This query allows you to search by birth place to find deaths relating to Armenians in North America. Although many of the death certificates simply state
Armenia, Turkey, or Russia as the birth place, sometimes they reveal the town or village of birth.
To find all entries within a country, choose "all" in the field entitled "Birth Vilayet/State/Province".
Action | Decedent Name | Sex | Death Location | Death Date | Age (Birth Date) | Death Cause |
Arapkir, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Ayjian, Sarah | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1930-01-31 | 78 (b. 1852) | apoplexy & myocarditis |
 | Boydjian [Boyajian], Charles | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1936-01-25 | 50y-2m-17d (b. 1886-11-20) | unknown natural causes, collapsed and died |
 | Ferry, Martin | M | Salem, Marion Co., OR, USA | 1935-03-02 | 45y-4m-12d (b. 1888-10-20) | chronic myocarditis & chronic nephritis |
 | Gazarian [Ghazarian], Charles | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1930-11-14 | 32 | generaized peritonitis due to ruptured stomach ulcer |
 | Havsepian [Hovsepian], Sarkes | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1940-03-11 | 56y-11m (b. 1883-04) | hanging (found hanging from ladder in rear room at his home - suicide) |
 | Janjigian, Bogos | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1924-02-06 | 53 | carcinoma of larynx |
 | Kalustian [Kaloustian], Antram | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1932-11-26 | 91y-9m-9d (b. 1841-02-17) | senility & influenza |
 | Hachikian [Khachigian], Nerme | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1940-07-04 | 77 | arteriosclerosis with hemiplegia (contributory: diabetes & diabetes) |
 | Miranshahian, Karakin H. | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1945-09-10 | 66y-5m-21d (b. 1879-03-02) | ventricular fibrillation due to advanced myocardial degeneration (other: marked coronary sclerosis) |
 | Mooradian [Mouradian], Haiganoosh | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1949-01-06 | 66 (b. 1882-07-24) | congestive heart failure due to chronic myocarditis with dilated heart |
 | Mukhalian, Garabed M. | M | Upper Darby, Delaware Co., PA, USA | 1945-03-10 | 85 (b. 1859-12-13) | lobar pneumonia due to myocarditis |
 | Panzoodian, Karneg G. | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1927-05-04 | 35y-2m-4d (b. 1892-03-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Proodian [Proudian], Adam | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1948-09-28 | 58y-7m-12d (b. 1890-02-16) | hypertensive cardiovascular disease, emphysema, chronic cystic disease of the kidney |
 | Shepiglian [Shepiklian], Sarkis | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1917-04-07 | 32y-9m (b. 1884-08) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Siraganian, Hovannes M. | M | Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA | 1914-10-09 | (b. 1870) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Tarzian [Terzian], Armenag | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1926-07-31 | 38 (b. 1888) | fractured skull due to falling off a platform at place of employment (subway), employe[e] acc[i]d[ent] |
 | Vezigin [Vezikian], Setrak | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1921-05-20 | 45 | ill[uminating] gas poisoning, probably accidental |
 | Vishabazoon [Vishabazoum], Elizabeth | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1949-09-25 | 70y-4m-15d (b. 1879-05-10) | cirrhosis of liver |
Arapkir (Shepig), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Minassian [Minasian], Mariam | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1922-06-29 | 75y-6m-14d (b. 1846-10-15) | chronic endocarditis (contributory: chronic nephritis) |
Charsanjak (Peri), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Booloodian [Bouloudian], John | M | Eolia, Pike Co., MO, USA | 1950-12-06 | 67 (b. 1883-10) | coronary occlusion |
Chemishgezek, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Bestegian [Bezdigian], Tervanda | F | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1925-12-06 | 27y-7m-14d (b. 1898-04-25) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Deranian [Diranian], Annig | F | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1928-12-31 | 27y-2m-3d (b. 1901-10-26) | cardio renal |
Egin, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Arakelian, Nishan | M | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1922-02-27 | 36y-3m-12d (b. 1885-11-15) | acute alcoholism |
 | Izmirlian, Pepron | F | St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA | 1939-10-24 | 41 | cerebral embolism (due to: rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis & inefficic.) |
 | Halarian [Khalarian], Mardoro | M | Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1925-05-03 | 6 | septic meningitis / infection following auto injury to head two or three weeks ago |
 | Serabian, Miriam | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1940-06-06 | 44 (b. 1886-11-20) | carcinoma of rectum |
