03-10 | 3m-2d (b. 1925-12-08) | enteritis |
 | | Ohanesian [Ohannesian], | F | 1922-05-02 | 2d (b. 1922-04-30) | prematurity birth (6 mos.) |
 | | Ohanesian [Ohannesian], Arakel | M | 1922-12-01 | 44y-8m-21d (b. 1878-03-10) | aortic insufficiency |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Ohannasian [Ohannesian], Hamartzoon | M | 1925-09-12 | 38y-2m-8d (b. 1887-07-04) | traumatic cerebral hemorrhage following fractured skull (contributory: injured in automobile collission [collision]) |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Ouzoonian [Ouzounian], Esther | F | 1920-02-02 | 9m (b. 1919-05-02) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: pyelonephritis) |
 | Providence Hospital | Boloyan [Paloian], | M | 1920-10-09 | (b. 1920-10-09) | still born |
 | Solvay Ave. & W. Jefferson Ave. | Papjian [Papazian], Agabal | M | 1910-10-07 | 55 | heart disease |
 | | Parmeian, Narsas | M | 1920-05-25 | 34 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Parsckian [Parseghian], Malkon | M | 1922-10-25 | 2d (b. 1922-10-23) | paralytic hemiplegia |
 | Receiving Hospital | Pilavjian, Armen | M | 1934-01-05 | 34y-7m-7d (b. 1899-05-28) | hypertension, chronic, glomerular nephritis, uremia |
 | | Phillipian [Pilibosian], | F | 1919-02-08 | (b. 1919-02-08) | still born |
 | Receiving Hospital | De Pilibosian [Pilibosian], Setrak | M | 1921-07-16 | 37 | general peritonitis following rupture[d] ulcer, small intestine, 5 feet from stomach |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Der Pilibosian [Pilibosian], Setrak | M | 1922-01-23 | 2m-22d (b. 1921-10-31) | malnutrition (intoxication) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Poladian, Armenuhi | F | 1930-04-04 | 25 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis of intestines & larynx) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Poladian, Samuel | M | 1931-05-07 | 57 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Solvay Hospital | Postean [Postoian], Nuhemzer | F | 1914-02-01 | 11y-10m-8d (b. 1904-03-24) | acute nephritis following scarlet fever |
 | Delray General Hospital | Proodian [Proudian], Edward | M | 1937-10-22 | 10y-7m-7d (b. 1927-03-15) | internal hemorrhage following punctured lung (struck by auto [in] front of [home]) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Raphalian [Rafaelian], Raphael | M | 1914-11-08 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital | Rohanian [Rahanian], | F | 1933-04-02 | (b. 1933-04-02) | premature |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Rahanian, Kegnan | M | 1923-09-18 | 1m-15d (b. 1923-08-04) | broncho pneu[monia], septic peritonitis (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 191 Baldwin Ave. | Russian [Reisian], Armenby | M | 1917-05-26 | 2y-2m-15d (b. 1915-03-11) | acute gastritis (contributory: convulsions) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Raisian [Reisian], Dick | M | 1938-08-24 | 60 | acute pancreatic fat necroses |
 | 40 Crossley Ave. | Risian [Reisian], Osgkien | M | 1909-04-16 | 30 (b. 1879) | gunshot wound through suicide (contributory: despondency) |
 | Grace Hospital | Sodoian [Sadoian], Ohanas | M | 1918-11-18 | 27 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Sagatelian [Saghatielian], Elizabeth | F | 1931-08-22 | 3y-2m (b. 1928-06-22) | traumatic internal hemorrhage following crushing injuries to chest (contributory: struck by auto, accident) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Sagatelian [Saghatielian], Krekor | M | 1931-05-04 | 50 | left broncho pneumonia, right hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: chronic myocarditis, bilateral hydronephrosis [?], cerebral edema) |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Sagatalian [Saghatielian], Misak | M | 1925-03-03 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Sagatlian [Saghatielian], Ohannes | M | 1925-09-13 | 6m-15d (b. 1925-02-28) | acute indigestion |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Sahagian, Harry | M | 1922-09-18 | 33 | myelitis transverse, acute level, 5th dorsal vertebra |
 | Solvay Hospital | Sahgian [Sahagian], Kazar | M | 1910-01-30 | 43 | fracture of skull, fall down stairs - accidental |
 | | Sahagian, Khzar | M | 1920-05-19 | 48 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Sarafian, Antranig | M | 1937-04-20 | 63y-1m-5d | bilateral lobar pneumonia |
 | Grace Hospital | Sarchian, Theodore | M | 1923-03-11 | 8m-24d (b. 1922-06-17) | spina bifida (contributory: shock following operation) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Saskisian [Sarkisian], Hogop | M | 1924-08-30 | 34 | neoplasm of liver (contributory: post operations shock) |
 | | Sarkis [Sarkisian], Joseph | M | 1923-09-20 | 38 | gunshot wound of chest and abdomen (homicide) |
 | 1710 Concord Ave. | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Khachadour | M | 1926-11-09 | 49y-6m-19d (b. 1877-05-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 2078 W. Jefferson Ave. | Safarian [Seferian], George | M | 1913-01-25 | (b. 1913-01-25) | still born |
 | 6361 South St. | Sefarian [Seferian], Vahan | M | 1945-01-23 | 56y-4m-13d (b. 1888-09-10) | acute cardiac dilatation & edema of lungs |
 | | Shaghoian, Khachadoor | M | 1935-02-10 | 58y-7m-15d (b. 1876-06-25) | apoplexy |
 | | Shahbazian, | F | 1918-09-10 | (b. 1918-09-10) | still born |
 | 2564 Highland Ave. | Shahinian, Nishan | M | 1930-12-06 | 38y-4m-16d (b. 1892-07-20) | cerebral apoplexy |
 | Receiving Hospital | Cherakian [Shahrigian], Yervant | M | 1921-03-22 | 25y-9m-21d (b. 1895-03-31) | laceration of throat, self inflicted with razor (suicide) |
 | | Shamigian, Vaskin | M | 1920-12-27 | 42 | carcinomatoses of stomach, spleen, omentum of liver |
 | | Chomkian [Shamigian], Zakar | M | 1921-12-07 | 68 | apoplexy (contributory: chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis) |
 | Grace Hospital | Sharnazian, Artin | M | 1922-04-04 | 46 | asthma |
 | | Shavatean [Shevodian], Harry | M | 1918-09-22 | 40 | chronic myocarditis |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Schooshanian [Shoushanian], Aznif | F | 1925-05-31 | 2m-6d (b. 1925-03-25) | pyloric stenosis |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Shushamian [Shoushanian], Mike | M | 1923-04-02 | 1y-4m-16d (b. 1921-03-17) | broncho pneumonia |
 | | Samigian [Simigian], Lena May | F | 1919-11-02 | 12d (b. 1919-10-20) | acute gastro enteritus |
 | | Semijian [Simigian], Menshn | M | 1928-07-11 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Simonian, Arpinea | F | 1923-03-18 | 2d (b. 1923-03-16) | premature birth (8 mos.) |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Sayronian [Sirounian], Sarah | F | 1923-09-06 | 5m-29d (b. 1923-03-08) | diarrhea (fermentation) & intestinal intoxication (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Delray General Hospital | Sohigian [Soghigian], Souren | M | 1934-11-20 | 40y-11m-11d (b. 1893-12-10) | post operation shock following radical antrum operation (condition: abscess of antrum) |
 | | Sogoian [Soghoian], Hatchig | M | 1927-01-24 | 7m (b. 1926-06-24) | acute ileo colitis (contributory: ileus) |
 | | Sogoian [Soghoian], Sultan | F | 1919-05-09 | 1d (b. 1919-05-07) | convulsions (contributory: compression of brain from forceps) |
 | | Sogoian [Soghoian], Sultan | F | 1919-05-07 | 38 | postpartum hemorrhage (contributory: placenta praevia, margualis, eclampsia) |
 | 28 Granville St. | Stamboulian, | M | 1916-08-05 | (b. 1916-08-05) | stillborn |
 | 149 Solvay Ave. | Surmanian, Arshalous | F | 1918-03-08 | 17 | asphyxiation by strangulation (murder) |
 | | Surmanian, Gatig | F | 1930-06-23 | 63y-9m-18d (b. 1867-09-05) | chronic myocarditis |
 | | Talesian [Talaslian], Harry | M | 1922-02-11 | 7m-10d (b. 1921-07-01) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Harper Hospital | Tanderjian [Tandourjian], Oscar | M | 1930-03-05 | 27 | acute nephritis (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | Solvay Hospital | Tashjian, Aram | M | 1925-12-04 | 30y-4m-19d (b. 1895-07-15) | mastoiditis (contributory: brain abscess) |
 | Women's Hospital | Tashjian, Armanag | M | 1922-01-20 | 28 | external hemorrhage following incised wound of right neck, stabbed with bayonet (homicide) |
 | Grace Hospital | Tashijian [Tashjian], Jake | M | 1921-08-06 | 56 | intestinal obstruction, acute toxemia (contributory: cholecystitis, chronic) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Tatosian [Tateosian], Sarkas | M | 1928-06-03 | 38 (b. 1890) | post operative shock (contributory: duodenal ulcer) |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Tavtigian, Dick | M | 1935-10-02 | 48y-4m-27d (b. 1887-05-15) | carcinoma of stomach, metastatic to glands, liver, & lungs, broncho-pneumonia, hemorrhage gastric from tumor |
 | Harper Hospital | Tavatigian [Tavtigian], Ohannas | M | 1924-01-16 | 48 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Henry Ford Hospital | Topelian [Topalian], Mike | M | 1941-04-12 | 17y-3m-25d (b. 1923-12-17) | glomerulonephritis, chronic arterial hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy (contributory: pulmonary edema) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Toorigian [Torigian], Egisha | M | 1920-03-16 | 45 (b. 1874-05) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | | Tourigian [Torigian], Mary | F | 1925-12-16 | 5d (b. 1925-12-11) | defective organs (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 168 Harrington Ave. | Torossian [Torosian], | F | 1919-01-13 | 1d (b. 1919-01-12) | premature birth |
 | 168 Harrington Ave. | Torossian [Torosian], | M | 1919-09-10 | (b. 1919-09-10) | premature (5 months) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Torossian [Torosian], Charles | M | 1919-02-01 | 25y-5m-22d (b. 1893-08-10) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Harper Hospital | Torsian [Torosian], Dick | M | 1916-05-30 | 27 (b. 1889) | rheumatic endocarditis |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Torosian, Kalust | M | 1919-02-17 | 26 | influenzal pneumonia, lobar |
 | Receiving Hospital | Torossian [Torosian], Mary | F | 1938-05-13 | 62 | generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage |
 | | Toundaian, Jack | M | 1924-04-01 | 33y-4m-22d (b. 1890-11-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 4055 Ida Ave. | Tufenkjian, Manase | M | 1941-12-05 | 62y-7m-20d (b. 1879-03-15) | coronary disease (contributory: cardio-vascular renal disease) |
 | Harper Hospital | Vahanian, Toros | M | 1924-10-28 | 35y-10m-15d (b. 1888-12-15) | brain abscess, chronic mastoiditis, right side (contributory: staphylococcus meningitis) |
 | | Varjabedian, Mardick | M | 1924-09-27 | 39 (b. 1885) | gunshot wound of chest (suicide) |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Vartgabedian [Varjabedian], Vartan | M | 1919-02-15 | 25 | broncho pneumonia (influenza) |
 | | Vartabedian, Kevork | M | 1933-06-12 | 45y-8m-16d (b. 1887-09-25) | cardiac regurgitation |
 | | Dervantanian [Vartanian], Gayaned | F | 1926-03-11 | 5d (b. 1926-03-06) | premature labor |
 | Harper Hospital | Vartonian [Vartanian], Mooshag | M | 1923-11-08 | 35y-11m-18d (b. 1887-11-20) | acute yellow atrophy (contributory: alcoholism) |
 | | Varterasian [Varteresian], Beatrice | F | 1923-07-23 | 5m-6d (b. 1923-02-18) | gastro enteritis |
 | | Vartoogian [Vartigian], George | M | 1924-11-03 | 27y-3m-1d (b. 1897-08-02) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Vosgerchian [Vosgerichian], Adam | M | 1939-04-25 | 3m (b. 1939-01-25) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Vasgershian [Vosgerichian], Zabel | F | 1925-04-04 | 2y-6m-25d (b. 1922-09-09) | 2nd degree burns to back side & buttocks due to falling in pan of hot water |
 | | Aramian [Yeramian], Onia | M | 1930-04-17 | 34y-3m-22d (b. 1885-12-25) | cancer of the large intestine |
 | Women's Hospital | Aramian [Yeramian], Rose | F | 1922-09-27 | 3d (b. 1922-09-24) | inanition due to inability to swallow, probably caused [by] paralysis due to hard labor |
 | Children's Hospital of Michigan | Eranosian [Yeranosian], Bardic | M | 1930-02-08 | 7m-28d (b. 1929-06-10) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: measles, otitis media) |
 | | Yarejian [Yeretzian], Stephan G. | M | 1925-12-26 | 9m-28d (b. 1925-02-28) | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Argenian [Yerganian], Abraham | M | 1924-01-27 | 60 | myocarditis |
 | Delray Industrial Hospital | Argenian [Yerganian], Khatton | F | 1924-12-11 | 35 | double lobar pneumonia |
 | 5240 Commonwealth St. | Yesayian [Yesaian], Esther | F | 1928-07-18 | 59y-1m-24d (b. 1869-05-25) | broncopheumonia (contributory: bad cold) |
 | 1538 Monterey Ave. | Yesayian [Yesaian], George | M | 1933-08-27 | 69y-9m-22d (b. 1863-11-05) | apoplexy, right basal ganglia (contributory: hypostatic pneumonia) |
 | 11408 Yellowstone Ave. | Essayan [Yesaian], Hagop | M | 1925-05-08 | 73y-19d (b. 1852-04-22) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Children's Free Hospital | Yashilian [Yeshilian], Alice | F | 1918-12-22 | 1y-5m-12d (b. 1917-07-10) | 3rd degree burns to limb & abdomen, clothing catching fire when another child threw burning paper at her |
 | Harper Hospital | Yeshilian, Bederos | M | 1917-12-05 | 30y-7m-11d (b. 1887-03-24) | hepatic and biliary cirrhosis (contributory: septic infection - cause unknown) |
 | 1133 Farmer St. | Zakarian, George | M | 1925-05-17 | 39 | hemorrhage following gun shot wound of lungs and heart (homicide) |
 | Herman Kiefer Hospital | Zaratzion [Zaratzian], Asak | M | 1921-01-26 | 42 | scarlatina [scarletina] . . . began the day following a r[igh]t inquinal hermotomy |
 | | Zaratzian, Yervant | M | 1920-01-31 | 25 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Harper Hospital | Zartarian, Eghesh | M | 1923-04-13 | 30y-13d (b. 1892-08-01) | septic meningitis (contributory: bilateral hyperplastic ethmorditis) |
 | Receiving Hospital | Zoornajian [Zournajian], Mighirditch | M | 1930-11-15 | 45 (b. 1885-01-15) | toxic adenoma of thyroid |
 | Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Tzoovigian [Zovigian], Aharon | M | 1917-04-18 | 29 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Grace Hospital | Zumrutian, Mugerdich | M | 1913-01-10 | 65 | pyothorax (contributory: pleurisy) |
Eloise, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Alashian [Alashaian], Rose | F | 1933-12-27 | 45y-11m-10d (b. 1888-01-17) | rheumatic heart disease (contributory: cardiac decompensation) |
 | Eloise Hospital | Artinian, Artin | M | 1919-03-19 | 29 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: dementia praecox) |
 | Eloise Hospital Infirmary | Artinian, Nastian | M | 1936-06-14 | 58 | internal hemorrhage following ruptured spleen & liver, struck by auto |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Bogosian [Boghosian], Krekor | M | 1915-10-12 | 34 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Bogassian [Boghosian], Vahn | M | 1915-04-17 | 32y-9m-22d (b. 1882-06-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Shamalian [Chamalian], Harebad | M | 1937-02-21 | 55y-6m-3d (b. 1873-08-18) | syphilitic heart disease with aortic insuffiency |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Dagavorian [Daghavarian], Elizabeth | F | 1924-03-21 | 68 | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: arterio sclerosis) |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Danielian, Mugerditch | M | 1932-05-04 | 52 | carcinoma of stomach, metastasis of liver |
 | Sanitorium | Garabidean [Garabedian], Michael | M | 1920-07-13 | 28y-1m-5d (b. 1892-06-09) | pul[monary] tuberculosis |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Gashgarian [Goshgarian], Anna | F | 1943-12-27 | 80y-4m-13d (b. 1863-08-14) | essential hypertension, senility (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Gashgarian [Goshgarian], Kaloost | M | 1935-09-19 | 79 | chronic myocarditis |
 | Eloise Hospital | Havsepian [Hovsepian], Toros | M | 1920-04-02 | 48 | general paralysis of insane |
 | Eloise Hospital | Kevorkian, Hampart | M | 1938-05-22 | 55 | general paresis (contributory: therapeutic malaria fever) |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Korkigian, Anan | M | 1941-04-06 | 50y-11m-6d (b. 1890-04-24) | empyema cavity & bronchopleural fistula & bronchopneumonia |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Kurkjean [Kurkjian], John | M | 1917-01-17 | 28y-6m (b. 1888-06) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Makshigian [Mahserejian], David | M | 1917-08-10 | 37 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Musak | M | 1913-06-20 | | erysipelas of face |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Mesrobian, David | M | 1935-02-01 | 47y-11m-16d (b. 1887-02-15) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Murmurian, Mary | F | 1940-03-21 | 51y-2m-20d (b. 1889-01-01) | broncho-pneumonia, post-encephalitic Parkinsonia |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Nersesian, Ed Avedis | M | 1925-01-26 | 35 | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: mitral stenosis) |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Nigoghossian [Nigoghosian], Garabed | M | 1915-11-03 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Pariasigian [Parseghian], Khador | M | 1918-02-08 | 30 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Dersahag [Sahagian], Arthur | M | 1940-09-19 | 77y-10m (b. 1863-09-09) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: benign prostatic hypertrophy, arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Salidijian, Levon | M | 1922-03-30 | 27 | acute pericarditis (contributory: rheumatism) |
 | Eloise Infirmary | Sarkisian, Asadoor | M | 1927-08-06 | 53 | aortic aneurysm (contributory: senility) |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Soghigian, Soultan | F | 1945-04-26 | 75 | hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis) |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Vazhabedian [Varjabedian], Sempad | M | 1917-07-26 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Vartabian [Vartabedian], Hagop | M | 1916-05-18 | 37y-4m-15d (b. 1879-01-03) | pulminary [pulmonary] tuberculosis |
 | Eloise Sanitorium | Saharian [Zakarian], Hogap | M | 1918-11-07 | 37y-7m-23d | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Hamtramck, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Briggs Mfg. Co. | Ajamian [Ajemian], Nazar | M | 1924-02-21 | 55y-7m-11d (b. 1868-07-10) | acute dilatation of heart |
 | 2375 Faber St. | Arslanian, Ardavast | M | 1924-02-16 | 7m-9d (b. 1924-07-06) | gastro enteritis (contributory: bronchitis - sub-acute) |
 | 3505 Leuschner Ave. | Kozerian [Ghazarian], Harry | M | 1923-03-19 | 2y-4m-12d (b. 1920-11-07) | cerebral hemorrhage with convulsions |
 | Dodge Brothers Hospital | Pilosian, Egeshe | M | 1923-05-29 | 31 | fractured skull - caught in belt of machine |
Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Abajian, Nazareth | M | 1934-08-26 | 50y-3m-16d (b. 1884-05-10) | report pending |
 | Detroit Osteopathic Hospital | Aprahamian [Abrahamian], Elizabeth | F | 1939-06-11 | 75 | gast[r]ic carcinoma (contributory: gen. metastatis, gastric obstruction) |
 | 181 W. Buena Vista Ave. | Aharonian, Grace | F | 1921-03-26 | 17y-1m (b. 1904-02-26) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: infection of tubercle) |
 | 181 W. Buena Vista Ave. | Aharonian, Yagsa | F | 1935-11-06 | 48y-2d (b. 1887-11-04) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertension) |
 | | Ajemian, Charles H. | M | 1939-11-01 | 42y-8m-23d (b. 1897-02-08) | carcinoma of rectum |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Alatchanian [Alajian], Abraham | M | 1939-11-21 | 63y-1m-7d (b. 1876-10-14) | ulcerative aortitis, mesenteric thrombosis |
 | Detroit Osteopathic Hospital | Apigian, Andrew | M | 1928-03-09 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Arabian, Takouhy | F | 1939-03-18 | 67y-7m-2d (b. 1869-08-16) | cardiac collapse due to nephritis, arterial hypertension, intestinal influenza |
 | 79 (Apt. 5) Midland Ave. | Arakelian, Gadar | F | 1929-02-20 | 77y-11m-5d (b. 1851-03-15) | myocarditis, old age |
 | 13918 Brush St. | Arakelian, Nishan | M | 1922-02-27 | 36y-3m-12d (b. 1885-11-15) | acute alcoholism |
 | 246 Hawthorne Ave. | Arakebian [Arakelian], Rosie | F | 1920-01-30 | 2m-11d (b. 1919-11-19) | malnutrition, enteritis |
 | | Armoudlian, Nazely | F | 1925-09-29 | (b. 1925-09-28) | prematurity and under weight (mother severe nephritic) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Arpajian, Shirly | F | 1938-03-16 | 4m-21d (b. 1927-10-25) | pneumonia, whole r[igh]t lung & part of left |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Arslanian, Isabelle | F | 1940-10-25 | 51 | coronary thrombosis |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Aslanian [Arslanian], Ohanes | M | 1946-04-11 | 54y-8m-26d (b. 1891-07-15) | sarcoma of retro peritoneal glands with ascites |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Jake | M | 1924-02-28 | 49 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 106 Cottage Grove Ave. | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Ruth M. | F | 1921-08-07 | 37 (b. 1884) | chronic nephritis with dropsy (contributory: valvular heart disease) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Atanasian, Gulkatir | F | 1925-07-17 | 35 | erysipelas (contributory: mitral regurgitation . . . acute nephritis) |
 | 139 Ford Ave. | Bagdigian [Baghdigian], Dick P. | M | 1918-07-15 | 4y-2m-28d (b. 1914-04-17) | tubercular meningitis |
 | 2504 Hamilton Blvd. | Bagedigian [Baghdigian], Elmas B. | F | 1918-12-28 | 29y-4m-3d (b. 1889-08-25) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 229 Windemere Ave. | Baylarian [Baylerian], Dorothy | F | 1922-10-14 | 2y-6m-23d (b. 1920-03-21) | 1st & 2nd degree burns to body due to pulling pail of hot water from stove on self acc[i]d[entally] |
 | 108 Cottage Grove Ave. | Bedrosian, Samuel | M | 1919-02-22 | 2y-8m-29d (b. 1916-05-24) | tubercular meningitis |
 | | Bestegian [Bezdigian], Tervanda | F | 1925-12-06 | 27y-7m-14d (b. 1898-04-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], David | M | 1938-09-19 | 61y-7m-15d (b. 1877-07-04) | spontaneous rupture of heart following old infarction of left ventrical [ventricle] |
 | 230 La Belle Ave. | Boyajian, Edward Ohaneas | M | 1919-12-05 | 30y-7m-20d (b. 1889-04-15) | uremia due to acute nephritis (contributory: terminal pneumonia) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Bozegian [Bozigian], Gertrude | F | 1923-11-24 | 3y-3m-18d (b. 1920-08-06) | tubercular meningitis |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Chirovian [Chrovian], John | M | 1945-06-10 | 70 | acute pyelonephritis, myocardial fibroses, terminal cardiac failure (contibutory: struck by auto) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Chrovian, Virgine | F | 1932-10-14 | 47 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: diabetes mellitus) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Deranian [Diranian], Annig | F | 1928-12-31 | 27y-2m-3d (b. 1901-10-26) | cardio renal |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Dertadian [Dirtadian], Siran | F | 1924-10-25 | 23y-3m-15d (b. 1901-07-10) | puerperal septicemia (contributory: dystocia from contracted pelvis) |
 | 148 E. Grand Ave. | Ekezian [Ekizian], Mary | F | 1923-03-29 | 1 (b. 1923-03-28) | bronchial pneumonia |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Elesigian, Esay | M | 1938-02-28 | 61 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 83 Victor Ave. | Garabedian, Hagop | M | 1918-01-29 | 52y-2m-14d (b. 1866-11-15) | hemorrhage due to pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | | Garabedian, Sarkis | M | 1922-06-09 | 58y-3m-15d (b. 1864-02-22) | chronic nephritis (contributory: high blood pressure) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Goujanian [Gaujanian], Vahan | M | 1931-02-25 | 42 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: asthma) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Grounkian, Seranoush | F | 1924-04-17 | 41y-10m-22d (b. 1892-05-25) | lobar pneumonia (both lungs) |
 | | Keulian [Gulian], Manoug | M | 1927-02-25 | 46y-2m-7d (b. 1880-12-18) | inquest pending (contributory: med[ication?]) |
 | 2702 John R St. | Keuragian [Gureghian], Marazey | F | 1915-08-18 | 24 (b. 1891-11) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 146 La Belle Ave. | Hagopian, Yertwart | M | 1918-07-22 | 2d (b. 1918-07-20) | heat stroke |
 | 153 Victor Ave. | Hairabedian, Alice | F | 1924-11-30 | 47 | carcinoma of uterus |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Korasanian [Horasanian], Norma H. | F | 1921-12-18 | 3m-12d (b. 1921-09-06) | meningitis, pneumococcic type |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Johariaian [Jouharigian], Sabon [?] | M | 1925-05-07 | 4m-5d (b. 1925-01-03) | influenza - intestinal type |
 | | Kabakjian, Souzan | F | 1928-03-31 | 1y-20d (b. 1927-03-11) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 229 Windemere Ave. | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], John | M | 1921-10-23 | 35 | laryngeal obstruction from goitre |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Mary | F | 1920-10-21 | 2y-9m-20d (b. 1918-01-01) | diphtheria |
 | 194 Windemere Ave. | Kaloustian, Vartanouch | F | 1921-12-17 | 52y-5m-29d (b. 1869-06-18) | acute renal congestion (contributory: uraemia) |
 | Osteopathic Hospital | Kamboorian [Kambourian], Anna | F | 1923-05-06 | (b. 1923-05-06) | meconium in amniotic fluid (contributory: prolapse of cord) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Kefsizian, Pepron | F | 1925-12-08 | 26y-7m-23d (b. 1899-04-15) | acute uraemic poisoning (contributory: one kidney removed [in] 1922, remaining kidney infected) |
 | 68 La Belle Ave. | Hachadourian [Khachadourian], Harry | M | 1918-04-14 | 2m (b. 1918-02-14) | congestion of the lungs, influenzal pneumonia (contributory: low vitality) |
 | 142 Victor Ave. | Kralian, | M | 1917-11-24 | (b. 1917-11-24) | still born |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Krikorian, Andrew | M | 1930-09-04 | 37y-8m-2d (b. 1893-01-06) | shock & hemorrhage following crushed head (auto collision) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Krikorian, John | M | 1943-05-01 | 54y-21d (b. 1889-04-10) | lobar pneumonia, upper left lung & auricular fibrillation |
 | 12925 Hamilton Blvd. | Kurejian, Arsen | M | 1922-03-09 | 9m-10d (b. 1921-05-31) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 21 Moss Ave. | Malejan [Maljanian], Harry M. | M | 1932-09-12 | 43y-9m-27d (b. 1888-11-16) | uremia, hypertension, coronary sclerosis (contributory: congestive heart failure) |
 | | Malejan [Maljanian], Mary | F | 1929-12-30 | 73y-3m-29d (b. 1856-09-01) | coronary embolism |
 | 62 Ford Ave. | Malejan [Maljanian], Migerdich Garabed | M | 1927-10-08 | 71y-8m-26d (b. 1856-01-12) | carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 151 E. Grand Ave. | Marirosian [Mardirosian], Dick M. | M | 1918-10-12 | 4m-16d (b. 1918-05-26) | convultions [convulsions] (contributory: intestinal intoxication) |
 | 322 La Belle Ave. | Mghitarian [Mekhitarian], Charles | M | 1920-02-06 | 28 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 226 La Belle Ave. | Mehtrian [Mekhitarian], Frances | F | 1921-06-07 | 1d (b. 1921-06-06) | premature birth (7 months) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Misserlian [Meserlian], | M | 1926-01-10 | (b. 1926-01-10) | prolonged delivery (breach position) |
 | | Nahabedian, Mouses S. | M | 1939-10-07 | 54y-4m-26d (b. 1885-05-11) | valvular insufficiency, cardiac collapse (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 80 Pasadena Ave. | Nourjian [Nouridjian], Lucy M. | F | 1926-02-10 | 58y-2m-17d (b. 1867-11-24) | cancer of bladder (contributory: secondary anemia) |
 | 16951 Hamilton Ave. | Bekmegian [Pekmezian], Mike | M | 1921-07-01 | 2y-8m-16d (b. 1918-10-15) | acute gastro enteritis (contributory: poorly nourished & [under]developed) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Pilibbossian [Pilibosian], Mary | F | 1925-09-21 | 9m-8d (b. 1924-12-14) | toxaemia, acute infective colitis |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Postian [Postoian], Arama | M | 1930-02-02 | 32y-7m-18d (b. 1897-06-15) | traumatic cerebral hemorrhage due to skull frac[ture] (auto acc[ident]) |
 | | Postoian, Mik | M | 1928-03-06 | 52y-2m-21d (b. 1875-12-15) | lobar pneumonia, bilateral (contributory: chr[onic] bronchitis, colds) |
 | 238 La Belle Ave. | Sagian [Sahagian], Setrak | M | 1918-10-23 | 20y-4m-7d (b. 1898-06-15) | suicide by gunshot wound |
 | | Sarkisian, Alice | F | 1918-04-01 | 11y-3m (b. 1906-01) | injuries resulting from burns to entire body, accidental |
 | 126 Kendall Ave. | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Alice | F | 1924-02-15 | 2m-10d (b. 1923-12-05) | convulsions |
 | | Sarkisian, Araa | M | 1926-03-18 | 6m-8d (b. 1925-09-10) | convulsions |
 | 154 La Belle Ave. | Sarkisian, Ashop | M | 1923-06-16 | 4m-26d (b. 1923-01-23) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 72 La Belle Ave. | Sarkasian [Sarkisian], Gasper | M | 1922-09-05 | 34 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Sarkisian, Highgouhie | F | 1936-07-17 | 55 | cardiac chr[onic] myocarditis, hypertension, chr[onic] nephritis, diabetes |
 | | Sarkisian, Sarkos | M | 1924-02-15 | 24d (b. 1924-01-22) | premature birth (7.5 months) |
 | 127 Cottage Grove Ave. | Sefaroglor [Seferian], Elizabeth | F | 1926-05-01 | 51y-11m-27d (b. 1874-05-04) | cerebral apoplexy |
 | 144 La Belle Ave. | Semerjian, | M | 1919-01-21 | (b. 1919-01-21) | stillborn due to chronic nephritis of mother |
 | 242 La Belle Ave. | Shirinian, Makronhy | F | 1921-05-29 | 50 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: acute nephritis) (disease contracted en route to Detroit from NY) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Shrinian [Shirinian], Ohanig | M | 1924-06-17 | 25y-3m-12d (b. 1899-03-05) | broncho-pneumonia & septicemia (contributory: septic endocarditis) |
 | Highland Park Chrysler Plant | Sirounian, Haygaz | M | 1941-06-30 | 45y-8m-8d (b. 1895-10-22) | heat exhaustion (collapsed at work) |
 | 195 Ford Ave. | Stepanian, Armenouhi | F | 1922-06-21 | 1m-21d (b. 1922-04-30) | acute endocarditis |
 | 257 La Belle Ave. | Labibian [Tabibian], Scranouch | F | 1924-04-02 | 24 | cerebral apoplexy |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Tarpinian, Mary | F | 1921-07-06 | (b. 1921-07-06) | premature birth (6 months, 10 days) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Tationian [Tateosian], Colos | M | 1924-01-13 | 1y-7m-14d (b. 1922-05-31) | enteritis (contributory: streptococcic emp[h]ysema & septicaemia) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Tatossian [Tateosian], Dickran | M | 1922-03-04 | 27 | broncho pneumonia |
 | 212 La Belle Ave. | Tarzian [Terzian], Ardash | M | 1916-09-03 | 42 | pernicious anemia |
 | 97 Kendall Ave. | Toomajanian [Toumajanian], Antranek | M | 1917-08-20 | 2m (b. 1917-06-20) | whooping cough and intestinal indigestion |
 | 280 Glendale Ave. | Turadian [Touradian], Takhoui | F | 1923-10-10 | 63 | sitial insuffiency |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Tutelian [Toutalian], Alice | F | 1925-12-26 | 5d (b. 1925-12-21) | congenital obstruction of pylorus and of stomach and duodenum |
 | 2832 Herman Ave. | Vartanian, Azad | F | 1919-03-23 | 3m-23d (b. 1918-11-30) | bronch[i]al pneumonia |
 | | Vartanian, Vartkess | M | 1926-04-21 | 10m (b. 1925-05-29) | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | 2264 Lincoln Ave. | Zakarian, Antranig | M | 1920-02-17 | 2y-17d (b. 1918-02-01) | broncho pneumonia (parent said baby had measles weeks ago) |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Zaratzian, | M | 1925-08-06 | 1d (b. 1925-08-05) | dystacea (contributory: subdural haemorrhage) |
 | | Zaratzian, | M | 1925-09-01 | 3d (b. 1925-08-29) | inanition |
 | Highland Park General Hospital | Zaratzian, Madeline | F | 1925-08-18 | 23 | puerperal sepsis (contributory: dystacea of fetus) |
 | 13625 Lincoln Ave. | Zaratzian, Marian | F | 1925-06-13 | 73y-3m-9d (b. 1853-03-03) | myocarditis & nephritis with hypertension |
Nankin Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Wm. J. Seymour Hospital | Bligian [Piligian], Varton | M | 1936-01-20 | 70y-5m (b. 1865-08-20) | cerebral accident (contributory: diabetes mellitus) |
Northville Twp., Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Mahakian [Maghakian], Mary | F | 1924-07-23 | 28y-3m-12d (b. 1896-04-11) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Malkonian [Melkonian], Harry | M | 1924-11-12 | 41 | advanced pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium | Shiryetian, Vaghinag | M | 1922-06-26 | 36y-11d (b. 1886-06-15) | advanced pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous peritonitis) |
Wyandotte, Wayne Co., MI, USA |
 | Detroit River | Godashian [Godoshian], Elmas | F | 1923 | 23 | accidental drowning |
 | Detroit River | Godashian [Godoshian], Haig | M | 1923-10-14 | 40 | accidental drowning |
St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO, USA |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Annigian, Harry | M | 1953-02-14 | 64 (b. 1888-04-05) | laceration of the right cerebrum due to fracture of the right frontal bone (fatally injured when knocked down by an automobile, accident) |
 | 5218 King Hill Ave. | Annigian, Mary Satenig | F | 1956-12-17 | 54 (b. 1902-01-01) | cerebral apoplexy (massive) |
 | | Terzian, Mgardic | M | 1929-03-09 | 60 (b. 1868) | cerebral haemorrhage (contributory: arterio schlerosis) |
Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO, USA |
 | | Apkarian, Jack | M | 1942-05-14 | 47y-10m-13d (b. 1894-07-01) | coronary occlusion due to coronary atherosclerosis |
 | Mercy Hospital | Armaghanian, Martha | F | 1927-03-01 | 3m (b. 1926-12-01) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: retropharyngeal abscess) |
 | 521 E. 5th St. | Armanian [Armenian], Jack | M | 1941-01-23 | 71y-10m-22d (b. 1869-03-11) | chronic myocarditis |
Eolia, Pike Co., MO, USA |
 | | Booloodian [Bouloudian], John | M | 1950-12-06 | 67 (b. 1883-10) | coronary occlusion |
Carondelet Twp., St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Mt. St. Rose Hospital | Ohanasian [Ohannesian], Engyazar | M | 1913-04-12 | 40 | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Mt. St. Rose Hospital | Sarkisian, Mekail | M | 1914-02-01 | 23 (b. 1891) | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Mt. St. Rose Hospital | Vorsigian, Bedros | M | 1914-06-13 | 32 (b. 1882) | phthisis pulmonalis |
Clayton, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | St. Louis County Hospital | Manuelian, Jack | M | 1934-12-10 | 45y-4m-23d (b. 1888-07-17) | cardiac decomposition (contributory: Leutic heart disease |
Ferguson, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | 232 S. Clark Ave. | Hougasian [Ghougasian], Paul D. | M | 1971-08-31 | 71 (b. 1899-12-15) | carcinoma - bladder - metatstasis |
Florissant, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Box 801 Route A | Hantzian [Konjoian], Napoleon | M | 1956-05-06 | 79 (b. 1877-04-12) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Veterans Administration Facility | Gederian [Khederian], Manas | M | 1941-05-02 | 53y-5m-11d (b. 1887-11-21) | pyonephrosis and nephrolithiasis, right |
Kirkwood, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | 304 E. Adams Ave. | Norehad [Norhadian], Paul | M | 1940-04-17 | 50y-7d (b. 1890-04-10) | coronary embolism (contributory: coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis) |
Koch, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Robert Koch Hospital | Aloian, Ohannes | M | 1964-04-14 | 71 (b. 1892-12-17) | bronchopneumonia due to fracture of left hip with surgical reduction & nailing |
 | Robert Koch Hospital | Arsenian, Peter | M | 1917-12-09 | 45y-6m-29d (b. 1872-05-10) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Robert Koch Hospital | Cherkoian, Nash | M | 1933-07-01 | 25y-5m-8d (b. 1907-08-04) | pul[monary] hemorrage |
 | Robert Koch Hospital | Cherkoian, Vahan | M | 1912-08-31 | 25 | tuberculosis of lungs |
Manchester, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Manchester Nursing Home | Avadisian [Avedisian], Sahog | M | 1961-05-02 | 75 (b. 1885-12-08) | cardio vascular renal disease |
Normandy, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Normandy Osteopathic Hospital | Kassabian [Kasabian], Setrak | M | 1962-02-10 | 72 (b. 1889-07-23) | cerebral embolus, due to aricular filbrillation due to aortic sclerotic changes |
Webster Groves, St. Louis Co., MO, USA |
 | Glenwood Home & Hospital | Aslanian [Arslanian], Abraham | M | 1961-07-15 | 51 (b. 1910-05-28) | hypostatic pneumonia due to acute brain tumor (contributory: duodenal ulcer, psychosis) |
 | 519 Fairview Ave. | Erganian [Yerganian], Mgrdich Ephrem | M | 1963-04-12 | 77 (b. 1885-05-14) | acute coronary thrombosis due to arterioscleratic heart disease |
St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA |
 | | Ahronian [Aharonian], Solomon | M | 1939-09-16 | 67y-9m-29d (b. 1871-11-17) | traumatic hemorrhage due to laceration of lung and spleen by fractured ribs, when he walked from between two parked cars into the path of a car (accident) |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], | M | 1930-09-14 | (b. 1930-09-14) | premature birth (anacephalic deformity) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], Armenouhe Ann | F | 1965-06-25 | 59 (b. 1906-01-13) | congestive heart failure |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Iwazian [Aivazian], Kolozat | M | 1956-04-15 | 83 | hypertensive cardiovascular disease, pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Barnes Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], Lee Barg | M | 1964-11-10 | 27 (b. 1937-01-24) | post-necrotic cirrhosis of liver |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], Mesrob | M | 1963-03-30 | 73 (b. 1889-10-15) | carcinoma of prostate, metastatic |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Aloian, Alex | M | 1953-02-14 | 64 (b. 1888-08-14) | infectious hepatitis due to subacute yellow atrophy of the liver |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Aoian [Aloian], Mary | F | 1918-05-27 | 4m-5d (b. 1917-12-22) | nephritis suppurative (contributory: rickets) |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Aloian, Rose | F | 1916-09-09 | 3m (b. 1916-06-18) | de composition |
 | Firmin Desloge Hospital | Onanian [Ananian], James | M | 1956-03-06 | 61 (b. 1894-08-05) | carcinoma of lung |
 | Deaconess Hospital | Onanian [Ananian], Mary | F | 1943-04-23 | 38y-7m-30d (b. 1904-12-24) | malignancy pancreas due to diabetes |
 | St. Anthony's Hospital | Onanian [Ananian], Simon | M | 1953-05-12 | 58 (b. 1894-08-01) | neurogenic heart disease, acute |
 | Missouri Baptist Santiarium | Opoian [Apoian], Donig H. | M | 1925-07-03 | 65y-1m-23d (b. 1860-05-10) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Arakelian, Merdig | M | 1963-12-01 | 67 (b. 1896-03-17) | acute bronchopneumonia due to carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 908 Christian Ave. | Haroian [Aroian], John | M | 1921-11-20 | 50 | chronic endocarditis |
 | 8560 N. Broadway | Haroian [Aroian], Leoseia | F | 1947-01-29 | 52y-5m-14d (b. 1894-08-15) | pulmonary edema dut to myocarditis chronic |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Haroian [Aroian], Nashan | M | 1957-10-09 | 72 (b. 1885-03-15) | bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis |
 | 5187 Enright Ave. | Aslanian [Arslanian], Vahan | M | 1938-12-04 | 57y-3m-19d (b. 1881-08-15) | 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree burns of entire body, suffered when deceased was found in flames in back yard of his house |
 | St. John's Hospital | Asadorian [Asadourian], Alexander | M | 1957-07-21 | 86y-1m-6d (b. 1871-06-15) | infarction of myocardium due to arteriosclerotic coronary thrombosis (contributory: duodenal ulcer) |
 | St. John's Hospital | Asadorian [Asadourian], Margaret G. | M | 1951-07-15 | 65 (b. 1886) | uremia due to hypertensive cardiovascular renal disease |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Asturian [Asadourian], Mike | M | 1964-06-10 | 72 (b. 1892-04-03) | metastatic cancer to lungs due to adeno carcinoma of cecum |
 | Jewish Hospital | Asadorian [Asadourian], Stephen | M | 1961-08-04 | 65 (b. 1896-01-16) | bronchopneumonia due to pulmonary fibrosis |
 | Park Lane Memorial Hospital | Asadorian [Asadourian], Toros | M | 1938-10-05 | 59y-2m-4d (b. 1879-08-01) | carcinoma of gall bladder (contributory: carcinoma of liver & chronic nephritis) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Athanassian [Atanasian], Bedros H. | M | 1946-02-14 | 65y-1m-9d (b. 1881-01-05) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Bethesda Hospital | Avadisian [Avedisian], Mary | F | 1925-01-29 | 5m-23d (b. 1924-08-06) | lobar pneumonia |
 | St. John's Hospital | Bughdoian [Baghdoian], Paniamia | M | 1920-06-17 | 45 (b. 1875) | carcinoma of pancreas |
 | Barnes Hospital | Barsanian [Barsamian], John Charley | M | 1945-08-08 | 64y-1m-7d (b. 1881-07-01) | heart failure due to myocardial infarct[ion] |
 | | Bedrosian, Jim | M | 1935-12-29 | 50y-8m-9d (b. 1885-04-20) | fatty degeneration of myocardium, chr[onic] interstitial nephritis |
 | De Paul Hospital | Bedrosian, Margaret | F | 1949-11-28 | 57 (b. 1892-01-01) | carcinoma of thyroid gland |
 | Broadway & President St. | Bedrosian, Mary | F | 1926-05-11 | 4y-8m-21d (b. 1921-08-20) | shock & injuries, fracture[d] skull, struck by auto (criminal carelessness) |
 | Missouri Baptist Sanitarium | Petrosian [Bedrosian], Sahag | M | 1924-07-26 | 26 (b. 1898) | septicemia (contributory: appendicitis cholecystectomy) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Bedrosian, Virginia | F | 1931-07-13 | 19y-2m-14d (b. 1912-04-29) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital (en route) | Buzdigian [Bezdigian], John | M | 1955-04-13 | 70 (b. 1885-04-10) | coronary thrombosis |
 | City Sanitorium | Boharian [Bogharian], Arten | M | 1947-08-10 | 59y-11m-3d (b. 1887-09-07) | brain tumor (pituitary), malignant |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Boharian [Bogharian], Satnick | F | 1958-05-31 | 62 (b. 1895-08-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive vascular disease |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Bogoian [Boghoian], George | M | 1959-08-04 | 75 (b. 1884-07-15) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: passive congestion of the heart) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Bogian [Boghoian], Sam | M | 1964-10-02 | 71 (b. 1893-03-10) | gunshot wound of the head with cerebral laceration and hemorrhage, self-inflicted in his home (suicide) |
 | | Boghosian, | F | 1920-10-19 | (b. 1920-10-19) | patrus [?] foramen ovale (contributory: W. M. A.) |
 | Firmin Desloge Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Almasd | F | 1937-10-17 | 45y-6m-10d (b. 1892-04-07) | metastatic carcinoma, probably arising in gall bladder |
 | 627 N. Sarah St. | Boghosian, Armanochy | F | 1913-08-18 | 4m-10d (b. 1913-04-08) | acute enteritis |
 | 2100 Bremen Ave. | Boghosian, Boghos | M | 1947-09-12 | 57y-5m-27d (b. 1890-03-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Charles | M | 1953-03-20 | 57 (b. 1895-08-20) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 3115A Pestalozzi St. | Boghosian, Garabed | M | 1945-02-24 | 62y-6m-1d (b. 1882-08-23) | chronic myocarditis due to chronic int[erstitial] nephr[itis] |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Saker | M | 1945-05-01 | 52y-17d (b. 1893-04-15) | carcinoma of the adrenal gland with metastases |
 | Lewright & Whitener Sanitorium | Boghosian, Sultan | F | 1921-01-08 | 67 (b. 1854) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Boyajian, Caspar | M | 1964-10-05 | 86 (b. 1878-01-04) | peritonitis due to perforation of duodenum & peptic ulcer of duodenum (contributory: pneumonia and advanced age) |
 | 6124 Oakland Ave. | Boyajian, Goldie | F | 1955-07-08 | 65 (b. 1890-03-29) | adenocarcinoma [of] colon (contributory: malignant growth [of] descending colon) |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Bozoian, Bogos | M | 1955-03-18 | 63 (b. 1891-07-05) | meningioma, left temporal lobe |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Bozoian, Charles | M | 1961-12-27 | 73 (b. 1888-03-01) | generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | 8417 N. Broadway | Bozoian, Karl Kaloost | M | 1962-07-27 | 72 (b. 1890-04-15) | carcinoma of liver |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Bozoian, Sam | M | 1942-10-06 | 50y-10m-21d (b. 1891-11-15) | aspiration pneumonia, peritonitis, perforated ulcer of duodenum (other: history of asthma) |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Bozoian, Sarkes | M | 1929-11-26 | 35y-7m-16d (b. 1894-04-10) | gastric ulcer (hemorrhage of stomach) |
 | 3682A Lafayette Ave. | Bozoian, Solomon | M | 1945-09-10 | 42y-5m-6d (b. 1903-04-04) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Lutheran Hospital | Carpensian, George | M | 1950-01-02 | 58 (b. 1891-07-26) | coronary artery occlusion |
 | 4974 Wise Ave. | Cherkoian, Alton | F | 1950-12-22 | 68 | congestive heart failure due to cardiovascular renal disease nephritis |
 | Homer G. Phillips Hospital | Cherkoian, Aram | M | 1963-01-28 | 61 (b. 1901-11-07) | coronary occlusion, arteriosclerosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Cherkoian, Hash | M | 1928-09-03 | 55y-2m-3d (b. 1873-06-30) | shock & injuries fractured skull (contributory: struck by auto in city) |
 | Barnes Hospital | Cherkoian, Lorene | F | 1948-03-28 | 27 (b. 1921-09-28) | carcinoma of breast, right |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Chuchian [Chitjian], Beger | F | 1939-01-12 | 59y-10m-14d (b. 1879-02-28) | chronic glomerulonephritis with uremia |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Chuchian [Chitjian], Jacob M. | M | 1959-11-19 | 78 (b. 1880-12-15) | cerebrovascular accident |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Chuchian [Chitjian], Khrosrof | M | 1940-03-14 | 53y-2m-16d (b. 1888-01-06) | hypernephroma primary site in kidneys due to peritonitis |
 | Barnes Hospital | Chuchian [Chitjian], Mehran | M | 1954-05-19 | 61 (b. 1892-09-15) | acute hepatic failure |
 | Jewish Hospital | Depigian, Srab | M | 1966-05-27 | 75 (b. 1891) | metastatic carcinoma of urinary bladder |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Takmajian [Deukmejian], Dortat | M | 1954-11-11 | 70 (b. 1884-10-15) | coronary thrombosis, coronary sclerosis, arteriosclerosis |
 | Barnes Hospital | Takmajian [Deukmejian], Harry | M | 1962-04-04 | 57 (b. 1905-01-25) | severe bronchopneumonia, multiple myeloma |
 | City Hospital #1 | Donigan [Donigian], Horn George | M | 1956-04-27 | 81 (b. 1874-09-28) | acute posterior myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis & hypertension |
 | City Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], John | M | 1917-04-17 | 78 | broncho pneumonia, chronic myocarditis |
 | St. John's Mercy Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Josephine Hahn | F | 1967-09-01 | 74 (b. 1892-12-26) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic coronary thrombosis & hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | 3209A Harper St. | Donigan [Donigian], Reuben G. | M | 1918-09-29 | 49y-7d (b. 1869-09-22) | erysipelas following grippe (contributory: mitral insufficiency) |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Donjoian, George | M | 1937-01-19 | 6m-14d (b. 1936-07-06) | broncho pneumonia, marasmus, common cold |
