Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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View Military Entry

Registrant ID:                 

Registration Date (Conflict):  
Registration Location:         
Serial Number:                 

Registrant Name:               
Immigrant ID:                  VIRG-23AUG1913-3-3-0006 
Age:                            years 
Birth Date:                    
Home Address:                  
Birth Place:                   
Occupation / Employer:          /
Citizenship Status (Country):  
Height / Build:                 /
Eye Color / Hair Color:         /

Nearest Relative Name:         
Nearest Relative Address:      
Nearest Relative Immigrant ID: 

Where else (in what other roles or databases) did this nearest relative appear? See below:

= Click on icon to view details


ActionNameAgeBirth PlaceHome AddressCensus PlaceEnumeration DateCensus Year
 Simonian, Florence28Italy750 New Lots Ave., BrooklynKings Co., NY, USA (E. D. 511)1930-04-051930
 Simonian, Florence37Italy1004 Hegeman Ave., BrooklynKings Co., NY, USA (E. D. 24-2744)1940-04-031940


  R = Registrant
  NR = Nearest relative / next-of-kin (WW1) or name and address of person who will always know your address (WW2)

ActionName (Relationship)RoleRegistrant NameRegistrant Birth PlaceRegistrant Birth DateRegistration Location (Date)Conflict (Country)
 Simonian, FlorenceNRSimonian, Charles NicholasNew York, NY, USA1922-04-20Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, USA (1942-06-30)WW2 (USA)