Harput, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Adalian [Adanalian], Garabed | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1938-12-09 | 71 (b. 1867) | carcinoma of stomach with metastasis into liver, right lung, & mediostinal glands |
 | Agajanian [Aghajanian], Mary | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-05-22 | 37y-11m-20d (b. 1883-06-07) | acute pancreatitis |
 | Aaronian [Aharonian], Aaron Manoog | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-06-12 | 49y-2d (b. 1881-06-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Elloian [Aloian], Joseph | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1944-01-15 | 53y-7m-5d (b. 1890-06-10) | probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure |
 | Arakelian, Tavrig | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1926-10-09 | 78 | appoplexy [apoplexy] |
 | Arisdakesian [Aristakesian], Nerses Mickiel | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1917-01-06 | 26 | portal tuberculosis |
 | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Jake | M | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1924-02-28 | 49 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Arzoomanian [Arzoumanian], Ruth M. | F | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1921-08-07 | 37 (b. 1884) | chronic nephritis with dropsy (contributory: valvular heart disease) |
 | Ashjian, Megerdich | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1904-10-26 | 35 | ran fever, septic in character, hemorrhage from bowel 4 days ago / history unsatisfactory |
 | Asdikian [Astighian], Haiganoosh | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-09-07 | 54 (b. 1876) | cerebral thrombosis / arteriosclerosis / chronic nephritis |
 | Avakian, Hatchadoor | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1912-02-09 | 41y-5m-25d | septic endocarditis (contributory: ulcerative dermatitis) |
 | Avakian, Sdepan | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-02-08 | 83 (b. 1846) | old age with chronic bronchitis & emphysema / died actually by heart failure |
 | Aznavoorian [Aznavorian], Goultania | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1929-09-28 | 61 | bilateral lobar pneumonia (contributory: cold) |
 | Barsamian, Bagdasar | M | Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, USA | 1920-08-19 | 65 | general anasarca (contributory: mitral regurgitation) |
 | Berberian, Dondig G. | F | Haverhill, Essex Co., MA, USA | 1920-10-11 | 60 (b. 1860-12) | bronchial asthma (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | Bogoian [Boghoian], John | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1928-10-09 | 49 (b. 1879) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Paul [Boghosian], Arthur | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1934-02-04 | 39y-21d (b. 1895-01-13) | lympho sarcoma lungs |
 | Boghosian, George | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1906-08-07 | 14 | sarcoma of r[igh]t lung (contributory: secondary anaemia) |
 | Der Bogosian [Boghosian], Sarkis | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1928-01-18 | 76 (b. 1852) | lyp---trop[?]iad, prostate, obstruction / nephritis, chronic uremia |
 | Bogosian [Boghosian], Susie | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1948-06-03 | 66y-15d (b. 1882-05-19) | pulmonary edema due to arteriosclerotic heart |
 | Boghosian, Toros | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1920-12-19 | 49y-7m-1d (b. 1871-05-18) | angina pectoris / mitral / regurgitation |
 | Booloodian [Bouloudian], Altoon | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-12-26 | 32 (b. 1897) | cholelithiasis, 2-3 yrs duration / post-operative death following cholecystectomy, probably acute gastric dilation |
 | Boyajian, Avedis Ovigem | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1924-02-07 | 46 (b. 1878) | cardiac insufficiency |
 | Chavoor [Chevourian], George | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1926-12-04 | 68y-3m-24d (b. 1858-08-10) | chronic myocarditis |
 | Chidinaire, Cozos | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1913-03-01 | 35 | cellulitis - right arm (contributory: septicemia due to scratch on arm) |
 | Chilingerian [Chilingirian], Arakel | M | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-11-21 | 70 (b. 1853) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Chitingirian [Chilingirian], Martin | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1913-07-15 | 19 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Chalgias [Chouljian], Krikor | M | Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA | 1906-09-19 | 48 | fracture of the skull, homicidal, 12 hours |
 | Tanealian [Danielian], Garabed | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1922-09-09 | 58 | mitral regurgitation (contributory: rheumatism) |