 | Hamilton Medical Center | Garabadian [Garabedian], Sophia | F | 1962-07-30 | 35 (b. 1927-01-22) | carcinoma of colon with metastasis |
 | Barnes Hospital | Garoian, Adam | M | 1941-10-25 | 51y-10m-10d (b. 1890-10-15) | bliateral bronchial pneumonia due to metastatic carcinoma to spine |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Garoian, Josephine | F | 1919-07-12 | 59y-11m-27d (b. 1859-07-07) | hemiplegia (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis) |
 | Jewish Hospital | Garoian, Lucig | F | 1953-08-22 | 60 (b. 1893-05-12) | carcinoma of the liver due to carcinoma of the breast |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Garoian, Mary | F | 1951-04-12 | 80 (b. 1870-07-04) | cerebro-vascular accident, probably thrombosis (other: arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | 4159 Lafayette Ave. | Garoian, Mesrop M. | M | 1928-10-04 | 68y-1m-1d (b. 1860-09-03) | myocarditis ch[ronic] (contributory: mitral regurgitation) |
 | 1929 N. Sarah St. | Garoian, Sahog M. | M | 1915-12-21 | 56y-3m-4d (b. 1859-09-17) | mitrol [and] aortic insufficiency |
 | 7007A S. Broadway | Karibian [Gharibian], George K. | M | 1949-08-30 | 47y-5m-15d (b. 1902-03-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic peri hepatitis |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Karibian [Gharibian], Harbotun | M | 1955-07-18 | 60 (b. 1895-04-13) | chronic renal disease |
 | Stones Nursing Home | Karibian [Gharibian], Setrak Keokor | M | 1958-08-21 | 79y-1m-4d (b. 1879-07-17) | arterio sclerotic hypertensive cardio vascular disease, cerebral accident, chronic myocarditis with cardiac hypertrophy (contributory: pulmonary aedema) |
 | Missouri Pacific Hospital | Geragosian [Giragosian], Armenag | M | 1954-06-14 | 71 (b. 1882-07-01) | carcinoma of prostate |
 | Lewright & Whitener Hospital | Goshgarian, Latvan | M | 1916-08-12 | 42 (b. 1874) | peritonitis (contributory: appendicitis) |
 | St. John's Hospital | Grggegian [Grjigian], Harry | M | 1939-10-27 | 60 (b. 1879) | sarcoma |
 | Barnes Hospital | Hanoian, Aram | M | 1965-03-10 | 73 (b. 1891-09-15) | carcinoma of lung, type unknown |
 | Barnes Hospital | Ennian [Hanoian], George | M | 1935-06-04 | 60 | hypertension, pulmonary edema, broncho pneumonia (bilateral) chornic glanecular nephritis, arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Ennian [Hanoian], Oscar | M | 1947-02-14 | 60 | cerebral apoplexy |
 | Barnes Hospital | Harbian [Harboian], Lucia | F | 1937-09-25 | 45 | rheumatic heart disease emnolus to aorta (contributory: post operative wound infection) |
 | Firmin Desloge Hospital | Harbian [Harboian], Sarkis | M | 1963-03-16 | 84 (b. 1878-09-15) | infarction of brain, subdural hematomas, accidental skull fractures (other: bronchopneumonia) (fall in hospital) |
 | Bethesda Hospital | Hovespian [Hovsepian], Adle | F | 1926-09-06 | 55y-13m-23d (b. 1871-05-13) | faecal obstruction of intestine |
 | Jewish Hospital | Izmirlian, Pepron | F | 1939-10-24 | 41 | cerebral embolism (due to: rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis & inefficic.) |
 | DePaul Hospital | Jamgochian, Asdrig | F | 1933-06-26 | 28y-6m-12d (b. 1905-01-14) | auricular fibrillation myocarditis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Kakligian, Pileg | F | 1965-06-06 | 74 (b. 1890-07-15) | multiple pulmonary emboli, arteriosclerotic heart disease and congestive heart failure |
 | 8560 N. Broadway | Kalajian, Aroosiag | F | 1948-03-24 | 49y-6m-9d (b. 1897-09-15) | sarcoma of stomach |
 | 8560 N. Broadway | Kalajian, Humpartz | M | 1949-08-25 | 37 (b. 1911-10-15) | cirrhosis of liver |
 | Mullanphy Hospital | Kloian [Kaloian], Sarkis | M | 1925-02-04 | 60 (b. 1865) | carcinoma (primary) lover lip. metastasis in neck, [?] osarditis |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Kalousdian [Kaloustian], Linda | F | 1960-02-25 | (b. 1960-02-02) | respiratory arrest, aspiration of a foreign substance |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Karian [Karaian], Mardiros Martin | M | 1964-11-17 | 60 (b. 1904-03-25) | acute congestive failure resulting from myocardial degeneration and coronary sclerosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Kasparian, Edward | M | 1963-05-26 | 66 (b. 1897-01-01) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Barnes Hospital | Kasparian, Pomo | M | 1951-08-15 | 59 (b. 1892-03-29) | pulmonary edema, due to urinary retention (other: mixed hepatoma) |
 | Lutheran Hospital | Kayarian, | F | 1937-09-13 | (b. 1937-09-13) | stillborn |
 | 3345A Illinois Ave. | Kayarian, Eliza | F | 1922-05-10 | 7y-5m-12d (b. 1914-11-22) | acute endocarditis (contributory: pharyngeal diphtheria) |
 | Lutheran Hospital | Kayarian, Krekor | M | 1960-02-06 | 77 (b. 1882-04-12) | arteriosclerotic heart disease, myocardial degeneration |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Mary | F | 1925-08-12 | 7m-24d (b. 1925-01-19) | otis media- acute bilateral pyelitis (contributory: diarrhea and enteritis) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Kachigian [Khachigian], Charles | M | 1949-02-24 | 75 (b. 1873-03-15) | pulmonary edema due to arterio-sclerotic heart disease |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Cochmanian [Khashmanian], John | F | 1913-09-05 | 34y-11m-29d (b. 1878-09-06) | insolation |
 | 2611 Natural Bridge Ave. | Gederian [Khederian], Takuhe | F | 1943-10-31 | 74 | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Khaligian [Kholigian], Bertha | F | 1924-06-22 | 4m-8d (b. 1924-02-14) | dysentery bacillary (contributory: syphilis hereditary) |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Kirtoghian [Kirtogian], Emily | F | 1918-02-21 | 3m-19d (b. 1917-11-02) | decomposition |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Kirtogian, Michael | M | 1963-03-30 | 88 (b. 1874-12-18) | arteriosclerotic heart disease, general arteriosclerosis |
 | St. Mary's Infirmary | Kirtoghian [Kirtogian], Virginia | F | 1916-12-31 | 13y-9m-24d (b. 1903-03-07) | general peritonitis (contributory: acute appendicitis) |
 | DePaul Hospital | Hantzian [Konjoian], Manuel | M | 1952-10-29 | 70 (b. 1882) | apoplexy, cerebral hemmorhage |
 | 1038 Hornsby Ave. | Korkoian, Aprey | F | 1932-09-25 | 40y-11m-10d (b. 1891-10-15) | carcinoma of cervix |
 | Halls Ferry Nursing Home | Korkorian [Korkoian], Aslan | M | 1964-09-18 | 80 (b. 1884-06-19) | cardiac arrest (myocardial) due to insufficiency, coronary type |
 | Barnes Hospital | Korkorian [Korkoian], Gerogos | M | 1958-10-05 | 76 (b. 1882-03-01) | bronchogenic carcinoma of left main stem bronchus |
 | Christian Hospital | Korkoian, Kaloust | M | 1931-09-23 | 37y-28d (b. 1894-08-24) | adeno-epithelioma of the pylorus of the liver malignant |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Korkoian, Mike Kazar | M | 1956-02-03 | 70 (b. 1885-05-15) | cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral arterio sclerosis |
 | 909 Walton Ave. | De Krekorian [Krikorian], Andre K. | M | 1931-01-06 | 69y-3m-18d (b. 1861-09-24) | arteriosclerosis and chronic nephritis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Grigorian [Krikorian], Garabed | M | 1928-07-02 | 49 (b. 1879) | chronic cardiac valvular disease - mitral insufficiency (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital (en route) | Gregorian [Krikorian], Jacob | M | 1935-06-16 | 25y-8m-5d (b. 1909-10-11) | subarachnoid hemmorhage of brain received in a collision between two autos in Crystal City, MO |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Kirkorlian [Krikorian], Martilus | M | 1913-09-12 | 30 (b. 1883-11) | general septicaemia (secondary to cellulitis of face, cause of cellulitis unknown) |
 | Barnes Hospital | Kurkjian, Armenag | M | 1957-09-10 | 48 (b. 1908-11-03) | cardiac decompensation, myocardial infarction |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Lektzian, Bedros | M | 1954-05-15 | 57 (b. 1896-06-15) | hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis of liver |
 | 4974 Wise Ave. | Magarian, Harry P. | M | 1953-08-08 | 68 | coronary heart disease due to hypertension |
 | 4608 Page Blvd. | Derr Magarian [Magarian], John | M | 1947-06-19 | 47 | gunshot wound at skull and brain inflicted with gun in the hand of party or parties unknown in his cleaning establishment |
 | Jewish Hospital | Malmoolian [Malmoulian], Dick | M | 1953-06-11 | 60 (b. 1893-04-03) | chronic nephritis |
 | Deaconess Hospital | Maloian, Lena | F | 1965-05-17 | 71 (b. 1894-02-24) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Millian [Maloian], Peter | M | 1952-10-26 | 66 (b. 1886) | pneumococcal meningitis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Momigonian [Mamigonian], Paul Boghos | M | 1955-04-10 | 68 | carcinoma of the stomach, perforation of stomach |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Manoian, Mardiros | M | 1930-01-29 | 45y-1m-29d (b. 1884-11-30) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Park Lane Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Hagop | M | 1958-08-28 | 61 (b. 1896-12-17) | congestive heart failure, bronchial pneumonia |
 | Barnes Hospital | Der-manuelian [Manuelian], Siranoush | F | 1961-02-28 | 48 (b. 1912-12-29) | medullary decompensation, traumatic injuries to brain suffered in auto accident |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Melkonian, David Bogas | M | 1954-05-14 | 61 | cerebral vascular accident, r[igh]t (contributory: cerebral arteriosclerosis) |
 | St. Louis State Hospital | Malconian [Melkonian], Karana | F | 1950-05-04 | 54 (b. 1895-12-25) | hypertensive cardio vascular disease due to diabetes mellitus |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Milkonian [Melkonian], Mike | M | 1943-04-15 | 70 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 3707 Grandel Sq. | Merzian [Mirzoian], Peter | M | 1960-01-06 | 68 (b. 1891-03-15) | myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, coronary artero thrombosis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Mooshegian [Mousheghian], Lucy | F | 1955-03-23 | 54 (b. 1901-01-10) | carcinomatosis of abdomen, carcinoma of the ovary |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Mooshian [Moushoian], Ervant | M | 1911-08-14 | 18y-1m (b. 1893-07-01) | lobar pneumonia |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Nahabtian [Nahabedian], Armanak | M | 1955-04-28 | 70 (b. 1884-10-15) | chronic lung disease, obstructive emphysema |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Nahigian, Avedis | M | 1941-09-20 | 72y-8m-25d (b. 1868-12-25) | carcinoma of pancreas |
 | Isolation Hospital | Nahigian, Emma | F | 1945-03-16 | 72y-2m-5d (b. 1873-01-11) | hypertensive cardio-vascular disease |
 | 418 Christian Ave. | Nalbandian, Annig | F | 1925-07-04 | 50 (b. 1875-07-04) | acute aryacordibis (contributory: fatty degeneration of heart & liver) |
 | Missouri Pacific Hospital | Nourkanian [Nourikhanian], Ovagim O. | M | 1953-12-15 | 61 (b. 1892-05-15) | cardiac decompensation due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | St. John's Hospital | Ohanasian [Ohannesian], Vartane | F | 1916-08-12 | 34y-2d (b. 1881-11-10) | pelvic thrombo phlebitis (following operation for fibroid of uterus) |
 | St. Louis Children's Hospital | Ovian [Ovoian], | M | 1941-10-05 | (b. 1941-10-05) | respiratory failure due to prematurity |
 | 1024 Park Ave. | Ovoian, Arten | M | 1960-10-16 | 71 (b. 1889-09-04) | cancer of liver |
 | City Sanitarium | Oveian [Ovoian], Marsoup | M | 1918-02-17 | 26 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 728 E. Carrie Ave. | Ovian [Ovoian], Simon | M | 1963-03-04 | 68 (b. 1894-06-01) | carcinomatosis due to carcinoma of ascending colon (other: cirrhosis of liver) |
 | 221 S. Broadway | Paregian [Parigian], Edward | M | 1950-05-20 | 70 (b. 1880) | peritonitis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Parsaghian [Parseghian], Ankin | F | 1953-04-14 | 62 (b. 1890-12-31) | hemiplegia cerebrovascular thrombosis |
 | Enright Ave. | Peroomian [Piroumian], Bedros | M | 1929-01-26 | 8m-1d (b. 1928-05-25) | broncho pneumonia primary |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Rehanian [Rahanian], Peter | M | 1919-12-22 | 52 | chr[onic] intestinal nephritis, chr[onic] cardiac valvular disease |
 | Alexian Brothers Hospital | Sahagian, Michael | M | 1959-05-22 | 79 (b. 1879-11-01) | myocardial infarction, silicosis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Sanasarian, Abraham | M | 1959-03-25 | 63 (b. 1895-06-10) | coronary occlusion |
 | Jewish Hospital | Sanasarian, Helen | F | 1961-02-20 | 50y-9m-10d (b. 1910-05-10) | pericarditis due to chronic nephritis |
 | St. John's Hospital | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Arshag | M | 1920-10-11 | 38y-11m-14d (b. 1881-10-29) | cardio nephritis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | Faith Hospital | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Hagop | M | 1944-01-22 | 59y-1m-7d (b. 1884-12-15) | chronic mycarditis due to coronary sclerosis |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Sarkessian [Sarkisian], Surma | F | 1963-06-12 | 76 (b. 1886-09-09) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 908 Christian Ave. | Safarian [Seferian], Sartis | M | 1925-04-09 | 55 (b. 1870) | asphyxiation carbon monoxide (fuel gas) |
 | Parkside West Nursing Home | Serabian, Anneg | F | 1965-06-28 | 76 (b. 1889-01-08) | acute pulmonary edema due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Isolation Hospital | Serahian [Serabian], Deran | M | 1925-11-01 | 25y-2m-5d (b. 1900-09-25) | simple meningitis (pneumococcic) (contributory: cellulitis of face caused from a pimple on upper lip) |
 | Barnes Hospital | Serverian, Steve | M | 1936-03-15 | 59y-2m-18d (b. 1876-12-27) | diabetes (contributory: diabetes, gangrene of foot, arteriosclerosis) |
 | Jewish Hospital | Simonian, Annig | F | 1960-01-25 | 64 (b. 1895-03-09) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Sirounian, Sahag | M | 1954-01-23 | 66 (b. 1887-11-25) | carcinoma of lung |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Tabibian, Albert Henry | M | 1955-05-24 | 56 (b. 1898-10-08) | terminal bronchial pneumonia, carcinoma prostate & bladder |
 | Incarnate Word Hospital | Tatosian [Tateosian], Charles | M | 1962-07-23 | 65 (b. 1896-11-15) | undifferentiated carcinoma of mediastinum with metastases to aorta and pleura |
 | Barnes Hospital | Tatosian [Tateosian], Florence | F | 1953-04-20 | 45 (b. 1907-11-18) | sub endocardial and myocardial fibrosis pulmonary embolism |
 | St. Louis Chronic Hospital | Tatosian [Tateosian], Satrak | M | 1955-06-23 | 62 (b. 1893-05-15) | carcinoma of bronchus with cerebral metastasis |
 | Park Lane Hospital | Tatoian, Satrag | M | 1944-03-05 | 52y-11m-16d (b. 1891-03-17) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis & chronic parenchymatous nephritis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Tatoian, Solomon | M | 1930-05-30 | 27y-4m-15d (b. 1903-01-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Barnes Hospital | Tatoian, Sourma | F | 1964-04-09 | 67 (b. 1896-05-26) | hepatic failure due to probable hemochromatosis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Tarzian [Terzian], Sahag | M | 1926-03-18 | 82 | carcinoma of rectum (colostomy done 11-Mar-1926) |
 | | Topolian [Topalian], Anna | F | 1934-03-27 | 42y-6m-6d (b. 1891-09-21) | cerebral embolus (contributory: rheumatic endocarditis auricular fibrillation) |
 | St. Louis City Hospital (en route) | Topolian [Topalian], George | M | 1943-08-23 | 62y-3m-3d (b. 1881-05-20) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 3814A Blair Ave. | Topolian [Topalian], Minnie | F | 1940-08-26 | 68y-8m-4d (b. 1871-12-22) | cerebral hemorrhage due to artero sclerosis and high blood pressure |
 | DePaul Hospital | Toorigian [Torigian], Misak | M | 1950-12-15 | (b. 1891-10-27) | metastatic carcinoma |
 | Barnes Hospital | Tourikian [Torigian], Parnak | M | 1962-06-07 | 60 (b. 1902-02-05) | acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery thrombosis, diabetes mellitus |
 | 748 Ponce Ave. | Toroian, Hovsep | M | 1964-06-12 | 75 (b. 1888-06-15) | hypertensive heart disease |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Tourjigian [Tourajigian], Nazum | F | 1936-03-17 | 50 | broncho pneumonia |
 | St. Louis State Hospital | Toutloian [Toutalian], Flora | F | 1961-06-19 | 68 (b. 1893-01-01) | massive hemorrhage from duodenal ulcer, cerebral hemorrhage, generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Vartanian, Aranas | M | 1959-03-01 | 78 (b. 1880-04-16) | generalized septicemia, necrotizing papiuitis, diabetes mellitis |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Vartanian, Bogas | M | 1924-08-02 | 31y-6m-21d (b. 1893-01-12) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | St. Louis City Hospital | Yazijian [Yazujian], Megerdich | M | 1915-04-07 | 24y-7m-26d (b. 1890-08-12) | tuberculosis chronic pulmonary |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Eghazarian [Yeghiazarian], Abraham | M | 1912-03-20 | 35 (b. 1877) | general peritonitis (contributory: perforative appendicitis) |
 | Barnes Hospital | Erganian [Yerganian], Sarkis Daltzar | M | 1950-02-07 | 76 (b. 1874-06-06) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 8401 N. Broadway | Osoian [Yesaian], Garabed | M | 1926-09-12 | 51y-8m-7d (b. 1875-01-07) | chronic bronchitis non tubercular |
 | 402 Blase Ave. | Ossian [Yesaian], George | M | 1950-11-20 | 64 (b. 1886-04-15) | myocardial infarction due to coronary vascular disease, myocardial damage |
 | 8401 N. Broadway | Ossian [Yesaian], Jack Neshan | M | 1964-10-06 | 75 (b. 1889-01-10) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Missouri Baptist Hospital | Ossian [Yesaian], Parants | F | 1950-09-22 | 46 (b. 1904-12-21) | mesenteric thrombosis due to bowel obstruction and carcinoma of omentum |
 | 414 Christian Ave. | Ossian [Yesaian], Rose | F | 1962-03-04 | 38 (b. 1924-02-04) | metastasis C.A. with pleural effusion, left |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Ossian [Yesaian], Satrag | M | 1961-01-02 | 60 (b. 1900-08-05) | recurrent hypernephroma, right kidney |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Zakarian, Hagop Zakar | M | 1954-09-15 | 59 (b. 1894-12-23) | thrombosis basilar artery |
Jefferson, Ashe Co., NC, USA |
 | Ashe Memorial Hospital | Yelanjian, Louis J. | M | 1974-03-30 | 77 (b. 1896-08-17) | a series of myocardial infarct[ion]s due to coronary atherosclerosis (other: diabetes mellitus) |
Nashua, Hillsborough Co., NH, USA |
 | 138 Ash St. | Hovagimian, Bary | M | 1907-01-07 | 2m (b. 1906-11-08) | diarrhea infantile |
 | 37 Ash St. | Kaprilian [Kaprielian], Nazley | F | 1908-05-29 | 8 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Concord, Merrimack Co., NH, USA |
 | New Hampshire State Hospital | Josephson [Hovsepian], Sultana | F | 1906-08-06 | 34 (b. 1872) | exhaustion in acute melancholia (contributing: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
Salem, Rockingham Co., NH, USA |
 | Policy St. | Hagopian, Ovsanna | F | 1949-03-16 | 48 | chronic myocarditis due to hypertension |
Weehawken, Hudson Co., NJ, USA |
 | | Keropian, Ebrosine | F | 1927-10-23 | 72y-5m (b. 1855-05) | ovarian tumor (sarcoma), metastatis in left breast (contributory: myocarditis) |
Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, USA |
 | 319 Quincy St. | Parseghian, Gregory | M | 1921-03-19 | 72 | chronic myocarditis (contributory: cardiac insufficiency) |
Berea, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | Manor Sanitorium | Ajemia [Ajemian], Krikor | M | 1936-06-30 | 61 | broncho pneumonia, gangrene of lung following a sore throat, pulmonary emphysema chronic (contributory: hypertensive heart disease, generalized arterioscloerosis, senile psychosis) |
Bratenahl, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | 9920 Foster Ave. | Hovivian, Nectar | F | 1944-03-08 | 65y-6m-23d (b. 1878-08-15) | coronary embolism, arterio sclerosis |
Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | Broadway & E. 55th St. | Eroanian [Aharonian], Garbardine A. | M | 1935-08-21 | 60 | unknown natural causes, collapsed in street car |
 | 6120 Broadway | Elloian [Aloian], Joseph | M | 1944-01-15 | 53y-7m-5d (b. 1890-06-10) | probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure |
 | Lakeside Hospital | Arakelian, Neshan | M | 1920-10-08 | 35 (b. 1885) | gunshot wound, abdomen perforating, revolver (contributory: accidental) |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Arakelian, Veronica | F | 1928-03-28 | 41 (b. 1887) | acute fibrinous pericarditis, cardiac hypertrophy, chronic glomerulonephritis (arteriosclerosis) |
 | | Arpajian, Raphael | M | 1943-06-29 | 75y-5m (b. 1868-01) | probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Arslanian, Mike | M | 1939-03-05 | 54y-8m-20d (b. 1884-06-15) | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Arslanian, Nazareth | M | 1934-10-17 | 48 (b. 1886) | sudden death, history simulates coronary thrombosis (contributory: probable hypertension) |
 | Otis Steel Co. | Oslamine [Arslanian], Samuel | M | 1924-02-29 | 29y-1m-11d (b. 1895-01-13) | he got caught in large rolls at Otis Steel Co. [?] in oilery rolls, fractures skull and several ribs, lacerations [?] (contributory: hemorrhage shock) |
 | Euclid Level Old Arcade | Asadorian [Asadourian], Mehran | M | 1936-07-06 | 45 | head and chest crushed, suicide (jumped from 3d floor - Old Arcade) (contributory: violence and shock) |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Astikian [Astighian], Mary Haroutun | F | 1935-07-11 | 84y-3m-24d (b. 1851-03-18) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | University Hospital (Medical) | Astikian [Astighian], Stephen | M | 1943-03-22 | 62y-10m-2d (b. 1880-05-20) | cirrhosis of the liver |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Azadigian, Charles | M | 1941-02-23 | 59y-5m-4d (b. 1881-09-19) | carcinoma of sigmoid colon, with extension into venis, multiple polyposis of colon (contributory: [?] partial dilatnal[?], paralytic ileus) |
 | | Ojoozian [Azizian], Mary | F | 1934-05-01 | 1y-8d (b. 1933-04-23) | septicemia from ac[ute] sinus trouble |
 | 3741 E. 69th St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], | M | 1916-06-19 | 14d (b. 1916-06-05) | broncho. pneumonia (contributory: heart failure) |
 | 9412 Gaylord Ave. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Gabriel | M | 1943-11-10 | 64y-3m-20d (b. 1879-07-20) | carcinoma of the rectum |
 | | Bagsarian [Baghdasarian], George | M | 1937-02-16 | 49y-11m-26d (b. 1887-02-20) | terminal pneumonia, cardiac failure (contributory: influenza) |
 | University Hospital (Medical) | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Sam | M | 1940-05-03 | 44y-1m-14d (b. 1896-03-19) | rheumatic heart disesase, pneumonia type XVIII, broncho empyema right chest, acute & chronic myocarditis (contributory: chr[onic] pericarditis) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Yegsapet | F | 1930-03-16 | 27 (b. 1902-03-03) | peritonitis-post operaive, broncho pneumonia few days, secondary anemia. |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Bajaksouzian [Bajaksuzian], Abraham | M | 1940-11-14 | 72 (b. 1868) | arteriosclerotic heart disease (conributory: chronic pulmonary emphysema, generalized arteriosclerosis, basal cell carcinoma of nose) |
 | Babies & Children's Hospital | Bardosian [Bardassian], Edward | M | 1930-03-20 | 7m-11d (b. 1929-08-09) | broncho. pneumonia, emphysema, no tbc [tuberculosis] |
 | | Barsamian, Alex | M | 1943-07-19 | 52y-6m-15d (b. 1891-01-04) | carcinoma head of pancreas, metastasis |
 | Glenville Hospital | Barsamian, Kazer | M | 1932-09-18 | 49 | fracture of skull, auto accident (contributory: violence and shock) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Barsanian [Barsamian], Sarkis | M | 1938-04-16 | 50y-2m-28d (b. 1888-01-19) | hypertensive cardio-vascular disease, cerebral hemorrhage, general paresis, syphilis |
 | | Basmagy [Basmajian], Naun | M | 1932-07-25 | 62 (b. 1870) | cause unknown, probable cause cerebral hemorrhage |
 | E. 9th St. (river) | Buchakian [Bechakjian], Kosrof | M | 1916-11-10 | 36 (b. 1880) | asphyxiation by drowning (suicide) |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Peters [Bedrosian], Abraham | M | 1944-07-03 | 56y-4m-6d (b. 1888-02-27) | congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerosis cardio-vascular disease |
 | University Hospital (Medical) | Bedrosian, Khachador | M | 1940-07-28 | 73 | arteriosclerosis heart disease, non-specific (contributory: acute ulceration of colon, broncho pneumonia) |
 | University Hospital (Medical) | Berejik [Berejiklian], Malcolm | M | 1941-05-13 | 70y-3m-28d (b. 1871-01-15) | coronary artery occlusion with myocardial infarction (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis, hypertension) |
 | 10707 Detroit Ave. | Bosnoian, Diana A. | F | 1944-10-14 | 41y-7m-7d (b. 1903-03-07) | bronchial asthma, acute cardiac dilatation |
 | 2023 Prospect Ave. | Boydjian [Boyajian], Charles | M | 1936-01-25 | 50y-2m-17d (b. 1886-11-20) | unknown natural causes, collapsed and died |
 | Charity Hospital | Boyajian, Joseph | M | 1923-11-11 | 7y-6m-8d (b. 1916-05-03) | struck by auto, fractures vault base of skull, concussion brain (contributory: hemorrhage brain, shock) |
 | 1791 E. 31st St. | Boyan [Boyian], Agnes | F | 1929-04-20 | 45y-13d (b. 1884-04-07) | sudden death at residence, ac[ute] dilitation (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | | Boyan [Boyian], Armon | M | 1935-03-18 | 61 (b. 1873-10-07) | heart disease (coronary thrombosis) |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Tonilian [Danielian], John | M | 1919-03-11 | 25 (b. 1893-08-15) | influenza, brochial peneumonia (contributory: pulmonary edemia) |
 | Charity Hospital | Davidian, Queen | F | 1939-10-24 | 71 (b. 1868) | bilateral bronchopneumonia |
 | 6404 Lorain Ave. | Davidian, Stephen | M | 1933-06-24 | 53y-2m-18d (b. 1880-04-07) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Dadaian [Dedeian], Harutune | M | 1932-07-18 | 41y-3m-3d (b. 1891-04-15) | ulcer of stomach, operation-resection of pyloric end of stomach with end to side gastroenterostomy (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | | Demirjian, Felor | F | 1937-09-10 | 87y-1m-9d (b. 1850-08-01) | old age |
 | Charity Hospital | Ekmekjian, Joseph H. | M | 1928-12-29 | 38 | influenza |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Eminian, | F | 1944-12-05 | 8d (b. 1944-11-28) | respiratory failure, fetal atelectasis (contributory: premature birth, 7 mon[ths]) |
 | | Eminian, Alexander | M | 1928-01-18 | 65y-4m-20d (b. 1871-08-19) | ouriculor fibrillation, cardiac failure (contributory: coronary thrombosis, cardiac failure complete) |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Eminian, John | M | 1924-11-29 | 45 (b. 1879) | shot at 20 E. 66th [St.] 25-Nov-1924 in holdup, bullet [?] . . . kidney, hemorrhage in abdomen (contributory: acute general peritonitis) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Eminian, Sarkis | M | 1925-03-25 | 58 | acute myocarditis (contributory: inflamation of the gall bladder and gall stones) |
 | Lakeside Hospital | Keljik [Geljikian], Richard | M | 1935-03-08 | 54y-10m-4d (b. 1880-05-04) | coronary arteriosclerosis with myocardial fibrosis, coronary thrombosis, cardiac failure |
 | Lakeside Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Avedis | M | 1930-09-30 | 27 | pneumonia, broncho (contributory: peptic ulcer with adeno carcinoma, prob[able] stomach primary) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Gizigian [Ghazigian], Mary | F | 1933-06-10 | 37y-11m-28d (b. 1895-06-12) | generalized miliary pulm[onary] tuberculosis, onset 2 wks. prior to admission |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Goshgarian, Henry G. | M | 1919-05-01 | 50y-8m-6d (b. 1868-08-25) | chronic bronchitis, asthma (contributory: exhaustion and asphyxia) |
 | 7028 Quimby Ave. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Hosanna Manook | F | 1933-01-05 | 84y-5d (b. 1848-12-31) | chr[onic] cardiac valvular disease and chr[onic] nephritis (contributory: senility) |
 | 2227 Broadway | Jacobian [Hagopian], Leon A. | M | 1909-05-14 | 30 (b. 1879) | dalatation of stomach, myocarditis |
 | 4083 E. 78th St. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Missia | M | 1943-10-05 | 58y-10m-20d (b. 1884-11-15) | arterio sclerostic, cardio vascular disease |
 | Cleveland State Hospital | Harrison, Carl | M | 1936-12-10 | 44 | diffuse bilateral tuberculosis with cavitation (contributory: Huntington's chorea with psychosis) |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Heryian, Geo. | M | 1943-08-09 | 108 (b. 1835) | cong[estive] heart failure, arteriosclerosis, myocardial damage |
 | | Ezmerlian [Izmirlian], Mariso | F | 1942-10-11 | 54y-5m-4d (b. 1888-05-07) | hypertensive heart disease |
 | | Jamgochian, Mary | F | 1933-05-02 | 60 | chronic myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis, blindness) |
 | | Johnson [Jenazian], Harry K. | M | 1935-03-16 | 52y-11m-24d (b. 1882-03-22) | Hodgkin's disease, anemia, secondary jaundice |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Kilarjian [Kalajian], George | M | 1933-04-29 | 35y-10m-9d (b. 1898-06-20) | acute appendicitis, localized peritonitis, recent appendectomy, onset: 2 days prior to admission |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Kulhanjian [Kalanjian], Harry | M | 1931-06-11 | 38 (b. 1893) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: herniorrhaphy) |
 | | Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Arakel | M | 1936-06-03 | 75 (b. 1861) | history of apoplexy (contributory: senility) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Harry | M | 1922-12-22 | 40 (b. 1882) | found in rear of 7541 Broadway unconscious, fracture [?] temporal and loss of skull locuatra[?] brain (contributory: hemorrhage, brain shock) |
 | 3580 E. 117th St. | Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Julia | F | 1933-03-19 | 25y-8m-18d (b. 1907-07-01) | unknown natural causes, found dead in bed (nothing suspicious or criminal) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Kashishian [Keshishian], Turvan | F | 1943-08-03 | 52 | probable hypertensive heart disease with acute failure |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Kavorkian [Kevorkian], John | M | 1935-09-14 | 56 (b. 1879-01) | thyroid crisis following thyroidectomy, exophthalmic goiter (contributory: Parkinson's disease) |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Hatchadourian [Khachadourian], Anna | F | 1936-07-14 | (b. 1861) | spontanious sub-arachnoid hemorrage (contributory: terminal bronchopneumonia) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Kananian [Khanemian], Mary | F | 1939-01-17 | 37y-11m-23d (b. 1901-12-25) | cerebro-vascular hemorrhage, hypertensive and arteriosclerosis, heart disease, generalized arterial and arteriolar sclerosis |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Kinosian, Toros | M | 1933-02-27 | 60 (b. 1870) | chronic myocarditis, failure (contributory: chronic emphysema, asthmatic bronchitis) |
 | | Kodjabash [Kojabashian], Sarkis | M | 1931-10-08 | 44 (b. 1887) | carcinoma of throat, unable to state primary location |
 | 4368 Warner Rd. | Krekian, Harry | M | 1941-01-30 | 46 (b. 1895) | unknown natural causes |
 | 2155 Payne Ave. | Kerkonian [Krikorian], Chas. | M | 1920-12-23 | 33 (b. 1888) | septicemia, following tooth extraction (contributory: undetermined) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Lullejian [Lulejian], Stephan | M | 1938-03-20 | 6 (b. 1938-03-20) | fracture of skull, violence and shock, auto accident |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Millian [Maloian], Avis | M | 1916-04-28 | 23 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Mellian [Maloian], Zakar | M | 1932-09-24 | 26 (b. 1906) | uremia, pyelonephritis (contributory: urinary bladder stone) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Mardigian, Mardoras | M | 1938-04-26 | 45y-5m-16d (b. 1889-11-10) | hypertensive cardio vascular disease (clinical), cardiac hypertrophy & dilatation, nephrosolerosis, confluent bronchopneumonia |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Mardigian, Sam | M | 1942-11-24 | 49y-4m-6d (b. 1893-07-18) | arterial and arteriolar nephrosclerosis with hypertension & myocardial insufficiency, uremia, nephrosclerotic in origin (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 3805 E. 72nd St. | Markarian, Manual | M | 1913-06-03 | 32y-2d (b. 1881-06-01) | was shot through body (homicide) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Meledonian [Meldonian], Mary | F | 1936-12-09 | 65 | 2 & 3 degree burns of abdomen, back, and thighs (contributory: toxemia) |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Melkisetekian [Melkesetian], Elizabeth | F | 1943-08-08 | 64y-11m-23d (b. 1878-08-15) | hypertensive cardiovascu[lar] heart disease (contriutory: uremia) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Melkestehian [Melkesetian], Marie | F | 1930-02-01 | 21y-6m-11d (b. 1908-07-20) | brain tumor (contributory: glioma (malignant)) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Melkisetekian [Melkesetian], Misak | M | 1936-10-22 | 49y-10m-6d (b. 1886-12-16) | myocardial insufficiency, cardiac hypertrophy and dilation (contributor: gen[eral] arterio-arteriole sclerosis) |
 | 3686 E. 71st St. | Melksethian [Melkesetian], Nazareth | M | 1928-02-26 | 55y-11m-11d (b. 1872-03-15) | sudden death following attack rheumatism at 3686 E. 71 St., myocarditis (contributory: rheumatic infection) |
 | 3938 E. 93rd St. | Mauserlian [Meserlian], Serop | M | 1943-08-01 | 55y-5m-10d (b. 1888-02-21) | chronic myocarditis, chronic par[enchymatous] nephritis, pernicious anemia (contributory: chronic bronchitis) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Mesrobian, Nigo | M | 1936-02-08 | 64 | bronchopneumonia, generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis |
 | Cedar Ave. & E. 25th Pl. | Masrobian [Mesrobian], Richard | M | 1943-06-28 | 5y-8m-8d (b. 1937-10-20) | internal thoracic and abdominal injuries, fracture of skull, hemorrhage of brain, truck accident |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mikaelian, Imasdouhi | F | 1932-01-18 | 25 | myocardial degeneration and failure, pulmonary edema (contributory: allergic asthma, peripheral neuritis) |
 | | Minasian, | M | 1921-08-28 | (b. 1921-08-28) | stillborn (macerated fetus) |
 | Maternity Hospital | Minasian, Meushguenaz | F | 1921-09-02 | 34y-7m-17d (b. 1887-01-15) | puerperal septicemia, streptococci (contributory: macerated foetus) |
 | | Minasian, Rahan | F | 1943-02-23 | 65y-8m-3d (b. 1877-06-20) | mitral insufficiency, myocarditis (contributory: arterio-sclerosis) |
 | Central Hotel | Menasian [Minasian], Sam | M | 1940-02-28 | 44y-6m-12d (b. 1895-08-16) | undetermined natural causes |
 | 1219 E. 84 St. | Murzo [Mirzoian], Robert | M | 1948-08-28 | 57y-6m-13d (b. 1891-02-15) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 6306 Broadway | Molanian, Charles | M | 1918-06-21 | 23 | reported he ran into a bus, fr[acture] base of skull, cerebral hemorrhage (motocycle acci[dent]) |
 | 765 Central Ave. | Mooradian [Mouradian], George | M | 1932-08-22 | 56 | acute dilatation of heart, found dead on bed (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Goldie | F | 1931-09-30 | 32 (b. 1899-07-01) | ruptured post-partum uterus, hematoma of broad ligaments, hematoma of retroperitoneal tissue |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Moradian [Mouradian], Katherine | F | 1918-10-05 | 27 (b. 1891) | broncho pneumonia, primary (contributory: anesthestic for major operation on 26-Sep-1918, gastroenterostomy, carcinoma of pylorus) |
 | 3682 E. 71st St. | Mooradin [Mouradian], Napoleon | M | 1919-01-15 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Lakeside Hospital | Movsesian, Diran | M | 1935-12-04 | 46y-3m-19d (b. 1889-08-15) | bronchia-pneumonia, bilateral, ruptured gastric ulcer (contributory: peritonitis, intestinal adhesions) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Nazarian [Najarian], M. (Rev.) | M | 1934-08-11 | | renal insufficiency (contributory: hypertrophied prostate, urinary bladder calculus) |
 | University Hospitals of Cleveland | Nakshian [Nakashian], Mary | F | 1944-03-29 | 45y-5m-25d (b. 1898-10-05) | pulmonary edema, diffuse carcinomatosis, metastasis of si--- adeno carcinoma of right breast |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Nigolian, Garabed | M | 1922-09-30 | 66 | fracture ribs (7 & 8) left (contributory: pneumonia, lobar) |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Odean [Odian], John | M | 1943-05-10 | 58 (b. 1885) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Cleveland State Hospital | Johnson [Ohanian], Harry | M | 1944-12-09 | 64y-5m-1d (b. 1880-07-08) | bronchopneumonia, carcinoma of larynx (contributory: diabetes) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Barsirian [Parseghian], Armenak | M | 1935-03-13 | 46 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: toxic hepatitis) |
 | 1404 E. 9th St. | Pashalian, John | M | 1943-01-25 | 73 (b. 1870) | multiple bilateral fractures of the ribs with considerable left-sided hemothorax / multiple lacerations of the liver with moderate hemoperitoneum. (contributory: truck accident 25-Jan-1943) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Proodian [Proudian], Charles | M | 1934-08-24 | 44y-4m-3d (b. 1890-04-21) | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous enteritis, tuberculosis of kidneys |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Rahanian, Mike | M | 1935-11-22 | 67y-7d (b. 1868-11-15) | perinephritic abscess (contributory: I & D [incision and drain] of abdominal abscess) |
 | 5912 Central Ave. | Samourian, Abraham Samuel | M | 1933-10-24 | 51y-8m-18d (b. 1882-02-06) | natural cause, type unknown (cardiac case), sudden death, history of previous attack |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Sarkisian, Marsop | M | 1940-12-04 | 52 | vascular nephritis, renal insufficiency and terminal uremia |
 | Mount Sinai Hospital | Sarkisian, Moulkihan | F | 1936-08-12 | 56 | internal injuries, auto and street car accident (contributory: violence and shock) |
 | 2553 E. 14th St. | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Rose | F | 1942-08-09 | 35y-9m-26d (b. 1906-11-13) | carcinoma of cervix of uterus |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Seferian, Aram | M | 1926-02-18 | 2m (b. 1925-12-19) | pertussis (contributory: diarrhea & enteritis) |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Sefarian [Seferian], John | M | 1930-03-03 | 3 | anterior poliomyeloencephalitis, bulbar palsey |
 | St. John's Hospital | Sharigian [Shahrigian], Turfanda | F | 1916-07-31 | 60 | chronic myocarditis, chronic nephritis |
 | | Shooshanian [Shoushanian], Charles | M | 1929-01-26 | 70 | chronic nephritis |
 | | Simonian, Marian | F | 1925-09-11 | 48y-5m-15d (b. 1877-03-27) | abdominal carcinoma, upper front |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Simonian, Peter | M | 1941-10-25 | 70 | carcinoma of lung |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Sesian [Sislian], Peter | M | 1926-07-29 | 15y-1m-14d (b. ) | streptococcus meningitis, septicemia, cause unknown |
 | Evangelical Deaconess Hospital | Tillian [Talalian], Joseph | M | 1938-07-27 | 67 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Provident Hospital | Tarkanian, | M | 1929-02-23 | 1d (b. 1929-02-22) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: large head) |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Tarkanian, Geo. | M | 1941-02-15 | 44y-9m-12d (b. 1896-05-03) | pulmonary tuberculosis, cor pulmonale |
 | Cleveland City Hospital | Trkanian [Tarkanian], Mary | F | 1933-12-09 | 6y-5m-21d (b. 1927-01-18) | scarlet fever, diptheria |
 | St. Alexis Hospital | Tashjian, Sarkis | M | 1928-01-24 | 39 | cirrhosis of liver, malignant ?, splenomegalia (contributory: splenomegaly) |
 | | Tookman [Toukhmanian], Eliza | F | 1934-04-23 | 58y-9m-5d (b. 1875-07-18) | myocardial failure, chronic myocarditis (contibutory: enphysema, asthma) |
 | | Tootalian [Toutalian], Elmas | F | 1930-09-17 | 40y-10m-2d (b. 1889-11-15) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: malarial splenomegaly) |
 | 12513 St. Clair Ave. | Tootoolian [Toutalian], Tootal | M | 1941-11-06 | 57 | carcinoma of larynx |
 | 2629 W. 30th St. | Tatigian [Toutigian], Arontin | M | 1934-06-10 | 42y-7m-22d (b. 1891-08-18) | accidental electrocution (contributory: cardiac paralysis, shock) |
 | 4089 E. 123rd St. | Yranian [Yeramian], Apkar | M | 1944-07-11 | 49y-4m-21d (b. 1895-02-20) | unknown, natural causes |
 | | Zahigian [Zaghigian], | F | 1924-01-10 | (b. 1924-01-10) | premature birth at 6½ mo[nths] |
 | Cleveland State Hospital | Zamanian, Charles | M | 1917-08-16 | 37 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Cleveland Clinic Hospital | Zoratsian [Zaratzian], Harry | M | 1933-01-29 | 46 | pituitary tumor, brain (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | 2228 St. James Pkwy. | Asadorian [Asadourian], Dickran | M | 1940-02-13 | 63y-5m-9d (b. 1876-09-04) | pulmonary edema, heart failure, hypertension heart disease |
 | 2666 Shaker Rd. | Bohosian [Boghosian], Zumrut | F | 1940-07-29 | 55y-10m-25d (b. 1884-09-04) | heat prostration, coronary thrombosis |
 | 2001 Goodnor Rd. | Dikran [Dikranian], Kupelian Markra | M | 1938-09-24 | 60y-10m-8d (b. 1877-11-16) | angina pectoris (contributory: myocardial degeneration, indigestion) |
 | | Cassabian [Kasabian], Elizabeth | F | 1933-03-08 | 72y-7d (b. 1861-03-01) | chronic nephritis (contributory: anemia) |
 | | Kupelian, Dikranouhie | F | 1932-11-05 | 40y-8m-16d (b. 1892-02-22) | coronary thrombosis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis general |
 | 3211 Bradford Rd. | Narinian, Stephen | M | 1920-12-19 | 58 (b. 1870) | carcinoma of rectum |
E. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | Cleveland Clinic | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Mary | F | 1929-06-22 | 15y-29d (b. 1914-05-23) | chronic rheumatic pericarditis with decompensation (contributory: myocardial failure) |
 | | Buluckian [Balakian], Hachig | M | 1941-10-22 | 61y-8m-8d (b. 1880-02-14) | coronary arteriosclerosis, therosclerotic h[ear]t disease, cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation, generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | 16007 Huntsmere Ave. | Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Garabed | M | 1943-07-02 | 62 | probably arteriosclerotic heart disease, with cardiac failure |
 | | Nigosian [Nigoghosian], Adrienne | F | 1939-05-25 | 34y-6m-26d (b. 1904-10-28) | metastatic carcinoma |
 | Post Sanitarium | Nigosian [Nigoghosian], Aronsiag | F | 1936-01-08 | 67y-9m-1d (b. 1868-03-01) | carcinoma of right breast with general metastis |
 | Burdock Nursing Home | Nigolian, Anouk | F | 1942-01-06 | 78 | myocarditis, chronic |
 | 1238 Hayden Ave. | Semerjian, Esther | F | 1944-01-11 | 62y-4m-1d (b. 1892-09-10) | broncho pneumonia, pleural effusion |
 | | Tookman [Toukhmanian], Merger | M | 1941-08-17 | 75 | coronary thrombosis, general arteriosclerosis |
Euclid, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | Chardon Rd. & Nickel Plate R. R. | Pete [Bedrosian], Thomas | M | 1941-02-15 | 42y-10m-23d (b. 1898-03-22) | compound comminuted fractures of skull with laceration of the brain, multiple fractures of the ribs, left side, with internal injuries (contributory: railroad accident industrial) |
Lakewood, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | 14764 Athens Ave. | Bedrosian, Joanna | F | 1943-05-24 | 49 | carcinoma of stomach with metastasis of brain (contributory: secondary anemia) |
 | Maire Sanitarium | Hagopian, Garabed | M | 1944-01-18 | 52y-8m (b. 1892-09-18) | chronic nephritis, hypertension, cirrhosis liver |
N. Royalton, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | Mount Royal Sanitarium | Yacobian [Hagopian], Emanuel | M | 1941-07-18 | 53y-3m-16d (b. 1888-04-02) | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis laryngitis |
 | | Tashjian, Armenag | M | 1932-04-22 | 51y-8m-29d (b. 1880-07-23) | conflagration, inhaling flames of burning grass fire |
Shaker Heights, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | | Davidian, Sarkis | M | 1934-07-06 | 75 (b. 1859) | pneumonia (broncho), tertiary luts [lower urinary tract syndrome?] |
Warrensville Twp., Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA |
 | City Infirmary | Ourlian, Manuel | M | 1941-08-03 | 58 (b. 1888) | carcinoma of liver, with generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | City Infirmary | Varjabedian, Jacob | M | 1925-11-06 | 60 | pyelocystitis (contributory: hemiplegia, l[ef]t) |
Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA |
 | City Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Helen | M | 1914-03-18 | 1y-5m-21d (b. 1912-09-27) | pneumonia (broncho) |
 | Bethesda Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Markar | M | 1937-02-19 | 59y-9m-1d (b. 1877-05-18) | skull fracture, acute cardiac dilatation secondary to chr[onic] myocarditis (accidental fall down stairs, collapsed on stairway at American Tool Company) |
 | Branch Hospital | Zovigian, Stephen | M | 1911-11-19 | 33 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Oberlin, Lorain Co., OH, USA |
 | | Chatoian [Shatoian], George | M | 1936-08-07 | 65 (b. 1871) | coronary thrombosis (contributory: diabetes) |
Harding Twp., Lucas Co., OH, USA |
 | | Najarian, Toros | M | 1943-08-13 | 72y-1m-10d (b. 1871-07-04) | Banti's disease (other: cirrhosis of liver) |
Toledo, Lucas Co., OH, USA |
 | Toledo Hospital | Najarian, Hamas | F | 1937-12-06 | 49 | acute myocarditis (contributory: hypostatic pneumonia, passive congestion) |
 | | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Ethel | F | 1927-04-26 | 22y-4m-22d (b. 1904-12-04) | enteritis |
Wilsonville, Clackamas Co., OR, USA |
 | Dammasch State Hospital | Chaker [Chakerian], Elissa | F | 1968-04-19 | 71 (b. 1897-02-24) | bronchopneumonia (contributory: chronic brain syndrome due to generalized arteriosclerosis) |
Bend, Deschutes Co., OR, USA |
 | Terminal Hotel | Hagapian [Hagopian], Musho | M | 1966-03-15 | 73 (b. 1892-04-10) | interstitial pneumonitis |
Kellogg, Douglas Co., OR, USA |
 | | Sebanjian [Sabonjian], Tooma | F | 1924-04-23 | 56 | cerebral hemorrhage |
Eugene, Lane Co., OR, USA |
 | Sacred Heart Hospital | Tanielian [Danielian], Megurdich Hagop | M | 1967-09-13 | 65 (b. 1902-02-03) | uremia due to lower nephran nephrosis & perforated esophagus (due to vomiting) |
 | 1263 Oak St. | Dohanian [Doghanian], Deramar M. | F | 1939-05-24 | 75 (b. 1864) | coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Eugene Hosp. | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Ardashes | M | 1963-02-02 | 81 (b. 1881-12-21) | cerebral vascular accident |
Springfield, Lane Co., OR, USA |
 | McKenzie-Will. Hospital | Jaffarian [Jafarian], Eric Jay | M | 1961-11-24 | 1d (b. 1961-11-23) | anoxia due to atelectasis & prematurity |
Brooks, Marion Co., OR, USA |
