Armenian Immigration Project
Abstracts of Primary Source Material for the Study of
Armenian Immigration to North America through 1930

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View Ship Manifest/Border Crossing Entry

Immigrant ID:                 

Ship Name:                    
Origin Date (Port):           
Destination Date (Port):      
Ship Class / List / Number on List:      /  /           <--- Click icon to view others on same ship manifest

Passenger Name:               
Age:                           years  months
Sex / Marital Status / Occupation:       /  / 
Birth Place:                  
Last Residence:               
Other Immigrant IDs:          
Ottoman Expatriation:               <--- Click icon for more information on Ottoman expatriation

Leaving Name:                  (nearest friend or relative in country whence alien came)
Leaving Relationship:         
Leaving Immigrant ID:         LGSC-12SEP1910-3-10-0012 
Leaving Location:             

Joining Name:                  (whether going to join a relative or friend)
Joining Relationship:         
Joining Immigrant ID:         KWII-18AUG1903-3-CC-0015 
Joining Location:             


Where else (in what other roles or databases) did this individual appear? See below:

= Click on icon to view details

Ship Manifests/Border Crossings

  P = Passenger
  L = Leaving - passenger is leaving him/her (nearest friend or relative in country whence alien came)
  J = Joining - passenger is joining him/her (whether going to join a relative or friend)

ActionName (Relationship)RolePassenger NameDestination Date (Port) / ShipBirth PlaceLast ResidenceJoining Location
 Arzoumanian, NazaretJArzoumanian, Vahran1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Arzoumanian, Nazaret (brother)JArzoumanian, Aznive1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Arzoumanian, Nazaret (son)JArzoumanian, Ghazaros1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Arzoumanian, NazaretJArzoumanian, Eghia1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Arzoumanian, NazaretJArzoumanian, Dikran1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Arzoumanian, NazaretJArzoumanian, Aghaoni1910-09-12 (New York) / La GascogneYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyYozgat, Ankara, Turkey130 S. 52nd St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Aezoumanian [Arzoumanian], Nazareth (cousin)JKeukandjian [Kalanjian], Aram1920-01-22 (New York) / PannoniaAnkara, TurkeyConstantinople, Istanbul, Turkey6123 Walnut St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Argoumanian [Arzoumanian], Nazareth (uncle)JMargatcossian [Margarosian], Loussintac1920-08-10 (New York) / Megali HellasYozgat, Ankara, TurkeyConstantinople, Istanbul, Turkey6129 Sansom St. / Philadelphia, PA, USA


  D = Decedent
  S = Spouse
  F = Father
  M = Mother

ActionNameRoleDecedent NameDeath LocationDeath DateDeath Cause
 Arzoumanian, NazarethFArzoumanian, Robert Z.Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, USA1915-09-11cholera infantum