 | Damoorgian [Demirjian], Jacob | M | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1925-06-19 | 56 | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Demirjian, Mary Beatrice | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1917-02-04 | 16y-9m-10d (b. 1900-04-17) | pulmonary tuberculosis (exhaustion) |
 | Derderian, Catharine | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1910-07-29 | 75 (b. 1835) | general debility of old age |
 | Derderian, Charles | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1924-04-14 | 15y-9m-7d (b. 1908-07-07) | hemorrhage of rectum |
 | Derderian, Lucas | M | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-12-31 | 56 (b. 1873) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Deranian [Diranian], Varter | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-05-04 | 42 | cerebral hemorrhage / organic disease of heart & kidney |
 | Elmassian [Elmasian], Khosrov H. | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1942-03-03 | 64y-7m-18d (b. 1877-07-15) | toxic (terminal stage) myelogenous leukemia (other: heart failure & acute nephritis) |
 | Gagoian, Avados | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1922-04-18 | 33 | cruel injuries to pelvis due to falling off auto truck |
 | Garabedian, Aharon | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-09-12 | 47 (b. 1883) | chronic nephritis, uremic carditious (uremia) |
 | Charles [Garabedian], Almas | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1912-03-03 | 26 (b. 1886) | puerperal septicemia (following miscarriage) |
 | Jarabedian [Garabedian], Oscar | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-02-13 | 39 (b. 1891) | cardiorenal condition / heart failure |
 | Keroian [Garoian], Almas | F | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-07-08 | 40 | tuberculosis of lungs |
 | Garo [Garoian], Peter Stephen | M | Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1939-12-16 | 68y-11m-28d (b. 1870-12-18) | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Keljik [Geljikian], Richard | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1935-03-08 | 54y-10m-4d (b. 1880-05-04) | coronary arteriosclerosis with myocardial fibrosis, coronary thrombosis, cardiac failure |
 | D'Kazarian [Ghazarian], Harry | M | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1924-11-28 | 38 (b. 1886) | malignant disease of the mediastinum & lungs |
 | Goorigian [Gureghian], Mary | F | Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1946-03-11 | 79y-9m-15d (b. 1866-05-24) | arteriosclerosis & senility |
 | Gourghigian [Gureghian], Tatevas | M | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-10-24 | 53 | chronic myocarditis & pericarditis |
 | Yaghoobian [Hagopian], George H. | M | Central Falls, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-02-20 | 56y-1m-1d (b. 1873-01-14) | pneumonia (lobar) |
 | Der Jacobson [Hagopian], Jacob | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1928-03-08 | 56 | bi-lateral lobar pneumonia / chronic myocarditis / autopsy |
 | Hagopian, Vartanoush | F | Inglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1947-06-06 | 61y-10m-2d (b. 1885-08-04) | uremia & toxemia due to cancer of bladder (other: hypertension) |
 | Hagopian, Vastar Garbedian | F | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-06-07 | 30 (b. 1899) | chronic pulmonary tuberculosis / pulmonary hemorrhage immediate cause of death |
 | Overginian [Hovagimian], Varteras | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1904-05-14 | 24 | general tuberculosis |
 | Imanian, Sarah | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-07-07 | 36 (b. 1894) | chronic parenchymatous nephritis, uremia (autopsy) / pulmonary tuberculosis cavitation RT (sputum positive) / edemia pleuritis, bilaterial (blood was positive) / latent syphilis |
 | Eskander [Iskenderian], Mary | F | Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, USA | 1913-02-15 | 40 (b. 1873) | entero colitis (contributory: tape worm) |
 | Jaffarian [Jafarian], William Bedra | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1923-10-14 | 65 (b. 1858) | aortic regurgitation (contributory: chronic myocarditis) |
 | Jamgotchian [Jamgochian], Annie | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-03-09 | 35 (b. 1885) | pulmonary tuberculosis / hemorrhage |
 | Jamgochian, Mariam | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1946-09-14 | 75y-5m-14d (b. 1871-03-30) | coronary occlusion due to atherosclerotic heart disease (other: congestive heart failure) |
 | Jorjorian, Elizabeth | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1905-08-24 | 25 | burns of 2nd & 3[r]d degrees |
 | Kalfayan [Kalfaian], Mary | F | Montebello, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1941-06-28 | 52 (b. 1889) | metastatic carcinoma of lungs due to carcinoma of breast, left |
 | Kalian [Kaloian], Vartan | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1935-10-19 | 63 (b. 1872) | carcinoma of prostate, metastasized into liver & pancreas |