 | Box 73A Route 1 | Shubin, Anna J. | F | 1957-04-13 | 49 (b. 1907-08-10) | subarachnoid hemorrhage due to congenital aneurysm of the left middle cerebral artery with rupture |
Salem, Marion Co., OR, USA |
 | Salem Deaconess Hospital | Arslanian, Reubin | M | 1931-01-20 | 38 (b. 1892-03) | aortic regurgitation (mitral stenosis) |
 | Box 290 Route 3 | Azadian, Malcolm | M | 1931-01-11 | 60 | gangrene feet & right hip [?] (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Route 7 | Ferry, Martin | M | 1935-03-02 | 45y-4m-12d (b. 1888-10-20) | chronic myocarditis & chronic nephritis |
 | Oregon State Hospital | Haigaziam [Haigazian], Yervant | M | 1959-12-07 | 77 | terminal bronchopneumonia due to thrombosis cerebral vessel, cerebral arteriosclerosis (other: generalized arteriosclerosis) |
 | Salem General Hospital | Kachaturian [Khachadourian], Vazgen | M | 1964-09-05 | 47 (b. 1916-11-26) | gunshot wound to lower back (traumatic laceration of aorta with hemorrhage, severence of spinal cord) |
 | Oregon State Hospital | Nordta, Michael | M | 1963-08-10 | 93 (b. 1870-05-18) | terminal bronchopneumonia due to generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | Willamette Sanitarium | Parounagian, Marcus B. | M | 1929-10-10 | 63 (b. 1866-09-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Oregon State Hospital | Parsegian [Parseghian], Beulah | F | 1951-12-09 | 24 (b. 1927) | carcinoma of cervix (involving small bowel) |
 | Salem General Hospital | Parsegian [Parseghian], Leta | F | 1955-01-27 | 57y-4m-9d (b. 1897-09-18) | r[igh]t cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Salem Deaconess Hospital | Parsegian [Parseghian], Mike | M | 1944-12-04 | 52y-8m-19d (b. 1892-03-15) | chronic valvular heart disease |
 | Oregon State Hospital | Sagathielian [Saghatielian], Steve | M | 1932-12-14 | 64 | broncho pneumonia (contributory: involutimal [?] melancholia) |
 | Oregon State Hospital | Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], Mannig | F | 1950-07-02 | 59 (b. 1891-05-05) | bronchopneumonia due to paraplegia & syphilis, meningo vascular |
Woodburn, Marion Co., OR, USA |
 | Box 255 Route 1 | Grigorieff [Krikorian], Pauline Isay | F | 1957-04-04 | 68 (b. 1888-09-06) | metastatic carcinoma of liver due to unknown primary carcinoma |
Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Eloian [Aloian], Gully | F | 1924-06-16 | 58 | carcinomatosis (contributory: carcinoma of cervix uteri) |
 | 620 S. W. Park Ave. | Andriesian [Andreasian], Aram T. | M | 1962-08-06 | 68 (b. 1894-06-16) | hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | 9209 N. St. Louis Ave. | Atamian, Krikor | M | 1947-02-15 | 63 | coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis |
 | | Chaker [Chakerian], John A. | M | 1961-06-12 | 75 (b. 1885-12) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Emanuel Hospital | Dournian [Dournaian], Morris M. | M | 1964-09-21 | 66 (b. 1898-07-04) | pulmonary infarct[ion] due thrombophlebitis, left leg |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Hougas [Ghougasian], Harry | M | 1958-06-29 | 69 (b. 1888-10-17) | hepatic insufficiency due to Laennec's cirrhosis |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Kopoian [Gopoian], Harry | M | 1960-08-29 | 64 (b. 1896-08) | cerebro-vascular accident due to cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis, generalized |
 | Portland Sanitarium | Gurun [Gurinlian], Harry | M | 1946-09-19 | 56y-4m-26d (b. 1890-04-23) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 450 E. 53rd St. | Hekimian, Anoush | F | 1927-10-05 | 26y-8m-20d (b. 1901-01-15) | endocarditis (regurgitation of al cardiac valves) (contributory: general aedema & anasarca) |
 | Portland Sanitarium | Karagozian [Karageozian], Toras | M | 1926-06-02 | 1d (b. 1926-06-01) | atelectasis |
 | Holladay Park Hosp. | Cartozian [Kartozian], Aram O. | M | 1961-05-23 | 75 (b. 1885-08-14) | coronary occlusion |
 | 6801 S. E. 74th St. | Cartozian [Kartozian], Dolvorig | M | 1920-12-31 | 5m-22d (b. 1920-07-09) | acute cardiac dilitation (contributory: acute otitis media, left) |
 | 2204 N. E. 46th Ave. | Cartozian [Kartozian], Helen | F | 1942-02-25 | 63y-4m-10d (b. 1878-10-15) | congestive heart failure due to hypertension & hypertrophy of heart |
 | Good Samaritan Hospital | Cartozian [Kartozian], Kevork | M | 1922-01-09 | 7y-11m-19d (b. 1914-01-07) | acute rheumatic fever (contributory: acute dilatation of right heart) |
 | 6126 E. 80th St. | Cartozian [Kartozian], Marguerite | F | 1927-12-03 | 85 (b. 1842) | pernicious anemia |
 | Good Samaritan Hospital | Khtaian [Khteian], Faith Christine | F | 1962-12-23 | (b. 1962-12-23) | prematurity |
 | Providence Hospital | Ganjian [Konjoian], Lucille Nelson | F | 1966-03-03 | 56 (b. 1909-09-24) | generalized metastates due to carcinoma left breast |
 | 448 Hall St. | Kurkjian, Emanuel | M | 1921-10-21 | 48y-24d (b. 1873-09-26) | ptomaine poisoning |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Kurkjian, Srabeon | M | 1938-07-13 | 51y-2m-7d (b. 1887-05-06) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | St. Vincent Hospital | Mahakian [Maghakian], | M | 1935-06-28 | (b. 1935-06-27) | prematurity (contributory: toxaemia) |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Manin [Manoian], Sam | M | 1925-01-24 | 29 (b. 1896) | chronic fibroceseous & cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, acute parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: terminal bronchopneumonia) |
 | 6126 S. E. 80th Ave. | Manougian, Avedis | M | 1946-07-26 | 62y-3m (b. 1884-04) | cachexia due to carcinomatosis due to carcinoma, cecum |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Murdick [Mardigian], John | M | 1940-02-14 | 61 (b. 1878-02-14) | bronchopneumonia due to fibrino-purulent [?] peritonitis, diffuse due to atrophic cirrhosis of liver |
 | Good Samaritan Hospital | Marderosian [Mardirosian], George | M | 1958-06-21 | 66 (b. 1892-05-24) | coronary occlusion, 2nd attack, due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & hypertension |
 | Colonial Manor | Nakashian, Mariam | F | 1952-06-20 | 76y-11m-3d (b. 1875-07-17) | hypertensive c[ardio]v[ascular] disease |
 | Emanuel Hospital | Odabashian, | M | 1931-10-08 | 2d (b. 1931-10-06) | cerebral hemorrhage (generalized hemorrhage) (contributory: mitral endocarditis) |
 | Multnomah Hospital | John [Ohannesian], Mike | M | 1948-02-02 | 60y-3m-7d (b. 1887-10-25) | bilat[eral] lower lobar pneumonia with bronchopneumonia & atilectasis of upper lobes bilaterally |
 | 640 S. W. Sherman St. | Sarkisian, Abraham | M | 1951-12-14 | 63 (b. 1888-08-16) | myocardial infarction due to coronary artery arteriosclerosis (contributory: pulmonary emphysema) |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Sarkisian, Takouhie | F | 1946-01-12 | 45y-10m-2d (b. 1900-03-10) | acute heavy metal poisoning (probably bichloride of mercury) (suicide, drank poison in home) |
 | Emanuel Hospital | Shishmanian, George N. | M | 1922-05-03 | 85 (b. 1837) | generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Terkain [Tarkoian], George | M | 1947-07-20 | 55 (b. 1892) | posterior myocardial infarction |
 | 6441 S. E. 80th Pl. | Tashjian, Anna | F | 1943-08-24 | 83 (b. 1860) | cerebral apoplexy due to arterio sclerosis |
 | Multnomah Hospital | Tashjian, Zermut | F | 1966-07-28 | 72 (b. 1893-10-26) | cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrythmia due to myocardial infarction |
 | Hazelwood Nursing Home | Oskian [Vosgian], Oscar | M | 1956-04-04 | 81 (b. 1874-11-15) | carcinoma of lung |
 | Good Samaritan Hospital | Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], B. G. | M | 1911-09-03 | 43 | typhoid fever |
 | 6916 S. E. 78th Ave. | Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], Lazarus G. | M | 1941-05-28 | 63y-5m-27d (b. 1877-12-01) | coronary occlusion |
Russellville, Multnomah Co., OR, USA |
 | Morningside Hospital | Krikoroff [Krikorian], John | M | 1939-06-01 | 55 (b. 1884) | scirrhous carcinoma of stomach with metastases to liver (contributory: dementia praecox, hebephrenic type, 1918) |
Salem, Polk Co., OR, USA |
 | Route 2 | Bogosian [Boghosian], Robert Earl | M | 1928-03-14 | 1m-28d (b. 1928-01-16) | malnutrition or indigestion due to poor food mixture |
Sandlake, Tillamook Co., OR, USA |
 | | Gagosian [Ghougasian], Ferdinand Hagop | M | 1968-01-17 | 72 (b. 1895-01-28) | coronary occlusion due to coronary arteriosclerosis (found dead on beach) |
Wallowa Co., OR, USA |
 | | Avadsian [Avedisian], Paul | M | 1922-05-14 | 54 | probably cerebral embolism |
Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, USA |
 | 5948 Baum Blvd. | Geragocian [Giragosian], Peter R. | M | 1960-08-05 | 84 (b. 1876-05-31) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: senility) |
 | West Penn Hospital | Papazian, Taqvor Sarkis | M | 1965-10-13 | 75 (b. 1890-07-06) | myocardial infarction due to coronary insufficiency |
 | Mercy Hospital | Pargamian [Parghamian], Michael | M | 1938-01-15 | 51 | cirrhosis of liver & chronic myocarditis |
Windsor Twp., Berks Co., PA, USA |
 | Hamburg State Sanatorium | Giragosian, Peter | M | 1918-04-13 | 17y-4m (b. 1900-12) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
Meadville, Crawford Co., PA, USA |
 | 207 Willow St. | Aloian, Badeg | M | 1950-11-28 | 78 (b. 1872) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Spencer Hospital | Aloyan [Aloian], Paruz | F | 1947-01-22 | 52y-10m-6d (b. 1894-03-16) | apoplexy due to chronic hypertensive heart disease |
 | City Hospital | Kevoian [Kavoian], Mary | F | 1942-05-18 | 51y-6d (b. 1891-05-12) | abdominal peritonitis due to carcinoma of the cervix |
 | Spencer Hospital | Kevoian [Kavoian], Mike | M | 1934-08-01 | 47y-6m-3d (b. 1887-01-28) | fracture of pelvis, rupture of bladder (auto accident) |
 | 1157 Water St. | Nordoogian [Noradoungian], Mgrdich | M | 1953-09-09 | 61 (b. 1891-05-17) | carcinoma of lung (left) |
Derry Twp., Dauphin Co., PA, USA |
 | Hershey Hospital | Gosthnian [Gostanian], John | M | 1928-10-09 | 35y-1m-16d (b. 1893-08-23) | hemorrhage & shock from fractured ribs, left side, fractured left clavicle which punctured left lung, caused by being struck by automobile on Hershey Boulevard east end of Hershey |
Chester, Delaware Co., PA, USA |
 | 927 McDowell Ave. | Ohanesian [Ohannesian], Sirarpi | F | 1957-01-28 | 66 (b. 1890-03-10) | carcinoma [of] cervix (contributory: factitial proctitis, secondary anemia) |
Upper Darby, Delaware Co., PA, USA |
 | 7267 Walnut St. | Mukhalian, Garabed M. | M | 1945-03-10 | 85 (b. 1859-12-13) | lobar pneumonia due to myocarditis |
 | 129 S. Keystone Ave. | Tourigian [Torigian], Mardiros M. | M | 1959-12-21 | 67 (b. 1892-06-15) | carcinoma of lung |
 | Delaware County Memorial Hospital | Tourigian [Torigian], Rose | F | 1962-02-28 | 63 (b. 1898-08-08) | acute congestive heart failure (contributory: cardio vascular arterio sclerosis) |
Yeadon, Delaware Co., PA, USA |
 | Vart-Hahn Nursing Home | Tekian, Sourpik | F | 1957-11-11 | 85 (b. 1872) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
Harborcreek Twp., Erie Co., PA, USA |
 | Route 5 (East Lake Rd.) | Arakelian, John | M | 1950-07-26 | 20 (b. 1929-12-28) | crushed chest & internal hemorrhages due to truck & auto accident |
Bethlehem, Lehigh Co., PA, USA |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Babasinian, Vahan S. | M | 1939-05-24 | 63 (b. 1876-11-28) | dilatation heart, acute, infectional (contributory: upper resp. infection) |
Lower Merion Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, USA |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Shahinian, Shahin M. | M | 1957-01-10 | 75 (b. 1881-12-15) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
Norristown, Montgomery Co., PA, USA |
 | Montgomery Hospital | Bakmezian [Pekmezian], Steve | M | 1958-12-23 | 75 (b. 1883-01-15) | arteriosclerotic heart disease, congestive heart disease . . . due to peptic ulcer |
Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA |
 | Germantown Hospital | Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], Simon | M | 1934-01-26 | 45 | primary hypertension (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage) |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA |
 | 654 E. Thayer St. | Obazian [Abajian], Jacob | M | 1943-07-29 | 44y-7m-5d (b. 1898-12-24) | acute dilatation of heart due to chronic myocarditis |
 | 6008 Locust St. | Der Abrahamian [Abrahamian], Megerdich | M | 1950-07-11 | 64 (b. 1895-08-09) | carcinoma of stomach with metastasis (diffuse) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Abrahamyan [Abrahamian], Victoria | F | 1907-07-22 | 4m | cholera infantum |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Adourian, | M | 1938-09-16 | (b. 1938-09-16) | prematurity - 6 months (contributory: placenta praevia centralis in mother) |
 | 1721 Fairmount Ave. | Aghijanian [Aghajanian], Peter | M | 1903-03-18 | 6m | typhoid fever |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Aharonian, | M | 1926-05-21 | | stillborn |
 | 1443 E. Lycoming St. | Ayvazian [Aivazian], Sarkis | M | 1942-09-27 | 65y-7m-9d (b. 1877-02-18) | incurable-inoperable carcinoma of stomach / (operation: laperotomy June 1 for diagnosis & treatment) |
 | 315 York St. | Agemian [Ajemian], Souren | M | 1923-11-02 | 2m-4d (b. 1923-09-16) | bilateral parotitis (contributory: myocardial failure) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Ajemian, Stephan | M | 1939-08-27 | 68 | bronchopneumonia |
 | 5800 Florence Ave. | Alashian [Alashaian], Peter | M | 1949-11-01 | 52 | rupture of coronary artery |
 | 1173 Windrim Ave. | Alexanian, | F | 1925-10-08 | (b. 1925-10-08) | stillborn |
 | 1173 Windrim Ave. | Alexanian, | M | 1926-11-21 | | stillborn |
 | 270 S. 20th St. | Alexanian, Mamas | M | 1918-10-15 | 34 (b. 1884) | bronc[h]o-pneumonia (contributory: ep[idemic] influenza) |
 | 1113 Columbia Ave. | Alexanian, Mary | F | 1936-05-14 | 59y-4m (b. 1877-05-10) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Alexianan [Alexanian], Mary | F | 1924-11-24 | 21 (b. 1903-05-16) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Frankford Hospital | Alexanian, Vahan | M | 1943-06-19 | 49 | calcified coronary arteries due to acute chronic nephritis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Alexanian, Zabelle | F | 1947-02-01 | 51y-8m-2d (b. 1895-05-10) | hypertension, acute heart failure |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Alpnarly [Alipounarian], James G. | M | 1945-03-05 | 54 (b. 1891) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Alyanakian, Albert | M | 1948-02-04 | 52 | coronary artery sclerosis & insufficiency, acute heart failure |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Ananian, Margaret | F | 1939-09-24 | 65 | coronary occlusion, generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: myocardial degeneration) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Onanion [Ananian], Simon | M | 1907-02-11 | 22 | uraemia (contributory: secondary anemia) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Andonian, Avedis | M | 1946-01-10 | 48 (b. 1898-01-06) | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & respiratory paralysis |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Andonian, George | M | 1927-01-05 | 26m (b. 1926-12-10) | premature baby - cyanotic at birth |
 | 1620 N. Franklin St. | Endrigian [Andrigian], Rose | F | 1929-03-04 | 26y-8m (b. 1902-08-25) | uremia |
 | 3526 Haverford Ave. | Apelian, Charles | M | 1945-03-17 | 56y-9m-16d (b. 1888-06-01) | coronary sclerosis due to chronic myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Apelian, Serape | M | 1945-06-28 | 73y-5m-8d (b. 1872-01-20) | coronary thrombosis (other: diabetes mellitus) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Apelian, Solomon | M | 1933-01-03 | 2y-9m-26d (b. 1930-03-07) | injuries to leg & hemorrhage due to being struck by auto in front of 3523 Haverford Ave. |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Apaghian [Apigian], Harry | M | 1946-11-22 | 57 | chronic arterio sclerotic aortic valvulitis with aortic stenosis and regurgitation |
 | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Apahgian [Apigian], Migirdick | M | 1924-02-03 | 10d (b. 1924-01-24) | congenital atresia of esophagus |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Apaghian [Apigian], Shahanik | F | 1948-01-16 | 45 | diabetes mellitus, diabetes acidosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Der Arakelian [Arakelian], Agnes | F | 1930-05-04 | 39 (b. 1891-04-10) | myocardial degeneration with hypertension and decompensation |
 | 2209 Huntingdon St. | Der Arakelian [Arakelian], Hamparsum | M | 1946-12-23 | 65y-8m-8d (b. 1881-04-15) | acute coronary disease of heart due to chronic valvular lesion and bronchial asthma |
 | 3017 N. Croskey St. | Der Arakelian [Arakelian], John M. | M | 1950-06-17 | 30 (b. 1919-10-09) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 1328 N. 10th St. | Der Arakelian [Arakelian], Philibous | M | 1908-11-30 | 11d (b. 1904-11-19) | convulsions |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Araratian [Ararat], Paul | M | 1932-08-10 | 61 | generalized arterio schlerosis, hypostatic pneumonia, fracture femur received from an accidental fall on sidewalk |
 | 241 S. 40th St. | Artzerounian [Ardzrounian], Albez | F | 1944-04-28 | 101 (b. 1843) | hypertensive cardio vascular disease / arterio sclerosis |
 | American Oncologic Hospital | Artzeroonian [Ardzrounian], Osgan | M | 1929-02-25 | 42 (b. 1887-03-10) | acute mastoiditis |
 | 6031 Chestnut St. | Artzaroonian [Ardzrounian], Satenig | F | 1931-01-20 | 27 (b. 1903-03-20) | bronc[h]o pneumonia, chronic myocarditis (acute dilatation) |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Artzerounian [Ardzrounian], Vahaqun | M | 1948-09-23 | 65 (b. 1883-03-20) | acidosis & dehydration due to obstructive biliary tract disease & metastatic gastric carcinoma (carcinoma [of] stomach) |
 | 5919 Chestnut St. | Armaganian [Armaghanian], Anna | F | 1930-01-21 | 56 (b. 1873-05-23) | apoplexy |
 | 45 N. 60th St. | Arijian [Arozian], Yesayi | M | 1921-08-25 | 48 (b. 1872-10-15) | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, suicide while temporarily deranged |
 | Medico Chirurgical Hospital | Arslanian, Sadie | F | 1920-09-05 | 28 | diabetic coma |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Arslanian, Satenig | F | 1949-09-11 | 58y-8m-1d (b. 1881-01-10) | congestive heart failure due to coronary occlusion & arteriosclerosis |
 | 119 N. Farson St. | Arthin [Artinian], Mary | F | 1937-02-13 | 72 | chronic myocarditis & nephritis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Arthin [Artinian], Samuel S. | M | 1924-07-15 | 43y-3m (b. 1881-04-05) | rupture of aneurism of aorta |
 | 119 N. Farson St. | Arthin [Artinian], Sarkis | M | 1918-10-16 | 76y-8m-6d (b. 1842-01-10) | apoplexy |
 | 152 S. 60th St. | Arzomanian [Arzoumanian], Aricnazar | F | 1930-02-17 | 65 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 200 S. 52nd St. | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Laset | F | 1926-02-10 | 75 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 5320 Ludlow St. | Arzoumanian, Robert Z. | M | 1915-09-11 | 1y-2m-8d (b. 1914-07-03) | cholera infantum |
 | | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Stepan | M | 1932-07-07 | 87 | chronic myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Asadonian [Asadourian], Frank | M | 1917-04-04 | 19 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital | Asadourian, Karnig | M | 1917-04-13 | 1y-3m-12d (b. 1916-01-01) | empyemia |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Ashor [Asadourian], Leon | M | 1944-04-24 | 55 | pulmonary embolism / pneumonitis with chronic bronchiectasis / acute pneumonitis |
 | 110 N. Millick St. | Ashjian, Garabed | M | 1938-10-22 | 65y-4m-12d | amyotrophic leteral [lateral] sclerosis |
 | 237 N. 57th St. | Ashjian, Gemes | M | 1936-01-17 | 62y-9m-2d (b. 1873-08-15) | chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: arterio sclerosis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Ashjian, Osar | F | 1941-10-10 | 62 (b. 1879) | carcinoma of stomach / post operative duodenal fistulis |
 | | Ashjian, Sultan | F | 1956-06-10 | 76 (b. 1879-12-18) | acute coronary thrombosis due to hypertension & arteriosclerosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Attarian, John | M | 1946-10-06 | 82y-6m-22d (b. 1864-03-15) | cardiac failure, hypertensive myo carditis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Attarian, Martin | M | 1941-01-17 | 52 (b. 1888-08-01) | portal cirrhosis due to hemorrhage from gastric varix |
 | Brown Nursing Home | Attarian, Rose | F | 1950-07-05 | 50 (b. 1900-05-30) | adenocarcinoma of right breast |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Audikian [Avakian], Arthur | M | 1935-03-24 | 45 | intestinal obstruction, gangrene of portion of small intestine |
 | 1534 N. 12th St. | Avedisian, Avidis | M | 1923-04-21 | 3m-24d (b. 1922-12-28) | broncho pneumonia (whooping cough) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Avedisian, Lilly | F | 1909-03-14 | 2 | measles (contributing: broncho-pneumonia) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Ayjian, Charles | M | 1921-04-23 | 45 (b. 1876-01-16) | pneumonia |
 | American Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach | Ayjian, George | M | 1950-06-27 | 20 (b. 1929-12-07) | acute myocardial infarction due to general carcinomatosis of abdomen |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Ayjian, Karnig | M | 1903-03-23 | 22y-10m-8d | phthisis |
 | Penn Hospital | Aydjian [Ayjian], Philip | M | 1943-05-08 | 52 (b. 1881) | hypertensive arterio sclerotic due to cardio vasular disease |
 | Graduate Hospital | Aijan [Ayjian], Rose A. | F | 1943-03-07 | 54y-11m-3d (b. 1888-04-04) | cerebral embolism due to metatastic carcinoma (primary site: breast) |
 | 6002 Ogontz Ave. | Ayjian, Sarah | F | 1930-01-31 | 78 (b. 1852) | apoplexy & myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Azadigan [Azadigian], George | M | 1923-08-26 | 38y-4m-23d (b. 1880-07-15) | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Azadigian, George | M | 1919-12-19 | 36 (b. 1883-01-05) | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 1402 N. 7th St. | Azadigian, Manuel | M | 1924-09-17 | 23 (b. 1901-10-15) | carcinoma of omentum |
 | 1855 N. Darien St. | Azadig [Azadigian], Peter | M | 1927-12-06 | 44 | ill[uminating] gas poisoning at home, accid[ental] |
 | 818 Columbia Ave. | Hozarian [Azarian], Takouhie | F | 1940-10-21 | 43y-8m-6d (b. 1897-02-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 5801 Walton Ave. | Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], Zanazan | F | 1937-09-23 | 68 (b. 1868) | chronic nephritis |
 | Rush Hospital | Babaian, Isaac | M | 1913-09-12 | 20 (b. 1893) | phthisis pulm[onary] |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Babigian, Hampartzoum | M | 1919-01-14 | 26 | broncho pneumonia |
 | Jeanes Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Haig | M | 1939-07-05 | 20 (b. 1919-04-03) | sarcoma mediastinum (contributory: massive plural effusion) |
 | 2012 N. 17th St. | Bagdasrian [Baghdasarian], John | M | 1946-06-29 | 55 | coronary thrombosis |
 | 1218 Spring Garden St. | Der Baghadasrian [Baghdasarian], Mike | M | 1918-10-24 | 27 (b. 1892) | influenza |
 | Howard Hospital | Buzzdigian [Baghdigian], John | M | 1923-04-07 | 1m-16d (b. 1923-02-21) | melena neonatorum |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Bakalian, | M | 1925-10-06 | (b. 1925-10-06) | stillborn - premature childbirth |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Ballikian [Balakian], Jacob | M | 1929-01-25 | 52 | chronic myocarditis, artero sclerosis |
 | 6112 Locust St. | Balian, Azniv | F | 1949-09-24 | 61 (b. 1881-07) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Balian, Hnazaut | F | 1925-02-19 | 67 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 1749 N. 60th St. | Balian, Sengul | F | 1931-02-11 | 61 | [la] gripp[e] (contributory: acute nephritis, parenchymatous) |
 | North Eastern Hospital | Palonian [Balounian], Haigoohi | F | 1934-12-31 | 39 | anesthetic death, operation for post operative ventral hernia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Baltian [Baltaian], Effie D. | F | 1918-10-12 | 23y-8m-15d (b. 1895-01-27) | influenza (contributory: bronchial pneumonia, acute myocarditis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Baltaian, Paul | M | 1944-06-19 | 69 | gastro intestinal malignancy with metastasis to the liver |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Baltaian, Richard | M | 1947-10-07 | 82 | broncho pneumonia senile psychosis |
 | 5918 Simpson St. | Baltaian, Yepraksay | F | 1934-10-09 | 60y-9m-19d | coronary thrombosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Baronian, Nazareth | M | 1921-05-30 | 50 | tubercular perforation of intestine (contributory: intestinal tuberculosis) |
 | 1701 N. Redfield St. | Barsamian, Marian | F | 1947-06-12 | 72 (b. 1875) | cerebral hemorrhage with hemiplegia |
 | Women's College Hospital | Basmajian, Arman | F | 1938-02-20 | 36 (b. 1901-07-10) | subacute bacterial endocarditis (contributory: dilation of heart, edema of lungs, mild peritonitis) |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Basmajian, Edward | M | 1944-01-08 | (b. 1944-01-08) | still born / death in uterus due to cord strangulation |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Basmajian, Harry | M | 1919-05-08 | 40 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | German Hospital | Basmajian, Helen | F | 1910-02-02 | 23 | bronchopneumonia (tubercular) (contributory: pyonephrosis, tubercular) |
 | 2969 N. 12th St. | Basmadjian [Basmajian], John | M | 1949-08-25 | 55y-3m-15d (b. 1894-05-10) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Rush Hospital for Consumption & Allied Diseases | Basmadjian [Basmajian], Karnig | M | 1917-11-21 | 15y-6m-25d (b. 1902-05-19) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Municipal Hospital | Basnajian [Basmajian], Kathalein | F | 1943-09-02 | 8m-15d (b. 1942-12-16) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Women's College Hospital | Basmajian, Martin | M | 1940-01-23 | 55 | pneumonia & bronchitis (contributory: duodenal diverticulum) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Basmadjian [Basmajian], Martin | M | 1942-12-13 | 36y-11m-20d (b. 1905-12-23) | teratoma testicle with metastasis |
 | 5264 Delancey St. | Basmadjian [Basmajian], Paul Kaspar | M | 1929-10-24 | 55 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 5820 Chestnut St. | Bayenderian, Nishan | M | 1927-10-29 | 68 (b. ) | acute myocarditis |
 | 3622 Spring Garden St. | Baberian [Bebirian], Araxi | F | 1944-06-06 | 51y-11m-26d (b. 1892-06-11) | bronchial adeno-carcinoma |
 | 69 N. 11th St. | Barberian [Bebirian], Hagop | M | 1942-01-12 | 53y-4m (b. 1888-08-25) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 905 Callowhill St. | Babirian [Bebirian], Sahak | M | 1913-03-20 | 48 | carcinoma of stomach |
 | 5141 Irving St. | Bedrosian, | M | 1935-06-18 | (b. 1935-06-18) | premature (6 months) still birth |
 | 4422 Market St. | Peters [Bedrosian], Charles | M | 1931-02-08 | 63y-2m (b. 1867-12-08) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Bedrosian, Hagop | M | 1930-07-29 | 58 | acute perforation of gall bladder, contributory: arteriosclerosis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Bedrosian, Hrepsime | F | 1926-04-25 | 50 | carcinoma of the ilonoab [?] |
 | 437 S. 61st St. | Bedrosian, Knarig | F | 1940-11-15 | 70 | chronic endocarditis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Laura Ann | F | 1949-07-29 | 1m-21d | broncho pneumonia |
 | S. 34th St. & Walnut St. | Bedrosian, Nerses | M | 1916-06-13 | 21 | gen[eral] injuries acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by being run over by an automobile |
 | 6160 Locust St. | Benlian, Perlanty | F | 1929-05-16 | 65 | carcinoma of stomach |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Berberian, | M | 1949-05-01 | 1d (b. 1949-05-01) | hydrops fetalis |
 | 1303 Susquehanna Ave. | Berberian, | M | 1920-09-02 | (b. 1920-09-02) | stillborn |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Berberian, | F | 1948-05-29 | 1d (b. 1948-05-28) | hydrops fetalis (monstrosity) |
 | St. Josephs Hospital | Berberian, Harry | M | 1949-11-23 | 74y-1d (b. 1875-11-22) | cirrhosis of liver |
 | 6162 Walton Ave. | Berberian, John D. | M | 1944-11-29 | 64y-6m-4d (b. 1886-05-25) | congestive heart failure due to generalized carcinomatosis with metastasis to heart, lungs & brain |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Berberian, Karnig | M | 1924-08-31 | 35 | shock and burns received while putting out a fire at his home due to explosion of gasoline |
 | St. Agnes Hospital | Berberian, Lucy | F | 1927-04-13 | 4y-5m-8d (b. 1922-10-25) | hemorrhage of common carotid artery |
 | 1401 N. 29th St. | Berberian, Sarah | F | 1924-11-18 | 2y-3m (b. 1922-09-13) | general burns received by falling over bucket of hot water at home |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Berberian, Sourpouhi | F | 1926-03-29 | 32 (b. 1894) | puerperal streptococcic salpingitis |
 | 329 S. 52nd St. | Bidilikian, | M | 1932-02-13 | (b. 1932-02-13) | stillborn |
 | 329 S. 52nd St. | Bidilikian, John (Jr.) | M | 1936-10-03 | 1y-1m (b. 1935-08-24) | myocarditis |
 | 442 Poplar St. | Beligian [Blejian], Antrian | F | 1906-12-02 | 58y-17d (b. 1848-11-15) | Bright['s] disease |
 | 430 Poplar St. | Belajian [Blejian], Bogas | M | 1909-06-24 | 1y-6m-12d (b. 1907-12-12) | inflammation of the bowels |
 | 865 N. 6th St. | Blajian [Blejian], Margaret | F | 1911-06-19 | 5m (b. 1911-01-22) | cholera infantum |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Paul [Boghosian], Charles | M | 1909-12-01 | 39 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: hemoptysis) |
 | Children's Homeopathic Hospital | Boghosian, Florence | F | 1923-03-01 | 6 (b. 1916-05-11) | pulmonary edema (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Boghosian, Hagop | M | 1941-02-24 | 59 (b. 1881-11-25) | pulmonary embolism (contributory: appendectomy) |
 | 1616 Parrish St. | Boghosian, John | M | 1918-08-02 | 7m (b. 1917-12-11) | gastro enteritis |
 | | Boghosian, Rakel | F | 1936-04-04 | 62 (b. 1874) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 7103 Emlen St. | Bedookian [Boudakian], Misak | M | 1950-05-16 | 64 (b. 1885-12-22) | uremia due to cardial decompensation |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Bouloutian [Bouloudian], Eveken | F | 1943-11-23 | 40 (b. 1903-03-03) | cerebral metastosis due to cancer of r[igh]t breast |
 | 2861 N. 11th St. | Boornazian [Bournazian], Suhag | M | 1949-12-30 | 70 (b. 1879-07-03) | chronic myocarditis due to hemiplegia |
 | 5846 N. 4th St. | Boursaleian [Boursalian], Verken | F | 1945-09-05 | 55y-4m-6d (b. 1895-05-29) | coronary occlusion |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Boyajian, | M | 1929-03-22 | | stillborn |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Boyajian, Charles | M | 1918-03-09 | 1y-3m-14d (b. 1916-11-25) | congenital syphilis |
 | 104 N. 60th St. | Boyajian, Edward | M | 1911-02-23 | 1y-4m-15d (b. 1909-10-08) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Boyajian, Esther | F | 1929-03-16 | 34 (b. 1895-03-02) | pelvic inflammatory disease |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Boyajian, George (Jr.) | M | 1927-06-14 | (b. 1927-06-12) | was premature baby (one of twins), weak from birth |
 | 1425 Poplar St. | Boyajian, Grace | F | 1924-07-14 | (b. 1924-07-14) | premature birth (6 months) cause unknown |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Boyajian, Harry | M | 1946-06-11 | 70 (b. 1876-05-15) | heart failure (contributory: auricular fibrillation & hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | 5745 Cedar Ave. | Boyajian, Krikor | M | 1947-04-17 | 88 (b. 1858) | chronic endocarditis |
 | Marie Phipps Institute | Boyajian, Marie | F | 1916-03-06 | 23 (b. 1893) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Boyajian, Peter | M | 1926-01-05 | 57y-7m-3d (b. 1868-06-01) | heart disease |
 | 5725 Girard Ave. | Boyajian, Setrak J. | M | 1926-07-02 | 46y-9m (b. 1879-09) | asphyxia ill[uminating] gas poison suicide while temp[orarily] deranged at home |
 | 2048 N. 11th St. | Bozargian [Bozajian], Charles | M | 1932-03-16 | 49y-11m-28d (b. 1882-03-18) | acute myocarditis |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Bozarjian [Bozajian], Dorothy | F | 1938-05-19 | 23y-10m-20d (b. 1914-06-29) | multiple injuries at home (struck by butcher cleaver), def[endan]t Joseph A. Bozarjian responsible (homicide) (now confirmed in Byber[r]y [Mental] Hosp[ital]) / also known as Dorothy Sarkis |
 | 2226 N. 11th St. | Bozarjian [Bozajian], George | M | 1916-07-28 | 24 | tuberculosis in both lungs |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Bozarjian [Bozajian], Paris | F | 1938-05-15 | 56y-8m-3d (b. 1881-09-12) | multiple injuries at home (struck by butcher cleaver), def[endan]t Joseph A. Bozarjian responsible (homicide) (now confirmed in Byberry [Mental] Hosp[ital]) / also [known as] Paris Sarkis |
 | Frankford Hospital | Bazigian [Bozigian], Sarkis | M | 1942-09-18 | 65 | traumatic injury to body (laceration of liver while at work at International Shoe Co., struck by freight car 18-Sep-1942) |
 | 4109 Ridge Ave. | Chadurdjian [Chaderjian], Sarkis | M | 1930-02-09 | 65 | apoplexy |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Shakarian [Chakerian], Roland | M | 1925-04-04 | 46 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 6102 Chancellor St. | Chekerian [Chakerian], Stephen | M | 1918-10-10 | 19 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 5537 Chancellor St. | Chakmakian [Chakmaklian], Anna | F | 1934-03-11 | 19y-2m (b. 1915-01-11) | bilateral, far advance, pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculosis enteritis and peritonitis) |
 | Children's Homeopathic Hospital | Chaksmakjian [Chakmaklian], Harioe [?] | M | 1911-07-02 | 9m (b. 1910-10-01) | inanition (contributory: gastro enteritis) |
 | 6248 Addison St. | Chakmaklian, Michael | M | 1923-10-20 | 55 (b. 1868-06-16) | carcinoma of tongue |
 | Howard Hospital | Chakmakian [Chakmaklian], Mihran | M | 1919-05-20 | 24 | cancer of brain |
 | Garretson Hospital (Hospital of Oral Surgery) | Chakmaklian, Nicke | M | 1923-04-02 | 23 (b. 1900-05-25) | lymphatic leukemia, streptococcic infection with follicular tonsilitis (contributory: septicemia) |
 | Rush Hospital | Chakmakian [Chakmaklian], Rose | F | 1943-08-13 | 46 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 5537 Chancellor St. | Chainakeian [Chakmaklian], Rose | F | 1925-02-27 | 12y-3m-27d (b. 1912-10-30) | abscess of tooth |
 | Skin & Cancer Hospital of Philadelphia | Melian [Chamalian], Avedis | M | 1943-09-14 | 54y-8m-8d (b. 1889-01-06) | heart failure due to exfoliative dermatitis |
 | 5137 Warren St. | Jemetian [Chamalian], Puzont | M | 1931-05-23 | 4m-4d (b. 1931-01-10) | hypertrophic pyloric stenosis |
 | 507 S. 57th St. | Chantigian [Chandigian], Edward | M | 1926-02-03 | 7m-18d (b. 1925-06-15) | acute mastoditis |
 | St. Luke Children Hospital | Chondoian [Chandoian], Michael | M | 1932-07-12 | 55 (b. 1877) | injuries to the head received in manner unknown |
 | 6122 Lansdowne Ave. | Chavooshian [Chavoushian], Hagop | M | 1926-05-28 | 1 (b. 1925-03-25) | bronchitis (contributory: broncho influenza) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Chavooshian [Chavoushian], Haig | M | 1930-07-08 | 5 (b. 1920) | compound frac[ture] of skull, internal injuries, do to being struck by auto (acc[iden]t) |
 | 6127 Spruce St. | Chavooshian [Chavoushian], Likshug | F | 1926-02-02 | 60 (b. 1865-04-01) | edema of larynx (contributory: chronic allemic nephritis) |
 | St. Agnes Hospital | Chavooshian [Chavoushian], Martin | M | 1944-01-19 | (b. 1944-01-19) | asphyxia, cerebral hemorrhage due to hemorrhaic disease of newborn (other: adrenal hemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage, partial atelectasis) |
 | 904 N. 5th St. | Chavooshian [Chavoushian], Solomon | M | 1917-09-18 | 57 (b. 1860) | carcinoma of the liver |
 | 2313 Ridge Ave. | Chakanian [Chekemian], Anna | F | 1911-12-11 | 6 | pl[e]ural effusion, pneumonia croupous |
 | 2313 Ridge Ave. | Chakamian [Chekemian], John | M | 1908-09-02 | 8m-7d (b. 1907-12-26) | bronchitis |
 | 5147 Chancellor St. | Chickakian [Chichegian], Eghia | M | 1936-04-28 | 50 (b. 1886-01-25) | apoplexy |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Chickekian [Chichegian], Zarouhi | F | 1929-12-14 | 51y-3m (b. 1878-09-15) | strangulated hernia & heart disease |
 | Jewish Hospital | Chirkinian, Jack | M | 1948-04-20 | 42y-11m-5d (b. 1905-05-15) | hepatic insufficiency due to metastatic carcinoma & carcinoma of pancreas |
 | 2203 N. 16th St. | Cherkenian [Chirkinian], Khachadoor | M | 1941-10-24 | 75y-6m-28d (b. 1866-03-25) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Chirkinian, Mary D. | F | 1945-11-11 | 54y-6m-29d (b. 1891-04-18) | acute pyelonephritis (other: hemorrhagic cystitis, kyphoscoliosis) |
 | 49th St. & Ogden St. | Chirkinian, Takooki | F | 1909-11-05 | 36y-8m-5d (b. 1872-03-10) | tuberculosis kidney (contributory: general tuberculosis, aedema lungs & tubercular laryngitis) |
 | 3317 Kensington Ave. | Chitjian [Chitjian], Satenig | F | 1950-10-21 | 57 (b. 1893-09-01) | auricular fibrillation (contributory: arterial hypertension) |
 | Anderson Hospital | Solakian [Cholakian], | M | 1942-06-21 | | stillborn / asphyxia pallida due to delayed labor |
 | Kensington Hospital | Cholakian, | M | 1927-10-23 | (b. 1927-10-23) | stillborn |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Chalikian [Cholakian], Apik | M | 1946-01-21 | 70y-11m-21d (b. 1875-03-01) | heart failure (contributory: acute coronary occlusion) |
 | 6157 Chestnut St. | Chalikian [Cholakian], Dikran | M | 1946-12-09 | 77 (b. 1869-01-19) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | 225 S. 60th St. | Cholakian, Elizabeth | F | 1932-12-10 | 65 (b. 1857-02-27) | chronic endocarditis and angina pectoris |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Cholekian [Cholakian], Harry | M | 1922-10-22 | 21 (b. 1902-01-08) | acute perforative appendicitis (contributory: generalized peritonitis) |
 | 1331 Brandywine St. | Chalukian [Cholakian], Takoohi | F | 1911-03-23 | 55y-8m-14d (b. 1855-07-09) | acute dilatation of heart, intermittent heart action [?], carcinoma of cervix |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Chopoorian [Chopourian], Elsie | F | 1939-06-04 | 32 | hypertension malignant phase cardio renal disease (contributory: myocardial exhaustion, uremic (renal) complication) |
 | Philadelphia Home for Incurables | Chopourian, Harry J. | M | 1948-01-10 | 66y-3m-13d (b. 1881-09-23) | cardiac decompensation due to generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Hospital of Women's Medical College | Chorebanian, Kevoak | M | 1933-08-22 | 63 | chronic myocarditis for seven years with coronary thrombosis (contributory: hypertrophied prostate with acute retention) |
 | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | Chouljian, Helen | F | 1925-01-17 | 1y-6m (b. 1923-08-24) | pleurisy with effusion |
 | 6109 Chancellor St. | Dadoorian [Dadourian], Alexandre | M | 1922-05-30 | 52 (b. 1870-01-15) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 6002 Locust St. | Dadoorian [Dadourian], Berjouhi A. | F | 1923-12-07 | 36 (b. 1887-01-05) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | 45 N. 60th St. | Dadoorian [Dadourian], Isaac | M | 1918-11-05 | 28 (b. 1890-10-11) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 50 N. 60th St. | Dadoorian [Dadourian], Mary | F | 1914-08-06 | 7m (b. 1914-01-08) | acute enteritis |
 | 5024 Pine St. | Dadourian, Mihran Z. | M | 1941-04-30 | 58 (b. 1882-07-22) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis) |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Dadourian, Mugurdich M. | M | 1941-09-17 | 30y-1m-1d (b. 1911-08-16) | hemorrhage & secondary anemia due to duodenal ulcer |
 | West Philadelphia Hospital for Women | Dattoarium [Dadourian], Sophia | F | 1920-12-04 | 32 | influenza - pneumonia (lobar) (contributory: premature labor - 7 mos.) |
 | 6001 Angora Ave. | Dadoorian [Dadourian], Victoria | F | 1930-05-17 | 54 (b. 1876-10-12) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Misericordia Hospitatal | Dagdigian [Daghdigian], Mary | F | 1921-01-20 | 25 | appendicitis (contibutory: peritonitis) |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Dandigian, Nishan | M | 1945-08-31 | 50y-16d (b. 1895-08-15) | hypertensive coronary arterio sclerosis |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Danielian, John | M | 1929-01-16 | 57 (b. 1872) | cardiac failure |
 | 3334 Mutter St. | Dividian [Davidian], Ashken | F | 1915-01-27 | 4y-11m-22d (b. 1911-02-24) | pneumonia (contributory: heart failure) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Davidian, Beatrice | F | 1933-12-06 | 4m (b. 1933-12-02) | prematurity |
 | N. 52nd St. & Warren St. | Davidyan [Davidian], Frederick M. | M | 1908-12-05 | 26 (b. 1882-11) | valvular disease of heart |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Dividian [Davidian], Manoog | M | 1941-02-03 | 28y-9m-1d (b. 1912-05-04) | rheumatoid myocarditis (contributory: [la] gripp[e]) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Davidyan [Davidian], Narie | F | 1947-04-12 | 88y-4m-18d (b. 1858-11-24) | generalized arteriosclerosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, bilateral senile cataracts |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Dividian [Davidian], Sarkis | M | 1947-06-10 | 51y-6m-21d (b. 1895-11-20) | broncho pneumonia & carcinomatosis (contributory: lung carcinoma) |
 | 702 Green St. | Damerjian [Demirjian], Sahag | M | 1930-01-14 | 75 | apoplexy of brain |
 | 6124 Carpenter St. | Demirjian, Sarkis | M | 1946-12-28 | 56y-1m-28d (b. 1890-11-01) | carcinomatosis dute to primary site mediastinium & metastasis to cervical glands |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Devletian [Deovletian], | M | 1923-12-25 | 9d (b. 1923-12-16) | septicaemia |
 | 638 N. 20th St. | Dabanian [Depanian], Herepsema | F | 1932-12-10 | 60 | angina pectoris - shock following a fall down stair at home |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Derderian, Agnes | F | 1948-05-17 | 49 | acute congestive heart failure due to hypertension |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Derderian, Antranig | M | 1926-06-03 | 5m-6d (b. 1925-12-27) | septicemia - broncho pneumonia |
 | 2454 N. 2nd St. | Derderian, Setrak | M | 1947-06-27 | 72y-9m-5d (b. 1874-09-22) | heart failure due to hypertension & arteriosclerosis |
 | 3303 N. Howard St. | Tokmajian [Deukmejian], Anna | F | 1940-08-29 | 66y-2m-11d (b. 1874-06-18) | fracture of the condile [condyle] (elbow joint), arteriosclerosis, and senile dementia (fell at home on 22-Aug-1940) |
 | 468 N. 5th St. | Tokmigian [Deukmejian], Azait | M | 1911-02-14 | 8m (b. 1910) | convulsions, pneumonia |
 | Jewish Hospital | Dokmajian [Deukmejian], John | M | 1918-06-07 | 24 | emphysema & tuberculosis meningitis |
 | 3303 N. Howard St. | Tokmajian [Deukmejian], Mampre | M | 1917-10-22 | 37y-10m (b. 1879-12-05) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Medico Chirurgical Hospital | Tockmajian [Deukmejian], Nishan | M | 1917-03-16 | 21 | lobar pneumonia |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Devedjian [Devejian], Gadar Araxi | F | 1946-11-11 | 43y-9m-21d (b. 1903-01-20) | cerebral embolism due to abdominal carcinomatosis |
 | 307 S. 52nd St. | Diradourian, Diradour M. | M | 1941-08-25 | 66y-1m (b. 1875-07) | myocarditis |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Jergaian [Djergaian], Arsine | F | 1921-09-30 | 2m-23d (b. 1921-07-07) | osteongelitis of left humerus and fibula (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 6008 Chestnut St. | Djirgaian [Djergaian], Mary | F | 1930-06-12 | 83 | diabetes |
 | 5549 Baltimore Ave. | Dombalagian, Andrew | M | 1946-12-12 | 60y-2m-16d (b. 1886-09-26) | coronary thrombosis due to chronic myocarditis |
 | 101 N. 55th St. | Donabedian, Vartoohy | F | 1925-03-27 | 2 (b. 1923-03-05) | sarcoma of right hip |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Donjian [Donjoian], Hagop M. | M | 1950-10-17 | 68 (b. 1872-08-25) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
 | 13 N. 53rd St. | Donjian [Donjoian], Mary | F | 1907-10-25 | 68 | dropsy (contributory: aortic regurgitation) |
 | 1124 Nevada St. | Dongian [Donjoian], Siragos | M | 1924-03-13 | 67 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Dionian [Donoian], Nubar | M | 1938-01-09 | 65y-6m-28d (b. 1872-06-11) | carcinoma of prostate |
 | 2520 Germantown Ave. | Doozchian [Douzjian], Bilazar | F | 1906-02-12 | 2y-5m-11d (b. 1903-09-01) | measles |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Doozian [Douzjian], George | M | 1914-04-04 | 4 | broncho pneumonia |
 | 1358 New St. | Doozjian [Douzjian], Peter | M | 1913-02-18 | 39y-7m (b. 1873-07-04) | pul[monary] tuberculosis |
 | 138 N. 58th St. | Doskian [Douzjian], Rebecca | F | 1912-06-01 | 27 (b. 1885) | pulm[onary] tub[erculosis] |
 | 513 N. 33rd St. | Doshian [Douzjian], Rosie | F | 1909-08-12 | 2m-25d (b. 1909-05-18) | catarrhal pneumonia (contributory: premature infant) |
 | 203 Richmond St. | Durgerian [Dulgerian], Garabed | M | 1926-04-08 | 44y-2m-22d (b. 1882-01-15) | carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 2500 Douglas St. | Effendian, Garabad | M | 1909-10-11 | 52y-5m-21d (b. 1857-04-20) | carcinoma of liver (contributory: carcinoma of rectum) |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Evdaharian [Ejdaharian], | F | 1941-10-30 | 5d (b. 1941-10-25) | subdural hemorrhage |
 | Frankford Hospital | Ajdaharian [Ejdaharian], Aram | M | 1949-12-07 | 6y-2m-21d (b. 1943-09-16) | head trauma with cerebral edema due to neuropinic shock, struck by truck |
 | 1722 Delancey St. | Eckian [Ekchian], Nectar | F | 1925-02-03 | 87 (b. 1837) | myocarditis |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Etmokjian [Ekmekjian], Avedis | M | 1927-08-24 | 46 | diabetic coma (contributory: interstitial nephritis) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Ekmekjian, Loosia | F | 1907-12-15 | 24 (b. 1883) | croupous pneumonia |
 | 232 N. 11th St. | Atmekjian [Ekmekjian], Marian | F | 1909-06-07 | 24 | gun shot wound of chest (suicide) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Elias [Eliasian], Catherine | F | 1923-09-16 | 38 (b. 1885-09-15) | myeloid leukemia (contributory: secondary anemia) |
 | Woman's Hospital | Elmasian, Elmas | F | 1901-11-26 | 24 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 2059 Catharine St. | Ilvanian [?] [Elvanian], Leo | M | 1903-04-16 | 30d | marasmus |
 | 5221 Walnut St. | Elvanian, Lucy | F | 1930-06-27 | 70y-1m (b. 1860-05-25) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Elvanian, Mary | F | 1939-01-02 | 38y-11m-7d (b. 1900-01-25) | interstitial nephritis (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | 1242 Vine St. | Eminian, Jacob | M | 1908-11-08 | (b. 1908-11-08) | protracted labor (still born) |
 | 452 N. Farson St. | Emligian [Emlikian], Charles Paul | M | 1926-01-16 | 4m (b. 1925-09-10) | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Emlikian, Mary | F | 1939-01-31 | 14y-7m-10d (b. 1924-01-21) | congenital pulmonary stenosis, hemolytic streptocossus, septecimia [septicemia] |
