Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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View Ship Manifest/Border Crossing Entry

Immigrant ID:                 

Ship Name:                    
Origin Date (Port):           
Destination Date (Port):      
Ship Class / List / Number on List:      /  /           <--- Click icon to view others on same ship manifest

Passenger Name:               
Age:                           years  months
Sex / Marital Status / Occupation:       /  / 
Birth Place:                  
Last Residence:               
Other Immigrant IDs:          MADO-18JAN1914-3-2-0026 SIBO-23MAR1926-3-8-0015 

Leaving Name:                  (nearest friend or relative in country whence alien came)
Leaving Relationship:         
Leaving Immigrant ID:         
Leaving Location:             

Joining Name:                  (whether going to join a relative or friend)
Joining Relationship:         
Joining Immigrant ID:         
Joining Location:             


Where else (in what other roles or databases) did this individual appear? See below:

= Click on icon to view details

Ship Manifests/Border Crossings

  P = Passenger
  L = Leaving - passenger is leaving him/her (nearest friend or relative in country whence alien came)
  J = Joining - passenger is joining him/her (whether going to join a relative or friend)

ActionName (Relationship)RolePassenger NameDestination Date (Port) / ShipBirth PlaceLast ResidenceJoining Location
 Calousdian [Kaloustian], EsaiP1914-01-18 (Providence) / MadonnaShebinkarahisar, Sivas, TurkeyShebinkarahisar, Sivas, Turkey3 Brook St. / Whitinsville, MA, USA
 Kalourdian [Kaloustian], IsaacP1926-03-23 (New York) / SiboneySivas, TurkeyWhitinsville, MA, USA15 Elm St. / Whitinsville, MA, USA
 Kalsudian [Kaloustian], I. (husband)JKalausdian [Kaloustian], Siramouche1927-12-11 (New York) / MexicoShebinkarahisar, Sivas, TurkeyHavana, Cuba15 Elm St. / Whitinsville, MA, USA


ActionNameAgeBirth PlaceHome AddressCensus PlaceEnumeration DateCensus Year
 Karloskian [Kaloustian], Yessir22Turkey34 Willow St., WhitinsvilleNorthbridge Town, Worcester Co., MA, USA (E. D. 128)1920-01-181920
 Kaloustian, Isaac35Turkey133 Church St., WhitinsvilleNorthbridge Town, Worcester Co., MA, USA (E. D. 247)1930-04-121930
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], Isaac45Turkey29 Border St., WhitinsvilleNorthbridge Town, Worcester Co., MA, USA (E. D. 14-214)1940-04-111940


  R = Registrant
  NR = Nearest relative / next-of-kin (WW1) or name and address of person who will always know your address (WW2)

ActionName (Relationship)RoleRegistrant NameRegistrant Birth PlaceRegistrant Birth DateRegistration Location (Date)Conflict (Country)
 Kateostan [Kaloustian], EsangRSushehri (Abana), Sivas, Turkey1896-01-21Uxbridge, Worcester Co., MA, USA (1917-06-05)WW1 (USA)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], IsaacRSivas, Turkey1898-07-10Whitinsville, Worcester Co., MA, USA (1942-02-15)WW2 (USA)


  A = Applicant
  S = Spouse
  C = Child

  D = Declaration of Intention
  P = Petition for Naturalization

ActionNameRoleBirth PlaceBirth DateApplication Date (Form-Number)Application Place (Court Type)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], AsaigASivas, Turkey1898-01-101923-02-03 (D-26504)Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA (Superior)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], AsaigASivas, Turkey1898-01-101925-03-27 (P-14055)Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA (Superior)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], IsaacASivas, Turkey1898-01-101926-01-25 (D-32845)Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA (Superior)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], AsaigASivas, Turkey1898-01-101926-07-07 (P-14946)Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA (Superior)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], IsaacSTurkey1898-08-231941-06-04 (P-223630)Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA (District)


ActionNameRoleOrigin LocationResidencePublication (Issue Date)
 Kalousdian [Kaloustian], YesayigPlaced AdSivas, TurkeyBox 212 / Whitinsville, MA, USAHairenik (1920-12-10)