 | Karian [Karaian], Magrditch Manoog | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-02-12 | 41 | general carcinomatosis of abdominal viscera / op[erated] 23-Jan-1926 (colostomy) |
 | Karian [Karaian], Peter | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-05-04 | 65 | found dead in rooming house / tubercular |
 | Karamonoogian [Karamanougian], Manoog | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1922-02-15 | 60 | gangrene of lung / bronchiectasis |
 | Jasper [Kasparian], Jacob | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1941-04-30 | 70 (b. 1871) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Der Kasparian [Kasparian], Loucy | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-06-08 | 63 (b. 1866) | general weakness & cachexia / she had malaria before |
 | Kayajanian, Bagdasar | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-08-27 | 37 (b. 1889) | broncho pneumonia |
 | Kayarian, Krekor | M | St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA | 1960-02-06 | 77 (b. 1882-04-12) | arteriosclerotic heart disease, myocardial degeneration |
 | Kazanjian, Donabed | M | Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1944-07-29 | 62y-8m-14d (b. 1881-11-15) | cerebral hemorrhage (contributory: belated hypostatic pneumonia, inanition) |
 | Kazanjian, Margred G. | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1943-08-02 | 67y-8m-20d (b. 1875-06-12) | cardio-renal failure due to hyperkinesis cardic vascular disease [and] chronic pyelonephritis (other: diabetes mellitus, coronary occlusion) |
 | Kanganjian [Kazanjian], Solomon | M | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-11-05 | 51y-6m-3d | pulmonary tuberculosis / manic depressive psychosis |
 | Goshdigian [Kestigian], Sarkis | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-11-07 | 60 (b. 1870) | gall stones & ruptured cystic duct / lobar pnemonia, bilaterial |
 | Kinosian, Elizabeth | F | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-10-11 | 67 | apoplexy |
 | De Krekorian [Krikorian], Andre K. | M | St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA | 1931-01-06 | 69y-3m-18d (b. 1861-09-24) | arteriosclerosis and chronic nephritis |
 | Krikorian, Annie | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1910-03-03 | 30 (b. 1880) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Krikorian, Arthur | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1940-09-12 | 32y-8m-9d (b. 1908-01-03) | cerebral hemorrhage & shock due to surgical removal of old traumatic cerebral scar |
 | Krikorian, Garabed N. | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1905-02-13 | 24 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Maljanian, Marook Krikor | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1924-04-03 | 52 | aneurism of aorta / chronic parenchymatosis nephritis |
 | Moonoogian [Manougian], John | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1909-09-14 | 23 | multiple injuries, internal abdominal hemorrhage (fell from a building accidentally) |
 | Manoogian [Manougian], Peter | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1919-10-31 | 44 | growth (specific) involving rectum & sigmoid |
 | Manoogian [Manougian], Peter | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-12-28 | 50y-11m-13d (b. 1871-01-15) | fractured skull / struck by electric car / accident |
 | Mardirossian [Mardirosian], Sarkis | M | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-12-08 | 45 | tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculosis laryngitis |
 | Margosian, Ageninia | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1908-06-24 | 30 | appendicitis (contributory: general peritonitis) |
 | Der Margossian [Margosian], Margaret | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1939-08-30 | 59y-2m-26d (b. 1880-06-04) | arterio sclerotic heart disease |
 | Malekian [Melikian], Borhous | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1907-01-29 | 35 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Melikian, Oscar | M | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-05-07 | 45 | toxcemia from carcinoma of ----- ------ / infection in lungs ------ |
 | Menzoian, Agavine | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1936-06-20 | 40y-6m-18d (b. 1895-12-02) | hypertensive cardio-vasc[ular] disease & pulmonary edema |
 | Menzoian, Hovanes | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1910-04-29 | 22 | homicide, bullet wound of lung, pneumonia, empyaema, septicaemia |
 | Mesrobian, Kevork | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1919-03-28 | 54y-7m-11d (b. 1864-08-12) | cirrhosis of the liver / broncho pneumonia |
 | Maroukian [Moroukian], Helen | F | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1925-11-08 | 37y-1m (b. 1888-09) | tuberculosis of lungs / tuberculous meningitis |
 | Mooradian [Mouradian], Ann Robmos | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1919-01-04 | 42 (b. 1876) | influenza / broncho pneumonia |
 | Mushikhian [Mousheghian], Satineg | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1909-02-01 | 33y-11m-16d (b. 1875-02-17) | valvular heart disease |