 | Germantown Hospital | Emure [Eomurian], Rebecca D. | F | 1948-01-25 | 67y-2m-16d (b. 1880-11-08) | acute hemorrhage due to pancreatitis |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Fereshetian, Alice | F | 1946-03-22 | 19 (b. 1926-04-11) | carbon monoxide gas poisoning (illuminating gas), found in kitchen of home (suicide) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Fereshetian, Mihran | M | 1930-03-17 | 38 | furuncle of upper lip, contributory: cavernous sinus thrombosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Fermanian, Bertha | F | 1942-01-11 | 74y-1m-10d (b. 1867-11-01) | cardiac failure (other: arteriosclerotic heart disease) |
 | | Garabatian [Garabedian], Esther | F | 1900-07-16 | 12 | typhoid fever (intestinal hemorrhage) |
 | | Garabedean [Garabedian], H. P. | M | 1881-08-25 | | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | 522 S. Redfield St. | Garabedian, Harry | M | 1925-01-24 | 3y-8m (b. 1921) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 2162 N. 32nd St. | Garabedian, Mary | F | 1919-03-31 | 46y-2m-12d (b. 1876-01-19) | valvular heart disease |
 | 802 N. Corinthian Ave. | Garabedian, Mary | F | 1946-06-20 | 58 (b. 1888-03-10) | carcinoma of cervix and uterus |
 | 6235 Market St. | Garabedian, Matthew V. | M | 1920-01-19 | 44 | gunshot wound of head, suicide while temp[orarily] deranged |
 | Polyclinic Hospital | Garobedian [Garabedian], Rose | F | 1925-02-04 | 1y-6m (b. 1923-06-14) | lobar pneumonia - acute nephritis (contributory: lung abscess) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Karabedian [Garabedian], Sarkis | M | 1942-12-12 | 57 (b. 1885) | cardiosclosis due to endocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Garabetian [Garabedian], Satrag | M | 1944-02-25 | 79 (b. 1864-11-24) | arterio sclerotic heart disease |
 | 3423 N. Howard St. | Gemcrekian [Gemerekian], Hagop | M | 1923-01-07 | 75 (b. 1847) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Gardadian [Geordezian], Ohan | M | 1932-01-03 | 42 (b. 1889-05-20) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 6142 Lebanon Ave. | Gevchenian [Geovshenian], Mary | F | 1949-03-07 | 80 (b. 1868) | chronic myocarditis & old age |
 | 815 N. 16th St. | Geozbeyukian [Geozibuyukian], Haroutune | M | 1925-05-13 | 66 (b. 1859-07) | dementia praecox & chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 2438 Brown St. | Geozibeigian [Geozibuyukian], Mariam | F | 1939-07-28 | 64y-8m-3d (b. 1874-11-25) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: osteo arthritis of the thoracic spine) |
 | Temple University Hospital | Garibian [Gharibian], Alton | F | 1941-07-12 | 75 (b. 1866) | carcinoma of hepatic flexure, ca[rcinoma] of bowel with metastisis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Gazoorian [Ghazarian], Anna | F | 1949-04-23 | 43y-4m-24d (b. 1906-11-30) | shock due to hepatoma |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Gazarian [Ghazarian], Charles | M | 1930-11-14 | 32 | generaized peritonitis due to ruptured stomach ulcer |
 | 3622 Spring Garden St. | Der Kazarian [Ghazarian], Elenora | F | 1927-01-23 | 3m | pneumonia |
 | Temple University Hospital | Gazurian [Ghazarian], George | M | 1933-04-25 | 6y-5m (b. 1926-11-13) | frac[tured] skull due to being struck by auto at Clearfield & Sydenham Streets |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases | Kezerian [Ghazarian], Jacob | M | 1933-12-30 | 40 | general paralysis of the insane |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Karekian | M | 1943-12-04 | 65y-4m-26d (b. 1878-07-08) | carcinoma of bronchus |
 | 5748 Sansom St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Paris | F | 1942-05-13 | 65y-7m-28d (b. 1876-09-15) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 4218 Castor Ave. | Kazigian [Ghazigian], Haroutune | M | 1949-08-20 | 74y-4m-10d (b. 1875-04-10) | pulmonary edema due to pulmonary carcinoma |
 | 5332 Market St. | Girogosian [Giragosian], High | M | 1911-03-13 | 10d (b. 1911-03-03) | pateril foramen ovale (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 237 N. 10th St. | Giragosian, Karop | M | 1932-01-26 | 45 (b. 1887) | acute circulatory failure following partial gastrectomy due to sympathetic nerve disturbances |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Glavian, Vartan | M | 1950-06-24 | 62 (b. 1887-08) | bronchopneumonia due to decubitus ulcer |
 | 6061 Pine St. | Koshgerian [Goshgarian], Santire | M | 1947-01-01 | 68y-7m-17d (b. 1878-05-15) | coronary thrombosis, due to chronic myocarditis & arteriosclerosis |
 | 1200 S. 10th St. | Gosson, Asma | F | 1932-09-24 | 54 (b. 1878-07-01) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 3928 N. Smedley St. | Gavbashian [Govbashian], Elsie | F | 1938-02-15 | 28y-10m | septicemia due to streptococcus viridans, septic endo carditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Gavbashian [Govbashian], John | M | 1946-07-04 | 59y-6m-19d (b. 1886-12-15) | pulmonary thrombosis |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Gulasarian [Guleserian], Hagop | M | 1950-06-04 | 69 (b. 1880-12-28) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Gulezian [Guleserian], Mary | F | 1947-04-20 | 78 (b. 1878-12-15) | hypertensive cardio vascular disease, diabetes with arteriosclerosis |
 | 672 N. 41st St. | Gulezian [Guleserian], Viola E. | F | 1904-06-15 | 10m-5d | marasmus (contributing: exhaustion) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Gardanian [Gumushgardanian], Anna | F | 1930-04-13 | 42 | acute nephritis |
 | 2045 Vine St. | Gimushgardanian [Gumushgardanian], Anna Heginian | F | 1909-10-02 | 73 (b. 1836) | inannition (contributory: nephritic tumor) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Disease | Gardanian [Gumushgardanian], Martin | M | 1929-05-09 | 54 (b. 1874-07-24) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | 2464 77th Ave. | Gemushgardian [Gumushgardanian], Nazerth S. | M | 1942-06-04 | 70y-8m-8d | coronary occlusion |
 | 2043 Vine St. | Gimush Gairdan [Gumushgardanian], Sarkis | M | 1910-09-15 | 74 (b. 1836) | Bright's disease of kidneys (contributory: uraemia) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Gunner, John | M | 1921-04-27 | 26 (b. 1895-10-29) | tubercular meningitis (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | 1644 Francis St. | Gureghian, Astrig | F | 1939-08-10 | 63 | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Temple University Hospital | Gureghian, George | M | 1935-08-13 | 40 | 2 & 3 degree burns, toxemia while using cleaning fluid at home - accidental |
 | 28 S. Robinson St. | Gurenlian [Gurinlian], Gusima | F | 1948-04-08 | 82 (b. 1865) | coronary thrombosis |
 | | Goorgian [Gurjian], Sophia | F | 1902-09-29 | 15 | tuberculosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Guzelian, P. John | M | 1935-09-26 | 47y-6m-1d (b. 1888-03-25) | hypertensive cardio vascular disease, congestive heart failure (contributory: pulmonary edema, fibrillation) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hajinian [Hadjinlian], Hnazant | M | 1948-02-17 | 64y-1m-1d (b. 1884-01-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis |
 | 5606 Whitby Ave. | Hajinian [Hadjinlian], Nshan M. | M | 1924-03-13 | 62 (b. 1862-10-26) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 695 N. 13th St. | Haginian [Hadjinlian], Samuel | M | 1945-12-16 | 60y-8m-1d (b. 1885-04-15) | carcinomatosis due to carcinoma of rectum |
 | 695 N. 13th St. | Hajinian [Hadjinlian], Takoohie | F | 1945-10-29 | 50y-5m-30d (b. 1895-04-31) | cardiac decompensation due to cardiac asthma |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Yakoobian [Hagopian], Agnes | F | 1941-12-28 | 43y-4m-10d (b. 1898-08-18) | hanging / found on closet door, 2nd floor |
 | 5902 Addison St. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Angele B. | F | 1926-02-12 | 38 (b. 1888-12-11) | heart disease |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Hagopian, Charles | M | 1948-07-11 | 68y-6m-26d (b. 1879-12-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Hagopian, Edward | M | 1948-07-01 | 64 (b. 1883-12-09) | respiratory failure due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
 | 5464 Spruce St. | Hagopian, George | M | 1914-01-07 | 26 (b. 1887-04-16) | heart disease (contributory: gastritis) |
 | 11 S. Robinson St. | Hogopian [Hagopian], Harry | M | 1924-05-09 | 15 (b. 1909-03-15) | myocarditis acute (contributory: dementia praecox) |
 | Germantown Hospital | Hagopian, John | M | 1950-08-22 | 62 (b. 1888-03-16) | congestive heart failure due to renal decompensation |
 | Temple University Hospital | Hagopian, Lucinda | F | 1948-06-01 | 62y-10m-22d (b. 1885-07-11) | congestive failure due to chronic hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hagopian, Markar | M | 1946-06-03 | 69y-26d (b. 1875-04-08) | Laennec's cirrhosis |
 | 6008 Cedar Ave. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Paul | M | 1940-04-04 | 60 (b. 1880-09-16) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Drueding Infirmary | Hagopian, Rose | F | 1940-08-18 | 42y-3m-29d (b. 1898-04-20) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart) |
 | 5033 Market St. | Yacoobian [Hagopian], Roupen | M | 1938-05-01 | 64y-15d | carcinoma of stomach (contributory: carcinoma of liver) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Derrhagopian [Hagopian], Sarkis | M | 1942-02-02 | 62 (b. 1879-12-25) | bronchopneumonia due to bronchiectosis / carcinoma [of] stomach |
 | Drueding Infirmary | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Serope | M | 1950-04-11 | 57 (b. 1892-06-10) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis |
 | 5463 Walnut St. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Serpouhi | F | 1930-09-23 | 61 (b. 1869-01-15) | endocarditis |
 | 3929 Walnut St. | Hagopian, Sima | F | 1944-11-07 | 80 (b. 1864) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis |
 | Parker Hotel | Yacoubian [Hagopian], Vahan | M | 1947-11-19 | 67y-5m (b. 1880-06-19) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Hagopian, Warren | M | 1944-06-02 | 11m-22d | hydrocephaly with air embolism of brain |
 | 4628 Wayne Ave. | Hairabedian, Aram | M | 1939-03-23 | 63 | myocardial failure (contributory: bronchoectanic asthma) |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Hamparsounian [Hampartsoumian], Bedros | M | 1914-11-27 | 74 (b. 1840-08-22) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Methodist Hospital | Hartunian [Haroutunian], Abram (Rev.) | M | 1939-03-16 | 66y-7m-6d (b. 1872-08-10) | chronic myocarditis & fibrillation |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Harootunian [Haroutunian], Lucy | F | 1950-05-29 | 70 | carcinoma [of] head of pancreas |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Hartunian [Haroutunian], Susan A. | F | 1940-09-20 | 62y-4m-20d (b. 1878-07-30) | gastric sarcoma (contributory: gastric resection) |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Hatzakordian [Hatzakordzian], Setrak | M | 1929-05-12 | 56 (b. 1873-05) | tuberculosis, pulmonary |
 | Physicians & Surgeons Hospital | Hajatian [Hayatian], Charles | M | 1947-02-11 | 72y-5m (b. 1875-08-11) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 331 S. 52nd St. | Hayatian, Garabed | M | 1918-10-09 | 22 (b. 1896-05-02) | influenza |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Hajatian [Hayatian], Kevork | M | 1941-11-01 | 56y-3m-24d | hypertrophy & dilatation of heart |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Hajatian [Hayatian], Mary | F | 1943-08-26 | 49y-5m-21d (b. 1895-03-05) | cardiac failure due to carcinoma of liver & omentum |
 | Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia | Hakinian [Hekimian], Bertha | F | 1943-06-23 | 54 | retroperitoneal sarcoma, carcinoma of body [&] of pancreas |
 | 1016 S. 55th St. | Hakimian [Hekimian], Lucy | F | 1927-05-17 | 18y-6m-21d (b. 1908-10-26) | streptoccic infection of tonsils |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hakimian [Hekimian], Richard | M | 1930-08-30 | 52 (b. 1878) | pituitary cyst |
 | 5304 Addison St. | Hekimian, Victor | F | 1927-01-19 | 8m (b. 1926-05-20) | influenza |
 | Medico Chirurgical Hospital | Hoplamazian, | M | 1925-05-06 | (b. 1925-05-06) | stillborn - prolonged labor, fetal dystocia |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Hoplamzian [Hoplamazian], Edward | M | 1930-02-25 | 19m-10d (b. 1928-01-15) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Diagnostic Hospital of Philadelphia | Hoplamazian, Sermout | F | 1924-01-30 | 1y-7m (b. 1922-06-27) | cardiac paralysis (contributory: bronchial pneumonia followed by influenza) |
 | 2352 N. Lawrence St. | Der Hovannesian [Hovhannesian], Mary | F | 1947-02-12 | 75y-9m-30d (b. 1871-04-15) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Hovnanian, Hurant | M | 1915-08-27 | 17 | fractured skull acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by being thrown from his bicycle while in collision with an auto truck at Dewey & Race Sts. |
 | 1225 Allegheny Ave. | Hovnanian, Mariam S. | F | 1943-04-17 | 56y-4m-2d (b. 1886-12-15) | cardiac thrombosis due to endocarditis |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Housepian [Hovsepian], | M | 1944-03-18 | (b. 1944-03-17) | imperforate anus / faulty development skull and brain / autopsy: hypoplasia liver & thyroid, faulty bony development skull & spine |
 | 204 S. 60th St. | Hovsepian, Aroxie | F | 1933-01-09 | 66 | coronary occlusion (contributory: chronic cholecystitis) |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Hovsepian, Clara G. | F | 1943-07-22 | 41y-9m-25d (b. 1901-09-27) | post operative complications / exact nature uncertain / supra vaginal hysterectomy / fibromyoma uterus |
 | 2208 N. Franklin St. | Hovsepian, Dikran | M | 1918-03-01 | 19 (b. 1899-02) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Children's Hospital (Mary J. Drexel Home) | Hovsepian, Elizabeth | F | 1910-07-29 | 8 | gangrenous appendicitis, intestinal obstruction (contributory: peritonitis) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Hovsepian, Haroutun | M | 1900-02-07 | 34 | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Hoosepian [Hovsepian], Martin H. | M | 1944-08-23 | 73 (b. 1870-09-25) | acute pulmonary edema due to acute toxic meningoencephalitis (possible virus infection) |
 | 672 N. 41st St. | Hovsepian, Sahaig Manoog | M | 1913-07-10 | 63y-4m-10d (b. 1850-03-01) | chronic parenchymatous nephritis (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Havsepian [Hovsepian], Sarkes | M | 1940-03-11 | 56y-11m (b. 1883-04) | hanging (found hanging from ladder in rear room at his home - suicide) |
 | 4100 Locust St. | Hovsepian, Sayad | M | 1947-12-09 | 76y-4m-4d | paralysis agitans |
 | 6441 Woodbine Ave. | Isbetcherian, Dikzan | M | 1933-05-15 | 78y-3m-2d (b. 1855-02-13) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute trachea bronchitis - possible abcess of lung) |
 | 1709 Erie Ave. | Isbetcherian, Vahram | M | 1922-06-25 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Skenderian [Iskenderian], Haig | M | 1942-12-16 | 43 | cardiac failure due to rheumatic heart disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Eskandarian [Iskenderian], Sogomoa | F | 1950-04-13 | 80 (b. 1870) | tuberculosis of lung |
 | 1231 Vine St. | Izmirlian, Charles | M | 1903-10-18 | 6m-18d | cholera infantum |
 | 1231 Vine St. | Ezmirlian [Izmirlian], Charles E. | M | 1905-06-05 | | asphyxia caused by prolonged labor [apparently a newborn] |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Janbazian [Jambajian], Mary | M | 1942-04-15 | 73 (b. 1869-04-01) | chronic nephritis and uremia |
 | 220 N. Edgewood St. | Janbazian [Jambajian], Steven | M | 1941-01-13 | 77 (b. 1863-02-15) | chronic endocarditis / chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: arterio sclerosis with hypertension) |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Jamgochian, Diran | M | 1937-04-03 | 48 (b. 1892-08-15) | tinitis plastica, post-op complications |
 | 2629 E. Norris St. | Jamgochian, Krikor | M | 1927-07-07 | 58 | metastatic abscess of the lungs (contributory: traumatism) |
 | 2629 E. Norris St. | Jamgochian, Levon | M | 1919-04-28 | 8y-5m-15d (b. 1910-11-12) | general peritonitis |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Jamgochian, Michael | M | 1949-02-22 | 52y-3m-14d (b. 1896-11-08) | cardiac failure due to acute myelogenous leukemia |
 | 860 E. Thompson St. | Jamgochian, Rose | F | 1946-04-28 | 69y-11m-14d (b. 1877-03-12) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | Jenis [?] Hospital | Jamjian [Janigian], Agavne | F | 1933-03-08 | 65 (b. 1867-09-14) | carcinoma of colon (contributory: cardiac thrombosis) |
 | 1933 Mutter St. | Jamjian [Janigian], Hamperstoon | M | 1910-01-09 | 61y-7m-19d (b. 1848-05-20) | heart disease |
 | 1921 Mutter St. | Janijian [Janigian], Margarite | F | 1901-08-24 | 16y-9m-4d | acute meningitis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Janjigian, Bogos | M | 1924-02-06 | 53 | carcinoma of larynx |
 | 3735 Walnut St. | Jerrehian [Jarahian], Garabed H. | M | 1934-04-10 | 67y-8m (b. 1866-08-30) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 1949 N. Camac St. | Jarahian, George | M | 1927-06-14 | 37 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 655 N. 15th St. | Jerrehian [Jarahian], Giragas H. | M | 1912-08-21 | 65 (b. 1847) | apoplexy |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Gerahien [Jarahian], Jacob | M | 1908-12-25 | 58 | carcinoma of larynx |
 | 655 N. 15th St. | Jerrehian [Jarahian], Kerkor H. | M | 1912-08-23 | 57 (b. 1855) | Bright's disease of kidneys (contributory: exhaustion) |
 | 3735 Walnut St. | Jerrehian [Jarahian], Mariam T. | F | 1947-05-01 | 76y-8m-15d (b. 1870-08-16) | renal insufficiency due to chronic myocarditis |
 | 612 S. 20th St. | Jerrehian [Jarahian], Rosa | F | 1906-09-19 | 5 (b. 1901) | typhoid fever, contributory: (exhaustion) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Disease | Jasholyian [Jasaloyian], Nishan M. | M | 1929-12-08 | 51 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 243 Thayer St. | Jelalian, Kessay | M | 1949-10-28 | 75y-1m (b. 1874-09-28) | acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis & heart failure |
 | 1538 Columbia Ave. | Jelalian, Mary | F | 1949-01-15 | 85y-7m-12d (b. 1863-06-03) | chronic endocarditis & old age |
 | 1301 Divinity Pl. | Jenanyan [Jenanian], Haratune S. | M | 1907-09-25 | 50y-5m (b. 1857-04-25) | pyelo-nephritis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Jigarigian [Jigerjian], Krikor | M | 1938-08-01 | 40y-9m-8d (b. 1897-10-24) | fracture of femur, septecimia [septicemia], toxemia at Re Nu It Cleaning Corp. at 6111 Ridge Ave. where employed, explosion of extractor on 24-Jun-1938 (accidental) |
 | 1950 N. Hope St. | Jegerjian [Jigerjian], Martin | M | 1909-04-10 | 1y-16d | pneumonia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Gehanian [Jihanian], Edward | M | 1933-04-25 | 43 (b. 1889-06-15) | tuberculosis pneumonia following pulmonary hemorrhage |
 | 5802 Catharine St. | Jehanian [Jihanian], Seset | F | 1943-09-18 | 60 (b. 1883) | acute myocardial degeneration |
 | 2013 Fairmount Ave. | Jingozian, Epek | F | 1943-06-21 | 72 | coronary thrombosis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Djizmejian [Jizmejian], Sumpat Avedis | M | 1947-10-19 | 64 (b. 1883) | kidney shut down due to carcinoma of prostate |
 | 3313 Mutter St. | Juskalian, Asvagadora | M | 1922-09-06 | 28 (b. 1894) | gun shot wound of head, self inflicted while temporarily deranged |
 | Women's Hospital | Jaskalian [Juskalian], John | M | 1911-02-28 | (b. 1911-02-28) | still born |
 | 3433 N. Howard St. | Juskalian, Mugerdich | M | 1942-11-16 | 68y-1d (b. 1874-11-15) | chronic interstitial nephritis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | 317 S. 60th St. | Kabakjian, Elizabeth | F | 1933-03-18 | 85y-1m-4d (b. 1848-02-14) | angina pectoris (contributory: senile) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kabajian [Kabakjian], James H. | M | 1941-01-19 | 71y-3m-29d (b. 1869-09-20) | broncho-pneumonia (contibutory: cardiac decompensation) |
 | 5239 Hazel Ave. | Kabakjian, Sarkis | M | 1922-02-16 | 83 (b. 1839) | apoplexy |
 | 1824 Arch St. | Cahraman [Kahramanian], Peter | M | 1931-01-19 | 65 (b. 1866) | apoplexy |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kavjian [Kahvejian], Puzant | M | 1933-07-01 | 25y-9m | chronic epidemic encephalitis |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Kavjen [Kahvejian], Rosa | F | 1914-11-23 | 2m | gastro enteritis |
 | 2619 S. Dewey St. | Halladjian [Kalajian], | F | 1922-04-30 | (b. 1922-04-30) | stillborn (contributory: prematurity) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Halagian [Kalajian], Beatrice | F | 1924-08-29 | 9 | congenital pigmented naevi of skin, brain and spinal cord (contributory: hemorrhage into right parietal lobe) |
 | 4143 Lancaster Ave. | Haladjian [Kalajian], Daniel | M | 1942-09-25 | 50 (b. 1892-03-09) | carcinoma of left lung |
 | 5213 Hazel Ave. | Kaljian [Kalajian], Garabed | M | 1929-02-13 | 64 (b. 1865-04-12) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Kilidjian [Kalajian], Martin | M | 1950-02-05 | 70 (b. 1880-01-03) | left coronary artery atheroma |
 | Temple University Hospital | Kuljian [Kalajian], Nerses | M | 1935-02-06 | 45 | postoperative bronchopneumonia (contributory: brain tumor) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Kalemkarian [Kalemkerian], | M | 1927-09-11 | (b. 1927-09-11) | placenta previa, prematurity (stillborn) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Kalafian [Kalfaian], Albert | M | 1926-10-24 | 9m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Jewish Hospital | Kalafian [Kalfaian], Almas | F | 1938-08-25 | 35 (b. 1903-01-10) | rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Calfoyan [Kalfaian], Aram S. | M | 1948-08-17 | 64y-4m-20d (b. 1884-03-28) | circulatory failure due to arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | Garretson Hospital | Gooloyan [Kaloian], Mardeross S. | M | 1923-11-01 | 52 | chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute cardiac dilatation, pulmonary edema) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Keoleian [Kaloian], Samuel | M | 1933-06-01 | 39 (b. 1894-02-05) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 1536 Columbia Ave. | Kaloustian, Ardashes | M | 1945-06-27 | 51y-6m-9d (b. 1893-12-18) | essential hypertension due to chronic nephritis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Kaloustian, Armond | M | 1950-08-28 | 64 (b. 1886-04-15) | coronary atherosclerosis due to occlusion, myocardial infarction |
 | Woman's Homeopathic Hospital | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Daniel | M | 1941-03-05 | 58y-8m-1d (b. 1882-07-04) | gunshot wound of head / found in bedroom of his home in bed |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Harry | M | 1935-05-17 | 2d (b. 1935-05-15) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Herepcema | F | 1934-04-03 | 1y-10m (b. 1933-06-15) | bilateral broncho pneumonia |
 | 3342 Mutter St. | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Martha | F | 1917-12-13 | 54y-8m-3d (b. 1863-04-04) | acute gastritis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Vahan | M | 1943-10-28 | 51y-7m-13d (b. 1892-03-15) | acute cystitis due to benign prostatic hypertophy |
 | 216 N. Avondale St. | Calpahian [Kalpaian], Vahn | M | 1912-11-15 | 18 (b. 1894-10-08) | pulm[onary] tub[erculosis] |
 | 642 S. 60th St. | Kalthaian [Kalpakjian], Haggy | M | 1916-06-08 | 80 | broncho pneumonia |
 | 6641 Lebanon Ave. | Calpacian [Kalpakjian], Serponhe | F | 1924-10-26 | 68 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 233 E. Thompson St. | Kapeghian [Kapigian], Hatchadoor | M | 1914-02-12 | (b. 1914-02-12) | accidental asphysia (birth) |
 | 1029 Shackamaxon St. | Kapeghian [Kapigian], Kachador | M | 1919-11-17 | 80y-7m-23d (b. 1839-03-24) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 4056 Market St. | Capegian [Kapigian], Manoog | M | 1915-12-02 | 74 (b. 1871) | carcinoma of the liver |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases | Kapeghian [Kapigian], Murgditch | M | 1917-02-07 | 13m (b. 1916-01-03) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: diptheria) |
 | 3467 Chestnut St. | Kapegian [Kapigian], Surmia | F | 1936-02-28 | 64 (b. 1871-07) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: myocardial infarction) |
 | 444 Poplar St. | Kapikian [Kapigian], Tzavak | M | 1906-05-17 | 4m-14d (b. 1906-01-03) | convulsions (contributory: teething) |
 | 4038 Powelton Ave. | Gabrichan [Kaprielian], Murgurdich | M | 1925-07-07 | 68y-5m-10d (b. 1857-01-27) | angina pectoris |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Gabrielian [Kaprielian], Paul L. | M | 1909-10-10 | 5 | tetanus, full infection of vaccination scab |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Gabrialean [Kaprielian], Robert | M | 1941-03-25 | 38y-4m-25d (b. 1902-10-31) | cerebral embolism, malignant hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiac decompensation |
 | 1825 Harrison St. | Karabashian, Paul | M | 1941-05-06 | 41y-8m-11d (b. 1900-08-25) | carcinoma of stomach (contributory: sub-total gastrectomy) |
 | 533 N. 33rd St. | Karagheuzian [Karageozian], Arakel | M | 1929-01-17 | 70 | cerebral hemorrhage - right side |
 | 1667 S. Yewdall St. | Karagheozian [Karageozian], Armine | F | 1927-07-10 | 19 (b. 1908-06-18) | Hodgkins disease |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Karaglazian [Karageozian], Arshag | M | 1926-02-20 | 6m (b. 1925-08-17) | hypertrophial thymus (contributory: respiratory asphyxiation) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Karagosian [Karageozian], Elza | F | 1929-03-12 | 65 | lobar pneumonia |
 | | Karageuzian [Karageozian], Haig | M | 1905-07-08 | 25 | tuberculosis of lungs (contributing: amyloid -----, spleen, kidneys) |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Karian [Karaian], Stephen | M | 1943-11-16 | 52y-6m-6d (b. 1891-05-10) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Karamanoogian [Karamanougian], Moses | M | 1945-06-02 | 61 (b. 1884-03-04) | hypertensive cardiovascular disease, avuncular fibrillation (other: cardiac decompensation, pulmonary infarction) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Karamanougian, Victoria | F | 1942-10-31 | 46 (b. 1896) | ruptured esophagial varices due to cirrhosis of liver |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Koroglian [Karaoghlanian], John | M | 1924-01-01 | 19 | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 6001 Chestnut St. | Karaoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Krikor | M | 1941-01-07 | 65 | chronic myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Insane | Carr [Karaoghlanian], Stephen | M | 1914-10-21 | 46 | paresis |
 | Emergency Hospital #2 | Karzagadavian, Hrant | M | 1918-10-20 | 25 (b. 1893) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Kassabian [Kasabian], Aharon H. | M | 1912-03-29 | 21 (b. 1891) | pulm[onary] tub[erculosis] |
 | Mercy Douglas Hospital | Kassabian [Kasabian], Krikor H. | M | 1949-12-30 | 61 (b. 1888-01-30) | coronary thrombosis due to acute heart failure |
 | 6544 Lebanon Ave. | Kassabian [Kasabian], Megerdich K. | M | 1942-12-08 | 66 (b. 1876) | chronic myocarditis (other: senility) |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Kassabian [Kasabian], Mihran (Dr.) | M | 1910-07-12 | 40 | secondary epitheleoma of axilla (contributory: pulmonary edema) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kassabian [Kasabian], Parounag | M | 1947-02-28 | 57y-8m-13d (b. 1889-06-15) | coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hashian [Kashkashian], Lazaros | M | 1948-10-14 | 67 (b. 1881) | respiratory insufficiency due to bronchopneumonia & cardiac decomposition |
 | 62 N. Salford St. | Hashian [Kashkashian], Mariam | F | 1926-03-06 | 75 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hashian [Kashkashian], Mary | F | 1947-09-27 | 68 (b. 1879) | arteriosclerosis & vascular disease |
 | 14 N. Robinson St. | Kasparian, | M | 1929-12-24 | 1d (b. 1929-12-23) | pulmonary congestion, contributory: breach birth |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kausian, John | M | 1907-09-16 | 8 (b. 1899) | tuberculous meningitis |
 | Jewish Hospital | Kayajianian [Kayajanian], Margaret | F | 1939-07-19 | 45 (b. 1894) | carcinoma r[igh]t ovary & pericardial effusion (contributory: metastasis to lungs, kidney, r[igh]t adrenal nodes) |
 | St. Christopher's Hospital | Kayajanian, Vasken | M | 1915-09-24 | 2 (b. 1913-08-24) | toxemia foll[owing] gen[eral] burns acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by falling into a kettle of hot water at home |
 | 156 N. Dewey St. | Kazanjian, | M | 1927-06-08 | (b. 1927-06-08) | stillborn |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kazanjian, George | M | 1947-11-24 | 78y-11m-29d (b. 1868-11-25) | b. coli septicemia, hypertension (carcinoma of bladder) |
 | Jewish Hospital | Kazanjian, Jack | M | 1943-12-26 | 61y-1m-12d (b. 1882-11-14) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 11 N. 53rd St. | Kazangian [Kazanjian], John | M | 1920-03-29 | 28 (b. 1892-03) | pthesis pulmonalis (contributory: general asthenia) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kazanjian, Margred G. | F | 1943-08-02 | 67y-8m-20d (b. 1875-06-12) | cardio-renal failure due to hyperkinesis cardic vascular disease [and] chronic pyelonephritis (other: diabetes mellitus, coronary occlusion) |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Kazanjian, Markar | M | 1926-04-21 | 42 | sarcomatosis |
 | 1821 S. Oakdale St. | Kazanjian, Mary | F | 1930-06-05 | 36 (b. 1894) | carcinoma of the stomach |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Kazanjian, Nazaret | M | 1944-05-17 | 78y-6m-18d (b. 1863-10-31) | arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease / congestive heart failure |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Kazanjian, Robert | M | 1937-10-28 | 7 (b. 1930-10-06) | frac[tured] skull & cervical vertebra (struck by auto, accidental) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kazezzian [Kazazian], Sarkis | M | 1916-12-08 | 40 | Hodgkins disease |
 | American Oncologic Hospital | Kebabjian, Olympia | F | 1922-02-16 | 51 (b. 1871-08-15) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 34 N. 60th St. | Kayaian [Kehaian], Sam | M | 1923-05-03 | 6m (b. 1922-11-04) | pneumonia |
 | St. Luke's & Children's Hospital | Kelvin [Kelavian], Leon | M | 1941-03-20 | 52y-6m-11d (b. 1888-09-09) | bronchopneumonia with complicating pulmonary edema |
 | 6038 Locust St. | Kelavian, Prapion | F | 1925-03-24 | 58 (b. 1867) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | Sacred Heart Home for Incurable Cancer | Keleshian, Nouretza | F | 1945-03-25 | 47 (b. 1898-03-15) | carcinoma of rectum |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kendigian, Minas | M | 1950-10-16 | 67 (b. 1883-08-10) | cerebral thrombosis due to cerebral arteriosclerosis |
 | 1538 Columbia Ave. | Kendigian, Zabel | F | 1947-12-26 | 56y-9m-17d (b. 1896-03-29) | cardio respiratory failure due to carcinoma of breast |
 | Frankford Hospital | Keosaian [Keoseian], Martin | M | 1944-02-24 | 55y-6m-30d (b. 1888-07-25) | coronary occlusion due to angina pectoris |
 | 826 N. 8th St. | Kerbeckian [Kerbegian], Abraham | M | 1919-10-06 | 61 | carcinoma of stomach |
 | 2300 N. 13th St. | Kerbeck [Kerbegian], Charles | M | 1936-04-29 | 70 | atrophied partial cirrhosis, hypertension |
 | 3621 Spring Garden St. | Kerbechian [Kerbegian], Rosa | F | 1944-12-24 | 74 (b. 1870) | coronary sclerosis (other: arteriosclerosis, myocarditis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Keshkegian [Keshgegian], Mamas | M | 1918-10-06 | 35 | influenza |
 | 6200 Callowhill St. | Kasheshian [Keshishian], | F | 1922-03-29 | (b. 1922-03-29) | stillborn |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kachegian [Keshishian], Albert | M | 1942-09-23 | 38 (b. 1904) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 5354 Osage Ave. | Kashishian [Keshishian], Hachick | M | 1941-05-24 | 63 | coronary embolism |
 | Howard Hospital | Keshishian, Levon | M | 1920-01-14 | 17 (b. 1902-12-10) | gangrenous intestine, peritonitis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Gosdigian [Kestigian], Martin | M | 1917-02-03 | 55 | nephritis, myocarditis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Gostigian [Kestigian], Missak | M | 1946-02-16 | 52y-11m-1d (b. 1893-03-15) | cardiac decompensation, chronic myocarditis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kevorkian, Alice | F | 1940-06-15 | 34 | carcinoma of pancreas, with generalized metastasis |
 | Stetson Hospital | Kevorkian, Joseph | M | 1937-11-03 | 43 (b. 1894-11-03) | malignant hypertension, pulmonary edema |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Kavorkian [Kevorkian], Michael | M | 1945-09-29 | 56y-6m-19d (b. 1889-03-10) | right lower lobar pneumonia / sarcoma right femur |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Kevorkian, Mihran H. | M | 1946-12-11 | 73y-10m-6d (b. 1873-02-05) | coronary occlusion |
 | 4701 Sansom St. | Hacdorian [Khachadourian], Avedis | M | 1944-05-03 | 62 (b. 1882-02-15) | coronary occlusion due to arterio edema |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Hatchadoorian [Khachadourian], Dolly | F | 1934-09-26 | 67 (b. 1867) | myocardial degeneration |
 | U. S. Naval Hospital | Kachadorian [Khachadourian], Giragos | M | 1941-04-30 | 48y-4m-6d (b. 1892-12-04) | anemia aplastic, enlarged spleen, broncho pneumonia |
 | 642 N. 11th St. | Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Gregory D. | M | 1907-03-31 | 41y-5m-18d (b. 1865-10-13) | myocarditis (contributory: rheumatism) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hacdorian [Khachadourian], Hamperson | M | 1933-02-21 | 55 | right capsular thrombosis left hemiplegia (contributory: arteriosclerosis hypertension) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Dorrian [Khachadourian], Ida | F | 1942-06-04 | 64 (b. 1877-08-06) | hemo pericardium due to rupture of infarcted left cardiac ventricle |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hackdorian [Khachadourian], John | M | 1940-11-30 | 58 | hypertension & cardiovascular disease |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kachadorian [Khachadourian], Margaret | F | 1944-03-17 | 56 (b. 1888-02) | heart failure / sub-acute bacterial endocarditis [and] rheumatic heart disease (other: diabetes mellitus) |
 | 4100 Locust St. | Dorian [Khachadourian], Mark | M | 1945-10-21 | 76 (b. 1869) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Hatchadoorian [Khachadourian], Minnie | F | 1939-07-05 | 74 | arteriosclerotic heart disease, general & cerebral arteriosclerosis, senile psychosis |
 | 922 N. 11th St. | Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Mugerditch D. | M | 1926-11-08 | 61 (b. 1865) | chronic myocarditis and chronic intestinal nephritis |
 | N. 6th St. & Poplar St. | Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Nuomzar D. | F | 1906-01-02 | 43y-7m-1d (b. 1863-07-01) | Bright's disease (contributory: pneumonia) |
 | | Der Hachadoorian [Khachadourian], Surpoohy | F | 1898-11-14 | 73 | chronic nephritis |
 | Spruce Nursing Home | Kachoorian [Khacherian], Abraham | M | 1949-05-09 | 83 | chronic myocardial degeneration |
 | 2147 S. Daggett St. | Heichikian [Khachigian], | M | 1925-01-17 | (b. 1925-01-14) | stillborn - premature birth |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital | Hatchigan [Khachigian], Helen | F | 1940-01-01 | 45 (b. 1895-12-25) | chronic fibroid tuberculosis (contributory: paralysis agitans) |
 | 1443 N. 55th St. | Hachikian [Khachigian], Nerme | F | 1940-07-04 | 77 | arteriosclerosis with hemiplegia (contributory: diabetes & diabetes) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Kederian [Khederian], Yerian | F | 1945-12-21 | 72y-6m-6d (b. 1873-06-15) | carcinomatosis / primary site bladder |
 | 1648 N. Franklin St. | Kheristian, Anna | F | 1912-08-19 | 72y-9m-29d (b. 1839-10-20) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 1718 N. Darien St. | Kreathian [Khritian], Gadar | F | 1918-10-12 | 22y-1m-12d (b. 1918-10-12) | puerperal septicimia |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases | Koshoian [Kochoian], Garabed | M | 1935-06-10 | 55y-5m-26d (b. 1879-12-15) | generalized arteriosclerosis, myocardial degeneration (contributory: cardiac decompensation) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Kanjian [Konjoian], Dicran | M | 1941-05-04 | 55y-2m (b. 1886-02-20) | neoplasm of cervical vertebra and metastasis to brain (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Kanjian [Konjoian], Harry C. | M | 1950-02-14 | 67y-7m (b. 1882-07-14) | left coronary artery atheroma |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases | Kanjian [Konjoian], Mary | F | 1934-12-16 | 90 | chronic myocardial degeneration, arterio sclerosis (contributory: senile psychosis) |
 | Graduate Hospital | Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], Avedis | M | 1945-07-15 | 60 (b. 1885-03-10) | heart failure / no brain tumor found |
 | 517 N. Hobart St. | Kooyoomjian [Kouyoumjian], Ellen | F | 1918-10-19 | 26 (b. 1892-05-02) | influenza |
 | 559 N. 63rd St. | Kouyoumjian, Harry | M | 1922-12-22 | 3m-11d (b. 1922-09-11) | general miliary tuberculosis |
 | 5327 Girard Ave. | Koomjian [Kouyoumjian], Hary | M | 1927-04-24 | (b. 1927-04-24) | premature birth |
 | Temple University Hospital | Koumjian [Kouyoumjian], Verkin | F | 1934-03-05 | 35 | asphyxia by carbon monoxide poisoning due to gas coming from a gas range (suicide while temporarily deranged) |
 | 5940 Cedar Ave. | Kuzigian [Kouzigian], Makrouhi | F | 1941-10-02 | 65y-10m-14d (b. 1875-11-18) | carcinoma of spine |
 | West Philadelphia Hospital for Women | Krickorian [Krikorian], | M | 1923-08-16 | (b. 1923-08-16) | stillborn infant (contributory: premature separation of placenta) |
 | 4200 Tyson St. | Kerkorian [Krikorian], Altoon | F | 1944-04-14 | 68 | hypertensive cardio renal disease |
 | Pennsylvania Railroad (Broad St. Station) | Krikory [Krikorian], George | M | 1924-03-20 | 62 | heart disease |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Krikory [Krikorian], Gold | F | 1914-07-02 | 75 | pneumonia comp[ound] frac[ture] clavical acc[i]d[ental]ly rec[eive]d by falling down stairs at home |
 | | Kickory [Krikorian], Gregory | M | 1897-09-13 | 70 | old age |
 | 3302 Mascher St. | Krikorian, Hagop | M | 1939-03-05 | 74y-2m-10d (b. 1864-12-20) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 878 N. 7th St. | Krickory [Krikorian], Mary | F | 1918-10-16 | 30y-7m-21d (b. 1888-02-25) | epidemic influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | 1759 Wylie St. | Gutchigian [Kuchukian], Frank | M | 1941-04-18 | 57y-10m-12d (b. 1883-06-06) | chr[onic] myocarditis (contributory: acute dilatation of heart) |
 | 1759 Wylie St. | Gutchigian [Kuchukian], Mariam | F | 1939-07-12 | 77 (b. 1862) | chronic endocarditis (contributory: old age) |
 | 6015 Chestnut St. | Kumkumian, Simon | M | 1950-03-06 | 67 (b. 1882-05-15) | cardiac failure due to broncho pneumonia |
 | 5652 Litchfield St. | Begian [Kundebegian], Glides | F | 1923-09-07 | 20 | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: mitral stenosis - valvular heart disease) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases | Kunzanzian, Albert | M | 1910-12-27 | 1y-3m (b. 1909) | scarlatina (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Koorajian [Kurejian], George Krikor | M | 1944-09-12 | 62y-5m-10d (b. 1882-04-02) | Hodgkins disease / struck by a machine handle / abdominal injury 2½ months ago (rupture of right lobe of liver while employed at Penn. Rivet Co.) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Koorajian [Kurejian], Mary | F | 1926-10-14 | 2m-18d (b. 1926-07-25) | acute gastroenteritis (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | 1014 S. 53rd St. | Ghourdjian [Kurejian], Megrditch | M | 1938-11-06 | 60 (b. 1878-02-12) | myocardial degeneration |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases (Byberry) | Koorajian [Kurejian], Sarkis | M | 1927-08-09 | 45y-7d (b. 1882-08-02) | epilepsy |
 | Osteopathic Hospital of Philadelphia | Kurkian [Kurkjian], | F | 1938-06-03 | (b. 1938-06-03) | intrauterine asphixiation |
 | 2239 Mascher St. | Kurkjian, Souren | M | 1929-11-25 | 35y-3m-20d (b. 1894-08-05) | acvute dilation of stomach |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Kuyijian [Kuyudjian], Vivan | F | 1937-05-03 | 2m (b. 1937-03-04) | broncho pneumonia - bilateral |
 | 5022 Chestnut St. | Latchinian [Lachinian], Anna | F | 1942-03-11 | 67 (b. 1875-11-13) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Latchinian [Lachinian], Mihran | M | 1950-10-02 | 67 (b. 1883) | broncho pneumonia |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Levonian, | M | 1924-09-30 | (b. 1924-09-30) | cerebral compression in delivery |
 | 6223 Girard Ave. | Lousararian [Lousarevian], Aurora | M | 1926-05-14 | 21y-8m (b. 1904-09-14) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Woman's College Hospital | Lousinian, Purlinto | F | 1941-03-05 | 75y-5m (b. 1865-10-05) | posterior myocardial infarction (contributory: hypertensive cardic vascular dis[ease] and arteriosclerosis) |
 | 2400 N. Howard St. | Lulejian, Almas | F | 1942-04-30 | 55y-4m-15d (b. 1886-12-15) | metastatic carcinomatosis liver due to primary carcinoma splenic flexure of colon |
 | Frankford Hospital | Lulejian, Arsen | M | 1920-04-10 | 25y-10d (b. 1895-04-01) | uremia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Magarian, George | M | 1935-12-03 | 42y-2m-10d (b. 1893-08-23) | coronary occlusion |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Magarian, Hagop | M | 1946-01-05 | 60 (b. 1886-01-05) | arterio sclerotic hypertensive cardio vascular disease |
 | 468 N. 5th St. | Makarian [Magarian], Maram | F | 1906-05-08 | 55y-10m (b. 1851) | tuberculosis (pulmonary & intestinal) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Mahigian [Maghakian], Haiganoosh | F | 1941-11-23 | 49y-3m-19d | carcinomatosis / massive lung involvement |
 | Temple University Hospital | Magushian [Maghesian], Marie | F | 1949-06-22 | 61y-29d (b. 1888-05-24) | pancreatic neoplasm |
 | 5622 Spruce St. | Mathesian [Mahdesian], Mazley Z. | F | 1923-10-11 | 43 (b. 1880-01-15) | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, suicide while temporarily deranged |
 | Sacred Heart Home for Incurable Cancer | Mahtesian [Mahdesian], Perlanty | F | 1946-02-13 | 37 (b. 1909-05-15) | sarcoma of rectum |
 | 121 N. Salford St. | Mahdessian [Mahdesian], Stephen | M | 1923-03-06 | 1y-1m-6d (b. 1922-02-01) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 2449 N. 54th St. | Mahjoubian, Hatoan | F | 1934-05-07 | 67 | chronic endocarditis |
 | 6149 Spruce St. | Mahjoubian, Mairenie | F | 1934-03-14 | 99 (b. 1835-02-01) | chronic myocardit[is] and old age |
 | 6044 Spruce St. | Mahjoubian, Makrouhie | F | 1930-10-14 | 55y-9m (b. 1875-01-14) | chronic interstitial nephritis, contributory: chronic myocarditis |
 | 5917 Walnut St. | Mahjoubian, Mary | F | 1939-07-04 | 63 (b. 1875-11-11) | tubercular pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary tuberculosis & chronic myocarditis) |
 | Northern Liberties Hospital | Maksoodian [Maksoudian], Hovannes B. | M | 1946-04-01 | 60 (b. 1886-08-26) | multiple fractures, traumatic shock, while at work struck by grinding wheel (accident) |
 | 5937 Catharine St. | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Bella | F | 1925-06-01 | 11 (b. 1914-02-18) | endocarditis with pernicious anemia |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Herach | M | 1913-02-10 | 2 | laryngeal diphtheria |
 | 3942 N. Smedley St. | Maloumian [Malumian], Garabed | M | 1940-09-07 | 62 (b. 1878-09-07) | cardio-renal disease |
 | 1820 Chestnut St. | Manisalian [Manaserian], Rose | F | 1909-12-21 | 40 | pulmonary edema (contributory: chronic endocarditis) |
 | 5225 Larchwood St. | Mangigian, Agop | M | 1947-12-05 | 66y-6m-2d (b. 1881-06-03) | acute caridac decompens[a]tion due to viral pneumonia & bronchiectasis |
 | 19th St. | Mangigian, Arikel | M | 1904-07-18 | 8m | bronchopneumonia (contributing: acute ile colitis) |
 | 468 N. 5th St. | Mangigian, Birdie | F | 1903-07-16 | 18m | emphysema |
 | 1303 Susquehanna Ave. | Mangigian, Nartouhi | F | 1950-06-14 | 71 (b. 1878-06-26) | chronic mitral & aortic regurgitation with cardiac enlargement, left vocal chord paralysis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Mangigan [Mangigian], Peter | M | 1942-07-25 | 68y-4m-13d (b. 1874-03-11) | pleural endothelioma, arterioscleratic heart disease, healed cardiac infarct[ion] |
 | 603 N. 66th St. | Mangigian, Robert | M | 1935-08-26 | 3y-4m-24d (b. 1932-04-02) | septicemia with impetigo (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | 1511 Montgomery St. | Manisajian, Arman | M | 1929-02-24 | 50 | chronic myocarditis |
 | 3243 Unruh Ave. | Manigian [Manougian], Azniv | F | 1942-04-10 | 59 (b. 1883-02-28) | carcinoma of chest and stomach |
 | Sacret Heart Home for Incurable Cancer | Manukian [Manougian], Gulinya | F | 1945-12-27 | 68 | carcinoma of left kidney |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Manoukian [Manougian], Israel | M | 1913-01-16 | 22m | gastro enteritis (contributory: rickets) |
 | 5229 Girard Ave. | Manoogian [Manougian], Nishan | M | 1945-12-29 | 65 (b. 1880-03-15) | coronary thrombosis (other: diabetes mellitus) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Manooska [Manoushian], Nazareth | M | 1925-10-03 | 44 | acute appendicitis with severe toxemia |
 | 4906 N. 6th St. | Manooshian [Manoushian], Samuel | M | 1915-07-07 | 27y-1m-23d (b. 1888-05-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Frankford Hospital | Marderosian [Mardirosian], George | M | 1934-11-17 | 48 | fracture skull sub & extradural, hemorrhages, struck by auto at Robbins Ave. near Grouse St. |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Martayan [Mardoian], Bogas | M | 1937-12-12 | 74 (b. 1863) | acute exacerbation of cholecystitis & associated hepatitis (contributory: renal insufficiency) |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Markarian, Krikor | M | 1941-05-09 | 51y-8m (b. 1890-08) | chr[onic] myocardial fibrosis due to acute cardiac dilatation |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Markaridian, Elsie | F | 1944-12-18 | 44y-1m-20d (b. 1900-10-28) | cardiac failure due to hypertensive cardio-vascular disease (other: rheumatic heart disease) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Matosian [Mateosian], | M | 1923-06-08 | (b. 1923-06-08) | stillborn suffocation in utero (contributory: long, obstructed labor) |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Matoosian [Mateosian], | M | 1942-12-17 | | still birth due to premature separation of placenta |
 | Hotel Esmond | Matteossian [Mateosian], Herant | M | 1932-04-04 | 60 (b. 1871-08-12) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Chestnut Hill Hospital | Matteossian [Mateosian], Madge Freeley | F | 1949-03-16 | 78 | arteriosclerotic heart disease & acute heart failure |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Maissian [Mayissian], Helen | F | 1945-09-07 | 86 (b. 1859) | bronchopneumonia / fractured left femur / osteomyelitis of left tibia |
