Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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Where else (in what other roles or databases) did this individual appear? See below:

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Ship Manifests/Border Crossings

  P = Passenger
  L = Leaving - passenger is leaving him/her (nearest friend or relative in country whence alien came)
  J = Joining - passenger is joining him/her (whether going to join a relative or friend)

ActionName (Relationship)RolePassenger NameDestination Date (Port) / ShipBirth PlaceLast ResidenceJoining Location
 Markarian, Kachik (brother)JMarkarian, Garabed1903-09-29 (New York) / La ChampagneConstantinople, Istanbul, Turkey53 Cedar St. / Portland, ME, USA
 Markarian, Khachie (brother)JMarkarian, Arakel1904-10-22 (Boston) / CreticErzurum, Turkey159 Lancaster St. / Portland, ME, USA
 Markerian [Markarian], Katchin (brother-in-law)JSarkissiam [Sarkisian], Bogoys1907-05-22 (Philadelphia) / NoordlandKeghi, Erzurum, TurkeyKeghi, Erzurum, Turkey53 Cedar St. / Portland, ME, USA
 Markarian, Hachik (brother)JMarkarian, Missak1910-04-16 (New York) / New YorkKeghi, Erzurum, TurkeyKeghi, Erzurum, Turkey166 Lancaster St. / Portland, ME, USA
 Kirkorian [Krikorian], Hatchik (nephew)JKouharian [Koharian], Vahan1910-06-07 (New York) / La GascogneKeghi, Erzurum, TurkeyKeghi, Erzurum, Turkey166 Lancaster St. / Portland, ME, USA
 Markarian, Khatchig (cousin)JMelkounian [Melkonian], Krikor1913-11-27 (New York) / OceanicKeghi, Erzurum, TurkeyKeghi, Erzurum, Turkey166 Lancaster St. / Portland, ME, USA


ActionNameAgeBirth PlaceHome AddressCensus PlaceEnumeration DateCensus Year
 Markorian [Markarian], Machek [?]29Turkey136 Wilmot St., PortlandCumberland Co., ME, USA (E. D. 75)1910-05-311910


  R = Registrant
  NR = Nearest relative / next-of-kin (WW1) or name and address of person who will always know your address (WW2)

ActionName (Relationship)RoleRegistrant NameRegistrant Birth PlaceRegistrant Birth DateRegistration Location (Date)Conflict (Country)
 Krikorian, Hachig MarkarR1880-09-15Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA (1918-09-12)WW1 (USA)


  [blank] = Infant
  F = Father
  M = Mother

ActionNameRoleInfant NameBirth LocationBirth Date
 Markarian, HachizFMarkarian, WilliamPortland, ME, USA1912-07-10
 Markarian, HachizFMarkarian, AgnesPortland, ME, USA1913-11-28
 Markarian, HachizFMarkarian, AgnesPortland, ME, USA1918-03-07


  G = Groom
  B = Bride
  GF = Groom's Father
  GM = Groom's Mother
  BF = Bride's Father
  BM = Bride's Mother

ActionNameRoleMarriage LocationDateGroom Name (Age) & Bride Name (Age)Marriage Record LocationBirth Place
 Karekorian [Krikorian], Hachig M.GPortland, ME, USA1911-10-01Karekorian [Krikorian], Hachig M. (30) & Muradian [Mouradian], Haganush (19)Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USATurkey


  D = Decedent
  S = Spouse
  F = Father
  M = Mother

ActionNameRoleDecedent NameDeath LocationDeath DateDeath Cause
 Markarian, HackegFMarkarian, Agnes H.Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1916-10-06pleuro-pneumonia (last winter had pneumonia & not well since)
 Markarian, NackigDPortland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1918-10-02broncho pneumonia following influenza (12 days)