 | Mooshoian [Moushoian], Marian | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1925-10-15 | 53 | intestinal obstruction (cause unknown) |
 | Movsesian, Bagdasar | M | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-03-27 | 75 (b. 1851) | double lobar pneumonia |
 | Nahigian, Kaspar | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-04-18 | 65 (b. 1865) | cardiac insufficiency following chronic nephritis |
 | Nahigian, Margaret C. | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1911-12-11 | 81 | pneumonia |
 | Nahikian [Nahigian], Margaret M. | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1919-01-14 | 57y-2m-22d (b. 1861-10-22) | asthenia following chronic nephritis (contributory: terminal pneu[monia]) |
 | Nahigian, Marie | F | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-03-04 | 21y-11m-8d (b. 1904-03-24) | tuberculosis of the lungs |
 | Najarian, Gaspar Mugrdich | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1912-03-31 | 55 | heart disease |
 | Najarian, Moorad | M | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-07-03 | 56 (b. 1874) | thrombosis of the coronary artery |
 | Najarian, Yeghi | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-05-11 | 73 | old age / failure of heart |
 | Nercessian [Nersesian], Bertha | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1927-11-08 | 65 | broncho pneumonia |
 | Narsigian [Norsigian], Nazar | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1900-04-09 | 36 | acute bronchitis, hypertrophy of the liver |
 | Ogassian [Oghgasian], Julia | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1933-09-22 | 58y-6m-7d (b. 1875-03-15) | injury to head & fracture of skull (she was hit by an electric car as she was crossing the street) |
 | Ohanian, Araxey | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1912-04-09 | 37 | unknown natural causes / sudden death |
 | Ohanian, Hamparzoom | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1937-03-31 | 69 (b. 1868-05-10) | cerebral hemorrhage |
 | Pafchjian, Sarkis | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1913-02-28 | 22 (b. 1891) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Pilorian [Paloian], Asadoor | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1915-05-01 | 33 | broncho pneumonia / heart failure |
 | Proodian [Proudian], Dikran Phillip | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1918-10-25 | 55 | bullet wound chest, jaw & abdomen / internal hemorrhage / homicide |
 | Rahanian, Agavni | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1922-12-06 | 30y-8m-22d (b. 1892-03-14) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Roopenian [Roupenian], Jerry | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1919-09-26 | 65y-2m-23d (b. 1854-07-03) | chronic nephritis |
 | Roupenian, Mariam | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1943-08-08 | 79 (b. 1864) | myocarditis - chronic (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Rustigian, Alice | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1926-02-23 | 27y-7m-8d (b. 1898-07-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Sadoyan [Sadoian], Maderos | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1903-11-11 | 22 | rheumatism (contributory: malignant endocarditis) |
 | Sahagian, Alexander | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-03-07 | 52 | carcinoma of pancreas & gall bladder |
 | Sahagian, Khzar | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1920-05-19 | 48 | lobar pneumonia |
 | Samourian, Abraham Samuel | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1933-10-24 | 51y-8m-18d (b. 1882-02-06) | natural cause, type unknown (cardiac case), sudden death, history of previous attack |
 | Samoorian [Samourian], Surpoohi Avedis | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1918-11-17 | 85 (b. 1843) | cardiac insufficiency following old age |
 | Sarkisian, Harry | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1923-11-23 | 48 | bronchitis / acute dilatation of heart / chronic interstitial nephritis ascites |
 | Sarkissian [Sarkisian], Khachadour | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1926-11-09 | 49y-6m-19d (b. 1877-05-10) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Sarkisian, Moulkihan | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1936-08-12 | 56 | internal injuries, auto and street car accident (contributory: violence and shock) |
 | Sarkisian, Rose Varter | F | Cranston, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-06-16 | 38 (b. 1892) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Surabian [Serabian], Annie | F | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1901-08-20 | 36 | consumption |
 | Serabian, Joseph | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1925-06-05 | 37 (b. 1888-08) | electrocution from a shock rec'd from a grinding machine at the American Motor Co. (1800 W. Lehigh Ave.), where he was employed |