 | 1515 N. 23rd St. | Mazbutian [Mazboutian], Hije Hagop | M | 1926-08-25 | 55 (b. 1871) | pleuritic effusion & cerebral hemorhage (contributory: heart failure) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Mazloumian, Milvan | M | 1944-02-29 | 67 (b. 1877) | arteriosclerotis due to heart disease with avuncular fibrillation |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Mazmanian, George | M | 1933-12-03 | 1y-2m (b. 1932-09-16) | acute mastoiditis, acute otitis media |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Mazmanian, Sarah | F | 1923-10-20 | 19 (b. 1904) | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Mazmanian, Sarkis | M | 1942-12-03 | 54 (b. 1888-07-15) | pulmonary embolus due to carcinoma of stomach |
 | Children's Hospital (Mary J. Drexel Home) | Maldonian [Meldonian], Negohas | M | 1907-08-27 | 8 | septicaemia (contributory: suppurative arthritis of knee) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Meldonian, Tuma | F | 1909-11-07 | 38 | malarial fever |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Melidosian, | M | 1923-08-10 | 17d (b. 1923-07-23) | phimosis (contributory: uncontrollable hemorrhage following cirumcision) |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Melidosian, Helen | F | 1924-06-25 | 4y-1m-9d (b. 1920-05-16) | auto injuries |
 | 210 S. 60th St. | Melikian, Richard | M | 1932-04-07 | 55 (b. 1877) | valvular heart coronary thrombosis |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Melkonian, | F | 1914-04-28 | | fetal toxemia, prematurity |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Melkonian, Arakel | M | 1940-07-06 | 54y-10m-8d (b. 1884-08-28) | uremic coma (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis) |
 | Philadelphia Osteopathic Hospital | Meserlian, Edward K. | M | 1945-01-29 | 5y-4m-21d (b. 1939-09-08) | right heart failure due to aleukemic leukemia |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Mesarlian [Meserlian], Jaspar | M | 1935-11-30 | 6d (b. 1935-11-24) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital | Meserlian, John | M | 1948-10-22 | 46y-5m-5d (b. 1902-05-17) | coronary thrombosis due to generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Germantown Hospital | Mesropian [Mesrobian], Charles | M | 1926-05-29 | 6 (b. 1920-05-03) | myocarditis with acute decompensation |
 | Sacred Heart Free Home for Incurable | Mesropian [Mesrobian], Dick | M | 1939-07-24 | 55 | carcinoma of bladder |
 | 5258 Hazel Ave. | Mesropian [Mesrobian], Garabed | M | 1942-11-14 | 79 (b. 1863-09-02) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Mesropian [Mesrobian], George | M | 1922-01-01 | 22 (b. 1899) | breunococcii [?] meningitis (contributory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | Market St. & Schuylkill River | Mesropian [Mesrobian], Rosa | F | 1913-11-28 | 47 | drowned by jumping into Sch[u]yl[kill] River (suicide) |
 | 128 S. 53rd St. | Mestjian, Armanag | M | 1917-08-05 | 50y-4m-20d (b. 1867-03-15) | tuberculosis pulmonary chronic (contributory: chronic bronchitis) |
 | 6022 Pine St. | Mostichian [Mestjian], Haig | M | 1938-05-12 | 61 (b. 1877-03-15) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | S. 52nd St. & Sansom St. | Misjian [Mestjian], Logan | M | 1917-08-25 | 17 | drowned acc[i]d[ental]ly in a swimming pool |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases (Byberry) | Mastichian [Mestjian], Sultein | F | 1925-11-28 | 58 (b. 1867-10-29) | myocarditis (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 1323 Brandywine St. | Mugurdichian [Mgrdichian], Margarite | F | 1922-04-05 | 45 (b. 1877-03-01) | angina pectoris |
 | 5024 Pine St. | Miadzinian, Virginia | F | 1944-03-15 | 71 (b. 1873-02-25) | angina pectoris |
 | 2619 Lehigh Ave. | Miamidian, Nektar | F | 1947-10-15 | 57y-4m-6d (b. 1890-06-09) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension & chronic nephritis |
 | 1318 N. Marvine St. | Michaelian [Mikaelian], Nartoohy | F | 1925-06-06 | 70 | apoplexy |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Michaelian [Mikaelian], Souran | M | 1938-09-08 | 41 (b. 1897-04-21) | uremia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Minasian, Avidis | M | 1918-09-10 | 48 | chr[onic] intestinal nephritis & uremia (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Minasian, Hagop | M | 1947-03-12 | 58 (b. 1888-12-15) | myocardial infarction due to coronary occlusion & arteriosclerosis |
 | 548 N. Vogdes St. | Minassian [Minasian], Mariam | F | 1922-06-29 | 75y-6m-14d (b. 1846-10-15) | chronic endocarditis (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
 | 5826 Chestnut St. | Minassian [Minasian], Megerdich | M | 1950-12-19 | 69 (b. 1881-06-28) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis |
 | 1608 Chestnut St. | Minassian [Minasian], Philip | M | 1929-02-11 | 57 | valvular disease of heart |
 | Jefferson Medical College & Hospital | Minasian, Stephen | M | 1941-01-16 | (b. 1875) | strangulated inguinal hernia (contributory: arteriosclerotic cardio-vascular dis[ease], decompensation, pulmonary edema) |
 | Women's Hospital | Marakian [Mirakian], Anna | F | 1918-11-13 | 27 (b. 1891) | post-influenzal myocarditis and nephritis |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Mirakian, Kirkor | M | 1942-09-18 | 60 (b. 1882-04-18) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Mirakian, Martha | F | 1930-12-11 | 32 | uterine carcinoma |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Marakin [Mirakian], Steven | M | 1917-12-29 | 37 | frac[tured] skull rec[eived] in some unknown manner |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Miranshahian, Karakin H. | M | 1945-09-10 | 66y-5m-21d (b. 1879-03-02) | ventricular fibrillation due to advanced myocardial degeneration (other: marked coronary sclerosis) |
 | 4047 Spruce St. | Merjanian [Mirijanian], Veronica | F | 1948-05-14 | 79y-1m-29d (b. 1889-03-15) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | 6042 Chestnut St. | Mirzoeff [Mirzoian], Anna | F | 1931-08-06 | 75 (b. 1866) | chronic endonclritis |
 | 420 S. 61st St. | Moomjian [Moumjian], | F | 1932-05-14 | (b. 1932-05-14) | congenital malformation heart |
 | 5848 Delancey St. | Monzian [Moumjian], Richard Gregory | M | 1924-10-14 | 1d (b. 1924-10-13) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 6105 Pine St. | Monjian [Moumjian], Twig | F | 1938-05-01 | 62 (b. 1876) | chr[onic] myocarditis, acute cardiac dilatation |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], George S. | M | 1945-03-30 | 61 (b. 1883-09-18) | cardiac thrombosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Mouradian, Lucy | F | 1945-03-18 | 72y-7m-3d (b. 1872-08-15) | carcinoma of kidney |
 | 5142 Larchwood St. | Mouradian, Perouz | F | 1921-08-18 | 58 (b. 1863-08-18) | acute nephritis |
 | 1943 N. 20th St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Richard | M | 1920-03-28 | 40 | acute gastro enteritis |
 | 819 Moss St. | Mouradain [Mouradian], Sarkis | M | 1928-12-26 | 52y-4m (b. 1876-08-10) | arterio schlerosis, myocarditis, & chronic nephritis |
 | Anderson Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Sazzar | M | 1941-12-20 | 72 | gastric & duodenal carcinoma |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Maushaghian [Mousheghian], Hemple | M | 1948-01-12 | 65y-6m-11d (b. 1882-07-01) | arterisclerotic hypertension & cardiovascular disease |
 | 2021 South St. | Mooshigian [Mousheghian], Hovanes | M | 1901-10-22 | 4 | meningitis |
 | 1526 S. Vogdes St. | Moushegian [Mousheghian], Jacob | M | 1931-05-18 | 85 | apoplexy (hemorrhage into brain) (contributory: hypertension) |
 | 2051 South St. | Mushikhian [Mousheghian], Satineg | F | 1909-02-01 | 33y-11m-16d (b. 1875-02-17) | valvular heart disease |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Disease | Movses [Movsesian], Harry | M | 1929-04-27 | 57y-25m (b. 1872-04-02) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | 5728 Catharine St. | Movsesian, Mihran | M | 1948-07-06 | 54 (b. 1893-09-22) | coronary occlusion |
 | Graduate Hospital | Moosesian [Movsesian], Thomas F. D. R. | M | 1942-12-08 | 11m (b. 1942-01-08) | r[igh]t lobar pneumonia with pleurisy |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Misirian [Mserian], Garabed | M | 1929-09-07 | 30y-10d | Hodgkin's disease |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Mukalian [Mukhalian], | M | 1930-07-24 | 2d (b. 1930-07-23) | convulsions |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Mukhalian, Aram J. | M | 1946-02-18 | 52 (b. 1892-10-02) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 1222 Ridge Ave. | Mukhalian, Marderos | M | 1911-12-09 | 18d (b. 1911-11-19) | acute gastroduodenitis (contributory: cardiac dilatation & asthenia) |
 | Germantown Hospital | Mkhalian [Mukhalian], Mihran | M | 1947-11-05 | 52y-9m-17d (b. 1895-01-18) | acute congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction & coronary arteriosclerosis |
 | 6164 Walnut St. | Mukhalian, Nartoohy | F | 1922-06-26 | 55 (b. 1867) | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, suicide while temporarily deranged |
 | 6123 Walnut St. | Mukhalian, Saikis (Jr.) | M | 1919-04-22 | 1d (b. 1919-04-21) | atelectasis pulmonum |
 | 6129 Sansom St. | Mukhalian, Sarkis | M | 1939-09-10 | 56 | acute dilatation of the heart (contributory: duodenal fistula) |
 | 5264 Delancey St. | Mukhalian, Vartouhy | F | 1939-05-21 | 78 | lobar pneumonia (contributory: chronic nephritis & chronic myocarditis) |
 | 443 S. 61st St. | Nahabedian, Nerses | M | 1946-11-23 | 46y-2m-22d (b. 1900-09-01) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 1534 N. Natrona St | Nahigian, Antranik | M | 1920-05-11 | 1y-3m-10d (b. 1919-02-01) | catarrhal pneumonia |
 | 5329 Irving St. | Nahikian [Nahigian], Frank | M | 1948-09-02 | 77y-1m-17d (b. 1871-07-15) | bronchogenic carcinoma |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Nazarian [Najarian], Harry | M | 1933-08-22 | 28 (b. 1905) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | 1534 N. 12th St. | Nazarian [Najarian], Minas | M | 1923-01-07 | 4m-7d (b. 1922-09-01) | broncho pneumonia (contributory: enterocolitis) |
 | Northwestern General Hospital | Nakeshian [Nakashian], Migir | M | 1925-11-06 | 70 (b. 1855-01-15) | acute [ap]pendicitis following operation |
 | 857 N. Marshall St. | Nalbandian, Margaret | F | 1930-05-22 | 46y-11m (b. 1930-06-20) | renal asthma, contributory: acute myocarditis |
 | 109 N. 60th St. | Nedurian [Natourian], Armine | F | 1919-11-06 | 7d (b. 1919-11-30) | tetanus neonatorum |
 | 6164 Walnut St. | Nazarethian [Nazaretian], John | M | 1943-08-12 | 52y-10m-2d (b. 1890-10-10) | cardiac thrombosis |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Nazarethian [Nazaretian], Khatoon | F | 1920-08-02 | 34 (b. 1886-03-15) | hemorrhage - post partum, Braxton Hicks - shock (contributory: placenta praevia) |
 | | Nazarethian [Nazaretian], Nazareth | M | 1945-10-24 | 62 | lymphatic leukaemia / cachexia due to lymphatic leukaemia |
 | Children's Homeopathic Hospital | Nazarithian [Nazaretian], Zero | M | 1919-01-25 | 3m (b. 1918-10-06) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Necharian, Sarkis | M | 1945-10-18 | 50y-1m-17d (b. 1895-09-04) | cerebral vascular accident, possible thrombosis |
 | 5129 Irving St. | Nercessian [Nersesian], Bertha | F | 1927-11-08 | 65 | broncho pneumonia |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Nercesian [Nersesian], Merian | M | 1946-11-21 | 53y-6m-19d (b. 1895-05-02) | respiratory failure (contributory: metastatic carcinoma of brain due to bronchogenic carcinoma) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Nercesian [Nersesian], Peter | M | 1933-11-19 | 65y-8m-16d (b. 1868-03-03) | broken neck frac[ture] of the cervical vertebra due to falling down an open cellar door |
 | Women's College Hospital | Nersesian, Peter | M | 1940-08-07 | 53y-3m (b. 1887-05-07) | carcinoma of the lung & multiple abscesses (contributory: struck by auto (accident)) |
 | St. Agnes Hospital | Nigoghasian [Nigoghosian], William | M | 1942-12-10 | 6y-6m-26d (b. 1936-05-14) | pneumococcis due to meningitis |
 | 508 S. 60th St. | Nishanian, | F | 1919-03-12 | (b. 1919-03-12) | stillbirth of small foetus |
 | 514 S. Redfield St. | Neshanian [Nishanian], John | M | 1922-11-21 | (b. 1922-11-20) | prematurity |
 | 7733 Castor Ave. | Narzakian [Norsigian], Aghavney | F | 1948-09-21 | 70 (b. 1878-06-24) | generalized arteriosclerosis with ascending arteriosclerotic gangrene of left foot |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Nauskhajian [Nouskhajian], Aris | M | 1927-05-04 | 16y-8m-16d (b. 1910-08-18) | staphylcoccus animus septicemia |
 | 4920 Baltimore Ave. | Nouskhajian, Arisdegis | M | 1909-12-01 | 65 (b. 1844-01-01) | pulmonary edema, cardiac insuffiency (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis & asthma) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Naushkajian [Nouskhajian], George | M | 1927-06-07 | 56 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Nouskhajian, Hagop | M | 1908-02-26 | 36 (b. 1872) | pyonephrosis (left), malaria |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Nouskajian [Nouskhajian], James A. | M | 1950-03-02 | 50y-8m-13d (b. 1899-06-19) | drowning (unknown manner) |
 | 4929 Walnut St. | Nouskhajian, Karekin A. | M | 1940-09-13 | 63 | coronary occlusion |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Nouskhajian, Krikor A. | M | 1926-12-08 | 54y-9m-9d (b. 1872-02-29) | septic thrombosis due to pricking a pimple |
 | Broad St. Hospital | Nouskajian [Nouskhajian], Yenene | F | 1939-06-22 | 52 (b. 1887-01-18) | proliferating cyst - adeno - carcinoma of right ovary (contributory: abdominal ascites) |
 | Northeastern Hospital | Odabashian, Anahid | F | 1949-07-18 | 47y-4m-27d (b. 1902-02-21) | tuberculosis meningitis |
 | Philadelphia Home for Incurables | Chamberlain [Odabashian], Helen | F | 1950-10-16 | 51 (b. 1898-11-09) | generalized metastasis of carcinoma of the breast |
 | Temple Hospital | Odabashian, Setrak | M | 1946-07-23 | 74y-1m-1d (b. 1872-06-22) | congestive heart failure, hypertensive arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | 3252 Comly St. | Ohanian, Haig | M | 1927-06-27 | 7m (b. 1927-06-21) | prematurity |
 | 2021 South St. | Ohanian, Hamparzoom | M | 1937-03-31 | 69 (b. 1868-05-10) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 2023 South St. | Ohanian, Marie | F | 1913-02-06 | 75 (b. 1838) | acute indigestion & senility |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Ohanian, Mary K. | F | 1949-06-23 | 31 (b. 1918-07-03) | gangrenous appendicitis |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Johnson [Ohannesian], Abcar | M | 1942-07-14 | 70 (b. 1871-09-15) | coronary occulsion due to cardiac failure |
 | Rush Hospital | Johnson [Ohannesian], Aganive | F | 1907-10-05 | 23y-10m-5d (b. 1883-11-30) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Ohannesian, Beatrice | F | 1940-03-20 | (b. 1940-03-20) | atelectasis |
 | 1229 Venango St. | Ohannesian, Charles | M | 1948-06-14 | 54y-1m-30d (b. 1894-04-15) | acute cerebral embolism due to acute recurrent cardiac infarction with asthma & bronchitis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Ohannessian [Ohannesian], Harry | M | 1909-01 | 24 (b. 1885) | multiple abscess (metastatic) (contributory: infective endocarditis) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Ohannessian [Ohannesian], John | M | 1913-04-16 | 33 | general tuberculosis (contributory: tubercular infection of leg) |
 | German Hospital | Ohanesian [Ohannesian], Mathew | M | 1906-09-06 | 48 | enteric fever (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | 1003 Ridge Ave. | Ohamessian [Ohannesian], Paravon | M | 1921-12-24 | 38 | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, probably accidental |
 | 3517 N. 15th St. | Ohanessian [Ohannesian], Samuel | M | 1942-05-11 | 52y-6m-26d (b. 1889-10-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 1811 N. Darien St. | Oukurian [Okourian], Cohar | F | 1917-06-30 | 7m-7d (b. 1916-11-11) | bronchopneumonia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Okoorian [Okourian], George | M | 1938-03-25 | 56 (b. 1881-08-10) | general & cerebral arteriosclerosis |
 | 1804 N. Darien St. | Okurian [Okourian], Hagop | M | 1938-01-28 | 47y-23d (b. 1891-01-05) | thrombosis of coronary artery (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | 1811 N. Darien St. | Okurian [Okourian], Satenig | F | 1919-04-13 | 6m (b. 1918-10-26) | lobular pneumonia |
 | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Okurian [Okourian], Steven | M | 1924-05-06 | 4m-5d (b. 1924-01-01) | acute gastroenteritis |
 | 3216 Baring St. | Ougourlian [Oughourlian], John | M | 1947-11-28 | 51y-3m-3d (b. 1896-08-25) | chronic endocarditis |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry | Ounjian, Anna | F | 1930-04-13 | 49 (b. 1880-03-27) | cerebral apoplexy with cerebral arteriosclerosis |
 | 3323 N. Hancock St. | Ozanian [Ouzounian], Anna | F | 1916-04-09 | 34 (b. 1882-04-12) | tuberculoses (pulmanis) |
 | 1521 Cumberland St. | Ozanian [Ouzounian], Charles | M | 1946-10-29 | 69y-10m-18d (b. 1876-12-11) | carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 3326 Mutter St. | Ozanian [Ouzounian], Emma | F | 1914-08-01 | 8m (b. 1913-12-13) | dysentery |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Ouzounian, Haig | M | 1918-10-16 | 16 | influenza (contribiutory: broncho pneumonia) |
 | 1805 N. 6th St. | Ozanian [Ouzounian], John | M | 1909-09-24 | 48 | exhaustion (contributory: gastritis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Oymaian, George | M | 1948-02-17 | 54y-8m-21d (b. 1894-05-28) | heart failure due to pulmonary artery sclerosis & hypertension |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Packlaian [Paklaian], Margar | M | 1941-07-16 | 47y-8m-8d (b. 1893-10-27) | hypertensive cardio-vascular disease with cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 6441 Woodbine Ave. | Pakradooni [Pakradounian], Haig Herant | M | 1937-02-17 | 70y-2m-17d (b. 1866-12-01) | coronary thrombosis, contributory: diabetes mellitis |
 | 1513 N. Felton St. | Pakradooni [Pakradounian], Pervon | F | 1941-07-03 | 74y-3m-21d (b. 1867-03-12) | bronchopneumonia due to chronic interstitial nephritis (other: congenital mitral regurgitation) |
 | 6441 Woodbine Ave. | Pakradooni [Pakradounian], Pusant | M | 1919-03-20 | 64y-10m-27d (b. 1854-04-23) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 2244 N. 16th St. | Palanjian, Albert | M | 1924-04-06 | 5m (b. 1923-11-23) | pneumonia bronchial (contributory: cardiac dilatation) |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Palanjian, Hagop | M | 1946-01-21 | 63y-1m-1d (b. 1882-12-20) | congestive heart failure, arterio sclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Palouian [Paloutzian], | M | 1917-07-17 | 1d (b. 1917-07-15) | congenital atelectasis |
 | Samaritan Hospital | Pauluzian [Paloutzian], Aram | M | 1926-12-26 | 48 | typhoid fever (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | Mt. Sinai Hospital | Palouain [Paloutzian], Armen | M | 1918-08-29 | 2 (b. 1916-06-21) | empyema following pneumonia |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Pambookjian [Pamboukjian], Myran | M | 1931-03-15 | 33 | injuries to head, body & limbs due to jumping in front of electric train @ 63rd & Market (suicide due to tempor[ary] derangement) |
 | St. Joseph Hospital | Pambookjian [Pamboukjian], Nesham | M | 1923-01-11 | 35 (b. 1887-10-15) | concussion of brain accidentally rec[eive]d by being struck by a P. R. T. car |
 | 127 S. 46th St. | Panosian, Dirouhi | F | 1936-03-05 | 80 (b. 1856) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Rush Hospital for Consumption & Allied Diseases | Panzoodian, Karneg G. | M | 1927-05-04 | 35y-2m-4d (b. 1892-03-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Woman's Hospital | Papazian, | F | 1942-04-29 | (b. 1942-04-29) | stillborn due to hypertension |
 | 5213 Webster St. | Papajian [Papazian], Bertha Finas | F | 1934-12-24 | 50 (b. 1884-11-08) | myocardial degeneration |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Papazian, Edward | M | 1942-08-25 | 47y-7m-10d (b. 1895-01-15) | bronchogenic carcinoma (other: emphysema thoroces) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Papasian [Papazian], Elizabeth | F | 1922-03-27 | 65 (b. 1857-03-15) | carcinoma of renal & pancreas with metastasis in liver (contributory: operation gastro-cholecystectomy) |
 | 6101 Locust St. | Papazian, Mamas | M | 1950-10-11 | 76 (b. 1874-05-10) | diabetes mellitis due to myocarditis & anemia |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Papazian, Martin | M | 1918-10-12 | 47y-6m-22d (b. 1871-11-20) | pneumonia |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital | Papajian [Papazian], Martin H. | M | 1944-03-30 | 85 (b. 1859) | arteriosclerotic heart disease (other: senile psychosis) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Papasian [Papazian], Nishan | M | 1904-12-04 | 31 | dementia paretica (contributing: phthisis pulmonalis) |
 | Preston Retreat Hospital | Barighian [Parigian], Antoinette Regina | F | 1921-08-28 | 13d (b. 1921-08-15) | enlargement of thymus gland (acute) |
 | 5216 Addison St. | Paregian [Parigian], Araksy | F | 1925-01-26 | 3d (b. 1925-01-23) | inanition (poor health of mother, hygienic surroundings not very good) (contributory: malnutrition, underdeveloped) |
 | 5492 Belmar Terrace | Paregian [Parigian], Hripsime | F | 1953-03-18 | 60 (b. 1892-04-17) | cerebral vascular accident due to hypertensive c[ardio] v[ascular] disease (other: diabetes mellitis) |
 | 1331 N. 17th St. | Paregian [Parigian], John | M | 1941-06-07 | 69 (b. 1872-04) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 5405 Market St. | Paregian [Parigian], Krikor Phillip | M | 1940-04-26 | 52 (b. 1888) | myocarditis & volerants [?] of coronary arter[y] (contributory: influenza) |
 | 5429 Belmar Terrace | Paregian [Parigian], Nshan | M | 1951-10-28 | 70 (b. 1881-02-15) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis (other: postero lateral scleroris) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Paregian [Parigian], Philip | M | 1924-02-26 | 2y-5m (b. 1921-09-09) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Barikian [Parigian], Sophie | F | 1940-09-26 | 16 (b. 1924-06-09) | staphyloccic bacteremia (contributory: secondary infection due to picking a pimple on her chin) |
 | Women's Homeopathic Hospital | Paroonagian [Parounagian], | F | 1932-09-15 | (b. 1932-09-15) | stillborn (8 months, macerated) |
 | Women's College Hospital | Paroonagian [Parounagian], Abraham B. | M | 1943-11-17 | 67y-10m-7d (b. 1876-01-10) | arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease with coronary sclerosis |
 | Children's Hospital (Mary J. Drexel Home) | Paroonagian [Parounagian], Anna | F | 1932-03-14 | 8y-7m-1d (b. 1923-08-13) | cerebro spinal meningitis (meningicoccic) |
 | Temple Hospital | Paroonagian [Parounagian], Manoog | M | 1947-10-12 | 64y-4m-2d (b. 1883-06-10) | coronary occlusion |
 | | Parcell [Parseghian], Arvedis | M | 1901-11-21 | 57 | valvular heart disease |
 | Memorial Hospital | Derpilbosian [Pilibosian], Albert | M | 1946-05-16 | 65y-4m-10d (b. 1881-01-06) | arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Der Philibosian [Pilibosian], Baldasar | M | 1941-09-12 | 53y-8m-5d (b. 1888-01-07) | angina pectoris |
 | 1609 Chelten Ave. | Pilbosian [Pilibosian], Higonoush | F | 1944-12-29 | 56y-11m-24d (b. 1888-01-05) | coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis and hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Piligian, | F | 1949-11-05 | 6d (b. 1949-10-29) | premature infant |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Piranian, Emanuel | M | 1935-08-23 | 26 (b. 1909-09-11) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Piranian, Mary | F | 1950-05-07 | 73 (b. 1877-05-07) | myocardial failure due to carcinoma of esophagus |
 | American Oncologic Hospital | Poladian, Mabel | F | 1927-04-06 | 18 | tubercular peritonitis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Proodian [Proudian], Adam | M | 1948-09-28 | 58y-7m-12d (b. 1890-02-16) | hypertensive cardiovascular disease, emphysema, chronic cystic disease of the kidney |
 | 2905 Hale St. | Proodian [Proudian], Popik | F | 1950-03-05 | 84 (b. 1865-06-11) | broncho pneumonia due to cerebral thrombosis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Ruzian [Reisian], Sarkis (Rev.) | M | 1947-07-13 | 61y-30m-28d (b. 1886-03-15) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Rustigian, Paul | M | 1914-04-04 | 32 | chr[onic] endocarditis, chr[onic] nephritis (contributory: acute cardiac dilatation) |
 | 521 S. Conestoga St. | Sachaklian, George | M | 1938-03-03 | 54 | coronary thrombosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Sacof, Donald | M | 1925-02-04 | 75 (b. 1849-09-11) | carcinoma of bladder (contributory: hypertrophy of prostate) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Pazarian [Saghbazarian], Robert | M | 1941-06-08 | 70 (b. 1870-12-12) | bronchpneumonia / encephalomaicia / arteriosclerosis & generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Graduate Hospital | Saghirian [Sagherian], Agavnie | F | 1949-03-01 | 67 | coronary thrombosis |
 | | Sadjian [Sahatjian], Harry | M | 1944-05-10 | 60 (b. 1884-05) | coronary sclerosis due to arteriosclerosis hypertensive |
 | 5250 Pine St. | Saatjian [Sahatjian], Maream | F | 1943-05-24 | 70y-1m-9d (b. 1873-04-15) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 2431 N. 18th St. | Sakian, Joseph | M | 1942-12-27 | 55y-4m (b. 1887-08-15) | lobar pneumonia / manic depression psychosis |
 | 1321 Brandywine St. | Samuelian, Alice | F | 1918-10-22 | 27 | pneumonia following influenza |
 | Naval Hospital | Samuelian, Aram | M | 1946-05-05 | 54 (b. 1892-02-26) | serous pleuritis, massive pleural effusion with mediastinal shift, acute cardiac failure |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Samilian [Samuelian], Gregor | M | 1946-12-21 | 81 (b. 1865-02-15) | bronchopneumonia, bilateral |
 | 221 S. 52nd St. | Samelian [Samuelian], John | M | 1950-11-01 | 58y-7m-17d (b. 1892-03-14) | coronary occlusion due to coronary sclerosis |
 | 132 N. 49th St. | Samuelian, Kaloust H. | M | 1945-04-24 | 79 (b. 1865-04-30) | cerebral hemorrhage due to old age |
 | 6162 Sansom St. | Samuelian, Karekin | M | 1948-03-01 | 52 (b. 1895-11-13) | coronary occlusion |
 | 5721 Girard Ave. | Samuelian, Never Grace | F | 1917-02-08 | 12y-9m-7d (b. 1904-05-02) | chronic mitral insufficiency (contributory: acute pericarditis) |
 | 126 S. Ruby St. | Samoulian [Samuelian], Rosie | F | 1917-07-08 | 1y-7m (b. 1915-10-19) | gastro enteritis |
 | 5901 Walnut St. | Samuelian, Victoria | F | 1926-01-01 | 25 (b. 1901) | puerperal fever |
 | 4025 Garrett Rd. | Samuelian, Zary | F | 1936-05-04 | 28 (b. 1907-05-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Medico Chirurgical Hospital | Sanossian [Sanosian], | M | 1924-02-25 | (b. 1924-02-25) | stillbirth |
 | Drueding Infirmary | Saniossian [Sanosian], Krikor | M | 1950-10-12 | 74 | carcinoma of stomach |
 | 1122 Tioga St. | Sanonsean [Sanosian], Thomas | M | 1925-06-10 | 51 (b. 1874) | apoplexy |
 | 1926 N. 3rd St. | Santarian [Santourian], | M | 1910-04-07 | (b. 1910-04-07) | still birth |
 | 2344 Jefferson St. | Santerian [Santourian], Henry | M | 1906-07-26 | 9m (b. 1905-10-18) | cholera infantum |
 | Allegheny Ave. & Mascher St. | Santooyian [Santourian], Markar | M | 1937-09-16 | 44 | coronary thrombosis |
 | 5846 N. 4th St. | Santerian [Santourian], Samuel | M | 1949-01-01 | 55y-8m-7d (b. 1893-04-25) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Santerian [Santourian], Samuel | M | 1947-11-04 | 51y-5m-19d (b. 1896-05-16) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 1306 Diamond St. | Santerian [Santourian], Santer M. | M | 1943-09-14 | 65y-4m-30d (b. 1878-04-15) | cardiac thrombosis due to old age |
 | 6118 Delancey St. | Saraffian [Sarafian], Elizabeth | F | 1943-12-27 | 65 (b. 1878) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arterio sclerosis |
 | 6118 Delancey St. | Sarafian, Hanes | M | 1944-06-05 | 75 | coronary sclerosis & occlusion due to general sclerosis |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Sarafian, Harry | M | 1946-08-07 | 43 (b. 1903-04-15) | cardiac event (contributory: carcinoma, undiagnosed minary site) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Sarafian, Moses | M | 1947-01-23 | 61 (b. 1885-11-14) | chronic myocarditis & hypertensive myocarditis |
 | 4300 St. Vincent St. | Sarajian, | M | 1936-03-04 | (b. 1936-03-04) | premature, stillborn, 6½ months gestation |
 | 3223 Turner St. | Sarajian, Garabed | M | 1946-10-04 | 58y-4m-10d (b. 1888-05-15) | coronary sclerosis |
 | 27 S. Dewey St. | Sarajian, Haroutune | M | 1950-11-03 | 75 (b. 1875-04-05) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Sarajian, Kachador | M | 1937-06-03 | 42y-9m-19d (b. 1894-08-15) | bilateral pyelonephritis & enlarged prostate gland |
 | 3223 Turner St. | Sarajian, Kaspar | M | 1937-09-07 | 102y-28d (b. 1835-07-10) | arteriosclerosis (contributory: edema) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Diseases | Sarkisian, Elizabeth | F | 1933-11-12 | 68 | arteriosclerosis (contributory: senile psychosis) |
 | 1919 N. Gratz St. | Sarkees [Sarkisian], Ella | F | 1922-09-17 | 78 (b. 1844) | apoplexy |
 | 2950 Ridge Ave. | Sarkees [Sarkisian], Garabet | M | 1919-03-01 | 85 (b. 1834) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: acute bronchitis) |
 | Temple University Hospital | Sarkisian, Harry | M | 1943-05-24 | 49y-10m-9d (b. 1893-07-15) | congestive heart failure |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Sargisian [Sarkisian], Irvin | M | 1935-08-28 | 6y-5m (b. 1929-04-05) | streptococ[c]us hemolytic septicemia, secondary acute right ventrical |
 | | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Lazarus | M | 1893-09-10 | 23 | debility following continous suppuration |
 | 515 N. 35th St. | Sarkisian, Ohannes | M | 1938-12-18 | 69y-7m-28d (b. 1869-04-20) | chronic myocarditis, arterial hypertension, aortic & mitral regurgitation |
 | 3103 Spring Garden St. | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Sophie | F | 1941-12-17 | 65 | acute dilatation of heart due to carcinoma of the gall bladder |
 | Philadelphia Almshouse & Hospital | Sephiro [Seferian], Abraham | M | 1901-10-18 | 42 | nephritis, uraemia, phthisis pulmonalis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Seffian [Sefilian], John | M | 1924-07-31 | 54 (b. 1870-02-15) | perforation of bowles [bowels] - injured at work on railroad |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Selian, Ervant | M | 1915-12-06 | 32 | pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema & gangrene of the lungs |
 | 136 S. 59th St. | Salvarian [Selverian], Estelle L. | F | 1949-04-13 | 48 (b. 1900-10-22) | carcinoma of spine |
 | 4419 Vankirk St. | Semerjian, Caroline Clara | F | 1934-11-19 | 64 | acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | 5513 Baltimore Ave. | Semerjian, Haig | M | 1930-12-12 | 49 (b. 1881-07-25) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 5513 Baltimore Ave. | Semerjian, Harry | M | 1924-05-26 | 2 (b. 1922-04-08) | diphtheria |
 | 5632 Malcolm St. | Semerjian, Nishan | M | 1950-04-05 | 64 (b. 1885-05-07) | cerebral infarction left occipital & temporal lobes |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Semerjian, Richard | M | 1945-03-22 | 16y-5m-29d (b. 1928-09-23) | meningococcemia |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Samargian [Semerjian], Tufanda | F | 1933-04-16 | 76 (b. 1856) | cerebral apoplexy |
 | 5720 Girard Ave. | Serabian, Gulkuz | F | 1923-05-02 | 62 | lobar pneumonia |
 | N. 18th St. & Lehigh Ave. | Serabian, Joseph | M | 1925-06-05 | 37 (b. 1888-08) | electrocution from a shock rec'd from a grinding machine at the American Motor Co. (1800 W. Lehigh Ave.), where he was employed |
 | Germantown Hospital | Srabian [Serabian], Mary | F | 1949-02-09 | 58 (b. 1890-05-26) | coronary arteriosclerosis |
 | 2617 N. 24th St. | Serabian, Mary | F | 1961-03-05 | 65 (b. 1895-08-15) | hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (contributory: obesity) |
 | 864 S. Alden St. | Serabian, Miriam | F | 1940-06-06 | 44 (b. 1886-11-20) | carcinoma of rectum |
 | 51 N. 60th St. | Seraydarian, Garabad | M | 1942-01-22 | 48 | acute gastro enteritis due to pancreatic apoplexy |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Seradarian [Seraydarian], Mary | F | 1950-03-15 | 65 (b. 1884-06-15) | squamous cell carcinoma of larynx |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Sarian [Serian], Mary | F | 1929-11-29 | 24 (b. 1905-10-15) | bilateral pyosalpinx |
 | 308 N. Front St. | Setian, Krikor | M | 1939-08-10 | 73 (b. 1866-04-05) | carcinoma of the prostate gland (contributory: metastases to the liver & lungs) |
 | Northeastern Hospital | Setain [Setian], Martin | M | 1949-05-19 | 72y-4d (b. 1877-05-15) | generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Frankford Hospital | Svajian [Sevajian], Anna | F | 1946-12-02 | 63y-3m-1d (b. 1883-09-01) | arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | Graduate Hospital | Svajian [Sevajian], Levon | M | 1945-05-25 | 72y-10m-10d (b. 1872-07-15) | respiratory failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 5925 Chestnut St. | Shahinian, Vertyme | F | 1949-05-12 | 51 (b. 1898-09-11) | carcinoma of breast, metastasized to bones |
 | 226 S. Millick St. | Shelengian [Shalalenjian], | M | 1926-07-08 | (b. 1926-07-08) | stillborn |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Shamigian, Victoria | F | 1931-08-24 | 40 | shock & injuries - was a passenger in auto that had a collision with another auto @ 58th & Haverford |
 | Rush Hospital | Shanoian [Shamoian], Richard | M | 1908-09-20 | 37y-4m-6d (b. 1871-05-15) | phthisis pulmonalis |
 | 5328 Walnut St. | Sharozian [Sharoian], Alice | F | 1944-01-23 | 41y-5m-20d (b. 1902-08-03) | coonary occlusion due to coronary artery disease, hypertension passive congestion (carcinoma of cervix) |
 | Temple University Hospital | Sharoian, Arsen | M | 1945-06-13 | 53y-29d | cardiac infarction due to coronary artery sclerosis |
 | 5763 Walton Ave. | Sharoian, Elizabeth | F | 1919-05-26 | 4y-11m-13d (b. 1914-06-13) | rheumatic endocarditis |
 | Philadelphia Hospital for Mental Disease | Sharoian, Mary | F | 1929-12-10 | 68 (b. 1861-05-24) | chronic myocardial degeneration, senile psychosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Sharoian, Monase | M | 1936-01-02 | 50y-9m-18d (b. 1885-03-15) | hypertension cardio-vascular renal disease (contributory: congestive failure & uremia) |
 | 40 S. Yewdall St. | Sharoian, Rose | F | 1934-03-12 | 32y-10m-20d (b. 1901-04-22) | asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning due to gas coming from gas range (suicide) |
 | 5763 Walton Ave. | Sharoian, Yeprapse | F | 1935-10-21 | 49y-1d (b. 1886-10-20) | acute rheualt [?] myocarditis (contributory: [la] gripp[e]) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Sherian [Shehrian], George | M | 1948-02-19 | 55 | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Shepiklian, Avedis | M | 1947-05-07 | 76 (b. 1870-08-15) | bronchopneumonia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Shepiglian [Shepiklian], Sarkis | M | 1917-04-07 | 32y-9m (b. 1884-08) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 1759 Wylie St. | Shirinian, Charles | M | 1932-12-03 | 40 (b. 1892-12-15) | acute myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Shirinian, Daniel | M | 1927-10-27 | 65 | diabetes mellitus |
 | 1836 Poplar St. | Shirinian, Eranoohe | F | 1906-07-31 | 24y-10m-16d (b. 1881-09-15) | typhoid fever (contributory: peritonitis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Shirinian, George | M | 1946-03-30 | 68y-5m-20d (b. 1877-11-10) | generalized arteriosclerosis (contributory: large bowel obstruction due to carcinoma) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Sherenian [Shirinian], Mamas | M | 1947-10-22 | 64y-2m-24d (b. 1883-07-29) | pulmonary embolism |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Sherinian [Shirinian], Martha | F | 1936-01-13 | 5y-10m-2d (b. 1930-03-11) | acute inflation of the heart due to overstrain |
 | 634 S. 60th St. | Shishmanian, Eudoxia | F | 1919-02-18 | 53 (b. 1866) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 21 N. Lindenwood St. | Shashoian [Shoushoian], Kaler [?] | F | 1904-12-10 | 35y-2m-5d | phthisis pulmonalis (contributing: pleuro-pneumonia) |
 | 3418 Rosehill St. | Shashoian [Shoushoian], William | M | 1913-08-25 | 1m-20d (b. 1913-07-05) | malnutrition |
 | 3455 N. Dillman St. | Shurelian, Jacob | M | 1932-04-16 | 3y-3m (b. 1928-12-24) | tuberculosis pneumonia (contributory: tuberculosis laryngitis) |
 | 4336 Orchard St. | Shurelian, Paul | M | 1928-03-06 | 42 | compound fracture of skull due to breaking of a grind stone (a piece striking deceased on head at his place of employment) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Silgijian, Artin | M | 1927-04-06 | 50y-1m-22d (b. 1877-02-14) | gastric ulcer (contributory: hemorrhage) |
 | Medico Chirurgical Hospital | Seligien [Silgijian], Setrak | M | 1919-10-06 | 45 (b. 1874) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 5717 Spruce St. | Simonian, John | M | 1949-11-29 | 67 | angina pectoris |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Siraganian, Siragan | M | 1893-10-26 | 22 | tuberculosis of meninges & of lungs |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Siranian [Sirounian], Andre | M | 1918-12-05 | 26y-8m (b. 1896-04-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | American Stomach Hospital | Sisian [Sislian], Rose | F | 1946-03-18 | 42y-11m-3d (b. 1903-04-15) | acute cardiac dilatation due to chronic endocarditis |
 | 2052 Fitzwater St. | Sismahin, Wartuhuihi | F | 1909-02-17 | 73 | chro[nic] nephritis |
 | 5557 Addison St. | Sivaslian, | M | 1927-02-11 | 4d (b. 1927-02-08) | malformation of scalp, eyes, lips, palate, etc. |
 | 419 Chew St. | Somunjin [Somoundjian], Arxie | F | 1944-10-02 | 65y-5m-22d (b. 1879-04-10) | acute myocardial insufficiency due to coronary occlusion disease |
 | Frankford Hospital | Sookasian [Soukiasian], | M | 1946-09-08 | (b. 1946-09-08) | stillborn due to intrauterine fetal death |
 | Charity Hospital | Sookiasian [Soukiasian], Anna | F | 1911-06-12 | 23y-11m (b. 1887-07-14) | puerpural septicemia |
 | 1957 N. 9th St. | Sookiasian [Soukiasian], George | M | 1910-02-12 | 6 (b. 1904-02-20) | meningitis (acute simple) (contributory: asthenia) |
 | 1803 N. Darien St. | Sookasian [Soukiasian], Mary | F | 1915-12-21 | 80 | cerebral embolism (contributory: chronic endocarditis) |
 | Babies Hospital | Sookiasian [Soukiasian], Truvando | F | 1911-08-10 | 2m-10d (b. 1911-06-01) | enteritis |
 | 546 S. 52nd St. | Stamboulian, Mary M. | F | 1914-11-28 | 62 | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Stamboulian, Vartohi | F | 1946-12-23 | 72 | hypostatic pneumonia, fracture of femur (fell in home, accident) |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Stepanian, Agnes | F | 1933-05-06 | 20 (b. 1913-02-08) | right ovarian cyst (contributory: postoperative hemorrhage) |
 | St. Agnes Hospital | Stepanian, Charles | M | 1934-02-24 | 55 (b. 1879-09-15) | lobar pneumonia, chronic myocarditis |
 | 140 N. Robinson St. | Stepanian, Elizabeth | F | 1944-03-03 | 80 (b. 1864) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Stepanian, Kasper | M | 1920-01-09 | 42 (b. 1877-12) | perforated ulcer of stomach |
 | 1406 E. Hunting Park Ave. | Stepanian, Manoosh | F | 1947-08-11 | 59y-6m-25d (b. 1888-01-17) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Drueding Infirmary | Stepanian, Nishan | M | 1942-03-25 | 65y-1m-10d (b. 1877-02-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to myocarditis with heart block & diabetes mellitus |
 | 5033 Market St. | Tabibian, Nahabit | M | 1908-10-25 | 70 (b. 1838) | apoplexy (contributory: arterial degeneration) |
 | 5033 Market St. | Tabibian, Rebecca | F | 1913-12-09 | 63 | pulm[onary] edema |
 | 5827 Spruce St. | Tajirian, Anna | F | 1939-03-27 | 29 (b. 1910-03-05) | cerebral embolism with acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: pregnancy with secondary anemia) |
 | 4845 Chestnut St. | Tajirian, John | M | 1931-06-05 | 56 (b. 1875) | myocarditis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tajirian, Thomas T. | M | 1946-12-26 | 39y-6m-15d (b. 1907-06-11) | pulmonary embolism |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Takakjy [Takakjian], Abahalat | M | 1946-04-23 | 68 (b. 1877-09-10) | carcinoma of bladder |
 | 127 S. 46th St. | Takoushian [Takesian], Charles | M | 1948-10-26 | 47y-7m-25d (b. 1901-03-01) | acute coronary thrombosis |
 | 6242 Sansom St. | Takvorian, Siragan | M | 1947-02-13 | 61y-2m-24d (b. 1885-11-01) | diseases of coronary arteries & angina pectoris (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | 3044 N. 10th St. | Dalalian [Talalian], George | M | 1908-09-28 | (b. 1908-09-28) | congenital debility (contributory: premature birth) |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry | Dalalian [Talalian], Tooma | F | 1930-01-23 | 71 | chronic myocardial degeneration, contributory: senile psychosis |
 | 2332 N. Smedley St. | Terkhanian [Tarkanian], Stephen | M | 1934-10-29 | 42y-7m-24d (b. 1892-03-05) | chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Tarpinian, Annie | F | 1950-06-02 | 54 (b. 1886-04-12) | pulmonary embolism |
 | Emergency Hospital #1 | Tarpinian, John | M | 1918-10-10 | 24 (b. 1894) | pneumonia complicating influenza |
 | 538 Turner St. | Tashjian, | M | 1926-01-02 | (b. 1926-01-02) | stillborn |
 | 538 Turner St. | Tashjian, | M | 1926-01-02 | (b. 1926-01-02) | stillborn |
 | Temple University Hospital | Tashjian, Alice | F | 1938-12-29 | 39y-3m-22d (b. 1899-09-07) | terminal pneumonia |
 | 5457 Norfolk St. | Tashjian, Araxie | F | 1948-03-06 | 59y-9m-19d (b. 1888-05-16) | cerebral metastatic embolism due to metastatic carcinoma of liver |
 | Joseph Price Hospital | Tashjian, Charles B. | M | 1945-10-15 | 72 | acute congestive heart failure due to hypertensive cardis renal disease / (other conditions: diabetes mellitus) |
 | 5558 Market St. | Dashjy [Tashjian], Doodie | F | 1938-05-14 | 60 (b. 1938-09-11) | chronic endocarditis (contributory: chronic intestinal nephritis) |
 | 5446 Baltimore Ave. | Tashjian, Gadar | F | 1945-06-24 | 90 (b. 1855) | angina pectoris (heart) due to chronic ischemia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tashjian, George | M | 1925-01-21 | 45y-6m (b. 1880-07-15) | chronic ulcerative tuberculosis, cavitation & tuberculous pleurisy |
 | American Hospital | Tashjian, Hachick | M | 1942-09-01 | 63y-10m-7d (b. 1878-10-24) | hyopstatic cogestion of lungs due to cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tashjian, Hagop | M | 1948-10-05 | 61y-8m-25d (b. 1887-01-11) | far advanced lateral pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 101 N. Vogdes St. | Tashjian, Harry | M | 1942-04-17 | 50 (b. 1888-09-20) | coronary artery sclerosis |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Tashzlan [Tashjian], Harry | M | 1905-10-16 | 37 | ascites from cirrhosis of the liver |
 | 1240 Ridge Ave. | Tashjian, Jacob | M | 1903-10-31 | 11m | convulsions |
 | 1022 N. 64th St. | Tashjian, Jeanette | F | 1947-01-21 | 67y-11m-17d (b. 1879-02-04) | cerebral vascular hemorrhage & hemiplegia & aphasia due to arterio sclerotic & hypertensive heart disease |
 | 5147 Chancellor St. | Tashjian, John | M | 1950-02-26 | 57 (b. 1893-01-01) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerotic heart disease with auricular fibrillation |
 | Jefferson Hospital | Tashjian, Leon | M | 1927-03-05 | 31y-11m (b. 1895-03-28) | carcinoma of rectum |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Tashjian, Mary | F | 1929-10-10 | 44 (b. 1885-02-04) | cardiac failure, bronchial asthma |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Stone [Tashjian], Mitchell S. | M | 1944-12-14 | 59y-11m-4d (b. 1885-01-10) | acute coronary occlusion |
 | 5446 Baltimore Ave. | Tashjian, Ohannes | M | 1932-01-14 | 75y-10m-27d (b. 1856-02-17) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 6164 Walnut St. | Mason [Tashjian], Peter M. | M | 1921-12-21 | 52y-6m-23d (b. 1869-05-29) | bronco pneumonia (contributory: hemiplegia left sided) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Tashjian, Richard V. | M | 1942-12-08 | 24 (b. 1918) | asphyxia from carbon monoxide poisoning / found in garage in rear of home |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Mason [Tashjian], Seth M. | M | 1945-04-30 | 60y-8m-20d (b. 1883-08-10) | cerebral accident due to hypertension |
 | Jewish Hospital | Tashjian, Sophia | F | 1949-10-15 | 69y-11m-16d (b. 1878-11-30) | strangulation - found in bed at home with belt around neck |
 | 825 N. 11th St. | Tashjian, Tuzant | M | 1909-03-22 | 1y-7m-6d (b. 1907-08-16) | pneumonia |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Stone [Tashjian], Venus M. | F | 1943-04-08 | 54y-7m-11d (b. 1888-08-28) | confluent bronchopneumonia, cholelithiasis, pulmonary edema |
 | 1027 N. 67th St. | Tatarian, Dakes | M | 1933-04-22 | 67 | acute myocarditis (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | 6301 Drexel Rd. | Tateosian, Rebecca | F | 1943-02-28 | 73y-8m-22d (b. 1869-06-06) | coronary sclerosis due to general sclerosis (arterio) |
 | 1212 Ridge Ave. | Tevekelian [Tavakelian], Sam | M | 1925-06-16 | 54 (b. 1871) | endocarditis |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Tanashjian [Tavshanjian], | F | 1924-06-15 | 2d (b. 1924-06-14) | prematurity |
 | 1739 N. 22nd St. | Tayan [Tayian], Gulizar | F | 1910-03-08 | 29y-2m-10d (b. 1880-12-26) | val[vular] disease of heart |
 | 6234 Washington Ave | Telfayan [Telfeyan], Acabi | F | 1938-05-22 | 85y-3m-7d (b. 1853-02-15) | chronic endocarditis |
 | 818 Columbia Ave. | Terhanian, Sarkis | M | 1921-12-21 | 63 (b. 1858-09-15) | mitral insufficiency, myocarditis |
 | Broad St. & Cherry St. | Tarzian [Terzian], Armenag | M | 1926-07-31 | 38 (b. 1888) | fractured skull due to falling off a platform at place of employment (subway), employe[e] acc[i]d[ent] |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Terzian, Haiganoush | F | 1939-01-31 | 62 (b. 1876-03-17) | coronary thrombosis (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Amber St. & E. Clementine St. | Taylor [Terzian], Harry | M | 1925-08-20 | 50 | valvular disease of heart |
 | 2647 Waterloo St. | Tarzian [Terzian], John | M | 1911-03-18 | | premature birth (6 months) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tarzian [Terzian], Katoon | F | 1940-09-11 | 75 | fracture of right femur, arteriosclerotic heart disease (contributory: fell on ice on pavement in front of home) |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Tarzian [Terzian], Manoog | M | 1944-12-26 | 70y-7m-10d (b. 1874-05-16) | coronary occlusion due to arterioslerosis |
 | Episcopal Hospital | Tarzan [Terzian], Mary | F | 1910-02-19 | 32 (b. 1878) | acute cardiac dilatation (contributory: chronic valvular endovas---) |
 | | Terzian, Ohannes | M | 1945-05-21 | 68 (b. 1877-12-25) | acute pulmonary edema (contributory: myocarditis) |
 | Southwark Emergency Hospital | Terzian, Victoria | F | 1918-10-17 | 27 (b. 1891-03) | pneumonia (contributory: influenza) |
 | Jewish Hospital | Terzian, Victoria | F | 1918-11-15 | 2m-6d (b. 1918-09-09) | acute ileo-colitis |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital | Divanian [Tevanian], Edward | M | 1940-01-06 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: dementia praecox - catatonic) |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Tezekjian, Armenag | M | 1912-07-03 | 37 | pulm[onary] tub[erculosis] |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Tourigian [Torigian], Charles | M | 1954-07-28 | 66 (b. 1888-05-30) | respiratory insufficiency due to lung cancer (alveolar cell carcinoma) (other: diabetes mellitus, pulmonary infection) |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Tourigian [Torigian], Minnie | F | 1924-08-01 | 27y-2m-17d (b. 1897-05-13) | puerperal eclampsia (contributory: tuberculosis) |
 | 1212 Montgomery St. | Torrigan [Torigian], Paul | M | 1940-09-17 | 53 (b. 1887) | acute coronary occlusion |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tourigian [Torigian], Vartan | M | 1962-05-08 | 62 (b. 1900-01-01) | carcinoma of the pancreas |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Torosian, Charles | M | 1929-02-11 | 22 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Torounian, Simon | M | 1948-08-03 | 45 (b. 1903-06-22) | old rheumatic heart disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tosian [Tosoian], Misak D. | M | 1945-07-06 | 49y-9m-21d (b. 1895-09-15) | carcinoma of bladder with metastases (contributory: anema, inanition) |
 | 5150 Hazel Ave. | Temoyan [Toumaian], Annie | F | 1939-09-02 | 44y-11m-25d (b. 1894-09-07) | lateral sclerosis of spine (Parkinson's) |
 | 448 S. 52nd St. | Lemoyiam [Toumaian], Giragas | M | 1922-02-12 | 65 | endocarditis (contributory: chronic interstitial nephritis) |
 | 5317 Walnut St. | Temoyan [Toumaian], Harry | M | 1918-11-05 | 29 | influenza (contributory: acute pancreatitis |
 | 5150 Hazel Ave. | Tencoyan [Toumaian], Hornig | F | 1921-12-26 | 60 (b. 1861) | chronic interstitial nephritis (contributory: uremia) |
 | 5317 Walnut St. | Temoyan [Toumaian], Jabal | F | 1914-05-12 | 11m-27d (b. 1913-05-18) | tub[ercular] meningitis |
 | 2007 Palethorp St. | Temoyian [Toumaian], Jno. | M | 1906-05-18 | 1m-6d (b. 1906-04-12) | heatstroke |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Temoyan [Toumaian], John M. | M | 1945-08-09 | 69y-3m-19d (b. 1876-04-21) | cardiac failure due to coronary occlusion |
 | 5317 Walnut St. | Temoyan [Toumaian], Mary V. | F | 1914-03-13 | 20y-2m-24d (b. 1893-12-17) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Toomigian [Toumajanian], Kevork | M | 1936-04-15 | 56 (b. 1880-03-17) | bronchogenic carcinoma |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Thomasian [Toumasian], Simon | M | 1918-03-31 | 8m-9d (b. 1917-06-22) | pulmonary |
 | | Thomasian [Toumasian], Simon | M | 1920-09-06 | 19m (b. 1919-02) | diphtheria |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Tutelian [Toutalian], Avedis | M | 1930-05-27 | 41 (b. 1889-11-15) | tuberculosis peritonitis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Tootelian [Toutalian], Sam | M | 1940-12-29 | 51 (b. 1889) | carcinoma of larynx with metastasis |
 | National Stomach Hospital | Tootelian [Toutalian], Tootel | M | 1938-01-30 | 64 (b. 1874) | septicemia |
 | 2124 Medary Ave. | Tatigian [Toutigian], Minas | M | 1940-01-28 | 57 (b. 1882-08-15) | chronic endocarditis |
 | Women's Medical College | Toutkaljian, Aram | M | 1938-09-08 | 46y-3m (b. 1892-05) | congestive cardiac failure, pericarditis with effusion |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Tootkoushian [Toutkoushian], Edward | M | 1932-09-10 | 1y-3m | suffocation by drowning due to mother leaving child in bath tub - accidental |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Toutkoushian, Mary Margaret | F | 1942-09-16 | 31y-1m-10d (b. 1911-08-06) | aplastic anemia |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Toutkoushian, Phillip | M | 1942-10-25 | 55 (b. 1887-09-15) | general paralysis of the insane |
 | West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital | Tufankjian [Tufenkjian], Avedis | M | 1924-04-26 | 32 | fractured skull accidentally received by being struck by a P. R. T. car |
 | Presbyterian Hospital | Infankjian [Tufenkjian], Margeurite | F | 1924-09-10 | 32y-9m-16d (b. 1891-12-24) | pelvic thrombo phlebitis of late pregnancy (contributory: multiple pulmonary abscesses) |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Tufankjian [Tufenkjian], Nartouhy | F | 1919-10-14 | 32 | pulmonary edema |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Turzwood, Minas | M | 1894-12-09 | 23 | prolonged suppuration from hip joint abscess |
 | 240 Allegheny Ave. | Tyler, Deroohee | F | 1956-05-05 | 60 (b. 1895-10-23) | malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular renal disease |
 | Frankford Hospital | Vahanian, Sahag | M | 1948-04-18 | 49 (b. 1899-06-14) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Vanign, Israel | M | 1945-05-23 | 66y-2m (b. 1879-03) | cardiac insufficiency with chr[onic] aur[icular] fibrillation due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease (other: benign prostatic hypertrophy) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Vartanian, Aram | M | 1938-06-23 | 28 (b. 1910) | hanging at P[hiladelphia] G[eneral] H[ospital] (suicide, tem[porarily] deranged) |
 | Philadelphia State Hospital | Vartin [Vartanian], Giragos | M | 1942-03-28 | 48 (b. 1894) | cancer of the stomach |
 | 259 S. Alden St. | Vartanian, Paroonak | M | 1936-02-10 | 52 (b. 1885) | syphilitic heart disease |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Vartanian, Perouz | F | 1949-10-14 | 63 | hypertensive cardio vascular disease |
 | Home for the Indigent | Vertain [Vartian], Tony | M | 1943-04-07 | 58 (b. 1885) | luetic valvular heart disease |
 | 1036 Fanshawe St. | Vassian, Jacob George | M | 1946-10-29 | 60y-8m-11d (b. 1886-02-18) | carcinoma of prostate with metastases |
 | 253 N. 11th St. | Vezigin [Vezikian], Setrak | M | 1921-05-20 | 45 | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, probably accidental |
 | St. Josephs Hospital | Vishabazoon [Vishabazoum], Elizabeth | F | 1949-09-25 | 70y-4m-15d (b. 1879-05-10) | cirrhosis of liver |
 | 510 S. 42nd St. | Vosbikian [Vosbigian], Yogasper | F | 1941-09-24 | 77 (b. 1864) | pulmonary edema due to chronic myocarditis |
 | Temple University Hospital | Yardumian, Arshag | M | 1949-08-22 | 81 (b. 1867-12-23) | arteriosclerotic myocardiovascular disease |
 | 1015 S. 60th St. | Yardumian, Haig Y. (Rev.) | M | 1933-08-24 | 66 (b. 1867-05-08) | ang[ina] pectoris - embolus, the result of arth [athero]sclerosis |
 | 3727 Walnut St. | Yaghejian [Yazujian], Elizabeth | F | 1927-01-28 | 68 | carcinoma of breast |
 | Philadelphia Hospital | Yazedgian [Yazujian], George | M | 1905-07-17 | 42 | uremia (contributory: spinal syphilis) |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Yazujian, Harry | M | 1935-05-14 | 43y-10m (b. 1891-07-22) | pulmonary tuberculosis (contributory: tuberculous laryngitis) |
 | St. Joseph Hospital | Eagavian [Yegavian], Arabel | M | 1923-07-27 | 52 | chronic myocarditis, frac[tured] femur, injuries by being struck by an automobile |
 | N. 18th St. & Lehigh Ave. | Yegavnian [Yegavian], Misak | M | 1925-06-05 | 26 (b. 1899-09) | electrocution from a shock rec'd from a grinding machine at the American Motor Co. (18th & Lehigh Ave.), where he was employed |
 | Lankenau Hospital | Aghazarian [Yeghiazarian], Mugurdich | M | 1950-01-19 | 63 (b. 1886-04-14) | pulmonary edema due to myocardial infarction |
 | Children's Homeopathic Hospital | Elavdjian [Yelanjian], | F | 1922-01-08 | (b. 1922-01-08) | atelectasis |
 | Graduate Hospital | Elanjian [Yelanjian], Baglasser | M | 1947-03-14 | 54 | toxemia due to ulcerative colitis |
 | 4558 Wayne Ave. | Elanjian [Yelanjian], Vahan | M | 1945-01-03 | 55y-10m (b. 1889-02) | apoplexy due to H. B. P. & endocarditis |
 | Mt. Sinai Hospital | Yeramian, Marie | F | 1938-10-21 | 29 (b. 1909-03-27) | bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: toxic polyneuritis) |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Yeramian, Mary | F | 1944-05-10 | 47y-10m-25d (b. 1896-06-15) | chronic degenerative myocarditis associated with obesity, congestive heart failure |
 | 730 N. 16th St. | Yeramian, Mekial | M | 1944-10-31 | 56 (b. 1888) | cardic decompensation due to chronic valvular heart disease |
 | 5141 Irving St. | Aramian [Yeramian], Tarvez | F | 1950-01-29 | 68y-5m-29d (b. 1881-07-30) | acute coronary thrombosis due to chronic myocarditis |
 | 1922 N. Gratz St. | Eretzian [Yeretzian], Adrinie | F | 1937-12-31 | 47 | cancer of pancreas & liver |
 | 215 Westmoreland St. | Erganian [Yerganian], Parsekh | M | 1915-04-05 | 46y-1m-3d (b. 1869-03-02) | acute dilatation of the heart |
 | 2950 Ridge Ave. | Yerganian, Vagharshag | M | 1918-10-15 | 21y-10m-17d (b. 1896-11-28) | influenza (contributory: lobar pneumonia) |
 | 2014 N. 17th St. | Esayian [Yesaian], Deramar | F | 1919-01-24 | 67 (b. 1851-01-14) | pneumonia |
 | 2014 N. 17th St. | Easyian [Yesaian], Emual George | M | 1913-12-05 | 4m-1d (b. 1913-08-04) | acute bronchitis (contributory: infantile atrophy) |
 | 5452 Media St. | Essayian [Yesaian], George | M | 1938-04-01 | 54 (b. 1884-01-26) | angina pectoris |
 | 1527 N. 23rd St. | Esayian [Yesaian], Gerard | M | 1913-03-19 | 8m-6d (b. 1912-07-13) | convulsions (contributory: teething) |
 | 630 S. 56th St. | Yorganjian [Yorghanjian], Arshag | M | 1932-05-16 | 33 | acute leukemia (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage) |
 | University of Pennsylvania Hospital | Yazgadlian [Yozgadlian], Victoria | F | 1944-03-08 | 44y-5d (b. 1900-03-03) | third degree burns while cleaning dress in home (fluid caught fire 6-Jan-1944, accident) |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Zakarian, Zakar D. | M | 1957-05-30 | 65 (b. 1892-05-15) | encephalomalacia due to cerebral thrombosis |
 | Municipal Hospital | Zakeossian [Zakeosian], Chas. | M | 1899-11-19 | 4 | diphtheria |
 | | Zanazanian, Haig | M | 1945-06-28 | 42y-3m-27d (b. 1927-03-02) | carcinoma of bladder & intestine |
 | 440 S. 52nd St. | Zartarian, Hovhannes | M | 1927-01-11 | 75 | angina pectoris |
 | 5613 Pemberton St. | Zartarian, Mary | F | 1949-04-30 | 74 | hypertension, arteriosclerotic cardio vascular disease |
 | 4100 Robbins Ave. | Zartarian, Towanda | F | 1946-03-14 | 77 (b. 1869-02-01) | carcinoma of liver & senility |
 | Doctor's Hospital | Zartarian, Vahon | M | 1942-12-18 | 43 (b. 1899-03-09) | cardiac failure due to coronary occlusion |
 | 3149 N. Hancock St. | Zurigian [Zerigian], Anna | F | 1938-01-30 | 54y-9m-15d (b. 1882-04-15) | cholecystitis, cholelithiasis & acute pancreatitis |
 | Philadelphia General Hospital | Zoorigian [Zerigian], Martin | M | 1930-03-03 | 60 (b. 1870) | myocardial infarction |
 | 3149 N. Hancock St. | Zurigian [Zerigian], Sarkis | M | 1931-01-09 | 63 (b. 1867) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Women's Hospital of Philadelphia | Zobian, | M | 1937-09-08 | (b. 1937-09-08) | stillborn, due to asphyixia from cord about neck |
 | Misericordia Hospital | Zobian, Joseph | M | 1943-10-07 | 49y-5m-14d (b. 1894-04-23) | chronic glomerular nephritis due to uraemia |
 | 2709 Oakdale St. | Zorzopian, Arabis | M | 1926-01-13 | 45 | cancer of stomach |
 | 3332 N. Front St. | Zorzopian, Garabed | M | 1949-03-31 | 60y-6m-26d (b. 1888-07-05) | carcinoma of urinary bladder & myocardial failure |
 | 2142 N. 7th St. | Zerzopian [Zorzopian], Rosa | F | 1918-09-05 | (b. 1918-09-05) | stillbirth |
 | Hahnemann Hospital | Zarzopian [Zorzopian], Warren | M | 1950-02-26 | 5d (b. 1950-02-19) | sub arachnoid hemorrhage due to prematurity |
 | 5533 Fairhill St. | Zoolalian [Zoulalian], Azniv | F | 1946-04-04 | 68y-21d (b. 1878-03-15) | arteriosclerotic c. v. disease |
 | 5400 Catharine St. | Zoolalian [Zoulalian], Henry Vahan | M | 1927-08-18 | 4y-9m-22d (b. 1922-10-26) | tonsilar septechaemia [?] |
 | St. Joseph Hospital | Zoolalian [Zoulalian], Rose | F | 1919-05-11 | 27 | toxemia of pregnancy |
 | 670 N. 10th St. | Zoolalian [Zoulalian], Yeprem | M | 1912-11-27 | 25d (b. 1912-10-27) | catarrh of stomach (contributory: inanition exhaustion) |
Warwick, Kent Co., RI, USA |
 | Sand Pond, Oakland Beach | Thomasian [Toumasian], Armanoog | M | 1947-09-07 | 42y-10m-18d (b. 1904-10-20) | accidental drowning |
Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | State Sanatorium | Astimian [Artinian], Astim | M | 1919-07-14 | 20y-2m-24d (b. 1899-04-20) | pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculus enteritis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Bogassarian [Baghdasarian], Melcom | M | 1923-11-11 | 75 | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Baligian [Balakian], Harry | M | 1926-04-12 | 54y-11m-15d (b. 1871-04-27) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Chilingerian [Chilingirian], Arakel | M | 1923-11-21 | 70 (b. 1853) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Damoorgian [Demirjian], Jacob | M | 1925-06-19 | 56 | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Dolbashian, Peter | M | 1926-11-26 | 47 (b. 1879) | tuberculosis of the lung / pulmonary abscess or gangrene |
 | State Sanatorium | Garabedian, Leon | M | 1918-02-03 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Sanatorium | Keroian [Garoian], Almas | F | 1926-07-08 | 40 | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | State Sanatorium | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Eva Maria | F | 1917-03-25 | 20y-10m-7d (b. 1896-05-18) | pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberular laryngitis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | D'Kazarian [Ghazarian], Harry | M | 1924-11-28 | 38 (b. 1886) | malignant disease of the mediastinum & lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Kazarian [Ghazarian], John | M | 1922-04-15 | 22y-1m-21d (b. 1900-03-22) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | State Sanatorium | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Mary | F | 1918-03-30 | 18y-2m-30d (b. 1899-12-31) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Sanatorium | Hougosian [Ghougasian], Harry | M | 1919-04-08 | 39y-8m (b. 1879-08) | pulmonary tuberculosis / tubercular laryngitis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Gourghigian [Gureghian], Tatevas | M | 1926-10-24 | 53 | chronic myocarditis & pericarditis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Hagopian, Vastar Garbedian | F | 1929-06-07 | 30 (b. 1899) | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis / pulmonary hemorrhage immediate cause of death |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Joseph [Hovsepian], Benjamin | M | 1922-08-07 | 44y-6m (b. 1878-01) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Ingilizian, Dikran | M | 1922-01-07 | 33y-10m-5d (b. 1888-03-02) | tuberculosis empyema / sub-diaphragmatic abcess |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Koloian [Kaloian], Sat | M | 1924-01-01 | 22 (b. 1901) | tuberculosis of the lungs / tuberculous enteritis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Koloian [Kaloian], Yeghsig | F | 1922-04-08 | 29y-6m-25d (b. 1892-09-14) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Kevorkian, Vahan | M | 1921-08-06 | 19y-5m-3d (b. 1902-03-03) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Krekorian [Krikorian], Martin | M | 1924-09-12 | 28 | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Malian [Maloian], Alice | F | 1924-09-19 | 22y-4m-9d (b. 1902-05-10) | tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculous enteritis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Marashian [Marashlian], Armenonki | F | 1927-01-03 | 29y-1m-2d (b. 1907-12-11) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Mardirossian [Mardirosian], Sarkis | M | 1923-12-08 | 45 | tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculosis laryngitis |
 | State Sanatorium | Minassian [Minasian], Sarkis | M | 1918-03-02 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis with laryngeal involvement / no sputum obtained |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Maroukian [Moroukian], Helen | F | 1925-11-08 | 37y-1m (b. 1888-09) | tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculous meningitis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Nahigian, Marie | F | 1926-03-04 | 21y-11m-8d (b. 1904-03-24) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | State Sanatorium | Nighosian [Nigoghosian], Arakel | M | 1945-05-30 | 58y-2m-18d (b. 1887-03-12) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Sarafian, Sooren Seth | M | 1925-10-04 | 21y-10m-10d (b. 1903-11-24) | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | State Sanatorium | Surgian [Serigian], George Avedis | M | 1929-03-12 | 48y-7m-17d (b. 1880-07-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Soursourian, Mary Ashay | F | 1924-11-27 | 38 (b. 1887-02) | tuberculosis of the lungs / tuberculous laryngitis |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Tungerian [Tinghirian], David | M | 1926-06-13 | 50 | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | State Sanatorium | Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], Joseph Vosdanig | M | 1926-08-22 | 21y-11m-2d (b. 1904-09-20) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Hospital for Advanced Cases of Tuberculosis | Eramian [Yeramian], Jerry George | M | 1924-06-30 | 14y-3m-14d (b. 1910-03-16) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
Central Falls, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | 532 Mill St. | Yaghoobiam [Hagopian], Arassc | M | 1923-07-04 | 18m (b. 1922-09-04) | acute indigestion / heat / bottle fed |
 | 532 Mill St. | Yaghoobian [Hagopian], George H. | M | 1929-02-20 | 56y-1m-1d (b. 1873-01-14) | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | 635 Mill St. | Santoorjian [Santourjian], Martin | M | 1924-02-14 | 55 (b. 1869) | probable heart disease / was in good health when he retired & was found dead in bed in the morning |
Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | State Infirmary | Arslanian, Garabed | M | 1919-09-17 | 46 (b. 1873) | locomotor ataxia |
 | State Almshouse | Astoorian [Asadourian], Mary | F | 1910-04-29 | 26 | pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion |
 | 25 Henry St. | Avedisian, George | M | 1929-02-19 | 54y-7d (b. 1875-02-12) | lobar pneumonia / chronic myocarditis |
 | 25 Henry St. | Avedisian, Mazley | F | 1924-06-18 | 48y-29d (b. 1876-05-25) | chronic Bright's disease (parenchymatous nephritis) |
 | State Almshouse | Bardasarian [Baghdasarian], Michael | M | 1915-05-11 | 50 (b. 1865) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Infirmary | Baligian [Balakian], Giragos | M | 1930-03-03 | 69 (b. 1860) | general arteriosclerosis / gangrene of right foot / chronic myocarditis |
 | 25 Ridge St. | Basmajian, Mariam M. | F | 1926-01-02 | 73 | carcinoma of liver & gall bladder |
 | 133 Crescent Ave. | Biberjian [Bezirjian], Diroohi | F | 1921-08-04 | 75y-1m-2d (b. 1846-07-02) | hypertrophied heart / old age |
 | State Infirmary | Biberjian [Bezirjian], Tacoukie | F | 1928-07-09 | 49 | paralysis agitans, heat shock |
 | State Hospital | Besharian [Bisharian], Anna | F | 1922-07-04 | 70 | senile psychosis / delirious & confused state / chronic myocarditis inanition |
 | 561 Laurel Hill Ave. | Besharian [Bisharian], Sayed | M | 1925-02-12 | 48y-5m-28d (b. 1925-08-15) | haemophmesis gastric ----[?] |
 | State Hospital | Boghosian, Albert | M | 1929-01-29 | 51 | sudden, found dead in bed / fulminating brocho pneumonia |
 | State Infirmary | Boghosian, Boghos | M | 1929-12-23 | 62 | toxic myocarditis / chronic alcoholism |
 | State Infirmary | Boloodian [Bouloudian], Sarkos | M | 1930-06-28 | 1y-4m-14d (b. 1929-02-14) | broncho pneumonia, primary |
 | State Infirmary | Boyajian, Sahag | M | 1918-01-11 | 35 (b. 1883) | chronic parenchymatous |
 | State Hospital | Celias, Koovar Kimarthan | F | 1911-07-17 | 25 | dementia praecox / pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Hospital for Insane | Katerdjian [Chaderjian], Arsen | M | 1906-03-08 | 27 | chronic melancholia, pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Hospital | Chivian [Chividjian], Harry | M | 1925-11-17 | 49 | general paresis |
 | State Almshouse | Daduckian [Dadekhian], Aram | M | 1906-08-16 | | spastic paraplegia / pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 1272 Park Ave. | Derderian, Lucas | M | 1929-12-31 | 56 (b. 1873) | lobar pneumonia |
 | State Hospital Mental Diseases | Elmasian, Minos | M | 1917-08-15 | 45 | dementia paralytica |
 | State Infirmary | Hagashian [Ghougasian], David | M | 1925-06-14 | 80 | arteriosclerosis |
 | State Hospital | Hagian [Hadjian], Minas | M | 1910-01-23 | 30 | general paralysis of the insane |
 | State Infirmary | Harootunian [Haroutunian], Leon | M | 1930-05-18 | 1m-5d (b. 1930-04-13) | marasnus |
 | State Almshouse | Hekimian, Charles | M | 1907-08-20 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis & exhaustion |
 | 115 Wayland Ave. | Jamgochian, Berjoohie | F | 1929-07-01 | 19y-2m-14d (b. 1910-09-14) | tuberculoar perintonitis |
 | State Hospital | Jorngochian [Jamgochian], Kerbork | M | 1929-09-02 | 54 | diabetes mellitus / syphilis / psychosis with other somatic diseases |
 | State Infirmary | Zangajian [Jamgochian], Marog | M | 1918-01-28 | 56 (b. 1862) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Hospital | Kalinian [Kalenian], Aghabab | M | 1922-02-03 | 19 | dementia praecox (catatonic form) with exhaustion |
 | State Hospital | Kasabian, Emma | F | 1926-09-09 | 18 | pulmonary tuberculosis / psychosis with somatic disease |
 | State Almshouse | Kasparian, Mardiros | M | 1912-02-21 | 46 (b. 1866) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | State Infirmary | Kasparian, Simon | M | 1924-04-03 | 29 (b. 1895) | pemphigus foliaceus / exhaustion from / body covered with eruption |
 | State Almshouse | Kasparian, Taras | M | 1917-03-08 | 32 (b. 1885) | chronic valvular disease of heart |
 | State Almshouse | Kavorkjian [Kavoukjian], Charles | M | 1910-05 | 34 (b. 1876) | pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from |
 | State Almshouse | Kayajanian, Kachadoor | M | 1908-10-15 | 42 | pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from |
 | State Hospital for Mental Diseases | Kanganjian [Kazanjian], Solomon | M | 1923-11-05 | 51y-6m-3d | pulmonary tuberculosis / manic depressive psychosis |
 | 48 Crawford St. | Kinosian, Elizabeth | F | 1921-10-11 | 67 | apoplexy |
 | State Infirmary | Kojoian [Kochoian], Marderos | M | 1930-02-21 | 1y-2m-1d (b. 1928-12-20) | diptheria / whooping cough / broncho pneumonia |
 | 49 Villa Ave. | Korookian [Korkoian], Margaret | F | 1922-04-28 | 48 | sudden / cardiac thrombosis |
 | | Korookian [Korkoian], Paul | M | 1907-07-04 | 25d | cholera infantum & exhaustion |
 | State Almshouse | Martinian [Mardinian], Charles | M | 1907-11-19 | 42 | pulmonary tuberculosis & valvular disease of heart |
 | State Almshouse | Markarian, Jacob | M | 1908-08-09 | 50 | pulmonary tuberculosis, exhaustion from |
 | 808 Cranston St. | Melidosian, | M | 1909-03-21 | (b. 1909-03-21) | still born caused by delayed labor |
 | 8 Gordon St. | Melikian, Oscar | M | 1926-05-07 | 45 | toxcemia from carcinoma of ----- ------ / infection in lungs ------ |
 | State Infirmary | Minisian [Minasian], Mary | F | 1923-04-21 | 49 | transverse myelitis / bed sores (on admission) |
 | 106 Whipple Ave. | Minasian, Mary | F | 1929-04-14 | 17y-9m-21d (b. 1911-07-24) | chronic tuberculosis (phthisis) of lungs |
 | 103 Bartlett Ave. | Movsesian, Bagdasar | M | 1926-03-27 | 75 (b. 1851) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | 94 Alhambra Circle | Mermerian [Murmurian], Marian | F | 1950-09-24 | 80y-8m-9d (b. 1870-01-15) | hypostatic pneumonia due to arteriosclerosis & hypertensive heart disease |
 | State Almshouse | Nahagian [Nahigian], Harry | M | 1911-06-12 | 45 | general paralysis of insane |
 | 1272 Park Ave. | Najarian, Mary | F | 1922-05-11 | 7d (b. 1922-05-04) | premature labor / hemorrhage (infantum) from the navel |
 | 1272 Park Ave. | Najarian, Moorad | M | 1930-07-03 | 56 (b. 1874) | thrombosis of the coronary artery |
 | State Hospital Mental Diseases | Barkiumian [Parghamian], Kerkor | M | 1917-09-05 | 47 (b. 1870) | dementia paralytica |
 | State Infirmary | Sahagian, Paul | M | 1929-05-06 | 9m-15d (b. 1928-07-21) | broncho pneumonia / hydrocephalus / marasmus |
 | 1272 Park Ave. | Sarkisian, Rose Varter | F | 1930-06-16 | 38 (b. 1892) | lobar pneumonia |
 | State Almshouse | Sharfarian [Seferian], Asadoor | M | 1908-05-20 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis, exhaustion from |
 | State Hospital | Shahinian, Kachedoor | M | 1912-09-29 | 49 | manic depressive insanity / pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 4 Standish Ave. | Stepanian, Ardash | M | 1929-10-04 | 52y-11m-19d (b. 1876-10-15) | found dead / probably acute indigestion preceded by antina pectoris |
 | Dyer's Farm | Talanian, Ovides | M | 1923-04-18 | 55 | apoplexy / motor aphasia, complete hemiplegia |
 | State Infirmary | Tuktukian [Tiktikian], Jacob | M | 1926-08-16 | 67y-8m-1d (b. 1858-12-15) | chronic myocarditis / enteritis |
 | State Infirmary | Tufengian [Tufenkjian], Sempod | M | 1918-11-03 | 45 (b. 1873) | carcinoma of rectum |
 | State Infirmary | Vartanian, Nicholas | M | 1926-03-01 | 36 | tuberculosis of pelvic glands / history of operation 3 months ago |
 | State Infirmary | Yandian, Chushan | F | 1924-10-19 | 33 | cancer of mesentery |
 | State Hospital | Zakarian, John | M | 1913-05-25 | | general paralysis of insane |
 | State Hospital | Zaroogian [Zerigian], Louise | F | 1924-04-25 | 24 | influenza / dementia praecox |
Johnston, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | 15 Hillside Ave. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Kachadoor | M | 1908-09-10 | 55 | apoplexy |
N. Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | 1821 Mineral Spring Ave. | Avedisian, Paul | M | 1927-10-31 | 16 | intestinal hemorrage following typhoid fever |
 | 1821 Mineral Spring Ave. | Avedesian [Avedisian], William Ardavaz | M | 1927-10-31 | 14 | cardiac insufficiency following toxemia from typhoid fever |
 | 2 Prospect Ave. | Kaloustian, Melkon | M | 1932-08-09 | 54 (b. 1878) | angina pectoris |
 | 1100 Douglas Ave. | Mermerian [Murmurian], Charles | M | 1913-11-08 | 23y-10m-7d | tuberculosis pulmonary |
Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | 32 Woodbine St. | Oroian [Aroian], Ealsar | M | 1922-12-12 | 4m-22d (b. 1922-07-21) | congenital heart disease & lobar pneumonia |
 | 38 Carnation St. | Ororian [Aroian], Mary | F | 1924-09-28 | 19d | con-------- of mitral stenosis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Arsenian, Courken | M | 1916-03-15 | 12 | tubercular peritonitis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Artinian, Azadooke | F | 1923-04-30 | 3y-7m | fractured skull / auto accident |
 | Memorial Hospital | Artinian, Parnag Vasken | M | 1923-01-05 | 1m-9d (b. 1922-11-25) | spinal bifida / operation / cardiac exhaustion |
 | Twin City Hospital | Ashjian, Garibed | M | 1910-11-29 | 70 | neuritis / chronic nephritis / pericarditis / convulsions / anemia |
 | 314 Fountain St. | Avakian, Vard-Takouie | F | 1909-01-06 | 1y-2m | meningitis |
 | 575 Broadway | Avedisian, Avedis | M | 1924-04-26 | 3 | pneumonia (lobar) following measles |
 | 82 East St. | Avedisian, Varsing | F | 1918-10-25 | 8m | pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Barsoian, Vram | M | 1928-04-24 | 3y-3m-6d (b. 1925-01-08) | ruptured appendicitis / general peritonitis |
 | Branch St. | Buchakjian [Bechakjian], Bedross | M | 1919-12-17 | 26 | fractured skull hemorrhage / R R accident / struck by train / track walking |
 | 32 Carnation St. | Bedrosian, John | M | 1919-02-17 | 45 | pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Badosian [Bedrosian], Marderois | M | 1923-06-21 | 52 | double inguinal hernia / operated 19-Jun-1923 / heat exhaustion |
 | 296 Middle St. | Bogasian [Boghosian], Megrdich | M | 1917-07-28 | 27 | jaundice |
 | 226 Middle St. | Kamalian [Chamalian], | M | 1908-06-08 | | exhaustion caused by long & hard labor (maleformation of mother) |
 | 226 Middle St. | Camalian [Chamalian], Mary | F | 1909-08-17 | 35 | gall stones / jaundice / exhaustion |
 | Memorial Hospital | Doodigian [Dadekhian], Sadie | F | 1923-03-30 | 28 | acute dilatation of the heart & pulmonary oedema / 9 days after operation for volvulus |
 | Memorial Hospital | Doodigian [Dadekhian], Sicak S. | M | 1916-03-17 | 2y-2m | 2nd degree burns from hips to ankles / whole lower extremities & auto intoxication / fell into pan of hot water / accident |
 | Royal Weaving Co. | Danelian [Danielian], Bright | F | 1917-05-16 | 25 | bullet wound of skull / laceration of brain / hemorrhage / shot by another / Coroner's case |
 | Memorial Hospital | Harmaian [Ermoian], Archie | M | 1946-12-26 | 63 (b. 1883) | metastatic sarcoma to abdominal viscera, heart, & brain, rhablomyoma of heart (contributory: intussusception) |
 | 301 Fountain St. | Garbidi [Garabedian], Jacob | M | 1918-10-16 | 19 | pneumonia |
 | Blackstone Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Atchie | M | 1918-10-12 | 42 | influenza / pneumonia |
 | 227 Middle St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Margaret | F | 1929-02-15 | 1m (b. 1929-01-06) | broncho pneumonia / la grippe |
 | 318 Fountain St. | Kazoian [Ghazoian], Elizabeth | F | 1908-12-31 | 2m-15d | meningitis |
 | Memorial Hospital | Hoogasian [Ghougasian], Akabe | F | 1917-07-21 | 36 | mitral regurgitation / septicaemia / pulmonary embolism |
 | 185 Park St. | Goorigian [Gureghian], Mary | F | 1946-03-11 | 79y-9m-15d (b. 1866-05-24) | arteriosclerosis & senility |
 | 187 East St. | Goorhigian [Gureghian], Peter | M | 1918-08-08 | 54 | tuberculor peritonitis |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Hagopian, Azniv | F | 1907-03-09 | 15 | tuberculous peritonitis / laparotomy / exhaustion |
 | | Jacobson [Hagopian], Charles | M | 1921-11-28 | 5y-2m-2d | diptheria |
 | 669 N. Main St. | Zaghoobian [Hagopian], Palloon | F | 1910-05-20 | 1m | indigestion (bottle fed) / exhaustion / triplet |
 | 684 N. Main St. | Harootunian [Haroutunian], | M | 1908-10-04 | | still born / cause unknown |
 | Memorial Hospital | Harootunian [Haroutunian], Francis | M | 1930-04-09 | 3m-23d (b. 1929-12-16) | broncho pneumonia / upper respiratory infection |
 | 354 Fountain St. | Harpootian [Harpoutlian], Manoosh | F | 1923-07-14 | 33 (b. 1890) | insufficiency of the heart following influenza |
 | 77 Lilac St. | Kalunian [Kalenian], Varsiny | F | 1918-09-21 | 6y-9m | pneumonia following grippe |
 | 314 Fountain St. | Kaloostian [Kaloustian], Vartan | M | 1915-01-23 | 4m | pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Karsavanian [Karssvanian], Monuk | M | 1928-04-04 | 35 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Kazanjian, Donabed | M | 1944-07-29 | 62y-8m-14d (b. 1881-11-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: belated hypostatic pneumonia, inanition) |
 | 128 Japonica St. | Halarian [Khalarian], Mardoro | M | 1925-05-03 | 6 | septic meningitis / infection following auto injury to head two or three weeks ago |
 | 17 Lilac St. | Kenoian [Khanlian], Abraham | M | 1925-04-21 | 3m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Park Place Hospital | Kregorian [Krikorian], Kirkor | M | 1914-09-24 | 11m | tuberculosis / meningitis |
 | 280 Prairie Ave. | Krekorian [Krikorian], Satrnig | F | 1917-11-01 | 15 | tuberculosis & exhaustion from |
 | 242 (rear) Middle St. | Labchinjian [Lapchinjian], Zovinar | F | 1910-08-30 | 10m-28d (b. 1909-10-02) | cholera infantum |
 | 93 N. Bend St. | Mahtessian [Mahdesian], | M | 1907-10-21 | (b. 1907-10-21) | still born / owing to long delivery after coming of head |
 | 28 Woodbine St. | Martiesian [Mahdesian], | F | 1909-09-14 | 16d (b. 1909-08-29) | catarrhal enteritis |
 | 73 Division St. | Martiesian [Mahdesian], John | M | 1918-08-08 | 5 | pneumonia |
 | 23 Woodbine St. | Malkasian [Malkhasian], Vanhouhi | F | 1924-03-07 | 6m-5d | died in convulsions following lobar pneumonia |
 | 209 Japonica St. | Manookian [Manougian], | F | 1921-04-21 | 1d (b. 1921-04-19) | premature labor, lack of nourishment from illness of mother |
 | | Monogian [Manougian], Azadoohe | F | 1920-05-06 | 6m | enteritis |
 | 94 Japonica St. | Manookian [Manougian], Azadooke | F | 1917-06-16 | 2m-1d | feeble child from birth / cause unknown |
 | Memorial Hospital | Manngian [Manougian], Escar | F | 1923-08-11 | 30 | pulmonary tuberculosis / G. B. enteritis (secondary) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Kachadoor | M | 1906-07-28 | 35 | malignant jaundice |
 | 113 Japonica St. | Mansourian, Mary | F | 1925-03-08 | 1y-2d | septicemia cause by suppurative adenitis of neck |
 | Memorial Hospital | Margossian [Margosian], Ormawart | F | 1920-10-10 | 3y-6m | burns about body / shock / clothing caught fire burning leaves / accident |
 | 306 Fountain St. | Melkonian, | M | 1918-08-26 | | still born / asphyxia by compression of cord |
 | Memorial Hospital | Migelian [Mikaelian], Alice | F | 1923-03-09 | 1y-9m | broncho pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Miasian [Minasian], Bob | M | 1919-02-22 | 44y-1m | acute gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis / operation 17-Feb-1919 / general peritonitis |
 | 214 Japonica St. | Najarian, | M | 1919-12-24 | | still born / premature labor with face presentation (history of excessive vomiting) |
 | New York, New Haven, & Hartford R. R. | Narzakian [Norsigian], Armenag | M | 1913-07-06 | 25 | multiple fracture of bones of head / compound fracture foot / R. R. accident / circumstances unknown |
 | 6 Woodbine St. | Parsigian [Parseghian], Nazar | M | 1925-05-22 | 1y-2d | acute lobar pneumonia |
 | Memorial Hospital | Rahanian, Mary | F | 1918-04-21 | 58 | hypostatic pneumonia 4 days following operation for rupture of illium due to volvulus |
 | Royal Weaving Co. | Rashoian, Dick | M | 1917-05-16 | 25 | bullet wound of skull / hemorrhage / suicide (love affair) |
 | Memorial Hospital | Roupenian, Vahan | M | 1914-11-14 | 10 | shock, post operative following intussusception |
 | 61 Branch St. | Santoorjian [Santourjian], Sarkis S. | M | 1913-09-30 | 2y-4m-18d | septicemia |
 | 310 Fountain St. | Shabazian [Shahbazian], Joseph | M | 1906-07-06 | 1m-17d | cholera infantum / bottle fed |
 | 310 Fountain St. | Shabazian [Shahbazian], Mary | F | 1906-06-26 | 1m-4d | cholera infantum / bottle fed |
 | 62 Japonica St. | Chalaganian [Shalghamian], Harry | M | 1916-01-13 | 58 | probably gastric ulcer or carcinoma of the stomach |
 | 778 Broadway | Tamamian, Mugerditch | M | 1930-07-25 | 59y-3m-8d (b. 1871-04-17) | senile pneumonia |
 | 116 Japonica St. | Varjabedian, John | M | 1929-03-25 | 48 | lobar pneumonia, oedema of the lungs / extensive jaundice |
 | 42 Lupine St. | Vartanian, | F | 1929-02-01 | | premature / separation of placenta |
 | 36 Woodbine St. | Vartanian, Takouhi | F | 1929-07-05 | | asphyxia [?] / death occurred ten hours after birth |
 | 99 Park St. | Vartanian, Zavan D. | M | 1922-02-15 | 10m-7d | lobar pneumonia |
 | 314 Fountain St. | Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], George | M | 1929-12-29 | 57 | mitrial regurgitation & chronic bronchitis |
 | 380 Fountain St. | Vosdangian [Vostanigian], Kaloosd | M | 1911-05-28 | 1m | malnutrition / twin baby / premature, about 7th month |
 | Memorial Hospital | Vosdanigian [Vostanigian], Tarter Joseph | M | 1923-11-17 | 16 | acute appendicitis, ruptured / general peritonitis / operated / secondary T. B. pulmonary |
 | Memorial Hospital | Vosdiangian [Vostanigian], Zabal | F | 1911-08-19 | 5m | malnutrition / marasmus |
Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Abajian, Sarkis | M | 1920-07-31 | 28 | tuberculous meningitis |
 | 7 Vesta St. | Aborian [Abarian], | F | 1909-07-04 | 1d (b. 1909-07-03) | premature labor (habitual) |
 | 961 Westminster St. | Abedan [Abdian], John (Jr.) | M | 1920-10-21 | (b. 1920-10-21) | premature labor probably from malnutrition / insufficiency of nourishment |
 | 67 Pleasant St. | Abraham [Abrahamian], | F | 1906-12-06 | | still born child, occording to mother she did not feel the life of the child for about 4-5 weeks before birth |
 | 67 Pleasant St. | Abraham [Abrahamian], | M | 1907-10-08 | | premature, about sixth month |
 | 10 Stokes St. | Aprahamian [Abrahamian], Apraham | M | 1922-03-21 | 4m (b. 1922-03-21) | gastro-enteritis |
 | 78 2nd St. | Aprihamian [Abrahamian], Nargiz | F | 1907-07-22 | 36 | tuberculosis & exhaustion |
 | 60 Nichols St. | Abraham [Abrahamian], Sateing | F | 1908-06-05 | 3m | weak from birth / bottle fed / vomited food several weeks / convulsions / spasmodic cough |
 | City Hospital | Abralian, Ramo | M | 1923-10-15 | 30 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 263 Cranston St. | Ashukian [Achoukian], Bedag | F | 1909-12-24 | 7 | pulmonary tuberculosis / exhaustion from |
 | 14 Palmer St. | Adishian, Mesrob | M | 1914-07-24 | 11m | cholera infantium |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Aghababian, Bedros | M | 1911-04-03 | 34 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 496 Washington St. | Agsanian [Aghajanian], | F | 1917-08-04 | (b. 1917-08-04) | still born baby / history of violence by fa---- |
 | City Hospital | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Asath | F | 1916-02-02 | 7y-3m-10d | diptheria |
 | 224 Pearl St. | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Dickranouhi | F | 1928-06-19 | 16y-12d (b. 1912-06-07) | chronic valvular disease of heart |
 | 15 Derry St. | Agaganian [Aghajanian], Dikranoohi | F | 1904-02-19 | 9m-17d (b. 1904-05-02) | entero colitis |
 | 73 Central St. | Agsanian [Aghajanian], Escapet | F | 1911-07-05 | 5m-22d | gastro-enteritis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Garabed Hagop | M | 1928-03-06 | 64 | pneumonia hypostatic / chronic myocarditis / septic ---- |
 | 17 Perkins St. | Aghajanian, Hurepsumey | F | 1905-01-09 | 24 | pneumonia / consumption |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Agahjanian [Aghajanian], Manag | M | 1924-04-19 | 85 (b. 1839) | chronic myocarditis |
 | 224 Pearl St. | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Manoog | M | 1925-12-16 | 19y-21d (b. 1906-11-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis & exhaustion from |
 | 62 Clarence St. | Agsanian [Aghajanian], Margaret | F | 1923-06-29 | 44 (b. 1879) | instrumental delivery / shock |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Mary | F | 1921-05-22 | 37y-11m-20d (b. 1883-06-07) | acute pancreatitis |
 | 33 Sorrento St. | Aaronian [Aharonian], Aaron Manoog | M | 1930-06-12 | 49y-2d (b. 1881-06-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 216½ Whipple St. | Aharomian [Aharonian], Marian | F | 1916-03-29 | 65 | grippe / heart failure |
 | City Hospital | Ayvazian [Aivazian], Violet | F | 1920-09-06 | 6y-8m-12d (b. 1913-12-25) | myocarditis following scarlet fever of two weeks / cervical adenitis - gland / opened under local |
 | 143 W. River St. | Adjemian [Ajemian], Haig | M | 1920-09-23 | 4m-20d (b. 1920-05-03) | gastro enteritis |
 | City Hospital | Andasrian [Andreasian], Manook | M | 1921-08-30 | 6m | dysentery / colitis |
 | St. Elizabeth's Home | Ensher [Ansourian], Aznev | F | 1913-11-25 | 53 | cancer of abdominal viscera |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Atkarian [Apkarian], Toros | M | 1911-12-01 | 32 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 17 Tippecanoe St. | Aposhian, | M | 1921-11-13 | (b. 1921-11-12) | premature labor / (twin) |
 | 17 Tippecanoe St. | Aposhian, | M | 1921-11-12 | (b. 1921-11-12) | premature labor / (twin) |
 | City Hospital | Aproian, Anna | F | 1926-04-08 | 1y-2m-13d (b. 1925-01-26) | broncho pneumonia, secondary to cause - undetermined |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Apraian [Aproian], Dickran | M | 1928-05-21 | 2m-12d (b. 1928-03-09) | hydronephrosis r[igh]t / pyonephrosis l[ef]t / marasmus / phimosin |
 | 202 Washington St. | Arabian, Aghavney | F | 1925-04-23 | 59 (b. 1866) | apoplexy / chronic nephritis / arteriosclerosis |
 | 436 Cranston St. | Arabian, Manoug | M | 1922-12-17 | 76 | cerebral hemorrhage / arterio-sclerosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Arabian, Vartar | M | 1911-12-11 | 26d | intestinal atresia / toxemia |
 | 122 Juniper St. | Arakelian, | M | 1907-07-06 | 4d (b. 1907-07-02) | premature labor (history of tight lacing) |
 | 135 Burgess St. | Arakelian, | M | 1908-07-19 | | premature labor / 7 month old pregnancy / history of tight dress & car ride a day before the labor |
 | 192 Douglas Ave. | Arakelian, Nazeni | F | 1921-12-08 | 20 | heart failure following lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Arakelian, Sarkis | M | 1916-12-21 | 50 | retro-peritoneal sarcoma |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Arisdakesian [Aristakesian], Nerses Mickiel | M | 1917-01-06 | 26 | portal tuberculosis |
 | 369 Knight St. | Aslanian [Arslanian], Bodaskan | F | 1917-09-22 | 65 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 95 Cumerford St. | Arslanian, Krekor Mateos | M | 1943-05-02 | 48y-8m-17d (b. 1894-08-15) | coronary heart disease |
 | 20 Derry St. | Aslanian [Arslanian], Mary Eranos | F | 1910-11-09 | 5m | meningitis |
 | 22 (rear) Fillmore St. | Arslanian, Michael | M | 1907-08-10 | | bullet wound of chest / homocide |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Artenian [Artinian], Giragos | M | 1930-02-26 | 60 (b. 1870) | chronic nephritis & uremia / chronic myocarditis / auricular fibrillation |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hartinian [Artinian], Malkon | M | 1910-03-22 | 24 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 16 Eaton St. | Arvanigian, Donabed | M | 1925-06-09 | 50 | lobar pneumonia / pleurisy |
 | 220 Juniper St. | Arzooyan [Arzoian], Roupen | M | 1926-03-13 | 64y-11m-29d (b. 1861-04-14) | apoplexy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Arzoumanian, Krikor | M | 1910-03-09 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Rose | F | 1910-06-05 | 3y-9m (b. 1906-09) | accidentally scalded by hot water |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Astoorian [Asadourian], Annie Maria | F | 1914-02-17 | 45 | mitral regurgitation / cardiac insufficiency |
 | 273 Pearl St. | Astoorian [Asadourian], Marardoros | M | 1902-11-03 | 63 | chronic cystitis, pyelitis |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Asdoorian [Asadourian], Michael | M | 1925-10-26 | 47 | perforation of gastric ulcer / operation |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Asdoorian [Asadourian], Yervant M. | M | 1916-05-13 | 40 | myocarditis / cerebral pneumonia following cholicystectomy & choleduodectomy |
 | 22 (rear) Cranston St. | Ashjian, Levon | M | 1913-06-27 | 15y-1m-16d (b. 1898-05-11) | pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ashjian, Megerdich | M | 1904-10-26 | 35 | ran fever, septic in character, hemorrhage from bowel 4 days ago / history unsatisfactory |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Asdikian [Astighian], Haiganoosh | F | 1930-09-07 | 54 (b. 1876) | cerebral thrombosis / arteriosclerosis / chronic nephritis |
 | Brook Ct. | Atanian [Atamian], Charles | M | 1909-03-21 | 3m | pneumonia |
 | 32 Miller Ave. | Avakian, Sdepan | M | 1929-02-08 | 83 (b. 1846) | old age with chronic bronchitis & emphysema / died actually by heart failure |
 | 90 Davis St. | Avakian, Siranoosh | F | 1919-01-29 | 2y-4m-18d (b. 1906-09-11) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Avenizian [Avazanian], Ohida | F | 1907-10-15 | 25 | pelvic abscess / general peritonitis |
 | 40 Whipple St. | Avedisian, Haroutoun | M | 1922-11-05 | 41 | agina pectoris / organic disease of heart |
 | 100 Battey St. | Der Avedisian [Avedisian], Isquhi | F | 1921-09-26 | 58 | epileptic attack while carrying lighted candle, clothing ignited, ----- burns & exhaustion |
 | Jane Brown Memorial Hospital | Avedisian, Jennie | F | 1942-10-01 | 49 | starvation (voluntary), carcinoma of bladder (contributory: ca[rcinoma] of cervix) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Avedisian, Sarkis | M | 1910-01-23 | 60 | syphiloma of brain |
 | City Hospital | Avedisian, Sarkis | M | 1911-05-11 | 28y-7m | pulmonary tuberculosis / subcutaneous emphysema of neck & chest wall |
 | 40 Quaid St. | Hazarian [Azarian], | F | 1908-08-18 | | premature labor / seven month old baby / history of long walk ----- given in examination with ------ |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Assarian [Azarian], Bagasias | M | 1917-10-15 | 39 | perforated gastric ulcer / general peritonitis |
 | 45 East St. | Azarian, Elizabeth Virginia | F | 1926-09-03 | 1y-4m-30d (b. 1926-04-04) | accidental asphyxiation / piece of bread lodged in larynx |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Assarian [Azarian], Peninin | M | 1918-12-26 | 22 | influenza / lobar pneumonia |
 | State Hospital for Mental Diseases | Asarian [Azarian], Sarkis | M | 1923-09-18 | 46 | chronic myocarditis with hypothyroidism / manic depressive psychosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], Vartan | M | 1928-05-09 | 1y-3m-1d (b. 1927-02-08) | burns of back ------mitus / child fell into tub of hot water on kitchen floor |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Babigian, Arzouhi | F | 1923-02-28 | 35 | retroperitoneal sarcoma operation |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bakdasarian [Baghdasarian], Avedis | M | 1921-12-08 | 52 | malignant disease of chest / metastasis |
 | 80 1st St. | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Mary | F | 1917-10-17 | 68 | cardio-renal disease / chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Paramaz | M | 1930-09-03 | 6y-2m-29d (b. 1924-06-05) | fractured skull with cranial injury, result of accident / struck by an automobile in Cranston |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Rose | F | 1918-10-18 | 35 | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Bajakian, | F | 1923-06-28 | | premature (7th month) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bajakian, Vahanig | M | 1925-08-13 | 3y-8m-24d (b. 1921-11-20) | skull fracture, intracranial injury (ran into street & struck by an automobile) |
 | 172 Byfield St. | Bakalian, | M | 1919-07-14 | | death following ------- delivery fr------- after caring lived (hand prerotation) |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Baker, Kenneth | M | 1928-07-08 | (b. 1928-07-07) | prematurity |
 | 111 Westfield St. | Blehgian [Balakian], | M | 1925-11-22 | | instrumental delivery / face presentation |
 | City Hospital | Baligian [Balakian], Garabed | M | 1926-09-28 | 42 | pulmonary tuberculosis (abcess) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Baligian [Balakian], Marderos | M | 1925-06-02 | 46 | lymphosarcoma (mediastinal) |
 | 409 Washington St. | Baligian [Balakian], Yesther | F | 1923-01-10 | 5m-11d (b. 1922-07-30) | pneumonis following measles |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Baligian [Baljian], Aram | M | 1911-03-05 | 21y-4m-18d | appendicitis hemorrhage / intestinal obstruction / peritonitis |
 | City Hospital | Baronian, Alexander | M | 1919-05-30 | 28 | pulmonary & larngeal tuberculosis |