 | Surabian [Serabian], Oscar | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1921-04-18 | 50y-2m | lobar pneumonia following erysipelas |
 | Shapazian [Shahbazian], Zarpouhi | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1917-05-01 | 90 | ulcer of the stomach, probably malignant |
 | Sahegian [Soghigian], Agabab | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-06-14 | 59y-4m-24d (b. 1871-01-21) | chronic nephritis |
 | Soursourian, Mary Ashay | F | Burrillville (Wallum Lake), Providence Co., RI, USA | 1924-11-27 | 38 (b. 1887-02) | tuberculosis of the lungs / tuberculous laryngitis |
 | Stepanian, Elizabeth | F | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1944-03-03 | 80 (b. 1864) | cerebral thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Stepanian, Misrob | M | San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA | 1952-07-18 | 82 (b. 1870-01-01) | coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis |
 | Tamamian, Elizabeth | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-01-18 | 63 (b. 1866) | acute dilatation of heart as result of mitral insufficiency |
 | Tamamian, Mugerditch | M | Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1930-07-25 | 59y-3m-8d (b. 1871-04-17) | senile pneumonia |
 | Tashijian [Tashjian], Jake | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1921-08-06 | 56 | intestinal obstruction, acute toxemia (contributory: cholecystitis, chronic) |
 | Tashjian, John | M | Ashland, Middlesex Co., MA, USA | 1907-05-05 | 67 | intestinal cancer |
 | Tashjian, Margaret | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1925-09-23 | 68 | angina pectoris |
 | Tateosian, John | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1937-04-23 | 58y-13d (b. 1879-04-10) | cerebral thrombosis |
 | Tooten [Tatoian], Milton K. | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1937-12-26 | 62y-5m-22d (b. 1875-07-04) | coronary thrombosis |
 | Tayian, Prapion | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1929-09-03 | 61 | chronic myocarditis & hypertension (contributory: cerebral hemorrhage) |
 | Tarzian [Terzian], Harry | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1942-11-05 | 65y-7m-2d (b. 1877-04-03) | hypostatic pneumonia due to sarcoma of left ilium & prob. general carcinomatosis |
 | Torigian, Sarkis | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1943-06-02 | 80 (b. 1863) | senile heart disease (contributory: arteriosclerosis) |
 | Vartabedian, John | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1929-03-29 | 45 (b. 1884) | lobar pneumonia |
 | Vartanian, Agnes | F | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1924-06-10 | 45y-8d (b. 1879-06-02) | cardio-ken--- insufficiency |
 | Vartin [Vartanian], Giragos | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1942-03-28 | 48 (b. 1894) | cancer of the stomach |
 | Vakil [Vekilian], Agayeg | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1906-05-15 | 60 | pneumonia |
 | Vaznaian [Vezneian], Kohar | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1939-10-11 | 52 (b. 1887) | carcinoma of sigmoid . . . colon (contributory: toxaemia & myocarditis) |
 | Eremian [Yeramian], Lucy | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1945-11-02 | 94 (b. 1851) | hypertensive & arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Zaratzian, Madeline | F | Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1925-08-18 | 23 | puerperal sepsis (contributory: dystacea of fetus) |
Harput (Ayvoz), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Barsamian, Mary | F | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1947-01-21 | 62y-9m-26d (b. 1884-03-25) | myocardial infarction due to hypertensive heart disease (other: bronchial asthma) |
Harput (Hoghe), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Ahoyan [Yeghiaian], Lazarus G. | M | Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA | 1941-05-28 | 63y-5m-27d (b. 1877-12-01) | coronary occlusion |
Harput (Husenig), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Janigian, Mugurditch | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1928-12-16 | 54 (b. 1874) | arteriosclerosis heart disease / myocardial failure |
Harput (Kesrig), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Kalunian [Kalenian], Baba | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1928-11-29 | 56 (b. 1872) | embolism of the heart |
Harput (Mezire), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Atamian, Krikor | M | Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA | 1947-02-15 | 63 | coronary thrombosis due to arterio sclerosis |
Harput (Parchanj), Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Paloutzian, Thomas Garabed | M | Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA | 1947-05-11 | 76y-4m-26d (b. 1870-12-15) | chronic interstitial nephritis |
Malatia, Mamuretulaziz, Turkey |
 | Andrew [Andrigian], Harlan | M | Provo, Utah Co., UT, USA | 1954-08-28 | 77 (b. 1877) | acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerosis |
 | Arpajian, Raphael | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1943-06-29 | 75y-5m (b. 1868-01) | probable arteriosclorotic heart disease, with acute cardiac failure |
 | Arslanian, Krekor Mateos | M | Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA | 1943-05-02 | 48y-8m-17d (b. 1894-08-15) | coronary heart disease |
 | Asadorian [Asadourian], Stephen | M | St. Louis, St. Louis (city) Co., MO, USA | 1961-08-04 | 65 (b. 1896-01-16) | bronchopneumonia due to pulmonary fibrosis |
 | Azadigian, Kavark | M | Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA | 1904-03-07 | 55 | pneumonia (contributory: pulmonary infarct[ion]) |
 | Bagdasarian [Baghdasarian], Gabriel | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1943-11-10 | 64y-3m-20d (b. 1879-07-20) | carcinoma of the rectum |
 | Buluckian [Balakian], Hachig | M | E. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1941-10-22 | 61y-8m-8d (b. 1880-02-14) | coronary arteriosclerosis, therosclerotic h[ear]t disease, cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation, generalized arteriosclerosis |
 | Dandigian, Nishan | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1945-08-31 | 50y-16d (b. 1895-08-15) | hypertensive coronary arterio sclerosis |
 | Dadaian [Dedeian], Harutune | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1932-07-18 | 41y-3m-3d (b. 1891-04-15) | ulcer of stomach, operation-resection of pyloric end of stomach with end to side gastroenterostomy (contributory: bronchopneumonia) |
 | Eminian, Sarkis | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1925-03-25 | 58 | acute myocarditis (contributory: inflamation of the gall bladder and gall stones) |
 | Karoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Harry | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1922-12-22 | 40 (b. 1882) | found in rear of 7541 Broadway unconscious, fracture [?] temporal and loss of skull locuatra[?] brain (contributory: hemorrhage, brain shock) |
 | Karaoglanian [Karaoghlanian], Krikor | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1941-01-07 | 65 | chronic myocarditis |
 | Kasparian, Mary | F | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1932-05-10 | 26 (b. 1906) | pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous abscess (chest wall) |
 | Kashishian [Keshishian], Turvan | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1943-08-03 | 52 | probable hypertensive heart disease with acute failure |
 | Kananian [Khanemian], Mary | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1939-01-17 | 37y-11m-23d (b. 1901-12-25) | cerebro-vascular hemorrhage, hypertensive and arteriosclerosis, heart disease, generalized arterial and arteriolar sclerosis |
 | Kodjabash [Kojabashian], Sarkis | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1931-10-08 | 44 (b. 1887) | carcinoma of throat, unable to state primary location |
 | Hantzian [Konjoian], Napoleon | M | Florissant, St. Louis Co., MO, USA | 1956-05-06 | 79 (b. 1877-04-12) | myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerotic heart disease |
 | Manooshian [Manoushian], Samuel | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1915-07-07 | 27y-1m-23d (b. 1888-05-15) | pulmonary tuberculosis |
 | Mardigian, Sam | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1942-11-24 | 49y-4m-6d (b. 1893-07-18) | arterial and arteriolar nephrosclerosis with hypertension & myocardial insufficiency, uremia, nephrosclerotic in origin (contributory: malnutrition) |
 | Mazmanian, Sarkis | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1942-12-03 | 54 (b. 1888-07-15) | pulmonary embolus due to carcinoma of stomach |
 | Melkisetekian [Melkesetian], Elizabeth | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1943-08-08 | 64y-11m-23d (b. 1878-08-15) | hypertensive cardiovascu[lar] heart disease (contriutory: uremia) |
 | Moushegian [Mousheghian], Jacob | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1931-05-18 | 85 | apoplexy (hemorrhage into brain) (contributory: hypertension) |
 | Odean [Odian], John | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1943-05-10 | 58 (b. 1885) | lobar pneumonia |
 | De Pilibosian [Pilibosian], Setrak | M | Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA | 1921-07-16 | 37 | general peritonitis following rupture[d] ulcer, small intestine, 5 feet from stomach |
 | Sesian [Sislian], Peter | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1926-07-29 | 15y-1m-14d (b. ) | streptococcus meningitis, septicemia, cause unknown |
 | Tootalian [Toutalian], Elmas | F | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1930-09-17 | 40y-10m-2d (b. 1889-11-15) | lobar pneumonia (contributory: malarial splenomegaly) |
 | Yranian [Yeramian], Apkar | M | Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA | 1944-07-11 | 49y-4m-21d (b. 1895-02-20) | unknown, natural causes |
 | Essayian [Yesaian], George | M | Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA | 1938-04-01 | 54 (b. 1884-01-26) | angina pectoris |