 | 192 Douglas Ave. | Baronian, Paul | M | 1916-08-23 | 4m | cholera infantum |
 | 262 Blackman Blvd. | Bitchackjian [Bechakjian], Higl | M | 1919-05-05 | 49 | abcess of the liver / appendectomy 1-Nov-1918 / aspiration for fecal fistula & liver abscess |
 | 169 Chalkstone Ave. | Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Samuel | M | 1921-10-25 | 2m-5d (b. 1921-07-30) | gastro-enteritis / meningitis |
 | 83 Camden Ave. | Bedrosian, Sarkis | M | 1925-03-15 | 9m-10d (b. 1925-06-05) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Barberian [Berberian], | F | 1909-01-01 | (b. 1909-01-01) | still born / difficult labor |
 | 146 Linwood Ave. | Berberian, Hripsime | F | 1929-06-26 | 65 (b. 1864) | pulmonary embolism / mitral & aortia stenosis & regurgitation |
 | 188 Douglas Ave. | Berberian, Michael | M | 1917-06-07 | 65 | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Biberjian [Bezirjian], Armenag | M | 1949-04-29 | 74 | myocardial infarction |
 | 286 Broad St. | Besharian [Bisharian], Jacob | M | 1904-02-28 | 21 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 76 Atwood St. | Boghigian, Stephen | M | 1915-03-23 | 47 | laryngeal tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bogoian [Boghoian], John | M | 1928-10-09 | 49 (b. 1879) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bogosian [Boghosian], Anna | F | 1920-02-11 | 55 | influenza / pneumonia |
 | 369 Knight St. | Boghosian, Arshalos Frances | F | 1917-01-03 | 6m-16d (b. 1916-06-18) | organic heart disease |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bogajian [Boghosian], Berguahi | F | 1926-05-06 | 7m-22d (b. 1925-09-14) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 93 Burgess St. | Bogosian [Boghosian], Jacob | M | 1927-02-18 | 7m-7d (b. 1926-06-25) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | Leonard's Pond | Boghosian, Manooshag | F | 1928-10-24 | 33y-4m-2d (b. 1895-06-22) | drowning (probably suicide) / woman disappeared on 24-Oct-1928, has been mentally depressed for some tme & has made previous attempts to take her life |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Boghosian, Nasib | M | 1909-06-17 | 37y-8m-4d (b. 1871-10-31) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Der Bogosian [Boghosian], Sarkis | M | 1928-01-18 | 76 (b. 1852) | lyp---trop[?]iad, prostate, obstruction / nephritis, chronic uremia |
 | 369 Knight St. | Boghosian, Toros | M | 1920-12-19 | 49y-7m-1d (b. 1871-05-18) | angina pectoris / mitral / regurgitation |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Booloodian [Bouloudian], Altoon | F | 1929-12-26 | 32 (b. 1897) | cholelithiasis, 2-3 yrs duration / post-operative death following cholecystectomy, probably acute gastric dilation |
 | 93 Douglas Ave. | Boyajian, | M | 1907-12-15 | 10d | inanition (due to inability to swallow food) / no organic lesions found |
 | 428 Washington St. | Boyajian, | M | 1909-12-17 | 15d (b. 1909-12-02) | premature labor / birth caused by general debility of the mother |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Boyajian, | F | 1911-10-15 | | still born / fetal heart sounds absent at 11 PM 14-Oct) |
 | 82 Lester St. | Boyajian, Almas | F | 1920-03-10 | 58 | ascites following cirrhosis of liver (possibly) |
 | 418 Washington St. | Boyagian [Boyajian], Audon | M | 1906-09-08 | 50 | hemorrhage from the lung |
 | 430 (rear) Washington St. | Boyajian, Avedis | M | 1914-02-26 | 1y-6m-26d (b. 1912-07-30) | shock from burns / hot water tipped upon child's head & body / accident |
 | 350 Cranston St. | Boyajian, Avedis Ovigem | M | 1924-02-07 | 46 (b. 1878) | cardiac insufficiency |
 | 34 Oliver Pl. | Boyajian, Bagdasar | M | 1900-02-10 | 37 | acute lobar pneumonia (double) |
 | 17 Bush St. | Boyajian, Bessie | F | 1909-07-11 | 4d | malnutrition |
 | 445 Washington St. | Boyajian, Dickran | M | 1920-09-04 | 1y-4m-18d (b. 1919-04-17) | cholera infantum |
 | City Hospital | Boyajian, Freda | F | 1920-03-30 | 11y-7m-23d (b. 1908-08-07) | faucial diphtheria / edema of neck / culture positive |
 | 58 Bernon St. | Boyajian, Harry | M | 1923-08-17 | 61 | old age / heart failure |
 | 350 Cranston St. | Boyazian [Boyajian], Jeremiah | M | 1920-11-21 | 1m-5d (b. 1920-10-16) | broncho pneumonia / malnutrition |
 | 151 Dodge St. | Boyajian, Kavork Ovigem | M | 1914-08-13 | 57 | organic disease of heart / diarrhea |
 | 88 Hartford Ave. | Boyajian, Mardich | M | 1907-09-24 | 36 (b. 1871) | acute ulcerative colitis |
 | 18 Perkins St. | Boyagian [Boyajian], Margaret Hope | F | 1928-08-11 | 1y-5m-23d (b. 1927-02-19) | cholera infantum & exhaustion |
 | 154 Lester St. | Boyajian, Mariam | F | 1926-06-08 | 1y-10d (b. 1925-05-29) | death --ther--- no medical attendance / exact cause undetermined |
 | 93 (rear) Douglas Ave. | Boyajian, Mary Rosella | F | 1911-07-24 | 10m-24d | rachitis pertussis / anemia / gasto-enteritis |
 | 221 Sterling Ave. | Boyajian, Paul (Jr.) | M | 1926-12-29 | 1m-9d (b. 1926-11-20) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Providence City Hospital | Bozijian [Bozigian], Peter | M | 1920-02-29 | 32 | pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive / tuberculous meningitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bozian [Bozoian], Harry | M | 1910-12-06 | 18 | tuberculosis of atlas & axis / Pott's disease of spine |
 | City Hospital | Chadenjian [Chaderjian], Nishan | M | 1921-05-25 | 27 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Shamliaian [Chamalian], Harry M. | M | 1911-03-06 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kamalian [Chamalian], Kerkor | M | 1911-05-20 | 40 | septic peritonitis from rupture of intestine from blow on abdomen / said to have been kicked / meningitis |
 | 130 Orms St. | Chilingarian [Chilingirian], | M | 1910-01-26 | | still born / instrumental delivery |
 | City Hospital | Chitingirian [Chilingirian], Martin | M | 1913-07-15 | 19 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 130 Orms St. | Chilingrian [Chilingirian], Mary | F | 1909-09-24 | 1y-10m | whooping cough & exhaustion from |
 | 130 Orms St. | Chilingerion [Chilingirian], Mugridich | M | 1908-03-06 | 1y-6m-11d | double lobar pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Choloian, Harry | M | 1917-02-08 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Choloian, Simon | M | 1919-01-07 | 33 | influenza / pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Choloian, Vartan | M | 1920-06-23 | 40 | mastoiditis / meningitis |
 | 63 Corliss St. | Costigan, Christina Elizabeth | F | 1925-08-23 | 24y-6m-22d (b. 1901-02-01) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dadekhian, Alekhian | M | 1911-04-24 | 26 | nephritis / uremia |
 | 48 Hammond St. | Dadekhian, Hurant | M | 1911-02-16 | 2y-2m-20d | cerebro spinal meningitis |
 | Providence Surgical Hospital | Dadekhian, Margaret | F | 1920-01-13 | 29y-6m-12d (b. 1891-01-01) | pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dandigian, Sarah | F | 1921-09-18 | 18 | tuberculor arthritis / left knee / general septicemia |
 | 30 Walnut St. | Danielian, Levon | M | 1929-07-10 | 25 (b. 1904-02-07) | aortic regurgitation / mitral stenosis / dilated heart (contributory: fatigue & heat) |
 | St. Vincent de Paul Infant Asylum | Danialian [Danielian], Maria Anna | F | 1908-05-27 | 1m-19d (b. 1908-04-08) | marasmus due to mal-assimilation |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Daniels, Melkon | M | 1906-09-25 | 36 | edema of lungs / died a short time after admission & hasty physical examination / negative [?]ave for oedema of lungs |
 | 202 Charles St. | Davidian, Teotos Arshag | M | 1906-11-03 | 3d | broncho pneumonia |
 | 17 Washburn St. | Damoorjin [Demirjian], | F | 1908-04-30 | | still born / cause unknown |
 | 17 Washburn St. | Damoorjian [Demirjian], | M | 1906-06-11 | | macerated foetus |
 | 35 Lester St. | Damirjin [Demirjian], Arackse | F | 1911-07-27 | 7m | poisoning by lysol / autopsy / referred to coroner |
 | 14 Washburn St. | Demirjian, Kevork | M | 1921-10-16 | 4d (b. 1921-10-12) | internal hemorrhaging / new born |
 | City Hospital | Demirjian, Mary Beatrice | F | 1917-02-04 | 16y-9m-10d (b. 1900-04-17) | pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion) |
 | Butler Hospital | Damoorjian [Demirjian], Sarkis | M | 1911-02-13 | 35 | general paresis / mucous colitis |
 | 117 (rear) Ring St. | Depoian, Haig Garabed | M | 1917-01-13 | 1m-27d (b. 1916-11-17) | premature / malnutrition, failure to assimilate ---- |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Depoian, Tarria Garabed | F | 1912-10-23 | 29y-11m-23d (b. 1882-10-30) | pyelonephritis / pregnancy |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Derderian, | M | 1918-06-27 | 1d (b. 1918-06-26) | atelectasis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Arpana | F | 1916-04-12 | 4y-6m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dardarian [Derderian], Aspana | F | 1916-04-12 | 4y-6m | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Derderian, Sebooh | M | 1920-12-13 | 26 | intestinal obstruction / intussusception probably due to tapeworm later found outside abdominal wound |
 | 371 Admiral St. | Dasdegulian [Desdegulian], John | M | 1912-11-19 | 2m-26d (b. 1912-08-24) | malnutrition / ileocolitis |
 | 35 Whipple St. | Desdegulian, Shushan | F | 1911-07-09 | 2m | ileo-colitis / malnutrition induced by bottle feeding |
 | City Hospital | Delbarian [Dilberian], Aram | M | 1919-01-28 | 4y-6m | faucial & nasal diptheria / acute myocraditis / culture positive |
 | City Hospital | Daldorian [Dildarian], Geragos | M | 1916-12-08 | 26 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Deranian [Diranian], Varter | F | 1929-05-04 | 42 | cerebral hemorrhage / organic disease of heart & kidney |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dolbasian [Dolbashian], Bogos | M | 1916-04-19 | 45 | tuberculosis peritonitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dolbashian, Dickran | M | 1925-11-03 | 33 | probably cause fracture of skull / he was subject to dizzy spells while in Roger William Park & was taken suddenlly ill, fell to ground --- rolled down -----shortly afterwards became unconscious |
 | Heath Convalescent Home | Dolbashian, Garabed | M | 1923-01-15 | 58 | hypernephroma of left kidney / metastases to adjacent structures |
 | Heath Sanatorium | Dolbashian, Hagop | M | 1925-05-28 | 48 | cancer head of pancreas, jaundice, ascites |
 | 432 Fountain St. | Donabedian, Annie | F | 1919-09-12 | 1y-28d (b. 1918-08-15) | diarrhea in serum |
 | St. Vincent de Paul Infant Asylum | Donabedian, Annie Atam | F | 1924-07-20 | 6m-23d (b. 1923-12-25) | dermatitis exfoliative / general sepsis |
 | 1745 Westminster St. | Donabedian, John | M | 1921-06-09 | 7d (b. 1921-06-02) | congestion of brain probably from instrumental delivery |
 | City Hospital | Donabedian, Thomas | M | 1915-05-17 | 21 | pulmonary & laryngeal tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Donigian, Martin | M | 1930-07-07 | 52 | pulmonary tuberculosis, cavitation of r[ight] lung (autopsy, x-ray positive, sputum positive) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Donigian, Paul | M | 1923-07-20 | 28 | carbuncle, infection posterior cervical region / septicemia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Donigian, Sarkis | M | 1918-02-05 | 20 (b. 1897) | splenic anemia |
 | 810 Potters Ave. | Ekmekjian, Gourgi | F | 1922-02-27 | 66y-10m-2d (b. 1855-04-25) | old age / apoplexy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Eknoian, Vahinag Avedis | M | 1913-08-17 | 3m | gastro-enteritis |
 | | Elmasian, Anahid | F | 1917-03-07 | 4y-6m (b. 1912-09-01) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Afarian [Evarian], John | M | 1922-06-09 | 40 | ruptured appendix / peritonitis & intestinal obstruction |
 | 900 Eddy St. | Farushian [Farichian], Anna | F | 1916-01-18 | 80 | old age / heart disease, possibly aortic insufficiency |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Farishian [Farichian], Hagy | F | 1922-09-03 | 45 | injuries to head, hemorrhage & shock / this woman & her husband were assaulted at their house, Bates St., City, on this day |
 | 113 Beacon Ave. | Fermanian, Sarkis | M | 1929-11-24 | 2y-8m-10d (b. 1927-03-14) | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | City Hospital | Garabedian, Agap | M | 1917-07-26 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 147 Waldo St. | Garabedian, Aharon | M | 1930-09-12 | 47 (b. 1883) | chronic nephritis, uremic carditious (uremia) |
 | 188 Prairie Ave. | Garabedian, Anna | F | 1908-03-13 | 63 | grippe with complication of pneumonia |
 | State Almshouse | Garabedian, Asadoor | M | 1907-07-13 | 40 | chronic Bright's disease / valvular heart disease |
 | 83 Walnut St. | Garabedian, Avedis | M | 1928-08-16 | 67y-7m-10d (b. 1861-01-06) | carcinoma of stomach (primary) / carcinoma of lung (secondary) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Garabedian, Garabed | M | 1914-12-03 | 20 | appendicitis / peritonitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Garabedian, George Vartan | M | 1930-03-18 | 40 (b. 1890) | perforated peptic ulcer / pneumonia, bronchial |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Garabedian, Helen | F | 1924-05-15 | 21y-2m-29d (b. 1903-02-16) | stone in left kidney, stone in urether left / uremia, post operation, two days |
 | City Hospital | Garabedian, Kharrfhauauch | F | 1926-01-31 | 25 | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculosis laryngitis / mitral insufficiency |
 | 149 Juniper St. | Garabedian, Krikor | M | 1923-02-13 | 1y-7m-24d (b. 1921-06-20) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | 283 Waldo St. | Jarabedian [Garabedian], Oscar | M | 1930-02-13 | 39 (b. 1891) | cardiorenal condition / heart failure |
 | 283 Waldo St. | Garabedian, Sahag | M | 1925-12-01 | 3m-8d (b. 1925-08-23) | acute gastro intestinal intoxication due to improper feeding |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Garabedian, Samuel | M | 1925-01-15 | 6m-3d (b. 1924-07-12) | rickets / lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Garabedian, Sarkis | M | 1912-12-27 | 23 | gall stones / acute infectious hepatitis |
 | 46 Division St. | Garabedian, Youghaper Sahagian | F | 1930-03-29 | 63y-8m-14d (b. 1866-07-15) | carcinoma of liver |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Godoian [Gedoian], Boghus | M | 1915-03-25 | 25 | miliary tuberculosis |
 | 120 Juniper St. | Gudian [Gedoian], Nizret | M | 1907-08-10 | 40 | cancer of neck |
 | Green Pond | Gevreoneian, Vartan | M | 1914-10-12 | 63 | vomited & contents of stomach found its way into air passage causing suffocation, probably / found dead in field |
 | 306 Charles St. | Kuzirian [Ghazarian], | F | 1909-04-24 | | still born |
 | 1 Cady St. | Kuzirian [Ghazarian], Arshalooys | F | 1913-04-12 | 13 | influenza |
 | City Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Harry | M | 1916-06-09 | 44 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 77 Randall St. | Kuzirian [Ghazarian], J. Thomas | M | 1913-04-09 | 63 | apoplexy |
 | Providence Surgical Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Kazar | M | 1918-12-09 | 32 | rupture of gall bladder / cause unknown / toxemia |
 | 86 Stockton St. | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Nellie | F | 1906-01-25 | 3m | scalding from upsetting hot tea / accident |
 | 174 Douglas Ave. | Kajarian [Ghazarian], Sarah | F | 1930-02-19 | 2m-20d (b. 1929-11-30) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Kazarian [Ghazarian], Satin | F | 1910-01-12 | 28 | intestinal obstruction following caesarean section |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Gazarian [Ghazarian], Yeprexcy | F | 1916-06-21 | 32 | bullet wound of abdomen complicated by general septic peritonitis (homicide) |
 | 35 Quaid St. | Gagosian [Ghougasian], Abraham | M | 1922-03-05 | 1m-3d (b. 1922-02-04) | premature birth (7th month) / general inanition from faulty assimilation of food / one child living, one child deaf, both parents look tuberculous |
 | 15 N. Davis St. | Loukiasian [Ghougasian], Franco | M | 1909-05-03 | 40 | tuberculosis & ech--othos from same |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hoogasian [Ghougasian], Haroutune | M | 1926-05-28 | 8m-11d (b. 1925-08-17) | empyema / drainage |
 | 3 Gifford St. | Guiragos [Giragosian], | F | 1920-12-26 | 4d (b. 1920-12-22) | blue baby |
 | 17 Sweetbriar St. | Garagosian [Giragosian], Annie | F | 1910-03-23 | 5 | double lobar pneumonia / septic arthritis |
 | 13 Rangeley Ave. | Guiragos [Giragosian], George | M | 1906-03-08 | 6m-18d (b. 1905-08-18) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 128 Julian St. | Guiragos [Giragosian], Louise | F | 1909-10-14 | 7m-5d (b. 1909-03-09) | intestinal catarrh |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Guiragos [Giragosian], May | F | 1909-09-15 | 6y-2m | cerebral hemorrage |
 | Park Hill Hospital | Glorian, | M | 1921-06-23 | | instrumental delivery |
 | City Hospital | Glorian, Hovhanes | M | 1925-10-20 | 1y-9m-17d (b. 1924-01-03) | measles / broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kashgarian [Goshgarian], Mary | F | 1925-10-10 | 1y-6m-1d (b. 1924-04-09) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Woonasquatucket River Valley St. | Goashgarian [Goshgarian], Sooren | M | 1918-04-24 | 3y-5m-12d (b. 1914-12-12) | asphyxiation by drowning / child playing on bank of river fell in the water |
 | 80 Lester St. | Gostanian, Gostan | M | 1919-12-12 | 22d (b. 1919-11-20) | gastro-enteritis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Granger, John Bedros | M | 1925-04-18 | 36y-2m-26d (b. 1889-01-23) | septicaemia (general) / (probably from sinusitis) |
 | Pine Ridge | Habashian [Habeshian], Harriten | M | 1908-01-05 | 45 | tuberculosis |
 | 83 Dodge St. | Hajian [Hadjian], | M | 1929-09-27 | 2d (b. 1929-09-15) | premature labor / malnutrition |
 | Park Hill Hospital | Hagopian, | F | 1925-05-19 | (b. 1925-05-19) | died 2 hour after she was delivered |
 | 69 1st St. | Hagopian, Agavny | F | 1908-03-08 | 1m | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | 141 Wendell St. | Hagopian, Aram Eremia | M | 1930-08-08 | 48 (b. 1882) | cebrebral hemorrage (apoplexy) |
 | 6 Boone St. | Hagopian, Arshag | M | 1923-03-27 | 1y-10d (b. 1922-03-17) | lobar pneumonia |
 | 6 Boone St. | Hagopian, Arzooman | M | 1923-03-25 | 17d (b. 1923-03-08) | premature labor |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Hagopian, David | M | 1920-02-20 | 55 | cholelithiasis & chronic appendicitis / operation 19-Feb-1920, cholecystectomy & appendectomy / acute cardiac dilatation |
 | 859 Manton Ave. | Hagopian, Hagop | M | 1926-02-18 | 6m-28d (b. 1925-07-23) | lobar pneumonia |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Der Jacobson [Hagopian], Jacob | M | 1928-03-08 | 56 | bi-lateral lobar pneumonia / chronic myocarditis / autopsy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hagopian, Richard | M | 1925-09-04 | 42 | Addison's disease |
 | 835 Manton Ave. | Hagopian, Varter | F | 1926-03-25 | 56 | apoplexy |
 | 835 Manton Ave. | Der Hagopian [Hagopian], Vazkan | M | 1926-01-18 | 1m-14d (b. 1925-12-04) | suffocation from inhalation of rubber ----le |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hambarzamian [Hampartsoumian], Arakel | M | 1912-06-09 | 40 | pneumonia following operation with ether for empyema of gall bladder due to gall stones |
 | 119 2nd St. | Oynian [Hanoian], Dollie | F | 1923-09-17 | 8y-3m-20d (b. 1915-05-28) | died from complications of disease (tuberculosis of the hip & nephritis) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Oonooian [Hanoian], Edward | M | 1922-08-25 | 5m-5d (b. 1921-12-12) | gastro-enteritis |
 | 118 2nd St. | Oynoian [Hanoian], John | M | 1917-10-23 | 46 (b. 1868-12-20) | pulmonary tuberculosis, asthenia |
 | 116 2nd St. | Ognoian [Hanoian], Kazar | M | 1915-02-25 | 72 | cancer of stomach |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Hanoian, Kerrigan George | M | 1930-03-02 | 21y-3m-1d (b. 1908-12-01) | carcinoma of pancreas with metastasis to peritoneum / operation / exhaustion, toxemia |
 | 40 Quaid St. | Hanzarian, | M | 1907-10-02 | | still born |
 | 700 Cranston St. | Haroutunian, Peter | M | 1926-01-02 | 36 | carcinoma of liver |
 | J. W. Keefe Surgical | Hasootinian [Haroutunian], Porsagh | M | 1921-11-21 | 70 | carcinoma of stomach / operation 18-Nov-1921, gastro enterostomy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Haroutunian, Sahag | M | 1918-12-16 | 55 | chronic myocarditis / broncho pneumonia |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Harrison, Armenia Kuzulian | F | 1907-08-31 | 24y-1m-16d (b. 1883-07-15) | puerperal eclampsia / forcep delivery of twins / pneumonia, all started within 24 hours |
 | City Hospital | Haytaian, Hike | M | 1920-01-16 | 12y-3m-1d (b. 1907-10-15) | faucial diphtheria |
 | City Hospital | Haytaian, Jacob | M | 1912-04-03 | 38y-3m-13d (b. 1873-12-20) | toxaemia resulting from acute tonsillitis |
 | 26 1st St. | Hegahamian, Zabel | F | 1910-07-08 | 6m (b. 1910-01) | acute enteritis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hintlin [Hintilian], Levon | M | 1918-02-20 | 1y-11m (b. 1916-03-20) | pneumonia / meningitis |
 | 78 Wayne St. | Hoosigian [Housigian], | F | 1908-09-11 | (b. 1908-09-10) | twin pregnancy / general weakness |
 | 3 Fillmore St. | Hoosigian [Housigian], Sahag | M | 1910-10-19 | 8m | gastro-enteritis / bottle fed, malnutrition / bronchitis (acute) |
 | 142 Charles St. | Holayendian [Hovagimian], Harry | M | 1921-01-04 | 61 | organic disease of heart |
 | 117 Almy St. | DeHovhannesian [Hovhannesian], Hovagin | M | 1916-07-10 | 60 | carcinoma of intestines |
 | City Hospital | Imanian, Sarah | F | 1930-07-07 | 36 (b. 1894) | chronic parenchymatous nephritis, uremia (autopsy) / pulmonary tuberculosis cavitation RT (sputum positive) / edemia pleuritis, bilaterial (blood was positive) / latent syphilis |
 | City Hospital | Jamgotchian [Jamgochian], Annie | F | 1921-03-09 | 35 (b. 1885) | pulmonary tuberculosis / hemorrhage |
 | City Hospital | Jaingochian [Jamgochian], Zaker | M | 1919-02-16 | 55 | pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive |
 | City Hospital | Janigian, Ashid | M | 1911-01-23 | 1y-10m | scarlet fever / acute nephritis / infection of neck & face |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Janigian, Mugurditch | M | 1928-12-16 | 54 (b. 1874) | arteriosclerosis heart disease / myocardial failure |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Janigian, Theresa | F | 1919-08-08 | 1m-2d (b. 1919-07-06) | decomp--itim / tuberculosis of intestines |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Jelalian, Apcar | M | 1912-12-09 | 18 | cerebral hemorrhage / epilepsy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Jelalian, Elyso | F | 1929-04-30 | 70 (b. 1859) | coronary occlusion / diabetes mellitus |
 | Roger Williams Park Lake | Jevanian [Jivanian], John | M | 1926-07-09 | 18y-1m-17d (b. 1908-05-22) | accidental drowning while bathing |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Jizmagian [Jizmejian], Marinei Surpouhi | F | 1930-10-26 | 4m-6d (b. 1930-06-30) | broncho pneumonia / cleft palate |
 | City Hospital | Johnson, Charles | M | 1913-12-29 | 32 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 216 Orms St. | Johnson, James John | M | 1906-10-07 | 60 | asthma / chronic valvular disease of heart |
 | 349 Orms St. | Johnson, Mary Hagop | F | 1913-05-01 | 61y-5m-21d (b. 1851-11-10) | probably valvular heart disease / sudden death |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Jorjorian, Solomon | M | 1919-05-02 | 23 | malignant disease of lung |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Juskalian, | M | 1916-12-13 | 1d | premature infant (weight 3 lbs. 3 oz, double hair lip & cleft palate) |
 | 158 Harold St. | Hallojian [Kalajian], Hampartzoom | M | 1920-02-19 | 36 | pneumonia following influenza |
 | 14 Palmer St. | Kalajan [Kalajian], Marian | F | 1912-05-24 | 63y-4m-27d (b. 1848-12-27) | chronic nephritis / uremia |
 | Ruford Chemical Co. | Khalchian [Kalajian], Markar | M | 1913-11-22 | | acute indigestion |
 | 180 Cranston St. | Kelejian [Kalajian], Noubar | M | 1908-05-22 | 1m-17d (b. 1908-04-05) | malnutrition & exhaustion |
 | 305 Knight St. | Kelejian [Kalajian], Servart | F | 1907-06-05 | 1y-6m-12d (b. 1905-11-24) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 19 Perkins St. | Kelejian [Kalajian], Servart | F | 1910-02-05 | 7m-8d (b. 1909-06-27) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 14 Washburn St. | Killerjian [Kalajian], Siranaush | F | 1928-04-21 | 6y-3d (b. 1922-04-18) | acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis / auricular fibrillation / pneumonia |
 | 48 Plainfield St. | Kalunian [Kalenian], | M | 1907-04-05 | | unknown, but natural |
 | 169 Hudson St. | Kalunian [Kalenian], | F | 1908-07-21 | (b. 1908-07-21) | still born / unknown, natural |
 | 158 Lenox Ave. | Kalunian [Kalenian], Baba | M | 1928-11-29 | 56 (b. 1872) | embolism of the heart |
 | City Hospital | Kalunian [Kalenian], Bogilos | M | 1921-01-06 | 48 | pulm[onary] tuberculosis / myocarditis |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Kalumian [Kalenian], Karekin | M | 1917-04-29 | 11 | acute gangrenous perforated ------ / general septic ------- |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Klanian [Kalenian], Krikor | M | 1910-04-25 | 27 | Lues [?] secondary |
 | City Hospital | Kolonian [Kalenian], Michael | M | 1918-04-11 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 23 Little St. | Kalian [Kaloian], Bougevus | M | 1910-09-26 | 2y-10m | pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Koolloian [Kaloian], Esther | F | 1928-10-07 | 6m-6d (b. 1928-04-01) | burns of head, chestof both upper extremeties / infant was left in baby carriage in yard of 52 -----, while mother made visit to the house / it is thought some very young children who were seen in the yard -----have ignited some matches & set fire to the c |
 | 41 Derry St. | Koolloian [Kaloian], Ohan Khachadoor | M | 1907-04-01 | 35 | Bright's disease / dropsy |
 | 31 Parade St. | Kalian [Kaloian], Vartan | M | 1935-10-19 | 63 (b. 1872) | carcinoma of prostate, metastasized into liver & pancreas |
 | Providence City Hospital | Kaloustian, Hovhannes | M | 1922-07-15 | 1y-3m-8d (b. 1921-04-07) | nasal diptheria / faucial diptheria |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kalostian [Kaloustian], John | M | 1922-05-31 | 52 | metastatic carcinoma / cancer of kidney |
 | 61 Codding St. | Kamian, Kachadon | F | 1908-03-21 | (b. 1908-03-21) | premature birth due to lifting (history of trauma) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Gebegian [Kapigian], Hizog Ann | F | 1915-10-12 | 1m | malnutrition |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kapagian [Kapigian], Mugerdich | M | 1913-02-21 | 26 | aortic & mitral insufficiency |
 | 214 Sutton Ave. | Karaguzian [Karageozian], Arakel | M | 1927-08-18 | 44y-8m-2d (b. 1882-11-16) | carcinoma of larynx |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Karagavoorian [Karagiavourian], Nushan S. | M | 1916-03-10 | 44 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | | Karagaworian [Karagiavourian], Peter George | M | 1921-05-14 | 27y-2m-11d | crushing injury to chest (walking along sidewalk, auto skidded & crushed him against building) |
 | 174 S. Angell St. | Karian [Karaian], Gulizer | F | 1913-01-19 | 2d (b. 1913-01-17) | inanition / congenital syphilis |
 | Hope Hospital | Karian [Karaian], Magrditch Manoog | M | 1926-02-12 | 41 | general carcinomatosis of abdominal viscera / op[erated] 23-Jan-1926 (colostomy) |
 | 840 Westminster St. | Karian [Karaian], Peter | M | 1923-05-04 | 65 | found dead in rooming house / tubercular |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Karamonoogian [Karamanougian], Manoog | M | 1922-02-15 | 60 | gangrene of lung / bronchiectasis |
 | 29 Frank St. | Karadalian [Kartalian], Rose | F | 1947-04-14 | 65y-10m-12d (b. 1881-06-02) | acute coronary thrombosis |
 | City Hospital | Kasabian, Jacob | M | 1919-03-12 | 46 | pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive |
 | 56 Derry St. | Kasabian, Sarkis | M | 1915-08-18 | 28 | bullet wound through mouth into neck / suicide / disease of heart / sickness & poverty was cause of act |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Casparian [Kasparian], | F | 1929-11-17 | (b. 1929-11-17) | intra-uterine asphyxia due to dystoria between fetal head & material (small) pelvis, plus operative delivery |
 | 91 Summer St. | Jasper [Kasparian], Jacob | M | 1941-04-30 | 70 (b. 1871) | coronary thrombosis |
 | 10 Eaton St. | Der Kasparian [Kasparian], Loucy | F | 1929-06-08 | 63 (b. 1866) | general weakness & cachexia / she had malaria before |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kasparian, Ogia | M | 1916-10-14 | 28 | probably aspidium poisoning / administered medicinally / unknown natural causes |
 | 53 Atwells Ave. | Casparian [Kasparian], Siron | F | 1917-04-03 | 24 | myocarditis / hypostatic pneumonia due to deformed paralytic chest |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kayajanian, Bagdasar | M | 1926-08-27 | 37 (b. 1889) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 67 Codding St. | Kayajanian, Hooah | F | 1920-07-08 | 50 | Bright's disease (nephritis) |
 | 61 Codding St. | Kayajanian, Izarig | M | 1911-05-09 | 2y-8m-28d | tumor of the brain / encephalitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kazajian [Kazanjian], Avedis | M | 1914-05-27 | 23y-9m-12d (b. 1890-08-15) | lobar pneumonia / mediastinal abscess |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kazaz [Kazazian], Ardash | M | 1911-04-19 | 30 | adherent pericarditis / dilatation & endocarditis |
 | 189 Early St. | Kazazian, Magurdich | M | 1924-12-12 | 62 (b. 1862) | cardiac insufficiency |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kasaian [Keoseian], Krikor | M | 1921-02-01 | 30 | tuberculosis adenitis, abdominal / myocarditis / post operative |
 | City Hospital | Kasaian [Keoseian], Mirian | F | 1917-07-17 | 1y-10m | lobar pneumonia |
 | 81 Camden Ave. | Kasaian [Keoseian], Tavriz | F | 1919-01-11 | 24 | influenza / pneumonia |
 | 404 Washington St. | Ketchedjian [Keshishian], Aram | M | 1926-01-07 | 45 | hemorrhage probably pulmonary / found dead in lodging house |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kechijian [Keshishian], Harry Joseph | M | 1929-01-05 | 22y-9m-29d (b. 1906-03-07) | tuberculosis meningitis, preceded by cold |
 | 316 Chalkstone Ave. | Goshdigian [Kestigian], Sarkis | M | 1907-03-13 | | still born |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Goshdigian [Kestigian], Sarkis | M | 1930-11-07 | 60 (b. 1870) | gall stones & ruptured cystic duct / lobar pnemonia, bilaterial |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Goshdigian [Kestigian], Shoushan | F | 1928-03-30 | 8m-27d (b. 1927-07-03) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kevorkian, Dickran | M | 1928-10-17 | 39y-5m-23d (b. 1889-04-24) | ulcer of stomach, perforated |
 | 21 Sorrento St. | Kevorkian, Egnar | F | 1934-07-19 | 58y-11m-15d (b. 1875-08-04) | sudden death - arteriosclerosis & cor[o]n[ar]y thrombosis |
 | 298 (rear) Knight St. | Kachdorian [Khachadourian], | F | 1916-05-01 | | stillborn |
 | 146 Blackstone St. | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], | F | 1909-04-16 | (b. 1909-04-16) | asphyxia neonatorum / prolapsed funis |
 | 40 Gifford St. | Kachadorian [Khachadourian], Boghos | M | 1924-07-18 | 67 (b. 1857) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 37 Nebraska St. | Kachadorian [Khachadourian], Capril | M | 1924-06-27 | 50y-4m-7d (b. 1874-02-20) | cerebral hemorrhage / chronic nephritis / (apoplexy) |
 | Broadway & Battey St. | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Henry | M | 1907-07-30 | 3y-9m (b. 1903-12-30) | fracture base of skull / struck by an electric car / accident |
 | 346 Wickenden St. | Kachadoorian [Khachadourian], Jennie | F | 1912-02-22 | 1m-24d (b. 1911-12-29) | pneumonia |
 | 151 Orms St. | Kushigian [Khachigian], Arpene | F | 1922-01-12 | 1m-14d (b. 1921-11-22) | furunculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Hagkikian [Khachigian], Kasper | M | 1919-02-05 | 53 | epidemic meningitis / meningococcus |
 | 392 Knight St. | Handanian [Khandanian], Susan | F | 1912-01-03 | 24y-10m-18d (b. 1887-02-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 126 Camden Ave. | Kashmanian [Khashmanian], | M | 1914-11-27 | (b. 1914-11-27) | instrumental delivery / funis around neck |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Khashmanian, | F | 1922-02-11 | (b. 1922-02-11) | fetal exhaustion due to depression of cardio respiratory center from prolonged labor in a flat pelvis (high forceps) |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Kashmanian [Khashmanian], | M | 1925-07-12 | (b. 1925-07-12) | difficult operative delivery / small maternal pelvis & large baby / breathed only short time after artificial respiration |
 | Providence Surgical Hospital | Kashmanian [Khashmanian], | M | 1926-07-08 | (b. 1926-07-08) | congestion of the brain / instrumental delivery from contracted pelvis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Halgatian [Khelgatian], Annie | F | 1926-03-26 | 36 | lobar pneumonia / pleurisy, left / chr[onic] myocarditis |
 | 46 Shawmut St. | Halgatian [Khelgatian], Margaret | F | 1928-09-22 | 70 | myocarditis / asthma |
 | City Hospital | Kolligian [Kholigian], Victoria | F | 1921-04-15 | 1y-3m-9d (b. 1920-01-06) | cerebro spinal meningitis (bacillus influenzae) |
 | 114 Vinton St. | Khrookian [Khorigian], Hagop | M | 1915-09-14 | 56 | tuberculosis (pulmonary) |
 | 17 Washburn St. | Khteian, Herayre | M | 1925-11-19 | 8d (b. 1925-11-11) | premature birth / this is twin |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Kamatian [Kimatian], Agnes | F | 1915-09-09 | 24 | pyosalpinx septicemia operation |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Khimatian [Kimatian], Bazzada | F | 1917-07-09 | 50 | peritonitis following operation for gall stones |
 | 85 Douglas Ave. | Kimatian, John | M | 1910-12-14 | 1y-5m-27d (b. 1909-06-17) | convulsions following burn by boiling water, accidentally |
 | City Hospital | Kimatian, Kazar | M | 1916-06-09 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Eastside Hospital | Kirnatian [Kimatian], Mardiros Hoanes | M | 1910-12-03 | 45 | broncho catarrhal pneumonia / followed by heart failure |
 | 64 Osborn St. | Kimatian, Mary | F | 1926-10-03 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kockian [Kochoian], Dickren | M | 1914-03-26 | 35 | injuries sustained by fall on street / possible fractured skull / cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kojakanian, Aram | M | 1917-09-15 | 37 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 7 Vesta St. | Kirkorian [Krikorian], | M | 1910-09-28 | | still born / mother has contracted pelvis / operation delivery |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Krikorian, | F | 1917-10-23 | (b. 1917-10-23) | still born (mother eclamptic) |
 | 12 Winter St. | Krekorian [Krikorian], Anna | F | 1906-01-01 | 28 | abdominal tumors, probably malignant |
 | 50 Oak St. | Krikorian, Annie | F | 1910-03-03 | 30 (b. 1880) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 61 Codding St. | Kerkorian [Krikorian], Hovhanes | M | 1926-05-11 | 4y-10m-25d (b. 1926-07-16) | lobar pneumonia following burns of body from scalding with hot water / accidental |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Krikorian, Martin | M | 1924-04-01 | 28 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 124 Oak St. | Krikorian, Mary | F | 1914-12-18 | 54 (b. 1860) | pneumonia (broncho) / heart failure from |
 | 19 Derry St. | Krekorian [Krikorian], Mulken | M | 1916-01-03 | 33 | illuminating gas poisoning (probably accidental) / this man was missing two days when he was found dead in bed |
 | 1644 Chalkstone Ave. | Krikorian, Orevek | F | 1910-08-11 | 100 | general debility & old age |
 | 127 Codding St. | Krikorian, Varizin | F | 1921-02-27 | 1y-1m-3d (b. 1920-01-25) | measles / bronchopneumonia |
 | St. Vincent de Paul Infant Asylum | Krekorian [Krikorian], Victoria | F | 1907-01-05 | 2y-6m-3d | chr[onic] hydrocephalus / eclampsia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Kapulian [Kupelian], Julia | F | 1925-04-06 | 4y-3m | burns of entire body / this child was playing about a bon fire in its own yard when its clothing became ignited |
 | | Kharajian [Kurejian], Annie | F | 1907-02-12 | 21 | freezing |
 | | Kharajian [Kurejian], Koran | M | 1907-02-12 | 24 | freezing |
 | 239 Friendship St. | Limanian [Lamanian], Frances | F | 1914-11-30 | 32y-11m (b. 1881-12-30) | angina pectoris / myocarditis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Leylegian, Avdis | M | 1923-04-02 | 50 | osteomyelitis of femur |
 | St. Vincent de Paul Infant Asylum | Martiesian [Mahdesian], Lazarus | M | 1917-07-17 | 1y-11m-7d (b. 1915-08-10) | dermatitis herpetiformis / hyperpyrexia |
 | 32 Fillmore St. | Mamoorian [Mahmourian], Armenouhi | F | 1907-08-09 | 9m | cholera infantum |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mamoorian [Mahmourian], Sarah | F | 1917-07-19 | 9y-6m | tuberculosis peritonitis & tuberculosis entritis |
 | 261 Orms St. | Mamoorian [Mahmourian], Veron | F | 1939-05-13 | 57 (b. 1882) | carcinoma - abdominal |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Maksoodian [Maksoudian], Matos | M | 1911-10-31 | 28 | chronic interstitial nephritis / uraemia |
 | 41 Lyman St. | Maljanian, Marook Krikor | M | 1924-04-03 | 52 | aneurism of aorta / chronic parenchymatosis nephritis |
 | 130 Lester St. | Malkasian [Malkhasian], | M | 1909-02-28 | | still born |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Malamazian [Malyemezian], Arzeman | M | 1913-01-20 | 22 | exhaustion from burns accidentally sustained 15-Dec-1912 / clothing ignited from back draft of furnace in electrical works |
 | 224 Silver Spring St. | Mananian, Badersar | M | 1918-04-13 | 45 | probable cause pulmonary tuberculosis / taken suddenly ill |
 | 509 Washington St. | Manougian, | F | 1906-04-18 | 1d (b. 1906-04-18) | hydrocephalus |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Artin | M | 1909-02-07 | 60 | chronic myocarditis / retention of urine / oedema of lungs |
 | City Hospital | Monagian [Manougian], David | M | 1918-04-14 | 52 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Menigian [Manougian], Krikos | M | 1924-12-03 | 75 | pneumonia / pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 443 Chalkstone Ave. | Manougian, Manoug | M | 1922-11-20 | 33 | probably cardiac condition / retired, usual good health, found dead in bed in morning |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Markar | M | 1917-05-13 | 55 | fracture dislocation of left shoulder / septicemia & secondary hemorrhage (this man fell from electric car at corner of Pekin St. & Douglas Ave. & sustaining injuries to left shoulder) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Nazig | M | 1921-11-03 | 60 | skull fractured by some heavy instrument / homocide |
 | City Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Peter | M | 1916-10-07 | 28y-6m-5d | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 82 Lester St. | Manoogian [Manougian], Peter | M | 1919-10-31 | 44 | growth (specific) involving rectum & sigmoid |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Peter | M | 1921-12-28 | 50y-11m-13d (b. 1871-01-15) | fractured skull / struck by electric car / accident |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Manoogian [Manougian], Rose | F | 1917-06-23 | 5y-2d | no diagnosis / [doctor's note attached with timeline of illness] |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mantaian [Mantoian], Lores | M | 1915-08-16 | 3y-3m-4d (b. 1912-05-12) | shock & hemorrhage following traumatic amputation of leg / child ran across street in front of electric car & was run over |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mantaian [Mantoian], Takouhi | F | 1918-06-19 | 2y-7m-14d (b. 1915-11-05) | tuberculor peritonitis |
 | 28½ Cranston St. | Manuelian, | F | 1915-01-04 | (b. 1915-01-04) | still born / probably prolapse of cord |
 | 145 Douglas Ave. | Der Manouelian [Manuelian], Asdoor | M | 1928-02-20 | 44y-10m-3d (b. 1883-04-17) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Der Manuelian [Manuelian], Hagaz | M | 1930-03-31 | 2d (b. 1930-03-29) | hemorrage from loss of cord / cord tied -----ally but vessel gasc---ay at loss of cord |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mardigian, Martin | M | 1914-12-03 | 24 | chronic nephritis / mitral insufficiency / pulmonary oedema / cardic hypertrophy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mardirosian, Hachig | M | 1908-03-29 | 38 | probably fulminating scarlet fever / autopsy showed no other cause |
 | 11 Geoffrey's Ct. | Der Margosian [Margosian], | F | 1918-02-12 | 21d | premature labor / history of heavy working |
 | 174 Harold St. | Der Margossian [Margosian], Margaret | F | 1939-08-30 | 59y-2m-26d (b. 1880-06-04) | arterio sclerotic heart disease |
 | City Hospital | Markarian, Archie | M | 1919-06-03 | 58 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 39 Quaid St. | Markarian, Ckrapeit | F | 1914-05-05 | 65 | pneumonia following gripes |
 | 255 Charles St. | Markarian, Eleida | F | 1909-05-23 | | premature labor / also history of trauma or heavy weight / malnutrition / cause unknown |
 | Miriam Hospital | Markarian, Garabed | M | 1930-11-17 | 48 | carcinoma of the pancreas / cirrohsis of liver / jaundice ascites / heart failure |
 | 395 Smith St. | Markarian, Hovannes | M | 1918-09-21 | 32 | pistol shot wound at church services |
 | 29 Candace St. | Markarian, Louise | F | 1928-11-12 | 5m-25d | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Marcanian [Markarian], Zamini | F | 1908-02-03 | 2y-2m | nasal diptheria / scarlet fever / pneumonia (lobar) |
 | City Hospital | Mazmanian, Garabed | M | 1925-09-11 | 2y-30d (b. 1923-08-12) | T. B. peritonitis / T. B. meningitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Meijohian, Diodato | M | 1912-04-30 | 65 | carcinoma of gall bladder |
 | 6A Osborn St. | Der Mksian [Mekjian], Krikor | M | 1925-05-02 | 2m-27d (b. 1925-02-02) | lobar pneumonia following measles |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Melidossian [Melidosian], Garabed | M | 1928-03-27 | 50 | neurofibroma of cerebrum |
 | 18 Cranston St. | Melikian, Arakel | M | 1916-06-25 | 45 | probably myocarditis complicated by acute indigestion / found dead on bed |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Malekian [Melikian], Borhous | M | 1907-01-29 | 35 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 166 Dudley St. | Melikian, Margaret | F | 1924-02-08 | 13d (b. 1924-01-26) | premature labor (about seven months) |
 | 22 Judith St. | Melikian, Rosa | F | 1911-05-12 | 1m-11d (b. 1911-04-01) | predisposing cause / erysipelas ambulans / immediate cause, possibly peritonitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Melkisetian [Melkesetian], Melik | M | 1923-09-15 | 15y-10m-7d (b. 1907-11-08) | intestinal obstruction (volulus) |
 | 496 Washington St. | Melkonian, Lavon | M | 1908-01-30 | 3y-4m-17d (b. 1904-09-13) | pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Melkonian, Lea | F | 1917-07-21 | 35 | septic peritonitis following operation, self induced |
 | 349 Douglas Ave. | Melkonian, Paul | M | 1930-04-18 | 53 | cardiac insufficiency following lobar pneumonia |
 | 31 Derby St. | Melkonian, Perooz | F | 1924-04-28 | 15d (b. 1924-04-13) | lobar pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Mentzian [Menidjian], Dajsel [?] | M | 1917-02-12 | 45 | pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion) |
 | 24 Cranston St. | Menzoian, | M | 1910-01-10 | | premature stillborn / history of uterine hemorrage |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Menzoian, Agavine | F | 1936-06-20 | 40y-6m-18d (b. 1895-12-02) | hypertensive cardio-vasc[ular] disease & pulmonary edema |
 | 492 Washington St. | Messerlian [Meserlian], Arshag | M | 1906-01-11 | 6m-22d (b. 1905-06-20) | congestion of brain |
 | 492 Washington St. | Messerlian [Meserlian], Mary | F | 1917-02-01 | 26y-9m-27d (b. 1890-04-05) | |
 | City Hospital | Messerlian [Meserlian], Varsen | F | 1918-04-30 | 16 | pulmonary tuberculosis with laryngeal involvement / no sputum obtained |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Mesrobian, | M | 1930-12-06 | 12d (b. 1930-11-24) | congenital heart disease |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mesrobian, Kevork | M | 1919-03-28 | 54y-7m-11d (b. 1864-08-12) | cirrhosis of the liver / broncho pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Mesrobian, Kevork | M | 1930-10-12 | 45 (b. 1885) | pulmonary hemorrhage / pulmonary tuberculosis / paralysis agitan / latent syphilis |
 | 492 Washington St. | Messrolian [Mesrobian], Mary | F | 1911-05-19 | 33 | tuberculosis & exhaustion from |
 | 29 Whipple St. | Mesrobian, Mesrob | M | 1928-01-07 | 6m-29d (b. 1927-06-09) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mugidnitchin [Mgrdichian], Aaron | M | 1918-06-04 | 52 | epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis / staphylococcus aureus |
 | 71 Dodge St. | Mgurdishian [Mgrdichian], Henry | M | 1924-04-10 | 19 | cirrhosis epa---or from malaria |
 | | Miranian [Mihranian], Araxie | F | 1907-01-18 | 2m-8d | indigistion [indigestion] |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mekalian [Mikaelian], Dorothy | F | 1924-04-26 | 14d | congenital syphilis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mikalian [Mikaelian], Kalust | M | 1911-02-16 | 20 | appendicitis (acute) / kidney stones / peritonitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Minasian, Elia | M | 1911-04-05 | 21 | adhesive perocarditis & endocarditis / aortic regurgitation / mitral insufficiency |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Minassian [Minasian], Nishan | M | 1923-12-26 | 11m-10d (b. 1923-01-16) | lobar pneumonia / pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculous meningitis |
 | City Hospital | Minassian [Minasian], Santooght | F | 1928-01-11 | 3y-6m-2d (b. 1924-06-09) | faucial diptheria & bilateral edema / acute myocarditis / autopsy |
 | 28 Wayne St. | Minasian, Sarkis | M | 1923-11-14 | 56 | apoplexy |
 | City Hospital | Menassian [Minasian], Tourhig | M | 1930-08-09 | 18y-6m-25d (b. 1912-01-15) | acute pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Minassian [Minasian], Zaroohi | F | 1925-02-21 | 4y-3m-3d (b. 1920-11-18) | broncho pneumonia / probably basilar strepococcus meningitis |
 | 32 Fillmore St. | Marooriaan [Miroian], Deran | M | 1906-04-16 | 6m | measles / pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Moorigian [Moroukian], Harry | M | 1924-11-30 | 14y-3m | acute pa--titis / chronic otitis media / brain abscess |
 | 328 Douglas Ave. | Maroukian [Moroukian], Souren | M | 1923-05-28 | 1y-3m-9d (b. 1922-02-19) | whooping cough / died from convulsions |
 | Whipple St. | Moorachian [Mourachian], Bagdasar | M | 1920-08-18 | 28 | fracture of the skull / this man was standing on a veranda that was being bult, fell to the ground of a distance of 30 - 35 feet / accident |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Mouradjian [Mourachian], Haiganoush | F | 1925-08-22 | 1d (b. 1925-08-21) | cerebral hemorrhage from prolonged & difficult labor & operation delivery |
 | 52 Hawes St. | Mouredjian [Mourachian], Jerar | M | 1925-02-26 | 5m-22d (b. 1924-09-03) | died in convulsions from ileo-colitis |
 | 15 Lopez St. | Mooradjian [Mourachian], Sirarpi | F | 1923-02-20 | 1y-4m-3d (b. 1922-01-17) | measles / lobar pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Ann Robmos | F | 1919-01-04 | 42 (b. 1876) | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mooragian [Mouradian], Gelra | M | 1922-09-22 | 6m | gastro-enteritis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Maradian [Mouradian], Harry | M | 1914-03-17 | 46 | carcinoma of larynx / gradual asphyxia following operation / probably bronchial pneuonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mooradian [Mouradian], Harry | M | 1919-01-09 | 50 | influenza / pneumonia |
 | 98 Elm St. | Mouradian, Hovsep | M | 1925-04-18 | 1m-11d (b. 1925-03-07) | acute indigestion |
 | Phillipsdale R. R. Crossing | Mouradian, Magar | M | 1927-10-03 | 39 (b. 1888-02) | decapitation by engine on railroad |
 | 74 2nd St. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Margaret | F | 1914-01-28 | 8m-10d (b. 1913-05-18) | meningitis tubercular |
 | 1644 Chalkstone Ave. | Mooradian [Mouradian], Moorad | M | 1924-07-01 | 56 | probably cancer of the liver |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mouridian [Mouradian], Noonig | F | 1925-02-17 | 44 | chronic cholecystiles / chronic cholelithiasis / lobar pneumonia |
 | 473 Washington St. | Mooradkanian [Mouradkhanian], | M | 1914-09-07 | (b. 1914-09-07) | still born / breach presentation |
 | 473 Washington St. | Mooradkanian [Mouradkhanian], Mary | F | 1914-09-07 | 33 | heart failure after instrumental delivery |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Mooshlian [Moushoian], Hachig | M | 1918-08-30 | 25 | diabetes, nephritis |
 | 19 Perkins St. | Mooshoian [Moushoian], Marian | F | 1925-10-15 | 53 | intestinal obstruction (cause unknown) |
 | City Hospital | Moosian [Moushoian], Sam | M | 1922-07-14 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis / sputum positive / laryngeal tuberculosis? / no autopsy |
 | 488 Washington St. | Mosesian [Movsesian], Mugrdich | M | 1920-03-20 | 59 | hypertrophied heart / mitral & aortic regurgitation |
 | 65 Douglas Ave. | Mukahalian [Mukhalian], Murgurdich | M | 1929-06-25 | 40 | broncho pneumonia / acute edema of lung |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Mermerian [Murmurian], Mardiros | M | 1942-01-09 | 69y-5m-30d (b. 1872-07-10) | broncho pneumonia & chronic myocarditis (contributory: generalized arteriosclerosis) |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Nahabedian, Sahag | M | 1905-09-21 | 60 | gastric carcinoma / exhaustion |
 | 115 Wilson St. | Nahigian, Kaspar | M | 1930-04-18 | 65 (b. 1865) | cardiac insufficiency following chronic nephritis |
 | 511 Washington St. | Najarian, Gaspar Mugrdich | M | 1912-03-31 | 55 | heart disease |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Najarian, Harry | M | 1920-06-17 | 48 | primary syphilis |
 | Providence City Hospital | Najarian, Ruth | F | 1931-04-16 | 4y-9m-29d (b. 1926-06-18) | diphtheria, faucial with bilateral edema of neck |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Nazarian [Najarian], Selma | F | 1925-12-24 | 28 (b. 1897) | myelogenous leukemia / splenectomy operation 23-Dec-1925 / shock following operation |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Nagarian [Najarian], Yegazar | M | 1924-12-17 | 35 | chronic nephritis / uremia |
 | 191 Wadsworth St. | Najarian, Yeghi | F | 1921-05-11 | 73 | old age / failure of heart |
 | 224 Pearl St. | Naldbandian [Nalbandian], Siranoosh | F | 1924-02-06 | 25y-6m-16d (b. 1898-07-21) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Hersesian [Nersesian], Krikor | M | 1915-09-03 | 38 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Nossisian [Nersesian], Michael | M | 1921-12-24 | 37 | myocarditis / nephritis / tertiary syphilis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Negohosian [Nigoghosian], Marsoul | M | 1929-09-01 | 42 (b. 1887) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | 97 Central St. | Norigian, | M | 1930-12-18 | (b. 1930-12-18) | instrumental delivery / face presentation |
 | 171 Juniper St. | Naraian [Noroian], Apraham | M | 1908-05-08 | 6m | tuberculosis |
 | 187 Plymouth St. | Noroian, Charles | M | 1924-03-19 | 26 | hem---- shock from trauma in head & intra-cranial injury (head -----l & ---tchrt - homicide) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Odian, Dikran | M | 1924-08-29 | 32 | acute gangrenous appendicitis & perforation / operation |
 | Leonard's Pond | Odian, Solomon | M | 1921-08-31 | 38 | accidental drowning in pond while bathing |
 | City Hospital | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Agnis | F | 1918-10-11 | 7y-11m-28d (b. 1910-11-13) | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | 48 Bush St. | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Altune | F | 1912-03-17 | 20d | premature labor / twin pregnancy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Charles | M | 1913-07-27 | 35 | cerebral syphilis |
 | 39 Whipple St. | Oghgasian, Heutchak | M | 1906-01-19 | 5y-8m-14d (b. 1900-05-05) | burns, clothing caught fire from stove fire, accident |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Julia | F | 1933-09-22 | 58y-6m-7d (b. 1875-03-15) | injury to head & fracture of skull (she was hit by an electric car as she was crossing the street) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Levon | M | 1912-10-28 | 8m-2d (b. 1912-02-26) | malnutrition |
 | 7 Vesta St. | Ohanian, Araxey | F | 1912-04-09 | 37 | unknown natural causes / sudden death |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ohanian [Ohanian], Bagdasar | M | 1923-07-17 | 14 | tuberculosis of left knee / surgical shock following resection of knee |
 | City Hospital | Ohanian, Hampartsoum | M | 1925-07-30 | 58 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ohanian, Marguerite | F | 1922-10-11 | 2m-22d (b. 1922-07-14) | congenital syphilis (resulting in extreme inanition) |
 | City Hospital | Ohanian, Mary | F | 1912-05-11 | 6y-1m | diptheria / cardiac paralysis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ohanian [Ohanian], Soern | M | 1923-12-01 | 2y-7m | shock from burns of body (child was getting out of baby carriage, fell into tub of hot water) |
 | 42 Burgess St. | Johnson [Ohannesian], Eliazar Kurken | M | 1907-10-06 | 4y-10m-7d (b. 1902-11-29) | typhoid fever with complication of pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Henesian [Ohannesian], Manoog | M | 1922-01-24 | 1m-10d (b. 1921-12-10) | otitis media (double) / pyac----a |
 | St. Vincent de Paul Infant Asylum | Ohanessian [Ohannesian], Mary | F | 1908-01-15 | 2m-19d (b. 1907-10-26) | marasmus (due to non-assimilation of food) |
 | Miriam Hospital | Ornadzian [Ornazian], Gabriel | M | 1929-02-07 | 1y-2m-10d (b. 1927-11-28) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ouloosian [Oulouhajian], Kevork | M | 1915-10-13 | 24 | diabetes mellitus |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Ouzounian, Kapriel | M | 1919-02-17 | 35 | carcinoma of rectum |
 | 445 Washington St. | Ozounian [Ouzounian], Karekian | M | 1918-04-19 | 32 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 28 Wayne St. | Pilorian [Paloian], Asadoor | M | 1915-05-01 | 33 | broncho pneumonia / heart failure |
 | 101 Douglas Ave. | Palshgian, Charles | M | 1920-01-14 | 45 | broncho-pneumonia |
 | 39 (rear) Fillmore St. | Papazian, | M | 1909-12-01 | | still born / instrumental delivery |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Papazian, Armenag | M | 1918-10-19 | 40y-14d | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | 30 Derry St. | Papazian, Arsen | M | 1925-12-28 | 1m-9d (b. 1925-11-19) | broncho pneumonia |
 | 43 Fillmore St. | Papasien [Papazian], Estell | F | 1910-07-11 | 7m-14d | gastroenteritis due to heat & improper food |
 | 47 Helme St. | Papazian, Frederica Armenag | F | 1918-10-16 | 7y-2m-1d (b. 1911-08-15) | influenza / pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Papazian, Tavit | M | 1908-07-14 | 30 | sun stroke / overcome by heat |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Parvanian [Paravonian], Armo | M | 1907-05-24 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 28 Walling St. | Barghamian [Parghamian], Bagham | M | 1910-02-18 | 5m | measles |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Bargamian [Parghamian], Garabed | M | 1922-10-28 | 33 (b. 1889) | carcinoma of bile duck |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Barhamian [Parghamian], Louise | F | 1910-07-07 | 6y-6m | accidental burns from matches igniting clothing |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Parian [Paroian], Harold | M | 1913-10-12 | 5m | tuberculosis meningitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Paroumagian [Parounagian], Edward | M | 1928-12-15 | 3y-11m-21d (b. 1924-12-24) | hydrocephalus, external |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Parsegian [Parseghian], Harry | M | 1914-12-27 | 37 | appendicitis / operation / fecal fistula / septicemia |
 | 102 Douglas Ave. | Pashalian, | M | 1910-02-23 | 2d | capillary bronchitis |
 | Douglas Ave. | Pashalian, Annie | F | 1907-09-27 | 10y-9m-13d (b. 1896-12-14) | injuries received in being run over by electric car on Douglas Ave. |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Pashalian, Eugapere | F | 1925-05-05 | 30 | broncho pneumonia / cardiac failure |
 | 367 Chalkstone Ave. | Pashalian, Isabella | F | 1906-02-12 | 1y-7m | measles / broncho pneumonia |
 | 151 Douglas Ave. | Pashalian, Nighohos | M | 1924-03-24 | (b. 1924-03-24) | instrumental delivery |
 | 11 Abe Ct. | Pashalian, Ohan Melkan | M | 1918-06-28 | 28 | bullet wound into mouth / suicide / dispondent, sick for past two years |
 | 1335 N. Main St. | Pashalian, Sarah | F | 1930-02-14 | 56y-20d (b. 1874-01-25) | vascular disease of heart & acute cardiac failure / death sudden |
 | 150 Camden Ave. | Perethian [Peretzian], | F | 1918-08-17 | 1d (b. 1918-08-16) | premature labor following accidental fall |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Pilibosian, Philip | M | 1923-05-17 | 14y-3m-22d (b. 1909-01-25) | acute endocraditis (decompensation of heart) |
 | 10 Stokes St. | Poryanzian [Poriazian], Antranig | M | 1922-05-11 | 1y-5m-21d (b. 1920-11-20) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Postoian, Torkom | M | 1910-07-19 | 16 | transverse myelitis |
 | 158 N. Main St. | Proodian [Proudian], Dikran Phillip | M | 1918-10-25 | 55 | bullet wound chest, jaw & abdomen / internal hemorrhage / homicide |
 | City Hospital | Prodian [Proudian], Jacob | M | 1915-07-28 | 28 | pulmonary tuberculosis / tuberculous meningitis / empyema pyemia |
 | 93 1st St. | Rahanian, Agavni | F | 1922-12-06 | 30y-8m-22d (b. 1892-03-14) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Razarian, Harry | M | 1917-08-03 | 35 | pulmonary tuberculosis, autopsy |
 | 236 Niantic Ave. | Roupenian, Mariam | F | 1943-08-08 | 79 (b. 1864) | myocarditis - chronic (contributory: hypertension) |
 | 80 Camden Ave. | Rushanian [Roushanian], Gabriel | M | 1929-09-23 | 60 (b. 1869) | valvular ------ of the heart |
 | 57 Warrington St. | Rustigian, Alice | F | 1926-02-23 | 27y-7m-8d (b. 1898-07-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 392 Benefit St. | Rustigian, George Malcomb | M | 1915-02-24 | 47 | stab sounds into heart / compound fracture of skull / homicide |
 | Eastside Hospital | Sodoian [Sadoian], Meurgrdich | M | 1911-04-23 | 31 | pleuritis later complicated by pneumonitis of upper lobe left lung |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Sahagian, | M | 1917-10-31 | 5d (b. 1917-10-27) | hemorrhagia neonatorum |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sahagian, Alexander | M | 1923-03-07 | 52 | carcinoma of pancreas & gall bladder |
 | 257 Pearl St. | Sahagian, Anna | F | 1921-03-18 | 11m-17d (b. 1920-04-01) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | 356 Lockwood St. | Sahagian, Egsay | F | 1905-09-18 | 36 | heart disease / found dead |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sahagian, Mary | F. | 1928-09-09 | 23 | rheumatic heart disease / decompensation |
 | 150 Juniper St. | Sahagian, Serope | M | 1929-10-10 | 75 | apoplexy |
 | 274 Orms St. | Samoorian [Samourian], | M | 1909-04-22 | | still born / face presentation (instrumental) |
 | 274 Orms St. | Samoorian [Samourian], | F | 1910-12-12 | | premature birth / 6 month of gestation / adynamia |
 | 4 Osborn St. | Samoorian [Samourian], Surpoohi Avedis | F | 1918-11-17 | 85 (b. 1843) | cardiac insufficiency following old age |
 | 69 Cranston St. | Sarafian, Apkar | M | 1923-02-25 | 65 (b. 1858) | hypertophied heart / angina pectoris |
 | 46 Shawmut St. | Sarafian, Ashod | M | 1908-03-27 | 9m | bronchitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sarajian, Oscar | M | 1915-06-24 | 48 | lobar pneumonia / chronic endocarditis / chronic interstitial nephritis |
 | 78 Winter St. | Sarkisian, Annie | F | 1908-07-20 | 31y-3m-24d (b. 1877-03-26) | alcoholism |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sarkisian, Arusiag | F | 1930-01-08 | 30 (b. 1899) | subacute bacterial endocarditis / streptococcus viridans cultured from blood / autopsy |
 | 76 Osborn St. | Sarkisian, Hagop Jacob | M | 1928-06-09 | 11m-21d (b. 1927-06-20) | measles, double lobar pneumonia / purulant otits media, double / cervical adenitis / enlarged thymus / status lymphaticus |
 | 1850 Westminster St. | Sarkisian, Harry | M | 1923-11-23 | 48 | bronchitis / acute dilatation of heart / chronic interstitial nephritis ascites |
 | 835 Manton Ave. | Sarkisian, Kazar | M | 1921-06-17 | 60 | arteriosclerosis / myocarditis / chronic nephritis |
 | City Hospital | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Leo | M | 1915-08-30 | 7y-11m | faucial diptheria / asphyxia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sarkisian, Mary | F | 1925-12-07 | 33 | miscarriage / lobar pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Michael | M | 1914-01-11 | 49 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | City Hospital | Sarkesian [Sarkisian], Navart | F | 1912-04-18 | 6y-3m (b. 1906-01-18) | diptheria, faucial & laryngeal / broncho pneumonia / cardiac paralysis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sarkisian, Yegnar | F | 1908-04-02 | 36 | unknown / no autopsy |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Safarian [Seferian], Marta | F | 1918-02-16 | 46 | cancer of uterus / toxemia & surgical shock |
 | Lying-In Hospital | Sirabian [Serabian], | F | 1921-05-14 | 2d (b. 1921-05-12) | prematre / placenta previa |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Senabian [Serabian], Garabed | M | 1908-04-23 | 50 | cerebral hemorrage with left hemiplegia |
 | 361 Chalkstone Ave. | Serabian, Garabed | M | 1924-03-28 | 6m-6d (b. 1923-09-22) | status lymphaticus |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Serebian [Serabian], Mary | F | 1921-06-22 | 18 | pulmonary tuberculosis (milliary) |
 | 271 Pearl St. | Surabian [Serabian], Oscar | M | 1921-04-18 | 50y-2m | lobar pneumonia following erysipelas |
 | Providence City Hospital | Sarabian [Serabian], Solomon | M | 1920-12-04 | 28 | toxaemia of anuria probably / accidental bichloride of mercury poisoning |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Serdjenian [Serjanian], Hermine | F | 1925-05-18 | 2y-11m-6d (b. 1922-06-13) | fractured skull / accidental fall from window |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Setian, Neshan Sarkis | M | 1928-04-08 | 36 (b. 1892) | endocarditis, acute / bacterial / streptococcus viridans / septicemia / autopsy |
 | 25 Candace St. | Chakoian [Shaghoian], Mariam Boghos | F | 1926-02-25 | 7m-19d (b. 1925-07-06) | measles / lobar pneumonia |
 | 413 Washington St. | Shahbazian, John | M | 1913-12-30 | 6m-16d (b. 1913-06-14) | pneumonia |
 | 413 Washington St. | Shapazian [Shahbazian], Mardiros | M | 1918-10-01 | 55 (b. 1863-03) | lobar pneumonia / influenza |
 | 16 Depew St. | Shapazian [Shahbazian], Zarpouhi | F | 1917-05-01 | 90 | ulcer of the stomach, probably malignant |
 | 147 Orms St. | Shahinian, | M | 1913-02-06 | | mother fell down stairs / history of violence connected with this case |
 | 276 Smith St. | Shahinian, Vessem | M | 1920-02-10 | 25 | lobar pneumonia / has had influenza |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Sharegian [Shahrigian], Arpena | F | 1929-04-13 | 13d (b. 1929-03-31) | spina bifida |
 | 44 Whipple St. | Sharigian [Shahrigian], Marderos | M | 1921-07-18 | 65 | shock & hemorrhage from injury / fell from staging, distance of thirty feet |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sharoian, Margarit | F | 1911-06-22 | 50 | retained secundines / probably pelvic thrombosis iliac vein & pulmonary embolus |
 | 31 Goddard St. | Shenhan, Arak | F | 1925-09-09 | 63y-1m-25d (b. 1862-07-15) | chronic myocarditis / thorasic tumor of an undetermined type |
 | 635 Cranston St. | Shishmanian, John | M | 1915-02-02 | 31 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 14 Lime St. | Shishmanian, Olive Anna | F | 1912-03-01 | 27y-11m-16d (b. 1884-03-14) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | 17 Perkins St. | Shishman [Shishmanian], Zaroohi | F | 1906-06-15 | 9m-27d (b. 1905-08-19) | whooping cough |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Shooshanian [Shoushanian], Avedis | M | 1923-04-22 | 54 (b. 1869) | duodenal ulcer |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Simonian, Angie | F | 1922-02-11 | 34 | pelvic inflammation, probably salpingitis / general peritonitis shock |
 | Homeopathic Hospital | Simonian, Giragos | M | 1928-03-19 | 63 (b. 1865) | fracture of skull / intra-cranial injury (crossing street, struck by an automobile) |
 | City Hospital | Simmonian [Simonian], Mardiros | M | 1918-07-28 | 40y-13d (b. 1878-07-15) | cerebrospinal syphillis |
 | 107 Wilson St. | Sahegian [Soghigian], Agabab | M | 1930-06-14 | 59y-4m-24d (b. 1871-01-21) | chronic nephritis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Soghigian, Baizar | F | 1910-05-06 | 22 | acute dilatation of heart / erysipelas |
 | 11 Crimea St. | Soghigian, Neshan | M | 1916-01-26 | 2m | pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Sagoian [Soghoian], Bagdasar | M | 1929-03-11 | 57 (b. 1872-03) | generalized tuberculosis |
 | 54 Willow St. | Stamboolian [Stamboulian], Helen | F | 1913-10-10 | 13y-9m-8d (b. 1900-01-02) | lobal pneumonia / chronic endocarditis / chronic nephritis |
 | 18 Cranston St. | Stepanian, Krikor | M | 1915-12-02 | 58 | found dead in bed / probably heart disease |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Tahakjian [Takakjian], Abraham | M | 1914-11-12 | 3y-4m-9d (b. 1914-07-03) | tuberculosis peritonitis |
 | 18 Chaffee St. | Tahakjian [Takakjian], Marian | F | 1913-11-23 | 63y-28d (b. 1850-10-25) | old age |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Talanian, Karakin | M | 1908-04-01 | 3y-9m | tuberculosis meningitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Talanian, Sarah | F | 1928-06-17 | 50 | myocarditis, chronic / decompensation |
 | American Enamel Co. | Tatanian [Talanian], Tatiros | M | 1916-02-10 | 55 | cerebral hemorrhage / collapsed while at his work & died in a few moments |
 | 778 Broadway | Tamamian, Elizabeth | F | 1929-01-18 | 63 (b. 1866) | acute dilatation of heart as result of mitral insufficiency |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Tarpinian, Vartan | M | 1926-10-14 | 41 | nephritis, chronic / myocarditis, chronic |
 | 366 Douglas Ave. | Tashjian, Annie | F | 1920-02-22 | 3d (b. 1920-02-19) | premature labor (no history of violence) |
 | 43 (rear) Whipple St. | Tlashgian [Tashjian], Arshad | M | 1909-03-10 | 2y-4m | pneumonia |
 | City Hospital | Tashjian, George | M | 1912-11-09 | 10 | faucial diptheria / acute cervical adenitis |
 | 1278 Chalkstone Ave. | Tashjian, Margaret | F | 1925-09-23 | 68 | angina pectoris |
 | 76 Danforth St. | Tashjian, Mary | F | 1914-12-07 | 30 | grippe followed by acute pleuritis |
 | 271 Pearl St. | Tartarian [Tatarian], | M | 1908-12-11 | | malnutrition from ---- worry |
 | 19 Vesta St. | Tateosian, | M | 1906-02-28 | 2d | premature labor, history of trauma |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Tateosian, John | M | 1937-04-23 | 58y-13d (b. 1879-04-10) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | 257 Chalkstone Ave. | Taduian [Tatoian], | F | 1906-10-27 | | still born |
 | 39 Almy St. | Takian [Tekian], Kichaudi | M | 1921-11-23 | (b. 1921-11-23) | premature birth (6 mo.) / malformation of cord |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Takian [Tekian], Shooshanig | F | 1930-07-03 | 26y-3m-21d (b. 1904-03-12) | acute rheumatic fever / septicemia / pregnancy (4 mos.) / endocarditis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Tarzakian [Tertsagian], Herant | M | 1930-08-26 | 42 (b. 1888) | cerebral & pontine hemorrhages / chronic nephritis & hypertension / generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Farzian [Terzian], Arten | M | 1911-07-15 | 47 | pyonephritis pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Tevanian, Mardiras | M | 1906-12-13 | 42 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 1415 Chalkstone Ave. | Topalian, | M | 1924-10-02 | (b. 1924-10-02) | premature labor / --- ---- of membrane |
 | 234 Orms St. | Tapalian [Topalian], Lucy Kanna | F | 1928-05-06 | 27y-3m-1d (b. 1901-02-05) | melonoma of breast with metastisis in liver / operation ---ical breast 12-Dec-1927 |
 | 265 Pearl St. | Topkapoolian [Topkapulian], Aram | M | 1915-01-24 | 51 | chronic valvular disease of heart / patient seen just before death & unable to make diagnosis of valve involved |
 | 265 Pearl St. | Tapkapoolian [Topkapulian], Hrach | M | 1916-10-31 | 18y-10m-6d (b. 1897-12-25) | chronic endocarditis |
 | Biltmore Hotel | Torigian, Kaloost | M | 1931-05-03 | 58y-8m-5d (b. 1872-08-28) | chronic valvular disease of heart, acute cardiac failure (suddenly ill while at his work) |
 | 454 Cranston St. | Torigian, Sarkis | M | 1943-06-02 | 80 (b. 1863) | senile heart disease (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Torkomian, Mary | F | 1919-10-17 | 57 | probable cause fracture of the skull / fell down the stairs at her home Oct. 14-19 / accident |
 | 42 Derry St. | Taraian [Toroian], Barsam | M | 1940-03-24 | 46 | malignant growth of abdomen, probably carcinoma of stomach |
 | 20 Cranston St. | Torasian [Torosian], Boghos | M | 1911-12-09 | 45 | probably organic disease of heart / fell on street & died in a few moments |
 | 27 Niantic Ave. | Torosian, John | M | 1913-01-04 | 55 | progressive anemia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Toghmanian [Toukhmanian], Marderos | M | 1911-03-20 | 30 | lobar pneumonia / empysema |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Dertoumaian [Toumaian], Isabella | F | 1914-04-11 | 1m-5d (b. 1914-04-11) | complete intestinal obstruction (congenital anomaly ileo-caecal valve) |
 | Elmwood Ave. | Tomogin [Toumajanian], Hovagn | M | 1913-02-08 | 60 | probably chronic valvular disease of heart |
 | 28 Wayne St. | Tomasian [Toumasian], Bogas | M | 1914-02-12 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | 445 Washington St. | Tufankian [Tufenkjian], Krekor | M | 1910-03-29 | 16 | probably cancer of the stomach |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vonorian [Vanerian], Margos | M | 1917-09-05 | 46 | aortic regurgitation (decompensated) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vartibedian [Vartabedian], Hagar | M | 1913-04-06 | 75 | fracture of base of skull / intra-cranial injury / fell from electric car |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vartabedian, John | M | 1929-03-29 | 45 (b. 1884) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vartabedian, Michael | M | 1928-02-29 | 39 | erysipelas |
 | 314 Chalkstone Ave. | Vartanian, | F | 1921-10-12 | (b. 1921-10-12) | breech presentation |
 | 75 Dodge St. | Vartanian, Agnes | F | 1924-06-10 | 45y-8d (b. 1879-06-02) | cardio-ken--- insufficiency |
 | 159 Orange St. | Vartanian, Aram | M | 1909-05-18 | 18 | suicide by shooting thro[ugh] head after shooting with intent to kill a girl who refused his attention |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Der Vartnian [Vartanian], Artin | M | 1909-02-10 | 55 | necrosis of lower ribs, both sides, tubercular / exhaustion following prolonged suppuration |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vartanian, Avedas | M | 1918-10-06 | 47 | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | Butler Hospital | Vartanian, Charles | M | 1911-03-06 | 36 | pulmonary embolus / acute confusional insanity |
 | 295 Middle St. | Vartinian [Vartanian], John | M | 1924-02-26 | 10m (b. 1923-04-20) | pleurisy |
 | 80 1st St. | Vartanian, Kazar | M | 1925-02-22 | 78 | old age |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Vartamian [Vartanian], Marderos | M | 1909-07-12 | 72 | necrosis of sternum / chronic bronchitis |
 | 7 1st St. | Vartanian, Mgrdich | M | 1909-02-09 | 52 | heart disease & asthma |
 | 188 Fort Ave. | Vartanian, Vartan | M | 1908-10-18 | 1 | broncho pneumonia |
 | 164 Dean St. | Vasilan [Vasilian], Krikor | M | 1921-04-15 | 51 (b. 1870) | angina pectoris, chronic / interstitial nephritis, uremic culture |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Oskaian [Vosgian], Kayajian | M | 1912-09-13 | 1y-4m-27d (b. 1911-04-17) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Yaglijian [Yaghjian], Alton | F | 1920-03-11 | 65 | chronic nephritis / chronic myocarditis |
 | 2 Cranston St. | Yaghgian [Yaghjian], Zabel | F | 1915-07-23 | 2y-6m-7d (b. 1913-01-16) | crushed skull / run over by auto truck / accident |
 | 32 Superior St. | Yaghorian [Yeghiarian], Ardis | M | 1911-12-17 | 5m-8d (b. 1911-07-09) | measles / pneumonia |
 | 194 Douglas Ave. | Yagsigian [Yeghsigian], Yagsecy | F | 1917-03-09 | 56 | lobar pneumonia following gripe (influenza) |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Eramian [Yeramian], Asadoor | M | 1918-08-26 | 1y-2m-18d (b. 1917-06-08) | diarrhea / fermentation / subacute nephritis |
 | 112 Douglas Ave. | Yeranian [Yeramian], Beatrice | F | 1914-03-15 | 3y-11m | tuberculosis meningitis |
 | 835 Manton Ave. | Eramian [Yeramian], Markhatoon | F | 1913-12-23 | 11m-17d (b. 1913-01-06) | rubeola / broncho pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Eranosian [Yeranosian], Hampartsoom | M | 1918-11-27 | 65 | multiple injuries / fractured skull & femur / struck by automobile / accident |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Eranosian [Yeranosian], Moses | M | 1908-02-27 | 45 | fracture of pelvis with probable rupture of bladder with other internal injuries / car fell off track in tunnel |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Der Zakarian [Zakarian], Dickranouhi | F | 1909-02-15 | (b. 1908-02-15) | broncho-pneumonia / meningitis (probably tuberculosis) |
 | 112 Greenville Ave. | Zaharian [Zakarian], Omar | F | 1922-03-08 | 54 (b. 1868) | heart disease |
 | 76 Logan Ave. | Zackarian [Zakarian], Richard | M | 1924-03-03 | 1m-19d (b. 1924-01-13) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Zakarian, Sarkis | M | 1921-06-24 | 44y-5m-7d (b. 1877-01-19) | appendicitis / broncho pneumonia |
 | St. Joseph's Hospital | Zaroogian [Zerigian], George | M | 1929-09-01 | 1y-10m-13d (b. 1927-10) | suppurative mastoiditis operation / cerebral meningitis |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Zorabedian, Margos | M | 1923-04-07 | 45 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Rhode Island Hospital | Zorabedian, Marie Altoon | F | 1930-05-16 | 14y-2m-3d (b. 1916-03-13) | lobar pneumonia / epilepsy / nephritis |
Woonsocket, Providence Co., RI, USA |
 | Woonsocket Hospital | Narian [Narinian], | M | 1922-01-06 | 1d (b. 1922-01-05) | dystocia, prolonged labor / instrumental delivery |
 | 137 S. Main St. | Parinian [Narinian], Kevork | M | 1922-08-11 | 2y-7m-27d | croup |
 | 346 Harris Ave. | Sohigian [Soghigian], Elizabeth | F | 1930-03-02 | 61 (b. 1869) | apoplexy / cardio renal |
 | 133 S. Main St. | Vaznoian [Vezneian], Martin | M | 1922-06-06 | 36 | myocarditis (acute) / died suddenly before physician arrived |
 | Woonsocket Hospital | Oskanian [Vosganian], Archie | M | 1922-04-07 | 44 | shock following accidental injury, arm (right) was nearly torn from body, caught in machinery |
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN, USA |
 | Baptist Memorial Hospital | Garabedian, Annie | F | 1958-01-05 | 85y-6m-20d (b. 1872-06-15) | congestive heart failure due to electrolyte imbalance & intestinal obstruction (strangulated left inguinal hernia) |
Jourdanton, Atascosa Co., TX, USA |
 | Mercy Hospital | Baronian, Anna D. | F | 1957-10-25 | 87y-7m-2d (b. 1870-03-23) | cerebral hemorrhage |
Sealy, Austin Co., TX, USA |
 | Sealy Hospital | Beyler [Baylerian], Zaven Kerope | M | 1972-12-27 | 79 (b. 1893-02-18) | coronary infarct[ion] (contributory: diabetes, arteriosclerosis) |
 | Sealy Hospital | Harrison, George | M | 1958-04-23 | 82y-7m-17d (b. 1875-09-06) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | Sealy Hospital | Harrison, Karnig George | M | 1969-08-04 | 56 (b. 1913-02-06) | carcinoma of right lung |
Fort Sam Houston, Bexar Co., TX, USA |
 | Station Hospital | Manasian [Manaserian], Pete G. | M | 1928-11-19 | 33 | tuberculosis, generalized |
College Station, Brazos Co., TX, USA |
 | | Agopian [Hagopian], P. H. | M | 1918-10-13 | 19 | pneumonia (contributory: pneumonia) |
Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, USA |
 | Baylor Hospital | Babasin [Babasinian], | F | 1931-02-12 | (b. 1931-02-12) | premature (contributory: prefura [purpura] hemorrhagic) |
 | Baylor Hospital | Beyler [Baylerian], Ruth Irene | F | 1937-05-11 | 36y-11m-3d (b. 1900-06-08) | diabetic acidosis with depression of vegetative center in mid brain (contributory: persistent vomiting from hysteria) |
 | | Donigan [Donigian], Sophia | F | 1920-10-28 | 25y-6m-24d (b. 1895-04-04) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
Marlin, Falls Co., TX, USA |
 | Coleman St. | Bigbigian [Bijbijian], Peter | M | 1912-03-23 | 60 | chronic nephritis & acute pulmonary oedema (contributory: general arterio sclerosis) |
Texas City, Galveston Co., TX, USA |
 | Galveston County Memorial Hospital | Gregory [Krikorian], Kegham Soloman | M | 1971-06-27 | 66 (b. 1904-08-01) | myocardial infarction - massive due to coronary artery sclerosis & atherosclerosis - generalized |
Houston, Harris Co., TX, USA |
 | 2233 South Blvd. | Bakalian, D. | F | 1944-06-05 | 64y-29d (b. 1880-05-06) | cancer of gal[l] bladder & liver (metastases) |
 | Jefferson Davis Hospital | Bijbijian, Charlie Ben | M | 1940-03-15 | 47y-5m-5d (b. 1892-10-10) | diabetes mellitus, diabetic coma (contributory: diabetic gangrene) |
 | Park Plaza Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Genevieve Earline | F | 1979-05-23 | 65 (b. 1913-09-24) | oat cell carcinoma, lung due to metastic to brain |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Margie Nell | F | 1960-05-13 | 61 (b. 1898-09-21) | cerebral vascular accident |
 | Turner Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], P. M. (Dr.) | M | 1930-12-27 | 71 | carcinoma of urinary bladder (contributory: uremia) |
 | 610 Avondale St. | Donigan [Donigian], Peter H. | M | 1956-01-08 | 96y-5m-21d (b. 1859-07-17) | acute cardiac failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease & senility (contributory: benign prostatic hypertrophy) |
 | St. Anthony Center | Donigan [Donigian], Zareh Vartan | M | 1969-01-23 | 77 (b. 1891-10-28) | shock due to pancytopenia, pre-leukemic state |
 | Memorial City Hospital | Agopian [Hagopian], Nicholas Hagop | M | 1981-08-25 | 85 (b. 1896-02-17) | cardiac arrest due to respiratory failure & emphysema (other: cachexia) |
 | Memorial City Hospital | Agopian [Hagopian], Yeran Takouhy | F | 1946-12-14 | 80y-1m-16d (b. 1866-10-18) | chronic myocarditis (contributory: fracture, right femur) |
 | Turner Urological Institute | Highrabedian [Hairabedian], Anania M. | M | 1934-10-28 | 77y-7m-27d (b. 1857-03-01) | congestive heart failure & hypostatic pneumonia (contributory: hepotic cirrhosis) |
 | Twelve Oaks Hospital | Hovas, Edwin Adam | M | 1974-09-28 | 61 (b. 1912-11-18) | cardio-pulmonary failure due to hemiplega, metastatic transitional cell carcinoma from bladder with compression fractures |
 | St. Luke's Hospital | Hovas, Selma Agopian | F | 1963-04-03 | 77 (b. 1885-10-10) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis, generalized |
 | Memorial Hospital | Hovas, Souren Nicholas | M | 1957-10-15 | 77y-5m-18d (b. 1880-04-27) | massive myocardial infarction due to advance coronary disease, generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Methodist Hospital | Hovas, Souren Nicholas (II) | M | 1966-06-28 | 28 (b. 1938-01-18) | acute leukemia, myelogenous |
 | Bayou Manor Nursing Home | Koomey [Kouyoumjian], Helen Miriam | F | 1972-01-22 | 80 (b. 1891-03-22) | ventricular fibrillation due to ischemic heart disease (contributory: cerebral degenerative disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm) |
 | Memorial City Hospital | Mizman [Mazmanian], Stephen | M | 1939-03-06 | 85 | coronary thrombosis (contributory: arteriosclerotic heart disease with myocardial failure) |
 | The Methodist Hospital | Barakian [Parigian], Isabel Victoria | F | 1973-04-14 | 77 (b. 1895-07-18) | respiratory failure due to emphysema (contributory: bronchiectasis) |
 | 610 Avondale St. | Barakian [Parigian], Rosa Donigan | F | 1952-01-30 | 83y-6m-4d (b. 1868-07-26) | carcinoma of stomach |
 | 610 Avondale St. | Barakian [Parigian], Victor K. | M | 1947-10-04 | 81y-3m-24d (b. 1866-06-10) | arteriosclerosis & heart disease |
 | Memorial Baptist Northwest Hospital | Wilkinson, Harriet Virginia | F | 1971-06-18 | 78 (b. 1892-12-04) | cerebrovascular accident |
Spring, Harris Co., TX, USA |
 | | Highrabedian [Hairabedian], | F | 1918-08-15 | (b. 1918-08-15) | stillborn |
Crockett, Houston Co., TX, USA |
 | Crockett Clinic | Caprielian [Kaprielian], Edward Krikor | M | 1960-11-24 | 70y-3m-11d (b. 1890-08-13) | acute myocardial infarction due to bilateral bronchopneumonia (contributory: diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease) |
 | Houston County Hospital | Caprielian [Kaprielian], Eugenia | F | 1981-10-09 | 80 (b. 1901-05-30) | generalized debility due to diabetes mellitus & popliteal [?] arterial thrombosis |
 | Houston County Hospital | Caprielian [Kaprielian], Popkin | M | 1973-04-10 | 84 (b. 1888-11-13) | progressive cerebral ischemia due to arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease |
Beaumont, Jefferson Co., TX, USA |
 | Baptist Hospital | Der Garabedian [Garabedian], Margaret | F | 1972-02-26 | 84 (b. 1887-07-04) | possible coronary due to perforated gallbladder & kidney failure |
Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA |
 | St. John Sanitarium | Donigan [Donigian], | M | 1930-03-17 | (b. 1930-03-17) | stillborn |
 | Spohn Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Bertha M. | F | 1879-11-10 | 77 (b. 1902-09-03) | lymphoma - gastric (contributory: hypertension, diabetes mellitus) |
 | Spohn Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Hrope | F | 1946-01-11 | 72y-4m-27d (b. 1873-08-15) | chronic nephritis |
 | Spohn Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Marilyn Ruth | F | 1981-04-05 | 48 (b. 1932-04-27) | cardiorespiratory arrest due to upper G-I hemorrhage, abdominal mass, possible abdominal malignancy (contributory: pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis, malnutrition) |
 | Spohn Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Mesog V. | M | 1979-08-24 | 80 (b. 1899-06-18) | renal failure, acute due to shock & hemorrhage, post operative |
 | Spohn Hospital | Donigan [Donigian], Vartan M. | M | 1943-06-05 | 76y-7m-29d (b. 1866-09-06) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: hypertrophy of prostate gland & hypertensive heart disease) |
Brookshire, Waller Co., TX, USA |
 | | Bijbijian, Mary | F | 1932-10-27 | 75 | senility |
 | | Donigan [Donigian], Rebecca | F | 1954-01-24 | 90y-2m-11d (b. 1863-11-13) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis |
 | | Agopian [Hagopian], Armenak | M | 1957-04-29 | 70y-2m-28d (b. 1887-02-01) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis (other: diabetes mellitus) |
 | Purdy St. | Agopian [Hagopian], David | M | 1961-07-01 | 70y-7m-2d (b. 1890-11-29) | coronary thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis (other: diabetes) |
 | | Highrebadian [Hairabedian], Rose Paul | F | 1935-04-02 | 69y-1m-14d (b. 1866-02-16) | squamous cell carcinoma of esophogeal end of stomach (contributory: pyloric hemorrhage, emaciation) |
 | | Highrabedian [Hairabedian], Sarkis | M | 1940-02-11 | 53y-11m-26d (b. 1886-02-16) | uremia & convulsion, arteriosclerotic hypertension (contributory: nephrosclerosis) |
 | | Harrison, John | M | 1958-02-19 | 77y-9m-4d (b. 1880-05-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis (contributory: bronchial asthma) |
 | | Harrison, John (Mrs.) | F | 1927-03-27 | 35 | cancer of the breast |
 | Brookshire Arms Nursing Center | Harrison, Lucia | F | 1976-05-23 | 86 (b. 1890-05-16) | cardiac decompensation due to arteriosclerotic hypertension & Parkinson's disease |
 | Brookshire Arms Nursing Center | Harrison, Zohra Najarian | F | 1972-03-04 | 79 (b. 1892-03-15) | cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerotic hypertention (contributory: osteophrosis, left femur, 2 & 3 lumbar) |
 | | Kennigian [Khanigian], T. H. (Mrs.) | F | 1929-11-27 | 68y-11m | |
 | | Kennigian [Khanigian], T. H. (Rev.) | M | 1929-11-26 | 93 | |
 | | Manasian [Manaserian], Atteamaks [?] (Mrs.) | F | 1905-04-26 | 50y-4m | neurasthenia (contributory: kidney stones) |
 | | Shearer, Mabel Baronian | F | 1952-08-18 | 53y-8m-7d (b. 1898-12-11) | coronary thrombosis due to arter[i]osclerosis & hypertension |
 | 4026 5th St. | Zahimen [Zahinian], Nvart Kendikian | F | 1972-11-02 | 81 (b. 1891-08-28) | natural cause |
Justice Precinct 5, Waller Co., TX, USA |
 | | Highrabedian [Hairabedian], Eranika | F | 1938-06-23 | 57y-16d (b. 1881-06-07) | hypertensive heart disease, arteriosclerotic hypertension (contributory: dehydration) |
Pattison, Waller Co., TX, USA |
 | | Baronian, G. G. | M | 1931-10-04 | 69y-11m-17d (b. 1861-12-18) | myocarditis |
 | | Donigan [Donigian], Florence Brandt | F | 1961-05-05 | 65 (b. 1895-10-17) | auto accident, was run over by her own car while opening a gate (broken left shoulder, left leg above knee, burns from exhaust & muf[f]ler from head completely down left side) |
 | | Donigan [Donigian], P. H. (Mrs.) | F | 1937-11-28 | 75y-11m-13d (b. 1861-12-15) | coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis (contributory: aortic regurgitation) |
Wharton, Wharton Co., TX, USA |
 | Caney Valley Hospital | Harrison, Arsen George | M | 1972-02-29 | 72 (b. 1889-09-18) | broncho pneumonia due to valvular heart disease & decompensation (contributory: adenocarcinoma of rectum) |
Vernon, Wilbarger Co., TX, USA |
 | 2703 Yamparika St. | Babasin [Babasinian], Yervant H. | M | 1956-02-05 | 70y-6m-11d (b. 1885-07-24) | cerebral hemorrage due to hypertension and cerebral arteriosclerosis |
Murray, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA |
 | State St. & Vine St. | Kavranjian, Samuel | M | 1945-09-07 | 50y-2m-22d (b. 1895-06-15) | dead on arrival at the emergency room, presumably [due] to violence (being struck by moving automobile) |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA |
 | General Hospital | Arslanian, Freida | F | 1935-10-17 | 41y-8m-25d (b. 1894-01-22) | pulmonary TB |
 | General Hospital | Arslanian, George | M | 1938-05-04 | 60 | cerebral thrombosis (contributory: chronic pulmonary tuberculosis) |
 | St. Mark's Hospital | Markosian [Margosian], Nick | M | 1948-09-18 | 57 | congestive [heart] failure due to uremia-anuria & acute nephritis (chemical origin) (other: pneumonia) |
 | Holy Cross Hospital | Ourfalian, Ashken | F | 1943-12-29 | 62y-4m-7d (b. 1881-08-22) | diabetic coma due to old diabetes (other: chronic nephritis & myocarditis) |
Provo, Utah Co., UT, USA |
 | UT State Mental Hospital | Andrew [Andrigian], Harlan | M | 1954-08-28 | 77 (b. 1877) | acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
Clifton Forge, Alleghany Co., VA, USA |
 | C & O Hospital | Bedrossian [Bedrosian], Edward Hagop | M | 1948-04-17 | 61y-5m-22d (b. 1886-10-25) | uremia & congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction & coronary thrombosis |
Arlington, Arlington (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | Camelot Hall Nursing Home | Lowthorp, Helen D. | F | 1990-04-17 | 74 (b. 1915-08-03) | carcinoma of lung |
Colonial Heights, Colonial Heights (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | 416 Orange Ave. | Kerejian [Kurejian], George | M | 1973-08-04 | 83 (b. 1890-01-15) | congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (contributory: pancreatitis) |
Falls Church, Falls Church (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | Fairfax Hospital | Diranian, Diran S. | M | 1991-02-11 | 68 (b. 1922-08-19) | myocardial infarction due to severe cardiovascular disease |
Richmond (rural), Henrico Co., VA, USA |
 | St. Mary's Hospital | Der Krikorian [Krikorian], Anna Moogalian | F | 1987-08-15 | 89 (b. 1898-02-14) | intestinal obstruction due to sepsis |
Hopewell, Hopewell (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | John Randolph Hospital | Hagopian, Daniel Mike | M | 1950-04-16 | 63 (b. 1887-03-03) | acute dilatation of heart due to bronchial pneumonia |
 | | Hagopian, Maybell Carrie | F | 1934-08-02 | 31 (b. 1903-03-02) | uremia (puerperal) (contributory: pyelitis) |
 | John Randolph Hospital | Topian [Topoian], Kachig T. | M | 1980-05-20 | 94 (b. 1886-03-05) | re[s]pirator failure due to pneumonia & severe cachexia due to aspiration of food aggravated by reducible hiatal hernia |
Newport News, Newport News (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | 3510 Washington Ave. | Jackson [Hagopian], Bagdasar | M | 1933-06-28 | 58 (b. 1875-03-15) | cerebral thrombosis (left hemiplegia) (contributory: cerebral arteriosclerosis, chronic nephritis, & uremia) |
Norfolk, Norfolk (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | | Roupen [Roupenian], Harry | M | 1927-08-16 | 45 | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: depressed fracture of skull, automobile accident) |
Richmond, Richmond (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | Richmond Memorial Hospital | Accashian [Akkashian], Mary | F | 1934-09-10 | 63 | injury to head & neck (she fell down stairs in her house) |
 | 8512 Spalding Dr. | Andrews [Andreasian], Isabel Moughamian | F | 1979-02-16 | 57 (b. 1921-03-18) | cardiac arrest due to probable acute myocardial inf[arction] & arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Stuart Circle Hospital / Richmond, VA | Bandoian, Annig Zabel | F | 1986-07-16 | 83 (b. 1903-04-14) | carcinoma of sigmoid [colon] |
 | Lloyd Nursing Home / Richmond, VA | Bandoian, David M. | M | 1965-10-23 | 72 (b. 1893) | congestive heart failure |
 | Chippenham Hospital | Boyajian, Hripsime | F | 1975-08-01 | 70 (b. 1904-10) | congestive heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Veterans Administration Hospital | Boyajian, Yessip | M | 1977-03-02 | 85 (b. 1891-06) | cardiopulmonary arrest (contributory: urinary tract infection) |
 | Kensington Gardens | Garian [Garoian], Charles | M | 1987-02-13 | 68 (b. 1918-08-22) | cardiorespiratory failure due to renal failure |
 | 4537 E. Seminary Ave. | Garian [Garoian], Joohar | F | 1963-11-29 | 69 (b. 1893-12-25) | coronary thrombosis due to coronary atherosclerosis (contributory: diabetes mellitus & hypertension) |
 | 4537 E. Seminary Ave. | Garoian, Samuel | M | 1947-03-07 | 59 (b. 1887-10-02) | cardiac failure due to chr[onic] myocarditis |
 | 3342 Parkwood Ave. | Der Krikorian [Krikorian], Krikor | M | 1936-02-22 | 50 (b. 1885-11-05) | rheumatic endocarditis |
 | 3342 Parkwood Ave. | Der Krikorian [Krikorian], Varter | F | 1927-07-13 | 80 | myocardial degeneration (contributory: cardiac dilatation) |
 | Medical College of Virginia | Mangigian, William Bagdassar | M | 1959-02-16 | 65 (b. 1893-08-14) | cerebral vascular thrombosis - basilar [?] artery due to cerebral arteriosclerosis (contributory: hypertensive cardio vascular disease) |
 | Retreat Hospital / Richmond, VA | Mirakian, Elizabeth | F | 1986-02-22 | 85 (b. 1900-08-10) | cardiorespiratory arrest due to metastatic adenocarcinoma (contributory: chronic congestive heart failure) |
 | Medical College of Virginia / Richmond, VA | Mirakian, Paul | M | 1949-04-04 | 57 (b. 1891-07-10) | cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
 | Grace Hospital | Moughamian, Garabed | M | 1938-09-28 | 46 (b. 1892-09-15) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: cario renal unsufficiency) |
 | Riverside Hospital | Moughamian, Harry | M | 1971-07-01 | 45 (b. 1926-02-03) | acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | 2000 Grayland Ave. | Posigian, Kazar | M | 1949-02-11 | 54 | gunshot wound of head (suicide) |
 | Richmond Memorial Hospital | Tatian [Tatoian], Armenag | M | 1963-11-10 | 78 (b. 1885-03-15) | CVA [cerebrovascular accident] (contributory: carcinoma, prostate gland) |
 | Stuart Circle Hospital | Tatian [Tatoian], Arousiak | F | 1954-02-15 | 60 (b. 1893-07-15) | massive cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease |
 | City Home | Topian [Topoian], Bala | M | 1953-04-16 | 56 (b. 1897-01-01) | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
 | 939 W. Grace St. / Richmond, VA | Yazugian [Yazujian], Gulazer | F | 1949-03-01 | 69 (b. 1879) | heart failure due to arteriosclerotic heart disease & auricular [?] fibrillation |
Williamsburg, Williamsburg (city) Co., VA, USA |
 | Eastern State Hospital | Moughamian, Elizabeth Alahgian | F | 1943-04-27 | 51 | bronchy--- due to purulent meningitis |
Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT, USA |
 | Medical Center Hospital of VT | Marashian [Marashlian], Knar | F | 1990-01-01 | 88 (b. 1901-01-18) | endotoxic shock due to ischemic necrosis of small bowel & colonic adenocarcinoma (other: acute diverticuli) |
Kirkland, King Co., WA, USA |
 | Evergreen General Hospital | Aslanian [Arslanian], Mitchell Joseph | M | 1974-01-01 | 62 (b. 1911-03-19) | pulmonary congestion & edema due to myocardial infarction & coronary atherosclerosis & thrombosis |
Seattle, King Co., WA, USA |
 | 5114 3rd Ave. W. | Aslanian [Arslanian], Boghos | M | 1935-05-27 | 86y-2m-4d (b. 1849-03-23) | acute cardiac failure, coronary sclerosis, arteriosclerosis (contributory: prostatic hypertrophy, senility) |
 | 5114 3rd Ave. W. | Aslanian [Arslanian], Urania B. | F | 1938-05-23 | 58y-9m-8d (b. 1879-08-15) | cerebral hemorrhage, acute pulmonary edema (contributory: diabetes mellitus) |
 | King County Hospital | Dadian [Dedeian], Helen | F | 1917-03-20 | 35 | tuberculosis-spondylitis with transverse myelitis (cord) |
Spokane, Spokane Co., WA, USA |
 | Sacred Heart Hospital | Kurkgian [Kurkjian], Robert | M | 1954-06-06 | 62 (b. 1892-03-12) | bronchogenic carcinoma (right lung - primary) |
Anawalt, McDowell Co., WV, USA |
 | | Setrakian, Douglas | M | 1933-06-30 | 1y-5m | malnutrition due to chronic gastritis |